

Articles are content in which the first experience the audience get to know your writing materials from you professional vocabulary. Such as Self-Publishing Book topics. They are keyword focus articles, and Sitesell is doing all the checking before you publish your site. Technically you are writing only one article at a time and you must finish that article and be check by their software “keyword target process” to know if you pass their standard. You will not be allowed to publish your article on the site if you don’t sort your words in thousands or 5 or 6 paragraph to surround the keywords with the “right content”. Meaning you don’t just throw the keywords around, you put content around the keyword to complete you entire article pieces.

How to use Master Keywords Lists in Sitesell?

Google Search Engine on Keywords

Sitesell writing softwares check keywords 

Self-Publishing Books

PDF is a format, people used today to sell ebook used links, or you can just copy a URL that is a PDF format, easy for other people freely download or access to(ward)robe 25 August 2021. You might need to download a software such as Adobe to view a online PDF formatting paper Sheet that is easy to print. ( Do I look like I update my site?)

How to Survive Among the Peers of Pressure that comes from Everywhere, in any relationships.


Unlimited Resource - Movies: National Treasure

In the Eyes of the others that comes in everyone’s life 825/2021

PDF Link 1      |      PDF Link 2         |       PDF Link 3        |      




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Web design layout - Tiers Diagrams

Website are an url you define how to drive a potential buyer to buy. When you choose Sitesell, you already decide possible you target at keyword search engine to do with Google index directory. Like first 10 websites on the Google if you search “Self-Publishing Books”

The first enter page to look at your website is = home page, that’s 1st Tier.

You will always click a navigation bar to see contact, once you click in, that’s 2nd Tier. You get phone or address of a real physical offices.

Third tier is on the 2nd Tier page. If they say, read more. For example, University front page, library hours page, instant message page to talk. It’s where the robot from Google to go. And human click experiences too. All you ever do to create a functional website is for the users to get interested on staying in your website articles. It may lead to products immediately or just reading click away, it’s too boring. It’s not relevant. Public mind is dull. They only care certain things catchy to their eyes and they will click away.

In-bound Links

Links connect within your websites are just pages links to other page links. If you are just beginner of making a website, you better just research the diagrams above or get a coach to specifically walk you step by step the diagram means, like Eben Pagan.

If you are new to the making your sites, you just learn how to insert html code on a specific underscore phrase, to turn that into a clickable link. You imagine all links are working, so you have to tests every single pages if you just decide to write a wiki directory.
People like me as a librarian will have to learn Wiki, maybe not the wiki you read. It’s called classroom wiki. Small size than today’s Wikipedia. You might found it like PC gaming zone those rules places to read a full pages, Smallville character on TV.

If I create a wiki classroom webpage, it’s an external link.
That’s not website link within the url codes directs to.
It’s purpose will help ranking, if others click on it will lead back to your site.

Now in-bound link are really just how organize you are to make Google see you. Some people just wish all hard-working pages are all connected by selected words. You have to check with Eben if it means exactly what you mean it to say …it’s every threads connects every words means. That is mix batch you wish robots to see. That part, I do not know.


Your goal to set up your Sitesell, do you understand you are to drive the traffic into your websites ? You are learning keywords. You are researching keywords, you are brainstorming the keywords. You are working just like 1000 competitors on keywords research domain if they are not using Sitesell, they use highly corporate tool, kinda like Standard & Poor 500. Librarian rarely some know economics meant exactly that niches means in academia, private offices.
Now, you wish to get traffic into your site
You wish your sites will rank higher on the Google Search Engine.
You wish they keyword “Self-Publishing Books” when others Google it, Google it, Google it, they will see my pages on the first listing of the Google directory. You wish ! I am not on Sitesell, stop wishing !
Now, you are NOT the only person are targeting traffic being rank by Google, everyone is targeting behind since 2004. Competition are very very high, if you do not acquaintance your language in 5 years, you are out. It’s becoming very very realistically it’s the tool you learn or the vocabulary you built up. All groups, are snatching niches territory as early as 2004.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 don’t really mean you below Google 10000 are Top Web 2.0? That’s why it’s Google?
But what you prepare yourself a page, or a full functional webpage = keyword target + content writing + value creating to the community, you will be participating with everyone in so known words “Web 2.0”. It’s everyone participate. Actually it’s really just only the librarian using that words. Because I stand on the classroom platform so all 50 students below using PC, we will interact. That’s how much I remember what’s Web 2.0 close to Library school taught.

Now, you are going to show everyone your websites. Some people like me snatch Firefox, called add-on or plugin. There are just know 3 browser snatching niches, IE, Safari and Firefox.
I will found out your website codes below, they open up by, I forget what was it you do Firefox ?
Browser are decide you use, you take it for granted every time you view IPhone, that’s Safari.
No, I don’t know anything Safari.
No, I don’t use IE. University all using IE.
To you, the browser does not mean a thing to you.

To some, it means your websites content structure and where you layout your CSS.

I am not strong suit in CSS, but if I know how, it’s just insert a perfect feel-and-look site. It’s very simple actually, too long to get in and find professional one hour I am ready to go.

No one will suggests you do background web design.
I do buttons design. I used images. Every web professional are all target something to the potential customers including big company and Corperation.
That’s what I will suggest you. Computer skill exploration not just Site Sell.
Codes are basic all elements in all web environments.
You don’t know the games, to be honest, you really look like an idiot to me, you don’t know niches keywords, traffic or inbounds link ….it’s such a petty mind how much you thought you really know. Wars on info, you just miss all your evolution in wine party girls in all history for states issues called DOS restart. Retarded meant.

No matter what … …

Don’t know what’s No Matter what’s ? Oh yeah ?
To hear God says ?

Syco has songs missing Department IT cannot fix before it’s releases …Simon Cowell property.
UB micro has a DVD called software like VPN. It’s really just one windows opens to the other sides of windows for the specific computers not that Satelites communication is in the space but, TEsla 1908 meant the structure on the ground, just look at it, and read about it !! It’s just a structure to turn become Oatmeal….

But one thing Simon tends to forget, I was too young, it was a black box ….

Say that again ?
Ever say that EVER again ?

What’s known as third tier can be just inbound links 

More articles on Sitesell


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