
I go to sleep. It’s not a number you see 2. Ask Tibetan in years first to define basic entry methods. Not to say it’s a lineage holder ?

 You all now become a TV easy going random watching audience. I say 123 frames sailor moon easy simple cute and funny blinking your eyes and be cute. I can be cute and funny for the rest of my life to tell you I will be the only lineage holder ? Like Venus show you how many and the universe ? You don’t know how hard I really worked inside and outside against all odds in everything I do. Lineage holder has a strict discipline of themselves, highly motivated by themselves, solitude to say marriage yeah ...you are dealing Ola and Karen kind, don’t even touch the millionaire club their marriage try out rejection methods optimistic output groups ? Oh, I know what they can do. You are defining we look the same. We do things the same. If this zero things keep going ...I don’t know what we left to do not going to be minus to say no more zero? Yes military boss wants you to have a habit, discipline, clear it’s in speaking, observation, think before you talk, politeness,  etc etc...I was way looooong ago by pass that, so I told you to go to their authorize groups, the millionaires they are. I don’t do this teaching you how to get up early on time, doing make-up on Eben one hour routine everyday ? Or you brush your teeth before you go out? You fold your bed everyday first thing you get up? You lock your door when you go out? You check the heater still on so no more fire man calling me here saying we are different ? They need to call in here ? So many basic things Eben teaches or his friends teaches are available. Everyone professional will tell you why they exist in America. You don’t. They do. What’s between me and them relationship, that’s my business with them. If Ola and Karen are mature like I am, yes, their parents can try to say to them, go talk for Anna to build a good relationship with them. They cannot talk, they cannot act, they cannot think outside the box, do they even read Steve Jobs book to know Reed is online ? Their whom classmate ? Anna did worse...she ensure you will never open your mouth to talk again ...no one will ever do that to you Ola and Karen but she will do it just like she says so many things, you are not hearing it to live life. You are way too lazy to be princess crown. 

Babaji: fantasy fantasy, they don’t read Chinese to even know what other parts of the worlds saying things about them. 

You will write I told you to write to check, One Lord one Guard, all rest ADD+office worker last tie. You identify all the objects in the frames, 2 ET buzz, you ADD needs to buzz them, call them each time greys shows up, not the other normal guy. The normal guy does once. This morning.

 You know ET knows Chinese 侍衛長 means = guards. They know Tibetan doubt bodies practices, ET knows I know we both professional know one hell of things - double body Prana related this Tibetan secrecy methods are mostly lineage holder 掌門人, meaning the past it’s lineage holder. Both ET and I Anna know that as a very biggest fact here...we both know you don’t know. You don’t know what’s a lineage holder means. You watch too many TV programs. Yeah, that’s about it.

Babaji: oh me?

I do not know.

Tool, program, wall, tag to stole ...in case we say things that’s not on purpose ?


How about you just watch it ? I am tired.

Babaji: yeah yeah 

I see Keanu a lot on my TV since ...

 You visit Keanu’s house ? No, I lost his address. No, I don’t keep records. You visits 3 Art? He is the One, you go and get your Lord of Ring with him and the Hobbit Valley making a website ? No, they are glue together, it’s art binds. Heart to heart. What ? You don’t know whom Keanu is anymore ? What does that mean? You used to know who Keanu is? He is acting very strangely ...he does strange things like my name ARCH? There is SMCH? And ? I look like I know him. He is engaged with his mother? Oh ...they want to tell me something I cannot understand it. You all go to him for that Lord of Rings? Because the movies turns real...yeah. Correct. Because it’s everyone talks about it.

Babaji: oh no.

Today we start with something white but not black, like my sneakers...it is known nikki. We will do 5 row first guy fifth girl, 10th girl 15 man, to right once again, that’s you girl, white you guy, third you him blue tie? We have line cross rolls in call. The right formation before we say a word today

 I just random say ...you like? You see them or they for sure see me?

Babaji: bad bad.

I would what ? Draft the way Eben asked me to draft on his seminar ?


I talked Ancient Chinese to tell those monks if I ever seen them doing this again their vows don’t mean they vow, their words don’t mean their words, I still will come back saying you best words you ever need to hear about me saying it to you all....You ...English I need to study Shakespeare or something ? I you you me them cannot talk optimistic out put groups you jealous me New Terms I wrote them their stage performance ? There has to be something you envy at? I cannot get into your profession is utterly because I have a speaking English problem ! It’s on the test score ! It’s proven someone 15 years later I will do this to you? Not just in English what phase to say? But in a sequence of posts to say ? Comprehensive ? So try 5 years self-improvement. A lot of people or professional are on these millionaires. They are many optimistic groups are millionaires. Do I say that to you before ? They make money on things to sell? So you buy and find out ...you ask them, you contact them to explain your situation to ask them what do you need, whom should you go to study under....cannot you even sort this tiny things in procedures steps to do ? 5 Lords mine because authority over me one day, they have to monitor ALL of them by interests ? They have to like it to do it !! And you ? Eben needs me to draft on his seminar to says his words ? What does that mean? He made Lalla her website ? And this is my website you see him yet? You desperate to see him here ?

Babaji: yeah yeah

You need to write things down, you need a draft, you need to practice to say in English words, you needs to rehearsal, you need to see the written words compare with the textbook to question my authority ...you need you need you need...

 Do I say you need an eye glass to see me staring at you ? Blank minded ? You need to draft your thoughts to prepare yourself. You need repetition to be able to say this professional words? You needs to practice at it not just memorize. You can answer the multiple choice but you cannot verbally saying it to teach others or to your medical board you know this stuffs. You cannot say it, they say you don’t understand it, that’s equal zero !! Not the multiple choices questions. No, I don’t need to repeat them, or repetition.,.,you do Eben course or self-improvement, they will teach you what’s a repetition to learn stuffs to get to the discipline. Do you actually hear me ? You need to say it out LOUD to know if you say it right !!! You NEED to records yourself to see if you make sense to say it loud in front of the strangers or the committee board like a professional. Not me your classmate telling you, I know you are zero, and you think I cannot prove you ?

Babaji: stupid and idiot. 

They don’t assume you are zero. The medical board that gives you the doctor liscense. They meant to teach you something. They know what I teach them last time.


I was thinking to tell them, the medical board doesn’t know you are zero. They insist you are 100%. I told them last time. I show them 5 Lords. They didn’t hand it to me. I say this this this and that. I wrote a full website to tell them, Hallo, we never met, I never made it to your medical school, my name is so and so, I have friends these, I “remember” their names and whom they are. They are the lists of following name. I write them my thinking about the medicine field, I told them I didn’t go to their school, we sort that, I am NOT in the medical school. Tamang has a wing onion microscope weather topics. Medical boards says medical, I say how is your weather. It’s on my website because I happen to cut her SMCH for every craps I ever heard from her to vent. I didn’t know the medical board exist. So they say hi, I say weather. It’s true, because what the heck Tamang says what about the weather ? I live at? An island ...not 500 videos they become Tamang to hear about it? They say they will keep up? I say hi, next time they gonna say weather ? So how is the weather we all finish talking about the weather, I told them their knowing I know the body chemistry. I wrote them in paragraphs, it’s in English. Completely readable English. So after this last year this year you are here because of your parents, did I say your parents ? Okay ...they don’t know why I would do things about the reason I will do, I will tell them you are zero. So this zero none stop they hearing it on their national television that Tamang if sitting next to you just like the movies to sit 1000 you, you gonna pass? It’s Ana face? So you don’t check what he says ...that Indian professor is that his father ? A golden onion in your hand ? What does Tamang say about your contact ? He wears eye glasses, he doesn’t need contacts. You gonna wear your contacts seeing him ? Golden brown fluorescent light ? I know what’s fluorescent light...

Babaji: bad bad Tamang will tell you it’s real bad.

The Queen wants to give me a gift like that dark hair girl kiss the black Pope type ...

 There are other worlds on this one Earth planet. Someone says shadows, someone says black pope. It’s ...that mummy returns things the Queen might hear only without seeing it. You didn’t see her changing the shape, you cannot assume she knows how to modify that mummy to human, no, she doesn’t. No, you don’t ask them, she might remember something, she might not remember all. But she can hear rumors or else she cannot live as a human to see that Mummy, none human to live sanely in life.

Babaji: right. 

Yeah if the whole China will fail all their meds students for that one 殺阡陌 I say you go to database to look records for names like in the drama says ...I say I used to intern National Archive USA...you have a data base in the computer ?

 You gonna accuse me I had an intern? I didn’t go but I got in. It’s the US library Congress near by National Archive, I actually post it on the Facebook I had other librarian friends now I remember not just Dean ! I say I got in the intern. I just didn’t go. It’s in Washington. DC, NOT Florida !! Can anyone look at it on the map? Just one me be put in anywhere to fail all of you like this, oh, I already know all of you and my future fate is connected. I know who they are, I know. I told you I know. Oh no...you suppose to make it like a real doctor a real lawyer a real professional that EVERY things you have a professional attitudes and vocabulary and maturity to handle you and others life. They know I am baby you !! Oh I cannot do that because I know you are zero. They know you are zero too. But they don’t want me to do this zero things I am doing to you...I need to do 100% things with you. Oh they will put me somewhere for that 100% to be delivered ...I know. I know them. I am teaching it. I really am !! I just told them before on the website, this time I told them again, you will be zero ...it’s every single time I prove them you are zero, I cannot teach 100%. They gonna pretend me I didn’t put you all at the zero? I am proving to them. When the prove is solid, they have no way to tell me let’s go 100%. ... no, they meant 100% I already say I already say, but do I just tell you, I told them I show them I written them notice none stop, you are absolutely ZERO!!!!

Babaji: completely zero impaired.

The mummy return, there is a gun, a jail in the first mummy, that’s a curse, he should be jailed, NOT he Tamang watching movies i am in it to work with him? Never ! Can you live with a sense?

 That’s everything reminds you that’s NO GOOD! Not open the box, not turn the key, not seeing his vision, I know I saw my vision, he does not look like heavy sighted but that doesn’t mean he can see very far. And he will not read ancient Chinese of a book I am reading it to everybody here ? Oh no, I don’t need him ever ! Not first not second. You all suppose to go jail him when I told you first time. 

Babaji: right.

No, you see what they intend to put in there, NOT you assume they are not mental !! They are on the records you can see hear they talk not normal. They have nickname, everyone talk who they are

 People sit together, you gonna call me I go to get a group again ? I live in 4 people, yeah, we were not the group. That girl never leave the room, I one day start going outside in the center room, so there is Annca, there is a group, the boys or the girls. You gonna accuse me again ? That’s the hospital, I don’t go there making friends period !! You look at the whole room, if you so wish to make friends you look ALL. We all get lineup. They are standing as a bunch, someone is calling everyone’s name, you cannot understand Chinese anymore?

Babaji: yeah say again to this group things to Eben, you do things behind his back ?

