
Fist on blue sapphire


Sigh A poor e =eat

I ate I ate ...I cannot eat that much sometimes. I gain 20 kg and then reduce 10 kg.

Babaji: Lupin, she cannot tear apart Tesla patent because her playlist on “within”

 Ghost comes to the house. Patent secures things where we live at. She can tear apart my books red or blue but I don’t think she got a nerve to tear Tesla patent in any means. - Babaji.


 Hi !

“He tells you to talk to us?”

Kinda of.

... ...

I have watched a lot of the video just like when I research Simon for his TYG. I sing your song

“I can see that”

I wrote a story about you them. ...I didn’t tell my family about it so I don’t think I would ever return to the US.

“The money?”

Yeah, to return here last time, I spent all Rockfeller gives me money to get back 2016 for 2015 Flower Thousand Bone.

“He told you?”

Yes. My sister with her husband hit me so I ran off there as well. To go to Apple.

“Did you visit them?”


“Why not?”

I wrote to them on the phone everyday. Very very very exhausted on that traveling was on going moving to different driving to late night and find a hotel and hoping there is a room. For 3 or 4 months. None stop driving.

“He made you?”


“Do you know it was Babaji?”

Not yet, the One, he shows up later.

Babaji: you can tell him (Lupin)


I don’t dare to read anything TEsla had because I got hit before so many times already 2015. You are the connection of the past and the modern era. Tesla him and Westinghouse, me and Simon.

Is “your daughter SMCH “ called you ?

“She is not mine daughter”

Oh okay ...

“What do you want to say before”

I hit draco, like Tesla hitting Marconi. That’s Howard Stern. Tesla has a connection with the Mars. He written that down. So if the movie says Azkaban jail, that communication what according to what I think he would ever do...might not telling his story like the movie says. It’s the Bible, but I cannot read it. The seal is Lamb? My blood. I better not read it.

Babaji: your content in your words are not useless things they speak.

 They actually go by each sentence ?

Babaji: that’s what makes them the expert.

Dinosour calls

 Babaji: no they didn’t. 

... I used to repeat mantra while cleaning and cooking the kitchen with a natural rhythm. But it’s not until 15 years later I found out 2018 while I see myself cooking. It’s not the martial art, it’s the rhythm...

Babaji: they know what it is. What else?

I follow the instruction but I start to do fasting in days to a week to several weeks. And i did have the experience.

Babaji: what’s the experience ?

Beas book says moon, sun, star...our galaxy here is pluto or whatever it’s behind the sun after the moon.

Babaji: where did you go ?

It’s a funny thin human Queen gives me a gold solid and I keep it. It’s not by like free will. It just flows.

Babaji: did she say anything ?

No. There is another heart story, there is a box, there is a spider in it. It was gone. There is an old man. I called her in and she carry the 觀音菩薩water spray the room.

Babaji: and brighter?

I can see better a little bit. There is the old man. Like I told Wallace.

Babaji: he is the spider.

No, Tony is the spider man, it’s just not fit ...

Babaji: they say do you know the actor’s name in the spider man?

Yeah Tony. They air in the TV all the time.

Babaji: you want to tell them yourself or I tell them?

 I saw 尊上 from Flower Thousand Bone and 天啓 in X man Apocalypse.

Babaji: go on.

I don’t have that voice.

Babaji: they know.

I remember what I said, there is someone coming back as a green mask guy like 天啓 in Diaz movie next by CHASEz looking

Babaji: and?

I don’t know why it looks like that. 

They say

 Babaji: they say you do it so naturally if no one interrupts that.

....they are airing the Lupin now on my TV with Azkaban story.

Babaji: what do you think?

(Shake my head) he is not like that ...this is the entire world are water filled.

Babaji: Like JC sings? What do you think JC sits in the judge panel?

How many people I am looking for the numbers?

Babaji: (Pat Pat head) A lot!

JC like he reads all these story and be cut in pieces ?

Babaji: they all got cut in certain way with this.

Yeah, I know. But I must write it down. 


 Babaji: they say not I say ...you have a way to turn everyone looks like a stupid idiot person just about every words you say to them with your face, your gesture or with your eye moving around a crossing the stage field ...

I was in a hurry to explain certain facts in a very short brief summary.

Babaji: that’s not the excuses but I love that facts! I wish Yogananda could do that to shine the entire India to the science meeting when they collect 1000 Russia scientist to sit again with him in it this time!!

Babaji : what do you think Levine to be your voice judges ?

 He is a singing chair judges on the stage.

Babaji: what does that mean?

They read what everyone else hand them the scripts?

Babaji: oh ~ not you making fun of him on your prom dress.

You mean everyone else has a hard time saying that as a fact for him to sit in and listen to?

Babaji: maybe he is not all that bad guy to you like how you kick his face on your video...

Really? He didn’t know who my buddies friends they are on his video?

Babaji: I am sure he is reflects on it, doesn’t he?

Wait a second ...the voice expert that supposes to evaluate my voice is whom?

 Simon is a singing mogul

Babaji: what does that mean?

He cannot just go by line by line to check behind the voice what’s my voice is different than the others?

Babaji: uh ha! You say that yourself.

Okay I listen a few now.

 I think everyone all doing some catchy things to get the audience to listen to them, or to get them to laugh. I have no idea what was they laughing for actually...

They tell you a story, they formulate the words and the speech. And they ensure the pitch tones of the voice they use was a professional one.

Are you examine me by “coldness to things”? Or I imagine that?

Babaji : you imagine that.

... ... everyone all express in a day to day public arena how everyone else is expressions. There is nothing I see wrong. There is growing up story, or family baby photo ...


Fine ...can you just...

Babaj shake his head: it’s not fine.



煤氣 is burning coal, of course it’s not the biofuel


煤是燃燒的石頭,那個不是 bio fuel. It’s a rock type、其他我好像還沒有聽完



 我覺得我只是再跟你們聊天,建華人呢?聊天跟公眾講話有什麼關係?公眾講話才需要寫稿子的,我有看我上傳的影片,我沒有剩下很多,應該沒有到要去把 TED 台北系列給毀了吧!但我問一下

Grades 好像是 96, 你們好像是 57, AB 沒有C. 不知道是哪一科的


TED Taipei 我其實沒有講中文長篇大論的影片


我大部分只是在 comment 電影錯綜複雜的語言用法、我有生化的影片



You all become very creative with the AI technology. 

What if I repeat the TED speakers presentation scripts on their power point slide?

Don’t tell me I destroy them too...

I don’t use those words. I just don’t talk like that.


 Him 大頭 was training them 10. Or Anan was right behind him.

It’s like the 夢幻遊戲. The temperament and the arena is similar like now. Unless something important, me and her don’t have a dialogue. Check their video, there is 女眾 also on the audition site in the backstreet boy. The women back up troops.


There are Masters groups with very lousy disciples. My jobs were to lead my national guards to beat these disciples to kneel to their master like 七殺

For that, it’s Life after Life merits to be 帝王

Your Master

 It’s the Chinese people talk about the Master power saving them. I believe the India concept like Yogananda and his Master. It’s a personal training. I don’t have a personal training with her!! You the Chinese can keep talking those words I don’t register when the reality was not personal. You can repeating that another hundred thousand times, I don’t give a crap at it. This big lineage is a flood definite to open a spot seat like me? Do you know they actually evaluate this one seat how priceless supposes to be? Not just the master power didn’t ensure e everyone’s monitor didn’t get destroy, that’s Shiva? The mantra is supposed to destroyed your internal thoughts structure. Of course it has black magic. Not coming outside the lineage door to go fight others unless she made a word OU like that - she still responsible for all the damage this far happened. 

