
Do I suppose to tell you last posts I mean Babaji target them all?

 You don’t understand what that means as MD board meant liscense ?

Babaji: right 

I go to sleep.

 Babaji: right.

430 I need a garbage bin, hair….you see Ola, people have to have a Will to live. I read an article on a girl 25 years old breatharian.

 Emotional stable ?

Breatharian just live on air or Chi. You …talk to guys or??

Find out they mean Babsji is a hell of mean guy doing all that ? 

Do you Ola know this guy Anna keep saying it?


We are classmate ?

Babaji uses me or I use Babsji to get where we both commander now ? With military means ?

That’s not on the report ?

Then, what’s supposed to be on the report I would be guessing ?

Babaji: right 

Do you want to find out statistic survey assessment report, how many population is Breatharian ?

 By country by library research or ask the librarian to research for you ?

I would do just THAT!

Babaji: right 

Do you just tell them… this?


… who? Which side ? To be military doctor standard and librarian ? Military ?

 I want to go to bed.

You know …🤒 Life meant to people differently when it comes to the responsibility. 

I think this went too far … …

You remains in school as a student is all you prefer…it’s an Intern. Your professors takes responsibility. Now you make me takes all the responsibility to foreigners groups like none ENglish speaking country Breatharian just because I cannot stop it Period missing ?

Like prove Babaji exist ?

Babaji: yeah, me too. 

⭐️ Hi…do you Ola you all like to be healer so I talk to them ? Hi …they like healer, white lighter stuffs…TV Charmed !⭐️ Fitness = exercises, they know that words.

 Daily exercises is good and recommend by Keanu coco cola commercial, it’s a marathon.

Babaji: right

⭐️There was a couple both are breatharian, and she had a baby. Long time ago. ⭐️

 They are very very mild people. Not USA.

…. ….people like certain circle all know what US medical board or pharmecutucal does, Ola. A lot of alternative health people all know. All know !

So let’s say just breatharian because define they say by period, I do on purpose and still disappear, that’s a very bad news for them, all. I might not be liquidarian they mean it. They are a lot of guys! In that field. 

People see each other might just hear about their name. We don’t speak the same language. 

Certain type of people. They are public speakers. I am not. Ola.

They cannot talk to you all, because …

There is a lot of bad conflicts between all groups of people all the time !

But they all know fitness, it’s on TV.

Babaji: right 

Ola, those stupid things Simon does best, it’s the only thing he knows how to do, “have you eat yet?” Do you want to get around your university meds students Indiana ? To interview Breatharian, ask them fitness and SMCH DIDNT say that on fruitarian funny tale? You ask me Anna about what she mean sits her ego too huge ?

 Not that ?

Babaji: right 

You freeze ??

 What you gonna do in Queen’s place ? They are strangers ?

No. I will ask you what you just arrive first ? How are you feeling ? New to hotel ? We stay in the hotel talks ? You comfortable back here ?

Babaji: right 

No, I don’t use beaker. That bottle jar has Oz on it. I math it, myself, in my head roughly. No, I never write that stuffs so I don’t remember anymore.

 It’s how long ago ?

Babaji: right 

No, I drive. I show Nick high way to Lockport. There is a green house to get a whole box oranges. There are a lot of glasses jars I needs, it’s organic fruits juices. You ever touch it ? It’s very very expensive ! Organic juices

 You got the book?

Babaji: right 

We rest in the library or outside bench or under the tree, geese. I wrote Steve Jobs stuffs over that bench across Jewish temple. Same bagel plaza I ask gazillion Time vegan ? They say he’s, I went to the next by store, it’s says eggs contain on bags. You want to try to say that to them ?

 I am shameless included on paper ?

Babaji: right 

Amazon should have my juicers before but I might just look…but, farmers market ? Pizza plant ? It’s Chicago style Obama pizza, thick. It’s a bar. Vegan used to be.

 We stay few weeks ? You try it yourself ?

Babaji: right 

You Ola Acquire MD medical board few credit cards to me? I use that stuffs, no, not you, me. I do it, I insist. Not this time.

 You talk to Dean about it ? Money from them? He get it for me or you get it for me Ola?

Babaji: right 

So MD not public announcement about liquidarian ? It’s not important ? I made it sound we are friends stuffs ?

 At least be there and see how to fish 430 book from downtown ? I walk into a library 4 block away from my house? 430, scientology David. I call him from UB! He knows I am back, where is my furniture ?

Babaji: right 

My whole day or a week to live the way I want it ?

 Not all that stuffs I want it ?