I didn’t do anything behind his back. We sit on the table reading the magazine, I say this guy looks like Annca, I look like this blonde first girl, I was black hair, Annca doesn’t know I am a blonde but he knows he called me Anna. They all call me Anna. No one calls me my real name. There is a Nick name “emporor” I told him with that subway map, you are right here !! We then, never talk. I talk to Annca only because he is the one very very fluent in Chinese, very very smooth, unbelievable smooth. I cannot never imagine there is a guy who can talk? He says he does receptionalist, or shampoo...he brought us car in with advertisements booklet, ask me which car I like? I saw car I already blacken out. Seeing him I never stop blacken out. He says his gf took what away from him, he says how much money? He gives or he makes? I don’t want to hear about it. One day I saw a magazine again, the car gf with a crime? He was air blow his hair. We always talk he does his face make up cleaning box after the shower, he is so tall. He always air dry his hair there, so I put his magazine to his arm, we don’t talk anymore, this is your magazine. There is a crime in that magazine. We finish talking. 

Babaji: oh

I move next next by his room, one person living. I don’t need to look at that damn TV again, by how far meter all you gonna wear glasses and stand where I stand ? The edge or the couch behind, or the first seat at the table, NOT the display couch , then there is a table, there is a chair ..it’s NOT in the middle ? That tiny screen TV not flat screen? You all not going to make it. I know that.

You as a doctor or Meds students should never never never has that records you sent yourself to me and Annca at hospital. But, because I am ...them they US whom department, I will tell you, you have to go in there, not with the records to be put on the paper ever.

 It’s not the normal hospital. You as a doctor suppose to know that place, you don’t need to hear what or how I describe that place because I didn’t say it. I say go, you follow. But you cannot go. Your records cannot have that. You have to by chance the upper medical fields groups you students to go in that hospital environment to set up your observation zoom, you intern there when they tell you to. No! I will not go there ever again to do things for you? I know exactly what happened in there, everything. All of it. No, I cannot tell you. I say burn to across the land, I didn’t say anything about them. You should not. 

Babaji: right.

For example, I sit in a class, the front row, the most left, near the window, my peripheral is near the windows. Yes, I am tell you how to get out of the jail, they sent you to the class.

 The instructor will draw something on the board, a dot, a curve line, a circle. You look at the window hanging something a dot, a line and a circle. You look at the instructor and see she if looking at you, you look at that thing near the windows. She is not seeing you, she does not know that things are hanging on the near by windows right in front of me. You turn around the whole classroom, oh someone will know you are looking at where and turn around. You see no one raise their head up, they are just all writing the notes down from the instructor. If someone raise their head, you look at that person to look at you, but no one. The whole classroom has no one exist, no one, not even the instructor. You turn back to your desk. You just be like anyone else, that things the instructor does not know it’s on the window, she is saying everything on the told paper, so you follow everything she says that on, you don’t need the notes that much, you Scribble fast if you want but you just look at the ceiling, she draw triangle you look ...you look across the room, you scan the entire room, the air con behind you. It’s big, you can see with the eyes glasses. The back of her ceiling. You see light on or light off, you follow her saying exactly.

Babaji: then what happened ?

One day I saw my ID what color? I stand on the middle of the classroom shows that tag color, say I am not staying here, so I leave. I went already before to the subway girls say, does this place exist? She says NO! You suppose to whistle bell sounds, you cannot have anything don exist on the map they hospital sent you to, NO, if she told you that, get out !!

You doctors meds students interns still imagine you are on intern ? To train jail people ? Of course not. They are some weak mind mental

 No, you are NOT going to train the jail Fatima FEMA camp? No, the police jail them, the federal court jails them with loooong reason why you don’t read the judges spent their times checking the cases ? No. They are Tony type, criminal. The criminal people stays in jail. No, you don’t go and pretend they are finer people. People stay on jails because they stay in jails. They are violent, they are very impulsive to hit or random hit on the head someone WILL die. Someone die, you GO TO jails!! No, they are not SENT by the government. It’s a jail, making purpose is to jail Tony bad guys. They do bad things imagine in their own head in a fantasy they tell themselves mental mental mental condition. No one knows what’s wrong with them !! NO ONE knows what’s in their head. The judge only knows the crime, the events, the time, the witness statement and they the criminal talking in words if they make sense to themselves why or how the crimes happened. Oh no, there are very mental, drug dealers, drug addicted, rehab....

Babaji: they totally got it wrong.

ADD, that’s a blonde inspector like you? You are not the inspector, who is he talking to? GED guy. Not college graduate. Like himself can only write and read? That’s including you ADD, 3 ADD groups?

 Is anyone real? You understand ? To negotiation table? You only follow the instruction to say, no more no less. 

Babaji: right. 

自由在門外 O.G. African, Africa, AF FR super power I C A

 On channel 70. 6:30. That looks like a jail ? Yeah I saw jail metal bars now. ET are on the edge with us here. They are outsider, they are not prisoners....the real prisoners is for the 5 Lords reviews are Dean blonde romance groups from outside space they coming to make you love them, care love them you completely forget the name of that mantra because you just don’t believe no one can hear you repeating it when I say don’t ? They do that to redeem their sins. They are in the jail. They know you love them, in anyway they will take you with them to the new sunshine beautiful world to live Love life. Is that the movie? Don’t know. 

Babaji: that’s for now, now.

ADD Thor, your memory don’t last the last video has a seat, but curses ancients is Eon dark, ET is modern their skin smooth and shining high tech clean wipe galaxy to make a new space, CLEAN space means no dark.

 Lords of Ring and that ET can be separate in two posts. I heard that word twice...I didn’t repeat this video. I hear I stop, I write ...only that I listen twice, it’s Thor..whatever he meant, you never put Ancient Darkness knights cursed in an assemble to match makers these ET modernize our world today. Oh they know what they say ancient black curses, they ET built this worlds with the high tech meaning your new personal mall like Princess Diary, in Silicon Valley or me Egypt here, it’s sleek, it’s straight cut machine lines, it’s technically measures, it’s modern success of the civilization we built from scratch from Tesla 1900 time. You are not going to do me a favor to bring the dead back to call me Ancient prove, and you don’t go and tell ET the ancient better or they better. You cut them in two world apart like these two posts. You don’t talk about them, you don’t compare them in front of ET, you don’t pine for the old outdated records to the ET high speed download their Google arkashi library, you don’t question ET, you don’t argue with ET, you better just erase your ancient memory when you say to ET, they rule if they show up in front of you. They know how to study ancient but not talking to them straight provoking them on it. They know exactly what ancient meant. They didn’t start those words “ancient” “curses” “black magic” to build us a civilization here, so don’t ever do that to them. That’s in the movies, 4 points frames holding in, they are not going to coming out of it, they are seal, they are blocked, they are past, they are just a story, just a recording they air for their agenda here !! On Earth.

Babaji: Anna, very well said. 

Star Gate - hey you, not this morning you the agent girls Karen or Ola ever know you meant to say, Bill Ryan, they see him says I don’t trust him there are 2 maps? Who says one? Can he read? No he is from outside space. Someone else is from outside space


No, I am not undercover. But I know he went to your platform, project Camelot, you told him or you told his boss or you tell NASA? Tillk? Minisotta ? Keanu’s movie? Right 3 Art is on my channel, but you are not supposed to tell somebody there is Tilk and a Minisodtta ? You know what’s 28? Venus +Neptune in the solar system counting methods in Chinese ? Tom, or Tim or whom that is say ancients ....not anxious ...because you don’t get any “all the memo” because it’s ancient ? And yeah, if they NASA suppose to go, outside, you blow up a star by destiny...she says you are ready to go. I didn’t say that, I bar down all has to go already. But this should be very intuitive. ...no, it’s how is Tom getting married ? I meant to say TIm? But we just had a bad crisis on the name between Sammy or Samuel, it’s not sam ....how long this air break buzz I have to push ...all the questions ADD push the Simon’s stage buzz, it’s every line I comments, you cannot hear it NASA? Mental instability, yeah, ask the “guys” , you don’t need them? It’s in your head. ADD, what’s a jello? It’s Prince Charles from now on a week might keep seeing that on his royal palace table to everyone pleasing, he owns a jello park forest has a forest fire...don’t know when, how, where, what’s gonna be...so he defines jello first not Jell-O shot Karen tries to murder ? Back in ADD dates month, year, time? Earth year please. If ADD next lines you see grey, you buzz that agent again, because Karen and ‘Ola cannot hear ....no, not rocks. If incoming debris big enough like you see tail, it’s a particular comet. Rocks got dissolve by the atmosphere, pebble got burn in the atmosphere, but Comet VERY BIG ROCK will land !!! Grey says “very” !! And followed is a “mission” or an “operation” word not by image by doing it, ADD?

Babaji: yeah right, Star space !

Someone 大修行者 very very heard practitioner if told me an instruction, you heard, you obey, you stop thinking.

 You suppose to be like that when someone told you something, you follow. You don’t question, you don’t rebel, you don’t go challenge, you don’t mind his business, you don’t ask, you don’t tell. You only do what you told only to do. You will find he means no harm, you think you look, you hear. If he is that evil, I will be dead long ago. Cannot you think? He just needs something someone does for him. You run errand. 

Babaji: not going to happen in my case, EVER.

You want a spirituality like a traveling ? No, I don’t think so. If I tell you “I don’t think so”, you don’t need the rest of imagination, it’s pointless.

 If I answer you no, it doesn’t mean you don’t want it. It just intuitively you should not keep your thinking on it to imagine any word I say after “no”. Yeah, you suppose to evolve like I say no, you stop thinking further. If someone told me that before I practice SMCH methods, I just listen and never think outside ET, or star or sun or moons. It is happy here, I am happy Hobbit. It’s an illusion ? It’s eternal. 

Babaji: no one will think like you think.

Why not?

左盟主 I don’t know what that is. I cannot think if I don’t know what that is. Yeah, as simple as that.


We are on the edge of the Milkyway. Yeah, the edge things. No, if you want to become these 4, you don’t have to walk at the edge. There is a particular traveler going on the ages by Kalpa times, very very long times doing that traveling, your words practices, it’s just the only way and the only belief anyone with a head would know that’s the only correct way to live in life. No, not this looks likes a Governor job title. Wallace has a title, I don’t use a title, not on reality, not on paper, so I just tell you I don’t know what that is. 4 th ladder of my map, I know what that is. I know that by heart. It’s not just one planet or galaxy seen or not seen. Do you actually want me to tell you if I know we gonna be found, outside this earth, I gonna get a strange title and on paper and be outside this world completely for a demonstration ...this? Suppose to stay earthly. Not I think of immense universe with the actual humans in it populate on the planet like you and I studying Buddhism 4 heavenly King. This is just a play. I meant to tell you it is a traveler...kinda cold like that, so I use the image for my liking. Not to go declaring one side of the galaxy ...to say later format I am on the edge, they can see me? I cannot see?


Babaji: yeah, you cannot see. You were too busy.

ADD - not the forehead, but yeah, they let you through only probably, I know you are ADD. No, don’t do that


I can see, no, I don’t need the glasses to see. It’s very big at the forehead. You cannot see that far but I can. I am describing to you right now I can see the area you did to your forehead. It’s not like lines on the clock with a background green color on it. You will be bleeding hurt so your head will be lower than normal, I can see you walking. No, I say don’t do that. I am not blind.  No, they will probably only let you ADD through. No, we are not playing that. No, not every slide movies frames has to be physical seen. No, I say I don’t design games like that. I say no already, can you hear it?