Correct, I just think that way. I don’t blame the responsibility. I only comment that fact is as clear as that meant to me.

My belief system

 They evaluate me will tell you I am more close to the ancient Chinese teaching ...they have to find those and then evaluate ABC.

I don’t have a faith.

I don’t have a prayer. I won’t be jealous to my friends if they all turn out fine. Like you pray for them but then got jealous? You might as well don’t even pray at it. 見人不好

Evil personality has faith or prayer? So? I told you BTX church group I change to 邪惡小仙童

There is a lot of things I don’t hold the same belief to any Western people, nor their ABC.

I don’t like the music or the movies. When going to the spiritual road, it’s a definite road straight ahead. There is little things I do to carry that spirituality to evolve. Chinese teaches to empty your mind but why India teaches the mind to hold the mantra and suggest you to have more labor types of works? You have to understand the brain, or the mind. Chinese defines words different. I used to spent 8 hours on the body, the mind and the heart talk behind.

When I was in the elementary school, I went to clean the floor with a bucket and cold water mops. I had the working maid cloth. Second grade and Third grade...later I might turn out better. It’s the monastery training but I was not doing that for that reason. I just don’t like to be in the class. 

禪 定 淨 空 悟

聽到悟, 電視說什麼就『定』什麼『悟』什麼

The answer?

 ET is the genetics expert so they might understand it ...you all?

Do you even been to a lab yet in bio for a test tube filled with something called “amniotic fluid”?

Just tell ET, that’s God’s one single cell.

I am sure your exam paper reach your table before I reach them like in Space, what the heart magic witch to do with whom lower biggest fight with the ET.

Dark Magic

 You will have a precept not telling the lies like the politician then you could have the gold power to cursed others, don’t you think?

How to be birth at entering a world with Metal existing environment ? 金

How to be birth at entering a world with Wood existing environment ? 木

How to be birth at entering a world with Water existing environment ? 水

How to be birth at entering a world with Fire existing environment ? 火

How to be birth at entering a world with Earth existing environment ? 土

If using the classify leaking information, ET sells human birth certificate, then how is the Upmost Ancient Evil Black Wizard pre-birth to enter a none norm magic Land by what? Face, or gender, classify classroom ?

It’s just how or why like “Liquid Dream” from O Town. (They look like the people I used to see them in SA Union.) - this is a very very wet planet. Humidity and the environment.

5 (the playlist )

 1 Gold 2 Silver 3 copper 4 iron 金銀銅鐵 | Magic cannot have a confusion 2,4 front back,back front, wrong

= either 1234”5”

Or “5”4321

They have these Level things in the Beas or Ma’am Ching Hai’s lineage.

1 2 3 4 5

5 4 3 2 1

Yeah, it’s the color image has a problem. No, I don’t remember her instruction has anything with the silver, but The Sailor Moon Chinese name for the Crystal is 魔幻銀水晶

Comment on Eben’s video on the playlist Lodovico

 That’s 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 ...

It’s the video after he says he does not sing, after the princess blue “Cinderella”

Try out their listening, the Millitary? So fast ~ I knew it!


Da Vinci gossip to Lodovico Sforza continue Flower Thousand Bone 14th episode to 40th episode

 Da Vinci just cannot stop gossip gossip gossip ear drop to Lodovico... the actual Flower Thousands Bone (2015) has the entire series 50 episodes. But there is a repeat button I Da Vinci used to buzz at! How is your golden buzz playing on the stage? I heard they also have these buzz like a game play on the back in the Millitary quarter to get the feel of your air break excitement for 19th century feels. No, I didn’t tell them that. They got a microphone too 🎤.

In case you cannot get the English translation fast enough for this old Chinese Ancient drama, they are selection made in the competition between groups of people to select their lineage door. I have explain the overall drama break down in one video during 2018-2019, correct the 3 Stages. But the repeat buzz at 14th episode from the 40th episode was the number issues. It’s the final verdict that comes in from the guy name 摩嚴 who looks like a beard a over his mouth, and had a son that’s her guard 子歇 looking when she turns a red dress looking in the overall series of the story, like me and Wallace situation, the National guard idea or in Chinese it’s 侍衛長.

Yeah, the blonde hair next by the Chasez position in that One photo under my navigation bar on this website, kinda like an assasin guard. That photo is from the comic book manga 花冠安琪兒. 

No my story line is not that story. It’s completely off that saying, but Da Vinci shows up in that comic series. So Simon you would know the story has a blonde hair vs black hair comparison. If you come to Taiwan one day, you should visit my cousin here at Plant. Gluten free restaurant. I was going to get her name but my parents changed it to current name. 

My story line is about the “Nature border of a World” is divide by its nature landscape like “Water” or “ water frontier”. Ankeseamen (Spiritual Power) would not think anything else outside that original Land over seize power by Keanu and Tony, the right side two guy on the One Photo in the picture. One day, it’s by the request of the Justin, JC went to get Ankehesamen. The reason is, to get the Spirituslity into that land where they 3 are. Lance Bass were their two teacher, he was like a Japanese swordman an High Priest. I didn’t know where the King comes from. My story is a high Priest. 

Back to Ankehesamen....In the Ancient time, it’s an absolute law. The actual belief, you can imagine Egyptian Ancient time by Birth, it’s the Blood line, you just grow not to think, anything else “Less” crossing the Water Frontier to across the Water. ( you see the marriage line in Red River Mamga Ay). It says Ancient Egypt. It came just meant a very remote, long distancing time where there was old old old Beliefs. Even the modern Egypt dynasty had 3 division, Old Egypt, Middle Egypt and Later Egypt.

You know where I used to leave at 5 Lake region . Yeah, Buffalo. But Anan moved to North Barrie up to Moskoka, Canada. There is entire water all around. This concept is not facilitate in the modern land and the modern laws or the modern transportation means. Another time of the Old Age in different worlds to travel across the Water has to used the means by a dragon. The actual flying dragon ...

(Da Vinci cannot stop ear dropping to continue to tell Lodovico...)

Ankehesamen was sick, before Ancient Chasez can move her, she was already move to a beach away from Tony and the gardener Anan, that’s the black hair looking “guy” not the girl on the One Photo. Correct, not the comic book story. I am talking about my side of story.

So, to get a doctor in. The Conan has a character college guy with light curve blonde mixing color with the eye glasses come to heal her. They move to his country. That’s my friend here went to MD school. 

However they have a water filling up to the sky problems so Ankehesamen cannot leave that place until the water has to recess down and his hair has to cut short, then, both Tony and Ancient Chasez can come in to take her home. (JC Chasez has a song : You Ruined Me)

The story however went about how was Justin decide to blow up Tony’s land ...to not let Ankehesamen spirituality to stay that land....Keanu, the One went to tell Tony to leave that place before the completely annihilation happened to explore that entire territory with the old home.

