
Ice skating - the edge you cannot see

 It seems to me many are edge and vision problems to tiny cone on the ground?

Balance at the same time to see yourself approaching to the edge. Or just near the cones. It didn’t just use my camera so they are clear what I was doing. My camera is not all that clear what you suppose to do.

What do I think....on the floor? It’s a cone. People just see cones and already that ....panic. 

Edge I meant the ice rink edge, not people crowd at the entrance to video film edge. Not sure how many people that makes them doing THAT. I cannot be film if not close to the entrance, that’s not a clear edge, so there are problems. 

Crowd if too many on the ice at the same time. Like a group, or in between .... etc. 

Never end falling .... at least it’s a year now. Not sure how that has becomes. 

2 years YouTube evaluation after a year

 I delete a lot of video. But from I left bio chem and climate change...ice skating. No I don’t have the comet. Breaking down a lot of aspects. I check. Some never gonna learn that stuffs. 

So.... many people get a year to learn all those knowledge including on ice or roller blades. That is one whole year.

Yeah I watch myself. I don’t have any of you video. Just myself. Feeling long ago ...

Overall? That’s in Chinese, so that was not in English anymore. Is that a problem? I just say that’s in Chinese. They do whatever they do, not sure what they do.... but I know what I have done clearly.

Cat Catherine like Harry Potter pink professor?

 Harry Potter is a kid movies.

Must not tell lies ?

Do we ever talk about how you suppose to fix these water problems, not just your financial gain and running off to another planet like you plan on traveling Mars or Venus?

No, I think if you make a claim like that ...

I know what you try to say, you want to say these event may not just be watched on Earth? So aren’t you thinking about it without worry about me growing up part ?

Do I hear that right ?

 You care about the public seen face but cannot see the unseen ones?

They become important? You have a personal taste just about on everything right?

Steve Jobs & TIm Cook

 What if there are others not just Eben?

We have to talk about the screen people. There are so many people around the world ~~

They can review too. You have a chance to work with brilliant people.

Over a book, that of the crime, you would exchange for one life promise in luxury life so now you finally make it to the public stage and able to speak on stage. You used to not like that so you had making friends problems at your 30s? Otherwise you cannot but using religious reasons to get gold?

So you polish this far ...

Why do I talk like that? Heaven flying wing angels just talk like that. 

Eben subjects?

 What makes you think he is evaluating?

I don’t remember what did I do to him, but I don’t think we were on LSAT or he is on marketing !?

His area is in business. You have many business. 

Does that include Wallace and Mark tasks I make them doing?

 I used to boss them what supposed to be doing.

What if they go on that for real “role play” on what they were acting in 花千骨 and 三生三世十里桃花?

I tour them in the city. I didn’t think might be real. But if? You went on yet?

I don’t think I boss Eben. That you have no worry, should be?


 Simon didn’t have an experty in biochem.

But now he gonna get on committee crew with the singing ?

No, I don’t have a mood those time talking about why singing those songs were important. 

There was English and ancient Chinese. If he happened to be the chosen one, did he have a saying ? Because we are back at 2014 when I just left them .....off to my world? 

If you find out why she 夏紫薰 does not like Yoganada, you might find a way she might like about you?

 Now we are back at the ground on the spiritual decent questions, not starting with a lie issues?

Is that where you conclude, “Fine, she is a women on TV!”

I see ...

Why she chasing to 尊上 白子畫?

I used to have 2 years YouTube. That’s some works overlapping to your cooking skills and the Climate Change common sense topics. Do you have time to reflect on it? Because others have more money than you are? May have collects them to check validity of each video lists in catalogs ?

They just know how to target at you? sM?

 I don’t have a logic problems, but I cannot help wondering all these things I wrote, you have your priority +logic problems.

You have to think others just have to target you? Don’t they know you are looking for something with by the way other desires or thoughts?

Red River - how about you try that?

 Kail ....Kali ....

The sexual manga I used to know. Up until I got to the US, I then saw they finishing drawing that.

It talks about 500 years ago during Iron Age. The ending has a wedding with this Yuri cucombine.

The other side was Ramesis to marry 16 wife’s. 

Two sides story I used to re-write them a paper with my new plots ! Just adding photo in. 

Are you in between me and Babaji?

 You define him as King of the King, Lord of the Lord?

Sariputra happens to be a gay

Just like I happen to be a lamb but a women. No, you and me are not possible. 

You try to be polite to ask or you just talking for talking ? ‘Are you in between me Anna and Babaji?’

You try to ask me that Flower Thousand Bone? Isn’t he says he is the women, you just have to imagine he is a man with me on his name? Like he and me glue together?

We are gluing together 24 hours, in case you didn’t hear that right I try to get rid of him for a while now? 



You want to tell me they SACASTIC to your diet problem or that’s in so many rotation roles to speak love? There is 墨淵
And there is a 夜華
So I did the 5 Lord Review or the name ....or you wish to be married tale ....
You conclude that is NOT Babaji ? So who exactly you should look for a master or you should looking for a wedding ?
That’s exactly how it sounds to me. 

By the way, if you are the ...murder or savior

 If you hear how they blacken you, the Korea they ....you won’t actually have a falling issue like the actor or the romance or the plot or the story since I imagine you have been reading the Bible for a while to finding a solution? All these movies have music sound effects to you, do I need to worry you have that watching movie be sunk issues?

Because I talk to Wallace and Mark used to? Not your 子歇?

A slap & a kiss - W two worlds

 The crazy women they say? 瘋女人

I finish watching it, the rest is not important. 

You start with this method how you start flooding for money, that’s crazy. 

Be caught and have a need to read a book.

Now just go back to Flower Thousand Bone

From your stand of point, you looking for Babaji or I need to think how you think, Babaji is playing hike and seek with you? Is that you wishful thinking ? Isn’t the entire world has an india that has many other Masters taking care of sentient beings? You have to glue on Babaji?

They say a nurse .....W two worlds

 They say there is a nurse trying to kill me, you know how that happen, but there is you saving me? 

Like everyone can understand which book you were saying in OU language because we all use initials? Like New Testament initial ?

Now that’s very clear to me.

Isn’t looking for your missing father priority?

 I am watching right now. W two worlds.

Instead worry where Babaji is the red girl or all of us are us in the comic books....

You suppose to locate where is your Master? With the given Book, 2000 years ago?

W two worlds

 You don’t know why there is a red dress girl if there was you trying to save someone in the book? And there is a cloak man killer ?

Everyone in that drama looks like...for example my uncle at City of Hope, my sister husband, or even your disciple that owe me 1000 dollars doctor, in your same offices. 建鈞

Someone looks like 子歇

You gonna tell me, you think that’s Babaji ? Or high school girl in red dress like himself ?

I don’t know how you define these character by first sight. But okay if you cannot understand this, we can switch to other drama. But I tell you, this exist.

My left almost gone that time. Because iphone I have to use the left hand. So that’s the guy.

She does not like Yogananda or she does not like you? 夏紫薰

 I try to make a sense of ....never mind. 

You wish Babaji to be the Man but there is a girl form ? Yogananda talks about divine mother dazzling smile at his meditation. This things everybody knows. 

You wish to be part of the drama at the degree ....we see them 3 or including you 4?

檀凡 夏紫薰 白子畫 花千骨的?

She just comment on it ... ouch.

I said ... you don’t like her attitude talking to you. Can you just yell at Chinese across the sea from here because they label you as a cult and that show has to sell to entire China soil !

We don’t really talk about it - Babaji and I. This simple movie character : who liking whom or legal battle who marry who....these are not very healthy stuffs to for example, if I have other better things to inquisitive him ?

Why would they have to make that?

Chinese did not flat your face with your artist choice in OU language ?

Maybe India and China has been on religious debates with this. It was just 2015, right now it’s already 2021. That time there was not known each other time in Chinese !

It seems ... you have a lot on your mind with Babaji

 We don’t really talk, but it seems to me you have a lot on your mind with Babaji.

Is that something Yogananda do or say?

Or just concerning me and Babaji on the television?

They make a TV, that is daring just have them made since both are being revered, so it must have a good reason why it’s there, you think?

That’s not what’s on your mind?

Oh ~~

Orange is Yogananda Order color

 Swami order

Yogananda is a Swami, not just a monk. Is Babaji bothering you or is this Yogananda happen to get in between your story line? I walk around but I cannot understand it. Orange showing up.

Something about Babaji, something about Yogananda ...that’s what I thought. 

I thought the First, they say the second.

About the same. I cannot guess. Then the Swami Order is looking for you. I always not knowingly forget they are from India. 

I describe ....

 Can you guys stop ? 

Saying every line I have was a description of a fact, a word or a letter?

Wedding dress

 Middleton most known news to me was her wedding dress.

Is that ... ...?

Your question mark? I saw both, the other she is more AMerican , but black mix so like India ?  Harry would be ... not like Eben would know I said he looks like Long bottom in Harry Potter later with the sword, but it’s Harry took the Indian girl to the ball - goblet of fire?

I would clap ! 

When I was resting for a year, my head was more clear maybe my first impression they look like that so and so not existing real. Now, you telling me, I could see them on the movies ?

Okay, they are there.

The joke is ....

 If you stab me from the back, my front chest breast area still being covered ... ...when i dodge. 

Everyday I am looking at my chest/ breast area....not thinking Purna has a chest story with Buddha or a David Jones chest box. I go by hearing ....there is a heart problem. 