Babaji: a bunch of rubbish.

I go to nap, don’t call me Buddha. I have a name


Babaji: where is my earthquake ?

You are doing on purpose ?

Babaji: no.

What about Eben?

Babaji: he didn’t call yesterday he didn’t call today. 

He probably is busy.

Babaji: yeah?

Is something you want me say to him, you are saying it.

Babaji: no.


Karen and Ola’s parents don’t know what’s self-improvement ? Like simpleology software to wake up productive

 You systematic your life to a degree of discipline, there are known world methods you follow what everyone else already done it to become more like them, then you talk to me why they are optimistic about my existence and their accomplishments with educating you. You can self improve your vocabulary teaching others how to self-improve. Most time you only learn while teaching others. You can choose not to do that. You can collect others saying like shaping your routine or habits. You know how to make yourself a routine in plans or getting up to get habits in drinking water or going to the bathroom to wash up? If you live by yourself, you clean laundry, you take a walk, they modern terms are fitness. Yeah, you worked with many of them to learn things because you are interested in them.

Babaji: oh yeah ? Not ADD?




ADD: The Secrets Life of Pets 2

 The fuzzy pets in the cartoon, they have a professor. But then, there is a darkness wizard shows up, to smell a fallen flower, you 3 ADD were released, to watch another one look like you to die, he comments on the flower throw to you 3, you 3 smell at the same time, woo Wu barking, you went to find the things he asked, so he would skin that shelf black wolf to make a purse.

Babaji: that’s not the story. 

They are busy anyway.

ADD: it’s human you cannot throw the scroll, so if you need me play, you throw others in the fire

 You can ask your other staffs. They know the answer. I am watching your movies. Next post. How you become black hunting wolf.

Babaji: yeah 

I said terrestrials is like the ground goes up earthquake, falling down like water rise.


Babaji: you say a lot.

Tibet is a Pleuto 

I told Rockfeller what is ET

 I asked her : do you know ET words?

 She said : no

I said like extraterrestrials 

She said: what’s that ?

Like terrestrial is a word, you draw a circle like this (I go to a wall and draw a circle) that’s terrestrial.

She said: what does that mean?

Like a border.

Babaji: finally say something outside you went about or they kill you with it. 

I have to get out - outside

 Babaji: that fast?

Like tomorrow ?

ADD my brother video +白子畫 playlist, I made a note on the video for you.

 There are certain things you like, then look at it. I will teach you what you like.

Babaji: you will know what I say is true. 

We don’t have a pharmacy Major known although my high school volleyball did tell me her dream, but I didn’t know. Pharm is not Med, it’s a brand new reality with hope and not light, it’s p

 But it is a lighter looking. I don’t really know what that is. It’s not germ related. It’s not lab related. I already was in the lab. Everyone is in it not Meds then Pharm. it’s just a standard test. It’s completely unheard of, I never ask the advisor or anyone what that really is...we talk about it “you are pharmacy student ?” But it’s not I know the full picture of they have liscense issues, tests requirement if you are in the graduate school like bio 403, or they come from national level students might be from California or better family with more money background, they look different, they talk different. It’s a blank world ...I just need to make it. 

Babaji: did you plan to make it?

It’s a standard test first. 

Babaji: did you take the practice exam?

Possible I did.

Babaji: how many times?

It’s only one book, you write once. You ask me that, I will get shock, that’s not ...right. 

You plan 5 years coming back to force the guy to open the book. You do Eben says or you go to local Buffalo wealthy sponsors buy Eben course to study self-improvements, starting habits.

 There are many ways you do things. You plan in life whole life with that one book in your goal to be open with Dean or Dr. T. You have to be able to dress, talk, act like you are pleasing to them, not sissy sassy if they touch you by accident if they go that far even in the books. You suppose to increase your vocabulary with Japan or Ukraine or ice skating or me roller blades. You broaden your view in educating yourself how to focus better because ice skating is at the split moment you don’t pay attention they will make you fall on purpose. I do that with the same kids in the blade park here...the kids small will fall. You are not small kids anymore. You don’t like Eben, lots of these self-improvements, you still need to pay, getting a investor or sponsor you give them the reasons why they suppose to help you to go ahead with your life. You prepare things to go and talk to them. Specifically you want this this this and this be done by 5 years. At local wealthy people house you just ring the bell start talking normal. They are safe. 

Babaji: yeah?

Doctrinated movies means Dr T was a Med student but he changes his major to chemistry. You heard him saying that, you quit, you go to pharmacy school instead.

 Something like that. You are indoctrinated to some ideas but you change your mind half way because the money sign is equal to, you cannot think there are other things exists so there is a Dr T and his quit major, not new found chemistry or your undergraduate advisor, I would not take 105 Chem. 

Babaji: that’s so much better.

Did I say he has a debts collector ? He runs and hide and shrink...that’s the guy you like

 You don’t go for the real guys because they know your every past is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong ? Your parents cannot tell you so God design me to tell all. That’s how the script goes ...the books cannot open, you beg those big people to open, you don’t need to hear from my saying. You begging them first, they are your immediate instructor. 

Babaji: yeah 

You take it all the guys are tall to look nice. Handicap smell and short you can see? Middleton saw certain bad ones to run trail ? Indoor

 You are pleasing to look at them tall, so they have to look at you short? That’s what you take it for granted. You don’t considerate anyone’s existence to be more inconvenient to them... taller doesn’t mean they are good guys, your parents would have wish before they die you would tell that apart from other kids. When you get to 80, then you will shut up not to look at any younger guys to say they grow right? Oh.

Babaji: not our case here.

There is a Queen, used to be a princess, has a son, you two talking to or talking to each other to? She still there ?

 You suppose to see this things. Me and Prince William and Prince Harry and their wife’s similar age so we stay friends to play...not to go mind their upper branch jurisdiction. Now she sees there is a forest fire her son in it with you or you two Anna says reading the bed time story? She reads them, you think? She is a real princess ~~now a Queen. Or you see the reality wrong again like me, if you see yourself spent s;l those money, you feel you are a Queen? I see things be motivate by the movies like you ? What do I see be motivated by the movies ? ‘That’s on the movie ?”

Babaji: no, re-write that.

Sariputra cannot be guided or taught, yeah, bad.


He takes care of you ? Talk to him in money sign first. He is not going to raise nobody including her parents. Nothing. He will buy 50 ties those useless emablish stuffs. He sees you succeed, you have a right to talk to him. Rockfeller may not say anything to him yeah ...I am not going to. I always change my mind. They can just have me regent here several life times until he born out of the hell esch and every additional time he is not on his duty you wish beside him to do big things? Oh, your parents forget to explain you that at all? Okay, I am his sister, not classmate, I explain this clearly to you and to everyone. No one is in a hurry.

Babaji: yeah?

Sending your parents a message?? Yeah, right, you are dead. I do anything I want and so does all worlds to get rewards.

 You are not happy your parents stands on my reasoning why you are just immature kid whom dreams big to princess ? The Queen still exists, she was a princess, she had a very good time dressing up because she actually smiles in her time. You would jealous if she turns in your age ? Looking like me age ? Bill Gates just got divorced...there is a Melinda. Why would that even hurt you? Every tiny little things hurts you, you are so easy to be play by the worse bad guy like Adam Tony, you would drop your emotional status to cry. They get things in life by gambling their parents must take them for granted. You don’t do it obvious but all parents becoming a parents will have to take that. You heard a lot of stars when they become famous, they raise their parents, same as Steve Jobs. You would make it that way so your parents could breath from the bank loads every month ? To check every balance ? You are not details enough to know the severity. Details to imagine, you still have a feel to lean on. Not your parents then it’s your grand parents a hidden treasure map? If KTV hands me a sheet of their ads...I went to see so many money on top ...I do what they say to tear apart of their advertisment not your parents old home they live in ever...

Babaji: so many things like that.

US provides you everything to succeed...I say that one more time with the Valley sitting at the door entrance facing China.

 It’s you obligated to listen to your government says. Valley is your NSA TSA however I twist the words to twist their formation that you watch them, do them, make it with them, with no hope you gonna get any money and still have get out of the chair not fat to run outside the door 1000 times til you going back and forth becoming Eben says habits in every household efforts to see a military train. Or you die with disease. They are distribution at it...who cares that’s natural or you make them?

Babaji: haha...me I agree.

They probably try to explain the difference Yehweh or Jesus


We already watched that before, if you believe this stuff, believing in it. It’s images photo I count on your eyes retina receiving these things sounds like you make an effort in listening natural wonder others told you (so).

Babaji: bad bad 

For example : Karen and Ola jealous they want, I will make them so hateful, to go and talk to their parents or bf for attention they ask them “what does Anna do to you today” 委屈

 They are not spiritually developed in their conscious mind, to say they need their parents or bf to care for that monent of the day and everyday. They both don’t hold memory long, as long as those monent fulfill, they forgive me. They do not know what is conscious mind, they do not what’s subconscious mind. They are dull spirits floating in the air waiting 3 meals a day, to die for 50 years half. They have nothing equip in words to express to their parents and bf their subconscious wants are that cake frosting , car or someone else outside marriage like Tony handsome, they don’t discriminate his career because they have none. They know what equality the society means because or else everyone will critique them for they are too proud ..one of those stupid petty mind talks. People with high education guys like Dr T will not able to hold them a conversation other than where is your bf makes them smile first, second question I got some candy, Anna gives, third question how is your parents says on Anna treating you bad, tell me?

Babaji’; so many games 

Their memory is none so it’s free games any time anyhow just a responding robot I say so, you do only I say to feel and act and think and go and live your day. I am God. 

If I hold scroll, not just Lalla one word wrong, it’s all girls one word wrong, hell.

 You do on purpose. You are born to be lazy. If you were young, you growing unintentionally i by pass your childhood. Adults no, hell. I say it very clear it’s one word, not two lies. One word. That standard is my signature sign I will sign. You should have very very clear conscious you don’t harm anyone by birth legally not for your pride, your ego to kneel to the guys gives you protection alone ...by the words and attitude counts. Yes, hell sentence...you vow you never will do that ever again so many lifes hells, you will be reborn as tight as I was when I was a child. I remember all. You born with it. Teacher can facilitate good teaching, you listen to the teacher, you listen to the good teaching, you must make it they say to go to heaven in any cause is spirituality first, you can have no guys, not hell. Period. You hold that standard all your life to come and tell me I hold scroll like I need to prove to you with 24 hours 8 years I do, not you see me my name start doing ...or 1st year you heard me enough prove, you suppose to kneel and appreciate everything i lesson you with full gratitude and kneel full flat in your heart you accept hell. Oh I know my jobs, you don’t. We will laugh just like how I design when you will laugh all the way the end time comes ...

Babaji: great.

