SMCH 清海無上師 Lauren +周杰倫 MTV means ….?
Dr STeven Hairfield, you dead yet, I have a martial art crisis with these hair every single day before Apple, today is worse …I cannot keep finding this one hair. They saw me doing that, they thought I tell lies. Every time is right, not this time. Well. I have to really search it my left arm pitt down …the skirts has no sleeves …but I was searching all there …none, until, then I found one. Apple
Babaji: Seth
Investigation underway … 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻
You don’t see the word, your fear never enough ?
Haha …
Investigation on child abuse 16 years ago.
Babaji: yeah, says Buddhism on the table 在檯面上的事情
They always tell you, if it’s just a matter of time, Da Vinci will 置人於死地~~~~
It’s just a tale
Riley told me. He wrote lady Gaga. About the industry.
Pervert = pair, pierre Morgan, vere like steering wheel, Womenizer, Britney, Justin Timberlake notes
Pervert = 變態
Per like pair like Pierre CNN, in Harry Potter Professor, and Dr Dolittle
Vere = steering wheel in the car ( Womenizer Britney Cherry, Tina, Ola Chrry project )
Perver t
Cross = God
Worshipping him like God.
So …have you seen Pervert in the mirror flip ?
Want to see it, Simon ?
Babaji: yeah
Justin Timberlake notes on Pervert
Alyssa Loving the Silent Tear
Rebecca mouth a photo
A pile of book - me + Nick
3 witches = mediocre
Books to read = illiterate
Books to read - Blue book Yogananda, Christ ….something …it’s in Capen, small bind book, very good.
No religion
Trait : black, mermaid, drama, sex icons.
Smoking to breath a better to Life
It’s to meddling …in between.
Everything is business
Womenizer, Britney, Tina Cherry Ave NY
Office building = in the office, not homey enough
Require doctors notes, attention, driver watch back seat or check porn in the car?
Some guys smoke, certain to get high is exzilerating, that hallucinate feeling to the head so their eyes look very very loosen. It’s to the head. I guess !! The head is sensitive.
Babaji: bad bad
Some guys are pervert, they tell you on TV
You are SMTV your Master treasure stuffs.
You like Hollywood, not Wallace? 霍建華
I don’t know he got a gun.
Babaji: yeah
SMTV and chocolate crumble 巧克力碎片
I speak in English really …六界種子
I thought I say a lot of things yesterday.
About Flower Thousand Bone - YOUR MASTER in it. SMTV …not just Indian 500 years old got a master might waiting another 5000 years?
Chocolate recipes or chocolate crumble contains egg white, egg yolk, you know I read those nutritional ingredient starting third grade half initiated ? Oh, the US I didn’t know equip with the camera.
It’s EVErY package I look !! Every spice every products, process or not …
Indian 500 years old not important ? Hell is not important ?
Getting girls, a dozen?
Getting guys a dozen?
You should ask your Master before you ask me.
No, she…I have no idea what she is doing but the people within supposes to watch her and you all going to her on our subjects so no one annihilate each other on purpose without Anna consciously knowing it …on purpose.
Was there something 戒律閣?
Technically speaking Chinese monks wrote those Buddhism I can see words in Chinese religious words.
… …
You can just give up entire Hollywood to get Chinese Buddhism. Still strangers. Better to Heaven’s road?
Babaji: chocolate 巧克力碎片
Sinitta is England black, Inelia Benz is Argentina England…oh some people should be dead but if they are not dead….I know they are nothing, I actually know that for a fact…but are they something to you ? I am from Taiwan but I am US. US is bigger than those England head? Oh, that’s what I meant I am American !!!
Do you like them?
They are like your mother or something ?
To eat a meal….it’s really all they can afford or you afford them? You can just talk to them.
Babaji: yeah
You know …there are still old people today you can ask them questions to feel support, they really meant it to give you support. If you looking at it you don’t have your parents supports?
You look up some people to ask your life direction. In life, everyone does that to succeed in life. Someone pioneer, someone inspires you, someone you see remotely, someone you just hear but you don’t know whom they are?
You politely introduce yourself to begin a conversation.
They all know they were scared in life to make it in life, they will not go purposely hurting you if you don’t try to poking them for bad reasons…
Yeah, I know what I say, exactly I say.
Babaji: right
When I grow up to come to the United States, like 17 to start, I suppose to become an adult like everyone told you so on the US newspaper, they set role model. How to build up your own life? If I add spirituality in it? Why would I give everything but that? Wobble in. Mind? Tricks in my minds? It has to 4000 China old Legand myth says or all that precision my mind to say, I have to make it before I die. There is only one thing in life is important, no hell life. You give up everything, you be responsible to everything, and make it a world that no matter how long the 6 realm sow seeds in any dimension space, you firmly believe it’s your only savior to acquire that affinity. You do everything to make it that, all the time 24 hours.
We are not the same girls.
