
I go to sleep, you go creating a blog, make a video, polish your attitude and your words to the guys.

 Yes I need you to do exactly like that. Your manner. You want to be a better person. Those emotional words you don’t need to scream at the guys. Do you ever hear them saying the strange words to you? They don’t talk most of time. Even Dean and Tamang don’t come out the strange words. You need to re-think of your life. Don’t wast my time telling you all these. You need to change. You need to grow up.

Babaji: I grow up too.

When I met SIlas, I met a guy name Andrew also a military.

 Lance Bass Twitter he has a crown, so SIlas you pick? There is an Andrew in the Princess of Diary 2 ? No, you girls need to be clear how you would pick your local groups from the movies screen if you have to go back to your Facebook to explain yourself where you been ? You need to tell me what logic do you approach a solution not abusing the movies by going by your will to randomly do things. The classify has a right to jail you mental if you abuses their material, you doing on purpose ruined the classify materials, you drop Hollywood for the local college friends ? I told everyone we are not friends. Okay ...now we are making a website...Dean and Ola they are using all the years on track, do you see how bad that is? They gonna be freaking out touching an ipad ? I am using an ipad every single day ! Oh yes... you imagine no one is scared by touching an ipad ! Making a blogger, a video on YouTube, to connect a Twitter ? It’s just very short of time doing that. Do you start it today ? Yeah I need you to do that.

Babaji: their best layout 

You don’t like any of the Google blogger template ? Not really ? You don’t know how I did it to make looks like it supposed to? I was in a hurry, you have a plenty of time. Do it, seriously. 

NSYNC and your Facebook groups?


Are you hurting if you found you have a 5 Lords group at your Facebook local groups or the Hollywood 5 Lords group ? Like to tell everyone about so they do find them? You won’t talk about it? Yeah the classify protects NSYNC !! So isn’t that an obvious choice ? You want both ? You don’t know they are completely different people ? You don’t think NSYNC successful ? You do know they are successful and ? They are too? Eben like ! What does that mean?

Babaji: they mean they cannot see you well. 

... ...you like your Facebook friends ? You don’t want to change the Hollywood default setting ? You don’t want a dozen guys ? Your local group 5 Lords are not guys? You would pick which one you want to be with you? 5 of them have to please you to be happy to be with the One? Will there be Tamang like, the One shows up? Different? That’s a kiss ? This is for sex. What does that mean? 

Your girls will rule a nation before going back to Eben-like person like that guy in the legally blonde ?

 ... I didn’t say I don’t like Eben. Two people live a life, do you ever live a life with another person ? Wake up in the morning, have a talk, have a kiss good morning, staying in the bed, because we didn’t sleep on the same bed ? We live one life together with a trust to do that every life, so next life I got dropped somewhere, I have to find my way back quick, because I want to be with him. You would be stopped somewhere if there are more charming people around? No ...Eben is charming enough for me. We just didn’t know each other yet. You need to have a real life with someone first, live like you both have a life interests, not using each other. There is a wedding vow I gonna say to him. You wish to date Dean or Tamang type ? New found doctor groups? I am not contempt them...do you meet them both in person? You should. No you won’t hurt me. They will both hurt you when you talk to them. I know who they are, okay? Do you like NSYNC? Mind me to mapping your mind .... ...you like Seth, Dean, SIlas, Bill and Patrick better from the local groups from the Facebook ? If you have a choice? You don’t want to deal with the classify, too complicated. They are too?? Expressive ? Threatening ? You like One Direction ? Simon managing groups, they belong under Syco. They can change their top Simon all the time, so no more Simon? You would think about this questions. I told you Tamang plays gun with his tall gf and posts gun equipment as he is a gun man. If TIm Cook found that out, do you mind to explain to him why your choice going back to Tamang at all like my case if you were me? He didn’t do it on purpose that anyone is watching ? I don’t think so! Think about it.

Babaji: do you miss Eben?

