
What is or how is the Tibetan double body practices ?

 No imagination no visualization. 

The “air” envelope the entire body. What he used to do was no matter what objection I have, I have no strength to fight it off. It will drive the body crazy.

Recently, it’s I finally be free. Wrong. I have to make an effort knowing it’s equal status love. I go to so and so. No more this who fight with whom things. It’s only he says so.

Do I feel hurt?


Most time I think Babaji made it up the character. So they are not like that. And with me, after few months, I could forget the whole things and live my life. 

But ...there is something I started to doubt he is not making things up. 

By hands. To get rid of the air drugged states.

Do I feel guilty? No. My face is thick on the subjects but I don’t really like to talk about it. 

Do I think there is camera? Probably.

And? Babaji is the boss. If I have to, I have to. I already minimize it. But ...I am worried about the Judgement Day. You only watch the movies, but some others watches porn. It’s still another kinds of TV.

I have some intuition about that. I just hope it’s not true. I probably is the wrong side. Babaji is the correct side. 

Like 5 Lord NSYNC, that’s US property. But my friends they are real human being. I know they are married or at works, so I knew for certain there is no such things between me and that 5 college friends. It left to NSYNC. They say each them married. JC is a gay. But recently they shows me 5 Lord again. 

I just don’t want to talk about it but there are things I can only hope that’s not real. Of course no porms stuffs. One TV is right, I gonna say porn is not right? 

That is ...the 3 position with Eben

 First, I speculate there is a legal thing about blonde.

Second, the question I want to ask him were for all your story written on Eternal Love.

Third with Babaji, if I don’t want to go to hell, this life I just deal with it with Eben.

What do I gonna do with Eben?

 I actually need Eben. It’s not true my attitude don’t needs him. 

One is for Legally Blonde, no idea what that means.

Second, there is two stories I read from the Chinese looks like him. If the US says one thing, I might say I move back to Asia, don’t bother with it. But if it’s on the Secrets and China, so near by India ...I actually need to find a way to actually asking Eben what I want to ask him - like how did he live his life? What kinda of God he believes in ...there must be a reason they keep airing him. 

It is a little rude to ask him how did he start the dating business ...to understand women is that because of Apple? Like he rather chose to spent his entire life to pursue something he could only hear about from Apple? Yeah if I could ask him, I might. Did he believe in God, did he love the idea God might exist? Etc etc ...I need to find things out. But until I found it out these answer by actually confront him, I have no other ways to sort these. These are just stories and statement we made it to assume. It may not be true. 

Third Babaji. This is probably more difficult part. 

What did Babaji said before you gonna sent me to India if I don’t say?

 He knows I was kind to Purna like her name but that’s not how the correct things to be done.

She needs to be punished. I try to make it light to her, that’s not exactly he wants to see. She supposed to be able watching the movie, find Anan who drives the buses, find Eben, find out class, find out Harvard by knowing how life runs with the movies. Not by others connection and later be envy at it the results or outcomes derived from that. If Eben gonna be with Anna, she gonna say Anna set her up so she recommended Eben for the class? She does not know how the things working out with the people’s face and on the movies. A lot of this people is Anna went ahead doing things to find them. Its Anna went ahead to show her character a lot a lot by doing what she does so the people in that same networks knows how she is. The relationship can be built on that. And Purna? A high up seating like a Master, feeling lonely at things she cannot do, or she gonna regret it she didn’t do? She is doing it and what exactly she did? Paste more gold on her own faces!

Yogananda friends issues

 Babaji prefer you have no friends to say you just argue with God because you got nobody else. 

But if you have a lot of friends and you go argue with Babaji, that’s not tolerable.

He can lose all his disciples and his organization and says he has a conversation with God but not before you lose it all.

He Babaji must be so disgust with what Yogananda did in the US? What did he do?

Yogananda face

 Okay this is what I heard from Babaji.

There is something about the face. The more money you collect, the more social network you built, more friends come and talk to you, calling you Master, you actually becoming to believe you are a Master. The more built faces you needed. Something about your friends comment to Yogananda is more than God’s comment. It’s not just all of them really needed that face, they actually needed to breath and live in it. People’s comment on them determine their a lot of decision. The maturity cannot built in that way. It’s like a drug, the more they expose to that environment the more they needed others opinions to live.

And the money, once you get the money, you didn’t buy a car is that because you don’t like a car or you just calling God, that’s a temptation ? You cannot use that word if you don’t know your liking to quote God in it so to resist to buy it. It’s clearly he loves the car but he says it’s a gift that divine mother will show him when his death time come near. That’s a lie and he is using God to cover his face.

Anyway, any time if just pop up Yogananda this word to write, it’s clearly he has a lot to vent. 

If anyone does things with a face to ignore Babaji’s call, he will just keep quiet. Because after life, don’t bother calling him. His position is very clear on that. 

Like if I saw China drama on their entire soil broadcasting networks calling me, Babaji call Wallace to be a guard position, I should start talking right online and sort this drama out no matter there is a person listening or not. Like you see Rukawa in Slam Dunk, he just ran out first.

That’s a responsibility and a duty to do. 

The China didn’t know I gonna go to Wallace and right on Twitter to do an announcement and 10 websites building. They knew I can do all that but actually doing it because of their TV talking, maybe I am the first one doing that. Courage, face or elequence, typing in Chinese ...because only God knows how long she didn’t type in Chinese. One day is only 24 hours. How many things can she nail them?

Meaning intelligent wise, Yoganada gonna say there is a pressure he is not going to do it? What pressure ? Losing faces or losing time to responses to the China network. If they announce, it just has to get it done. It’s an universal knowing, not a thing to argue who has a bigger face to call myself a name and a title. 

Babaji if we talk about Eben. No, he just does things like Eben

 No, that’s not what I said. I said if there is another role, playing equal with me and Babaji. He who could does his will ... the third party. I can look, that does not mean I see people have that quality. 

Babaji has a personality okay? I don’t question why he has that. If he says so, that’s well so.

That “another role” could be multiple names I mentioned but none I have seen them educated enough in life. So I never mention Babaji has a will like that. Because it’s not doable.

He constantly has that since very early on when we met. The subject about Sex. But because the current man and woman anatomy is not fitted to say pleasure activity through sex, I just erase that probability what he said. It’s painful thing in life. But if let’s say, this judgement last after we all die, we become a different sphere of living structure. That kind of new human, then talk about the physical pleasure called sex. Right now on this Earth, the sex to women is not like they describe in the novel saying. Those things are not real.

What do I think Babaji meant? We don’t really talk about it. Now I know it’s about Tibetan practices ...I take it as that’s just how it is, no more no less. 

If saying there will be more severe punishment after this one life, I can say it’s possible. I just don’t bother thinking about it. 

Eternal Love vs Coco

 Which do I think more like Eben.


I know you need to write a story, so I tell you a story about Eben if pushing that Eternal Love on him. It’s because of his name and my eyes. I cannot lie to you about that. I saw him going to Apple. I wonder if he breaking down the alphabet. I live a regular life without breaking down the words so it’s not nature for me to witness someone so near are going to Apple because of their words. 

But if one day I see Eben, I will ask him why he went to Apple conference. That’s fair? Otherwise I just wrote you a story and we leave like that. 

That’s what can be said, we don’t have to believe it’s true. 

Secret society, Simon, you are so wealthy.

 I have heard to the upper class, there are those invitation to the Rich people. To the Secret Society.

If SMCH wasn’t the way she was, I would have assume that OU language was their whatever secret society hands her a copy of the conspiracy. 

You can just talk to them like one of them. Because they might have a brain where is the rest of beast or dragon are and if SMCH is sitting on which exactly beast they meant all beasts all look alike?

I think you care the most is the revelation. Not my invention, not my life, not anything to do with me. 

I have my understanding like that. 

I think Simon you just get a therapist

 If you don’t want to talk to your classmate, you can still get a therapist in your life. Simon.

These girls you dated for, do they have a brain or just a superficial life, live, breath, eating food and looking at the camera to posture and click, made of another newspaper? Your company hiring people must have a brain to sort these movies with you. 

You rather choose a life to be with the a superficial no-brainy women, just have fun in life to join your venture how to smoke, wine and fine dining experience in party for years after years that you called your rich people life... if you don’t built your intelligent, after certain age, you gonna lose your mind to disease. 

Didn’t I tell you, there is a family photo effect all around the world? The children education needs to see someone they can look up for in life with a brain. Like a super hero. But I think after anyone review you, you have a character built up issues. Westinghouse is known superficial. It’s written. I just didn’t know you care about the face a lot more including you could go to playboy house for a fun. You need to have fun in life. I need to work in my life, Simon. 