So okay ... they have your name well spread to England classify, if that’s their department. Not the entrancing their territory telling me why you didn’t stay there but South Europe. 

You are being pulled everywhere by everyone. 

I saw Pusu language was on another blog, not on your website. So you have people working for you, do they know or just you keep the secrets? No, just by the way asking.

There was a cybamonk, you stole my video to make 5 like Flower thousand bone or Vice verse, they telling me you stole my video?

Okay I don’t care about those back and forth stuffs. Tiny things to care about...

Sigh ...

 My dream to wish them happy life now are completely gone out of the wind! We aren’t that much difference on age. 

Of course I am happy to see some of these perfect couple story. Do I have a reason to tear on their part? I am always happy for a lot of people on the news. There is something to congratulate about and be wishing them a new start. 

Don’t you?

Right, you have their name and title problem, not the mood to be living a happy life. 

So ....I want to be informed Dr Janez has a letter name on the words....and how your magazines was filled up your letters to the President and the Prime Minister? No I have not read.

I know Jobs and Dr Janez death date.

Dr Janez has a title with “Dr” that’s it.

No, I don’t have a doctor title. I have a Master degree.

Do you write those letters in the magazine was you know you might be Purna issue so one day I become Buddha to read about it?  I bet you read not just flooding water book. That’s 10 disciples in Buddhism, 12 in Christianity ...

Or just King of King, the Lord of Lord, could I please reading it?

I read refugee you sent out food news, yes those I read.

No, not your every king has a letter you wrote to I read. It does not appeal to me. 


 I seen her. Middle cross on, like they marry someone targeting you at Middle Way you cross story ?

Should I have a reason to believe that?

There is a wedding. I saw the dress. I see... her name is Catherine ! You have the dogs, not the cat. You feel being stabbing at the heart? Wasn’t they were younger, right now it’s 2021.

Then there must be Harry! I was Harry up Harry down with Simon. I was not thinking there was a Prince Harry! Recently I start to have them in my peripheral.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 

I see ... I was wondering where does that title comes from when I first read about it.  It’s England police border passport department probably ....they can make up this things the best of all. Any police whatever they name themself, don’t have to be the passport. 

Did I say to you I was teaching “them” their moniter I cannot see on your entrance issues? It was for the movie problems, not the actual Bible content, their Holy Bible becomes a reality problem. 

The biggest century wedding

 Don’t you read them enough to find out if they England know you exist? I bet you do those things, I have no idea when you find out you have a book and the movie industry making names on you. 

No. I do not know.

Is that ....?

Wedding TV? 

I do not have the sense to know if you are THAT famous beyond the Chinese reach, so I cannot tell you if they Royal know about the existing water problem to make every news for you. You care about far away from it all people crowd ...

Menton prince says to Hollywood you went to their party on “Enchanted “ - that’s the movie name, little finger with the kindness in the movie trailer ? That’s the FACTS they know - it’s talking about you. 

America, please. That way.

No ... I do not follow them, England.

 You mean England Prince news? Do I have anything a hobbit like since I grew up?

Sailor moon was my hobbit.

Disney? I used to watch them with many 格蘭童話故事, kids time.

Do you actually figure it out why I return to practice your methods? If not your doubts someone sending you a threatening death to you? 

Why would someone go for a spiritual practice ? Didn’t you get a note from Vicky when I got the interview? I want the Enlightenment.

Don't they teach zen that life is no TV, no newspaper, go out the wild, meditate? Simple things I heard about it growing up on television. 

No. I am not really a Buddhist. Like buying their stuffs or books to read? No. I know the Indian prince story. I read it at the vegetarian restaurant call Bodhidarma. Long time ago they exist, they have your nun robes big photo display at the basement for the tea house with inscent. 

No .... you could follow whoever you want. I just used to first hear about you and what prince thing, I didn’t believe but follow through. A lot of this crazy things I don’t buying in by nature, but others don’t think otherwise. My recall time ...like I am sitting here thinking about it what happen when I first telling others about it ....what was I saying ?

Telling me is one thing, actual believing is another.


They say there is a prince back in the 90s. Do I want to think that’s Prince Charlie and the enemy is the Queen, and you have the title to be a princess?

No... I could not possibly register that, but I used to joke with some, there is a prince Charlie issue seems like and we did a hypothesis, me, not others, to view over. 

I may start to believe that a little bit. The mighty Angel say you have every king or every language problems. In the 90s, you tend to go to politics like Clinton. I do not know what that meant a lot of these were saying. 

Now Prince William and Harry grows up ... 

I cannot never think like you think ... England Prince? I DIDNT think, it would be THAT simple. Princess diary?

Those writing these are simple or your head never grows out of it. 

You demand everyone an explaination... like Eben.

But you pine for Prince title? Like Disneyland you ever go to their shop?

There is a Hollywood prince dead, did I tell you that or you were too busy, didn’t hear that when I was in California ?

I do not understand a thing they say. Do they say 扶搖皇后改編『扶搖』? Last night I was watching that. 

These simple words they mean exactly they meant on the movie title?

Back to your disciples in the 90s

Do I think once you find out the Bible to seek someone to talk about it? Your disciple or your master or professional, like your money can spend?

On my newspaper, the rumors said your masters are all dead now, whatever I can look up. Flower thousand bone, they say your dad was dead.

Do you want to tell 子歇 about it? He is on the television 羋月傳

No, I am not suggesting you. I am telling you there is a TV made for him. Some people got frighten when they see themselves becomes the TV star, they get angry. 

You? Ask me? I don’t know it’s when you finds our your sin piling up to Heaven first or you start watching TV like they know!

Your disciple

 Do they know, you ask?

I am on 3rd sailor moon. You mean your disciple back in 90s, or 80s? You mean the public disciple or the monks? You wish them to know or you actually up to today thought about the money cannot buy a dosage from God to alleviate karma ?

If I didn’t know all this time, they may not know. I didn’t have many friends in the center to gossip. You are in a free land, don’t know vietsnese by nature, they just graduate from the university etc. after 30 or 40 years now, some may already die out.

Do I think you need to tell them ... ...

A lot of stuffs do not go by what I think. Is any of this my liking to have a regent and time table on my desk, no.

I heard you have to go by door to door to everyone to explain to them. Every household you lie to. To me, that’s not possible. 

If that’s future ? I don’t know. 

If anything like that might happen? I don’t see it possible on you doing that. Maybe don’t feel like. 

Eben’s wedding

 Did I say I take you to see Eben if he is a doctor?

Do I really need Eben to be the doctor?

Then why would I take you or Sariputra to see Eben if we have money ?

There is a movie. When I say that looks like Eben, do you care about you two are on the screen? So why would I take you to go and see Eben like he is a doctor? Because you actually care about it.

Eben’s wedding I explain to you why I click away. Have you watch the wedding? Do you want to watch it?

I used to be with Anan, that would be my short answer to the question why I click away. Does people behind my pc know I click away if these evaluation going on none stop? I did not explain to them that time, I just click away.

Do I need to explain to them or Eben why I click away? Do I want him to know I click away for any reason ? I did explain. But do you wish Eben can explain to you what that movie means? At least? As a guy? You know you cannot but I say do you hope he would? 

Do I explain about Eben for a long while now? Have I thought about you want to hear? Do I dare or not dare to tell this things clearly and publicly ? You don’t have anywhere else to go and hear it.

Did you hear that’s Lalla from India, and they are looking for you? No. You do not want to hear that but I know you listening. Do you check on what she does? They two not long ago is on COVID 19. Rambling a lot of stuffs.

Do I need to know why you really really care about it? Did I stop you at it? No, I keep telling you about Eben. 

Do you think if Babaji will ask me what do I think about Eben or if he is Master deathless, he would know the past, the present and the future and be understanding at me or you on the beast? Because I keep talking about him?

Do I need to repent at night time like no one hear me to whisper thoughts to Babaji? On anything ?

What exactly you and Babaji are doing ? Any plan you should know about, like Eben, he is a pagan.

Other planet

 Do I say it wrong if a superman comes to take you fly out, you would ? If this Earth that everyone is everywhere betray your ? For life, for love?

Does your other disciple will think of you like that?

Do I need a phone to call you to ask these sharp questions stabbing at your chest or your heart? 

There is an Apple device like I show you on TV recording how I type in Chinese. Why do I do that?

Do I need a plan to do all that? Do I need Babaji to tell me every step like you would be curious about? How do we work together? Look like the TV? Did he really throw flower at me uttering sweet words? Do you see vision like what does he show you ? Did he say bad words about you and the floods?

Did he want you to stand on his side one day to do his bidding ? Will he? So he tells Chinese to sir that? 

In your tiny brain, what will I be thinking if you saying all that loud in front of me? 

Do I ask you to say it loud?

Do I need you to say it?

Do I want to know how much you wish to say by heart? 

How is that possible Babaji picks me and not you? Isn’t video looking great all he needs? 

If all Anna said was true, why cannot he lay his eyes on things you do? At least some? 

You know the book is heavy, you have wishful thinking if the games are without this book burden heavy announcing the world you have a name and become One melting together as MM? Not just seven head? What does that mean?

What gives Anna the mood to write these? Does she ever have the mood? Sorry inspiration to write?

These are not multiple choices questions ... ...


Tell me

 I know how the knife went to my heart, you and me both know that. From your part, from my part. Then why is Babaji shiva standing behind and I was in between you two? To shield him from you?