Upper class guys - my posts gone

 You go on dates with them yet? I say Karen and Ola drives to see houses and go up there introducing themselves as a makar girl who folding the banks like the wal-mart folding tables ...or Lovely Bone Flower wither thousands perish bone corrupt girls trance losing memory starts that look ...girls? The upper guys will take you sport car, I hate those car Tony used fold 50,000 personal line and credit debts collection agent called his father. And you love them? To on purpose to smile, I say most time I gonna blacken out. Eben chase me, correct. He does. No, not you flower wither standing outside I blacken out methods. You blacken out because your heart sink, you are playing a romance love hate he finds you games. You read the novels? I don’t have any novel to even look at it what you think of my musement park burn down to hold hands ice cream guys Asian or white guys ? Nick bought me Silicon Valley ice cream. I rule them that time, first time I learn what’s ice cream kinds. I hate it the taste. He says it’s good. W two worlds going on a date he ice cream and buy your cloth. I buy my own clothing. W two worlds he us an upper class ? He is ? Okay, not the actor. The story. Purna has money she normally hold that money tie. I know that. Upper class guys with the money ?

Babaji: your post gone.

Don’t talk like that.

Elizabeth, I don’t know whom that is, but others whom all seen it knows who that is. It means the inner circle. Not I say.

 You girls like the upper class ? American can hand all the guys credit cards or cash, they don’t want to become like that. Guys are very active and energetically strong, very strong. You don’t know they are strong ? The strength you cannot loose it up. Test their patience ? No. Sex things. Well... okay the upper class guys know you are all looking for them especially the movies says becomes more clear to them. It always clear to them. Karen and Ola? Buffalo has rich family, they just drive and go knocking doors. Introduce themselves folding the banks girls on my channel. Or dead on Lovely trance zone zombie worlds (Lovely bone) no? Shy, the upper class guys have to chase you like the romance story ? That’s Eben chase me type ? If he does. He doesn’t ? No, he does. Not with the flower...no, not that. I am so long lost on translation in novels. They wait for you outside ? Oh I would black out, yeah. They take you on Motorcycle drive? Others try, I black out too. It’s very very dangerous. They take you to amusement park ? You are Asian ? Here the amusement park I know burn down. No. That’s not me and Eben. They buy you ice cream and clothing ? You mean W two worlds ? Nick did that but ice cream I never really eaten ice cream kind in America so I asked him. Clothing, I buy, not he buys. He will take it to size me front? Probably jacket ? No, he doesn’t do that. Not that TV. Okay, has to be your fine story ...what story is that ?  Race car ? The sport car..I hate Tony stuffs. His damn car on 50,000 dollars personal line and credit debts with the collection agent. Okay, what else ? They say sweet words to you? The upper class tutor trainer guys ? Okay, what else, they polish photo for you ? You mean the Asian guys? The photo Tina birthday card music video sliding wishing album ...Hank does that. Yeah he called me to write words. I cannot hear you ...they do things on purpose to make you smile ? Normally probably meant I turn black not smile, but okay. Are we done?

Babaji: yeah, long story short. 

Taiwan - oh dear that song ....better you all cannot hear anyway, you all try girls out and ? Not my version story to look for money and die in the mansion like a castle for real?


No, I don’t know. I was too busy. It’s not a very catchy script to me Western coming back. You all don’t dress like that anyway. You read the comic books here in Taiwan? Bought them? No, the story I tell is to India...but you all try out the Cinderella glasses shoes? It’s ...transparent meant 琉璃 meant ? You don’t put that on the foot means. Yeah Queen might have one to wear, too heavy no? What? The girls whom they did these? I don’t imagine things. Those are acting for the guys, they are not the real guys acts. The real face of a guy they if like you, don’t do these money you have no skills things to feel so dummy ...yesh if it’s Trump’s family. What ? The grand pa kills or suffer to look at it ...you have to talk in a real sense of a reality. Fine...what can I do for you? Explain they have a feeling upper class? They drink a lot or gambling a lot included with their family money type of guys or you look for that ages of their mommy boys guys family inherited tutor manner guys? She likes 4 them, that’s wrong. They all know that. Deep down you like 4, they want you to pick that said one, not that Hank one. He has another TV with Tina fantasy. No, you want 4 to lay you attention, you cannot see they are different characters to hold your grand pa business together better to boss everyone around ? Yeah, that one.

Babaji: all got mix up.

Yesh, I can tell.

Door to sound ? You girls robotic getting married envy Karen Ola type outside girls free to be whom Chris Mat suffers to be? Not your type things to do?

 They will get killed, you want that? If not pieces partial they mean they do on purpose all the time? What will you suggest them both to do, since you are inner circle bound not ADD bound ? Not talking about Anna things to them all the time like bossing them to do Anna’s says for them or else both die? Oh, they unintentionally pressing the guys forehead to say it’s their headache means ? It’s a warming gesture if Dean has a fever I care to kiss or touch the forehead they both think? It’s to? Freeze, I have a gun? That’s not a kiss with me and Tamang only.

Babaji: yeah?

High tech- current time on Lalla, but there is a grey, that means it’s their must read gossipe stuffs, I say it’s current time, hey door bell !! Yeah I know you won’t like it.I am Tro have


We did these so many times before, I thought it’s over !!, no, that title is left arm Milkyway? It’s the 4 Kings Buddhism git backfire, I mean here the character, not dimension how many unlimited galaxy universe are in ONE dimension ...that’s 4 them, 4th my map vertical look, not horizontal makes around circular ? 360 degree I know flat circular sphere all around. Great. Of course I don’t ...that title keep it. I am trying very hard to get rid of all of you military ...these are not working.

Babaji: yeah yeah right.

Lalla - not just la la land, we have a development ads here on TV it’s called Hank lala, I thought ...uhm in the slam dunk that Hank.

 Not the high heel you are not carefully display on the ground tilted ? Not the hair go on purpose die without doom? Not the blindness the powder drop or a blood in the shower you cannot see ...not the apology to say love suppose to be quest things, you don’t use quests you say required? College course or kingdom garden. Her size? There is only one definition ....not all that different versions of spinning the same stories. It’s just a story, mesmerizing, touch the heart, with a power to imagine another fairytale story, in the end it’s age grows, that door bell never sound, and all that lost were said before, it never will regain, it never revive, it never is, it never were...how pity human life is not eternal, being poetic about the coming, it’s to come, not to give up defensing walls, or else, it’s inner struggle of that lacking missing the affection to that man we love equal to God and be denounce as ...not ...one ...of ...us...was.

Babaji: well there is an india packs with the man gangs.

Imagine European vast border without restriction flat wide open just like their EU promise, but as you approach your dreaming horse with my Dean coming home, there will be One Da Vinci landing down in front of you. Guess what he looks like ?

 列陣 meaning military matrix set up formation precise my words to their words.




They are fantasy - only blue ray on demands probably ...

Ola, ET throw a Barbi doll in front of you ...that Prince not No Handsome commander by Britney backup dancer, royal palace guards, the assignment is European King’s wife Queen scandalous with? Other Kings, and still die. It is about the 3 Princes, never is Tony construction workers like Royal guards ?

 It means opera. 胡桃鉗 Nutcracker 


People like them with the music background will hear the melody the moment knows the image, it’s NOT that. It’s Nutcracker, England Royal army. You know their uniform red with big hat like your tall hats ? Yesterday was also in the Ugly doll. ADD is paying attention you become their 5 Lords in case, they meant their advice if were asked professionally on their intuition scale, it’s to 10 out of 10, kills. Not just I shut down your every movies , books to read from Number 1 Chair Reinanssance. That’s only famous in Europe. And Prince Charles they do have Da Vinci air plane design collection, I lied!

⭐️⭐️⭐️That’s Venus business, not my business, they evolved to become serene, not that, not that, not that , not that .l..⭐️⭐️⭐️

 But okay, the story is her husband do that to me, I get up to go to him drunk on the table her wedding day, put him back her bed, tell both them hold each other sleeping.

Babaji: really? 斜眼瞪人

I ... become her, same thing. They know both of them know I have no heart. Yeah but I don’t cry with it if Eben does that ! I have to go and move him from the drunk table to the bed. It’s not the time to get like that, you are not losing your pride by lowering yourself to him no matter whom you are daughter Trump? Her father must be famous. It’s on our records our book, they represent Venus. That’s it. 

Babaji: I don’t care about your saying ? 斜眼瞪人

No, they both are not like that. They both are actors. No. I say no already. They evolved. But yeah if they show you he can do that...you think twice whom he chooses to marry to. Training a rubbish to become serene...that’s all your fantasy. Of course they know. But they are celestial elf means ? We will never have a martial artist congregation.

Babaji: say it

That’s the end I see them Karen, Adria, them. I don’t fall back. It was never is already. There is Venus him Frank, there is an ugly him 左冷蟬



 Saw it. The Title of it. 左盟主

Babaji: anger to the roof.

No, Eben, that’s not what I mean.

Babaji: what exactly you mean?

I am very exhausted, I talked to you when I see you.

Babaji: what are you talking about ?

I would not do that at the wedding. It’s not exactly like that.

Babaji: oh.

It would not be like that, okay? I saw it. I heard it. I need to go rest.

Babaji: tomorrow you want to see him to explain well?

... yesh, if he calls.

Babsji: phone is on?

Not tonight.


 I said Frank daughter could she not even 3 style she cannot make ? She made it 3 fights, could it be? Can anyone call Venus to ask and make sure that? No, I am not hurt. It just Venus? Tesla from Venus. There is possible and impossible things.

Babaji: yeah?

Uglydolls ? ADD or they the medical profession ?

 This are 5, you all have a teddy bear stuffs ? That’s really bad.

Babaji: bad, don’t you have a question for Eben?

No, I can think of myself. I will ask him in person.

Austria and France = AF? I just happened to call Hitler AF? Everyone knows that behind. Tony? Ola will like Tony?

 Hank doesn’t do this things....Tony? That Tony spent it all Tony, let’s re-write this ..Ola doesn’t want that role, Tony will seize it, whatever that means, her attitude problem, just how to change the wind of her brain chemistry ...

Hank makes the key on the comic story of that rose of versille 凡爾賽玫瑰 I said Tina story.

Babaji: well said.

Justin? My ‘justin Timberlake is in it? Tom in it? Tim Tom, Dean Justin, did you guys get they write double bodies Tibet’s stuffs? You cannot see another 2 without the eye glasses to say double it ?

 No, not 4. Do they get that clear ? This is 3 things in there. 2 bears one turtle, animated. Whose stuffs are that?

Babaji: no body knows.

Turtle, mouth turtle background image, gates open his mouth, he turtle glue his tongue to Gates on stage, they are equal ?

 No, Ola only needs to improve speaking out loud, no IQ needs to increase, not this scale you see the forest destroyed ! And it’s a perfect legal things Prince Charles and I can ever do. The ONLY thing we can do, THE ONLY things, that’s it ! That’s not the Only thing we can do ? We cannot do anything with Ola, period !

Babaji: why not?

Because ...He is there, I am here jurisdiction.

Da Vinci stuffs not airplane design is in Prince Charles’s palace collection ?