You already fail in many crucial things to examine your character ...this family photo is all you left with all your francy girlfriends or financee in line to show the world the rest of you. 

I don’t mind people to have fun in life. I don’t really have fun in my life this far. I work a lot. For you to imagine what kinda of a character to build up for a spiritual life....Simon, those movies are just movies. Things grander than the movies are many thousand folds. You need to have a solid ground to built up, you don’t have that much time left. 

To find an exit, I would rather you just keep going with your life like you promise Lauren and a son and two dogs. Keep up a good photo shooting for 194 country people. That’s it. I don’t see anything good of you unless you want to argue you have a talent in negotiation to the business. 

If you and my negotiation fail, my name is your Jewish God. Everyone else’ name does not meant a dime to this Judgement Day.

Simon Cowell Photo


That’s you holding hand make-up artist, that’s black Sinnita and then, that’s Lauren.

You must have a value if you decide you gonna have a public family image. You knew things gonna get done right, so where were the other incidents coming from? You went on the news with them. You went on the interview talking to the real journalist people about what you hope for, for your engagement with the make-up artist and ...you could just do the interview and shows of it, then break them into pieces and still keep all of them near by. 

You could just play the girls behind and no one knows about it, you don’t even need to photograph them or be on the TV be seen at all. But ...you made an official news!! It’s on the internet everywhere you had these photo with them. So you care for the friendship or you feel you need their affection because they are loyal to you?

So okay, now you have a crisis. Do you tell each of them about it? Your heartache, pain, and sorrow? You need them to be your best friend now. I am God, I am at the throne, we are not the best friends. And apparently if your company decides after a 7 years I might encounter so many so many things to come back and talk to you, I may not be like I used to be 7 years ago. And from what they examine my background, and heard my comments on you these few days, they cannot make a conclusion what do I think of you? You and me are not the same background. 

I am watching Iron man 1

 I am watching it right now. Does that mean, you Simon looking for an exit through Iron man?

Didn’t you try to look up if that comet coming in was not your contract faults? Because we had another comet in 2013, are they going to come every round of time? You sure that contract you just gonna ignore it? 

Well, just the movie ...you want an exit so you look for a spiritual road? Your whole life was not delicate your faith in God and suddenly you needed it, so you think it’s about time to learn something new? You are 61.

Can you explain to me why you go with a black black women when you could have so many other options? You does not care the skin touches the skin because your family have money and you were making money ... hippi people do that kinda of sex, drug, excitement crazy dance things. Meaning trying something new and be different seen. And in the end, we all see you care about the real family value was through Jewish. You cannot just have a Jewish value starting when you were young?

No! You had a mood decision the one day seeing you with a black girl, another day engaged an make-up artist ...why a make-up artist? There is no rich family daughter that has a better career and an education background to be your date? You feel inferior in your background or something? You made a news on the television. So the engagement was off. You had an affair with your best friend wife?? You knew you gonna get her or that’s another plan, your life is full of your idea, you gonna make it right, once for all? 

You were all on the vacation on a boat, and you slept with the girl that has a husband and you invited all these same girls to the yacht ...I read and I saw the photo. You keep all of them in touch ? You were like a Muslim or something before you got engaged to Lauren ? I saw the photo I saw it.


 If Babaji tells him to do something like opening an internet talking to himself wall, will he do it?

First he has to know how to type. In which language you prefer him to communicate? 

Probably not. Internet was not a thing in his time.

Will he just be like me, telling you all kinds of feeling and observation in the movies, everyday just get things done?

Preparation means to some people. If Babaji call him up from the grave, he gonna keep the old folks who worship him like a God or they gonna revere Babaji like a God through the TV? Who is upper?

So Yogananda gonna shrink and hide because he realized Babaji hated him like that girl wants to kill in Flower Thousand Bone?

I may not like Babaji certain things crossing lines but I don’t go and hide stuffs from him or to you all the people. This is important. Yogananda is like an Indian immigration, did he care ABC title or that crowd of people? If Babaji push a Buttom to exam both Yogananda and SMCH to do with an ABC crowd, I think they gonna fail. Certain tests.

And taken all these photo because you must need my photo? My attitude gonna lose my faces? You cannot tell my attitude for real so I sent you thousands. 

Babaji - what I didn’t tell if Babaji has to come into a human form ?

 What didn’t I tell if Babaji comes into a human world to tell ?

Maybe like ...I mentioned a lot of people’s name starting 5 Lord.

Lord like the husband in the ancient. Why I mentioned this people’s name is not just watching their song or movies or TV shows. I take it as simple as let’s just watching the TV together. I didn’t hide the name. I told you all the names. No, I prefer to leave them at where they are exactly what they are with what they do.

Something more I didn’t tell? If Babaji comes to tell ?

Yogananda on the TV looks like he drinks. He looks at her lustfully, he desires her. It’s not a good look. It’s probably every interaction that he across her like Babaji if were women, Yoganada is someone she really fed up chasing behind her. If he gonna die and she gonna turn into purple, her ideal is let it be so. That’s how crappy she feels toward him. 

She just wants he stopping wasting time with her.

Stop in between her and me white robe guy.

Stop saving her, she doesn’t need people to save her 

She says whom she loves so stop bothering her 

She wants to kill that girl like SMCH just like she wants to finish Yogananda but he is stopping her killing SMCH.

Etc etc...we go by the TV script.

Any other things Babaji wants to say? She has everything money, clothing, camera, people all around her. That’s not solitude. It’s not right looking to him to say let’s start a love games. There are people paying her attentions. She has to lose all of them, and start again this Anna has many people on the book. Tell him again she is not envy and jealous everything Anna can make it on her own in the communication to trash others wall by her own writing. She shooting down the entire world down and no one knows, she does not understand what’s starting from zero to build things and loses them. Because all these junks disciples she collects all these years are for her uses, not for Anna. The attention is for her selfish purpose, these things whatever Anna do, does not count. Any punishment is not right done, the time is not rip to do this judgement. She got helper. If she lost all the assistance of the Power in the air helping her to call herself God, her height and her own look with a black hair, no one ever cares for her. That’s not the judgement. You got everything in your grisp. She argues with Anna what not to do...because she feels feels feels she got options to do things differently. It’s all wrong. Eben comes in or not coming in this time is irrelevant. It’s not time yet, she got everything, understand ? She is not losing it all. When he Babaji says ALL, it means ALL!!!


 我在解釋埃本可能是他夜華,像挖眼睛=他的名字叫做 Pagan 在聖經裡面那個是被形容,不相信上帝的,所以比喻上帝沒有眼睛,我的英文護照上面翻譯的名字,姓然後名=舊約的神叫做 Yehweh= Jao Wei ,那是護照的名字,真正的名字是饒瑋。

他一直在等待蘋果電腦的拼音 Macintosh = m AC in to she, 我說他一直在等,他做了一個關於約會女生的事業,最後變成商業上另外一個更大的顧問事業,然後改名為Eben Pagsn, 他就在蘋果的會場,攝影機有照到他,我幫你們畫出來過,他在等這個女的,關於聖經回來的一個王,因為蘋果在 1998 變成 iMac = I m AC=我是特斯拉。

所以他跟素錦要一個燈,燈的英文叫做 Lamp, 聖經的羊大寫的那隻叫做 Lamb, 他在尋找這個人一直再找,不知道我就在他事業底下的一個 email.



夜華一直在等這台燈,還跟印度的一個女的結婚就是等待印度的消息講 Macintosh 這件事情,可能他在猜這個女的可能是印度有關的,這是一種很奇怪的寫法,但是差不多給人貼臉用的。


Eternal Love : theme song

 Yeah, keep writing. He married to an Indian is to find the iMac or getting a news from directly a social networks to do with the Indian, not knowing I was right under in his mailing list.

So the TV says he was asking another she for the Lamp to revive this girl from the ashes, (like Lamb, Aries my sign )

But he has to married her. Why don’t you say Eben’s whole life is looking for God? He designed at it with no matter costs? It will sound like a perfect story!

Eternal Love - eyes

 He plug her eyes out, why don’t you say he was naming himself Eben Pagan to my name Yehweh (Jao Wei) in Chinese name = I cannot see? 

You know Paganism and God? Yehweh is an Old Testament God.

He is looking for his deceased wife. Re-write like he is looking for a girl, like I show you he been to Apple conference audience seat? He happened to be in the camera. He is looking for Macintosh = M ac in to she, and that will sounds like a more romance story, someone would do that to become a public speaker from David DeAngelo to Eben Pagan? His whole life is looking for iMac?

If you behind want to make up a story, I can write for you. I know this story well. 