So after Ancient Chasez moves Ankehesamen to his Land, there is a Britney story on “A Girl Not Yet A Women”. It’s a natural landscape again with the water scenery. It’s sunshine all over mild climate, they have a nature flower as big as to put two people on the flower bed to be close in. It’s a nature inhabitant where it’s different from the Earth today we living in the world that has pollution or pollutant from the factory with the black smoke or impure substance in the air. 

The memory Ancient Chasez to Ankehesamen was an obsession. The Black hair Ankehesamen like the Red River Manga Egyptian princess. Except that story don’t have the set up like the Red River saying to have a Mother.

When a book is made, because you know there is a frame issue, the edge of both Egyptian and Hittite both has a Queen. +1 for an edge. In my story line, the Hittite side has no prince issues...it’s a forest. Trees. No, not like the forest Dean. You don’t call them Prince in Hittite if they even exist. You seem Yogi Bear (Movie), there are forests with 2 a i age bears + a turtle. Again it’s 3 position.

Modern time has a book, in the Ancient Old Time, it’s not like that. Books? What’s a book? Spirituality is not a written down or a thing to define curses! The black magic. It’s completely absurd if you are saying without the Egyptian Laws, you could just break the law and get a severe punishment. Because the blood born statue, those laws are made to joke, not really a problem. There is no way, a blood crown person can possibly break an ancient Egyptian law, just quote my word. There is no way. Correct, because it’s a nature blood born into that Setting of the environment.

There is no Queen not a mother, there is only Ankehesamen.

世界末日 Bruce William and his daughter Grace vs a finance Ben afflix (Movie: Armageddon 1998)

 Yeah if Simon, he would know these position person.

Ben Affilix is vs to Michael Vartan to the Alias Jennifer(?) - dating gossip. ( Vartan is the position after JC falls on the stage for the Madison square the comet video NSYNC had. It’s darkness. The exchange to sunshine, there is a Vartan.) you just believe what I told you now.

If I say JC wiki photo looks like Ben and Vartan has a blonde hair.

We are still talking about Justin vs JC position. But Vartan is another.

This Bruce William movie : Armageddon (1998) has a daughter Grace is in the Lord of Ring that married to Keanu looking girl. The same actress. Yeah I heard what happened to her. She gain a huge of weight. Like MM initial at New Testament the first two chapter title. 

This movie Armageddon (1998) 世界末日where the space program involved pentagon and collects a series experts to this space project. There are Russian, Japan and France. 

Talking to Simon about the entire Hollywood gossip ...Bruce William also in Red 2010 has some car chasing scene, very accurate at his gun shooting. Yah. I know he Bruce William also a good friend to Tess (another name for Tesla) in Ocean 12 movies when they face night fox? FOX, F O X. Right like You’ve Got Mail (1998), NY 152 on wiki, like SMCH birthday 512.

She has a father, like Lupin in Harry Potter, Wolf is like Fox. F O X. The take over, the Chinese Tibetan Buddhism (Dr Steve Hairfield is a Tibetan American monk ) close the shop around corner like SMCH.

Avenger, Iron man, Avenger End game, X man

 Simon you read Iron story in the Red River manga 赤河魅影 explaining 500 years ago, iron saying ?

500 years ago, it is Da Vinci Time.

I have watched these, it’s on my cable here. When I return to Taiwan, I have the access to the mainstream media. 

Crazy Asian Rich (Movie) also have a wedding, and it’s water flowing in the walkway. It’s all about these Water crisis!! Staining the water. In Chinese it’s more clear. 沾水,making the terms short and concise saying, that’s all. 

Avenger Ultron Age, has a hammer guy looks like Brat Pitt. It’s in the industry? There is someone looks like JC. The arrow shooting guy, and his family all gone, he started to massacred on the street. In the End game when they were searching the jems for the gloves. 

But Avenger...average ?? I cannot spell, what’s your grade report, Simon? Lamb, has a b in the word.

Slam Dunk, their scores? Uhmmm.... 

I don’t particularly like the spider man and they make it separate old spider man and a new Spider-Man under your manage property with your buddy guard. The fat guy. MJ (Mary Jean) looks different not only, entire feels are different too. 

The red hair girl has the hand power with a guy looks like Lance Bass, they travel fast, that guy in the Ultron movies. It’s a little bit near by the story I keep saying. The Ancient Chasez story. The 3 position between Justin, JC and Lance Bass. You can see it almost a lot of places. 

Lady, did you read the Jobs 37?

 So here we have a case...

You wonder who is Eben Pagan ...Like you read the Venusian Tesla Book, there is Frank and Francius....

Babaji made me do this.... if there is a wedding, no no....you have to make Eben prey to you as he is the predator, not by force, but by equal modern laws, that people agree to stay together or to be married together. 

Job 37, talking about his voice like thunder....like I said, I know whom Simon or Keanu might be in the last life, I had no idea who Eben is. Beside, we were just speculating he was Neville in Harry Potter study Herbalogy...funny thing to my degree of experty in herbs in real life. But he was re-made into the Tesla's movie, Coco ...so Babaji wants to ask you, if there is a such day, you are free to pursue your love and hate strategy in the human world, you might lose the 5 Lords like Anna told you, NSYNC+her Friends from UB, no matter if they all been married like the Adam Levine told Anna in his song, with their faces shown ....

How do you make Eben likes about you?

The Liver Cleansing and the Gallbladder

 Starting at 1:24, you will see the liver stones, and the bigger ones, are the gallbladder stones.

Why giving up the books is important for the Spiritual Practice?

 I didn't really like the book, okay? I intuitively gear away and become less and less reading....one is because in English I don't learn adjective. Secondly, I feel the intuition faculty in my brain, I just don't want more words to bound me towards the gravity. I don't know how to describe I have that knowing. You have to ask the professionals, they have a better words to say it out loud. 

Of course I don't explain those things to Anan. We are not the same believing things in any nature. He talks a lot about himself. I hardly saying anything with two of us living together under the same roof. I understand what he is saying, with all the Master's Teaching or the Master's power etc etc...but I won't be using those words to describe my life, or how life turns out to be a Universal Plan under? 

Feel better? The "Universe Plan" Under.

Reading less books, don't mean, I forget what I used to learn in my middle school classroom, these Climate Change.... I just don't get the book to re-reading it to you, but if they give me a book, at least, we can start all over the same thing all over again.

yeah, I have a strong hold in my memory. I just cannot get to the medical school, the way they set me. I didn't destroy the medical school, if that is what Keanu has to go and poking around. 

But I know what I did....they suppose to know that too. It was on the video. I can upload that, so destroy my friends profession? yeah, that sounds right!

I was 22 started meditation.

 I was half initiated like age 10. So my family had some meditation time, but as a child, I don't know what those mean. 

If we argue I have to wait til 22 my age, I start to meditation, and wait for a year 23 to get the initiation, you want to make that a natural progression how he Yogananda supposed to get the calling by a dream? You don't think these things just happened by chance? 

For me it is like that, Ma'am Ching Hai, cannot do much, the group is too big, everyone is on their own to turn out discipline as they should. Except, most people don't know I have a Chinese background until the "Fight" breaks lose! 

You had my Chinese Writing in their literacy words. The 成語

Those are not the light phrases I am using to describe things, or events, or people's personality, or occasionally the TV frameworks.  

If you don't show me a photo to the Chinese, but only just by the words they are readings, they would feel what they feel, they know these stuffs, who is that person saying it??? Then there is my photo? The 邪惡小仙童? That terms is not on the TV, that terms is what I teaching you all saying it. From knowing myself only? or everything I know, to conclude it for you, I give up the pheonix Church groups in BTX. In case someone wants to sit in that position.

