
Sugar rush - the terms the guys don’t found it pleasing like sweet heart

 The internal you feel worse and bad mood that no one understand you, you go home eat, you feel better, only the food you eat understand you, you have a control over...most might be sugar with, sugar contained or you drink something regardless ...the guy aggravate you ..someone friends in between provoking to each other, envy each other, your class are not like Ola and I, have to make it in the tests score ...you are not in the honor class. You don’t have an expectation where your life to do. You don’t even know the nutrition in life there is a word to do with your life. You fluncturate your mood very very upheaval. No...I can see it, you have no discipline ...you got mad, you kick the desk or door or break something ...your blood are the only thing you care to fix your elimination system and your brain mood to ...be educate in the book, more tolerant to other, more service in the community, more restrain yourself in your behavior to be noble, to actually don’t demand others to do something for you, and not playing a shorty like you pretend to get start games with Dean Bill types of guys. You mean nothing to them, you are too short. Your blood inside driven you with wave of electricity ...a lot of invisibility of curses if you keep imbalance of these saying curses ...your diet is your only comfer, you don’t know what you are inflame yourself later on in life ...women imbalance heronome issues might be real. No one in guys worlds needs to hear a shorty like you a word, ever. They dominate the look, height, military protocol, it’s by the fittest survive rules. You keep not seeing what I mean you withdraw inside to reflect, don’t ever do that again in any very bad language, attitude, habits, holding up a high heel to hit...one of those luxury stupidity while lots of people working very hard more than you ...your complain don’t worth to vain a second...you do not know what your body did to you ...it’s earth made mud man by God. It’s deathly materials. This body is not yours, but all those negative very very ugly you emotion, wants to stare at the guys to lie or to tease to hurt to play games later forgot your fabricated lies in games they expect you to grow IQ..you lost your memory...that if God meant in the Bible a lot of things, it’s you brought upon internal cursed within through different forced of the body to bring out the worse of you each and every additional years you rebels in guys. Just read the Bible. They are stronger, and there is a reason in it. You have to surrounded. All of it whatever it means to you. Or else ...your hate and jealousy to me and others near by ...is spinning in the air 8 years up to the rest of your lifes. The guys know all of you don’t affect me ...if we’re you switch, you would complain all vain how walking in street is all you jealousy Meds girls doing to me...every bites of it. So stupid ...

Babaji: better, Eben?

I go to sleep

 Babaji: good night Eben.

Can you stop ? I am writing all day today. 

Babaji: oh

I go to sleep.

Babaji: sleep tight .

Period pain - when you girls got upset, daily, angry, you go back to your room or offices, you ever eat something ? Yesh, I am asking what exactly you put inside your mouth ?

 ... ...the guys they say ....no, those are not the things we say about the period pain. You have a system inside and around the pelvic area. Pelvic structure are?? Your bones that sits the base of your nerves system. If you cut of the nerves from your body, you will never have a pain anymore, just eat and taste at the mouth pallets. Purely eating, no pain.

Babaji: that’s the period pain, Eben?

... ...period pains are cramps. On the front. You want a quick remedy to relief the pain, not changing anything in your life. You are used to live the way you want, daddy’s credit card line.

Asian girls see Brat Pitt does wrapping tapes will think he is handsome 末日之戰

 Why don’t you make a demo or something lives in the Home Depot not just office depot ? It’s a zombie movies type of moving running, stairs ...oh so he saw me telling zombie stories in my mall. That machine still there...it’s so not funny. It got moved inside close to that restaurant got a name ...bad. Some kind of Duke or vampire sound in Chinese. How to be mobile. You have to see where you run...that’s so horrendous ...yesh, I say if observing zombie were slow motion, technically you can just take the elevator or stairs run. They will be cage behind the elevator wall or the stair door. They don’t push the door or push the buttom of the elevator.

Babaji: you sure?

They may not even bite ..they just walking funny back and forth back and forth...they are light driven sensitive ? So they stay in that gaming space where they are walking around. I think ...

Don’t understand , doubts ? Okay ..fat girls skinny girls...well...tell me artificial coloring, preservative and pain killer, single structure chemical ? They got instant noodle says don’t eat ? No understanding...okay ...

 They are all eliminated by the daily urine and sweat and tears? Really? You don’t get fat? Gain pounds means. Where are there unhealthy stuff you read in the food label or see m&m = artificial color goes ? You see your urine color green? No. It’s absorb into your body. It’s absorb in. All of them.

They recommended you to eat whole food. Not too much process food, ever heard about? Your nutrition is by daily portion. Daily portion, daily portion, daily portion ...serving counts. Understand ?

Babaji: what ?

No understanding 

Tell me what you know about the pain killer, chemistry ?? Is pain killer release into your blood after your stomach digest the capsule ...it sip through the bloods to the entire body nerves system, NOT just pelvic area you feel cramp front?

 Pain killer like ibuprofen? Telano ? You use tablet or capsule ? Yeah ...the guys uses at their sports injure probably a lot more to their body size and height ? You girls ? You release a concentrated single dose of chemical formula, chemical compound into the blood stream from head to the toe blood stream, the pain killers got storage at the brain cell, toe cells, kidney cells, liver cells, stomach cells...as fat patrify the toxic in as part of the storage fat in the future to be released into usable energy ? Do the cell storage waste like these toxic ? In the form on your big fat abdomen ...look at it, these are fat? Fat cells? Are they fats you wants to get rid of? If you don’t eat and drink only juices...you feel dizzy ? Is that your body fat got “dissolved” with the toxins all released in the blood stream, sent to your brain, dizzy, toxic, drink more juices, urinated out day to day for 3 weeks on fasting no food? Ever? You don’t know you get dizzy when you fasting ...just because you feel dizzy by no food? No. Things got released into the blood will always affect your brain. This is not your textbook. Check it?

Babaji: yeah?


Period pain - the guys can eat anything they want - true. What do you eat food in life? I don’t social so looong years to see what girls usually on their diets? Isn’t the girls are always on diet ?

 I seen girls eat Chinese food. Sandwich...do you hide behind to eat things most people in public store or public dining places won’t see? I can only go to SU dining place to see what people eat.  You like you like food? Can you stay without the food and not yelling if the guy like Nick do on purpose to poke and say “are you hungry” while driving ? It’s so looong ago I was 23 and before ....31 I was in CA. Yeah, it was very long years ago...okay. You eat and drink what ? You eat food, drink milkshake ice cream made ? I drink it here ...I don’t like to chew ice cream that time, sitting down on the side of that subway down mall. Alone. You drink coffee? Star bucks ? I have double chocolate frapochino. Never had anything else. You eat cookies, bascuits, breads, cakes, donuts ? I eat quesadilla in school. I don’t know what you eat...you like Dr Gabriel looks when he is younger ? Juicing ?

Babaji: no. 

Period pain, waist ligament, muscle, tendon, sport injury , is tendon 韌帶 or 筋脈?I meant new Chinese words for the US doctor 筋脈...not 韌帶

 Around your muscles just about the whole body wrapped with are muscles. Muscles are muscles cells, but you talking about you are eating a piece of chicken drum stick muscles, not muscle cells. The structure are muscles called. Women on the back is where you feel your waist on period pain lean forward...there are others whom does massage should know your back waist ligament/ tendon 筋...if smooth two hands, two thumbs, one right one left, that whole 2 inches waist lines...if you got hot water patches it..it’s all about the same. It’s close to kidney, you let the elimination system go faster, those 5 days you just stays in water. Pee and drink water, and bent for the pain. The sport injury however ....guys never gonna affect their monthly things where are none. Muscles ligament tendon or 筋 are one pieces in my thinking ...muscles are red color. Ligament I don’t remember there is a color ....like some people use shin bone near by 筋脈, you keep pressing that line shin bone, top, bone you know, down are breast looking muscles ? That line ..right hand left legs, thumb...one hour ...you will let your circulation makes different ...fitness walk that months in UB so much ..that month is no pain. But if accident you find that one hour ...it’s ...just by chance you found out things it works but no, I don’t spend on one hour doing that...one day I just ...not sure what happen watching TV maybe ...your kidney urinary tract and bladder has to work very very well ...your back pelvic are all nerve down to the thigh to the legs below ...no one says they connects, I will tell you, it does, I experiment a lot ...your lower body are everything that ovary at behind ...

Babaji: bad 

血肉之軀= blood flesh body mortal (Ultron Age - Jarvis )


Human bodies are not made to battle.- you come with a brain. ADD🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 do you have a brain ? I am on testing this MD so and so ...you look the same, of course you have a brain ADD.

 Human body are made with flesh, bones, blood, in Chinese they will tell you this is a 血肉之軀 meaning your are a blood flesh body mortal means. Understand ? You are not made to hit each other chest if that cage of ribs broke, all your compartment inside holding the organs to scatter out like lungs, heart, stomach, liver your right side ribe”s” below are livers and gallbladder, you cannot really touch them from the skin to use psychic healing power by hands, because it’s hindrance by these bones of cages. The healers they do your eyes ...your skin layers to close your eyes ? Your hands holding their hands? I have no ideas what they do...just saying common sense you should not tell me you are a psychi healer dr MD graduate from a license US credible institutions...I would put you in 430 compounds....those stupid new age bright and light hopeful talks. You are a doctors everyday seeing sick people, your life supposes to be miserable to think right in every vocabulary I expect you to know under your skin body.

Your living body are skin covered ...so it’s not a suit, it’s shield the blood coming out. Prevent the bone to stick out if you injure your foot like me? You wear a fix shoes but you look at your foot, where the bones are? You shatter the whole foot, you don’t have a foot anymore. No, I don’t like the massage chair to ...wrapped it my foot. It’s enclose...too close.