Babaji: right 

No, not Gallbladder stuffs. I mean without that stuffs ? Ordering PC, we talk on patio ? That windows in and out my computer show website upload video Simon Cowell see dark light in my room, that room? I collect garbage or how to make my bed stand without nails ? By 2 by 4? Nick remember ?

 Not that stuffs ?

I took photo on my greeting cards at the gasibo like FarmVille on Facebook we built before ?

Drive to enterprise ?

Drive to feel rite on carry water with a trolly ? Try to transit to get water too to see Jonathon ?

Babaji: India !!!

Do you Ola want to know my UB Marley living house a full day like ? A completely full day like ? The way I used to do it ?

 Or all UB 105 Dr T? That house is tiny …

Babaji: right

Liquids making ? Orange juice and Nick use to drink my mix citric fruits ? Alternative living how ? For real ? On records ?

Or Apple took you to that routes already ?

Reed is Steve Jobs son. What you all gonna do with that ? Leave it? I don’t know anything about him. It was a Sariputra stuff …I borrow his hallway behind his room or something …transpassing , whatever that means.

 Every few years they renew license like DMV or ? There is no such thing i …I … I …

You technically graduate from UB, to work with your new world.

My new world was SMCH Facebook. It was over long time ago, then SMTV.

Now, I work at you MD and Pharmaceutical new?

You know….people like Nick reading a lot on Heath news. Maybe people care about dying ?  Not to die? He could just ask me that time, he never did. 

So niches …I am implying all your parents care about health ? Or people in the town for real, they care about fitness so there is ETR Craig ?

You don’t care what others into alternative medicines ? It’s fighting against your liscense world ?

Mike Adam recommend products. I am a chemist I don’t take those stuffs. Chinese medicine is liquid. 

Ancient means exlihir or tonic or bitter Chinese drama medicine cook for hours ….if Dr Christopher, I have to low temperature stew cabbage, leave on the stove 30 minutes or an hour and then, pouring in the coconut water bottle glasses bottle. Dump the cabbage, not eating that. I do those things, I like those things. 

You don’t just write I am a liquidarian ? I was not doing that for that purpose ! … …

Babaji: right 

Dean might still remember that long ago, don’t you just want to ask him for an opinion ? He got a License …

 Yeah if me + Dean not there.

No, Bill stays there.

Dr T class.

Babaji: right 

Okay UB 105 Chem class, if me Dean not there …

 Cooking with Dr T at ABC cooking studio in 101?

Jewish heard that, the expo we do business here?

Of course ! Electronic was my mother helping us to grow up? So I cannot cook in/ for UB 105?

Babaji: right 

Why don’t you figure it out the New Casting members Queen meant guests lists to be working together first interview everyone before she is dead ?

 We are on a clock, you have to make it !

Babaji: right

I can say what it is, but everyone is already saying it themselves, public or parents.

📞 Syco what ? Build a bomb inside a empty box shell and ? Demolish a building collaps internal ?

 Oh, that’s not assembly lines manufacture side Elon Musk?

To turn a light on by software? Just a light on? Light !! 256 lights on 4x4 you mean AGT?

I am still here.

Babaji: right 

How do you all gonna work together for public ? 你們要怎麼一起工作為了大眾?

 Isn’t we try to say?


World leader for others get ahead ?


Educate others ? Stay IQ bound ?

教育他人?讓 智商綁住人身?

Modest attitude not telling me lies no studying In PCAT ?

謙虛態度訴說你們沒有學習謊言藥學考試 PCAT?

Be the TV personality only ?


Very humble,willing to bow to learn, flat kneel to beg, sincere attitude, isn’t that so ?


Babaji: haha…

SMCH lazy nun short legs and ❤️❤️❤️❤️🧣high heel TV personality Simon Cowell 3 meals a day drunk Bible meant …you see

 You feel it

One door part two worlds. 

This millennium 

You just need to say it.

Don’t ever

Hesitate !

Babaji: right 

SMCH 清海無上師, me + Pixie | Prince William + Sariputra + Wing


Me + Pixies                  |                         Prince William + Sariputra + Wing 

Do you? Web surfing ? You sure you stay here ?

It’s user experience you stay on my page or open it and leave it open …are you sure? No, I don’t have links to your any sites, here are only information only, to YouTube maximum. I am teaching ? 

Eben says something I thought I receive the wrong email. 

I give DC a week, for a month might be 仙劍大會 and worse another 15 days to August 15 every year TIm and me rehersal on that, I am so sick of it.

📞 You call Elon Musk, you got the car padels !!

 It’s not a metal !

Babaji: right, India !!!!!

📞 what, Syco? I am not here !!