He did not show up 2015. It was always “the One”. You hate him? Hate Keanu hate Simon? Do I need to ask you why? Do I reprimanded you anything you are doing so far for who you are?

Rapture, we both can tell there is Time. Was I hurry you?

What did I do?

Would you be thinking what you been thinking now 30 years ago when you started the flooding ?

Why not?

Do I need to know why not?


An explaination you read enough from the Bible yet? 

Does this page you find your name yet? 

You gonna say if that’s ego or mind ....?

 I don’t use these words. I am a distant traveler ...I cannot understand a word you put to look like that.  All these years where you been at your practice ? Aren’t we doing the sane exactly methods? Buddhist teaching on reflection on the mind, heart, body ....how clear you getting things clear?

The magazine has a photo, I didn’t read the right page on what do they say? And I flip to next page, again, .... did I hear that right what do they say again ? I have not read those parts. I just sent you photos. 

You want to reflects so you have these words ? Or you want to teach others because you must teach others now? You never gonna quit the job to go back normal? You gonna say you cannot.

This century pass, I told you already, your end time is ended with that books. Not to argue what others make you or me a movies to feel. Century later future might have people to care more about these things or become every one known facts in the history. You just wish these flooding is not like everyday they make a show to let you none-stop feelings. You can only hope it’s not everyone on this planet or beyond have you known degree so you keep living in your life til death comes to fetch you. 

No one can teach you, I am just a substitute. There is no real relationship to this empty space. You are free on waiting ...you are free to almost right now to do anything except what’s right. 

Why do I do that ? Telling you to start at the first sentence ?

 You want to watch the way you want in the movies. You want to freely feel the way how it supposed to. In your mind you dictating how you thought everyone looks at you just as mild as it says.

Everything is mild. But do you actually understand ? You can scream why should I keep doing that ...doing what a simple thing for your mind on the ground? You put your head in the air, that’s not on the ground. Watching TV is the most simplest than school doing a professional studies. They are just movies.

You want to be good heart to love me. By the music, by the story isn’t that what they want you to do?

You are not on any right mind like I say you are good to watch tv, movie.... there is the thick binder book Bible. If you do go without the movie, that’s the task.

They are not hurting you to tell you a story. You just decide you do what you want, just your way to watch it. If anything I tell you, you just scream of all those unnecessary vent because because because ... 

You just don’t grow up enough.

You don’t like where I point at ...

 What will you be your mind like I say last post? You don’t like that.

So you cannot be possible acting like her, is that what you are saying ?

Do you know what you like and don’t like?

And I know I can do that? If you don’t like, that’s the end of the conversation, that drama just passing by.

But you are taken by why people are saying all that ? Just telling a story?

Starting the first sentence on the back of DVD.

For example

 On the back of the DVD, it started with you as 菜鳥 doctor.

I wrote about medicine before. That will be evaluated. If you are what they say, we look at each other on this drama is very different. 

That’s the first sentence only. 

I don’t see what you see because ....

 I cannot think like you think ....or I don’t see what you see because I have everyday 

1) high tech or Babaji issues 2) Does ET exist like they say highly intelligent 

Human are not difficult to handle.

We both are mature adults.

It’s different kinds of something else that had no human nature, then exposing anything out, I just know that’s problem for us. 

What do I think you think they are doing this movies ? Or think I am?

 The problem is ... I DONT THINK!

You and me are different. I used to have a responsibility on you because you were part of that family. Now I have a responsibility on you because of all this until ....

Whatever you think don’t come to any degree, because do they just told me what I am? 

You can be thinking in all kinds of direction that completely making no sense. Everyday you are interaction to people, not anymore by yourself, you cannot possibly lack of attention or feeling needed by your own people or by desired and wanted. That’s already alleviate from you to look side way...

These movie writers I know where they come from, it may not how you understand.

They are professional have a reason they are VERY professional. To see through humanity at their heart?

There was accumulation words when I went to Simon to seek my jobs problems. There are this or that. How can they not professional at what they have to do? Music effect, words effects, scene effects ...if you are pulling enough responsibility, I don’t see you have time to THINK to fail a heart problem test. You cannot possibly be. You set yourself up all these years for nothing ?

If you ask me the right question, like not about yourself, but about those them, I will tell you they are professionals. That’s it. And you? You gonna finding an exit ? 

The subjects that I scrap ....it’s not very close to you

 Yeah, after watching all these reviews for a couple of years, if I pick a subject not in your field, you cannot possibly understand how I function.

I don’t try to avoid.

I only do what’s necessary. 

Photo on the right

 Do you know why I have so many photo ? I paste it there?

Because not like W two world theme songs says “you are falling “ ...I am not a guy, how can you be feeling ? Looking at this stuffs, remind me when I open books or look at the posts everywhere I go to, not just on the bus to finding a new world. 

They just have to make a romance looking ... if you cannot get the legand out of the mind, just have my Angel face photo in hands. 

It has been a loooong time I know what the movie is doing all this for - some years now.

I cannot possibly to think how these photo to be NOT useful. I look adorable ! 5 years old!

Sailor moon and W two worlds

 I cannot think I would be one day reading this. Middle school I read them. Like the sailor moon.

Once I grew up and leave the country, graduate, leave everything behind to focus on the spiritual practice, I have my own belief how it is done. Practice does grow. 

When another decades passing ...I return to this book.

At your age bracket, people used to dancing like you say. Maybe not like my time to read these books. So you could not possibly to react like the modern time kids how they could get their mind going. However...you have a very bad book saying 2000 years stuffs. These books what if you are not the main character if you read? You gonna turn bitter? Because that remain to that one book in the end, Bible.

I don’t have to always be in the main role ....my character. But be aware what you read and your mind and the head is not exactly just like the book drew to me. 

Bazaar magazine

 Don’t care which page is mine. There is yours must be. It’s in Chinese copy. I don’t know if it’s selling only be found here?! I am not subscribing it anymore. Read enough. There was the actress for catching fire page. Not this girl.

It was ... 2018 April. I read the dates.

I am deciding ...

 I am still looking ....cannot see any side clear. The evaluation if they have to count EVERYTHING I said, that’s different, I cannot stress that enough. My subjects how I talk about climate change or biochem, or ....anything beyond that, people have other people works for, for example experts.....that evaluation I cannot see.

Let’s don’t talk about if I see India on backstreet boy auditioning something rotation boys or girls to each other. Modern society they believes I might have a chance to convince them like Eben. But If it’s spiritual order nature, and I end up no one just could open their mouth to talks to me, not like I have to go with painful years guessing collecting stuffs everywhere on the road to feel threaten and target like OU you said .....that’s real targeting, not my face if I born with it  .... 

what can I decide with this ? How he will turn out? I have one him maybe, they have other garages them. 

Ancient China has these set doctrine also.... he cannot go on US side and step on it. They may not have China history demanding stuffs on rulership, but where begins on their every class in conspiracy? No one has to believe everything ...that’s where I heard there is society or Order in Japan. 

Then that’s even better ....Japan? Zen starting place? 

I just cannot think with everyday stacking high paper amounts...not if I can type fast enough with this...

His mother

 To get to Sariputra, I will have to get through his mother. That’s why I cannot. Too many things have happened. There are things I cannot do. Telling her, that definitely is no way.

He talks to his mother often. Photo, message or phone. 

I was not talking to her at all and one day show up here with no jobs. 

2016 diet 2019

 2016 I start to eat eggs cheese

Then after watching 三生三世十裏桃花了叫素素較眼睛沒了

I changed the diet to meat all the way to 2019.

I did get a red card and heard you have give plenty them red cards. But I didn’t stay there long when I got the card. 2020 or when the last video was made, my mother just has to force me to see doctor so ....I got too frustrated and don’t feel comfortable to discussing about my friends online, so I took everything down. Then switch to vegan like my mother. She had throw me to the hospital in 2017. Just one month.

About a year vegan 

Til 2021 Jan  

Back to my friends

 If anyone just wish they my friends or Sariputra would wake up one day all by themselves... where exactly they should start? It’s not that I doubt the process, I could see the character online myself reading it in real life and live in it ....those are paintings to start with Da Vinci biography or Westinghouse ?

or reading side by side the movies scripts with them in it, the history matters ?

If finding the Howard Stern and Simon was the prime motive because they got a voice. The industry as a whole is itself becomes the biggest enterprise, that’s real on my newspaper. Industry cannot be a lie!

I had a pass time reading internet, I have a way reading them before I get down the moutain, I don’t care if that’s just too far north side hill....the air become too thin, the road is too far to sit in the car, I say mountain....did you check near by Dark Lord or game maker lives ? Seven hill?

Is that the analysis on writing issues, because apparently I can write on the ipad new device just show up in time? And I didn’t have a pod until before jobs gonna leave ?

Don’t know how long we have to keep going with this ...

Sailor moon 4 inner Soilder vs Da Vinci 4 headband ladies

 Why don’t they just say sailor moon 4 inner solar sailors just like Da Vinci 4 painting on headband ? I bet anyone they were already on these Da Vinci center story to revolve whom around. I am not the first, but these movies made early. 

There is a sailor moon outside comic books on every solar Soilder are married with the wedding dress. I REMEMBER what I used to have a hobbit to collect everything on this manga story tale.

As long as we don’t have anymore why wedding becomes an important matter on my agenda, I am finally free ! In case the time table was re-wrote again here. 

Apple Ring and The Lord of Ring

 There is a Lord, finally we are on the movies

Keanu the One, wedding 

Simon, that waterfall down guy die. Something white city. Like Westinghouse Chicago White city

4 hobbits...Valley giant industry in Chinese becomes dwarfs?