You only will have a feeling if you have a nerves. Like your finger...not your nails. You grow long enough nail, pierce from inside nail, you feel nothing, like your hair too. No, not pulling. You pull the brain has nerves. You hold the long hair up like SMCH, you stop one side force, you touch the end or side, you use forces...you never gonna feel anything. You sure the animals don’t know that? The furs on them? Like the man’s hair ..it’s the same hair structure ..you wear a fur coat. 

Iron man or avenger are “equipped” with a protection armor. 

Equip it, you want to tell me you don’t know English what equip should sounds like? I add something onto myself. Clear ?

Physical strength is how you become a better fitness in muscles training, especially for men. They are taller, they are stronger, they never realize their entire life will never find a tall girl right. If you grow very tall, you will know that how it feels. So they joins in a different World of arena. In their interests to built this world or to entertain the world through sports. Physics strength don’t just hit by the hands, there are kicks by the foot, and skills with the body to turn, flip, run, jump, dulge ...flexibility in gymnastic not to twist your waist 閃到腰=It’s an injury ...you know where is your waist ? Volleyball jump curve back, lean forward spike...that will do sport injuries when too young playing...you will feel it holding your waist ...it’s muscles around, back, your back. You have pain, you will know you about to hurt your waist ? Your arm pulling the back muscles when you raise it up, ready to spike, your curve your body to lean jump forward to palm hit the ball bend the waist techniques..it’s a technique...on the wrist ...you are going to be a sport doctors ever? Physical therapist ? Your muscles alignment heard of ? Adjusting your bone, relax your muscles, patch your injury body with a medicinal smell herbs patch ? The stick things on you feeling cool soothing to your nerves you will say it works ....idiot.

Babaji: yeah 

Ultron Age - watch your language the opening ? Why all these cases is that funeral wedding Hugh grant ?你是我今生新娘? this life you are my bride ? Hugh Grant movies.

 Avenger 2 - Ultron Age. Ancient Chasez is from a what Age? I was not told. Like Legolas when he was young ? 

Lance said to Chasez “You didn’t see that coming ?” 

When Ancient Chasez has a language reincarnation or a language problem ... a groups of fighters ?

It’s an program Era? Artificial programs or crystal skull programs ? Language keep saying it, they are scripted, talk to, express to, hand gesture to, Tro? What does Tro uses to communication ? Paper ? Do they use paper writing down ? 

Real time no paper, no language, telepathy crystal skull merchanary, defensing lines? 

It’s targeted ...to ...lines I think a circle of lines or a lines like that all looking JC string lines ?

It’s a battling field. To combat. No, my Ancient Chasez didn’t really combat except the Real Death to see if eternal. It’s only romance play works. Only romance. Live, breath, romance.

Babaji: bad bad bad bad bad.

It’s sex, climax, without suit on the left pawn, left arm like Hira. Hira is Ola’s pawn ? Chess pawn Chinese saying 兵 冰=ice ! Frozen ? Elsa real love a kiss. Ola’s bf on Joey Fatone crazy a kiss ? Mat asked her if he kiss another girl on the phone ? Nick says he already kissed.

 You are the guys, I cannot read this right. No, I don’t care about the Frozen. Dean told everyone Ana, it’s not just I say about I seen it on the Facebook. No, I never ask Dean, we were not in a best term. You Robert needs to grill her how she thinks of Dean’s that doing with Ana in Florida Meds school. She was in the Meds school. I have no ideas those times what they are doing at all.

Sex with out without suit. Tony is 解空第一 you know that right ? Tony if sex, she will get preganent. He does not care nothing. Nick is that suit? Father son Holy Ghost ? She will like Nick as a respected father to talk to. Handing money best. If he is very very rich to accidentally pass a guy just walking inside the house, nick’s son, Tony. Writers ..🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

She thinks Tony is good looking, tall enough, have a charming smile, always be torn by his mother and his father divorce...he is his mommy’s boy. The cooking food. He eats!!

If she comes to the house often to visit the “Father”, Tony sometimes pass by to say hi but go to another room to speak to his father ...she likes the accompany. They are loving father son family relationship ...she is happy there is such family like that...she will never never never to think of any relationship with any of them, they are Anna’s stuffs, written doctors evaluation papers on her hands sitting on the chair waiting Nick and ‘Tony out...that Nick, respected father, how do you and Anna has a local library project on Vaughan oral history ?

Babaji: yeah

Ola, Robert you on her file? Like 430 would have too...this is far beyond mental technology to say we get the terms clear, her Facebook friends no, I only seen Dean’s gf Ana. I never check anymore friends. I do not know whom you are !

 No, I don’t like Tony. Right, your role name is Tony. He is a complicate person Ola says ? She will never vocal becomes like that, ever ! You gonna train her, Robert? She expects something all the time, movie real, means an attachment of a memory, a recall, a precious sharing bonds moment. It says 10 of Iron men.  She is a Catholics family. I drive her. She is true on that, she didn’t lie about it. Catholic means there are a ceremony. A ceremony nun with a cover head cover in white? There is 修女也瘋狂 I seen a red hair looks like her Ola. Are we going to do the ice skating? Ola cannot skate, she expect everyone does works, so we all can do are rutton all of this. You force her doing any part of story, she will accuse Dean rape me, she wants others to force her Catholic head wrap nun to fuck? Got it? Good, on files 430. 

Babaji: great 

I am watching iron man. He went to the village to save the weak : women and children ....are you impaired Robert ? Only none impaired people know you only look straight forward down flat on the ground.

 No, I seen all the trailers. I seen avengers movies too. The iron men and the avenger. It’s a very known franchaise. Meaning you have cups, helmet, toys, decoration iron man logo to sells. My money yet if Simon owes me Hollywood ? Do you look and count math on comets? Why do you two look alike ? I join impression week on my audition TYG video. You seen it? That’s a titanic not a comet issue. You won’t mix that up, would you ?

Babaji: yeah yeah  

Max, come here for a second ... THATS a whole planet, do you know what is a whole planet means ?


The whole planets means you see no atmosphere on that planets. It’s a barren land with a landscape, you see high and low on their geography. That’s called Landscape. You see Robert iron man if his yard was made, that’s landscaping ...not inside his house. Same terms, different scenery. You speak English right ?

Now you could see me asking you if those insects are self -ignite ? Meaning suicide on your monitor when you high beam them, you destroy and blow up the entire planets ....you reckon that to think when I told you, my screen monitor indicate you blow up the entire planets into pieces no where found a trace even a crust floating in the air. It’s a darkness black cloud a planet vague shape? Do you think clear when I told you thing? Can you think it very clear next time I TELL you things? Perfect 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🥰🛎

Babaji: bad bad so bad.

I am busy ...🛎🛎🛎🛎ADD beat that medical committee board. Elimination system are not reproduction system...if you meant the pregnant women the poo to heal or period to blood?

 Elimination system are your body detox on itself in the form urine, sweat and tears. You can tell they are liquid, or you gonna tell me gas? Carbon dioxide from your nose is another pathway...you want to re-write the textbook to find? Why carbon dioxide is toxic and need to exhale? You use oxygen ....I lost my memory why carbon dioxide is breathing out...I Google it, yes....where are the people across me on this ipad? If you seat there, I cannot breath or think ? I lost my memory blank out !! Yes, the plant does that. Not the restaurant, the same name. The green leafy plant Prince Charles and Prince William should have so many party over there in England what is a forest ? They air themselves on the commercial ...

Elimination process is not a reproduction process...you produce a baby, cannot possible getting rid of it by eliminating at? I cannot talk ...

You eliminate the waste in the toxic form, or formats ? That your body will not store the toxic things inside your body in the form of fat!! Not ATP!! Your sugar or fat turns into energy ? ATP is not an energy sauces? Then what’s your breathing needs a energy ....like for sex? You exercise ? You need your energy to stay function when taking me test, you need energy to eat food your mouth chewing it down, you need the energy to let your muscle run on errand to jump, leap, bounce ...you need energy to yawn, the pulling muscles of your mouth? You need energy to stay alive, you body is energetic healthy looking on the skin glow? That’s the elimination system organs, kidney filtering the blood 3/4 per day. Your entire body. Your face like my face detox glow more pale on my video ? That’s glowing, not vampire pale? You cannot tell, I can. I had photos. It’s in the skin. You drink a lot of water to give your body hydration, or you want to tell me you don’t know what a basic chemistry saying in you getting a hydration ? Your urine is? Less? You dehydrated badly Karen Adria see Dean in the gym ever? I run. Not him?

Your water balance in the body is to do with the entire elimination process. Kidney, bladder, urinary tracts that’s connects the kidney to the bladder. You just look at on the diagram. Kidney on top. It’s the adrenal, both them. Exist. I feel them when I took wrong things on the detox. I know which adrenal feel it, it’s on your back, not pretending me you have a sensation at the front...it’s on your back. Same is your kidney location. If someone hit you on purpose like someone did, a foolish Taiwanese girl initiate ...you know that’s my kidney...she is one of those saying she is a health expert ...in trying to help as SMCH disciples ...you don’t beat people there, it’s kidney there. 

Yes, I will have pain one drop of sauce sauce. It was very bad. But that’s has nothing to do with you ever ...

Reproduction system you say it’s women mostly, because pregnancy are just women goes to see the doctors by the mandatory time, 3 months, by weeks, by interval of 3? It’s 9 months supposed to be? Your horoscope study ? Keanu loves horoscope...you see him yet?

You reproduce a baby. So you say it’s a reproduction system, with the organs, lining, pathway tubes looking when the eggs coming out. One egg. Not eggs. You cannot look on the diagram. It draws two ovaries or something ? Symmetry ? You are a bilateral creature by the bone !! And the inside it’s all system set, how amazing ....you define anatomy and physiology textbook...you want to look up words in definition when I say human body are bilateral ? You turn side way...on painting Hallie? That’s not bilateral ? Reptilian, greys, you cannot see outside to say “bilateral” you have to dissect them inside to see they are bilateral ? Legal department on CSI department 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

I have enough with this...you should know very clearly every words I say TO ALL OF YOU!