If you want to be nature....some people going to the professional school, while I giving up the entire worlds to pursue my spiritual practices, and then giving up a lot of my works along the way, to go home....same times, all my friends making it to the Medical School? You really want to do that to Yogananda?  As an a newly graduate Indian ABC? Seriously? 

He HAS to do it on his own. (Babaji says)

Seriously, that is by Heaven's will...I don't have other words to tell you.

So when we go back to Britney "Hold it Against Me"

 So if we go back to the Britney's video, "Hold it Against Me", the Red and the Blue.

That is a real fight between them. They are boys. The Sangha made of boys that as a group. Tell me what do I think that looks like that?

Millitary guys are being trained to have discipline ....why don't they asking me that, what do I think Babaji meant, the training, is to be less than the millitary? so the millitary guys generally look more handsome?

These photo frames things, normally, a renunciation person don't care about it, but what if there is people who cares about it? 

Normally I don't think that matter, what made of your inside matter! But Babaji photo has a make-up on !! So there is something going on!! 

Okay, what I can tell you was ....I was being let go there doing whatever I want to do with the spiritual practice. Ma'am Ching Hai, just let it be....so I was free doing what I want to get things done for myself. I had a Chinese early childhood TV influence, what the spirituality meants. I seen the monks, and talks, of few Chinese simple words, and "din!" Be Still in the meditation. Just a small saying.

Does Babaji meant the Chinese Words Slowly progression makes Hasty? 淺移默化? 循序漸進?

If you don't discipline people, people don't just grow on them own. You want to say, discipline Yogananda daily, every minute on top of him? That is not how I was learning my journeys these decades of a spiritual practices. You need to say that to the monks, whom have experience in Chinese religion, Chinese Ancient drama, my words saying here and there, and Westerners psychology, "Slow progression makes it hasty". 

For that, I cannot understand what to do with Yogananda.

Free wandering? or you guys have to be on top of him, all the time?

Keanu has a lot of interviews done to speak in public

 Because he is the One for the movie purpose. He actually done a lot of interviews and public talks. He says he reads a lot of books.

I didn't read a book after the school finished, really.....I turn onto the internet reading and the listening the online stream TV or online seminar in my English learning curves. By listening. 

When you say someone gone to a spiritual practice ....because I didn't really have someone on top of me all the time, my learning curves were less and less to do with a book frames in my hands. 

This part, someone may know what I am saying.


You have a book knowledge but later when you go on the martial Art like the Chinese Ancient, you are less bounded by the "reading alphabet words" but more and more in intuitive sense to wave the swords in your hands, if that is how to describe it.

I gear away the book, because I just don't like them, anymore. But occasionally I read BEAS magazine hard binding books, just few words here and there, or like Eben's video. I listen to him, a very short clip, and make sure I deliver what he said. I craft a bullet list of what he said I can be doing that day, and I make sure, I make it that teaching. 

So the learning curves, what I am trying to say was how that matched to the spiritual practice. There is no telepathy, there is no vision, you just solitude work out yourself inside and outside, by mechanism meditation. No particular reason doing that, I just doing it that way.

One Call Away

 Yeah, you can say that, with Babaji, that is One Call Away Situation before. That was a lot of stuffs for 7 years. If they didn't say that, I won't be saying it. But okay, they did.

There is someone is with you, you can see it, in the video.

😯 How did I get back in your group at 2005

 I was reading Bible at that time, New Testament. Then one day, I had a dream, you are in it. The gift piling up to the ceiling while I stand next by you, on the right side, you were sitting down, dark hair, short, white robes.

So I went to Fanny to ask where are you, and she sent me a few links where you had video on. You don't have that many resource at that time, not as organize as you did later on a year or two after that. 

Then that was one more year to go with the school, to graduate, so I wait for a year, before there is an initiation. That's about it. 

I met Sherry (Buffalo) and Debra (Rochester) but I am not close to them. I don't think our practices are that similar belief. I didn't really hang out with them, that is more precise to say.

Later Anan shows up, so I just hanging around him, and figure it out what to do with life. The internet was blooming ! I start to make a website.

Frontpage I start to learn position in the navigation and header, and pages elements.

Then I learn photoshop, joomla, sitesell later on to evolve to Google keyword search and more software using. Other developed the software, and I am learning to use it. That is when the Internet Marketing that Anan knows about them, how I start to know some of their names on the market. I don't really believe those methodology ...because there is part of scam in it idea. If truly looking deeply those frameworks. They target at people with less Internet skill, that demographic niche might change after more generation pass on. At least that is from what I observe the new generation might not like the older people to spend money. So my targeting idea in my niche was very few...because the age bracket is relatively younger, like the college students. They don't have money! You might have seen the video. Then one day, India from Harvard University step in. They had all subjects tutoring, that was when I decide to continue or to close down. So when I was developing the RNA/DNA map, I give up that niches in Organic Chemistry. Its a very small niche I think. Yeah, I close down the whole operation, the website, the video channels.

How do I feel? (Babaji asked)

... ... I just did what I feel was right to do. Not particularly feeling....feeling tired, not much results coming it. There is a saying on everyone's table, you need about 5% turn over rate...it was not like that to see the statistic, I had only one page got index more on the Google Search Engine. I was telling what happened with the students making a 868% percent error in her lab results. That is what got index on Google Search Engine? Did I ask myself what was that 868% percent error got to do with the index algorithm?


India, hi, about what if I am too harsh on little boy like Yogananda?

 I am a science major, when they debates, it’s only beat each other with words and actual knowledge firms on the science, not really by vision ...I read Yogananda has a lot of that kind of talk. I never say I got a vision. Of course, I don’t believe a thing but I write to everyone the same story.

Lance Bass has a podcast show now

 I didn’t really listen to before ... ...he has a kitchen show or something with the gays and a podcast. 

I ... Simon, that Ancient Chasez with the blonde hat

 They might be back.

Lance’s tweeter has a crown. That position is a high Priest position. The comic book is not the actual story I know. But I have heard, they are back. I thought it was just a story telling ...

Comic book: 花冠安琪兒

Snape memory

 The prophecy to the boys birthday was the end of July.


His birthday 729

(He is on that One Photo, next by Keanu) right hand side.

White dragon with 3 them drops in the water

 Deathly Hallow Part II

That would be Keanu too and Hermione. 3 soaking in the water.

Babaji wants all that subjects in, from now on ...

 He now knows so much can be done.

He wants all to be done.

Sports car ...

 I read Keanu sports car. Yogananda... again?

The red and blue pill like his group, so he is THE One?

Trinity would be someone looks like his skin ? I thought he had a very bad feeling thing with the women. People like them don’t talk, how do you find a liking or dislike by guessing? Even the tone of the voice in writing can have a feeling for others how you talk, but did he could speak out right in English? Not just he keep saying God inspired him to do, what’s in public works he had, because my God is kidnapping to me to do, that Bible says a slave, meaning working hard day and night ...

Harry went to swimming too!!

 To find a sword, Harry went into a lake and touch the water too.

They are engaged! ... ...maybe Simon, you should find that movie. It’s a white guy marry to an Asian family and he visit them here in Asia. She went to swim, then when they get married, the entire wedding photo with people are black and white.