 Bill Gates next by guys looks Chasez to you? No, night fox ....night fox is ...? Okay...Ola this thing if I destroyed a forest and standing in front of Prince Charles. My attitude is I don’t hear. Yours Ola attitude ? Did you tell your parents they are just kidding me, Prince Charles on reading you Ola bed time story script ! This IS a bed time children story reading actors each lines, those are actors jobs, they read scripts to each other’s!! We did that so many times !! Did that Middleton sing song on my monitor yet? England is in chaos? Starting 3 days ago ? So we don’t talk about it.

Yeah, it is the boy & girls issues - they the boys know that eternity if I say it

 The forest ranger Jones and the Forest ? That’s a ranger health Mike Adam & Plant issues. The tree is a plant, the bigger plant, we sort that before ? No, Mike Adam has nothing to do with this. I am just stretching the points it’s not the boy and the girls issues?

Babaji: when she starts to talk rubbish, I want to destroy a park. Do you know yesterday night you were jail inside your room, walking back and forth and then, you go telling them space of that space of that space?

I don’t hear this thing. You are not going to help them.

Babaji: what did I say?

Take me away?

Babaji: that’s every time you are doing this. Do I say go ahead ?

We never talk about the things I go ahead.

Babaji: oh you don’t ?

You don’t want to help them, we did this how many times? You gonna leave the movies empty ? Written ?

Babaji: No!

... ...

Yogi bear

 4-23 = Ola birthday 

Jones? My brothers today friends I talk about 

Richard Johnson = Hank? Ola? Prince Charles?

Bears said what they are not going to say they are there to Prince Charles

She told him what? She wants to look for Babaji ? Prince Charles answers?

Then bankcrupt ? 凡爾賽玫瑰 the marry James her other spending money movie I say look like Ola. Logging business ?of course not. Lung forest meant Amazon? Re-write that. Amazon forest is the lung of earth, my lung ? That looks like Bill Gates I got a father ? Oh ....Siddarthra’s fathers wants to get rid of them 10? All of the them including the Yogi? Which Yogi Park? Redesign ? My groups or Buddhist, Hindu one ?

How about you all watch it.

You the genetics ? Boys and the girls answers ? You know you don’t go ahead already ? And ? No, you know what classify sees that my answer with it. = bad.

Do you want your small groups them to tell me what’s the last video summary says? I have my answer. Yeah, like a test, how they look at it? I write in the box.

The answer is : I went to talk to many humanoid in different places, their attitude is very very stern about it. Very very bad. They hit, they yell, they will bar down things transpassing. Anything if transpassing ...you can see that, feel that or not? Or you want to watch it again ? We are dialoging each until the Grey showing up in the seat, is this what you looking for ? So can you all go and tear apart what I say on this one simple clip, you are not ready, I know so, they meant no, and if any of us try, that’s meaning ? Please decode it right. Very important.

Babaji: yeah right. 

Maybe you should listen to it



Babaji: like the timing.

Do you get the number on the beginning of this video ? 10 years you getting married ?


What a video.

Babaji: yeah, you know.

Okay ... 10 minutes that’s for you. I laugh fall my floor here first 10 minutes, your TV show producers getting the eyes in with the trend to change the humanity ...

 To be put on the TV you will see? You are ready means ?

Babaji: they say no

Of course to you is a no. It’s on my paper over the Hittie, you want to follow tag along?

Babaji: they meant no.

Do you need telepathy for these 3D in your view saying the mantra? Technically yes? 廢話 there is no technically yes, it’s a thinking wave is zero cool like a breath. If ET getting your thoughts wave and write all of us a movie ...you will know you are on TV, they calling you through screen methods, one door part 2 worlds? Meaning they hidden behind the screen and you look at it. Can you understand that ?

No, unless you get a permission from ET. They called themselves a name, did you hear ?

 Not negative ET, they are geneticist. You don’t want them to implant something to mocking you if you ever get yourself marry one day to have the kids.... no ...the reality is you have to be sure they ET let you by pass certain development of the technology. You need methods and equipment. Some have developed “eyes” - that’s not going to work on the Russia Moscow ! You want to check ET’s eyes ? First? No, I mean it.

Babaji: she is laughing too bad.

Serial numbers are ? I meditate or you mediate ?

 By skin tone, by energy born, by withhold service to humanity hold, by pacifying the heart, and mind hold....if you meant the default energy reserved by birth...not coming with the karmic ideas the past life has practices. Energy, you will know that’s unseen, I explained that in the video, excessive heat on the machine? Is? Waste heat. The only thing you can see it happen it’s by thermometer. It’s wasted. It’s completely useless both thermometer or the waste heat. You just could detect something from the environment. Do you want to advance that tiny step in genetics? It is known wasted it, it’s known it’s just a records data. You cannot do anything else.


Babaji: much better already. 

Apparently you are not buried yet ...


Do you know what the Rao sequence represents like a shape like a sequence like a serial numbers God calling you? Yeah, I just added the 3rd thing in, the serial number ideas, you gonna write it down and figure it out? 

Is Rao sequence multi-dimensional on your current machine to be ready to tested ? Whom to go to? Can you call ET up?

Can you actually use the PCR related Mayo Clinic equoiment not to scatter the nucleotide or Chromosome ..,you explode the cell open, so there are scatters chromosome...do you do that on the nucleotide examination ? How can they ever be 3D? You use liquid methods because that’s universal to explode the cells open, can you do by air ?

Does your people clear on terms I say so far? Or it’s just looking at the new name on your species name tag for high tech ID card to guess more ?

Babaji: yeah, right.

It’s unprecedented...did you build a small community to collect all your new testing methods paper for 8 years “correlate “ your words these generics giant data base ?

 Co-relate is your word, that’s guessing ....you want to change my words or I don’t really know my stuffs? Do you know I know? Do you know what I know? Do you know what you suppose to know including human physiology ? I just put out test yesterday ? Do you do you do you withstand one question on every paper you wrote for 8 looooong years, your small groups ? It’s just asking questions, do you know it well? You should know what I mean my books when I say “you should know it all?” Just leave it, I will read it.

Babaji: she will read it.

You are fans to every group I have including the optimistic out put groups ? They might be put out of business not knowing you stole the map without the 13 syllabus or 5 Lords or comet or Eben? He has anything to do with your liking ?

 You spare time is to guess what’s the next step after the Rao sequences ..so you guess 8 years for all the paper I should read, do you know if you are guessing at it ? 8 years long ? I have so many industrial setting people...not to say those big words venture capital ? You just guessing it really really really guessing it for 8 long years? It is funny.

Babaji: very funny.

You don’t like the Pixie or you don’t believe my religion or you don’t believe the map, you should know it by heart it’s 13 and 5?

 The sequence of how life evolve ? One event you heard after another after another, you are surrounded ? One wall after another wall after another wall? You reach the scientific meeting changing the textbook yet? It’s the most important thing I do it’s to insert in Taiwan text book for my money, yes. Not discover what else. We both seeking the same money or you gonna say you got set up again not textbook to the entire world ?

Babaji: the entire world.

BTX is seen those black Knight, if Classify by pass you or Library Congress, I can tell you Sariputra says Star War rouge there is a helmet Black he kills all stole maps something

 Ever seen the movies? Not just classify black Knight, I just heard the rumor, so ...? You gonna say religion my is yours stuff? 5 major religions?

Babaji: yeah 

Genetics, I discover I Ching sequence in DNA, you may steal my first discover but not the second. Yesh, I know. No, I didn’t tell to all the Lords?

 You found out the Rao sequence from me, so yes, you stole it 8 years before my other 8 years. You want count 911 I say events? It’s just competition, if you say you all could go to Simon and Keanu ? Yeah, you stole it, I know. The Rao sequence, and where did you go without I Ching ? I know where it goes with the I Ching.

Babaji: they stole it

Everyone steals things from me.

Yeah I may not tell my brother. I told his mother already. It’s just a talk.

 I go to sleep.

Babaji: 2nd day.

That guy is not close to my brother, he speaks Chinese not English, he is not ABC. They were classmate they hardly go out

 Because ...I will tell Eben, we me my mom, him met with my father or not? On the bus. I say or I comment on things he says he got a job in the Facebook, I said my friends whom are Asian got into Amazon or something...the strange thing he got called from porn industry not sure it’s after ? Or how there is an Amazon, but there is a porn company, I say to him what you say to me sounds like my friend, who is an Asian too.

Babaji: do you have other Asian friends ?

Yeah, others. I don’t remember clearly, just random talk guys saying something at their jobs searching work. 

Let’s talk from the beginning of your recording : Karen’s parents I met them in her house,...but I had another group APO friends. But I have school other friends

 You finish saying you have friends, she says something about my brother or my sister I have no idea what she is saying (?) I don’t remember ...I was too eager to tell her things and walking ...you say there are Jewish and I say their names. She heard about SIlas and Lance their groups already. I say I was not particular close to any of these groups. She talks talks talks, she says he is in Taiwan...I thought something else to say in my mind, so I say do you know what’s a backup singer...if you sing the main melody. I already told her about the Taipei station train how she should go there die on looking up the building, someone will see you die ? So you tell her backup singer is behind, don’t turn around, the camera will see you. When you got home, clean up shower, everyone in the kitchen , it’s normal talking time I say, do you know Trump’s daughter. I said she has a husband her age, she told me is that her real name. I say you know her? She then blah on ....

Babaji: yeah

Because she Rockfeller all the way we talked she cannot stop talking about this guy ..so you say by the way does he sing ? She already told me so many times.

 You need to tell your parents something ? You listen to what they say or all she ever says was this guy coming back home here, she gonna treat him dinner...she knows his parents. He always updating his Facebook...I always hear that, she shows it to me. He told everyone things he does on that Facebook. Everything.

Babaji: carry a conversation?


My mother says they have so many kids? His first wife kid? I didn’t read right. He has more than one kids? She is running New York ....?

 I have no idea Trump has so many kids. I got mix up his current wife and that daughter. Okay ...I told her backup singer don’t turn around, she was talking about my brother a friend just got lay off from the Facebook. I say did he sing, she says he used to come here to play piano with my brother ...I already know that. It’s just one of those stupid conversation you say a word or two.

Babaji: yeah

Bridesmaids - loooks so exactly like how they look, dancing, big super eyes, smile, crying, play each other face...do they look at that themselves why people kill now?

 It’s very bad. I know. A kiss...reminds me if you girls don’t kiss the guy to the mouth you win he loses or he wins his mother but not you and your mother or sister....a kiss? Something I cannot understand it. Do you ever kiss the guy when you be with the guys? Holding hands, washing the dishes, you go hugging him from behind? Adam was tall I remember I was very near him too, but the guys don’t like others holding them from behind...yeah if the guys washing the dishes, he and me the same height ...I can see what he washes on his shoulder ....no he will not do that to me like W two worlds picture photo book, the actress making a mark on the book for him to read? Yeah, that’s me in the book, inside. Not outside. We were like that. No he didn’t say anything. Most time I wash it anyway.

Babaji: you wash dishes ?