That is short guy like Anan. 

There is a Legolas.

I only remember we stuck at the mountain scene with a flock of orcs. Just like 2014. But I was the one talking to myself...on the social media. It must be something about where they get their movies from. From another book. If they found out Howard Stern, it’s just a matter of time finding Simon. 

King of the King, Lord of the Lord

 I only declare the King of the King. 帝王制

I didn’t say the Lord of the Lord.

That’s one phrase, I remember. 

I was not too busy watching movies

 Apparently I was not too busy watching the movie or TV.

But I did watch Flower thousand bone 2016 the second half 9/17 here island 5 Lord Review.

They say 3 Esteem, they didn’t say declare kingship.

I say that myself. 

I did watch a lot of TV, just not the movies. 

Everyone else can be busy that for me.

5 Lords Review NSYNC


They keep singing this who and what running out of the time, bye bye bye ....

So I count.

I declared King of the King. 自己在後面講的太快樂發現的

2013 - 2020

 2013 TYG The You Generation

2014 AGT The One, Tesla

2015 TEsla patent on comet 1908, and Da Vinci notebook (reading )

2016 5 Lord Review

2017 稱帝 declare June, running out of time 

2018 長留初考 YouTube 灌籃高手藤真上場, hunger game/ catching fire

2019長留初考 YouTube Comet time counts end

2020 rest whole year back to meditate  2021 you saying trump stuffs your inner vision is wrong, I start to think are you lying? SMCH and revelation story, lamb , your Chinese name... Before Chinese New Year 2021

2021 Website

How to run out of time 

1911-2011 =100 years TEsla said 

My practice 2006-2016 10 years AC patent TEsla time 

2016 5 Lord Review to 2017 Jan 

2017 June 稱帝

Comet Time 


1983-2017 -2019 (Britney comet video on 2011) holding it against me 2011 Jan to 2012 Dec 21

Your book note

 Your every chapter first line to take out as the new index page

Under Jobs,

Then Elihu 

Then Elihu


At this my heart pound and leap

The Lord speaks 

Do you know when the moutain goat gives birth

The Lord said 2 

2 years on YouTube demonstrating topics

Then one year off 2020, I take down everything 

I woke up one day, finding you have no master 

I read Bible revelation and thought of Apple so read 

I talk one video or this year, you have this website

I read Jobs only index headlines to be remembered I have play FarmVille 2 on ipad for Christmas because I gives my phone to Sariputra, I only get ipad. So I get a white and a black mountain goat for close to Valetines/Chinese new year calendar  

Now, I didn’t read any other jobs no time. Before I find out T, and 梯形

King, jobs, Timothy

I remember TEsla die and years, 44 1856-1900  1943, that’s in between half just like if you line up old testament and new testament straight line down, it’s “ in between T “one straight line down.

So I cannot read.

But I did read 1 King index headline only. About Solomon building a temple. Let’s just say 2013 years ago I was building the city of light RNA to AGT, the reference is crossing. 

Jobs final words to his friends if not within the tutoring jobs I used to have or Facebook closing climate change campaign, there was at YouTube for UB 2020 during that 2 years YouTube making.

Right now, that’s ending.

The other ‘to jobs’

Ice skating and comet math, I could not recall other video as clear as these two. It seems to have a problem on people by signature. 

Fish hook content I read about young women like Anan, such as witness ...meaning like them doing my signature move on ice skating or comet math.

It could be waiting the years to happen but that’s when I read in one shot.

I have nothing to read, that’s ended index.

The One

 You were saying blessing on your videon2015, they were saying 3 esteem with Yogananda. I know I didn’t say there is Babaji. You telling them, they telling you, how do both you come to that conclusion? 

No, I know human can do a lot of scripts. I am just trying to get details for my liking ...


 I take a walk. Probably just exit the lineage, not to continue practice saying.  2014-2015 Elsa was crown and I have the 卜元鼎之毒 the poison.  In it, there was illusion that there was a sword toward him by you to shield her. I have a knife on myself close to Christmas, I cannot understand what you were saying ...that’s a mess up year. 

Better be just that simple. I tend to get rid of stuffs that’s not my liking like shut off the high tech. 

Everyday I cannot live with my head. 

Lamb b b b 侍衛長

 Yeah I know what that b things ...I mean Wallace. You still imagine the throne is empty or slightly you might seat on it? No, we are just chatting. 

I know lamb is near the thrones, but there were lamps if they display the rooms. The comic book that I didn’t read when I was young have that character, the following guard, so if I didn’t grow up knowing there is a Royal guard behind, as a proper title, how would i register that in a religion text?

Never heard about that. Throne is like an empty saying the throne only. Lamb is like a icon except with a capital letter like a blank to me in my mind. I know lamb not Lamb.

Then there is your dreamy state to say there is a wife to whom? You better just wish there is no high tech to know your every thoughts to drop me a Book I cannot read after 7 years of ALL this. 

Because ....

 They cut the video at the first test with the Mercury ball....

Second if saying Niagara Falls 鍛鍊 斷鏈 斷念 my traveling 

Thirds is with Anan like cannot wake up a dream to see what you are doing 

That ended 2014/ 2015 roughly. 

They have to make the entire cast shows with time. 

That’s it....

That belongs to the 長留初考

But then there are ...




I never heard at any religions text or tales, they talk about exams. 

Testing faith for sure it grows out of my head, I don’t have that belief. 


 I don’t know where that lines come from. They could leave that out.


I don’t need to watch the video, I can rendering at ...





Why is that line there? They could have done without it ...

If just I cannot read a book, or every their books .... that’s just shredding paper problems, they can just stack up books let me see that...

Hunger game / Catching fire 

I have no idea. Your head is not all that clear problems...

3rd episode

 I finished watching it.

When I first got to initiation was getting the video link from my aunt Fanny used to be your German tranlator at the book department 輕水

That time you are not online much.

But you already dress like 霓漫天

After my initiation was I meeting 222 with food diet. His liking so I start embarking a searching in alternative medicine protocol I found at curezone

But I wrote you article was from my brother when he was young 朔風 maybe with a pen name I remember.

Just wrote to Wallace them. I m sure they already documented. 

I used to make entire notes with it. After that like 斷念

I originally was worry they might have you or whom on tests ...like the bug is me, my last name was a bug name, so saying if you go on a test site, you have to leave me behind with 落十一

Wallace was a monk head ?

 I saw that.

... ...

Did he marry problem or did he is or is not problem? I saw that does not meant I hear him on video (when he is a monk head) Chinese Buddhism if looking for you, that might sound like.

But Chinese is a communism, and Wallace became their governor staffs? What kind of combination is that ? 

I said he is a 侍衛長 I say many things myself. I know what I said. I even make him or Chinese a photo printing out just like Keanu or Levine or Chasez....it’s in the album book. Shelving. Don’t say I don’t love star or movies. They exist.

He has a long list movie, I saw that. 

No, I didn’t watch them much.

Maybe when they decide to print my names stick on Wallace face, I turn indifferent...not even Keanu movies. I know there is a Buddha name ...

How many times I have to say I don’t register a lot of names things from a flat screen device?

If ?

 If he decides he gonna owns my name ?

You mean my look like without make-up? (Tilt my eye brow issue) or else ?

His photo looks like he has make-up...

You saying if he wants that seat, would I let him to have you as a disciple? Of course. Did you hear me saying I just substitute? May I think your fantasy and watching TV isn’t a great combination, anyone telling you that?

I hear American calling me ....How do you know he is Babaji by the way, they know I used to call him 小野人? Did he have an education background or beating people around with a stick like a mad man? 

You see all these Chinese drama robes type traveler in good manner or 俠情似水 that’s not Indian, are they? (til my eye brow )

American has a legal system to protect you to at least finish a book cover stuffs on bounding together in case Roman Italy has more in their stock room that no one can read?

I really think you have not yet get your head clear why modern time American should exist?

I have heard about you talking about Babaji

 The Hungary tape is online. I heard that.

Sorry, I heard you saying him.

Europe Paris you say that 

You talked about him in many occasion.

Have I tell you there is a lot of things I don’t validate whether it’s true or not true coming from your mouth when I get a name like 3 Esteen?

If you wonder if I envy?

Tiny moments?

Maybe you don’t know us too well, between me and him is at this war for very long time not just WHERE he might be internal, but was at my kitchen with these infests bugs he can find them, or else you imagine American has these made in robots, did I tell you these bugs have highly intelligent when to drop on my hands or let me see it right in front eyes to eyes where it belongs so I can scream?

There was a time that was EVERY NIGHT. That’s just an external factor ! That’s not AC factor on my entire body tie down in PAIN. THAT IS not internal while I close my eyes?

You would still be thinking of him if he did all that, I am sure ....

I become cold ....do you see that Disney original Frozen story was way way way early 1943 or some years they have that character made in very very cold?

When someone does this very cunning things to call me a name on TV so he might exist to play a love chasing games behind .... I smell problems. NOT anything that may you need to worry about ?

I cannot think like you

 That’s Yogananda, that’s her personality !

I CANOT see whatever you might be thinking to be whose disciple or else ...

There is a lot of things do not occur to me to even think about it.

Shiva is a destroyer, the other two I don’t know what they are. It has been years I should have watched the show, but I was too busy on my head doing whatever was needed to be done FIRST!