Yeah...like someone got a news from Apple and seriously wanted to find God if that’s the return of the king they meant. I won’t be thinking like that and I don’t see why Eben thinks like that. He went to do a women dating coaching business was all because he is looking for this one girl on Apple’s computer’s name.

If you so needed a story behind, I help you. It’s close enough.

Eternal Love - Mahavatar Babaji 墨淵

  Will I think Mahavatar Babaji coming back alive in the real human form? No.

Do I wish to see him in the human form ? No.

He has sex with me and I don’t want to demand an explaination? 

... ...I revere Saints like him. If he would draw a dream and let me forgetting what he has done, I am willing to take that. I am more in fear to God and Master like him Deathless In Legand and from directly India. My concept of our relationship cannot pass that. But I understand it’s Tibetan lineage and the judgement day like a time now. So I just tell you if he talks but I won’t go and initiate a conversation with him. I would sometimes thought maybe he is NOT that bad of a person after all and thank him for a while. 

Just sometimes. 

But no, I won’t want to see him coming alive. It means a lot of things to India. 

I am not ready for India. 

Right now it’s everything online, I just verbally telling you and writing to you. Swami from India or monks from China can only just hear about a rumor I said and seen a TV to speculate. It’s not solidify in telling people, here is a real Mahavatar Babaji and here is Anna me standing next by him like the TV shows and go and actually see all the India Swami Order or Chinese Buddhism order?

If people’s mind staying in doubts with me and Babaji. I actually could live like that.

You just want to hear the message, not that I really go and become a Buddha and Babaji hold my hands to go and tell India and Chinese spiritual Order about it? 

No, I am not ready for that. You might like the fame, festivity and offering stuffs to make ...

I cannot really tell you how I really feel we can just sort that Bible quick without the Title? They lent the position to me for opening my mouth to do some works. I am happy I can work things out, but I only works things out because I like to work. I won’t go escaping the rumor but I am not ready Babaji shows up and tells both India and China, why he is on the television both in Flower Thousand Bone and Eternal Love. I can say to you he shows up. But I really don’t like to tell you the intimacy part like the TV. You gonna publically denounce Yogananda. And Babaji gonna go and say it all to everyone if he comes alive?

I didn’t really critique Yogananda, no, I don’t want the others to feel there is a gap between the Mastership people. 

Eternal Love - suicide part 2

 Wait ...

There was another time I thought about the suicide during the 10 years war, with Nick.

It’s the forest across our house like the hunger game forest, the game maker looks like Tony put a fire burn that forest to let her get off from the edge to meet everyone else in the center formation to combat.

Me and him cannot stop fighting over Tony’s issues. He made me feel very awful, so I went into the forest at the dark, to freeze. But I crossing the water accidentally. I cannot get out. I finally walk up to the dry land and saw a lamp in the furthest side of the other side of forest...I walked out of the forest, made it back home. It was so cold. 

No, normally I don’t think about Death. It might be a movie effect I can tell you that after I saw the hunger game and how Tony and His son Dimitri tuttering might be Hitler and the Body guard news to Tesla. I really really hate it that Tony. I hate even worse it’s Nick always uses him as an excuse to hurt me. Him and his wife. I hate them both. A lot a lot a lot.

Eternal Love - suicide part

The suicide plot is both for the that she uses her heart blood to preserved Master body. 

Pierce the heart.


Stage 2 she committed suicides. 

Both are corrected. Because I did it completely was following that language OU. Following her words just like following Babaji words, so they tell you that story she was nurturing Babaji’s body, in that sense I did it for Babaji, the Master words. True. It’s to honor the India’s masters word. You just follow it. 

They overlapping a lot of things ? Like Eben has a kid but it’s a girl, not the plot the boy?

He waited 300 years, it was 3 years? 

I actually don’t know if Eben is that black robe (dark dark greenish furs) guy. I just happened to explained the plot. It’s very difficult to relate a Chinese drama to him. You would know the story from both me and him side and you put together what’s on the drama timeline. I cannot do it for you. I roughly knew the sequence. It’s probably just a coincidence. 

Victoria Secrets show were canceled ?

 I just read the news, they cancel the show?


建華,你英文名字在哈利珀特演員的 Wiki F Word 上面,飾演 Wallace 名字

 我們再說西門是哈利波特,等於那個演員,等於那個演員 Daniel Radcliffe 的檔案上面,趙又廷如果聽的懂我在說個什麼,你解釋給建華聽,有名字的字母,有顏色,還有埃本在2015 穿綠色的顏色,還有檔案上面 2013 年是殺了他的親愛的,亞洲大概不知道他 2013 年的八卦,他搶了他好朋友的太太生了一個兒子在2014 情人節, 其中一個巴巴基死掉的日子,還有QI 在他搶老婆之前他就寫報紙說他想自殺,還有他檔案上面有野獸,你們要扒了每一行字講的事情,像聖經裡面妓女跟野獸,我說他就是以前欠特色拉合約的錢錢的那個人,我說只是 one million dollars 但是他們說那個合約可能還更多更龐大的金額,就是你們現在用電的那個每戶用的錢,是每個單位還是有什麼單位算,所以那個欠特色拉的合約,不只那個錢,如果你們有興趣找出那個前後事情,我對電力不了解,總之好像不是那樣的錢錢可以了事的。


Victoria Secret 2017 Harry Style Only Angel

 You thought about they say you are ready to die yet, Simon?

Angel, Beast of Burden and Horn, F words like the curses?

Angel, Beast, Burden, Horn and Curses?

You compare the girls wings and...I used to provide other Victoria Secrets Wings?

They are telling you and Syco that you are fading out to the show world?

Kiwi is green color, I wore Red, but your gf is black, Simon.

So I match red to green? Eben’s green?

You must process a lot in terms of when you gonna die. Is the entire Syco committee board all knows you have this huge issues surfaces with my 1900 one million dollars AC bills? Including they informs Sony?

I have no idea, but if you let the rumor runs by itself, you just need to tell one of your Syco staffs. You are being threaten(?) on Harry Potter, 7 years laters, they saw me once again, or they never really leave me out of the sight ?

One millions in 1900 is roughly 31.5 millions dollars on the current money value to do with the inflation rate. You don’t have 31.5 millions in your bank? Or they don’t let you?

Well, if your profile shows up the Beast. We are on the Revelation now. You know the reason why you are a beast. The money issues. You can try to convince the board of director from Syco or Sony, or you just pay me out of your pocket. Your value I heard is 600 millions on your profile. I don’t see why you cannot have a check made.

It might be more than 31.5 millions because of the contracts ? Oh...then you definitely talk to the Board of director in Sony or Syco, or GE. Westinghouse is gone. GE owes me so many things ...I could not possibly verbalized to fuss or complain if they just asking me this life what happened ...your Edison is a completely a jerk.

Everyone we all looking at the same files on you, Simon.

 I am not the only one saw things are strange you went with a black black girl and ends up with a Jewish family background girl to form a family in this industry !!

Should I just assume you are crazy too, and we end our conversation right there? 

Harry Only Angel girls don’t look like I know... so it’s not talking about you, Simon?

No, people’s mind on Iron Man is a super hero. Your gossip image and your choice in dating is strange looking. 

And ...there is another thing I to tell Syco in case they are sitting in listening ...I used my position in Chinese drama. The top Esteen to tell you this :

If I am the judge to recruit the students like the Chinese Flower Thousand Bones say, the white robe Esteem, I will be like the monks in the Buddhist temple do the selection on the students. 

I know each of them, their head. 

Purna, she was already out, I told her you have to be on your own. But I am right here. I know her heart ache parts and I am watching her.

Eben just new showing up in life. I see him like he is into his works, not suicidal tendency every two seconds I gonna see him unstable. His head is focus on something in life what he wants to do. 

I can screen the people myself, Simon. The chest heart on the Iron Man were just your chance to be seen. I am the one do the final judgement and if the worlds groups Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville in the same magic school ...I have a lot of saying, 

Do you believe the movie tells the future?

 I am wondering what is your idea on the movies. Do they tell the future like a classified information that leaked from ET?

And Harry Style on the Victoria Secrets!! Now I remember...Only Angels ? Do you think they did an evaluation on you? And? You happy about it or you ready to die at it? Do you like to see Harry, your One Direction Boy Band telling everyone a secret, like about you? That crazy?

Kiwi is green. Victoria Secrets 2017, has a black theme with a red dress girl like me? Telling you Radcliffe file? You waiting for this? Someone giving you an explaination on Daniel Radcliffe? And they show two girls side by side. Do you see what you looking for ?

Black vs Asian, or Black vs Black Blacks 

And there is a girl with the Heart background coming out looks like Sinitta ? Singing “baby”

You two had a baby and she lost it and you two broke up. Do you like the lyrics started with cigarettes?

