5 Lords Review

 A story 

 A devotee asked his inner master, “Will I go to hell forever?”

The inner master answered, “No!”

What went wrong with this scenario ?

A. The devotee is happy so he never asked the questions again.

B. The Inner program lies

C. I answer” you go to hell eternal”

D I answer “you don’t just go to hell, you go and become One with the Hell”

E. You cannot possibility answer the question because you cannot understand the answer.

F. You should follow the real teaching to ask the real living Master like he gets a head like a real human 

For example 

For example Babaji feels I lower myself too much to you the sinner, to almost begging you to take Eben’s class and your attitude remains what’s that got to do with you to solving the flood issues are more immediate if “you are the One”. Eben is not the One.

Upon hearing these statements ...your reaction is

a. You feeling it, Babaji does not like you

B. Why Babaji always stands besides Anna?

C. That “feeling it” is that ego?

D. That “feeling it”, is that your ultimate character ?

E. That “feeling it”, is that your personality ?

F. That “feeling it”, is that pride ?

G. That “feeling it”, am I failing the test simply by “feeling it”?

H. Why Babaji does not like you or Yogananda as a women? Your feeling it too much?

I. Is that a feeling?  by “feeling it your ego getting hurt”

J. Is that a feeling ? by a statement someone seems to have an authority power does not like about you and it always certain there is nothing he likes about you if their marriage meant he Babaji stands by Anna side all the time, why cannot I feeling it by being myself ?

H. What’s wrong by being myself?

I. I don’t know how to identify it’s Ego, or it’s Self.


Upon hearing Anna and Babaji conversation in the last statement, 

Babaji feels I lower myself too much to you the sinner, to almost begging you to take Eben’s class and your attitude remains what’s that got to do with you to solving the flood issues are more immediate if “you are the One”. Eben is not the One.

They highlight each sentence or pick a statement to do an assessment , so they highlight:

what’s that got to do with you to solving the flood issues are more immediate if “you are the One”. Eben is not the One.

They assess : they cannot solve the flood issues. They can only do what the government telling them to do like the Legally Blonde for an exit.

Upon hearing this, your reaction is:

A. Whom told us what to do? What government ?

B. You mean rumors Hollywood is real and the government is controlling it to mock me not really to help me, EVER!

C. They could just help me shutting down with one masscred shooting one local meditation center like their TV says.

D. And I failing the test again by feeling it? I cannot make a statement to speaking out my women’s right anymore to be who I am? Like “who told us what to do, what government, that’s Hollywood, not government.”

E. Isn’t Babaji supposed to Love LOVE LOVE anyone with anything unconditionally especially a girl like me with a style? It’s by feeling it I have a style. Does he know every thought?

F. Babaji does not know anything, he just a yogi like the rest of them, so unless you screw my name here, he or Eben never finds out the Victoria Secrets says “I am a mess”

Victoria Secrets

Victoria Secrets has someone made a song “I am a mess” dressing with a very eye catching pink on the stage doing very wild acts.

Upon hearing this, your reaction :

A. You psychically sees: They golden buzz at the Millitary unit, and speak in the microphone: Anna, she does not understand.

B. You react twice : one with the statement, one with the Millitary reaction 

C. Anna knows no one understand the Victoria Secrets, so why does she smear my name like that? She is not a doctor, Eben surly knew that, what’s the personality, what’s the style? She plug out her gallander stones then she is a doctor ? Mock me!

D. They just test me as a master if I care about it.

E. I don’t care about it because I don’t understand it, now Anna makes me understand it but I have hate feeling towards it. Is that always gonna be a temporary substitute Esteen Master and my relationship ? By feeling hate all the time ?

F. They believe the TV is real now? Why Anna has to make it sounds like they Victoria Secrets might be real  by smearing it my personality ?

G. I never reflect like my feeling. Feeling doubts and insecurity is my nature. That’s not my pride and ego  I say my ego is zero all the time. You poke it, so I have a feeling. It’s not the manner I have, isn’t it? Manner like a war zone Vietsnese or the England Prince raising up in the noble castle? That meant I grow up from the street. Like they have no experience at all. 


Upon hearing Babaji says Anna is reading the Red River Manga on the Commander-in-Chief, so she is the Commander-in-Chief

Your reaction

A. What Commander-in-Chief?

B. Babaji says ? Or why don’t you say it’s your inner master says, I didn’t say.

C. Anna is being chased outside to get online to do this blog? She becomes the Commander-in-Chief, you must be joking. I understand the first part, I don’t understand the second part.

D. Tesla is important, but he is NOT that whole wide world important, isn’t he? Apple says she is AC all the way back 1984, are they mad?

E. If I pick up a blog and start writing and making a video of myself everyday, I would become the Commander-in-chief. Mock me!

F. I never have that language issues because I don’t ever talk in public by my nature as a shy Vietnamese short leg nun.

G. If you poke me with a statement like that, of course I have a reaction who she thinks she is? By being chase? Why doesn’t she just shut up and only listening to what I said? Does she have an idea who is the Master? Me is on the television being worship by millions of people or Galaxy beyond.

H. No, I never think like that, but I understand you can write like that as mimic my voice. My internal real feeling, I hardly say.

I. So do they find 10 Torus to say my feeling or dress another Vietsnese rich nun to say pretending like me? They feed them good food, good clothing, loads money to buy high class shopping goods? They would do that as the Millitary to go that far? They Vietsnese sold me? They lie, they lie, they lie.


The Angel and the Little Scroll

 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”

You upon hearing this,

A.The government will find out what language problem because it’s Angel Divine says

B. I didn’t think. I never thought the government will go that far. That’s not what the Bible says.

C. Does Government tell Anna they hire spies to be like me, rich and famous? They are on the same boat to attacks me now? Are they testing me.

D. If the government don’t know, how does Anna say they will go that far ? Maybe they didn’t. 

E. I wonder what the spy’s are being tests upon, do they come to my groups too? How disgusting, they are even human ?

F. They say you are jealous all the time, especially they understand why it says it’s a man but in fact, the baby born was a women and Babaji get his hand on Anna. They understand perfectly. They see you have those beautiful letters to the Presidents but Anna meant Tim Cook. He is not the King, Period. Anna cannot be right, TIm Cook cannot be right, it’s Prince Charlie, that’s a King!! You follow their exact word, not testing others to questions my acts !

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