Words, thoughts, mind, reasoning …how to live life. Everywhere you go,
I didn’t know what the United States are like …I have to learn English. I sissy sassy learn per word by sounding if I say volunteering a transcription team? It’s one hour for ten minutes audio files. I remember. Per sentence per words.
Babaji: yeah, she did a lot of works on that.
You like Mark 趙又廷 and her 楊冪 3 3 10 (Eternal Life) story - then, match up and make it !! It is a romance story, didn’t I just told everyone print me +Eben process
You want romance, I agree.
So you follow Romance Journey !!
Is that simple ?
Babaji: oh Victoria Secret Romance Journey ? Matthew ! They know you get it right the first time !
… where is Yeth? Dead yet?
Babaji: no.
Tiny 4.0 ( I finish watching it) so you all watching it behind my back when I am yelling at C.I.A stuffs? That’s when we started ? Well…you should transcript, it’s difficult to see English, very small printed. Yeah I read English.
Leo is like me, born here in Taiwan. Go to America to study.
430, Simon, 3 Art used to hear me a lot religious saying to Valley and ET.
Memory in one life time, if we lost that, next life, no more movies. No more Tiny4.0.
Sponsors outside sees it, deliver things to you, but you might be too depress from all the Pixies do to you, after this One Life. This is One life, like Howard see, Ola + Wing rules Hong Kong their best live, but not this Ola got other friends not on this Tiny 4.0 TV. Wing doesn’t care about this, but he will care about it when let’s say
Syco says to Melinda, you got 4 friends UB, you got 4 friends in Simon’s, it’s looks propaganda required. It’s all girls dreams.
I actually worked in 2014 to arrive all of us today, 2021. That’s actual real working process.
That both Ola + Wing don’t see, people sleep each other diagonally, best friend. So they got hurt, cute couples but got hurt. That’s how they started, and that’s how they finished ?
In this One life, it’s your continue on evolution, no one will remember you, you will remember no one, not even this 4 to each other, hate, love, joy?
Like I told you, you built up this Earth so you might have a future with the 3 World Pixies, you built up with Russian, you built up with MD committee, you built up with C.I.A. You built up you built up worlds even you give up everything by pain, if that’s so much you cannot bear.
You built up a world Indian 500 years old coming back, or he exists? Occasionally walk in.
You built up a world for the future traveler to come to the edge so remote but all right house to stay …
Some has TV, some has not.
If you give up everything to build a world, you just not in the TV anymore if that’s what you mean giving up life winning or losing.
You have to work, to get there next evolution.
I personally will just wait Indian 500 years old back. To stay 500 years old, in any price…like I watch TV? If no Flower Thousand Bones? It’s still a kingship ruling, say permanent? I change my mind when he comes back, I will have a lot to say to mean, what I say when I say. Living 500 years old switching 5 family? Or just training little monks to get Mark 500 times couples? I cannot do that, on my way to wait that 500 Indian Swami down?
You have to believe something in life what you decide you want to go.
Yeah, you can say guys, you can say girls.
MD still testing or?
You can say everything I already say to you, yeah?
I can wait Eben too. This life, next life, every life? It’s not a big deal my life? I really need a lot of guys or girls? I just go on street talking loud, I am telling you this morning ? Here is Capital !! With Rockfeller.
Babaji: make your choice to live life.
Lauren, in SMCH teaching, there are terms like eternal, celestial merits, or forever mudane Kingship merits ( I define Tiny 4.0)
Celestial worlds merits (3 worlds like 3 esteems) - in Wiki chinese they tell you his Master words. If he exists, the Celestial realms stays hundred or thousands year. Do you know how long is One Day Heaven Day, me Yeth, Eben says eternal ? Very very long “One day”
Physical realm, some can rule in one life, you Lauren will see Simon ages in 8 years with the rest them 3 or 4 or Syco or Sony. They are ruling. It’s called life after life Samsara.
Samsara means life after life re-birth to keep living in a cycle seeing others live or die, experience pain.
That’s physical merits = 福報
Spiritual merits =功德
Just one of those terms in the religious study.
No, no one heard this, I tell you today.
Babaji: yeah
Lauren, listen to me, you got scared, with all the things you seen. You need an accompany doctor Simon pays big money for. The best doctor you to talk to how to be Krishina if you want to say that.
We do those wrestling things all the time behind. They hate me, Lauren.
They got scared, they will hate one person alone in front of them status.
Yeah, I am the mother.
I cannot be your doctor this time, Lauren, not anymore. This life.
Babaji: yeah, to tell her that.
Yeah Lauren it’s 8 years … I actually don’t have an idea to you Simon or not Simon things. You live them 4, 8 years. This is my friends life. You …got your buddies friends there, I nail them on photo, you have to grow up like Yeth. 8 years might be longer …
No, the details you have to write it down scene by scene to them you see them 4 together ?
Me, no. I told you everything.
I say you can just ask me when you feel like.
You may not close the channel here to live them 4 life yet …well, me have to live another either killing India/ Catholic that way life or killing Dean down south life. I say Howard watch them 4. No, it is not me says, but I tell them. We arrange things.