 📞 What happened ? What Snoke?

📞What ? Whom ? I don’t know whom you are talking about !🤒

Babaji: right 

I am not done Sitesell…I will put links to connects.


Babaji : right 

Syco, future, is the partnership, he just looks like his father dull (full) in spirits. It’s just really 5 minutes Washington DC speech on stage.

 Don’t you agree ?

Haha …nerves, unsures, rebels, every single times, doubts all the time, untrusted others, to go ahead and trumpet !! Blow !

Imagines you are a girl to sneeze …

Babaji: haha…

We cannot see the clouds, in case you all don’t know we are blind ?? From ground to aim top? But if you really pushing it …one day !!! That sky hue I don’t intent to make it blue !! We throw color smoke England top !!

 Isn’t that your UFO transpassing ??

Babaji: she says SHUT UP !

Just tell the animal we are doing something, they can be educated, the ones human raise or taught. 

Don’t disturb the animal kingdoms. Just rocks and mountain and UFO !!! Crop circle they whom chase like whom say that ??? Black Op? Shoot it !!!

 Animals are easy to be frighten. Just leave them alone.

Babaji: right, India !!!

Shambhala …why my IT department, or underground Earth ..I feel very very agitate it all week ! Every single day !!!!!🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 Can you all just aim at Himalayas anything comes out, shoot it down !! Volcano included, every ashes, dusts, rocks, lava erupt ….smoke !!! Just shoot it !!!! 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Just two paragraph on Sitesell.

 You learn, I write in a few days.

Babaji: right, India !


 你太害怕的每一天… 才幾天







I said, do you know what’s a roller blade in straight 4 wheel or in 2 rows? 我說你們是不是不知道排輪是直的或是還有一種早期的並列排輪,前面有煞車的?


I am just asking you on ice events

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Ice 冰



You all really don’t know what’s a roller blade?

I go to sleep

 I hate this keyboard !!

Babaji: right 

EF, my brother using my room, Tina told her, that’s her room, I have to move ?? She went to gangster manger to say driver, maid near here by. She wants to do that again, someone call police 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎


EF,I talked to Tina’s father because we thought 方方 is on the survilience phone with a father. She and Hank when I used to live there, as long as, as long as, as long as, I am not putting with them, the kids got lock inside house, or Tina crying shouting she cannot find parking Hank car behind, blind, she hit me to say she owns my elevator and swimming pool at Watermarke 411. You should write on the same police report …because …it’s 屢次不爽

 EF you are foreigner exchange student programs.

What if photo are all failed ? It’s just one celestial games next month or precise say the TV scripts “really specifically ink” August’s 15?

I suggest Pang’s mother 4 years university South California or UC Irvine 南加大.

I used to watch TV effect called Beverly Hill, a groups of guys and girls always rich living house, has a house to go inside and argue.

A lot of that going on….I remember, imprinted belief ….TOEFL classmates all ABC talk about is …

Well not he says

 I say 南加大, maybe I dream about it ! No ideas how.

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️Simon, you call for more attention ? Every and each time ? ⭐️⭐️⭐️The Bible vs War defeat country like Japan publish this book meant


本是天命、應有盡有、美輪美奐、高歌一曲、志不在科舉、小鳥雞蛋碰石頭,一個無花果、蒼天茫茫、仰頭屏氣、鬼哭哀嚎、成天自甘墮落、每一天、每一年、須於數年、沒人敢… ..因奉陽違、好不樂道、沾沾自喜、樂道貧齋、見人見事、無一幸免、招搖喊話、故作玄虛、裝神弄鬼、及其畢生之所學、晚上夜路走多了… …百媚回頭笑春生

 成語節錄篇,罵人, You should be dead 



Babaji: right 

SMTV 清海無上師電視台,子歇!~~~嗨~ All you ever did on that Cops 16, 16 years ago were me fill up the hole you 16 years later …you just riot yourself in Mexico, I am the one email them with Nick referral to shut down their Britney warning center cancum heard me say ? So you all went to Mexico Cops 16 Climate Change ?

Do you plan to riot in Washington D.C? This hour time I sent 5 speech before you before me ? All you ever good at, fruitarian she says in Mexico Cops 16 Climate Change Summit, did you SMCH hear yourself saying that ?

SMTV all you ever did .. to receive Eben’s email ?

 I ask you last time your Universiry your parents tuition you transcript …


What did you actually do to pine for a successor seats ?


This girl did a website, an introduction, hair, make-up, that’s more than just a website, she has an Instagram with numbers followers on it, not 1000 coma unit ? I cannot read ?