Babaji: bad bad bad bad bad

Where is my movie, Mac on wiki? I found you on IMDb personal quote ? You wrote that ?


Personal Quote:

 [about seeing himself in the movies] It almost seems like it's not really me. If you screw up, you see the tiniest little mistake that no one else will see. You'll totally be like, 'Wow, that sucks, I hope nobody else notices!

Where is my contract ? Where are the papers before you see creatures like them, my brow yellowish paper bags ? Why the entire planet was in that color? Where is the film, Max? You are new commander in chef yet? I say it again ...when you see things different looking from you, I need papers ...got it?

You want me to ask Hollywood no brainy kid ...okay ...where is my contract went ? It was on my television, you set a fire and burn it down ? The entire planet ? Is that fun?


Where is my contract ? you can laugh ? Oh all right 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Hallie, when your mother brought you out in the public and you don’t see yourself dead, it means Hollywood has armed.

 You have a job you suppose to do when your mother introduce you to the public, no matter how you perform. The movies set I used to explain before how i Anna do film ....by contracts. That papers I sent Keanu I first time meeting him are just a brown yellowish paper bags, they are just sheets of papers. I explained this many times, I say it again ...you have different people going on that stage of a very well known industry in America Hollywood, it’s money and power connnected, occasionally romance, everyone got trained to be put on the movies like Keanu Speed or Matrix ...that’s main actors roles, they need that 50 years run. Now, there are others people can come in ...jail people, psycho has no fear can run with 4 limbs looks right and long to present on the camera. It’s classified materials, they got jailed back. Or they got inspector from the fire department, one call, the entire movies sets one day shut down. Or better, a truck of the military uniform at your dinner light time outside wind cold , you see the night light ? White big light with shade light? They come you have gather to crowd yourself to eat or to read scripts...the end. Finish, the cover military truck, they have a  green cover ...one load goes. That’s earthly. Young Chasez killing on hypothetical Tesla methods are contracts they disappear entire planet ...whom, where, what, how, why ...it’s poof ...no trace but a very black darkness residue a planet shape there ...yes...they might be insects races looks just like that. It might be a contract. You cannot chase them, it’s the same fate, you never got a call back. Making movies are connection made. Not just able to talk, you have to be trained to within all those noisy from the 4 point frames the stories itself ...and be added by others whom are on the top. They have the authority to change your programs or curriculum. It’s a very professional place. You dress well, you talk clear, you hair made, your present to the whole world right. You have a brain, you should know exactly what you should be doing.

Babaji: yeah ?

I need a bulletin points on this video 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🚩Nancy Meyer and Annie Hallaway with One eye seal


She Nancy Meyer is in the business for a long time.

Intern, there is a roll of the movies got nailed on the back of that announcement boards, it’s all them.

She Annie’s talks to that old guy on the door is? Really? Me and Nick home have a sliding door my room...that room. We, he built that house some parts of it ...we delicate talking on the other room, why he has to has to has to be that Jack ass to create a big entry opening on my honey bee paint Home Depot fresh painted room with that bathroom? He says for the washing machine to sucket in. The washing machine is down stair ...I care about the feng shui that time because we have no money !! I change my room to that room because I got floor wood. Not the rest of the house I have to be on the floor use the doctor surgeon tool to get in between the two long wood floor to scrap all dirt...that’s not vaccum. I don’t vacuum, he does that. I scrap the floor then I vaccum. It has to be a very heavy one. It’s old. So I don’t vacuum. I dig.

Nancy your mother Hallie can talk ....why and how come you were the one talking ? Before this video, I don’t know she talking ...no. Annie got her permission so she talks on the show.

That video, Annie if were motivated, she got both that guy interviewing her and the movie him intern.

No, the black her won’t do it.

3 meals a day 35 + girls cam survive, by looking like Annie Hallaway, talk like Annie Hallaway, tall, health, look, presentable. She is zero on school any subjects. That’s lose memory, no analytical skills to associate color, image, music, details stories, fine print on my Mark drug prescriptions says? I buy you and Wallace make-up cleanser ..I say that word is not m =miler, it’s n. There is a long gun shot nm in range fire ? ADD🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 NSYNS movie.

There is a signature ...write it, make it. 

My cousin, not going to make either. Not intern, she is married, not Annie talking style.

And Annie, when you have a mother that has so many opportunities there ...I don’t have parents ...they are on fortunate telling with those re-arrangement 9 square boxes ...you don’t know what that means. You pay Rockfeller a penny, my life is made in her phone line, she will interpreter for you.






方方 My cousin is like Ola, opening a store waiting others to beg her to go there talking ...or else she soak in lesbian loves ex games to make a scene daily, writers 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 My uncle might be on my phone, which he will know I talked to the hospital, type it. But not the website. No, he needs she my cousin, the owner of the gluten free restaurant “Plant” to talk to me like we are play mates like we used to grow up together to introduce each other’s friends from the military, or Anna takes her to go to Annca place to buy lots car...loads cars from the military here to park off those “one line” why you are there for on the map? With Hotel Anna calls there ...her father is the military doctors. It’s called publicaly the military hospital. It’s not hidden, it’s in the name “3 armies hospital” (sea, land, air ) - there are associates to talk to each other that Anna can sort issues directly with the military , not with the hospital...her face cannot pull down (Chinese saying 方方的臉拉不下來)

Babaji : bad 

Two people have no voice, Dean dead, Ola that witch the Lords of Rings, Portland ABC on purpose pass 35+forgetting her memory....that’s on design doing on purpose. Everyone can see that witch !!

Normally you train before, you run in that darkness with light from the street, see?

 Or you are a true psycho, you got put in the film set, it’s funny. They got close to Tom Cruise at the edge he push a guy down. That ...did he face knows that two girls come approach him? No, kill.

Babaji: yeah 

One direction you talk to Nick or I talk to Eben? You like Eben better? I go to nap

 Simon is your boss’s boss? Your trainer or in between parents, manager boss? You worry my credit cards money pay by others in account ? Your boss still owe me a lot of money you make included ...you don’t think ?

Oh okay ~

Babaji: yeah yeah 

Okay I finish watching ...she says you him father ...that’s not real right ? Not Tim me Purna dreamy Queen things...

 Drawing class, lonely never talk to you again or the phone ...yeah. My jobs here are all girls wants to be Trump’s daughter or Obama’s kids to miss their Dean, my Dean, or having Adam and Hailey’s fathers to credit cards lines for trying out Youtuber here instead listening to anything I say to build up their resume. Running in Taipei street, they are too tall, to run. If I hear that Tom Cruise answer on that table with her....it sounds real. Real meaning ....do you want to watch the ending ? It really sounds real. So strange. He meant you want to be his daughter and she is sissy sassy. She might be waiting there for a long time and just enter the restaurant practice sitting down there by lying her bus just arrives? Oh ...people comes to me all lies ...she can see how to get into that tiny table seats? Her size ? He sits there waiting ? That’s not normal.

Babaji: yeah?

I call movie producer or Tom? They are running, I say drop bombs, take they away, they are retain in the car....Tom cannot run.

 You do that to run to save the blonde girl got the black hair girl head hit on the wall twice ? Who is she ? Needs to save ? She can just hide outdoor yard those plants behind, she run on purpose to get caught ?

Babaji: bad.

ADD were you exploded the Conan musical hall? Tom Cruise has a movie boxes stuffs he and his gf or that guys all be taken away

 I would not touch any of those needs to see weapons stuffs....🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 if it’s poison, you are infected, if it’s weaponry, you violate the classify ....ADD you cannot do anything else ...just blow up the entire ground up there, no one there anyway ...drive away the cars and people. Drop bombs if you fly that low makes a flat desert ...no one hears the party.

Bsbaji: bad bad bad 

神隱任務,永不回頭 Tom Cruise movie.. I explain it again

 Tom Cruise you went with a black hair tall girl to get very far you to her near that homeless...speaking a clear English staying in a warehouse half exposure to outside homeless chair...there is a chair. Homeless warm full pack jacket hat clothes...I didn’t remember 430 keep healthy people in those wired compound ? You gonna come and save me smallvile ? It’s wired metal, the specific says I thought was drugs and mental people. I didn’t say homeless...why you Tom stays so far away anyway ? The camera is at front, next by her too, that close shot ...is that real? You know it’s real or not real when you film ? The mental people means the brains are missing their brain cells, because any situation drugs or got man beat up on the head. They will not speak clear ...🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎where is that 430, did you own this guy? Tom Cruise used to marry to 3 lawyers whom....Your stuff written in the book, I explain mental things in the video, did you house 500 videos at your headquater web server ....(跑跑跑跑跑跑跑跑跑跑)you suppose to have a lot of money to keep those video in copies?

Can this be possible 430 I say things, you just have to animate that sentence out in the cartoon format. (It’s not run, it’s short legs run) Seth Babaji format always did that when he calls me or I call him for everything he should get beat up telling me on Precious monent.

So I said ... the mental people cannot have a clear language. They don’t carry fine memory neither. Lies. You all prepare that to train or she knows your name is Tom Cruise. You are 430 swimming tennis court...he purchasing you or building you?

Babaji: yeah

Tom Cruise Major her him memory full black guy, she says 巴斯拉 whose phone back note nikollol? 特斯拉 not 巴斯拉

 You training her the major to interrogate homeless drug, your 430 fields they have a full memory recall? By every thug they say is true? The black tall guy movie with a hat, his wallet, a helping girl smile...

Babaji: yeah ?