I don’t like Simon, I will tell you that. If that 8 years turns into 16 years …it was UB them.
Babaji: yeah
Actually Tiny 4.0, that Canadian Polices stuffs. I told TTC last time on my Twitter like Tina City Bank. Nick works in TTC, mimmo in that SMCH crying comic books. I told TTC I need a month. Something about Nick family stuffs. I told everyone before on Twitter I reply. It’s a month.
TTC is Canada side Craig + Mat + Materson see bus terminal = Keanu on Lake house.
With the bus line, well…you know, if they really care about that stuffs, it’s me + Eben goes, we sort what they say I say before, I forget about all I say TEsla stuffs. It’s at the border. Niagara Falls. Nick lives now Toronto ?? Well… it’s all there, when we get there UB, we talk about it.
It’s airport, bus line from Downtown. I got the money, I fly in Toronto YYZ? The highway light. Look up on West life “if I let you go” Egypt + Persia story.
The guys cares about those every tiny things.
I see Eben I ask them. Not before.
Babaji: yeah
Tiny 4.0 - 30:42, Lauren, that’s after you looking on the phone on the airport (Adria + her drunk Bill) , that Kelly Clarkson, Asian looking. Simon? No. Fat
Well, if Kelly went to Simon’s guys stuffs to mentor, well…
Older or younger guys.
33:01 SMCH 清海無上師 ——I would say them 4 or 5 consider successor ideas in their own church or lineage they were Yoga at. If it’s filmed says, it means the Title film and that content plots. Talk to your parents. They want that, I know that. No, not me.
39:12 (https://youtu.be/Qq2GlKYxOEM)
Nonononononononomo ….
The script I say Wing, Jonathon, Ola, Hira, me + Lee see Lauren. No, not that. Lauren has 2 pregnancy. You are not supposed to anger her. Most time you should not. Not like that.
I got another Bill, the entire world looks at 2 different Bill and 3rd Bill Gates divorce Melinda …like it’s not me here …it’s at Jelly Park over there. He got a lot of mentor friends in 2014, he remembers that. I say hi hi hi hi hi. No, I don’t remember. That was 8 years ago.
Can I just do my things with Eben? We don’t need to see nobody.
Bill in the military might have to check NSC himself or all his boss in the hospital.
Roof is me+ Dean see, Star light Sailor Saiya + Moon her.
Everyone has a concrete jobs to do.
I say to Bill ( his boss+ his best friends pal) me Eben Police Canada that 1% drive up. It’s not in the script. I am busy. I need C.I,A pay me, Bill. No, I meant it. I don’t care about a lot of this you say or you don’t say with you W 2 worlds. When I leave Taiwan, you military Bill can just scramble Taiwan as you like with your best pal. Yeah.
Babaji: right
Movie Tiny 4.0 - me and Seth on the stair 2 different direction, on Conan detective trailer. Here is elevator …talking to Adria, might be Emily, we don’t really hear much Emily says boyfriend, she is shorter. Okay, me and Seth were in class possible, I cannot remember him, I keep telling everyone that. The one talking to Lauren looking like girl. Her name is 楊冪 plays with Mark on 3 3 10, me + Eben
They care this stuffs? (Tiny 4.0 = 29:30) https://youtu.be/Qq2GlKYxOEM
楊冪+Leo looking. My side Leo. No, not Nick. Nick and I talk about things. He will tell me straight to leave, not that in the office pushing. NO!
No no no no no…
Well. I cannot help Emily or does Karen +Adria add Wei from Singapore ?
Like a variable when I am not in that position ? Think about it.
Babaji: right
Tamang didn’t show up, me Melinda, Karen Adria Emily we hang out Adria place …you know that both are married …Melinda I don’t know. She is more close to them 3. I told them all about Tamang not coming, but when he left, I told Melinda or not? I remember I sit in the coffee shop until he left that morning. Next to James house.
I might cry at Melinda place with Tamang thing but …not this movie to say that’s Tamang ?
There are a lot of people never met each other or know each…this is …I get the call, or I throw phone on the walls?
Oh no, I have Eben things first. Getting a call…those waits. I am not a available I fail 1% outside 99% first with Canadian police first, they design that Victoria Secrets! It’s serious very serious thing.
My head still that …Hozier Seth gay stole UFO on Steve Jobs / Nike commercial, screaming inside …
Can we wait? Me Eben first ? I have to watch librarian 4.0 tiny 4.0
Not 2.0? Professional wise…they are joking ?? Technical stuffs. Normally professional librarian go to annual conference to do a lot of social in order to get the latest update.
Babaji: yeah
Tamang hangs out with girls, not guys? Yeah he does chess…Twlight ? Why don’t you ask me Keanu Reeves hang out his gangster Motocycle and even …an entire demo business on heavy motocycle ? You mean heavy track needs a different DMV liscence ? That’s entire business, he ? Keanu loves that stuffs that much ?
Aurora is that SMTV California, when I was at City of Hope, we drove from my uncle house to the research complex.