⭐️⭐️⭐️Simon Cowell and the ladies⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Simon, you ...remember you had a girlfriend that’s black ?

Then you engage with someone named Hussian ?

Then while you were engaged to Lauren, you donate the money to the Israel army? My Israel Israel? 

On the news! Simon... can you tell me how did you end up with a black girl ? If your company does not come out to say a word, there are a lot of strange things I would tell them I observed.

You were a white boy that had a father that has money and company. Sinitta was a black singer and you two were dating .... can I try to understand if your parents try to talk you out of this? A black black girl, not just a black girl. You feel something different exciting you in life?

Then your engagement to Husain was another testimony you have your politics interests ? You just cannot verbalize ?

Early 2013 they had a news you have 2 weeks you want to shut off all your phone ...and ready to die. I was waiting in quene with the You Generation, that’s between your company and YouTube’s collaborate work  ...I finally sent you my audition, and by June, there was a soccer game, Lauren was somehow pregnant that time? I count the time, you know when in the summer, you two found she was pregnant on the news and you flew to her husband to settle a divorce in NYC? And by next year Feb 2014, your son was born on Valetines’s Day. Your newspaper have a brand new image, two dogs, a wife and a son. Different from a video you used to make yourself walk down the isle with yourself to be married on the invitation card. Everyone saw that video assuming, you were not going to marry, Simon. Is that ...a Buddhist doctrine, you marry to yourself? Self realization ?

In my hands, I have 100+ military waiting me a brief summary how you have a chest heart on Tony Stark in the Iron man ...I have a briefing I made to your company Syco, did you do these? Do you want to know what do I think if I can write them down already? You know you got a Daniel Radcliffe file!

You Simon ...married to a Jewish with her family image that they are all Jewish, not a black. 

Do you have an image issue on your mind, Simon? Like you “prefer” in the public, you will look nice in front of everybody? Do I Anna look like I have an image issue if I don’t look nice in the public ? You know what I mean. Do you care about the image, Simon? So why did you go with a black girl when you were young, Simon? A white boy going with a black black girl ? Because she is famous and if you two dating, it excited you? Do you know you have the news how you bring together a yacht of women including Lauren that time, you were not yet engaged, walking all together on the newspaper a photo?

Do you have a problem sleeping with a black skin women ? Skin to skin? Like I told everybody Mahavatar Babaji is an Indian, dark tone skin. They cannot hear me if I have a preference? Not just because he is a Master, a heavenly God to me?

You were a rich family kid putting up a company and you slept with your company singer and she is a black !! You didn’t go and find a doctor or a lawyer to sleep with... you love the music that much or fame or image or something ? What makes you decides your life will glue to a black skin women? And you end up back to a Jewish to Jewish traditional family marriage/engagement, now you become more millions in the bank, a bigger fame in the world to 100 licensing country your show...you went back to a full Jewish image ?

Didn’t all hear what I said yesterday, I said you had a tendency leaning to Buddhism but shrink back to Judaism ? I specifically said that’s your company Syco shape you a public image...you hear what I said?

And? Harry Potter dance with the Indian girl and Neville was dancing with the Genie.

You married to a Genie in the end of Harry Potter?

And you were ready to die, holding a stone to see all the people shows up.

100+ military doctors do not know where I am going with this ? Does Syco wants a public statement either you made it all that yourself or they recommend you all that themselves ...because the 2013 newspaper of your 2 weeks disappear !! 

But there is a movie, that’s “Two Weeks Notice” ! Do you like to see Hugh Grant now? He looks like JC CHASEz when he had a curls hair? My ancient Chasez ? That’s a .. what story?


Is that what the coaching does?

 You mean they are like a therapist ? Yeah, some of them. You can get 10 of them and asking the same questions to pick one your favorite for the future coaching session. 

Eben is a business consultant, not a coach? No. He is the consultant, but his office has other people do the coaching and if you ask them for Eben, if you willing to pay the money, I think he might have the coaching for others in his spare time. 

If you feel to hide away from all this movie, that’s your thing, Simon. Eben is your classmate on the TV. An active life you want a prove sometimes is just as simple as you picking up a phone and call. 

You can call Keanu too if you just tell him Anna cannot stop telling everyone I have a suicidal tendency, what do you think she meant I should get a coach on my phone, do you know her? So and so? You don’t know her, okay, goodbye. That’s it! 

A list of questions

 You can ask people “I am a very negative person sometimes things get to me to the point to almost break me”

I have a lot of doubts in what others tell me, I don’t trust all that much to a lot of people. My life is not happy and I got envy on certain things that makes no meaning whatsoever in others point of views, but I feel it. My mood coming and going like speedy train, I want to talk about it but I cannot talk about it. I feel someone is targeting at me in the industry. I cannot talk about it because people might think I am crazy, but I feel they accused me for something partial true and I hate that. They don’t try to save me, but they make me feel to die sooner. Do you have that feeling sometimes?

Do you watch the movies sometimes? Do you like the movies? What do you do to relax yourself ? Are you very busy at your work Eben? Do you enjoy your work? My works is like escalator ....I talk nasty to people and in the true reality, that just be a part of jobs and I think it has to do with my depression, do you have any professional advice for me? 

Simon and Deathly hallow

 Because of Daniel Radcliffe file, have you thought of all this to kill yourself again, Simon? To bring to you Harry Potter & Deathly Hallow?

You must have thought about death and now everyone can look at what you think of the Death.

What? The death and the three brothers.

Horcroux is a cursed idea in items.

You have F word on your file. Cursing. 

Some people are not happy in life but they don’t think of killing themselves. If you really got too much load, can you talk to a doctor about it? They sent you to the mental hospital? You ever tell Syco people about it, they must have someone accompany you if you need help?

I got nobody to talk to but I live fine. You have your reason you don’t feel fine. Does talk to Eben make you feel fine? If you can get him coaching you, it’s a real person talking to you voice to voice, you will feel better on the classmate ? What can you talk about ? You can ask him any coaching advice to you watch a movie such and such but you don’t feel good about it. Or like you can say, your son is born on Feb 14, it’s Haidakhan Babaji death date, you have a bad feeling about it. You can say you like about Haidakhan Babaji or don’t like about him from his look etc...you feel that’s like a curse, what do you know about the curses?

Eternal love : 30th episode

 The video I post is the first time she met him under the tree.

Suicide was 2014 winter for OU language, so that was for the Master too. 

 I saw him 2015 dress green, I got shock so I shut off that channel.

2016/ 9/17 I am back in Taiwan to my home to resume as one of the Esteem in Flower Thousand Bone. I got my identity back. I already forget who Eben is.

So the stage 3 is when she resume back her memory whom she is, the famous girl in the 4 sea 8 border.

When do I meet Eben again, this year!

When the girl met the black robe guy again, the video post in the 30 episode.

He saw her and remind him her appearance and shock him. I don’t think that’s what happened to Eben.

He might be ear dropping in 2018-2019 I was talking about SMCH, but I am talking about her more directly now. So she kneels at me outside the banquet? We are in a banquet environment, I don’t want to go and that Eben insist we go to? 

They just put the story together in pieces. 

For example : Flower Thousand Bone 花千骨 2018-2019

 For instance, I told them the competition requirement in 2018-2019 were like I show them my subjects. In Flower Thousand Bone their sequence is the story how she joins the competition, then comes to the judgement.

We are on the judgement now. You understand? The TV story was followed my timeline.

If I knew I suppose to judge her first on the flood, I won’t be doing all those competition requirement. 

So those reviews they have to tackle frame stories to the stories.

Just yesterday, they heard me say Eternal Love, and I told Eben about it. But Eben didn’t go acting like the Chinese drama. He was just saying Neville file and did exactly they say. Now the chinese behind find out if our timeline story fits to the story I told Eben, the 3 stage of the Eternal Life, they have to go back to when I first met Nick and study under SMCH, when Babaji is around to find out what’s that ghost timeline that push back the story to us today. That’s why I tell Eben, that’s in 3 stage. I live in the mountain like with Nick and meeting Eben? But Eben just got married that time. That’s not our story here.

So on so forth.

Simon your question beyond military 194 countries, the family photo

 Do you know it’s 7 years pass?

Do you see Keanu photo and you yourself photo ?

Remember I said Justin told all of us that boy band does not go beyond 30 in the industry? NSYNC don’t look like what they used to look.

However, these 194 country every year has the new orientation table. It’s EVERY YEAR.

Eben ? He has the identification marks on his face like I have a clear hair identification, or my heart has a scarf like Keanu movie in Earth stand still. The identification mark for them so young could distinctly understand who is so and so.