她這個女孩做的不只一個網頁,頭髮、化妝、她有 Instagram 跟隨她的人是一個數字比萬的 comma unit ?

What did you all do in life?



Do you SMCH, try to copy your country girl would do ? Went to school, photo like you ? Resume, me speech letter to Washington D.C?


Do you read before I read?

I read when I want to read … …

My mothers name is Wendy on your staff teams sitting in the front? For me red card your place utterness darkness meant ?

Which one you suppose to go to fetch out for ?

She reminds me Tien, loving hut daughter married Nuygen guy in Love of Century. I think it’s him and Tom call me on Joomla. 

Tom is looking like Tim Cook, my refund money get back guy.

That two are you native people. 

This Wendy some writes her or she put all pieces together …she is a writer she told you that ! You need her SMTV resume? Cover letter?

You always provide a better place for me? I have no idea how old this lady is. It’s from Sunny California ?

I used to call 430 Sunny on your bird book 2015. Did I say what I all did 2015 was reading ?

Babaji: right, my marriage counselor …


 陳龍  Jackie Chen

李連杰 Jet Li

梁朝偉  Tony Lieung

I only ask you to call dead end …no one ask you to be that low….小和尚的自尊心要掉眼淚的,你們的濕紙巾、圍巾就可以了

巴巴基:對 (擦眼淚)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️巴巴基, Mahavatar Babaji is not Indian 500 years old 他不是印度五百歲,印度五百歲是高僧,傳說中的巴巴基是?尖叫專門攔截別人的遙遠修行者, Maharvartar is legandary Babaji Avatar, his experty is ambush others half way, from him known as a distant travelers, screaming traveler.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❤️👘 Indian 500 years olds 印度五百歲,『很久很久很久以前… …太陽…. 』安娜說:long long long time ago, there was a matrix made of stone … …

小鬼小和尚 (keyword search ) 你們長大之後就會知道,誰會找到你們呀?右手邊



I go to sleep, you all figure it out your resume and cover letter. If they need recommendations ? If you work just say exactly what you did. Any trivia tiny things.

 Babaji: Go

SMCH your Indian 500 years old sign ? 一天一年,錯過的時間?We are at 回憶 S. H. E. 好久不見! Sea shell guy Wallace saw in 夢幻遊戲 = dreams exchange games. He Indian 500 years old understand ?


Speech 5

 “This is the 5th drafts speech I am warning them…I had a middle school, our system either copy England or Japan to 9th graders as full middle school semesters with the unit SI, standard scientific unit in center meter instead inches or feet in America. I play an Orchestra in cello with a formal dress to later, sing in high school Kentucky Madrical in a formal wear gourmet like 17th century. Christmas and other piano German piece tall trophy I got from Mertal Beach South Carolina ink with my full legal name display in Kentucky my high school foreigner exchange student program from EF. Singing is not a new technology as you fumble my others speeches today whole day in Washington D.C without a referral. Barack Obama. And his wife First Lady Michelle wears Taiwan design dress known on the newspaper. I become the Legand not in New Technology, it’s in Bible the New Era singing style in the millennium. I ask him for money on NSYNC 5 Lords my wedding stuffs to say husband was an ancient words meaning I am a foreigner ear deaf. It’s on my book in your Library Congress not far from here Grand Hotel? 13 sounds mantra, 12 district Snowden and 5 Holy names Lords called Indian 500 years old fish witness today you all become he exist I exist they 5 exist. Without her 無, thank you. Have a great evening.”

Babaji: India INDIA 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛑

Speech 4

 “Hi, me again on speech number 4 how my credential must be high school like Snowden you all exile him filing Congress Newspaper online like Wiki leak. I was high school volleyball team in 2nd best school in metropolitan Taipei Asia Pacific, I try out UK university of Kentucky, the real university team, for setter position, they switch me on, so I copy height, it’s way too tall height in my opinion view, but after that day, a year later, I broke up to go to UB, later master degree in librarian science to teach Student Althletes excepts teaching volleyball. We play formation in high school, I am Vice Captain, UK was Wild Cats in basketball, not in Volleyball. With that credential, you really cannot do a thing in the Washington D.C, because my university team was Intramural Volleyball. I had a referee friend working at city counting traffic light in downtown Buffalo, she felt betray I team up strangers they assign me with 5 girls, so next semesters, I have to team up them old friends 5 girls, to say I was Captain. Dean one of 6 feet 1 guy shows up without telling me, was on the court he jumps. That’s how we ended. If one day ALL my speech becomes a reality, and a mirror, I jump as that, like my whole day speech with a draft with a point…I will not come to here Washington D.C. Thank you, that’s all I had.”