Dr Shen
Your kids
Right …
Jason went to Meds school after 2010. He finished here.
Babaji: right what ?
The impossible.
Tamang - Frozen, 2nd guy. 2
Yeth, how do you like Dean Lee Bill Wing they are all on your map, Karen Adria, Melinda Emily, Tamang ? You gonna come down me Seth you go if you figure it out all together in your imagination ?
Or you have friends crisis you need me the most?
Girlfriend ?
Dr professors ?
Pets dogs cats?
Babaji: right
Yeth, stop it now? I am not looking forward that life. No. It’s the truth.
Life is not all that depressing …
Babaji: right
⭐️Yeth if you cry, you gonna makes me cry too⭐️ … … I am from Taiwan (🥳) I went to UB looks like you having many friends.😘remember you can pretend I am your enemy ? You have to grow up one day to become the whole world commander in chef
…. …Babaji DIDNT say I go, Yeth. If you cannot stop this crying my face things. It’s the board across. You found out what you need yet?
That life is not your life to bear.
One day, you will know too, not now. We might have a very long time together. Yeth.
No, I don’t need.
Babaji: yeah
It’s the wild laughing and gangsters gathering to make a class in Europe, your own kind …
You don’t agree?
It’s just a TV personality like Simon.
Laughing is what the health meant to keep…I have an eternity. You? I thoughts monks suppose to watch you?
They stop being alive? Yeah ?
And you have anything say to me about your Olympia bomb and Nazi husband relation to Australia down under, to make wild fire as laughing goes to the 7 folded vows? It’s exclusive new, not good in English, a wave of sleeves, it’s in seat to make a joke before all, and me …it should be funny, I will make everyone laugh, so you will have more faith, prayer and determination you are , and will be forever right…agree?
Babaji: yeah
You like Elon Musk, the money or Craig Masterson all are too …not your league? 汪星 stuffs. It’s the money, it’s the good caused, it’s easy going? It’s the drama !! That story TV? Oh ~~
People like you can talk in that kind of laughing joking manner, SMCH…it meant to the world you have to keep doing right or else…I say it again, never stop.
Babaji: don’t correct it. It’s perfect timing.
小鬼 你們不會真的跑去看愛哭學妹中文版? does Europe read comics book I provide them? No they are all correct. I read them. 愛哭學妹 the crying girls. SMCH thinks she is cute, no? You got an eye on Fassbender ?
Where is exactly that 2 husband you got you say save the world causes to meant ?
You don’t know how to answer a question or I say every sissy sassy monent you don’t make it, half right …understand it’s correct format sissy sassy ..
Babaji: make it
Elon Musk won’t die if I just mention his name 越南小尼姑 but your ex husband dead yet? European …they don’t eat a lot, very very expensive. They have quiet materials on the TV including your future scrolls to eat down turning teaching into paper format …the subtitle.
Europe…you got a grade report England ?
Your recommendation from Red Cross ?
Your ex husband like the 3rd of 10? He is not a director by now like the Real Love says or you love Adam Pascal or Fassbender England ? And Simon?
Do you like Lauren Silverman ?
Torus high school like all kinds. It’s just 2 kinds. With Little 學妹 but she is very tall, 3 brothers.
Do you go to metro I say your destination on map to tour ? 越南小尼姑? can you even come in to Taipei ?
No, I am asking you Europe, now Wing took over the States, United States right in the middle draw a circle.
You and Menton, Austria vegan hotel still operating ? How do you spend money on running these not details you things you have a personality to talk like that on TV ?
That’s not a personality ? Oh yeah ?
Babaji: yeah you ask too many questions.
SMCH 清海無上師 Australia where Elon Musk meant down under? I just did not tell him ex gf said every video he was in those meeting, he is about to die. Seriously. I don’t watch all. You were laughing SMCH? Not goo ENglish, new ? Kitchen ware on sale …perfect timing …
My photo blogger cannot load right, I don’t have next half court Slam dunk 沒有後半場,太慢下載照片
Simon comcubine SMCH 清海無上師, do you … make friends in Europe these decades times ? After you left America Florida ? 2001/2002
These people in France or Menton? Do you have friends preaching things like no harm poetry and health topics what should not be eaten ? Australia wild life? It’s dessert ….desert …Deservitation
I was sleeping very looong time 越南小尼姑. You were saying things. They are your age or same like, I have heard Europe comes with other groups, you told them, “you take care all”
Si ….how is life treating you after you take care …them? I have loads I collect well.
Hi, you know what you look like? American ? I come back 15 years /16 years me Anna. My father and mother friends can die so early like 45+ 55+ 65+
Taiwan, do I stay here to solve all these family, friends, their friends and hospital and military if they know you exist problem.
India stop pushing …
Babaji: right
舍利弗的媽9:10 要出門,我什麼事情都不用做了 you only want me to describe thing all the time, no more conclusion? You write yourself ?
She is hurting me
Anymore words?