No, I don’t actually know in what age they start training people at the military behind. I assume some started in a very young age. 

This case is some people whole life cases, they have to live, breath, watch news, movies, tv, books...everyday surrounding our groups characters. There are only few of us I loudly call out the name. It’s not a lot of us.

What? How do they review?

Pretty much just like I told you on various subjects. You willing to say it, they listen. They won’t force you to do anything. They sort their family photo themselves to fit the image better. 

Each person get our own space in where they collects the words you say or the photo you took etc. anything you have it counts. 

Correct, they will not see you like the iron man if that review coming back pointing back to me for what I did all these years. I don’t know that speed of reviewing because I have not talked to you at all, today is the first time I work on it.

Do they like you? You mean 194 country? They have other people on the watch list. Eben like I told them is just one of the entrepreneurs. It’s just Eben positioning himself before this movie things has happens - his video left on the YouTube has a lot of content. Value and contents. He actually does what he teaches to the public. The internet was just booming those time.

Now? I think the younger generation they are different. Their value is different. They might care about the content more than the gossipers news that were generated online. Those review rating probably stay very low to their liking. I actually don’t know the youth mind. How the internet niche market might also be different, because in the real youth today world like my world, or nick’s world...he actually spent money on the internet people. The public how they spent their money will generate different watch list for the military behind. If they spent the money at all? If they can get things free online, why pay for it?

So on so forth.

You are keeping a secret, Simon

 Everyday you are having people around you to work and to anticipate you perform at work to be the judge. At home, you cannot tell her, so you have a phone checking another worlds of secrets that’s so full of you. 

The superficial life in the industry, do you like? Do you feel even more disconnected to them now because things are real, things are true, things are truly manifest as it’s told like the Bible. Do you grow up with the Bible, Simon? Do you wish your other friends like girls or boys finding out your secrets? Do they scream at you, will they trash you, will they talk down you, talk down everyone in this story that sits in front of you. We are the gossip of the whole world right now, every corner of this atmosphere is all about us.

You look for an exit, a solution, or any doctor you want to test them if they are a real doctor now? 

Now the tests come, you may say it’s right in front of you, do you lean towards Buddhism or more back to where you used to grow up with, the Bible, the Jewish side of the community? Or you decide I Anna are both top leader possibly to Buddhism and Judaism so one day no matter which side you choose to hide, I will find you ? So I am asking you, you feel where you are leaning towards ? Eben has to make that decision too.


You are head knocked mad love home

Aware painting go now infinite snakes love raining kiss the parchment gift smile Dinosour call start home math counting comet, darken you start vomiting superman scream money tornado video book.

You try the comet math and depress ? You film yourself too ? I am guessing only.


 Video book Toronto money star - Eben

5 Lord

Comet telephone home start Dinosour raining smile love love love

The snake gift announcement infinite go now be alarm

Love music home mad love broken head.

= Eben is mad at me?

... ... I tell you slowly. I did tell. 

Entertainment world

 The entertainment world is known full of people who has look but has no brain.

Now you are asking to do a lot of brain works, you like your friends anymore? Or you gonna tell me Rich people get lonely, they don’t have friends ? Can they help you, do they help you or they just watching you to fall? Like envy your money for a long time but smile you in front but think something else on the back?

You are living in a chaotic life in the entertainment world.

Do you like Lauren for the look, for the personality or when it comes to decode the movie or the Secrets, you cannot tell her? She never done anything to confront as much people as you did in the real stage life, do you feel you could lean on her or life at home requires another act? Because the movie is real is one thing, but the actor’s profile becomes real is another and talking straight to you as if the government has something to say your life is a failure ?

You are having things in your mind and the God supposes to be God is busy with everything else except your thing. Now I am working on it. I was busy. 

Radcliffe vs Ravenclaw

 Do you Simon feel Harry actor Daniel Radcliffe name is sounding like Ravenclaw? The movie says the hat says it put you in the wrong house? The missing tiara ?

The Ravenclaw points hourglass contains blue Sapphire 

Do you know Detective Conan recent movie was on Blue Sapphire takes place in Singapore ?

If you don’t like your life, you don’t like the movie, you don’t like the idea behind all this there is a judgement day?

Or you envy Eben why he got a wish in front of everyone?

Do you care if this is on live channel to 194 countries people’s monitor but you are told you are so and so instead?

So how can you change your life to be more happier? Do you think Eben wants that too to go in front of 194 countries ? Or you feel Eben might hate it too, to set a story line in front of everyone in life? What is your life philosophy like I told them you have a Buddhist statue but you are a Jewish ? You think Eben gonna make it as a Jewish or he will choose the India way to find a Master to study under? What will you suggest him, and you taking my suggestion in Iron man 3 to the Chinese or to the Persian alike? The look or the word? Do you like this kind of intellectual games through the movies to test the living water how you grow stronger in life? Like the mind, the body, the soul? Or your education background was only stay on music ? Meaning very low in literacy?

You are the classmate, you must have a lot of feeling for all this. Side by side?

What do others think of you? You just know how to sing and tell others are shit but nothing else you can offer? What do you think the later generation think of you in the history? A singing bug and a music judge who only had about the same words just about to every good and bad cases?

Or you gonna say it’s your company Syco selling to 100 country liscence in creating the show format ?

You must have a word to say about your feeling. 

I am watching Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets

 If Iron man is not real, is that Harry Potter is not real, so does Daniel Radcliffe file is real?

Do you Simon feel Radcliffe file speaking to you?

Or this book selling guy Gilderoy Lockhart is a fraud in the Chamber of the Secrets are like you? If one of them asking me, you have to assume all of them thinking the exactly things, you publish a book. Do you remember Keanu’s girlfriend and your father all dead near the year 2000? Do you feel they plot you two in the profile to tell a magic school story?

Do you feel that’s a conspiracy or you live in a real life you know that’s how it is? You just hate it? As if something you can grab but it’s not your stuffs to declare you are that iron man and that the Chosen One?

You feel hurt, you feel mad?

Do you want to die again ?

Coco: he love musics, his family hates it.


That’s so funny !! You asked me my reaction.

I think that’s very funny because he does not know I am his Jewish family God and he does not know I hate music, but his family hate the music. It’s hilarious to see him does all that to get a guitar, because his name is pagan. 

But I shouldn’t tell you all that, because that’s mean. 

Regardless that, Tesla says help him, so I have to do something about it. He likes singing ? I can tell him I sing too, I know the music notes. But it’s not that I trust him or anything. The movies just say do it. I sing a lot of songs. I did the minimum. He didn’t say anything. So I leave the music there is fine. If he feels hurting him, I can take it down.

Coco movie : Miguel needs help

 That’s Tesla, yeah I am Tesla. But I won’t say that to Eben. The movie says help.

Of course a child helps another child. You asking my perception right?

Yeah, I thought of Eben like that? Kinda of. It’s just the courtesy of the movie calling me. I know I am him, but I don’t want that. He just needs to sort out that movies. All I can do is to just tell him about what I know. A child tells another thing to a child, yeah! 

But the movie is made to ALL the people to see it. It cannot just be my perception. I act the way how the movies made me feel. 

Coco movie - Miguel is a child

 How do I see Eben like a child?

Or I am a child, he is another child, let’s’ play together ? Play together means playing kids running on the street games. Not to cuddle together.

You seriously ask me or just asking for asking ?

He might be like that kid. That’s not a threat. His real video, those are like the real threat. I know what he is teaching.

He is a kid, probably meant I can tell him things like I look the way I look, not long hair looking with the evil eyes. My life is this, not that.

It’s a farmiliar feeling. My TV selection mostly are the cartoon if not because of all the other Hollywood movies.

Judgement day

 I could avoid Eben by not telling him Neville on Herbology things in Harry Potter. Neville actually is a very kind person. In the real life, I don’t see Eben that kind. But I choose to believe the movie, so I told Eben everything I know. His video is about the supplement. That’s not the study of the herbology. Supplements it is from the herbs. They are the same things. But...but The study of herbs were more like John R Christopher’s, I used to order different herbs and combines all these herbs to make a tincture to clear my eyes. I love that subjects. They use the recipes. John R Christopher almost is like my idol. 

I didn’t tell Eben all that. I only say that’s mine subjects with very few words.

Today I told Eben something about Babaji’s personality and his will. I didn’t hide it. If I could, I would.

You know why? Because it is about the judgement day. If I didn’t let Eben know, first it’s not fair to him, second, what do I think the World cannot watch the movies and reading the books on their own to imagine their military behind operation on what kinds of the punishment and how the stories be re-written by themselves? They know I am a very kind person, but the law is the law.

So you all might be right. The judgement day is just sound as scary as you can imagine the biblical story on Apocalypse. The frightening idea of it - like they describe to you the terrible things happened to the worlds. It’s not just all glorious all light ...

