
Babaji and I

 Babaji isn’t so physical, isn’t he?

I did say there are people when in the Love games - “they want people to hate them”. But I highly doubts, that was the case before I was told there is Yogananda and divine mother/ Babaji script in Flower Thousand Bone. 檀凡 夏紫軒

In other words, they make that script line as the fact as true as that.

Because I am the audience, I could understand.. Don’t care how I understand many things, YOU have a water issues with many worlds !!!

For examples, if the world becomes more rich in their life style, people one day in the future will turn to love chasing games. Even now, there are lots gossipe everywhere. Even you were being rumors in Costa Rica or Cambodia. Right now Costa Rica news disappear. 

How do I feel? You were getting married with others? I don’t have as lot of feeling for what you or others do things in life. I did see you lay Anan around the front row seat recent years, I KNOW he has his way finding seat in front of the camera all the time, so I did not take you as the problems. 

All this year when I m absent and I did watch, but I didn’t expect there is COVID 19 bar down airport? Are you listening ? 19th anniversary rings a bell on your silent tears? 

I am not with him, but if someone has to force you to have a feeling to feel, I do feel the hurt. He used to really have a lot of women issues. 

Back to 三生三世十里桃花 the script line was a guy younger than me between you. And he does not like you but having a sword to stab you. 

Babaji does not have a sword. I know who might have a real sword in life and younger than me. But that’s too ...1+1=2 saying ...

Would I think Babaji ? Fancy him you mean? You dream!! Keep dreaming !

But if he has to set a chain of lover affairs, I know what’s like to swallow not just your huge volumn water problems but Substance like “Black Water” in Harry Potter. This terms are using in some other place, but I short name at it. 

If you say 7 years tribulation, you gonna say you believe Bible and imagine to be tests, I highly doubt that thick book is too heavy for you already than just hearing a rumor - imagine on tribulation on me. Normal humans always stuck their head to imagine what if it’s them? That’s for American. Your head are too busy on many other things, when you void once a while has no concepts what you supposed to be tested, wait til that Christ figure comes....you have a whole lifetime to wait and be tested... 

They make a drama that and that, to me is ‘you deal with it’

That’s simple saying. 

Sariputra or Anan. Anan is old now.

Sariputra is a gay, so technically that drama 三生三世十里桃花 ....cannot be hurt in the real nature. By the description they say small traits like younger or with a playing sword ....and the chosen One by the bloodline. That’s my brother. Like Bride War. Except that’s a blonde hair. Games of thrones short clips I watched has a bloodline books on hair colors....

If just Chinese drama said ....or Hollywood said... 

You are not the only ache problems, for Sariputra or Anan, they cannot do what I do. They are not equipped.

You? Just focus your thick book that’s given to you.

It probably does not really mean I cannot read it, but you better just work on it by your little mind little head sleep on it I don’t care. 

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