When I first land here 2016, I remember I watch it but nothing occurs to me.


Because I AM LIKE THAT. Everything is follow the wind throws out the windows !

It is everywhere on the TV.

I can see that ! That’s it !

Shiva, Bramha, Vishnu

 Do I want to wake up one morning to think what you might be thinking ?

When you see the three Esteen and you Flowery Thousand Bones?

Nickname : bones?

That’s my name on Wallace, not Shiva!

Do I want to remind you, the floor has water issues and there cannot be having Shiva around or behind to whatever these you are doing so far?

I am not like you, I cannot think like you !!!

Shiva is God’s concept, Babaji is a when he wants to show up concept !

If he manifest a thousand mud man to say he is Earthly bound, you will know your name will not just be SM anymore but Double M, got it?


Wine 檀凡

 I saw him drink wine when there was ...and looking at her.

That’s very bad. 

I have my photo next by on the website. “That’s very bad” to look at women like that, especially knowing whom they are. 


But from the audience or if Yogananda gonna be growing up again...it’s records already. Here.

He wants her to be his? If if if if if? 

Drama is for people to gossip. I am a little Angel with wings cannot stop saying ...that him does that to her ?

You edit it

 I see, you edited the video Flower Thousand Bones.

I don’t have them. I have whatever it’s on line.

Being polite on the TV, between them, right?

Yogananda tells him to go and see her. That’s how it is. Because there is no discussion on that. 

Photo, I promise, it is there.

 His photo, I develop, it is in the albumin.  I heard long enough why he does not exist anywhere, like the wall, the books....I don’t have anything from them. It’s gone, they are in America. Like books.

I have him and me side by side photo made, with everyone photo all together file in it.

We have no problems that he does not have to say : he does not exist.

Yeah, there is bugs

 Just like you remembered ....

Manifestation is too painful in a full body, so small volumn of a physical vehicle like certain bugs...

Recently you have to say if he shows up.... yes there is.

For a looooong time, my clean dream of a clean house was destroyed completely.

Of course, it was something. 

I don’t remember. 

We are watching tv together? Sitting on the next by sofa.

There is north , up or whatever free way to walk....

I hate that I hate that I hate that !!!

My tolerance just break each moment, cannot take it cannot take it, cannot take it !

If screaming can release my filled up cup full to the throat, I would say scream. 

Main storyline vs side storyline 主線故事 vs 副線故事

 How do you translate that ?

The main storyline is not about Yogananda. 

Isn’t that he meant if Babaji is one of the 3 Esteen ....rotation ....he by the way talk about it, “hey you exist”

He makes me remember Yogananda and then I know it meant Babaji, that I don’t forget. 

If for Yogananda to read that, “hey you used to exist “

“that’s how you did.”

“We did talk about it”

But he is not here, why worry about it?

Very simple lines to describe very concise message.

I don’t imagine Babaji

 I don’t visualize Babaji or imagine stuffs sometimes you hear people saying it. There is a lot of things I don’t do. Nothing ....AND if anyone like Babaji did ALL THAT, for sure there is zero discussion between me and him communication. I DONT ever call him. He will know how to make me calling him ... for sure if he needs things get done. I get used to that already. It may not be him. So many description how from the physical turns to astral consciousness etc....it becomes nothing ! I cannot explain ANYTHING! Nothing is physical ! Where is someone or something ?


檀凡 did all that, why?

 The story says Yogananda did from A to Z, to the end even giving his life for her to ...turn ...purple.

Isn’t that obvious, she is very annoying at?

That’s how you watch a TV, you say “you given all that, but ...” in a nice way.

Of course I don’t say that.

She is chasing me, the man part?

I will blush more on it.


 Something I need to say or? The thumbnail. I cannot understand it. I am watching 3rd episode. I m slow.

Babaji is not a girl, that would never be a chance to test Yogananda. Isn’t that a natural law?

No? I cannot understand what’s that he holding her....an impossible thing. To me it is an impossible, then don’t worry about the logic to even discuss about it.


Of course I know what is on the mind.

We are not the same background like I say between India or China. Babaji didn’t say he is around. There is the comic book character, there is the movie the One, or the voice in the air there is no language or sounding method.

Okay he did once ....whatever.

Everything else I don’t remember. 

India has a lot to say ... ... there is a lot of equal sign to a lot of ending scenario. 

They just make a saying he is chasing her around to the degree she is annoying ....that’s annoying, that’s not love case. She keeps running to 尊上.

That’s the end of the discussion. 

A cliff

 Stephen South Dakota India Tamang surgeon 

Wing HongKong Liu pharmacist TN

Dean Ukraine FL 

Their height is different. Wing is the same height like me. Dean and Stephen is same height.

Stephen went on a magazine. Same birthday with Keanu. Somehow that birthday Plant owner my cousin also might be ....I don’t remember. 

I cannot tell what you will be reading.

I have not much comments on them and appearantly they all look not much to tell me. 

You talk about it

 You were saying Ukraine at those time. 

I just didn’t know what you were saying. Donating points. Details I don’t remember. 

He and I used to be lab partner, fighting over human error, like a joke.

But ... I have no idea how he is academic. He used to be in private boy school also Greek was learnt. 

NSYNC has 5 looking like 5 guys in UB. He is one of them.

Maybe just coincident.


 I used to have sticking out teeth like the dog.

My friend that’s a dentist, that’s Dean, ukraine. He is in Florida.

He does ice skate, a hockey player.  

He is on frozen. The blonde hair but ....the voice is not like that. Harry Potter was with Ginny? 


My father is ox

 Ox at the same page with the sword. Where can I read? Just Apple and my name.

Here there is a Plant, gluten free restaurant. One of my cousin own.

She changes her name. But her older name was supposed to be my name

It was. 雅方

My father is in some poker place. 

Desktop they got interview

 Both them has Remote Desktop works with the company. Probably it’s very easy nowadays to be evaluated. As for my friends doctors or professors needs people to actually go in and talk to.  They are in the different States.

I have no idea where I am going with this. 

If you want to go and get through the lines ... be my guest. 

Anan is busy on translation I think I heard or talks. 

I used to do transcribe. So I have your every word written for that ou stuffs. He will not do that stuffs. 

I have a sister

 Younger than me by one

Your sign

Completely has no moral standard. Sleep around to get ....stuffs. Very tiny little things she cries to call phones, yeah she came once with her ex to hit me when I finally settle for no reasons.

Money oriented to anything can sell. Needs attention. I cannot even describe how bad she is. The young widow. 

Get paid good money. My mother concludes her jobs were from the sleeping methods between 2 guys. She is in the US. Got 2 kids, I think was for money to the husband. Now divorce in between, never end stuffs. Buying buying buying none stop wasting clothing. Accounting related. 

There is no rules what rules meant. 

I don’t have the facebook

 That’s ...a long time ago, I have a Facebook.

I close the facebook with all the university friends probably before I leave the moutain side. 

Few name I remember, so when I look up they got line up. I got nervous. I sent an email to T name, a professor, there is no reply. He got relocate too. 

The friends things was before I reading the book. Not long ago. I have no idea why I would be on making them the video.that time. I shouldn’t have but I did.

This Facebook things ... that’s another things. People glue on it. It might be a big thing on the paper ... 

Legands & Myth

 I just saying if the US told them. Some country has other history, legand, myth, tales etc....you know how many people have to be assign? 

My head does not grow that large. 

I was singing their country a song with it, dear my god, what was I doing ....of course I didn’t read. Who would just watch a TV said “I thought that looks like so and so”?

Besides, US not like Asia, they don’t prefer their kids to stay in school for too long. I learn a different medicine by experimenting on myself. If they have to argue, that was when they were in meds school and I was doing my own medicine by online protocol, I never gonna ever finishing hearing them saying. 

Many details things before I was using Joomla, close to design image or making website etc...how and what ....all those things do count. If they put those previous works, then that’s another on and on and on never ending complain. Apple is important, do I or should I know why it’s incline to suppose to hear from them.... just example to say. 

Memory also problems

 Yeah! They might have memory problems like my TV says on news.

If I observe myself and look around doctors and really know myself that US MLE

That’s 3 times exam for every 2 years. 

High amount tuition if don’t pass two times? Then you off school, who gonna pay high Doctor school tuition?

That’s a gamble nature !

That’s a set up! 

If saying they have memory problems, if they can make it all that school, they should have no problems in their memory. 

If they can live without a doubt ... they must done very well at meds school.

I have a language problems to start ... ...

If the US telling them each involved countries? I don’t know. But if they did that, we will all be under watch. The government branch people are different sort. They have process doing interview, they have ways to preserve records, and worse, what must get  done this and that.

I got nothing need to be done so my acting is on my side, random.

It’s their country maybe the future says

 I don’t know if all that wide open to even reach different country.

But for some more governments branch, their demand is high. Meaning, I am off their area when they go to medical school. These kinds of demands do exist at certain level of you have it or you don’t have it.

They are not like me. 

Their protocol I can guess what it is. Those information any ordinary citizen should report. Anyway, that kind of attitude. They may not know now, but in the future if for example any country start to investigate from so and so to so and so, why why why, there was nothing ?

They don’t care if they are second generation US local. Anyway, there is a nature of some branches in certain ways must be this this this and that.

Nothing like I start from alphabet A B C 

They got repeat buttom because they breath on what I done

 Yeah, if from what degree to judge them? The ancient point of view?