European historical “forward “ math


Ola, this is 2nd time we talk about smallvile immigration by comet year 2000. You hear the 70 times, you will know ...what’s a SIlas psychology kisses me meant he is the king ? More acceptable to go back to Portland

 That’s all the commander-in-chef does ...longevity meant it’s to step by step reaching to the infinite. You think when you will tell your parents you are more acceptable ABC like my Mark ABC but you in Portland ? Real ABC Portland? Did you ever go to Portland ? They have Youtuber ? You laugh at their means making jokes to make money for Hailey’s father to spent tickets to come ...right now you contempt every tiny things we do in a very tiny self sufficient island, you care ? The monetization to the real living expense by web design ? I know you ...you are old souls, new age words to sound pleasing magic charm to delude others in testing them the exact methods I say procedures...you blank out? I say you Ola design tests for kids to bring them new world power up.

Babaji: yeah.

No....students like them do on purpose not hearing she says that’s her story. Should be beat up. No, they don’t see.🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 Most mass people’s mind is very dull. They should be very alert to go asking her Nancy Meyers a question, if she didn’t get any question. Beat them up with a present movie.

Babaji: yeah ?

Zen Japanese I say 2015 I was busy !!!! Why no one hear....there is a blue Yogananda book, I went online, after Tina did that. So I say YouTube High tech code and thumbnail...l

 We look at everywhere. You show me I talk, I tell you exactly I say. I say Zen, Japanese Zen Patriah. There are in a very known line. Now I forget all ...so I am not going to Google it to give a specific names. There is a known cutting arm story. There are 4 disciples stories. The selection of the Patriarch was the crying one? Tears down ...then I say Keanu, Nancy/ her husband/ Anita 19, can you just go and find out their most English translation on describing Zen? They sent so many craps to guess codes and thumbnail and I was reading the blue book Yogananda ? I heard them saying all kinds stuffs. It may not be true, but there are layout things I say exist !! Don’t we done all ? Crop circles two so far away, the photographer should be beat up, they did on purpose 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 it’s the same field crop circles, they are far away. Same location same name unheard of.

Babaji: my God.

ADD those are writers in the audience seat, you see ET, those business they make ? 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎📞📞🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎


Your mothers trains the writers ? Does your friends ask you Hallie or Annie that question ? Your mother is a producer i thoughts...she dose screen play? Like screen writers. All of them, her age? She must be in Hollywood for a long time to do these ...your friends ask you these questions? You should collect them the questionnaires someone else in the future say that to you ...you don’t feel like that. These scripts they have to be proof reading at? 6 hours to make next one years or one month ? It’s not proofreading ? They sleep together or something, line by line they ink in her mind to think later on?? I know what these scripts wrote - something gonna give. We are starting to rain here...

Babaji: yeah 

No Hallie, I train people way before the university. Middle school. European historical math deductive retrospect thesis format. You will never make it math. Written format. Written like college thesis. I am metropolitan !

 I haven’t watched your mother yet. I lay down. Now I will watch. The bus line here knows whose these people are I say so many things. They are not going to wait for Annca calling them here Anna place people on the line, on the ground or below the ground she travels up down ... ...I know. I know what I say on the bus to the driver...I ask question, can you see? Is that whom...

Babaji: yeah 

Taiwan ADD Annca is this one on ice ...🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎




Yeah, they are all looks like ...Annca doesn’t know what to do with his phone. His company has that phone ?? 鴻凱

We are on 8:15 29th May, to 8:15 30 th May 1 day 24 hours means ?? That 31th 8:15 + 8 hours you got off work at 5 to +4 more hours 9, to say...3 days? 2 days I said

 You count your testing hours ? One day is 24 hours. 8 in the morning to the next 8 in the morning, it’s 24 hours, or you don’t know what’s 12 hours means ?

Babaji: no. I don’t know.

The sun and the moon change day and night color in the sky !

When you mother Hallie Nancy Meyer telling you certain things, I am watching 4 years ago something gonna give ...you pay attention what she says

 I forget what she says...I was 5 posts before lecturing Jessica Biel her and Annie their age intern on TV...I was listening to your mother showing up here, but I only see the title I remember, you Hallie have a video on Reese, I told her to make a point script exactly said the words says it? ... ....okay, I have watched “something gonna give”, your mothers movies I joking Simon and Keanu that time...they two get together ?is that this movie or others? I wrote something 2014. You watch them all to make a point why 40 years old, we are on my 38, they cannot even make it alive 2 days from May Justin Timberlake says ...we not you, when to become 40 like the Disney those bimbo girls you groups them the height like you, or Taiwan this Adam Hailey to train younger guy at 15? 16 is DMV’s stuffs? You don’t know the training age? No, I haven’t watched through your mother’s interview ...I just see the title, I have to re-watch it again ...you can talk to Hailey’s father ? Like not me you mother talk 2014 to start where is that Keanu? He is South America Ana burry him under the head up? I remember well...he hears that ADD🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎😨

Babaji: he should be dead...

子歇一戚戚 he was shaking, want to see ?


You were shaking, Hira, my night dark room, only ipad reflects the light I type right hand. I held up left handed on bed...it’s shaking ....you want to come up stage for real? I cannot hold the microphone, Purna has a sitting camera ...you move that? And stand there....

 Everyone sees that behind, my pixie ? Apple ? Classify know you Hira shaking.

We done that so many times.

Babaji: yesh

Irvine spectrum mall California, you cannot Google it? ADD🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 beat up SIlas, he smile, my mirror Sailor Neptune Lee Uranus, it’s a mirror, Eben see SIlas smile my face smile I blacken aura, he cannot see, I have to hold jaw in my room for the camera...

 It’s not mu faults... https://youtu.be/X78YR6xQedQ

It’s real. It’s a real mirror effect in slam dunk see weak become weak, see strong become strong. Not the red hair. It’s an sttribute you reflect life after life buddhism teaches 累世修精進反省 Chinese words Buddhism super important, you learn a powerful monk dictionary words? 累世修

Babaji: it is.

Detective Conan all their movie 430 related 2014 already he knew I exist yelling at him ? They kill on the ship and burn ? That’s not the story ? Oh I know 430. Do you know 430 David Scientology , Conan first of the blue sapphire, you see everything starting from california I sent to spectrum SIlas I go up there for a ride on that spectrum mall big wheel? Okay ...sitting the CA coast line to travel to Taiwan, how to look ? Exactly they draw. You lead, Ola or I talk ?


I said 3 Portland I met in Buffalo, you Ola can ask your parents why they tell you why they should return Portland without telling you why? You as a mature profession will say that? You mobile to touch Tesla material to their entry you gonna guard them doing thing unsound or ..it’s when you get there...you quiet like you born without a voice like Dimitri ?

 When did I say that, Ola? You missing years badly ...I say Conan Blue sapphire, you suppose to be very careful with that video, I call a military use ship...they going from the US California or Hawaii this way ....I explain enough climate change here in Taiwan KTV? I was already in power to call your medical US board or there is an international medical board I don’t know might exist in English speaking country? The military ship you seen right? Detective Conan? You think it’s a joke I call out military ? It’s been a while ...

Babaji: you should know? That’s 500 videos.

CIA was on Obama daughters both case, I found out, I shout, we might all dead. It’s from the inland, they didn’t know. They are working on their clocks. They then give us or me a red screen with a card. No, they don’t know we are going to do this. I SAiD they don’t know !! I don’t know I gonna do this neither, I explains to them after the card, don’t you just kill them all ? Slaughter.? I was not sure 半信半疑 half believe half not believe I took the card ...and say okay we will do it this way. No, no one plans this. You do this to yourself. I say every word.


You medical like her background ? All they have is this website all things. You gonna say it right to the Chinese 一目瞭然 or to American you are bi-lingual ?

Babaji: do you understand ? Copy and paste when you return to your country or else ...

No lies, NSYNC bye bye bye legal department Purna my stuffs or you all medical lies I prove you will hell....fire seen ?


It’s a legal words now they say? You found out one eye seal stamp I prove them why they are stamp on the American TV networks I tell Simon England to tell Fox only or CBS Victoria Secrets,, in this big of scale you will do it right in every country like Simon will send himself to England Princes you unsure they know this One Eye Seal? Who proven that to you ? I need your stamp? Next ADD to? 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Medical board will always have this video : NSYNC this I promise you, Justin knows Jessica knows 7th Heaven that guy sitting cross on the table with the food?


I bragging I boast to American on purpose 1000 words in one photo, Apple Tim Cook receive thousands up photo stream, I Egyptian military officer has no title in the book, tell them ...why we bragging ? No, Ramses did something before he knows this ... bragging to the Entire universe his power intact with Purna untold/unhold


UFO array, Tesla telescope documents where he has a telescope ? In alternative site not project Camelot you ever digging Tesla to find him, I call him up once in America he were talking to Bill or Kerry how he suffered to torn down his UFO disc, I first thing I do on this YouTube channel was cut Wallace song in half ? 放棄天空的黑鳥 it’s not air right ....because the music format, you check all country can view it for my military convinence your whole life must chase me behind for me and JC Chasez Ancient Chasez to say last name, you think, we should all get married for the military convinence? Not it ? You think ?

Babaji: too much trouble laziness and jealousy everything you say it’s true Justin promise you 

What does the video meant ? I Anna were already “in Power”


You don’t remember first time you listen to this video or today it’s your last time seeing this video - medical board committee to scientific convention NOT 1000 Russian scientists you as an American ...whom...ever care for anyway 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 venue carpet look dropping stuffs high school, they are not Russian


Say it again why their wing is plastic card made looking again? It’s plastic tent porn in loving the silent tear, it’s Trump’s daughters tent? Hailey’s father scream just on every father credit line ? I say why is a plastic you cannot take out your own credit card and touch your face cheek to feel it’s a plastic ? I am a chemist in your file or on my call again to Supreme Court justice in America? You never make it if you don’t get a chemistry major undergraduate ? I say yesterday what you suppose to become? A joke ?

 Do you understand you were not just one wrong ? It’s every step wrong? Are you going to clean up your period, a website made to catch up Vslley Tim Cook time no more Steve Jobs son Reed Ola stuffs to say next you flat to hi, to all guys a tale? I don’t care what guys you get? Oh specific guys you in love with all ? Anna say that ? I will tell you? That’s NOT what I said ....