As for myself ...you know what is a lamb on the table meant? 

Ready to be slain to offer to God.

=in my power, I cannot do anything. I can cover the world with the words, stopping the movies, destroying the invitations and all that, they are just my good will wishes. But it’s not happening. It’s not my will count. It’s God’s will that matter. That Bible you read. 

Military question : after life, this life ...(do you keep my family photo to continue the Judgement days?)

 You mean you have to read all these books and ...everyone 194 country police people like you have to do them, read them and process them. And you have this funny feeling if it’s T sign book, as if after life he is like a God like Venus book speaking of their high develop civilization and many UFO, many classify, ET stories...and Bible all sounds like another world. The universe mystery. 

You wonder “If 2000 years long time to wait for a judgement day was just only mean this One Life we process the book, we read, we evaluate ...what’s next?”

Meaning you don’t think God just take 2000 years to speak to her but to speak to all of us too.

“Because Coco movies had this after life bridge as if saying the family reunion is real. It sounds strange because it’s almost impossible if everyone just toss back in the reincarnation right away to birth somewhere else...”

I know what you are saying. 

You mean you feel this time, this Death might meant a little different because of Bible last for the 2000 years to speak of our life here. You wonder if there is more they without saying.

You want to try out the hunger games, or the Japanese comic book Red River that sort? Or if you wonder the life after that will continue ?

I used to tell you a story, I don’t know if you believe in me .... someone came from a far away distant land, might be different galaxy. They heard the rumor there is a prophecy decent on this Earth planet through the Bible. The approximate time is 2000 years. So just before the year 2000, they came and they visit and pay attention what’s on the Television that may make an announcement from the government behind. They don’t know if the rumor is true. They are just the travelers that conceals their identity to come to this planet and to await the proper moment to witness the coming of the King.

Do you... believe that story that I told you?

Are you going to follow what they do if you gonna live another 2000 years somewhere else and go to the planet that awaits a prophecy like a celebration?

What do you think their ideal of death means to them? And why they have come?

Think about it.

Eternal Love - too much light

 There is a condition for her eyes, the scripts saying has two. 

One is he plug out her eyes before. The wound left over.

Two, they lie to her the first condition not to hurt her, so make up another statement: she was born with the eye condition.

So in the story, when they visit the banquet, they were told to cover all the lights with a type of grass, to dim the light.

My skin was burn in high school a lot from my volleyball day and night practice. If too much light on me, you will see red skin on my face. Burn. President Snow the movie say things.like the wedding dress got burn or the entry with the parade on the fire ignited on the dresses... there are a lot of that reasons. About the face. No, I didn’t really tell you all that. Volleyball was requires like the basketball dribbling those basic movement to be solid firm. Your basic basic basic style.

Second, my eyes have a condition in nystagmus. Apparently today society, some people without my condition can still have their near sight worse than my eyesight. 

Albino people have very bad eyesight. When they drive car, they need something binocular.

I just need my eye glasses. Nystagmus is an eye movement like a scanning machine left right left right shaking as long as I open my eyes. But the try out of the eye contact deteriorate my left eye, so I cannot wear the contacts. 

We did do a vision test on the video before. There is a reason we did that. 

That was not clear?

 You only need to buzz one time if I am so desperately need to hear that.

Simon, you must have a direction when you place Buddhism behind your office desk during TYG (The You Generation) filming.

Buddhism had the Indian Buddhism and the Chinese Buddhism.

You know how the Chinese Buddhism came in China? It’s because of s monk, that Legands myth says he saved the monkey to accompany him to go to India to get the Buddhist sutra. Although in the real context of the history, there probably no such things, but the sutra was real ! The Chinese Buddhism therefore was formed!

How you decode movies, you can choose you know. Or you find out that word means.

I look ...the wiki says. it IS Mandarin. 

Or you prefer the Prince of Persia, there is a Babaji looking ?

Don’t you think it’s too coincidence that they do that? 

I stand for what I say. The Chinese ancient spirituality. 

Iron man 3 🎵⚠️😍🏡🔥🐍


Simon, if we don’t clear that iron man 3, your company won’t leave me alone.

I said...I heard the trailer says Mandarin. I know he does not look like a mandarin meaning the Chinese. So I leave you the option do you pick the Chinese spirituality or Persian or whatever ancient civilization to study under that man? Or none of the above?

Icon interpretation:

Title: music be aware! Love the home furious the One.

Description : Legolas, Simon, Keanu, so and so at mountain Tro scene in Lord of Ring

Be aware head broken love go now infinite rain love love love announcement gift smile Dinosour call start home comet (telepathy), i start video complain money superman Toronto book him Nick shock.

I should say it on the video about Nick ? I think about it. 

Comet math : very special people

 I have watched a China show that there are some very very special people who could do very very special things.

That’s all I know.

No, I don’t know if they operate their mission is to look for them. But I am guessing they went to them too. I cannot see that part. I saw the normal classroom or university background. The normal people crowd, just a little advance in math than the average people. 

I cannot see if there are other people like very very rare of them whom could do very extraordinary things in life. That part I cannot tell.

Comet math: write it down

 Most of them doing a calculation by writing them down.

They do a subtraction.

The problem is ...the agent went to ask them could be either telling them or completely don’t tell them it’s for the comet. If they found out the severity of the matter, they will write it down for sure line by line.

Anyway, from my side, the agent first has to learn a few mistakes before they become a standard operation how they approach the geek crowd. They don’t want them to touch the paper and pen, at least not doing everyone else are all doing it. 

First is that.

Second, if they decide there is a time to tell the geek crowd the truth, you can imagine they must have gone to enough number of them, they saw and hear the video what has done, no, they don’t do that way. 

They conclude each of them the methods they were using to approach the problems. It’s the writing ....that they step by step wishing to eliminate that in the process. They want to eliminate the writing. So they go and ask the question like such year to such year, what’s the total numbers of the years, the months and the days. 

If they could just find the person doing this questions without the pen and paper, they will pick them.

That’s before they tell them it’s the comet issues.

They military break down steps to find the right person. That first step is to see if they can naturally go without the paper. It’s very fine things they do. You cannot get people to have their guards on ...so they drop the pen and paper.

Telepathy & Math

 What do you want me to tell them about telepathy and math ?

Babaji: nothing 😘

I saw few incidents of the people, so I assume the US probably told a few famous country on the map to do a search. But that map is 194 country.

Babaji: you want to know if Apple really shipped themselves to 194 countries.


Babaji: you can ask them.

That sounds a right question to ask them. Their language selection like ...it cannot possibly to be 194 countries, can they?

Babaji: why don’t you find out on your own pad.

I just don’t believe in it. Let me see. 

Eben is not in an evil state

 Eben is not in an evil state - meaning he bounds by moral. And I can boss him.

If someone is similar to Eben, evil incline, absolute no shame to do what’s Mahavatar Babaji’s will, that person no matter where he is, he will not be hell. He has to be almost equal to me and can be One with Babaji. Meaning knows what Babaji meant - an order is an order. He has a very clear instruction and will.

Not like Simon. He is unstable and playing among women like a baby. Spoil not by man, but by woman. I can imagine how he turns out. No, not that kind to imagine this entire world populate the guys all could be an evil state.

Revenger ...that’s the word. Because you do not understand the severity of your immaturity that causes the disorder of the world.

I could stop Babaji because that’s how we both play the role on your issue. But I am saying if there is another human equal to us, and Babaji let him joins in this sphere, it will not be me telling you absolutely nothing what Babaji means sex.

TV or music lyrics, I just didn’t tell you how real it meant real.

You are just glad, you are born in this world that has restrain. If your heart turns slidely to believe you could make it so called the love game. I tell you, Babaji has thousand ways to tear apart the heart and souls while you are alive witness what’s the love game and sex. You will so hated your name by yourself and die ...it’s worse of anything you can believe in. Truly truly hated. Like hating the one given you that name. 

There is no such things you can flood a world like our world. His world. No excuses whatsoever. Period. 

Red River manga

 You saw yourself look like ?

At least you can analyze yourself when confronting a task. What the expression and internal dialogue were putting right on everyone’s table. If knowing the details are too much, its your idealism and pursuing love, something does not look right, if you staff a Ramses face next by. In a million year he will not wish Kail this or that for the love affection. Something is not right. 

And the worse thing I didn’t want to tell you.

