
Your book note

 Your every chapter first line to take out as the new index page

Under Jobs,

Then Elihu 

Then Elihu


At this my heart pound and leap

The Lord speaks 

Do you know when the moutain goat gives birth

The Lord said 2 

2 years on YouTube demonstrating topics

Then one year off 2020, I take down everything 

I woke up one day, finding you have no master 

I read Bible revelation and thought of Apple so read 

I talk one video or this year, you have this website

I read Jobs only index headlines to be remembered I have play FarmVille 2 on ipad for Christmas because I gives my phone to Sariputra, I only get ipad. So I get a white and a black mountain goat for close to Valetines/Chinese new year calendar  

Now, I didn’t read any other jobs no time. Before I find out T, and 梯形

King, jobs, Timothy

I remember TEsla die and years, 44 1856-1900  1943, that’s in between half just like if you line up old testament and new testament straight line down, it’s “ in between T “one straight line down.

So I cannot read.

But I did read 1 King index headline only. About Solomon building a temple. Let’s just say 2013 years ago I was building the city of light RNA to AGT, the reference is crossing. 

Jobs final words to his friends if not within the tutoring jobs I used to have or Facebook closing climate change campaign, there was at YouTube for UB 2020 during that 2 years YouTube making.

Right now, that’s ending.

The other ‘to jobs’

Ice skating and comet math, I could not recall other video as clear as these two. It seems to have a problem on people by signature. 

Fish hook content I read about young women like Anan, such as witness ...meaning like them doing my signature move on ice skating or comet math.

It could be waiting the years to happen but that’s when I read in one shot.

I have nothing to read, that’s ended index.

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