Babaji: you understand, little Yeth group why you are Yeth groups ? You got a brain to imposter them too.

You never make it or “you understand “ really ? This Victoria Secret I called their legal department to find all his line Canada Italy credit card plastic made in chemistry material departments they call their ADD🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎?


Anan has one mother, 3 sister ....I hand his youngest sister a paper, had a daughter. His first sister has a husband got a Philippine...darker looking like Victoria Secrets one eyes many eyes, bell starts his first sister job? Called Bell Cananda ...you do it or I call Victoria Secrets again ? On all little Yeth needs a very clear copy on their boss desk, what I say if were true? Anan’s blood line ? On credit card sounding or Kail too fat in my APO little name under my line, a guy in nyc ? You getting Tim Cook classified APO my club stories? You just go to APO head quarter to get a copy of the local chapter APO Anna year in UB? Simple to do things in a procedures - steps to do for little Yeth to get it right ? Or my JC White House curator to get right ?

SIlas not Salai, senior bush dead wants to be with me? You doctors groups girls hurt if were you not him? Me and SIlas on one photo only? His heart ache you jealous ? Everyone can see you so ...compassionate Karen yoga mat to teach me Ola knows how to tell Matt one more words on magic ?

 You like SIlas in your newspaper ? Me Dean Bill and him tell Seth? If true? Not true. The location is true though. You understand ? It’s. Victory’s secrets song ? You understand or understand ?what ? You don’t like my SIlas ? Oh ? You don’t care if that’s a private office, how Anna got in? I say Melinda is in it. You don’t like Melinda on the TV with Karen Adria’s bf ? Does Melinda even here? I would tell her that Tiny 4.0 movies? No, it’s not true. We were more friends than Karen Adria ? You gonna suit the China big dragon ? Calling me calling Wallace calling President Xi? Most powerful man sits in China? You call Obama and Trump your father now? Or Tim Cook or Simon raise a kid now? Unlimited credit card spent if like Lauren her dress, Terry home is free? You think all kinds of reality to meet your heart in warmth ? How is my SIlas ? Your my Lords? Is Da Vinci really that bad by looking at the painting ? It’s just a Tesla regime baby oil, a John Jacob looks like a block of building is NOT emoty I say half way traffic light, it’s actually one block, not half ? Just to see red? Well...he and Annca cannot sort Annca’s phone, they don’t know how to find the old guys managers to get rid of two building full of people behind the police and to find the adjacent school trash bin carts to hide inside to feel it little Yeth would do? Just one life set in their jobs with the money the police will pay them, no more sweet November suit in that real estate office, Annca told him, Anna getting married to a real estate? You know Eben is a real estate ? You like SIlas his photo looks like Lance Bass them? Oh? He is a living prove, the most direct? Cannot be dead? In that one photo anna said, right in the middle ? You read the comic book yet? That’s Leonardo Da Vinci and you feel ? You feel? You feel? The power of my words ? You know my words don’t look like I talk too much kind but you willing to vow to re-write my history book because you are a Christian or said you mediate Yoga pants Wal-Mart brand ? I say Siddarthra Father ...you wish to call dad to that same mansion credit card line if if if if Melinda is not there like now?

Babaji: bad bad bad bad bad.

Edison One direction cannot tell him Dimon, I say he Nick does not know, it’s the house, but it’s kinda ,,,classify ...they medical fail again. Cannot say, it’s just a description, if someone made JC knows, he might be one of the 5

 Not in my words to say, but I did say. I just wrote it. It’s funny ? Benz? Funny red wall girl? It’s not your business, it’s just one chase car resume Hollywood knows your worth I say ADD replace all...

Babaji: bad bad bad bad bad

Little Yeth groups (Flower Thousands Bone song)


You feel better your description is sent out I never talk ? I did...

Babaji: yeah. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️Classify run around mess Nazi did, Tim Cook and his wing floats or glide office direction chair face that Wing 庫洛積德?you don’t know autumn leaves? Keanu mothers, he, whom later Yeth, little Yeth what they are in description ?

 Well...CIA knows they know have classify materials ...when classify finds out Nazi have a guy dead at 90 years something and sent next to Da Vinci, she went to tell 2015 Senior bush some horror things, no, not true. They realize they follow the order Tesla said making a mess, all they did were migrant to the US and at least safe themselves to establish a CIA history ...like they are instructed ...or whatever Salai like Yeth group or little Yeth group do things like Rockfeller? I said the crystal, you hold like a professional wash a baby head 手拖著頭 meaning your hold right that crystal skull that bothers you little Yeth, you are on Devil wear prada that is Nick, Anan has no hair ...you don’t like the crystal skull, but are you going to drop it and my crystal rod ball. They just found near Dean lives sea outside his coastline I called the Florida police at the airport ? To sink those objects into the sea, you plan ? Little Yeth ? Rockfeller knows things smoke up in the TV and me Anna, she called Hospital ...so I went to smooth things out? She is running the world when the boss is not here? You mean Chinese jewel box house she design here, she is outside pouring water in the plants, that’s a hallway I skate on, I cannot see hear what she run about just this house from outside hallway to inside kitchen ? It’s on stair different in height? Meaning you walk up? You medical girl got cayce Edgar data base to find out what I gonna do to you with ADD yet, or you found out the blogger I say prepare, fire, aim, you feel differently already ...to do it? The Christopher biography testimony and you missing autumn leaves ? Good choice ? You listen to “every exactly” words I say or you think Tesla regime without I cannot re-new it liscence only ? You listen well every my new playlist video, I made it in sequence? It’s everything you heard before, and Da Vinci did it on purpose? He does more in acting or in writing ? Liquidarian coke photo Keanu commercial when he was young on marathons you drink or you run ? Autumn leaves? That’s Victoria Secrets, fall out boy, you care to look? Little Yeth, I am not done with you...you don’t like the dog but your boss needs one there, you go out with the dog? The dog and you both blacken out? The boss not home he says 9 o’clock meeting, you change to 12 o’clock, because your schedule with Anna was at 9 o’clock, did he know I exist? It’s the most spy networks room of requirement Neville found you Harry ‘Potter Dumbledore army? Who is Dumbledore ? Your boss says he needs to go out, so you panic at home like Nick, I threw all the junks dishes outside the cliff rocks, it’s shatter pieces, he has a direction : he goes picking them up. I throw the entire shelf of books out, he found one box not touch, the very last? The police saw? It’s all his treasure photo album his family made like you little Yeth? Nick needs a direction ...you need a direction from your boss, Rockfeller needs a direction ...I say no talking Katherine, she is on fortune telling what pieces of paper Katerina cannot read is her faults ? I say she is a 惡人 she little Yeth like you? If you found out your boss’s name is not on the invitation list, and went inside a party, sorry, it’s the guest invitation name is not in the list, you sent to get someone else to get your boss so distract to that vanish guest names NOT on the list? I don’t know whom I am talking to? You could just tell me in person every problem you say classify you cannot tell, but hear, when is my upper class house becomes a classify ? You little Yeth gonna say by his mere intuition ? Rockfeller see news on TV don’t understand as me, and behind call the hospital, I still handle the way I am the boss, they are not going to call her. You little Yet feel relax ? All your boss knew you should be beat up? Why? You willing to guards my grave yards for the rest of your longevity not dead death, like the Chinese song flower bone sings ? 你的叮囑總是?歷歷再目?

Babaji’; bad bad bad too bad.


I go to sleep...I say you are Impaire because it’s real.

 How come they always meant my word are not as is?

Babaji: you say once.

Do you have to wear eye glasses ? Oh contacts ....so you can move your head when you go to Les Brown his seminar to how many column they put table seats in ? See where exactly his height and color are? Use your eyes see? That’s not it?

 Like you walk, you don’t look at the traffic light in front and start running by looking at it? About a block. We have a block here...you pass the corner turn and middle you already see the red light turn green, you run. You cannot see the seconds on the block, but you see red for sure. I can see very far with if it’s red color or bus night light numbers on. I don’t see the number, but I can roughly see it. Very far. At 101. Not that ?

Oh..I am watching avenger Ultron ...she says throne coming ? Oh my face looks pixie if I heard that ....can you guys stop telling me this. I always have a face expression !

Babaji: never mind.

I used to tell pixie an article I wrote them I am pixie top...because they film me behind. I ...just tell them. It’s the story.

 You don’t move your head on your neck, you have no reaction whatsoever ...if Rockfeller look right up, I look where she looks and get shock so I told her something “I look where you look” by accident. I regret I say that. I just split it out. I won’t actually be that crazy pixie looking when I see Eben...but Apple knows what pixie original looks like ...just about every degree I cannot describe to you. No one will ever walk in their room ...she is not drafting ...she is waiting you all finish writing or she is looking everyone at the same time, then she writes. She just walk and spy on all of you to laugh off her head with a crown up down on the bed comforter ...I fold them at the end of the bed. Not I go on the bed. Face down. So my crown face them. Baby style. I cannot laugh ...better 

Babaji : no

Someone told you about me? Yeah? More experience people than you ?

 There is a reason Babaji is with me? You hurt. There is a reason Eben set his role 7 years ago, she just too busy killing people to watch him, he knows that. 

??? You hurt.

There is a reason 5 Lord is with me. You hurt.

There is a reason you know why the medical board is using me to get rid of all of you. You hurt.

You have to make it in the doctor school, not the valley blogger, that’s ridiculous to you. You hurt my friends lose years?

Lalla didn’t make it with Eben. Okay ...?? I make sure she never makes it, okay !

People like Anna is saying few things do a lot, you analyze wrong she says a lot. Yeah, I know.

You feel the language power, not the real in person power you will never see, someone met her, you are all impaired if I show up. Oh okay. Right. That’s what I told Les Brown they are because in case I do go, I warn them first with this. It’s very very bad. Worse than they ever think...but I say very little. 