Someone did most public set up to bridge to Eben for example. Oh I vomit at his social media talking none sense so there is a bridge like I tilt my eye brow to thought about it? 

Needie greedie stuffs they have to argue about. 

I have a responsibility but that does not count, so if they meant there is a repeat button, ....

It is too strict on them on everything first time trial out ...

Setting them up

 Oh , that never ending kids talk, who set them up, or talk to Apple if they have no parents support or to talk to use movies to get things?

It’s information leaking, in Chinese it’s hearing problem they say. 天耳問題

I used to read astral stuffs on sensing things problems. 

Sense to all around, that’s how I define, not hearing problems.

If watching TV that’s their parents terms, they got a problem ...etc etc, because that’s recreation.

Don’t say after the TV if talking about them or your friends, it’s glue on the TV how many time you must watch that? Do you know if someone tell you stop, you stop? You have a book you cannot open !

How do I arrive there? I remember that well on the back.

Some people don’t watch TV by time by meditation by choice not by resisting the temptation ....on and on and on and on.....these never ending bullet points.

Make-up problem

Stage problem

Rehearsal problem 

With or without witness problems ?

Should I say why don’t you open for future might have a dearest problem, now?

Cannot see it cannot hear it.

Do an analysis report or tears with paper on painful someone else getting married ? When?


Wallace get married !

Eben was married !

All this stuffs then, remind then , look behind, they are youth you need to raise them up, poof, they are the kids forever seats. 

Sigh....I am God, I am at the throne, I tell myself what to do?

Can you look?

Sariputra wisdom number 1

 There is a title on 10 Buddha cheif disciples. 

I said it’s Buddha to Sariputra is wisdom number 1

Buddha to Purna is kindness number 1

Is that me or someone else?

So if I regent first and someone came along to be Buddha and “it’s not follow the book”

Like not wisdom number 1 or kindness number 1

First death second death ?

My nature is like? Or others nature like?

There will be a lots of bullet points on the paper. 

And some people are just born to know how to bullet points things on paper. 

Not just one, plenty.

Sariputra and his mother

 There is a story Buddha told Sariputra to go home

I know

I live here, of course there is a reason. His mother is not getting young everyday, any mother of their kids, those kids.

I made a list ...

 For example, 

Eben is not God, should I tell Sariputra that?

They ALL don’t get on classify study or China some wits story of how anyone does things or could say things. If you cannot say it, or act on it, at least read on it. No...it’s not close or dear them.

This is also an item they bullet point. Because that’s born with it they say.

If they are foreigners, that’s one thing, many are European mix, one is Indian mix, oh dear....

If happened to be Asian, it’s ABC.

It’s not you mix, it’s your sister mix, but you might have a blonde hair on the TV?

A lot of things could the entire world is on camera 🎥....

Should I say in details?

In case you didn’t know what you eat food, others eat too. Should he find out or I tell him?

The problem is when he finds out ? You mean how do I know is that a key factor we cannot stop fighting never stop in the air on iPhone on demand ? That’s without saying.

I cannot fed him anything if to be said. 

“It got to be nature”

But the time.... I can think of time....things gonna wane. 

Then if it’s ABC, you gonna say friends are not all that important so he must be Eben first?

I may have joke said Eben is paganism so Sariputra as first, deal with it, then that’s Purna.

Now I don’t think it meant that way. It mean exactly it meant.

And Eben happen to be a dating guru?

Oh dear God, they are kids nature, how long Eben really be in his business, what if it’s for real he is doing that for decades?

Then, there is classify nature....in there, it’s every degree of subjects you can read.

How does anyone get there?

There was 2012 everyone is online, Every One.

So...can I tell them, there isn’t just FBI or CIA?

Or I happen to be TEsla so I know FBI and him don’t get along, how do I conclude Simon is so and so etc etc....

Classify has ET other stuffs, so all that interests was? How do you have your interests from ? Etc etc ....

I know I know ...

Can I just say I cannot explain and they just stand there. 

It’s getting worse the more money the items they get everyday ....the car, the house, their wants....why should they care if there is different branch in America? 

And then this a big net catching a mouse like me started when I travel down the Moutain .... 

if saying just One Sariputra that’s one ....that’s not the book index said. 

They got on early to start

 The evaluation got on early. 

For me to realize what have been done, I cannot possibly to stop it. 

If I am a big parents and to fosters you and them, of course there are degrees if I realize what it is, what it is not. Okay, now they bar me out to say I don’t exist...but if rotating position, they even use rotating to say, they have to act like they should? These things it is, then it is.

Thee standard they ask is not day to day they living in the modern time, to be a modern kid.

I know my life been through. I know what I read or appealing to read, the legands, the myth, or China drama, I am not obsess to it, but appearantly Babaji has a forceful way for me to become closer to ...that.

Anything....what’s my nature or been through, I know.

They are all ABC, modern kids. 

It was not right in my head to talk about them. I really got something going on must be that time....to go with the TV show. Inner and outer speaking different story, and I go ahead to ice skate etc counting math in comet?

Last year I rest, I thought that’s out of my mind TV is real. 

Electric Age and technology

 Because of the coming of electricity, it comes to a time like every household has a TV, and now, a phone, a tablet, and becomes every nation every house has these equipment. 

I don’t have that open peripheral seeing or give me a reason why everyone is on tuning in here....but let’s say one day in the future, it’s everyone knows the story, where I been, how it is done, and then you 10 having great talent shows with friends etc....

I see current time is preparing to every household to receive possible this “The End story” .... government have to training and testing and evaluating with the Chinese drama, different spirituality ...etc.

Not everyone is into religion right now.

Every household?

I say in the future. You see, right now, I got on a website, to make a simple saying. 

It’s already be done!!!

In the future ....that’s just ....when less people know, that’s one thing, the entire planet knows ....how many mass of people exists?

How much

 He or his friends ? A lot of money.

My friends are doctors or professors, not as much as him or his friends probably. It was a better university. 

But all of my friends’ evaluation came in... I know them before, of course I know how they are or be given a job and what could be like ....but it’s not I will have any thing against that. It is others have loads to say.

You cannot compare me to them. I told them, I m from metropolitan. Babaji will say, that’s just a term. 

But what do you want me to say?

They do a lot of evaluation side, I am the standard probably. Or they have other standard. 

Most time I don’t want to hear about it.

Either case, right now, I have nothing left on my pc or online. Everything is gone. I got tie down, cannot explain anything !

You make quite money, I don’t deal you with that. Wait until your master shows up to deal with the money. 


 He has a job or everyone around me or his friends have a job, except I only have you as a freelance job with no money.

He went on vacation now. He was here for weeks.

China or India....I was being nice just say my peripheral vision are only set on them.

Not this island even ....how can you be throne on this tiny island ?

And I am thee entire World? The red River says a border something like expel ....imagine if I live in the US with bigger house everything like a real throne story on TV and he stuck on island his mother cook everyday the same things....etc etc....

Don’t talk about if just US they goes to interview him stuffs.... China has so many this what a King must be ....his Chinese can speak but he cannot say a thing in what they chinese as an older tradition to believer.

And then what if there are groups of people only believe you must have to a channel open to receive messages from .... any side even. They want to hear something, anything they patiently wait said will listen....

The end of the world or the end of My world? 

Saying China is one thing, India is another, they are not exactly the same. 

Anyway I know what it is .... ...you are getting hurt, he is getting beat up.

TV is hurting you

 Of course TV is hurting you. Is there anything that’s not hurting you, Purna?

I did say that before, did I?

You are full of feeling doing full of stuffs everywhere. 

If that’s a short way to say 夜華 looking for someone to marry, drama is only 3D to concise ways to say, for example older girl. That’s so and so. I didn’t say that’s you. 

You have nothing good to offer or to say with loads water problems, but you did set up a concept in some benefits I see. If my brother could willingly bow to India ....you see, you are not even dark skin. 

There is a lot of lion issues. He is that sign. And if after knowing it’s you problems with watching tv how you hurt him on love or if I point Eben at that legally blonde ...you see, he uses to Love ❤️ that movies ....Legally blonde. 

Now that book cannot be open .... etc too many problems on the TV I c.

I am born like how I am is not how he is or you are. 

He is not lean even any close degree to India...or Chinese in the vicinity.

He went to US in high school age. Like you, ABC terms will matter to you at younger age. To him...it’s worse probably if like I say Mark is ABC. Mark play 夜華. Now I remember, that’s ABC.

For him to look for an older girl ....justin from NYSNC has date many many girls but there is someone older. I used to hear gossiped. Did I say he is a gay. And legally blonde shows up a gay ? How can I possibility in front of Eben to say that? and having a You with a logo sitting on the beast tale on The Book became his short scene outside the court story is in that film “Legally Blonde”?

They using very very crude methods if classify ET side story or adjecent tales are not entirely lies.... there are very very expose to human character things be set on TV to tests you for a throne....

That’s outer things they are right in front to cause him stirs up....

If Babaji is alive .... he will know what’s inner things ...if Sariputra not ready, he is not ready. Babaji may not even need to show up, just I say is enough.

That’s not possible ....it’s just one Eben, one Book 2000, one tale on the beast to say look at China and India, there is a mountain ? Do you want to play a snowman ?

And me sit him at his throne, the question is for how long ?

Do I want to be dead? Something driven a mad situation, anything anything can happen. 

You, if you in it? (Pat Pat)

 You are already in too many your petty mind cares things you try not to see... you are trying not to care, not really you are born without a caring part of Love games.