Lord of Ring, that ring was at the sunshine scene, in the water got pick up, later, it falls 500?years? Darkness where the goblin lives scene. You check it!

You got X rays? The pelvic bone + the spine ? Iron man? I read the newspaper. You looking for something ? Sailor moon has this. The two deathly hallow.


“They succeed to make all those pitch perfect movies 2012, 2015, 2017; they finally succeed to make her sing 2018, 2019, both work together succeed to destroyed everyone’s moniter....”

Did I say I only heard that rumor your monitor might get destroyed? But if you don’t keep looking like me lost all the photo...soon, you gonna turn back normal. 



Pitch Perfect 123

 I just watch the Pitch Perfect 1. (2012)

Justin? In the very ending on audition. There is JC.

They already know? Only I didn’t. How do I think? There is an Indian in the boy’s group.

Do they ... Indian have some more developed area? They are 3rd world country. Meaning water, or every household has a toilet? Rockefeller said they don’t !! Of course I have doubts. 

But they got Millitary ...Apple only got to their Millitary level? Uhm... ...

The general mass has to reach some mutual understanding before they can ...evaluate.

Simon received a letter after Westinghouse die.

 I believe it was Tesla wrote that. About landing to a new world like Mars, he would survive himself fine.

Eben has also quote a similar saying himself said if anyone could survive going to a new city. Like Miguel in Coco story, a brand new world. After life world.

If I got drop down again without anything with me, can I use a similar library system on similar Google blog to wire the new territory in my experty here or elsewhere? Just an example. 

You can reflect on what do you really got on traveling ...

For example, Nominji you know?

 VS has an “Black Eye Peas” band singing looks like her face. (2009)

Do you like how she turns out when you watch her grow? 

Likewise 2018, there is black with gold necklace on Rita Ora.

Kail says you better just stay in the Palace, it’s Ramese told you imposter to wander outside the Palace.

The recent Aladdin has a princess story with a street guy+a monkey. Today because each nation differently, if people choose to live on the street, it’s totally mental if you can just go home with your family. But in Anan time, he didn’t have a lot of schooling so he started with swiping the floor on the street and later becomes a governmental worker. He would tell me I don’t live in the reality because our age gap is big! He had to go through a lot as a guy. 

I am a girl. My physical condition is very weak compare to a lot of guys. I cannot do a lot!

自然組 vs 社會組

 Do you have that in Vietnam? In Taiwan, there’s girls comparison. Schooling.

More science team vs social humanitarian groups

I don’t really have that many boys friends to ask but there is division if they dating a lot of girls.

Does Eben date a lot of girls like on the stage?

... ... a lot of guys can date a lot of girls, not just Eben, honey!

Miguel VS 2017 Told you so

 I think ...you have to ask the guy the first impression on the underwear dress like that. 

It’s a high end underwear show. “They told you so” probably very true. 

Yeah, people know the word, “it’s not sexy at all”

Meaning it’s Beas all over? It looks very colorful but strange. 

Like 2008 Victoria Secret “With You” vs 2018 Harsley “Without Me” - you can compare.

Part 6

 Fine. I heard.

Over 35 years, at least you can talk decent in the Public. That’s more than fine already.

Politician they 掰 stuffs. You each day is becoming more like them in the public speaking skill. Just be aware, you are in the spiritual groups, not like them. 

Part 5 Fallen Angel

 Winning or losing, you mean Britney Lucky?

I don’t think hard on that. Things have to evolve, you turn out to be fine to me so far. 

That’s what happened with Clinton? I see. Good.

If I were you, I might still not do anything. I am more near by the edge a lot of things. 

But that’s good you trial out something. 

His name was Chris, later now Jason

 Jason Pang, Last name.

He is on the Instagram. His mother uses his friend photo to get in there because he is not updating in Facebook. You have to join-in in the Instagram, there you will see he is very ABC!

Taipei station 2 F


Ella Enchanted & Princess Diary

 He is the third & he rock climbing.

I don’t rock climbing. I just don’t. 

I used to tell Keanu, that’s 26, and that’s Adam’s fan club, his name was Keanu middle name Char. 

26 is the love potion lady, whatever I got in my mind that time.

But okay, my brother had met Adam before. Yeah!

You are Sariputra’s Master so you should hear this ...

 He came back to Taiwan like every year since 2002

I came back 2007 your retreat a month, 2010 8 months after I graduate 2009 winter MLS (Da Vinci inheritance for Rockefeller) , 2016 9/17 up to now.

I give him my iphone to use this winter because his iPhone somehow don’t wake him up. He is extremely no patience person. So I had only ipad, that’s when I play FarmVille 2. (The mountain goat) The year is in fact ...

He is not like 輕輕一笑很傾城 the MTV. 

He is not here, I try but he is very very money and his friend, his life oriented. We don’t ever talk, really. He talks to his mother every week or every other week. I didn’t really communicate with her until I come back here. Not really me and her ever talk about anything. I was on myself.

I only know Buddha story is to tell him go back to his mother, that’s it. Things are not looking pretty. That’s why originally I was going to borrow your 子歇,this group still is a big group like a Sangha group, but he is not like me. Money talk is very important to him, very important.

😨 I read it twice, Eben

 First time I turn black.I don’t know what’s wrong with you, Eben. I read the second times to make sure I didn’t see it wrong. Don’t remember if it’s in between 錐心致痛

You looks like Kail’s close brother. No, I was not thinking the Bible verse. My device was broken at that time, I am in a hurry to try to think how to get people to fix it.  No. My heart don’t pound and leap. Wallace wrote me a song. 碎片

But I see what you mean. I better not reading so, you read.


You all film yourself ...

 Do I want to ask how one day you all finally made it on the video? Side by side next to me? To your friends ! Ready to shown to any big name people at all? Shamelessly? How to look? What? Not to care about Wallace? Do you actually want him to feel you care for him or not? You cannot half half your heart shows up on the video. 

How do I think Wallace look at my video? 我覺得你建華覺得我的影片怎麼樣?

I didn’t have time to even think of that. Not really, 我其實沒有時間去想過那個問題

I used to tell him, I cannot tell Asian people’s face so he might thought I don’t know who I am talking to that time. 我說喔之前跟你建華說我看不出亞洲人,所以他可能想我不知道我在跟誰說話那時候

Part 3 & 4 Fallen Angels

 Dark magic ... you learn what you did was not correct?

If you really know, then, that’s good. Just tell BEAS they made the lineage too easy for others to steal ... can you say that without shame?

Part 4, Atlantis ... you are in the modern times and the teaching is to be compassionate, just learn that. The other story may have all different meanings in different Era of Time. 


 What is this time now? Or before?

I heard, I don’t know what is that about.

Your money and my money issue

 I lent to my host family 3000 USD, they didn’t return in 2001. In Sep. that’s 3000 people dead on wiki.

I don’t think when they talk about the money, they are joking.

Your disciples including your father should be aware of that.

No, I have asked them, I even went to EF. Nothing is heard it back when I found out.

What’s your hard earn money is yours ...I have no question about it.

It’s your hunger game and theirs.

 Do you check your sponsor looking like Dr Will Turtle or??

Your students will work out the plans on them own!

Your disciples think ...

 They think you have hear too many words from me. 