Babaji: yeah

Lalla? What about lalla ? I Anna went with Babaji on purpose to block Les Brown ? That’s not what I said !

 You mean I do that on every groups in Eben’s friends called them optimistic groups, you were all here witness I would do ? Exactly I do things to Eben slowly that Lalla will completely vanish no sound no ash? Oh? You observe that ? I Anna don’t say for a long time ...occasionally I say? What does that mean ? You go flat kneel on the guys, I am not going into your world. What ? If Lalla what knows? She will cry? No more friends? The way I give all them all no options but flat ? Oh? I didn’t tell them flat...I say grade report ....what ? The way I say it, I will ? Know exactly makes everyone disappear to the hell Buttom of the pit ....oh ? You believe that ? And I don’t care a bit you think you say you make up lies to hurt to complain, and if you dare to vent ? Like 5 years old ? It’s I sent my photo all around the world ?

Babaji: you don’t care about Lalla, that’s what they mean.

I cannot understand what they are saying. What’s they now life to do with Lalla?

Babaji: Les Brown

I did something ?

Babaji: no.

If you go to the young guy, they know you screw up your life, Anna says you go to the old guy? You don’t like things wrinkle and cooking slaves for carrying a procedure you will fail ?

 You don’t want to go Intern. Okay. You don’t want to lose the young guys, if you go to the old guys, he will tell you to shut off Anna phone and? All the young guys will forever lost hold on you, when your years pass without the old guys? You say how many years ? 5 years ? Oh ? You thought about it. That’s what you telling me? And ? You know keep doing this, everyone will find out you fraud, but it’s everybody anyway, so that’s impossible ? Oh ? You want to set up your own fraud medical board committee like STephen Tamang he president ? Short cut ? You cannot be so shame to do anything I say you do wrong? Meaning you are frustrate it in every turn in life Da Vinci is very bad controlling your every hope? You never want to experience the corner and everyone is looking at you like a joke? I already give you options, the only way out, begging the guys flat on the floor, your language, your attitude, your killing them on purpose, you uncleanliness, your ego, your pride, your family friends, your girls gathering to hurt the guy, your Facebook shut down, you only care him for only one thing he doesn’t like you, he drops you and you lose money, house, car, freedom to boss him like a liberal women you have a right to dare to speak English ? I give you options already. You are not listening.

Babaji: yeah 

You cannot see anything I told you so? Or you cannot perceive anything I say to you? I just ? Do very very horror things to the helpless you. You go to the guys ask for the help. That’s an universal answers I keep saying it.

 You want me to force you sex them? You trading condition is me? I am with my guys, I don’t care about your worlds ...you hate New World Order as if it’s on purpose unholding to you ? No...your terms are not right, I know what you are saying. You really hate is Tesla regime. It’s real. It’s not heard but only me saying it. If you go to the military, they will tell you no. They don’t know a thing. No one told them that. It’s Anna comes out terms. Tesla die at the classify leaking rumors on the internet, that the military knows, yes. You want to argue he has a regime or I me Wallace 🥰😘🥰 on why he annihilate Venus, it’s no more Tesla regime ? You think ?

Babaji: no more no more

Yesh, you like no more inland but pixies. No. We are not doing that right now. If 8 years keep going ...these situation is no matter how slowly I surgeon into your brain, your age comes, you will lose memory by 3 meals a day, no fitness, no proper life habits, no motivation to get your brain IQ increases. I say it too many times.

I will shatter you in every piece to 😘 Dean on purpose if ??

 I will ask you very sharp questions to ensure you feel full blood to die in front of all your friends, relative and school, and Facebook ? Oh ...they ask you to come here or something ? I say you never make it, you don’t need to try. What? The school meant you be the real doctor ..I know you are not. So ? You wish this all end or someone told you so before these happened to waste your youth time to flirts? Only Dean in Meds school, the rest I don’t know where they go. They are not with me or else Dean think I do that on purpose to him when he is in Meds school ? I told him I was with Nick.

Babaji: yeah yeah 

I am ? Doing it slowly to you girls states school? Ivy League, programs students and them UB states? If you get the call, this is massive ?

 Yeah, you connect things to think. I Anna do things type and you all destine to lose it all with ALL guys...you know you have a memory and laziness and Lalla throw high heel on couch in the air ? Anna will make sure you girls lose it all if you confront me in front of all people know you? I Anna went to Russia to shake their scientific foundation, so she is just cutting the medical on a hobbit? Meaning you will lose all the definition if you are forced to come up my stage and I ask you every mistakes you don’t know you are doing it to lose that very hard working liscence for fake and lies of 16 years pass by from my UB friends should just ??ask Anna that time, what happen, if they care for like a decent human do, like their parents say? They are competitive to hurt others if being drop, it’s all them will-be-drop eternal ? If y2K set in Anna says? We work on that. Future pixie rules 3 worlds scenario ...you lie now, you won’t have a future and I Anna is a surgeon, not Tamang...how I slowly cut you in bleed in full body everything you got...you think you believe you have no way out?

Babaji: bad bad bad

You don’t know me in person and you are unsure questions...your are guessing you are assuming you are ...not sure anymore day after day ...it’s just unsure. So it’s worse you think on those my university friends UB Facebook they use to know, raise up to seize the military power before Keanu, Simon, and right in front of them, or in front of their parents or all the guys in front of them Anna plays them like I used to in UB? They know all the guys like Anna says ...games of thrones? You sympathetic to them?

 You and them are different. One is you new to me, they are old school to me. You ever check their reviews? You know you go to my old friends, they got no answer neither, no one Anna knows when and what years you show up to my wall? Social media with Wallace China Taiwan ? Because I was away from the US!!! I have no ideas where you all coming from ....I don’t believe the national television, me and Wallace and Mark were busy to over turn something only i Anna says so. Most are in Chinese ...I have no ideas where you all fitting in? That’s 3 years..you new here something ? I don’t know. I just start it right now clean up your life direction in pursuing your IQ cannot reach or demonstrate?

Babaji: yeah

And you all hate Babaji? Mahavatar Babaji? He did on purpose with me? Oh, do you know my friends they say they are spiritual probably all the time with yoga mat ...it’s areobic. Not the definite last line behind the very behind 5 major religion meeting ever they ask their parents they exist?Anna raise up to top what ? Not just seize the military power? It’s seize all worlds pixie invading all in lands plans to overthrow all president if they dare to move? And raise to the seat on 5 major religion ? They have no ideas the claim. ....and my English ? They knew me, ever? Capital venturist, industrialist and metropolitan they are too low?

Babaji: bad bad

Everything is bothering you, you feel rage, you feel suppressed, you feel envy, you feel unsure about your future the most? You don’t want Eben and me living in his house, me using his card, that you are or you will be always independent to make a doctor referral money you better than me? So no guys? Looking okay? But money?

 You want a secure that whom Dr on TLC jobs? Dr Lee? You like my Lee? Neptune organic Chemistry with Uranus ? If your college re-write ? You know you have a direction in life and Anna keep suppressing you on drop your jobs, to go with the guys, be their slave, no kids, just sex, to make them life happy You happy ? You would never accept that, ever! You have your student loans ? Your plan to buy a house yet? Mortgage ? You want that independence ..but as long as Anna exists, she is doing it in front of you, behind you, right on the test to fail you ...she didn’t do all in once ...that bothering you, the mood, me anna is doing it on purpose all the time. I keep telling you the opposite of you ever giving up your career to be like me Anna because I chose to be with Eben? You like Eben? You like his credit card better ? You need his assure words like the photo Lalla out...you need that you need that you wish you wish if that, no more doctors airport pixies are killing the entire world you are uneasy of this COVID 19 were really Anna related? She took over 194 country airport and they are really killing on me Anna order she claims Tesla patents, what patents ? They really just believe me to group as the whole world news and you all feel caged in these hours of classroom, you are limited in my space keep hearing you to be clean, talk to optimistic groups, get sponsor, worhship Tesla forever, eat drink look at the biggest joke of a bottle of baby oil, what if true ? Your brain knows anything I wrote is? Not in the textbook black and white in the real answer and if you touch that book? ADD sees?🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Women internal chaos - the guys don’t need to take that every 15 day or every 30 days, or every day you got upset, with a moon or not. You be happy for real.

 If someone instruct me like when I was 23, say to me, Anna, if you want to get rid of the period pain, I have a method, become a fruitsarian or liquidarian, I Anna will do it. I might not like that fruits that much. US sells apples or banana ...I eat whatever Nick buy...I do eat them. But not a main stream food. To you, right now, your head is how to get out of the class to yell at your mom, you father, your sister, your best friends you got upset something ? Did you hear me saying I put ADD outside your door, only those MD guys defense physically for you ? I set Pixies to mass shooting, so you might all die in the classroom ? Do you pay every attention on me? You are thinking what? Weekend coming ? Summer vacation coming ? Others whom off works like Tamang he is an university faulty ? You think of your Dean? You think of your Seth stories ? You think of being a princess like Trump daughter? Or you see Adam and Hailey both are doctors parents, they are prince and princess being free to spend money all they want ? Or I talk to Prince William, you imagine them? While Anna I say I finish talking to those prince ? No ...you know your head? These are classroom...content, everyone does the same on the exam !!! You are not alert to hear me how bad this looking ...you really like me Keanu, Levine, JC, Dean video? Me and Wallace and Mark story ? You like the guys around ? So I say to you what? Don’t just imagine it ...me and Eben final, meaning you want to see my wedding on Bible but you see your wedding dress on TLC? On cable ? What’s exactly in your head? I build a screen world to advertising the guys, you hang out with your mother, your sister, your best friend Ola? You like Dr T did on the Japanese guy on the ice? You check who he is? So, you like my UB class? You mean my Facebook if you have my Facebook, it’s every hour on it looking at them tear dropping ? You really like Dean on ALL his dead scene movies ? It must be a reason how Venus extinct right ...I like Justin ? Music video? You like the music and how they look in the screen? So do you plan to talk to them? The optimistic groups ? They dress suit black suit like Eben ? You like them all ? ETR Canada ? They are all the guys majority ....so I say you go to groups yours on your Facebook ...I ask you to go locally to talk, to clean, to take their side instead of your girls groups side ? You think they are really cute? Okay. I heard enough this.