I can stop you watching TV but appearantly you are living like a householder 還俗 stuffs I think you just didn’t say that in public. 

Babaji and I is Babaji and I issues. Like I said. Love games are Life theme for everyone, in many fantasy even to the most obsessing ideas. It’s not physical anyway ... a lot of this.

If they tell me there are cases how people die with it, for any reason, I understand how obscure that is.

If Babaji do that to Yogananda? 

I don’t think .... a lot of things can happen on anyone. Almost like saying God is waiting or Mastership is waiting to test you .... that’s not a right way to say.

Someone is walking along a seclude road, and there someone stop the road and has a fight for them to get out of the way ....it’s more like that description. The rest are not the points.

When you grow up one day ....if you have a responsibility, there are others not just must be Babaji this Babaji that. No one has a name in India ... when something goes up smoke in heaven... if india is sacred like they say many gods legands, then, there will be some pave road around. 

Babaji and I

 Babaji isn’t so physical, isn’t he?

I did say there are people when in the Love games - “they want people to hate them”. But I highly doubts, that was the case before I was told there is Yogananda and divine mother/ Babaji script in Flower Thousand Bone. 檀凡 夏紫軒

In other words, they make that script line as the fact as true as that.

Because I am the audience, I could understand.. Don’t care how I understand many things, YOU have a water issues with many worlds !!!

For examples, if the world becomes more rich in their life style, people one day in the future will turn to love chasing games. Even now, there are lots gossipe everywhere. Even you were being rumors in Costa Rica or Cambodia. Right now Costa Rica news disappear. 

How do I feel? You were getting married with others? I don’t have as lot of feeling for what you or others do things in life. I did see you lay Anan around the front row seat recent years, I KNOW he has his way finding seat in front of the camera all the time, so I did not take you as the problems. 

All this year when I m absent and I did watch, but I didn’t expect there is COVID 19 bar down airport? Are you listening ? 19th anniversary rings a bell on your silent tears? 

I am not with him, but if someone has to force you to have a feeling to feel, I do feel the hurt. He used to really have a lot of women issues. 

Back to 三生三世十里桃花 the script line was a guy younger than me between you. And he does not like you but having a sword to stab you. 

Babaji does not have a sword. I know who might have a real sword in life and younger than me. But that’s too ...1+1=2 saying ...

Would I think Babaji ? Fancy him you mean? You dream!! Keep dreaming !

But if he has to set a chain of lover affairs, I know what’s like to swallow not just your huge volumn water problems but Substance like “Black Water” in Harry Potter. This terms are using in some other place, but I short name at it. 

If you say 7 years tribulation, you gonna say you believe Bible and imagine to be tests, I highly doubt that thick book is too heavy for you already than just hearing a rumor - imagine on tribulation on me. Normal humans always stuck their head to imagine what if it’s them? That’s for American. Your head are too busy on many other things, when you void once a while has no concepts what you supposed to be tested, wait til that Christ figure comes....you have a whole lifetime to wait and be tested... 

They make a drama that and that, to me is ‘you deal with it’

That’s simple saying. 

Sariputra or Anan. Anan is old now.

Sariputra is a gay, so technically that drama 三生三世十里桃花 ....cannot be hurt in the real nature. By the description they say small traits like younger or with a playing sword ....and the chosen One by the bloodline. That’s my brother. Like Bride War. Except that’s a blonde hair. Games of thrones short clips I watched has a bloodline books on hair colors....

If just Chinese drama said ....or Hollywood said... 

You are not the only ache problems, for Sariputra or Anan, they cannot do what I do. They are not equipped.

You? Just focus your thick book that’s given to you.

It probably does not really mean I cannot read it, but you better just work on it by your little mind little head sleep on it I don’t care. 


 You on the other hand, have MANY liking fill up the TV!! Does anyone remind you that?

When I came to the world, I did not expect a ground fill up water to the Heaven ! Your sins to the heaven ?

The earth engulf water for the women ? You walk all over the Earth, you step on it, IT has a problem with you!! 三生三世十里桃花 has a 素素 and 素錦 problems. There is a MAN between you and me?

Babaji said he stays on the Earth plane for whoever requests, now he BECOMES the EARTH prince?

If anything happen between he and me, that’s me and and HIM problem!! Not because he becomes part of the Earth or Earth becomes part of him? 

If you want to own the Earth from whatever you are doing so far, I could SEE it right on the TV, that will be many people’s hurt by WATCHING THAT !

I didn’t have to just deal with you, the only WATER problems, in case you didn’t know there are other chosen ones issues laying around, and I hope that’s not another in between problem so THERE is you and I ?

Ella Enchsnted said regent concept, I baby sit you until whatever this throne is set ... I do not know where is YOUR master, not everyone can just swallow all these TV or water down from .....all these ....even Mastership are human beings has a feeling in their traditional beliefs in religions. You just happen to be laying ahead of me for I don’t believe a lot of things for you to do whatever you want!


Because ...

 You cannot put Babaji in that position with Yogananda as to man-to-man.

But you can leave me at man’s position like me and Babaji to be a girl.

There is a lot of reasons looks like that.

For example, 

Love pursuing in degree of passionate fire, in some words, eyes to lust degree. But too strong to use for someone like Yogananda. It’s just slightly degree.

It’s written in China broadcasting ... 

Materials liking, he might like a sport car

Some doctrines from Buddhism still I would say has its merits in training their order if they exist to purify or pacify the heart, the soul, the mind.

External records like discipline in like a habitual manner....

Face issues

Attention issues 

Ancient China has some wandering practitioners with swords but they are not monks. It is in the drama. They seclude themselves and traveling ... part of that is heavily influence and accepted by me.

I didn’t know Indian but from what I gather information, they have family bonding nature, and family pride do exist. When you being selected to so and so, you will have pride.

From Babaji perspective or Shiva, those distinction should have them only know.

I don’t even know who would dare to even publize that... it’s broadcast all out! If he comes back and sees it? 

Flower Thousand Bone

 檀凡 looks like Yogananda  

夏紫薰 probably is Shiva / like Babaji but saying Shiva

白子畫 possibly me.

Why she likes me 尊上 better than Yogananda ?

Normally these inner development no one will ever be examine or if I don’t tell you, you will be guessing.

There is some thing examine that so there is saying it. She loves 白子畫 but reject Yognanada. 

I highly doubt a normal human can get that evaluation, how can anyone knows?  It’s too much to tell that to Yogananda group or India when I have no name. I would not have clarify it. But I know if saying it.

For the rest of stuffs, the seat or flower thousand bone, I don’t know a thing.

Yogananda is dead now, but if he is alive, this show, because it’s in Chinese ...otherwise too much hurt to him. He is an Indian by blood. He has a Royal position than outsider of India and be chosen by Babaji.

I don’t know about Yogananda, but he will be furious if there is Love matter be involved to that figure. If saying a divine figure and comparison....

Our evolution is different, of course you cannot do that kind of saying but he is an Indian Master to be respected. 

By blood

 “What is lamb b means grapes like blood?”

It means I just need to be born, no matter what my IQ or language problems, they can fix it, born by blood, got it?!

Movies are ET made or human make?

 You want to say ET has a IQ problem ?

Or human has an EQ problem ?

Or you wonder where is I dormant at, I cannot see you are filled with problems on a book you wish to get rid off?

You know superman, if you read so much information of these love chasing episode in comic books or movies, I won’t even surprise if someone could just fly you off the planet without everyone betray you on this planet, you would be in love with the man to the other worlds for life !

For Love !

There is a book given to you, deal with it. 

Open galaxy

 Do I need to think you don’t dare to push American, AND ET is negative on their top so they are pushing each other! All that to do with a flooding problem on this planet?

If you transport to another world to make every direction of world to become your Seamless skirts issues? Because if other world goes without a book or India? Babaji makes Yogananda wrote a book! There are lineage said. 

But here you just need to register a brand name to start early on camera with the disciple with loads money in the bank, years after years you make it without ever need to explain ! Where is your Master? You could make up the words inner master to make you a brand new idol.

Simon has a early 2000 years show name American idol and he is from England. Just when you step to the US. 

Are you still drunk they are welcome you for a free trade to this cover up business methods? How to collect money by free will? Not just free constitution democracy everyone is equal and doing whatever they want ! There is no boss no kingship, just you ABC European Vietnamese!

India used to be England colony

 They SPEAK English !!

Modern days how you starting a cult is just how you begin on a new land who does not hear about Sant Ma needs a lineage.... NOT HERE! A brand new world ! From you a Vietnamese ....I did not even ask how does your country thought of you doing and ink in the pages of a 2000 years books!

You just need to move to a new place to start new on your own!

What does this tell me? The free society practices witchcraft ? You go to a new world on every world to declare your ownership....fighting enough in the 90, you kick you high heel for everyone’s leaves the island, you don’t remember that?

The rumors say you don’t get along with them when you changed robes ! Is that when you find out you have translation problem on initial? Or when you dye your hair?

I don’t know India currently is more at school or more at their traditional lineage beliefs, I thought they always have religions ! What an ashame things I can never on and on ....with you problems. 

I think?

 You mean what I truly think American says?

They just need a brain of a lawyer to get rid of you. 

That Eben besides I thought psychological problems might exist to take you to see the doctors. 

What does my photo look to you? Cannot tell you if without a word ? Oh I got plenty enough photo. 

Legally blonde 1 or 2

 I did not need to talk about the movies because you supposes to stay away them from ....but if I have vent like I cannot help it? There is Eben!

