194 countries

194 countries world wide maps are in one sheet with all flags below in my country maps, you can purchase on the stationary book stores. 

194 are countries in the United Nation, in abbreviation UN. They takes seat, voting right, and a microphone.

UN is in Europe. They require at least 2 languages to be selected into their job/ occupation requirements.

US has to be responsible to 194 country through Apple

 You don’t think that responsibility is big? The US has to ship iMac to all military unit in 194 countries to explain what’s Macintosh? If that’s Bible meant the return of the King, then 194 countries receive me to explain Lamb on the Bible, first is we have to be very sure the formula to be right.

iMac=I m AC (AC=Tesla alternating current)

Macintosh= M AC in to she

If Lamb is a man, why AC is a women+Lamb sign ?

Do you understand everyone has to define that ?

Why I am AC? 194 countries have to know

Why I am AC happening to be Lamb? 194 countries have to know

I explain you all military have to find out if equal sign is there between Throne, Lamb and Lamb’s wife. 

Why are we taking these steps? To judge you a sinner only? They already knew that!

With military 

 With military, I cannot tell lie. We both side agree I am here. But with you, you are just one person. You cannot sort all the works so my role to you is unclear.Lamb yes, Lamb no. That won’t stop me talking to them like I know I am AC and beyond that. You and me have to be clear on that. I know you are not sure. I know they are sure. They have to find out everything to be sure about it. But you don’t think like them to do a serious work to find out what’s Apple says.

Targeting at you 

You knew everyone is targeting you. Is Angel telling you to preach again to every nation, language or people is to targeting at your stomach to turn sour? You create a SMTV.


You finally answer me with a decent thought! Harry Potter hire you as a new professor, but they didn’t tell you to go and lie about everything on the Spirituality. They say don’t tell lies. But you went ahead to LIE. I cannot understand it. Did you actually watch the movie to decide a schematic plan? Or you didn’t watch that legally blonde nor Harry Potter Order of Phoenix? Now you know for sure they exist.  

I said to Wallace if that title might be bigger than Tesla

 Because of the Flower Thousand Bones uses a bigger name on the White robe Esteen, I said to Wallace that role might be more important than Tesla. So I tell Wallace just go with the story.

Now with you, you heard me to burn down my work base upon a BTX, the simplest Japan animation to give up my efforts for so many years, do you know why they tell me to do that? Have you think? Or again, it has nothing to do with you while others just decides whatever they decides to lose things all. Big deal?I cannot possibly reason with you. I explain to the others.

One reason is for hunger game

One reason is I am a Lamb but a women. Not a man.Heaven meant they know SMCH doubt things and never go and truly understand a thing to the deepest root.


你知道為什麼我是AC? 像iMac= i m

 特斯拉發明了 AC, 我發明了什麼?你有聽懂吧?你不能就隨便定義我是AC 特斯拉,所以那本📖變的非常重要,你是演員,不是生化技能的人,我只能講給你聽,你就相信白子畫是我,跟著我的長相,因為尊上可能比特斯拉還重要許多

You SMCH not sure if I am the Lamb, if.

 The women Lamb, you understand. The importance of my discovery, that, you don’t understand why, it makes me like an AC inventor. Correct, unless you know about the bio, you cannot reason why I am AC. The book, the book, the book!!!

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