No no ...it’s we used to have a family bond. You are leaving to next 2/10 part of your journey starting from zero ...(bites)

If you don’t jump high enough, you don’t reach this book levels they hold for me as a tall guy.

They have my other video!!!

You building a bond with me, what about your father and the rest of them? You cannot come home here, this time!

By the way, Sariputra is not here anyway. He is very very soaked in his works. 

You built your trust, it’s not bad...I cannot understand they have a reason saying whatever it sent here. They built you a new home!!

Red River 赤河魅影

 “It sounds scary, it’s not romantic at all!”

Really? You like things a little thriller in the book ? (Bites)

I am not a guy looking but some guy talk like that, you know. Babaji says you are not worried Anna is not on the paper with Babaji, not at all worried? Oh~


 When you go to the world ends, you can choose to title yourself again what you did this time and get marry however many times you let no one knows about it. 

Here your heart cling but you yourself don’t cling?

It means you are clinging, lady. Yeah. Prince Harry or 三上正紀?

Never mind. It just did like that. If you married to someone already, why don’t you be open about who he is? You cannot? But you clinging on everyone’s else life except your own life. You keep chasing them.

Well, you have to work on it. We talk about it. I don’t really care if you were married like the gossipe says. You have money, you can send someone in to write another gossip about it with the photos.

Babaji: We are not on papers, but everyone is on your newspaper!

 This is the thing, that bothers you? I thought you don’t believe ET!

You believe in something ?

Oh~ they are not real? Then if you believe that, still crying ?

Your disciples say: still crying.

.... ... I cannot understand it but if one day you or them decide to explain it clearly to me, I won’t be quoting Babaji words daily in my empty mind for reflection !

My morning routine is to see you cry? (Photo attached)

 What is this, this time?

If your disciples love Harry Potter ...thinking to play

 Would you play with them? (Don’t just turn red your face all the time, you have to answer me)


If in their liking they know they love it, the movie, the story, the character, the musics, can they imagine you are just like they are, in love with this Harry Potter, not just saying if it’s a true character from someone funny and famous, Simon Cowell?

Do I look like I cannot wait to play with Simon? We did, and that ended 2014. If someone asked us, I simple answer we did. They saw the other clips and they question, that’s Harry Potter, my answer is no comment. Do I so in love with a movie to mix up the reality, I need to find where is my money right now?

You don’t lack money !!

People can have thoughts, do I insulting you the previous comments? I hardly even say things personal, but personal to them Keanu or Simon. They are big guys now.

You? Are you a big girl now?

Is your disciple know that for real or they have doubts? Will they have doubts with me, they just need to come forward and ask me, I can tell them, I hate movies, I hate musics...do they gonna hate me? You like them to hate me?

Do you?

😂 WHAtS lying ?

 Words are precepts of its own. Are we clear on that?

You like the camera, there is nothing wrong.

You enjoying to create, there is nothing wrong.

By the words counts, you don’t make it anything. 

(I didn’t write that capital first word, it just did.)

摩嚴 says you are a spy 奸細, in Chinese or in English it’s a different term. You like codes?

Do you like or do you want others to think you are smart? That’s a very simple question. 

Teenage wants that.

If I am an industrialist, do I need that? I get my job done, that’s it. It’s a responsibility, not a joke to be who you are and present that in front of the public or the entire universe. 

You don’t have other ways to say it ... is that by products of how you turn on the facet ? Then, it’s a by products effects you cannot practice right. There is no efforts made, that’s it.  


A lot of people have thoughts ...很多人有很多想法

 Does that mean you don’t have those thoughts? At this moment ?

I don’t care much if you say you do have those thoughts or not. You clear what’s a tiny touch of your thoughts? What’s you heart ?

Where do I think you are? 我覺得你現在在哪?

 You everyday have to work on your A+paper on the SMTV

You have the monkey story in mind (Pirates of Caribbean to the World End) 猴子到遙遠的地方

You know or hear about W two worlds

You have 50 millions dollars probably seen it in your life day to day...很多很多的錢💰

You have a book in Harry Potter, a pink position overlapping with my book you can or cannot read, but I cannot read your book. So you lean on few characters in Harry Potter.  哈利坡特

You have an India to please in case to stay here for Red River not to the World End....赤河魅影

Where do I think you are??

If Keanu +Simon didn’t know that part...like I exist ...you might explain which Book is that first ...

 Is that better looking for you to your other crowds people who cares to hear a thing about you?

烈火如歌 lyrics ? 至少聽過我的喜歡?

Now you don’t bite...but you bite you know!

Did you reflect why?

Why ET or higher noble human says things like that?

Yeah? You better truly reflects like you say.

Keanu and the ice skating shoes ...

 Because I didn’t say there is a rental shoe vs soft competition ice skating shoe ...Nono ...I might destroy something on that one move on ice, in the video. 

If Keanu call Simon to find out if I destroy every song I sang to....or he sings too...he can listen to...

Or the photo for the back end people...to destroy their monitor. 

He went to every subject I say I did what like he is the One in Hollywood...he might actually think I have a tendency to destroy not just the ice rink with the steps if I can , but that Conan musical hall becomes a reality!!

The Day after Tomorrow was starting a climate change debates and he sees Tornado 🌪 destroyed a Hollywood words on the mountain where he lives ....

What do I think ....uhm... 😯

How do I think you and Keanu or Simon working together ?

 Do I look like I want to talk about it?

Not you ....no, you never is curious ...

Keanu is an action movie star. Meaning if he heard me how I told others to do to blow up a Conan musical hall... he might drag his motocycle going to see it.

Simon is a music Mugel ...he was a Westinghouse ...he drill gasoline at his backyard for sell ....

You? You had a Tiny house in everywhere to meditate. 

Do I think you could work with them? You want to grow taller first? I read Sailor Moon 11th book. The comet and a wish !! The movie is somehow real now!!

Can I reframe this story ?

 It was just Tesla groups, Da Vinci groups, we met Orcs on the road, the maximum is the US classify business. You know how narrow this group is? Just the US classify !!!

You have to add Babaji on blessing !! That’s adding one big india attached a super important mountain all together in it!!! China decides to jump in.

Did I say it was a very small groups we started it?

I have a different personality than you are!!! I get my job done, I go back where I belong !! Do I have a liking ? Do you think, ever? Never mind, with you, I have to have the whole world in your liking ....

Your mind

 Your mind how clear is clear when making a statement?

If a movie is real?

You don’t think that’s SUPER important? Because they can truly get an expert to just collect all the movie scenes or comic scene to do an analysis report when I say that’s ridiculous all the books are real or the movies? People can believe them, but do I? Do I really want a four point frames story to say I do for the rest of MY LIFE? 

I am not like you, lady. Not a bit!

Purna, don’t you have a whole flood the world group you suppose to lead them to a new Era?

 You hear me right.

Are they your stuffs to keep, Purna?

Me and Simon haven’t know each other, or they those on the movies, and now you become part of us? Do your disciples know what exactly I am trying to say where you belong ? Do they?

You better mean what you say. 

Lady, I went to Lotto, Da Vinci Book, and Tesla patent to find why the movie is real???

 I am not like you to make a bet with Hollywood if their movie is real and get kick by the movie when they discipline you. 

How is the movie being real to you?

Because you love the music?

Because you love the movies all the time?

Because you love the drama?

As a householder, you have to break that down to the police ...

As a spiritual practitioner, you have to be very very very clear in your body, speech and action ...

