
Sailor moon and W two worlds

 I cannot think I would be one day reading this. Middle school I read them. Like the sailor moon.

Once I grew up and leave the country, graduate, leave everything behind to focus on the spiritual practice, I have my own belief how it is done. Practice does grow. 

When another decades passing ...I return to this book.

At your age bracket, people used to dancing like you say. Maybe not like my time to read these books. So you could not possibly to react like the modern time kids how they could get their mind going. However...you have a very bad book saying 2000 years stuffs. These books what if you are not the main character if you read? You gonna turn bitter? Because that remain to that one book in the end, Bible.

I don’t have to always be in the main role ....my character. But be aware what you read and your mind and the head is not exactly just like the book drew to me. 

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