Babaji: yeah.

If I explains to you girls about the period pain, the guys will hear. Why don’t you subscribe Cayce Edgar, it’s just one annual fee. I subscribe them before sometimes. I like those stuffs.

 No, I think you should be independent sometimes yourself. The guy and the girl is not the same. You might not understand me. They will understand every word I say. You need to get to their side be more ...healthy aspect physically, mentally, spiritually. Like the views to life. How you orientate your life? Not confident in life? Learn as a whole what you ought to be, not to ask others what they should become.

Babaji: yeah?

Period is 排卵。meaning let go the egg. You deteriorate the uterus lining when the monthly things got swelling? If that’s the words. If you become a breatharian, no more period, no one drinks that magic race new world lands ? New dimension probably ?

 Period and period pain is different. Period is how you let go the eggs with the deteriorating lining of your uterus coming from your vagina ...that’s an opening you always have from internal to external, except you are not constantly bleeding to say the blood vessel break at your pelvic location.....that’s bones holding that structure you have a butt ? You see behind is a butt, but your uterus is abdomen the cramp you feel, you use your hand holding at. Roughly you can touch the skin ? It’s inside that muscle cramp to the nerves system Cayce Edgar says a lot to different people. He uses the “forces” to define of the “clash” of the imbalance ? That’s if you are interested in learning his language and re-write yours ...what is a comprehensive means ? 

Period pain is a cramp internal. The guy cannot get that feel. They beat up the muscle, that’s not internal. Your internal is chaos and helpless...live without living, dead are not dying. You just feel it. It’s nerve system. Pelvic most important talk about is the base of that spine. If you see enough people x-rays...which I only see mine...you will know just look at it. You look at the pelvic area is one important learn to the X rays department. They look at the bones. 廢話 pelvic is the bone. They holds your legs down to walk, up the spine to have central nerves system, voluntary system and involuntary system. Got it? It’s just the wiring system you have a disfunctional period pain. The guys will never care about it...they really are nice...but to me...that ...I don’t want to talk about it. 

Period smell, not period pain smell. You have residue things coming out of your body as a women. The dog smell that. The period is your monthly cycle of the egg released to come out of the body ....you will learn that is to do with heronone. There are man’s heromone , there are women heromone...they initial at Liver. The center of the heromone. Ovaries ...that structure I remember is to do with it. It’s a function that being “regulate” or “heronome balance” talk about in the medical terms. There are a lot of professional words, I need to read the paper or textbook to fill in the words. I don’t do this for living. I saw I know.

Babaji: yeah ?


Don’t know what’s an internal bleeding vs external bleeding ? ADD beating you all are internal bleeding, pixie shot you to stop a bleeding with cayenne pepper Dr Christopher tale, that’s external bleeding

 Why you want to stop bleeding, at least you would ask that ? No? You want to drain out the blood from your body like the vampire pale skin colored ? You lost blood like artery ever heard about or W 2 worlds ? Too much blood, ambulance has to stop your bleeding while transporting you to the hospital ? Yes, in the ambulance. Or else you die. You donate your blood, you don’t die. They give you a free sandwich? In the City of Hope. Eating will increase your blood flow, blood pressure. I have a low blood pressure ..that period pain, I notice, after I eat, I feel better. I did many things with these period pain. A lot of things. You don’t really know which specific reason why you have pain. You read others experience if they tell you the truth. I know mine combination works. TV says mother daughter Portland Last Christmas ? What is that ? Dean? All he cares about is that ice skating he knows or heard it’s a Bible. If you want to be with the Mat, yeah, work with him, built him up. Not your mother, you train her? No, if Dean they are not dead ...I still own them...this one direction them ...are causing others on edges. Not my groups problem, you Ola is a problem too.

Babaji: yeah

Brain chemistry is neuron mechanism mix with the reaction, there are bloods in it, in Chinese is very known 腦出血, it has much much blood in it

 Chemistry is a reaction forward backward equilibrium you learn in school ? Is Brain chemistry chemistry reaction like bio-living creature enzymatic reaction ? Blood vessel are tubes. It’s very fine when it reaches to the top of the brain compares to the artery...what is that called again ? 微血管 ...if you look up on the diagrams. What’s 腦出血?it will not be artery you know? Why you even care if the blood vessel is an internal bleeding inside a brain besides a martial artist broke you internal body not the brain in pieces blood flood internal, not the brain, and not seem external ? One is the brain inner bleeding, one is the body internal bleeding if you believe an ancient martisl artist legands and tales from the TV, you cannot seen outside wound ...like bruises? Uhm? Just asking you an opinion of it. Brain is the most functional sensible place besides the nerves central...because if you mix up the wrong reaction inside a brain, it’s permanent disable ? Partial hearing, partial vision ? Partial memory ? Partial balance ? Is the balance “inside a brain”? Of course. It’s below under ? The part of the brain has a name 大腦. Nerve, blood, muscles ...are the body component you see in a very very red muscle shape like diagram. It’s a whole body pictures, you will feel very disgusting because it’s from the toe to the head, all red, it’s all blood. Yes, that’s correct. Your body is filled with the blood vessels everywhere to carry red blood cells for oxygen to deliver reaction process that the cells breath on and eliminate carbon dioxide to carry back to the lung. Meaning it’s emitting to the air, you called it exhaling. You will know and tell me what’s inhaling mechanism starting at the lung? The structure above the lung is 支氣管, it is airy. Meaning it’s only air entry, not liquid drinking down you choke on the lung while talking and eating ? That’s 支氣管. It carries the air down to be process by the body, to transport to the entire circulation system, that you delicate your text book chapter at? You wish to mark it? It’s not nerve system, not lymph system, it’s circulation system. Oxygen and carbon dioxide to do with the blood ? Not airy ? It is airy. The blood is the circulation system. I just told you that artery and 微血管 pathway ? You have the blood, you will have a circulating nutritions and waste pathway to the brain and all organs to do their specific jobs. Every organ has a process jobs? Heart beat? Gallbladder secret bile store in the liver to ready put in the GI track - the digestion system. All these system, you book mark in your textbook yet. it’s just the system. Brains process your thinking. It’s neuron related pathway...fire and run? Signal means. You do know what’s fire, run, signaling means ? Meaning neurons are active all the time. You are alive, they have to be active all the time, you are process your thinking, doubts, fear, sense of insecurity in the forms of illusion, it’s by the grace of heavenly given speed of nerves that allows you to have all those stupidity to doubts my words ingrain in your brain on a memory recall issues with this paper on brain chemistry ? Title? It’s brain chemistry related. Brain breath on oxygen, without a circulation system, you brain dead? You sure the brain needs a circulation system? You sure?

Babaji: okay (glooming)

Keanu Simon, Obama or Trump, just beat the crap of them, I have no time dealing them right now.

 They need to do this medical muscles wrestling IQ tests again ...why don’t you all go busy? I will be quick.

Babaji: yeah?

Chinese says better ADD and a Yeth 吵架 他說你是ADD,你就說你只是佣人

 Just fighting words. No, you beat them til they become a better servant. If you want to train them. They are all near by me. I don’t need Purna flag nor people.

Babaji: so simple and easy.

I need this one - below ...


One Direction is a flag, do you know what a flag is? 🚩🚩🚩🚩England Camila today...tomorrow ?


Purna has a flag, in nick’s house hanging ...Hunger games has a burning flags games. 

Babaji: steal and rob them.

You go to FBI, says you want to pay a lot of money to replace someone, need a brand new SS ID photo

 FBI. Yesh

Babaji: oh.

Mirror ? No seen. Want to try to find Yogananda ? Do you have ability ? Find him

 Babaji: good 

Next 3 days, your way, they are never gonna work together EVER. They vow with their money snd fame, NEVER

 It’s May, Justin Timberlake news. I forget what he says. 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 it’s all your, ADD, every field every world, every language, every organization ...you got 3 days to start next months.

Babaji: okay

They say they are saving their own lifes. It’s in the lyrics


10 roles? 100, 1000....you like Adam and Hailey ? It’s on the screen


🛎🛎🛎 ADD, it’s whole world: we replace all. See what you like to play whom on the screen? Anything.


Obama is going to be 60 ! His kids never know chinese has a saying if the guy has a what to pass 9...if ...or

 Obama is online ..7 years saying. Too long. People like Simon, people will like Obama, you all should really thank Him for dedicating his service to the country by jumping on him. I mean it. Oh, he will have a methods you all groups to select one or few.

Babaji: all will get trained, of course.

I go to sleep. 

Exacutuve producer : Brat Pitt?

 Sometimes I see this thing ...

Babaji: yeah, all your romance story come true.

... what now?

Babaji: lectures 

If you live a real life, meaning you really know what’s the life is all about, in real life, I want an ordinary peaceful life, I want my diet, I want a stable home, I want a positive influence of friends circle (mastermind ), I want security like lean towards the government not gangsters. I want knowledge wisdom not movie, not music, I want my life back to normal ...I want I want I want ...it’s the only thing that’s what I want...correct. 

That wheel chair is ancient Chasez. No, Babsji never says he is Ancient Chasez. Ancient Chasez or looks like him are 青蛇

 Chinese mythology. Not the very known one like white or black snake tale. I know nothing, 

Babaji: yeah?


Normal girls should call police though. To talk, to tell, to records. Very rare girls can just go behind quiet, the police will find out whom, what, how she never goes to the police. Whole life never seen police? Yeah

 Girls speaking talents are very very low. Seeing police they learn how to be a witness. It’s one spoonful one spoonful for the guy to care for the household, if something happens, call the police !