Babaji: she threaten hospital again
錢是拿來用的,所以你們如果好好睡覺,我的每一天早晨 good morning 小和尚 一頁一頁,聽懂嗎?身體不適就~一樣的道理
Dr Steven medicine …thyroid.
Babaji: right
Did you SMCH 清海無上師 see your master 500 years meant = one photo on TV? It’s not that ? It’s food you wish breakfast…you miss him ? It’s on the TV second time…..
高僧老和尚在哪?小鬼?你們打掃的?小和尚念經,你們打掃嗎?我找高僧老和尚立法,她滿慈子聽不懂語言 ABC 問題、有夠煩的?
她在電視上我的 miserable 8 年 on calls!
Hostage central is hostage said …you two are useful. That much we know off.
Don’t you agree, Simon?
No lineage ?
No hard feeling ?
No thoughts, Syco+Sony?
It’s representative in today moderns time even you found out the first day, unlike anyone watching movie narrowtive by me …you feel the Title said?
Hostage central is hostage said ?
SMCH 清海無上師『情海無上師』西臺小妾,you DIDNT ask me an opinion about your organization, just drop garbage all around, you hindrance me all around in mind to think I don’t go to central ….edge bound ?
If you don’t hindrance me, we have nothing in common to …be evaluated ?
Babaji: yeah right
No, if you know the essence of what he is (Ancient Chasez), seen it, feel it, know it real. No. I am already very on edge, I am practicing none thought lingering. I am traveling they know that much. No, people say they have no thoughts Zen Buddhaism ? You mean more than 100 years old like Annunaki type or Earth one earth one out 100 years old within ? Bio genetics Russian last name those things …it’s just refine quality attribute, not much to talk about it.
No, Ancient Chasez is a ruler, very cold with …”Siddarthra” near by guards. Both extremely cold. It’s just a story happy big family format books. To send photo all around. Edge people feeling him cold type brutal, ruthless type ? No. Within the cold realms, it’s edges. No, not really association. They know why, they won’t go on purpose …no, it’s just really happy ending ever after like Adam Ella Enchanted. It’s 100 years old story tale. I know that much. Words honor or not, it’s 5 Lord you all stands before.
Nick, you are famous just like Ola, I display all honesty resources before everyone, honestly …it’s right in front …your feeling ability this time? Oh yes, I feel never lonely …16 years ago. It probably true. When I have absolutely nothing, it will be different !!
Don’t you agree ? It’s on edge, eons kalpa learn tricks…
Babaji: like it?
Jason doesn’t have money, it’s very South on map. 新店, his last name has money, not him has that kind of money, that kinds ….plus, it’s to straight it out fantasy best.
印度五百歲 you can see these words yet? SMCH ?清海無上師『情海無上師』, what’s him define precepts ? On Television ? I am 38+2 months. We are here 8 years. I don’t know when you hear Simon says …or all your disciple says? They are mild that’s why they are disciples. You suppose to answer me. Call reply your email.
Indian 500 years old = 印度五百歲
He meant precepts …
Writing is not eating.
Eating is not drinking, they will all tell you that.
I said : that’s Indian 500. Clear?
Babaji: right
Polystyrene from man says? You can say stero foam, Master. It’s just a background.
18:25 Olympia ?
Oh…we finished …
Babaji: right.
Just saying food cannot be better, it’s all on us anyway. House full club.
She is seven vow audio team person, she hasn’t met Debra voice yet? Kelly Clarkson, tell Simon to axe, that girl looking from Rochester, Ola near by.
She told you chop sesame ? You grind it. She cannot see where to chop ?
I email Cancun got slaughter video with Nick initial at email address to 5 center …contact person. Might be clear away basic of it. It’s not like anyone will do anything about it, I cannot die so I do all the dishes !
Babaji: that’s kidnapping
She eats. I can tell. Really eat.
SMCH 清海無上師 no views to what room? Yesterday residents, attendances ? They are foreign deaf ?
Tell me, exactly what I should do, you will feel so free to talk exactly you wave that blue sleeves and complains all like you own it every words? 情海? it’s a gift, no one using it !
Babaji: right comcubine
Tears is when you feel, at blink ….Simon or Robbin, ice cream share? Eat it ? It’s Dairy Queen one now monopolize ? Jargon rhythm brand broadcasting combine …applause ! I feel very close said.
Isn’t that right, Nick? Idols is when I made them, break them, lose them, agree ?
Babaji: correct
Simon, you know why 8 years after, again, your matter become the center of attention, like I was telling you on the video? I wasn’t ? I always give you a reason I come and go…..politely.
You have many possession belong to mine, including Grey shirts ….
Babaji: right
只是一個基本國文問題呦! 心心欺畔
所謂 the only faith issues is completely base on confidence in loyalty to a degree very very conceptual acceptance universally, isn’t that right? 何謂道?
It’s so eager to make it….right.
Everyone is all trying it, trying it, trying it off it ….oops
Babaji: right
You see. Nick or Simon …this is everything I have, I couldn’t ask for more … haha
The choice is when….you believe psychology ? I give you eternity, time will erase everything !! Haha…remember ….me.