Me and Rockfeller has to go out

 Babaji: go

Ramses embassy at Hittie? You mean Buffalo, Toronto up to Muskoka or upper , and California ...I live in Buffalo?


You read the book, you did the planning, okay, you can show it to me if I have to go there. I will look. No, Purna I don’t know where all her old friends are. That part is empty, she knows where are my all friends now.

Babaji: friends, neh?

Do they want to cut off their Facebook account to make new friends in where ? They don’t talk to Pixie themselves I would say first things about that movies.

 There are things possible and impossible. They are volunerable act or involunerable act...your parents are back and forth in their mind. Like you do it on your own, or they facilitate you doing it on your own...she got so many worlds, which one you enter the domains? Start talking ? Or talking normal ?

Babaji: I don’t think so.

My keypad you high tech say Ola ice ...they want to join Dr T class ? I never told Dr T anything about them. We are not that close. I don’t even remember what they major are. Their parents talk to their own parents including bf or high school parents or entire UB mine gold bank, wealthy family there rule Buffalo, say Tesla back? I know what they are. I don’t hear. Don’t tell me about these things. You have no choice, I have far away choice.

Classify means life after life? UB 5? You mean the meditation 5 Lord I used to utter mantra those 5 Lords? Classify says ?

 Well...you have to define what life after life means ...technically if they are not dead the UB 5 guys, they know they look like NSYNC, they have a free will to live their life as the US citizen. I can tell NSYNC they are classify we bind. Because I say so, they will know if I have a higher restrain order ...temporary we stop there. We are not doing anything except everyone is reading the same books. Everyone are open books. They know how serious that is for their field or near by Hollywood. They will have to hear what everything I say about that - they have no choice. The UB 5 are civilian, they don’t have a company I can go to their parents to restrain them. It’s a liberty given to them by constitution.

Babaji: bitch

We already watched. Their parents probably meant they talk to me maturely like we all own the movies or like Ola, do that comic books, by how?

 I know if they call their parents, if they didn’t, they never will deal with it. We don’t really know each other that close! If someone try to hurt them, they will tell you by knowing how I am now, I was very cruel to them back then, to Dean or others to vent. If they can talk.  Cruel means a lot of stuffs. Yeah I know. It’s not a big deal. 

Babaji: yeah, you are cruel.

Okay now I remember Tiny 4.0, Tony? They like Tony?


Yeah, those are Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda story and their bf that time.

Babaji: oh 

APO is like a family. If I go back and tell them, I think it’s Karen, that’s the bank things, they will hear me. It’s not I against her. They heard me

 I am in CAC the same I am in APO. We do things maturely, they are much older. Kimberly was my big, she got to pharmacy school. We talked. They are all my friends, exactly the same, just I leave them in difference space in UB on campus. If Lee is there, I will tell him and the genetics things. We are always friends. He is in Capen. I met them in different places on that map UB.

Babaji: you cannot talk?

Of course I talk. 

APO have a lot of much older guys or committee. They work in the real office. They talk about things in life all the time.

 There are things to do in APO. A lot of things to do. They are all working in somewhere. Yes, they work. We talk about it. It’s too much works, I left APO, but it’s more like a group. They always say things at works. I think even they work together, the computer place. iT. Just outside the school, and I think the President is UB staffs. You want to know about them to get the jobs, I just don’t do what they do at all. They are many Jewish, they got family there. 

Babaji: you don’t have time?

No, I didn’t have time. I have Dean they are on one side of school, them this side...when Dean and Tamang left, I do something else. I met Ola in class. I went to other things. 

Babaji: just happened ? 


UB that 5 guys know that book ice skating they bet on it has to be done. There is a Dean looking, it’s T sign. I will or we will have to sort that book

 It’s not I don’t talk to them 5. They are doing their own things. I have no ideas what they do or don’t do. But yeah, they are all in the same school. They might find out everything I say with anything in the UB, structure building, Dr T was in UB! They take science class, that’s how we all met? I didn’t know they don’t have Dean’s Facebook? I have no ideas !

Babaji: yeah, let them do their own things.

In front of Karen’s friends what if she calls them ? The last words Karen ever say to me is? Why people become vegetarian on her table we eat at her parents house

 We left. That was the story. The classify don’t want me to see them, correct. But it’s not a big deal talking to normal people. Their parents know it’s I talk to them already...I met her parents, they know what she looks like. All their parents. I look stupid or something. “You want me to talk to her? You are joking?” Whats her major again ? Do you call her other high school friends with their parents ? No, I don’t want to deal with them. That’s her stuffs to talk to them normal, if they found her on TV.

Babaji: that bad.

Karen and Adria no, we didn’t face to face talk, we group talk I stand there watching. Say: I got here, just off school. Off APO. They don’t have other friends hate APO probably if I say that.

 It’s in the same office, Tom knows me, he says hi. APO knows I am coming in. We are in the same offices with CAC. I talk to them sometimes. They didn’t exclude me. So if I say to the girls I just came out of the APO meeting, they won’t like. You go to the student Union ....they are all there, you cannot possibly don’t know where you suppose to go? We have the community projects. We have homeless shelter right on campus. I didn’t treat them less than the girls. I went to a lot of APO dinner things, I actually have to go. I don’t think they are strangers. It’s just too many people in APO, I say CAC is fine. No, I don’t talk to Karen or Adria ever on the phone. I call Melinda’s you ready to go? I have their phones like we arrived. Karen is Adria’s friends, they are more friends, then there is another Wei, Singapore ? If Dean or 5 Lord them UB has to make things so complicated, yeah, there is nothing complicated. They don’t really know me. Yes, we dinner at Adria’s apartment as a group. No, we never go out one by one. Me and Melinda yes, I drive her. I talk to Emily she came to see me when I fell down stairs with fruits. Very nice of her. But she is short than they are. Melinda works in the front end SIlas offices, Karen and Adria don’t go to SIlas offices where I always go with lunch eating there with Melinda. SIlas knows if he came in. I am right there. They gonna ask me every words how many words I say to them as a group or as to them one by one? Don’t be ridiculous.

Babaji: that bad?

Tamang does him on purpose to Keanu or I do things really really really do it on purpose to Keanu? Like for real ? There are things that are not real

 If Tamang plays Neo or Trinity role with Keanu? Oh like they both are mix that kind of buddy buddy friendship talk? One is doctor surgeon, one is not? Oh ...okay ...you can tell the difference how Tamang his father meant go and do things on purpose with his brilliant mind just like Anna try out. Yes, I know his father, I forget what he looks like. He is an Indian. 

Babaji: do things on purposes neh?

You care a lot of what the movies say, I don’t. ADD always have people pulling them back. You? Have a free will like you dictate the movie producers? They are human. You want to go and talk to them? Keanu know them many. Try?

 You want steps. Here...Keanu you care him knows he creates movies. He met many the producers on the screen. You want to talk in steps to him then he calls for you to them behind? He lives in the movies? If they show him I wrote 2014, he feels everyone is looking at him in the matrix right? He would have turn really red? I done it on purpose ? It’s such a mesmerizing movies plots. Are you assuming Keanu knows we are here, how do you gonna talk to him the first call if you get through his front door? Starting Anna says ?

Babaji: yeah, very red.

Can you stop saying I like Asian Wing Melinda better, her heart always lean towards monks they chinese not Taiwanese ? If I turn into an Asian, I never talk to American ?

 I don’t know how your little mind works. If me and Eben says eternal, he found me in China he finds me back with his heart problem, not movie real problem. You all can tell I don’t like about Eben. Okay ...you personally have a lot of beliefs what everyone should live, dress, breath, eat food you fed...I don’t have anything preference in life. You want to start with your personal liking a long list you like you don’t like? To care for me what I DO LIKE? Then you gonna say, we me and Eben has zero feeling because we are mature? They fight or they don’t fight for sex? Is that your fantasy to work in my life? Why don’t you go out and grab any guy on the street starting make them talk first? Does the guy talks? You can make them say words? What kinds of the words they say to you, do you want to repeat to me that? I know exactly why they say that !! You cannot control everyone else life, you imagine my life? Because a medicine paper ? Oh ~ if just giving you a chance, you will prove yourself ? Oh, really ? How long in the hospital chairman seat you will stay? 3 years 5 years? Tell me?

Babaji: oh?

She doesn’t want it, I know. I won’t force it. Sariputra or Asian guys if they like something, they will make them fall in love. No, he doesn’t.

 Well, they arrive here first, it’s not they even know each other or will see each other anytime soon. There are so many things. I didn’t even tell Rockfeller yet. I got married  ? Things don’t tell in one day.

Babaji: steps.


No, this video. No, that’s not why I say that Irene hold sticks


I said because it’s a very very private things to my brother. Very very sensitive. TV draws that doesn’t mean she make in life like that. But personality wise ...it’s the family. But ...she talks too much behind. She is not like on the TV. It’s impossible. It’s useless. No, I don’t think he has anything in life. He cares about certain things way too much. Too tight up. But yeah, now I saw. If I see Irene and my brother on the TV looks like that, I know it means sex, so find out why? You see the car stick, that’s why. I know he is private so his family suppose to be on his side to be private. It’s not like that.

Babaji: oh yeah?

ADD, do you know flags on the map I used to teach? Do you like to touch it and feel to do? To do? Oh? Like ...?


Like do you know Justin and JC story, do you see them? We play. No, no danger. You just flip the flags.

Babaji: yeah, it’s gonna be fun.

Yeah, when I get married, I will see my brother, I will ask him do you know Trump daughter

 Just a word or two. He is single right now. He is very very busy. He could live his whole life single probably. He has his cousin Irene but that’s on the TV only...she has a lot of touch man’s thing feeling like the car stick, race car stick. You look, it’s on the TV. She talk mild, they are family. But ...it’s not the reality.


Babaji: I didn’t know.

ADD, don’t curse in front of me, do it behind, you curse the entire world I don’t care about. You want to talk bad about me, do it behind. Not in front of my face, you will lose it.

 Yeah you live life normal. I tell you straight exactly things you can do. It’s not much things you need to do other than your assign jobs.

Babaji: yeah Karen 

Her father probably meant my brother was young, likes her, marry him here. He is very nice, will treat her very very nice, she will own a lot of things or respect because of him. He is highly knowledgeable and it’s close to Anna. She didn’t be with him when she grew up but she raise him a while when the kids young, she remember that. He doesn’t but she does. She says things about that before.

Babaji: right even he doesn’t listen now.

No, he will listen when I make it clear. He does what I say only. Including marriage. 

If ADD look at something you want it? If Pixies look at something, you want it? If commander look at something, you want it?

I mean, do you want it? Like I am the Holy ruler you got a job to do, you can snatch anyone anywhere monitor to get one thing you need, people, money, sex, girls, you know Anna I have no choice but give it to you?

Babaji: yeah?

Do you like people ? To know them enough to care for what they need? Not like Tamang use them to drop and test them to talk to him normal ?