Babaji: yeah, you ?

I have never seen police in my life before certain time...

The Time traveler’ s wife - I have seen it so many times; the notebook girls, she called Nikolas spark? Like yell out? It’s Bible. 聖旨 Chinese words -emporor decree

 She learns time travel ? Walk in the woods not to fall? Do they train too? Hollywood so big of name. Time travels are Kerry they say Nazi parallel universe ...we never can change our time here, how come classify keep having they say time things ? Like close my website, like close the 夢幻遊戲 book, you go back to the real world to live, how to apply college? That’s 2 timelines for real. It’s intuitive ...I know many cannot afford it. ...what’s 結紮in English ? The guy tie knots no more kids. The guys can use patch, I have heard and they say it’s better if you can convince the guy to do it. It’s from Europe something because ...the European is more open than the US.

Babaji: yeah?

My cousin 方方 and my airport uncle - I say to the hospital, she needs to first say she is not that red dress babaji autobiography of a Yogi. The very first thing to do

 I think if they believe everything I say, she never gonna make it. She needs all 3 women her friends. She believes these girls can stay ...safe them. It’s very stupid. One kills, all dead, she never likes a guy ever again. That’s the real power her uncle can do. You can start to like him and agree that’s the way he does things. Appreciated that. Don’t understand ? You have to like a guy, period.

Babaji: appreciate what?

Cruelty =ET

Getsway 死路十條

 Yesh, and learn Chinese mandarin.

I seen this girl on ...Victoria Secrets saying my mother sequence was an ET. I hate that. I almost put her head through the wall. 

The guy talked to her to get off the car, she stays in the car. They were helping each other or they are training her on sites with the script ? You feed spoon one spoonful is one spoonful...very tiring process, everyone all IQ different. She sits in a chase car before...right? ADD🛎 yesh, that’s the resume, she cannot see anything he sees. He yells at that crowd of my people? It’s an illusion. The real polices their mechanic rules = killing all. They don’t care who got shot, boys or girls. There is no side whatsoever. They only kings they are polices.

Babaji: bad bad

Rockfeller says news says someone COVID 19 negatives then die suddenly 2 days, then..I say 暴斃 she says, they added notes they exam to say it’s COVID positive. It’s an English words.🛎

 Yeah. I don’t know why she says that.

Babaji: yeah, me too.

Finishing this ipad re-booting...🛎🛎🛎🛎why Apple this? For half month already ? Going out

 Babaji: going out?


Haven’t finished ...did he listen to himself what he is saying or what he comes up with? That clip whom on the floor, yeah I laugh hysterically ...it’s stupid may not be true but ...

 Did she say ...acts, or X? I know who she is. ... she was long ago fame person. He was saying scripts or he was praising her...he likes those original ordinary people acts and she says what? I lost my thoughts...oh...she is this shows name, so he is commenting on this show like that? First time there last time ? No ...I see. She moves behind as a judge like JC not like Paula. ... that new girl crying , Camilla ? Her name ? Oh they would cry in the Hollywood not even famous one? For certain I go to my heart to the Buttom of pit , ADD🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 so, he is on the show not talking, he is advertising AGT !! Doesn’t he start it already? May ...right...8 years ago, for that boot camp stuffs....oh 🛎 do you all need to leave him Simon Kelly and Paula a message here? Join in late AGT? If I were in all your shoes, with my wits someone just dump ideas to do ...it’s just talking in English right ? That’s so simple to tear them apart ...no problem. 

Babaji: wow.

Simon Cowell video


... ...their face ...they like Simon? Never gonna make it.

Hira and Dean? Oh


I told you already ...it’s mandatory. Or fate?

Babaji: bad

One Direction moves to Edison, Westinghouse folds?


I am being creative ...Zeta Jones know who you are? I know you don’t like Celine Dion, French and too...picky looking. Especially now old, everything shows. She has no patience anymore.

Babaji: oh yeah?

One direction 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 JC and I on the spinning cup and pixie caught you with Nick old photo car...and Harry, mine side Simon, told everyone he doesn’t know how you all got this big ...groups of fans. He is your personal other manager, parents, trainer top or you are all very close to Simon? Sleep with him?

CIA buy my cards says a page, a description, a photo, I say before, the book title, prepare, fire , aim? No understanding ?

 That supposed to be my last night time, your quick doing on a random Google blogger can just leave one post on it with a cooking pictures and one paragraph, leave it there for months. All the Optimistic groups if you bug them the last 3 weeks me Eben fight to get rid of them, you hold close to be your mentor, they will tell you at this time, they are your lineage mentor to tell you “why”? No one does anything ?

Babaji: yeah, I know.

Your parents talk

 Parents: we can eat anything we want and their food expense outing money ?

A herbalist, military meant Chinese that I say Canada, a general home doctor for all, a nutritionist basic 101 like a chemist me, and a specialist in their chosen love field to do.

Parents: ...

Never make it. I know.

Parents: ...liquidarian ?

Off food, any kind, then, by their interests and love field to partake off food realms.

Babaji: yeah right, double chocolate cheesecake ice frosting 

... the girl or the guy?

I knew MH, he is known in the cure zone. I am explaining to Eben. Only he cares about this things. I only heard him answering, it’s all him, there is no Dr Christopher’s name in it.

 No, you follow the US new protocol, and new high tech product protocol. You suppose to come and ask me in person in details. You start from zero. I started was from zero. No one knows Dr Christopher. He only got introduced with a biography and his testimony. You suppose to follow the real protocol I say you read Curezone !! There are sequence to do things, there are works if your memory holds, you needs others holding you every steps ? If the military doesn’t try out what I mean new high tech products and new protocol? You follow your study like memory ? Like taking it to the market to sell to Dr Gabriel’s clients ? I just told you, you CANNOT! The medical does not allow, the pharmaceutical does not allow. The citizen has to have a herbalist women like mid European time history tell you how a herbalist comes from. It’s from the women home to harvest the herbs. You don’t read? There is a patient dead on Dr Gabriel’s wiki. You want to go and investigate it like your own future doing new protocol, if I teach you exact steps? This month we did twice Meds tests ...and ? The scale? Or scaling ? The fish? That’s a verb. Do you suppose to know Dr Christopher is from the military, Anna say it very very clear to you, you make it to the exact military standing !! They ask you to must be ! Especially with these stuffs ? They didn’t force me, it was my hobbit !

Babaji: oh?

2014 it’s sex things...Prana, where do you think I found you Tibet lineage methods name ? I didn’t know whom. My weight dropped to 94 pounds

 I was laughing ...I was too busy laughing I didn’t eat. No, not hungry. I must have drink, but not like when I am in Taiwan, I records periods with a diary book? I don’t have those things in the US.  You doctors groups finish on why your stomach are not eating raw meat by nature ? Just distill methods ? You know what’s a distill method means ? Boiling hot water? Your meat is cook by the oil ...you say that’s the water boiling ?? Your instructor me here...they say 30-5=25, liquidarian ? Whatever ...I was detox. Drinking a lot of MH knows orange juices. I buy a lot of stuffs. Where is the people behind, you have others doing the same exact things, the girls ? If I find it, I will tell you ! 31 I was not liquidation. Babaji is on top of me many years. I almost lost my period here in Taiwan. I need to eat here, so I told Rockfeller to ship lots US or Taiwan garbage drinks here. I purpose show it on the photo, I show it ! No, I change it to drinking the liquids myself. I need that !! I got junks snacks...didn’t you hear me saying all those food before ? Yeth needs thoses junk’s package methods that open the chips bag has an air or aroma or sound combine he wolf smells exciting ...it’s something money ? He says he is looking ...??

Babaji: it’s very big brand food package, Anna?

Like I produce them? Mass like them, eat it! You cannot help it !

Do you feel tired if you pull your pants down to sit on the toilet, to put an eye glass on to see your period pain pads with the red blurs stains? Your eye glasses are right adjust ? It does not bother your head? Yesh Babaji says all guys thinks the same he says things behind they back, they gonna all got drop by Anna because Babaji owns her

 No, he didn’t say much, or I don’t remember ...you girls don’t define what tiredness is when you have a cramp on the abdomen area, try to sit in a what decoration bathroom, feet on the furs mat, mine mats here is polyester...you had your eye glasses on holding the pain not to scream to see what’s your pads while sitting down the pain does not go away? No, the guy cannot understand it to relate it...how I envy them really ...never have a pain ...that’s true freedom.

Babaji: you cannot see the extra blood stain ?

Do you need to wash the underwear if it just drop anywhere besides your pads ? You reach outside like there is a white carpet or you know now you take the pants in? With the eye glasses on your head? No eye glasses, contacts ? Weekend ? No? With the eye glasses....okay. You don’t feel anything in life that you want to change yourself a better attitude. If someone I hear can get rid of my period pain, I will. Call her email her where to look...myself. If someone has a protocol strictly do this, I will follow through without a question and do it. Not like I used to do stuffs I have to tests on it. It was not to decreases the blood volumn. I didn’t know that. All liquidation changes their status with their periods ? Most solarian are guys on the TV. The women pass their age !! I am the only liquidation my age from this 10 years 5+5-bracket ? It’s all empty ?? Yesh i will get very shock !! Very very shocking !

Babaji: yeah ?

If the guy got draft to be promote with a strict protocol ...that no one mess their life at all, to hold that protocol, they will stay single whole life

 You girls don’t know what you really look like ...if they return home to see your IQ drops like I say, see your vision bad on purpose, see you got water burn by the pasta pot Anna specifically say no acting but real you do on purpose ...see you talking bad behind their back, the other guy told them. They hear me saying is one thing, to actually see, and worse if force to write it down as a protocol, meaning a professional well thoughts words, phrase, terms to use to describe what they clearly see and watch ...you are not just hell to the Buttom of pit ...if they are God and we will re-do this every turn ...because ...

Babaji: no one wants to improve.