Babaji: right
This is the reality that no one cares about the older Chinese teaching anymore with the new generation comes = Wallace heard that rule only 霍建華聽說墜入愛河違反門規
It’s after the President Xi, this world might very turn to Christian, church bell, wedding …this one rule I said…will become faint as the days go by.
It’s in the generation blood, it’s Christian. I read China. You are not going to stop that.
So …what we gonna do? UFO groups?
That book cannot be done.
But there is a TV to enter celestial, me.
This one rule will be gone as we move in, or I move in gradually 2015 time mark celestial, by star, by time, by date.
I am still talking about this one rule …it’s heard in Chinese, it may not last at all, this one rule they meant seriously they meant.
Now there are few options.
I = him, I am celestial Chairman, I rule celestial.
He rules, as real celestial God opening competition in China, I demonstrate, you all world wide try to make it.
It’s just these two possibility.
I gonna tell you Hollywood, by certain time, the movies casts are ugly to look. Do you feel no more ocean 11 12 13 type ? Ocean 8 is last ?
Okay, that’s what I gonna tell you, the movies will continue but it’s only 2015 花千骨
It’s everyone obligation to find out if this is the only way in, and drop all things in life, either ascension physically without death, like 2012 prophecy on everyone table says
Or you will die, no more TV fantasy.
The choice is yours. It’s this One drama - you ask American, you ask India, you ask Pixie, you ask Canadian, you ask Queen, you ask Taiwanese American if you found them…..you will travel 1000 worlds in order to get this one question right, is this Flower Thousands Bones are the One?
MD I really don’t care about it.
But I say to all. Define that 2015 very very clearly.
Babaji: yeah
Nick is Masterson groups, like WWII. People in the military has strange documents types, even they teach layman people to trumpet in life, don’t you believe it very very deeply, junks?
Self improvement really is just philosophy to get right.
People don’t care about basic education anymore…in English those words aren’t strong at all “basic moves” 基礎動作
Western worlds I say again, your system design you that way, I can not go against it. Unless you make top them do that to you, you will never make it.
Not this time.
I hope that one thing I explain to you that rule is on the TV. No one cares rules.
Read it very very very carefully …use your eons life to bet, don’t get that TV rules wrong, or else ….
Babaji: it is said.
It’s just a TV
Fall in love = Chinese drama says, you don’t believe it meant very wrong ? Maybe not to America never make it ….花千骨墜入愛河,跟門歸有什麼關係?相信嗎?很多人現代不會 give a dine ….
There is chinese 我寫中文
West worlds don’t define that lineage door rules if you fall in love. They let everyone practice meditation. Swami is all them dress robes.
You don’t want to be serious in Flower Thousand Bone ? 花千骨的事情你們是不是其實在開玩笑?我一輩子等你們開完玩笑哦啊
No, you all not making it MD, CIA wants a lot of things…they might want to hear this one rule first from someone in Chinese, not from me. The legands or myth says …that all the time. Like Lauren kinds, they come to pay their gratitude to the folk town people, like citizen. It’s a happy ending story all the time, nothing harm.
Babaji: yeah
Humans are define in spirits layers and souls bodies or chi 三魂七魄 meaning gradually erase your entire existence from you sow seeds to say spiritual, it’s defined priced
Not much to say on that, don’t you agree?
Babaji: it’s your whole life time worth
Commander female? You have a face to keep glowing so strategically, you are bar out, it is a face card. And ….it’s reincarnated defined if you know what I mean ? It’s forced.
Nick and Rockefeller always makes strange sound …is Eben gonna live with me?
Nick psychically hurt my brain when he does those things 5 Lord reviews time. Snap my thoughts all the time. He thinks that’s high arts to do, how to kill?
You don’t know how to kill MK
Babaji: right
SMCH 清海無上師 resident, she really 流口水 she miss all your food, Simon Syco+Sony, treat this concubine right?
Simon, you don’t like the color?
SMCH 清海無上師 one day, you will know how to close your eyes. You glorious moment of Power and fame eternally is blood spill everywhere Massacred …it’s just a messenger how to work with others.
Right? 越南小尼姑 Simon’s new fame comcubine, Syco and Sony should know what’s the true meaning when things are reply …in 回憶
Tell me India, one more words or ?
I will rule exactly every words you make a sound eternally. Understand ?
It’s bias!
Babaji: right
Rule 7 I am not here (beat)…rules 8 …no …you all…not he twice of your age ….(beat) do you want to beat Materson ? He or they too can be dead …it hurts. My head
Rule 9 …( I am dead )
NO he doesn’t attract you into his Earth we say Venus behind on Taiwan’s map. He didn’t have our map …( beat …show or else …) 430🛎
( I think i might be really dead)
This is very bad Craig
Stop it …he is not Marsian ….( I am flat dead) Craig
Majors …no…he didn’t mean that. Really stop it …
No, he cannot wire the phone, that’s not digit on …calls ( beat up)
Can I reason with you how autoresponder and his reply to his phone call has to do with Walsh’s kids Austin that stuffs your age traffic monitor on the web page ? (Down)
Google uses robots …( beat)
I didn’t teach them that (hurt)
…. I am gratify …( beat )
Confrontation, not competition …(I am dead) no, they are not Eben them compete you mean? ( beat)
I fed up ..stop it.