 Do you really like people ? No, you don’t like people. If I say you don’t like people, you don’t. You look normal, you suppose to act normal, you suppose to talk normal. You are given everything you need to live a better freedom life in the West!! You have every right to become, they will facilitate anything if you just go out and do it. What did you choose ? To doubt me, to doubt Tesla, to doubt an industrialist if they send you one? To doubt capital venture-list, if they show you ten with big money houses, you gonna love in in in them heart? Your petty mind don’t ever grow out of your driving car distance, by your eye sight you willing to see, I would find a whole statistic department just for that !! What do you mean if only Anna rules, ADD rules ? Write it !

Babaji: write your attitude down, I still find you.

No, you want to win things for your friends face, your family face, you hate you revenge, you have a like and love of the college high school elementary girls.

 ADD has no friends. They only have works, they know those girls or guys don’t last. They know what they are, they can be with them very short time, not the life time, it’s just a play, they know they need ME.

Babaji: right.

ADD, do you want to play a snow man? Do you like to play the movie character?


My way, not Ola way, to go on a police records not just her parents and Dr T’s records ? We do page by page, you tell me your story first. Yes, getting the guys or girls fine if you really like them, I give you papers and exclusive recordings, you tell me if you like them, everything about them.

Babaji: yep.

How to talk to ADD?

 You got enough sleep last night? Did you just have lunch before coming here? How is your gf and you ? You look at him talking not talking. You want to talk tomorrow ? Yes. You say, no. You tell me now, someone says things about you, they do something to provoke you, anyone shows up on the Facebook their dress color you hate? Do you call the police? Did you tell your parents, anything bothering you, if you don’t tell me now? You want to try again or you tell me tomorrow. “Now” okay ...you went where yesterday ? You say you coming in the hospital. You didn’t show up. Can you describe what you see or how you feel the things bothers you the most? Is that someone you knew? They do on purpose ? I mean your feeling, not my feeling. Okay ...you tell anyone about it if you don’t want to tell me now? they say what ? They are going to paint the toilet the color not your liking ? Which bathroom ? Floor 6? You been to floor 6 yet? No. You want to go there now? Yes. Let’s go.

Babaji: yes.

ADD they listen to my instruction, they are tall, they look great, they want comfer like food, not love, if I give them 10, they love luxury, and will get more if I say do what I say. I given you exactly the same thing you drop your parents and me.

 It’s on the TV. It’s ADD, I don’t need you, not you have a rebellion mind if your bf drop you, not if you show up works with the tear. ADD they are actors. They acting real or not real, they go to sleep, rest, next day, we start again. They like to work on things, they know they don’t make it anything. They wants to be part of the everyone’s work to do better. They do want to be independent to handle bigger things, if they put all ADD to just listen to Anna, til they die, that order is directly given by me, I don’t need you, any of you. It is on the TV, second times I say it very clearly. They are willing to be trained, they might have eye sight or not, they don’t bind by the books or things in the brain because they remember nothing. I need a model walk from this floor to that floor dressing white to look like this hospital this hour has a human in it, never a threat on the police records. No, these ADD is on my records, they will never be on the police jurisdiction, they live they breath by my saying, they eat they sleep by my liking...you? You want to get things. I tell you, they will get what they want. It’s on the TV, 3rd times I am saying that.

Babaji: yep.

⭐️⭐️⭐️Killing list - middleton is attached to that mainland the bloodline, the bloodline is attached here, alien if shows up, or disable one arm, one leg

 You will kill when you follow your protocol. They are just regular people living in their life. Middleton does not know them, they don’t know us, if middleton cross the wrong line, they kill. That’s their suppose to do jobs, not me. It they bloodline got into the wrong sectors of the higher order, on earth or not on earth, assuming you guess I am working my way out of this planet, is solar system, is galaxy Milkyway, or beyond, Bob Dean says on another galaxy, meaning their vocabulary can reach very very far. If the royal cross the ET wrong side of the agenda to interfere me, yes, I can order them die. Or martial artist congregation Wallace TV, I say ONCE, that’s Frank and Francis, Venus, they sleep with that protocol like a Bible, it means everything moves wrong of that, didn’t hear me, pretend not hear me, pretend not to care there is a Venus, I say I am Tesla, high tech galaxy beyond your reality like Adam, I annihilate all of them. I say ONCE to Purna I say Twice, I say Three times, there will be days I never say it again. Alien shows up on the street look different from the police, it’s stupid not to kill? You Masscred all of them for the regular citizen living their eye sight clean, same as the disable people. When people get disable, like I sent to Valley, they got no room, there is a disable room, like if Keanu becoming that time. He will turn into very very very mad and negative person, they hate things, they lie, they wants attention, they want others to touch them, they don’t pay attention on the assignment, they want glory, they want their legs back. They know they are very heavy, the nurse to carry them are fat too fat..... etc. if it’s 2 legs paralyze, you look normal. There are abnormal disable, you NEVER let them show up to the public healthy people eyes sight, they have to live and survive right. Yes, you kill them all once you find out things or the kids whom wants to talk to them. Making a fortune, or kid twist the Barbi doll in the very young age ...so many things to kill any time. Your hospital too many germs. Yeah, the student athletics they don’t show up in the clinic or hospital, that’s different. Protocol those are administrate by mature people. You do a lot of these things...you will know, there are none sense things you kids/ meds students do are really not appreciating the life you got to make the best of it. You are given every means to success like the US says or do. They give you every means. Yes, they did. You got water to drink, to shower, to breath right, to get an internet to listen every information in every fields. You are ruling others like as an American to 194 countries. If you rule with the compassion and wisdom and growth in your mind, not selfishness you get another pursue with a logo on? I sent a snake or snail one? Or human skin made? You are not reasonable to live life, insane.

Babaji: completely insane.

I go to sleep


I princess standing there to see my brother wrapping your foot : I see you? No, the guys don’t do that. Not that. False

 They say things like take it out the shoes after ? No, Dean will tell you take it off now. Purna has this another Japanese film that she hurt her ankle sitting down on her back ankle forcefully to look righteous. And one photo taken in the video with her tradition Japsnese clothing she smiles with a background flower. I describe to you as you are a diagnosis doctor ? You need to see the film? I left it. Is your father champion ? Purna me, I am the champion. You need that proven to you? Where can you get the evidence? Validation? Will Dr T teaches that many students behind your back ? No, he works in a new place now. He will not teach anyone, you included. Is he like that guy, a champion? Probably your father ? No, he is not your father. Can you turn back time? No, there is no such things. Life move forward. Those are fantasy. Why did you say that before ? You ask me in front of your parents, I will tell them you have the wrong reason doing the wrong judgement. If they bring their parents forward, exactly the same answer. Does Eben get the wish ? Yes. Is that the Aladdin story? He sees me we talk about. Guys make up stories. Did he get a parents ? Meaning I tell them the truth like treating you the same ? The answer is I have no idea at all. 

Babaji: feeling better talk after ? She will do that each and every time until your attitude turns right, Ola. 


You are girls who hear I say wants to ask me when the guys heard you say that or behave, they hate you ?

 They know you don’t love them. They know you prefer staying in the girls crowds like I was with Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda...if Dean accuses me Karen and they are my friends ...I cannot really answer him if I ever say much words to Karen, she ends up in my land. I never ask her when she returns, I know her parents. Their parents probably think I was very funny to tell them a story in front of so many people except I never talk to Karen face to face a word much. Don’t know what that means ? Well...you want to be with the girl when these gays laws happens, they know you will get together with the girls more and more. But I say to you, if two girls emotionally unstable, it’s super dangerous in one room. No, the outside is safe, you are safe in the US. No you don’t need to do what I do, I migrant when I see the house empty, they are not empty, I am just overreact. No, they don’t care if you lick girls. I say, you two get mad to each other will KILL each other and die ! You won’t ? Oh okay, I am overreact.

Babaji: you ever overreact ?

... ... anything else ?

Babaji: Eben

He must be in a very strange place. I cannot understand what he says til the last ...all are witches ? Love potion, perfume , worst ?

Babaji: Eben

? What about Eben ?

Babaji: Eben 

We end the conversation ?

Babaji: Eben

I cannot understand it.

Babaji: Eben

He says last days.

Babaji: Eben

Your son coming too? No, he doesn’t need that bucket. It’s a movie.

 No, I haven’t figure it out, I didn’t know he is coming.

Babaji: to die.

You just fly in ? Yeah.

 No, I just raise my concern a little bit since this morning. No, we continue.

Babaji: your friends book.

I am tired.

Babaji: I say ?


Right, I cut taiwan to paste on England, and we have to re-define boundary

 ... ...do you know where you are right now? Sure it’s England ?

Babaji: oh no.

Rockfeller lives 100? She now here Present my land Queen, the ruler, you watch sailor moon, past and future queen meets?

 Anything you remember ?

Babaji: she live longs I remember. 

... ...

Someone ask the Queen, “can you go anywhere ?” Like leaving outside the England territory ?

 The movies says anything you know of?

Babaji: yeah?

I go to sleep, they go to sleep, I get up, they get up start typing. You ? To me any value ? No. You are your US property, you are valuable to the US government, no, never me. That way them US.

 I go to sleep.

Babaji: you tired ? Eben.


No, I just tell the bad stuffs they do. No, it’s not required.

 There is not much to say. There are so many things to say. If I were rule the worlds ? You girls gets headphone doing exactly word I make a sound you say, no words like you suppose to buy me a purse, shoes, clothes, garbage other than reading Valley, write to Valley, making any website and learn algorithms, keyword, niche market and yes self-improvement. You don’t do what I say, you die. No words to demands to try to test, to try to poke, try to make yourself an excuse for your parents or to them, no words like “what’s wrong with you today?” “Can you do me a favor?” “Can you call my mother?” “Can you come to my work place to talk to my boss”. I didn’t have those words when I am with Nick, I have no ideas how young girls ever made it with the old guys. You call your parents exactly time when Anna call my parents. She never talk, you never call. You believe exist ? Tell me ...you live right ever in my eyes if I am God.

Babaji: no.

You don’t know what is a military or you don’t know what’s a US normal military ? Yes, there are none normal other military

 Do you ever wonder what’s the US made of? Military !!!! US coast guards ? You don’t think they exist? Yes, you have no ability to see them or join them to see them, it’s your faults. YES! US that arrogant ? No they are not arrogant. Okay ...you finish? Whatever today assignment? 

Babaji: yeah 

There are a lot of things I don’t need to tell you. But I have a background you don’t have it? You lost 10 years not with the old guys I am with at the same time.

 Yes. That’s how bad the US meant you do that exactly by natural coincident to Anna like you walk on the street to meet Anna, you don’t know whom she is, you are lucky you chase and copy everything she did and exactly how she did it for 10 years before my last 8 years. Yes, that way US will say you can live. Yes, that’s how bad this “by natural law” you are not understanding my background is all your inevitable faults.

Babaji: that bad ?