Babaji: INDIA!!!!!!!!

Speech 3 Keanu Reeves side ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫

 ‘Hi, I just finished 2 speech in a roll without a draft. He is Keanu Reeves, in 2014 we work on a case he initial my legal name on movies with Warren Buffet getting an insurance company notice if the movies turn real - that is Richard Brandon stuffs got exploded the week after John Wick released. It’s the insurance company falls, so I sue Warren Buffet. That was 8 years ago Oct / Nov. well, that was not the biggest thing he is here. It’s Comet math I did in 1908 Tesla paper I found in Russian Tungestra explosion from 1943. I did the calculation, it was …postpone to 2 years and another 6 months from my birthday to Oct, he Keanu Reeves has the movie Sweet November. My birthday is April 16th. Do you want me to read the math or calculate the math in front of you by 10s era, 20s era, 30 era, 1234, 1 and 6 months, becomes total? I need 3 minutes if it’s backward calculating …his name is Keanu Reeves. 

China has a song I will pass the lyrics down. 

I hope you like it.”

Babaji: right, India !!!!!

If template is given to you, you draft a day or at least an hour copy paste? We are different ? Imagine DC is right in front of you, entire Congress? Isn’t you all political driven ? So? Waiting this 埃及豔后 showing up ?

 America needs you to be “No matter what” Andrew Webber him says

China needs you to be spiritual evolved enough to say compassion when in inside any circle of all human looking people …

You all love party ?

No matter what ?

Babaji: right, India !!!!!

Speech 2

 ‘Hi, tonight food is solid right? I am a chemist degree from SUNY Buffalo, West Upper New York, the furtherst side of New York States. My parents pay my tuition, the States gives me back my money. I have a friend whom work in UN marine life, I work In chromosome DNA lab. One of things about actually getting technical on skills inside lab to competes, let’s say my summer inter City of Hope California intern, it was that I did that 18 years ago …no one remember that stuffs, but my friends name people stuck, we both are Wei in Chinese. I am a citizen acquire in 2007/8, I remember my visa office was that green card holder requires the travel notice written where I been outside United States, I had a bf, if I knew it was so hell of experience the day I see Jury at getting the Citizen, I might have that relationship solid …it’s expired. Now, to get the funding from Washington DC any scientific work requires paper, I have 2, one in 2003, one in 2011, if my friend PhD nursing put in the New Technology called Wii board with my name in it. Meaning I work for a living in the Senior medicate care center. That’s why I am standing here to present something with my background so far .. .”

Babaji: right, India !!!


 “Good evening, ladies and gentleman, my certificate from school was a New York Public librarian. In graduate school, I Intern at D. C National Archive like today we sitting at, Washington DC Grand Hotel. The Library Congress not far from here stole my book copyright 6 months decides to gives me a serial number, saying I don’t go to the intern in Archive that summer, it was a decade ago, 12 years. Today I am here to be an instructional librarian instead of a certificate I acquire because, the Digital Era kicks in, they means instructional is with a microphone, not a certificate desk in the public library tour. That’s why we have a chance to gather here for a chat on modern technology development…. Light off ….the projector here we will see …these slides ….”

Babaji: right, India !!!!!

The day you have to get up with a microphone starting calling name begins your plan …like 54, 37, 26…they have a name …like a party Obama been.

 That was 2014.

Babaji: right 

How you suppose to play games in all names I given to you, or you re-shuffle a brand new list starting 2014? Do you had a life? A UB school Lord 5?

Is that what they want hunger game meant ? Not Snowden means ?

Babaji: re-start means ?

Everyone has a self esteem issues, become a focus point for others to compare …everyone is VERY competitive in life, every groups, every circle, all. 所有人都有自尊心,當變成焦點的社交圈內,被比較,每一個人都非常非常競爭幾咧,每一個團體,每一種圈子

 Try ever again, Simon 2014?

You see, when you suppose to become reliable …it means a lot to a lot of people none of that are an issue any time, any clock, any occasion, right away, Anna, up there microphone.

當人應該變成所謂『被依賴性』… 對很多人還說那些事情不再是一種問題,任何時間,任何時刻,任何場面,馬上,安娜,起來,前面麥克風

I am telling you …小鬼 小和尚 你們長大發誓絕對不看這種東西,是有原因的!


I thought they are much older to be in the Congress?

 Working overload ?

Working too hard ?

Recognize this guy in your Time/ Era?

One time I imagine it’s me + Lauren throw outside solar system line…I am near, she is outside a bit. I have no idea how does that happen ?2015/2016?