How does American decide you join law school Harvard with that kind formality dress both to the Harvard or the US Congress for the animal rescue movement ?

Should I stand at the Chinese monkey story like 玉皇大帝 cannot strain the monkey in heaven so he finds 如來? 

Jewish goes to the law school or the rich kid goes to the Law. Or your fraternity activity to your logical deduction methods they found out was not clear? Eben was early on that time ON STAGE public speaker.  There are many public speakers. 

These enough is enough movies, I don’t just see one of them, because I happen sometimes do watch movies in my university time. IN AMERICA!!

AND the first thing I land here and for a long time left the Asia, it is still again, WAS A TV !!?

Where we used to live was out in the forest! Don’t even tell me what spirituality is meant to me or to you what you so used to say lies with a twist. I know the words in Buddhism compassion or must must forgive?

Those words don’t mean a thing to me.

Eben or Lalla, that’s India

 Eben Eben Eben ....India !

I seen they have university and many overseas students in the US. If they combine all these numbers of people for 5 years to the US, they will have enough people for the records. Don’t say if if if if they have a government on that vast grounds with facility ! Just if they need rooms for posting our face posters compare to these shredding pages I black and white photocopies ...

How much they developed if they just too poor to get educated, you will be lucky in this century!! Just one century !

Buddhism .... Buddha is in Nirvana !! Jesus is crossed! You want to start 5 major religion on where to declare your ownership with this One Book? Roman Catholic?

I never met Eben in person! I did not get chance to even speak in the right mind to him, you happy?

His wedding ...

I DID NOT hear what he said when he started on the vow part at his wedding ! I click away!!! I would not be that smart like you to hear side way whatever he wants to say. His marketing techniques do you hear? I just don’t think that was proper in front of the camera for he is way too smart to do that.

Not the heart ache ... can you think?

If he wants to put all kinds of stuffs in his language for anyone to sign a contract in the psychology, oh, he can do all that. He has many many many video. 

You want to learn from him ? Why don’t you focus on Tim Cook? He is single maybe. 

I don’t follow Lalla, she was a coach but for a very long while I was too busy. I might just miss everything they say. I keep looking at India side for a while ... I don’t know if they exist that much man power. Don’t ever use this Buddhism story I say in Chinese. I say 帝王 I did not really meant Buddhism only.  

It’s just a reference !!

He is not that nice like the movie Legally Blomde, I don’t think so. Keep imagining that!

If somehow his personality looks like that ...? I cannot tell where that’s from. 

Chinese 中國

 China develop for decades now, do you remember you will be 71 this year?

I can see them have clothing, school, some have cars and better life. They are not like long time ago, you imagine they don’t have man power to collect evidence ? Or here because it’s an island, maybe no one make the comparison?

China too far out to think, but they in very short decades can sustain everyone. What if they read English?

And these actors for so many long time I never see them exist, very loooooong time, to me they could talk, I clap. They have schooling, they have learn their head and even have deep literacy in the song. They become a nation of their own. I think of American only ?

I am blank on Europe but you were there. They are the one telling me you went to become princess in Hollywood. They might exist ! 

They did not show up here, yeah right, so you become?

I can watch the television if I am from another planet !!!

They don’t read English like they don’t read Bible or comic books?

By the time you die, you meant to say, that’s when they start?

These are not that difficult stuffs, Purna. I have no name to call you. You keep telling Tim Cook stuffs on your name or else you say you have no oxygen to breath. 

Babaji or Siddarthra is dark skin color people

 Do you think I imagine how you imagine Babaji with me in this true reality? 

Babaji or Siddarthra are dark skin race of people? How would Anna feel if Babaji is choosing you little brain intelligent girls to do his bidding ?

Oh, I know by now what they are looking like to tell me a story... ...you want to say he is with you.

Or you from now on trying to thinking if you are influence by him?

Why don’t you say he is Shiva, and that’s blue color and as soon as you imagine him or they God, your soul got split in pieces like blood or powder? Like Chinese saying 六魂七魄

How the hell I would know? Why don’t you just say you have problem visualizing darkness on dark skin people ? 

Should I or should I not explain this tiny head stuffs to you? You mean you could read any book right !

Compare to a 2000 years written records from someone else vision, because apparently we agree Jesus was nail on the cross!

Comic books 溜冰天使

 Do you want to just imagine when they publish the book in English because that’s in Chinese?

I read.

TEsla methods or TEsla personality or Babaji ?

Do I want to imagine what could be in your head to read stuffs? 

I READ it. I didn’t do ALL the stuffs because of ONE book in just Chinese. 

You imagine someone is waiting for you .... ....

Keep waiting ... some savior coming without your lies be find out so I don’t be the King of the King on songs ?[psalm]

‘I tell everything’

Do I want to know how do you come to the conclusion to tell ALL kinds of stuffs on TV?

Content :

The blonde hair princess are competing songs with you.

That’s written song title, but my name is digitally “carve” on the passport !

You have three coaches, two boys + one girl

That’s 林林林 cut in half three times like 森

You want to explain to me what’s 430 now? Not just a David issue on scientology? I read their books and history, of course I know what they are doing and I succeed doing it their methods, so I didn’t blow up my head by chance. 

You “think” you look like that girl?

Teenage minds, so I seek out Eben like a doctor on what might be in your head doing ?

Did I say he TEACHES psychology !!!?

Your head is not function exactly right for a very long time, not the first time for reading ANY books. Not to say digitally moving stuffs one day becomes MOVIEs or says DISNEY! The Prin CESS.

I am the princess? Or you are making yourself to become a what?

We are at different age bracket, and this book for my intelligent is not that far to fetch we SUPPOSE acting the same age, do you mean friends to friends, side by side?

It is because I DON’T expect you to EVER have a responsibility. 

Or should I say I got used to?

Now that becomes my memory problems or Babaji problems ? 

It’s carving your mind and soul!!! Any story makes a huge sense on you !!!

I don’t know what any analysis I gonna hear from you. Or your brilliant mind to register what exactly they are saying. 


Lamb b = grapes

 Don’t don’t don’t tell me you heard someone says 2000 years ago there was “records” says a kid like you says ZERO U.

Lamb = I am grape.

River of Life like the blood

Grape sugar in Chinese IT IS blood sugar. Can you draw “b’?

You cannot medicine or anatomy like I taught others, then don’t tell me about what you make up your world like you wish to have a kid. 

I have ONE Wallace and that sorts are plenty enough stuffs.

My philosophy is not like you in life. You are not reading books or you are not reading it right.

Do you know between science and religion, THERE IS philosophy?

Because if I am not the King of the King, I cannot be the Lord of the Lord?

That supposes to be connected ?

What do you care if Babaji tell me stuffs ?

The throne IS empty and the Lamb is an icon!

Why don’t you say Siddarthra might exist because Babaji recent years become the authority like a deathless guru. Why don’t you say Eben is a dating guru and you might like his presentation skill? I haven’t heard his talk on dating but if I know you, that become a pass time hobbit, if you are not so in hurry to whistle thinking your untimely death?

Don’t tell me about Apple ...

 Don’t tell me what they have to say .... did I tell you I CANNOT read the book?

FINALLY ! You got something that is YOURS for 2000 years artifacts ! 

Did we want to start with that? 

You parenting in decades on kids like Loving Your silent tears? You should have grown in your ‘wisdom’ not just talking to Apple on their building floor on why is everyone else is targeting at you?

Just imagine their new building don’t exist, they don’t know you or I story....but IF IF somewhere in this world, there are buildings with people in it are just like they Apple with conference room doing stuffs, can you registers there are people around, and not if they are real and maybe not around ?

Do I know you were tagging along in 2014, I have no ideas what exactly you were doing that entire year while I was busy? 

I don’t care if I say they were giant stuff ...I say someone looks like somebody on the TV!!

You wish they don’t know. Do they tell you they have the highest people with the IQ could understand more stuffs working for them the entire Valley? 

I was the one running around without knowing !!

Jobs die on years, I know.

Your death date blows whistle ....why don’t you say that to the US on their whistle blowers on Classify? If ET is not negative, you plan to travel out with them? Like the world atmosphere is without the lid? It’s gaseous bubbling out ? 

YEAH! JUST like without gravity !!

I cannot even describe A THING if you don’t understand !


 I don’t care whom Keanu, Simon, or Eben might be on the history book, whether Buddhism or Hinduism. 

I am not just educated here outside China sea like ch air like The chairman, I live in the US to be living among them. You thought I cannot repriment you in Chinese ? THAT is not loud enough in English !!!

For what your talent can do... 

I KNOW my talent - what CAN BE DONE.

Eben is looking for you ... why don’t you say India is looking for you?

You miss them West world new age combine, so everything you believe to become ism?

West world don’t beat people up culture, because there is nobility in that setting.

Swami order if exist

China monk if exist

I toddler exist? 

I can only just talk you for I am more noble than you words simply I say 帝王高貴者. There is nothing we can relate to each other. Not class issue or Heaven or Hell.

You are pry to my stuffs like you used to. My stuff is for some reason always end up to Wallace before, not just because he was the chief guard of the entire royal army. Try China now maybe you are too free on this island no eyes on you could possibly “identify” by your trait. 

Should I phone to France or Germany border you pass by often ? Because I used to have a tendency to see territory vision how can it possibly be story circulating fast?

I ONLY imagine AMerica and China knows, if Eben knows, that makes India Orderly order might be just glue on it.