The US guys are always on draft anytime anyhow, it’s better you be with an old guy. Yes, when I was with Nick, they set up others at the same times, young to old

 I heard they do that. But I don’t know what they ask to be evaluate. I told Eben, me and Nick is finished. They other things treat old not genuine. I carry basket water for his gout. I put or I dump baking soda in there. It’s for him. That I don’t know if those young do it. Maybe the break up they certainly do it. How much they grow I don’t know. But there are commonality among the average them, after 10 years to look at the young guys are shit. It might be the generation different too. They don’t have things we have today. Nick does not play computer games. He does not curses words. He does not need Kararoke. He read books, he improves. He likes to improve. And he never lazy. He cleans. He has to care for his kids. The details I don’t know what happen to the others young girls did, they suppose to follow exact words or do or say in fine details to be with the guy, or unless they are told as long as you be with the old guy, do what you want. Just my suggestion you look at my background.

Babaji: yes.

Yes I say so, not US says so, this video - if you register in chess, you natural failure in war. That’s a marking.


You just take their number and put it on the sheet. Hand in to me or anyone else. True.

Babaji: that bad

That’s destine.

You are joking with the hospital system you are joking to the Medical Board they are blind you have a character you look at the mirror you say to yourself you are a professional.

 You don’t know what power the US medical board or pharmaceutical have ? Me and MH living in fears ... ALL the time. Medical Board will gun off Tamang he did that on purpose ! Yes. I don’t know he knows or not. You have no ideas whom give you liscence people are ? Do you ever seen them? Dr Christopher story is he either comes out the public lecture that stuffs or he will ever so often visiting jail. It’s in his story. You are in what years this years? Do you have a protocol? Okay you know you have it, why don’t you get it? You don’t make it you will never be one of them? You make it inside the medical board see if they do something to you. What’s a reviewing processing board supposes to do ? Do you know or do you don’t know? So make it in there and stop calling here. The US medical Committee board.

Babaji: bad people. 

Correct, you are if in the US you didn’t make it to the Capital venture-list, you die. Correct. Yes. All them. Money? They just print, you burn?

 US is strict, you go move out of the US. Yes. I only say the United States. Is US cruel? Yes. Are they Christian ? Yes. Are they Buddhism ? No. They know the stuffs are good, it’s on the TV, the regent won. Can you keep the money? Yes. Can you go out and have fun? Yes? Can you buy the clothes not Tesla made? Do I say Tesla made cloth ? Can you live without your parents nagging about you with Anna doing ? You make a clear decision, you tell me you tell your parents. If they continue bother you, you tell me. Can you don’t go to Taiwan? Yes, you don’t need to come here. It’s military required, are you in the military ? Do they marry in? Yes. Do you have to? You don’t have quality to charm Chinese not to say Taiwanese boys like Wallace like Mark? They two are not Chinese, they are Taiwanese. If your parents agree you to come to Taiwan, can I just do what I want or always what you Anna want ? You come with the medical board order you “imagine” what they want from you. You check if I say something they want. That’s it. Do you have to die after Taiwan? Yes. It’s when in your life. You pass 35? Still students with no valley ? You don’t like Valley? Can you have the 5 Lords? Hailey’s brother looks like westlife who, I told everyone before that’s Simon stuffs. I don’t know if Adam told them yet.

Babaji: that hate much?

They imagine Life without working right.

Medical profession / medical students today exam, no, I don’t need to think or draft. I just talk to you today. It’s like the same thing everything day. /No, I don’t need these things written down, it’s an oral teaching if you go by memory,

 No, I didn’t need to prepare these talks. I know this stuffs so long ago. 8 years at least I am not doing that. Your exams? That’s talking. That’s not exam. I talk to you today in a sequence of the posts you are not processing your words your terms your basic, including your thought right on every single words I say. Zero. I don’t know what’s wrong with you. You could live like you don’t know these terms and be a doctor...some ethical people would never never never do those things with their earn money. You could live like that, it’s very very shameful. But if the Earth only I made it, I burn down all your face to darkness you will live exactly that day on I say so why you couldn’t look into the mirror you look like that. That’s not a vow, it’s a reality.

Babaji: yes.

Ice skating comic book - you have to tell Dr T, Anna say she used to read from the front or from the back, she got stuck, cannot move the page, there is an empty entire ice rink scene, you call Dean to see he got my data or the other Lords to find out or Wing or Jonathon.

 You have to tell Dr T certain things for the measurement. In case you just got here hearing me say. Dean had to know I got stuck. I cannot turn the pages, either forward or backward stuck at the same time, because the events happened all at the same time, I did the roller blade or ice skate, I give them tests. It’s not for them to be tested but I know they are testing. So I have to say it. Now I can go by memory the book, not flip the book. When I realize I can get stuck, I have to stop. It’s just 3 books. There are images all at the same time, you will remember what exactly you did do or don’t do.

Babaji: yeah?





你們到底有沒有真的工作過?有人需要你做100%的事情,你絕對知道是 100%?像建華台上唱歌不是我後面亂唱,你們到底有沒有男朋友過?真的男朋友?



工作過嗎?如果工作做過事情的人,有一天那種工作碰到面,像我跟 Eben 很多雷同,自然再一起

 對他們知道我跟 Eben 是真的結婚,後面也會是真的,沒有,他沒有要做給別人看,男孩子不是那樣過日子,你們人生的理念是什麼?是什麼都想要?還是活在你們應該活著的現實,好好做好每件事情?他們不會自己過他們快樂的日子嗎?活在當下,對,男孩子絕對知道你們再看,而且故意演給你們看,沒有,他們沒有需要信念,男生跟女生不一樣,男孩子可以有很多興趣做事情過生活,他們沒有事情會給自己找事情做,而不是故意演給誰看他們必須哭嗎?調整情緒是基本常識,所有男孩子?差不多吧?如果他們知道你們長的跟平之的妻子做那種,平之告訴她什麼,她開始哭,跑到外面哭到再地上,需要男孩子去追,然後你們想起他建華的好,平之一定會做那種事情講出非常難聽的話,是你們故意做非常惡劣的事情。





No no nonno no no no space that of the space of that of that space of the that space of that ...don’t don’t don’t don’t look up no looking up

 ( ) ( ) ( ) no = no

Babaji: meaning


If I have a situation blood, now 7:00 at night - it is the first day

 You all girls records that right ? It’s the first day. I say only 3 days?

Babaji: she should not watch this anymore.

Fine, I read comics, do they get the English version of this ice skating, are you serious ?

Babaji: you tell Dr T why he shouldn’t read blank ?

Okay, I didn’t mean that. I read.

Okay okay I am watching You, Me, Durpree

 Seth ...beginning ..no...it’s there written words sometimes have to look. Start from the beginning ...that’s her husband and best man “wrong conversation”, wedding him is the father ? His father I know I touch my chest, me me me on your camera, I lean on the left - no, no no no no no, wedding 2 arms cuts , she cannot see, then he came to live with them...he has no ID stuffs, me me me me ...he got HBO...me me me...lots his friends came in. If were Eben, I don’t ask him, I go back to my room. He says the chip has the cheese in it, it’s to laugh ...there are girls ...of course no. Then the artitechure he says you gonna be joking me, you suppose to look at that and starting laughing cannot stop ...left left left left I me Anna my body language on the TV, my head with a crown, me me left nod if not enough the body, my head hurts, that’s not on purpose ... is he classify she introduce him a librarian...fireman, yeah I laugh hard but that was my business ...maybe not the movie plot. You don’t listen to him like he says on the phone, you girls listen to me me me.l.no, I am not deputed.. but yeah the job interview ..say all that are fine, you are not workaholic, and you know he means you take your resume away...me you look at me, I have a crown on my head, it’s left on my side, or my head, if you have to look at both me and the TV and listening to their English that’s Nick no no no...don’t care you know I know Nick !!! That guy. Her Zeta Jones husband is the same, they doing the same things he acts on the TV, to be honest looks the same, no. Me me me....you look at me, not them.

Babaji: oh shut her up. 

Buffalo is suburban, but Kentucky them very rural, those guys if not military got called me here, no, they are Christian they never changed, that’s a complete annihilation kills. No, they are not exactly military junks I say Buddhism only. Correct, civilian only Buddhism that way. No, kill.


Babaji: you sure about that?

If they get the call. If they leave them in peace, we have no problems. We all the special force can wish others living a happy life and be bless life. We are different. It is so stupid we cannot let them live like an idiot to be on the national television. But the order is the only order. That’s America’s mercy they begging at.

Babaji: no hope ?


Tamang mistaken think chess nerd American say Vietsnese war only Go game boards, NEVER chess ‘’nerd”- I can just write that in his file. Chess, nerd, problems. Warring nature, not deliver, America expert says links Vietsnese war analysis

 Yeah, they told you straight don’t ever think the war like a chess board however they told you that. He is not educated, he wastes his time to go ranking in the association, everyone can see what he is doing. His points? No, ‘hIS CHESS CLUB points accumulated.The most stupidest things like his short cut in meds school. He wants to tests EVERYONE. He does know chess, basic principle he does know, but it’s just a chess.

Babaji: yep.

Adam has a father, + step father, not an uncle, he wants to move to his father, better city.

 I don’t know what Adam wants. It’s a happy ending story like I think it’s a happy ending story ? Faith Hill song is the most horrifying songs to look at it, you find 50 of them that, they will tell you one thing everything Anna say. That choice of their life if not a bitter one, it’s right in front.

Babaji: the military won’t use them.


Avatar - Tamang he wants to train others, not others EVER EVER trained him. He groups girls who listens to him, he will knows what tests means in the real life.

 That’s him. sTephen Tamang. Dean frozen is he = Ana staying inside the castle to sleep. He is a blonde too tall, overweight if too much, he may not keep his eyes open. No, he cannot become Han. Han does things. Dean does not want to do things if he can be Ana, playing when he wants, royal like he wants, following Elsa or when she calls, he is very good kids if an environment is set.

Babaji: really?

I don’t know.

I am NOT a back up singer, Justin. Don’t turn around.


I don’t sing for a living. I sing the choirs before, that’s it. Acapolla, that’s not a back up singer. You would know that, JC would know that. 

Babaji: oh

Carried Underwood American Idol & Faith Hill



Carried Underwood not exactly the country singer to start but prettier to all your girls liking to start. But yeah, on the stage to hold a microphone to twist out the mis-note and continue, she can make it through, you don’t really hear yourself on the stage. It’s a different reality. Public wants to hear the words, that’s supposed to sing out the word, to attack like I do, Simon they probably do a different report on it, like finding out my past first, yes Simon can see that, that doesn’t mean he does that. NSYNC they are professional, supposes to know, yeah. They sing acapollo. I had a cooking and comet issue and flower thousand bones, climate to outside my city police station KTV to yell at them ...you want to ask me about the singing ...Faith Hill is from my town graduation song. Justin would know they start from the church or he starts with them, or many starts from her. Same things Justin is the Tennessee kids he sings in his song. He doesn’t know what that means I told him?

Babaji: I don’t think so.

No parents will ever ask you to sing like that | commander, staffs, replacement like you wish if there is that day if they die, you sing?


Commander lines, around the world, Simon is THAT way. Not dead yet. No, we don’t know each other by singing talents, I already explained that not just to talk to Keanu’s office, they are movies makers not music producers. I didn’t say your replacement are required...or their music talents required. Or kisses required ?

Babaji: I didn’t know ... ...