Babaji: yeah
His rules persons? I am dead, if it’s not 9 years ago? He was just structure his presentation, he told you ?”structure” ( I am really dead) Craig
15 minutes …stop it …7 x 2 + 1 = 7 + 7 + 1
Numerology 13 or 14 it’s karmic numbers ….I used to …(dead) can you all hit someone else ?
I heard Eben … … ( got beat up)
Stop it, they are in their groups, they know each other with their ages!!
Stop it …not Time traveler, not vampire, he is a human ( I am dead)
Babaji: yeah, Vampire don’t go on TV
Do you all remember I used to be on the floor?
That is not a date, that’s not a fate, that’s certainly not exchange a look he supposed to know you all? You are pixies … Craig
I don’t want to watch it anymore, you are all judgmental.
….stop it TT
Rockfeller write T/T in the email (I am hurt by the baseball bat, how old are you generation ? )
….fitness guru is a fitness trainer …stop it paraphrasing his saying, he says those being train photo people going to social events because they are more discipline not to eat hamburgers, you don’t remember his first slide? Stop it…it hurts if you groups hitting it my head…Babaji is omnipresent …
It’s the first slide …no he is not purpose testing you …(I am dead )
Babaji: just the way he talks.
I say stop it ! Masterson is their Craig mentors….he says it in front of all. It’s not just s contact you read folding slide like unreal? They put together in the video frames? What an attitude …
‘ That guy …” his name is Materson …
You see where those people sits in the chairs?
I SAY stop it !!!
Babaji: right
We finish reading comic books? More on Valetines ETR? When you all gonna make it Canada ? I read the Indian 500 years old servant in black suit …
我說印度五百歲在愛哭學妹看了!我在問你們看完漫畫看,加拿大的 Early to Rise? ETR?
ETR they are self improvement like 自我成長的那種版圖,怎麼做一個快樂有信心的人
No, I never gangster or go on street to physical fight. Nope.
Babaji: right
Wing, when I left, you and Ola should be the most warming students to Dr T on these ….any comics books to talk to socialize ? I used to talk to him in office hour, then one day I have to have an office hour, the students missing too often. I do lectures, they come or don’t show up. In the very end. They are all busy during the semester.
You and Ola are 36?
I am 38 and 2 months we finally pass…finally ….2 months.
Those stupid weight scaling fish for offering to be eaten …
Babaji: yeah ?
Are you sure, anyone sure Indian 500 years old really dead not reading these types of crying little books? Like no Chinese monks leek to tell I dian to tell Swami order ? The clerk they suppose to be dead …愛哭學妹
Wing, do you talk to Dr T on comic books Anna I selected ?
We had only few books if they got translation you read in English your parents read Chinese ?
你家長看中文漫畫?愛哭學妹,印度五百歲死了沒?中國和尚告訴印度告訴 Swami Order -他們可能根本不知道書的存在
It’s very likely they never read a book like mine selection like this ….
Babaji: are they dead yet like you plan? They can see it inside book what did you do?
I didn’t do anything …
Babaji: yeah?
Do you read the comic books 愛哭學妹 that teacher high school throw an eraser black board to the military head ? Dr T? You cannot always be Dr T students !!
There are so many students in the classroom. They pretend they all do something in the States. Called United States.
We used to talk, them and me.
Most guys are like the comics books, same if in Asia they wear uniform.
Not with the volleyball. No one needs them to touch that volleyball. It’s a girl sport.
Babaji: what did you do to them before ?
I don’t remember actually…
Volleyball team has a court has a basket full of volleyball. Touch it feel it scared, Wing? You have to move that from the inside swimming pool to the court. There will be years younger than me. If I train them, as a coach, it’s one basket of that, to one lines of them …
You don’t know what I am talking about …
Going on the field
Train others
Touch the equipment
When I was being trained, that was 10th year for orientation table. We had a man coach and lots of big, captain and vice captains training us. But actually the volleyball team were so small really. One of them big is your birthday, Wing.
When you see big 學姐 , they can really play, they are volleyball team.
We have that relationship to the big or little 學姐學妹
That’s not in the States.
You know Jonas? Justin? Eric? The Honor class? Brian ?
Babaji: yeah
Wing, you never interest how to go on a field ? 3 years 25 classes each year, it’s just that area everyone gathered. It’s big events every day. Every single day, go on the field. That much people, some swipe the floor, some just take one side of the volleyball court including the basketball team.
I say my case because they beat me up if I don’t talk about my high school.
You have a high school ?
I went to Mucrary high school. Know Adam there. Adam is their height. No sports.