If you truly fall into a new reincarnation world like that. Fucking games between brothers of the same women (other than you from another world) - it will make you feel you are outside of the group. There is a very real game. This world has a system and a religious order, Mahavatar Babaji cannot possibly does what he does, but I am telling you the worse road if this book meant real. There is nothing like they draw to you. They introduce the character to you only. You will feel low on how to define beauty and the affection between them groups. Love game combine with the sex and power in a Royal setting environment can turn your heart ache to many thousand folds. I didn’t say the book must be real. You just hope these are really nothing but simply a book to read by all. 

Daniel Radcliffe in Chinese profile

 Like half blood prince, in Chinese : betray of the half blood prince

Deathly hallow : the holy object from the death.

F word in Chinese it’s “your best friend “

Train wreck : the sister love is the biggest

Beast on burden : 60 minutes count down 

Do you just call your company to get the translation on that? 

Iron man 1, 2, 3, summary

 Iron man 1: 

How to make an iron man and how to become an iron. How to stay floating or flying as an iron me.

Recommends the book: 溜冰天使

Iron man 2:

That looks like Haidakhan Babaji.

How to battle equal alike iron man. Battling mode.

Craftsmanship of another suit. Switch to his lineage under. Love, simplicity, Service to humanity 

3 yoga karma. No. Each word like a page of writing on it. A full page. 

Meeting you.

Iron man 3: 

Mandarin. I know it just sounds like. But “Chairman”=Ch air 

Chinese ancient spirituality air on TV. It has to get through them. 

They have the liquid gold. 

Note: Simon can just follow this to meet Haidakhan Babaji. Know more his teaching.

As for the third iron man, he can choose the Middle East is that the man looks like? Persian they were?

It’s free how you watch the movie and determined what you want to partake your journey. I said Chinese Ancient spirituality is important !

If a monk has many disciples, one is me, one is SMCH

 You ask me if the old monks were being asked. Maybe. How do they feel like? to have one disciple like me one disciple like her.

我說有人如果跑去找老和尚問問題,如果收徒弟收我跟她一起,是什麼樣的感覺? 對,可能有人去問過

The details I have no idea


They have to collect a lot of data and be able to present to them.



 你們不知道為什麼她的名字叫做滿慈子嗎?因為全天下的垃圾她最多 kindness everywhere 烙印在所有人的螢幕上面,慈善、善慈,等等等。



一個背影就是只是出來處理垃圾,有人修行可以修到看四個點的框框,做結論試試看說自己是佛,我以前也有稱佛的時候,對,跟 ET Orcs 對上的時候,在網路上所有人衝突起來,我送了一堆照片,騙ET 可以騙到你們的意思。

I was going to make a video but said today is my birthday, so ...we talk another time

 Back to your company, Syco. Each year they cannot just watch each contestant ends up in what life’s they pursue. So once I got back online, I did this this and that and document in the playlist. Do they think I have a tendency to tear the world apart and put it back together again?

They might just say what else did I do besides one line description on the playlist title name. I am here everyday online, so offline some years I was with Apple device. It’s more private, it’s easier to just tear them apart. So your Syco decides that’s your face borrow to make a film talking back to them Syco now? That’s you and me!

Where can a baby went?

Eben shows up in Chinese drama

 Eben shows up in many strange places in Harry Potter. If someone could look at the movie, the first reaction is why he is always become that iconic roles and ends up on the strangest thing no one dreams of. But fine, what’s your name? Neville. I remember his name.

On the Chinese side, far away from it all from Eben, he couldn’t possible dig that out, so I say publically, why Eben is over there in the Chinese?

Iron man, however, it’s an independent of its kinds franchaise. If you look at the commercial side, it’s an independent big brand name on its own, combine with Avengers. They are itself iconic symbols.

What does that mean?

Without I looking, I would expect you Simon made a world of itself completely a shock news how you upside down the world at least. 

No. That’s not what it happened after 7 years. Your company knew me knew you. It’s side by side watching. That basic communication didn’t stop! I was just busy something else. You end up the way you end up now is because your company shaping your image there, not what I think: you don’t want that. 

Like I said, the US needs you Simon and Keanu be locked in that two positions. It’s not like they don’t know where the ET are from the Lord of Ring cave troll mountain scene. But if telling your Syco that is why you two are locked in, without an explaination, it should be very clear to many people why they want the set up stay in that ways. One is your company, the other is the US government behind the Hollywood. 

Purna SMCH vs you Simon

 SMCH she so many years pass, she knows she has to act and to become a master. I don’t know if she made a deal with God. She is that type of person, so many deals with God, she does not know which deals end up her fate. She might want to become a master, not just finding me around, she forgets she is a master to numerous other disciples she went to collect on her own. She leans on me as a disciple but she has an active role as someone she hopes in the future she can become the Master.

You? You wants to play fun things in life like treating works like treating with your girls friends. That’s no and no. You put the attitude in the opposite sequence. You prefer to be a boy that never grown up. 

When I said she SMCH background, that’s before she becomes the Purna, there is a reason before she becomes Purna. She didn’t just become the Purna by a merely birth selection. 

I didn’t see your background. The history gives you a name, TV gives you a name. But if you don’t live up to the TV standard, everyone can see that, a name is just a name. I can polite to say what’s your company says about you. You are a music mougel ! (Babaji: what is exactly that word means, Anna?)

Wow, that’s a lot of practices to look like that.


Dogs, music, video start vomited, they shock. Book money tornado worry the One +comet, superman mad love raining home. Alarm. Call home starting Dinosour smile. Infinite painting gifts announce heart hurt head.

Simon’s feeling, you feeling ...you may not telling lies but most time if more experience people tell you about the kid. One day you say one thing, another day you say another. You are telling the truth but your sensual 感覺統合 like ADD kid cannot oriented them feeling well. One day is one thing, another day becomes another. If you are so cared about that Daniel Radcliffe file and iron man you have a chest name like - Purna, you should look out where is your Master. Most Western people don’t believe Master disciple relationship, especially if you got some ADD.

Purna has her entire mental sphere lean on me or parts of her intelligent is missing so she leans on me, but if saying her own life how to be independence to confront some of this public and her numerous disciples problems, she does not go avoiding them. She can be independent. If Simon you got a Master, that Master has to do everything to cover you? Why don’t you just tell Syco I called you an ADD. They give you a family to kill if not enough, they added 2 dogs. That to me is loud enough heard. That two dogs and your photo and a son ...I look like I got fooled? To say you and the chest heart on iron man is?

I specific say Westinghouse you owe me money or you are Lodovico because that’s not a thing I can change. They see me can twist things if I want by now. That’s a fact, unfortunately I cannot change that. I don’t tell you lies, but it’s not like I go and talk about it, or in your words might bluff on it. 


Comet math : filming

 You mean, like you can see me doing the math in front of you all people, having an ipad display camera and click the camera myself to film it?


You all forget something... these being asked elites are very arrogant type of people. The government approach them is not going to beg them to turn on that camera. Do they look nice, do they care their appearance, do they care if they talk clear but only can count in the head, words stuck and blame the camera ...etc etc.

I think they giving up that step, but they have other ways without them knowing to have the records. They need to see it. 

The general steps they approach them is for them voluntary coming out and say it. ‘Can you do it in front of the Camera?” Of course they have that. A lot of people still very very very care care care about their appearance especially so called the geek ! Their self esteem is high above the mountain. If they knew the government is desperate which they don’t, they don’t acting nature. Their temperament is not like me.

If they know they cannot do it, the staff insist they just try it...there is all kinds of attitude people. Almost you find someone they already knew they are in the best relation staffs to go and grill them. It’s just one math problem. 

Comet math : it’s a blur line

 You mean, do they does my ways of counting ?

That’s not usually how they approach people. But...there is a but.

If they tell you that’s the method to count, or show them, they almost just get immediately answer “No”

At least that’s what I heard. They tell you straight, no they don’t count like that.

Counting and actually without writing it down = oral teaching type 

But that’s not how it is done.

Counting and actually saying In English if you are not native speaker ...they give up that norm. They directly contact those math elite class from the native country language speaker. Like high school or college. Or the university professor those none native English country speaker, they allow to count in their country’s language. 

Anyway, it’s all kinds of stuffs. It’s the Elsa castle things on the Frozen. What’s the crystal clear mean.

Comet math (1908-1943) vs telepathy thinking clear 他們在找人才

 They are looking for people on trying out that math problem.

In limited try.

Mine is almost DIDNT try. We just made the video that time counting the years. I cannot remember if they give me one chance before but I was just talking too happy and Vola I count.

So ...they are looking for those who made it to count that 1943-1908 math problems. See how they define telepathy related questions with a crystal clear thought - what does that meant to them.

No, I actually cannot see them. 

Didn’t I just say, I didn’t remember if I try once count the years and then made the video right there immeditately? Do I must say how many try is on their sheet? Because it’s not a lot of try. You shock people by asking them first this kind of question. 