Are you hearing me, Purna?


 Probably he meant 100 or +

Don’t know how it becomes a multiplication sign. 

他常常想討論這種事,我當然不同意呀!He is open to talk about it. 

哪壺不提提哪壺。😨 There are some people like Eben they are existing ...they are dating Guru.

Babaji is omnipresent or 萬能 guru.

How is Yogananda’s English? I have doubts he watches TV to learn English. After he actually becomes fluent in English, he learns about Drama fighting to get the heart up and down for some people. But he is a Swami, he cannot watch TV! I have no idea where India meant or Babaji was saying at all.

You have to first learn English! And very well in listening ! The English listening. 

First is the pride, how is his God decides to glue to a blonde like me? He cannot understand anything I said in the schooling subjects!

Second, how is that his God decides to fight about on the TV to let the whole world imagine what’s not the Swami Order meant...

Third, why he is his God that rejects him if he is a women...what did he do wrong ???

Of course I cannot understand why he is not here but his God or the Chinese has he made into the TV drama, now I HAVE to talk about Yogananda. 

Speaking English meant a word by a word writing it down.

Also his God would prefer him counting math in English and does that in front of the whole congregation!

Of course I am annoying to A LOT a lot of people including him, the problem is his God don’t think that’s annoying to know what you are counting things for!!

Me & Babaji strike a deal so I can continue talking here ...

 When you all sing, moving like I did, or mouth to keep a shape to sing Opera ...is very very shameful??

I have heard that for a long while now...


 Area 51=ET lives

2=spit ? 你跟ET 有什麼過結,你🤮吐口水?

Or me and your father are both ET?

Is Miguel coco movie, he is a ET too? No? Eben is not ET?

You don’t like Eben in that movie? Why? He is a child?

Did you ever look at what he does? In real life? He does seminar.

He has to face what kind of clients unlike yours free offering customers? They willing to buy all by their good will. You gonna say you work hard to design, are you?

Taiwan Italian upper scale women design clothing store has a logo looks like your loving hut...I check they come out late than you are...is there a reason Loranzo does that for? You like upper scale women clothing ?

Red red red red red red red.....

Shred paper shred shred shred shred shred .....

They want to sell you something ? Oh, they surely know how to sell to my vast sky views when I try to breath away from all these garbage and ambush on WiFi!


🌟🌪🌪🌪 I stuck

Bible Jobs


2018 Then Elihu

2019 Then Elihu

2020 Elihu

2021 At this my heart pound and leaps from its

I read it. Just that 37 and I sent Eben an email so it’s his heart jump and leaps, okay? Ma’am Ching Hai?

I said I didn’t understand what he was saying, but I cannot watch him and Lalla’s video (wedding) because the magazine has a Indian girl turns black and white, and he in coco movie stain water all over.

Ocean 11, 12, 13, 8

 Conan 14th target

Yours 16 country Loving the Silent Tear

To= steal in Chinese but like head.

There are numbers, lady ...to explain yourself. 


錦衣之下 37

 楊岳?Scarf ? 婚約解除的人是謝宵? Yogananda is not this Time people ...just no body watching that. :)

(Babaji: 做夢)

不看了, 太累了

Loving the Silent Tear 1234 page

 Page 1, my family boy

Page 2, my host family or with my sister below

Page 3, university or time returns after page 4 back to Hollywood

Page 4 Anan with his two daughter in law, both has a daughter, the green one like my eyes...next by gold, her name is Payton in “Prince & Me”, do you want to tell Prince William about it?

What’s Ramese eyes color? Gold?

How to move train up line or down below to push the white and the gold out? Is that funny?

Keanu knows who is in the audience seats? That’s Anita ! Looking !!

The same looking direction on 4 pages ? Choosing to go home to be a blonde guy next birth or second page is an Asian boy looking up but it’s a Jewish looking girl birth? How to be reborn? Have I thought who did you hire to wrote that book?

Dean’s eye is blue!

Lake house Keanu has one kiss girl ? You mean you know me and Tamang had a kiss just like the Lake house to meet this Keanu here? Lake House? Like I believe the movie or I believe you in what is this book?

Because my host mother looks just like that Brazilian dancer ...really!

Anan’s two daughters-in-law looks just like them.

I was at Anan that page, how did Reptilian movies Thranduil lines up?



The One


Katherine +Johnson already hit me.


You, the Flood | Rockefeller 

Tell me, how many years are these? You figure it out? From my position? It’s on Frozen two guys!

If you want to consult with Dr Steven, Nick or Eben

 You need to provide them links to this site including YouTube and what are the playlist on that YouTube. Like you do some work for them. If you still had an older version of the Loving the Silemt Tear, they will know you actually paint a totally different story than you trying to say. You were stuck me in between Keanu and Simon with a Reptiliam had a crown on the back of Keanu. Now that book is not published anymore ...but it had happened for me for a numbers of years stuck in every direction ....your father said to me he was a right hand man for Khan. He would surely want to know how I got ambushed from just about everywhere...

Today I went 巡邏很久以前走過的痕跡

 You are disappearing on the post !!

Dr Steven is looking really really old now ...

 I don’t think you have a lot of time... if you choose to do something with him or not. 

I don’t think they are the type wants to play Harry Potter...

 What did I say?

Do you ever tell your near by those your head and the movies don’t blend together ? Like 子歇?

Why don’t you focus on 夏紫薰 in Flower Thousand Bones?

Every year Simon & Keanu are 卡位 lock in at that movies position for new students to be examined at

 How many times they keep hearing me there are tests?

There is a basketball terms 卡位 kinda like lock in in a given position. Do they know that’s very important? If they can get someone does again what I do?

Anyway, I don’t want to explain this thing why they are locked in.

Miguel? Oh! In the VS 2017

 The pineapple sky so Lilly is the last one, Eben is also a chosen one?

Shoes height ...I used to see others. The academic degree, you can try, Eben.

Website userbility test

 They can actually have a folder from the previous someone who comments already on the site?

他們在測試網頁的時候,可以看之前誰的 folder 寫過的東西!

Mark, today me and Rockefeller walking by ...

 There was a truck saying you hate your wife?

Because Purna is around, we talk about it.

Her guards are called 護法, on the TV, you can see them many many many...

So is Prince William. He is not a king yet.

They two are actually in the same position. Does that make sense to you? Yeah. They both have guards, their guards need to be alert all the time.

The other says, the other them also have their guards issues. Yeah, I was told before. 

But Purna is a women!!

So Mark can read Chinese ?ABC?

 I am watching the Venus show, your wife does not speak English ? I am talking to Mark.

Wallace read in Chinese

You read in English.

I have hope on both your language !

You don’t have friends ? Why is this theme song FRIENDS?


建華, 他們的臉色一直都很難看



🔥Yogananda again? Babaji whispering : he didn’t say Purna!

 Oh ...? He didn’t ask you about writing the Red book and including blue book author naming Ananda?

“He asked me a lot of things...”

If he mistaken, I don’t know which Purna neither, either Buddha’s or King of the King 帝王

I see...


I talk to public nasty?

 I upload the old video. Do I care I look pretty to say me and Babaji shameless together, I need my face to look more shining at? Have you ever been to a science meeting where meeting true people who just made you feel so bad and leave quietly? I haven’t been to one yet. Simon was not ready, or how he and Howard ends up in the music show business save me not to go there? You never have to be in those meetings or even think what others can see through you, and how many are they existed, the very bright mind people ...