We have more sports in my school. The basketball team actually, after I return from the US to Taiwan, they were more binding ? I cannot remember which year.
You go on a field but I was already in the team, everyone knows everyone around. Do they look at our style I don’t know, but people really play on the fields as groups, as new people meeting, as a serious tricks everyone does in front of everyone else. The basketball them, does those tricks all the time…everyone is different on the field, not to drop it ever…I used to tell Valley, I have a video made in 2014
I wear skirts….
Babaji: yeah
Wing, do your parents know these things in Hong Kong?
汪星 does do ballet type stuffs, chinese traditional or just ballet stuffs.
My brother is ABC Wing. To fit local, you cannot be American and I rule too, Wing. These students are every years graduating from the school, you are not going to the middle school to apply high school trying out basic subjects in Chinese nor goes to college be tested.
I have no ideas where these people went, but if our top school are not meant for all of us sunk it somewhere, it is selected …I know that. You cannot rule that, you have to be in their groups, especially Taiwan is this small and tiny.
Hong Kong is used to be film biggest maker…they are old now, by the time you ready to come, all they gonna ready be dead.
Babaji: yeah. It’s an incentive to come back.
Long long long time ago, there is a bookstore name called 何嘉仁 they sell books, decoration beautiful stuffs today they don’t sell any,one, music box, crystal glass, scientific rotation magnets …glittering lights in the glass panels have all kinds of interests things to look. There are self-improvement books. Today they known in the US ETR and Eben business.
何嘉仁 is the same Corperation they have ENglish Boston tours, i met Henry, Elizabeth, and Monica. There are others like older who, look after the tour groups us, but it’s Jason, Henry, Eric and Vicky, Sofia with others we hang out, that’s 2 girls from my same school. They are just still the same girls school. They are not volleyball teams. It’s funny, you tour in the summer but when returning to the school….these people are not radiant anymore like they are outside school, outside their family ….
You know my high school 中山女中 it’s 25 classes, not change classmates for that one year. I forget the last year if we’re the same in previous year. So…that 2 girls in my same school, one plays volleyball, one doesn’t.
In my school, it’s a league, a class to be on the field every ten minutes break +20 mins break.
We have a custom. It’s …go on the field not wearing the uniform, we wear sport ware.
Well…I would never really comment in those things, but it’s in the eyes.
We have basketball team, the captain or one of them was my classmate. Basketball and volleyball team are like me and Yeth. We owns just about our exclusive right, the Gym or the field, that’s why we know each other. We seen each other. In that school. There is also playing guns groups but they go by manner, height and grades. Volleyball…they have no limits to the sky !! I can be anything I want.
I am telling you real thing.
It’s to sunk in life that school.
You hear me, Wing?
Never mind, that school is to sunk it to the Buttom of sea to have …all that students never study on the fields to say league.
Bsbaji: for real, Eben?
汪星 probably has a lot of her age friends in la school, in Hong Kong too. She is Tina’s age. If you just make friends. 她台灣來的住在香港,提那小學同學移民澳洲
She grew up in Australia. The girl I am keep telling Elon Musk guys. Wing, you cannot hide behind me when I talk to these big guys including Eben. If they are not threatening, they never made it today within the US and international. I know you say they got set up and facilitate ….well, Wing, there is a lot of times trust what you see than hearing rumors. Believing there is a grade report to start with. It is … my life to become like that but not everyone else life.
Your parents talk to you yet? Every day ? Like Ola’s parents talking her to Dr T and you ? No more Dr T? He is for sure Washington DC Japanese ? Did you see him graduate ? ….is that North Carolina ? There is a pharmaceutical triangle, not just wash up chemical to dump the river stream to atlantia sea …
Babaji: right
很多人住在台灣 a lot of people lives in Taiwan, you never been back to Taiwan? Jumping back and forth Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore ? 在亞洲飛來飛去的意思
Do your parents read Chinese? You know why my mother becomes ET?
No, I meant literally ?
Your parents needs her number too? I have zero friends left, but I look for Henry, Jason and Eric ? Vicky is already in line.
Babaji: right
⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫ if you just observed your life, it’s better and better each day JUST like she promised, you all believe it already, you cannot have a shocking paradigm just a snap of finger ? Can you think ? You really think Life is like that? Everything on this planet is slow motion. Everything, Mountain fold and I still be here ?
I have no ideas how you live by life what’s real, what’s not real. Yeah, they know girls cry Yeah, they try out 1000000 girls story people ...
Human useless to keep sick and old? If I run the worlds ? Is that every year it’s every season ? Don’t their family to care about how they ...
“They succeed to make all those pitch perfect movies 2012, 2015, 2017; they finally succeed to make her sing 2018, 2019, both work together ...
I set the drama in 3 stages and I added notes in them. 我把劇本分成三部分,然後加了一些筆記 像說白淺非常在乎她的師父,為了她師父,他們吵過架夜華跟白淺,我說劇本的白淺一直都是被動的那個人,雖然有婚約,但是一直到夜華主動要渡...