If I talk to Simon on the video? Yeah I would.


Eben be aware love the one’s money

I=home mad like fire Toronto him Nick = book scream...? 

I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. 

He should keep walking towards Naomi that role in Aladdin

Her name is Jasmine?

... ...I had a name before Anna. It was a J started flower name looks like that spelling.

I am the genie in the lamp. (Babaji: and I am God)

That’s not funny. 

Iron man flying

 I m flying all over to check how people in China watching Wallace, how many eyes are popping up in the inner vision, who prepare data, who, travel, who cannot understand English, whom said I am not ABC, whom else is following all over this Wallace things. Inner eyes flying often, inside the house or walking outside the house. They use computer so on so what, who did they contact, what did they say ...


 你知道有人關注你嗎?現在想想我在 Twitter 之前是每一天都在打中文,也有人關注趙又廷,喔~ I have something need to tell you Wallace.我有事情要告訴你建華

Your motorcycle disappear where I buy the vegetarian soup. But it stack up another bracket of 7 bamboo steaming baskets = gift. 

Gift 7th world in SMCH teaching. 

You disappear, the gift shows up. 

Iron man

 I am watching.

Your company by now should be very farmilar with me. He is an engineer designing a suit to fly all over places. He looks like you Simon, what can I say? But it’s very different personality. You like it or you feel someone setting you up again? Your company would find out a lot of answers so they could just tell me about it. I am pre-occupied with Purna here. And monitor some people behind. 

🖼♾️💗🤕️🎁📜 Purna SMCH

 I called SMCH Purna, I didn’t call you or your office people you are a Purna no matter what that iron man looks like to me.

This is a surviving world. Me and Babaji two big parents telling her SMCH to go, we haven’t seen her leaving yet. She is rich just like you Simon rich. She knows she has to die so she asked others to make her die quickly. But if she is putting into a normal situation she didn’t cause the flood, she might actually enjoy to spend all that money. She just loves money! Love that life what the money can offer her. 

Do I want to know if she has a suicidal tendency? She is gambling if she keep living, she gonna find an exit now she finally saw me, did I stop her finding an exit? I tell her to go and shut off your flooding problems. She is already everywhere a mess of herself...I actually don’t care how much percentage she heard I say things as long as she just keep herself sitting there and listening ?

King of King’s Purna

Or Buddha’s Purna?

I would expect my side of Purna under a normal circumstance will have a will to live !!! 

I have no idea what you are made of, Simon. Your office people should know that perfecrly. I explain clearly I didn’t see your image, I saw SMCH as Purna. As for why Iron man is iron man wearing a suit and be everyone’s super hero? Your entire offices people if they think my head cannot function, they can come and argue with me why I didn’t give you Simon a title. 

🎵☔️🏠🦕🌟😀 2013 Simon news on Suicide

 Do you remember you had a Suicide news just before you launch the You Generation, Simon? Within a year, you got a good girl from your best friend, two dogs, a son and family good image last up to now. Your company needs that image to change that news, you had a suicidle tendency ? You mean you are one of those rich famous people who supposed to be on drug, alcohol and somehow kill themselves with the entire family “kill your darling” and “ QI” on Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe profiles ?

They ask Eben or they ask me?

If they ask me if Eben gonna go dying, I think my conversation with him will be over immediately. 

I don’t talk to you, Simon, or I don’t talk to your Dinosour offices you all are on keypads? 

No, I decide to tell Eben about it. Maybe you need a doctor too. I am not your doctor anymore this life.

Coco movie - the family photo (2017)

Eben is actually the marketing department. Do you Simon just want to call him up now we straight that family photo scenario ? I don’t know when Eben found out I was talking about him like Neville. Even if he is late, he has a lot of qualitative video that people know whatever he teaches are not a light subject. To be join in the family photo, his offices will know what exactly that means - 194 countries where he wants himself to stand on the top of the world?

You can ask him about the beast ....”if someone call you a beast and horn what can it mean?” You got the money to pay them for a coaching session.

How can you stay in the family photo? What’s in people’s mind when they have a family photo? 

Do you want to fail the people’s expectation? What’s the consequence if you failed? Is Harry Potter enough image publicity?

Eternal Love - Mark (Eben)

 In China, that show is very famous, not to say behind in the military, if it’s Babaji involved and if they found out Eben has a tendency to do what Mark does, he just took over the entire China territory overnight. 

Eben has a lot of quality content video

 Simon, your video is either they are lousy or they are good in singing. An industry that does 20 years of same things, anyone on the paper can tell this: where is TEsla? She is shooting a comet right now. They can discern a lot of desk work Pepper, i am not like her. I just talk mild to portrait like her.

Eben is a public speaker. He gives a lot of quality content. He is targeting a niche to divide and conquer the online marketing territory - that’s his experty. For real, he is doing that for a living.

SMCH, she tells story or jokes online. Because there are something people can write it down, a title, a story, a summary of story, it’s an actually report, very real and systematic things that she does.

I might be on all kinds of subjects but I am making video to talk about things directly related to our circumstance now - movies, singing or tv shows.

You don’t really act like the iron man. With the time goes, the family photo will wear out. Human can now be taught. They can see it very clearly, your experty is in music. 

You can watch them like you are them watching the video now?


Its does not matter whom is you me, me you, Tesla Westinghouse, you have a name to live up in their dream, Simon. That is the Iron Man! 

I go one arrow to another arrow to another arrow audition with you in the hunger game starting 2013/2014. You should know by now, how I truly feel, when I am busy to aim at everyone, all they do is watching me, to frames by frames they glue their wall with stickers on the notes. Same like that procedures, they will have to insert photos to photos to photos to correspond to every events I told them. If I go out, I venture, I used to show everyone where I went. Have you seen it? 

How do I feel I create all the prototype were just a line on their report "Its hunger game"

I create prototypes !!! A real things in front of them.

They live in that, they can go to my prototype any time they want behind in the military. But I am talking to the public, like no one knows that those events have happened. What prototype to electrify the whole world? 

Then one thing after another. I did tell you, you are getting the same thing like they are getting on their papers. I don't care if you were me, you would say the same thing. There are 194 countries, and there are just a small groups of us, me, purna, and my 5 Lords, you, Howard, Eben, Keanu, Michael Vartan,etc etc ....There aren't that many of people. The known people with the voice that has the background name!! They can listen to the TED, but they don't have the story of them !!! TED are not like us !! You need to know that clearly.

The Actor's profile

 Everyone saw you and Eben have a profile and Victoria Secrets.

You have no choices but to follow your company saying, and watch online reading you have no idea who else is in the game talking to you. Are you exciting, or are you just wishing you could live a free life?

Do you ride a trip with the movie to feel fun? Is that exciting in life before your entire life go away, you will have to glue on the monitor to these young actors whom have no ideas you are behind watching them, to play your life !! 

From the observer, you are the active role to determine your fate how to go about life. You have to you have to, and everyone around you just following you. 

Movies become the reality !!! intellectual buzzing at you? Because you have to work a lot in the brain what exactly they are talking about, what is the next step, next clue?

Some people have once of a life time chance to figure it out with everyone watching you. Some people never get the chance to sit in front of everyone to do a movie and real life hypothetical test. Its real

Its real. It becomes a reality. You would close your eyes and wishing all these might not be real.

Everyday I would remind me that myself

You and me never speak a word yet.

Simon you know you and I technically never speak a word between us? We just reading it online. You reading me saying it. I reading your news, sitting on it. You do your work every year regularly on the television. I am every day doing the same thing I do best to moniter them not to follow me anymore. They automatically seeing Tony Shark and Pepper, like you and me having all kinds of conversation already, no matter what kinds of saying we never say, you are an iron man? They already assume Da Vinci and Lodovico has a relation, starting 500 years ago. Our presence to them were never stopped.

From the TV shows, they draw the connection. Do we agree Harry Potter is one of the biggest dream in many people's life? They want to be Harry Potter. They actually want to be in the plot, no matter how many times they are watching it.

You may not feel it the excitement, like they do. I am already tired of watching these same movies over and over and over again. There is you, there is Keanu, there is me, and there is Eben.

They draw the pictures and connections, those are the real people in the real life they are examining on their evaluation papers. Eben, who is Eben? Hollywood gossip, why he is not in it? and He is in now? The advertisement department will know how to spread the rumors faster, that is through the gossips! Who fight whom with what? Whom like or dislike whom then what?

There are all kinds of things can happening in their own heads, EVERYWHERE is all about the same! Just trust me. Their imagination is going with this Tesla vs. Westinghouse, Da Vinci vs. Lodovico, and me and you, Pepper and Tony Shark becomes a very smooth connections draws in their mind.