子歇! 你看完我寫完的東西之後~假設你存在好了~我其實不知道

 建華~他是我的屬下! 關係不太一樣! 他要聽到我講的每一個字的廢話!

但是你子歇跟 SM 的關係不太一樣!你是要去糾正她的! 她最好是準備好~我認為沒有存在的事情!


那你跟SM的關係~要自己定義好! 她是應該不在意很多事情,但是巴巴基這種個性的講法,她什麼都很在意!

子歇在嗎?你 SM do you need to explain to him on singing a song to your guards? I don’t.




Eben is an internet marketing groups

 Yeah he is a businessman but ...he is doing works from on-line. Sounds cheap? No ...Uhm...they are all have to update themselves online.

If I do an internet marketing department talk, he will know I know how the frameworks works ...that’s like autoresponder, newsletter, mailing list, niche define...etc. Not now. Your website ... Google know what I did. 

I am watching your old tapes on ch4 everyday 7:00pm

 You can talk normal. You are not going to turn yourself into a scientist reality that the competition started at the younger age. These fields are not exactly ABC worlds, where I thought ABC just play, shop, watch the movies, travel between the country and make their parents proud. You like or you hate to be known as a Vietnamese? Vy used to be a very sweet ABC of her own kind. I tutor her for a year ...no, you don’t need to know what do I think. I had a group of them. 

Mass people I can see from the background, they are all coming from seeking something. You dealing a public nature. You are not dealing what I have to deal with on the science nature. You don’t need to pretend yourself if you were in that norm. It’s not going to happen. 





不自然,okay, si ~

They have to be on test ...

 Everything is a test material to them ...

建華天使是上帝的使者 messenger

 I talked about it.

在她的法門裡面有很多類別的人,messenger is 印心的人

她現在是做師父的位置,但是如果是找她的師父,她的位置會下來一層叫做messenger 給人印心的

所以我說她在聖經裡面讀所謂上帝派天使,天使=God’s messenger 



☔️ you SM rains?

 Movies categories ...starts when you believe it’s validity ? Typing is too hard, so you don’t hear me complaining like I used to do.

Is Eben Kail? You shake your head. 

Are you sure? You bite!

So what do you want to do?

Is Nick police?

 The FOX? He was a TTC driver. He used to deal with them at the border. If he watched the movie itself, he will know why that uniform is indeed on a bunny, not on him. She says she is a Tiger but the movies says she is a bunny. And worse, there is blue berry. His grandson likes blueberry. 

I said Hitler used to have a buddy guard killed Tesla, and he confess when he was 90 something. Now that Dimitri is tuttering ....it’s a suicide item on the hunger game. If ask Nick himself who is the police ? He is the partner of a bunny that wears uniform. That sailor moon Usagi is a bunny head on cartoon logo sales those photo made. Crying ? So there are bunny heads stands up. Just sit there crying, the partner of the bunny will show up the police uniform? Listen that to himself !

Is she a police? No I don’t think so. 建華

 If she thinks like a police ... logical process how to trace a cause and an effect.

Like she is looking for a Master, she is not looking for a marriage. That’s Lamb.

Kail sounds like Kali ....Kali yuga refers to a time cycle...it just happened there is a Darkness Prince?

She just cannot put things together. 

She might have met the police many occasions sounds like they are buddies.... in her own head!

No, I don’t think her occupation is ...what’s her job title again?

That just completely mess up. Pixie I explain that before ...the border. But I don’t think she heard me they are the police force of its kind. 

🎬動物方程式. Zootopia

 That Fox name Nick?

If you two work together ...like he told you on this film, “he heard enough.” Fox is a predator ? 

Anan you said was a Buddha before, your father is on the TV Porcelain doll...I am not worried about them.


 瑩玉突然結婚了,his name was Lee

Keanu =李維

Lee Solomon was another Lee I know.

Of course I was shocked. But she was on the movies.

Now I know who is at where but not when I just got down, and SM email from their center has a Le from UB. I cannot understand anything !

包夾 yeah. 見一個打一個,乾脆說見一個殺一個

😘 建華,原來你的職業是站在那邊給別人哭的?!



917 我穿厚的睡褲不要臉的回來呀!

Do you just ask one individual by one individual or you put them as a big boys groups like a team?

 Of course it’s different !

They meant to say : you better watch or learn at least what she does ...it sounds like that’s her go about everything looks like that. Not just look like that, she is doing that. 

“Pieces of junks ...” step step step (Babaji annotation on it)

I got a piece of paper ...


You went to the professional ones unlike the ice skating rink I saw those small kids?

That’s why they look bulky? You went to the hockey player?


I would say Yogananda needs to learn ice skate when he is back ...


His upper line says so, not I say so.... but okay, I say so. In the whole wide world view, he better learns it to be compare at. It’s in front of everyone’s monitor. 
That’s why he won’t learn it. His Father says that. 

Renaissance Number 1 Chair 文藝復興的第一把交椅

 It’s like a family to them. 

If they know, of course I know. 

But they have to grow up to be on their own! They are chosen this time. Not baby anymore.

They cannot just glue on a pad everyday what new things I come up with. It meant to them, of course it meant to them. I know them somewhat ...

Did I cry over you 建華and 趙又廷 getting married ? No

 Eben? No

Simon engaged? No.

Keanu engaged? No

Facebook he got married to an Asian? No.

Prince William and Prince Harry? No and NO!

Do you know Facebook black and white photo wedding because she was swimming ... and that Lord of Ring was in the water, there was sunshine before and them it falls darkness! SM says 500 years old Master she is looking for?

India gonna ask me how they turn black and white on a magazine, I told them, Eben’s vow I didn’t hear!

That reminds me is Yoganada gonna die too if he lost stuffs?

 It’s not true right?


I don’t try to think at all...

😱Wallace, I got a problem (you don’t have to slam door)

 Not I got a problem ...their each country are writing like they are using their country’s resources and they don’t know what they are doing. There is someone missing on their Facebook and showing up on the movies Frozen. They didn’t go and hurry to find out what’s going on .....

they country on and on and on and on ...

Erin, her best friend like a nurse too, got a job in professor. She is not good at English but she went to right away get a baby, that’s many months using the university vacation time. Princess Diary 1. I help her interviews all the old people in 3 facility. I interview them, not her. 

She was 台中女中 but she got 護士 you know here in Taiwan, Wallace, right?

She used to want to treat me a cup of tea over her ideas in her paper, of course I never went back with that again. She got a PhD in nursing. 

They are all very very pride individual, very very proud, and the higher they go with the money or statues, they gonna kill themselves. I just know that. Of course they cannot fail or fall their life. They are their parents 掌上明珠 I don’t know what’s wrong with their head....

If they pull the string now, they die, finished ! They have to report to their parents like they are so and so!

Me? I got in a hospital, did you find out which hospital yet, Wallace? I met Annca them there!

Crying ? Yeah they might cry too. Tears coming out! This is ....unspeakable.

In PHD programs, there is a pilot program...meaning before she went on a real testing on the elders people, she did a pilot first. It’s in 50 shades and grey. You see airplane. That looks like her. That’s a terrible movie! I don’t know the ending. Yeah, we were roommates. She did something her face too, I cannot see the difference!