30 mins ago. Now it’s not bad. I have no ideas what he is doing ...

I better find Eben like it says eternal time


Because Babaji says that. The TV says that. Yeah I can get mad, but I better always find Eben. We are talking about a Bible. Bible means holy, means everyone be told so. It means from God’s word if Babaji is not God. So this video, I don’t know. I cannot leave Eben. I agree I agree. I have to find my way back if I got dropped to somewhere else. You don’t know why they say eternal. I just have to do it. No he didn’t kidnap me. I want to do it. He probably is very fine. It says it says. Some people don’t know each other can be match makers to get married. Time can develop that, it’s two people’s life. Yeah it’s like a decree. I already object with Babaji, he says that way that way. That’s it. He meant it.

Babaji: I meant it exactly the words I say.

The professor gets the pixie out is Obama - yeah I saw that. Every girls looks at him like that at his book sign event. I guess it.

 I was joking behind when I was doing nothing to say random things in life. It was behind right? We were working every single day when I was not online. It’s 24 hours a day minus sleeping time. I just not online. We were so so so so busy ...there was so many things to deal with. So I say that’s Obama. No one believes that stuffs. I remember what I said. I just think he looks like. No, I don’t think he is a fraud...he is just ...Obama looking to me. That’s American to me when they see Obama. It’s the audience, he says those he can I can who can words. Oh, you have a way to deliver a public speech, the optimistic opt put groups they do drafts for the public speaking.

Babaji: it is strange, isn’t it?

...? Strange ?

Babaji: ger 

Dean? Their girls like my cousin, falls in love with that comic book 花冠安琪兒? I say to everyone that’s an illusion, that’s not a real story. People behind have to separate groups to take that poisons by knowing this gigantic Hollywood stories. That’s horrendous !

No I don’t know the border them are in the sailor moon blue. I just saw it

 I say they are the pixies because I think they look alike. There are things I say completely by I think they look like on the TV. I don’t go and find evidence if they are or they are not. Yeah, if I got it wrong next time, I figure it out why I am wrong ? You can just tell people you observe people’s face and they look like on the TV? Can I just be relax in my life for once to comment what I think what it is on the movies? The pixie behavior is so like that. They are moving around, they can create a better mess than I am if they want. No you cannot restrain them. That’s why they do projects cases. It’s everywhere in the classroom. They are making the students scream...yeah !! They have more than anything to do all that.

Babaji: do you see them inside before?

I don’t remember how I happens I call them pixie. Not in the Hollywood, they didn’t know they are the Pixie. I didn’t know I am shiva looking on the photo. I didn’t even know I destroyed so many books or monitors. I do it on purposes ?

You girls needs to learn a lot of words not to say to the guys okay?

 You girls want a list to write it down what not to say in front of the guys?

“How is your ex-wife?”

“Don’t you suppose to be somewhere ?” ==> change to “do you remember you have to go somewhere today?”

“Do you want an Apple?”

“What did you and your friends meet yesterday, did you talk about me?”

“Do you see what they create the websites, it’s horrible” ==> change to “that’s the website you speak earlier ? You want me to look at it? It’s ...designed”

“Do you want a milkshake or do you want a water?”

“Pink or purple dress?”

“Which shoes do you think go with this? Can you care s bit?”

“I need my hair done today, when you coming back today ?”

“Are you finishing working Eben? I have something need to ask you.” ==> change to “you want to eat something, a break? I have some snack I bought with the tea?”

“Cannot you tell I am busy?” ==> change to ”Hi Eben.”

“Do your friends come over today? Where we go out today ?” ==> change to “your friends coming ? You want to eat at home we can order the food home.”

Babaji: they don’t think like you Anna, your words have a precept behind, not to harm. Oh they can tell that difference now.

Fast & Furious : Hobbs & Shaw

 I am watching it right now ....I saw it. The pixies in my hands to entry the door, or after the door opens, another groups of them? There is a blonde girl did that? Unlock her chain and got a suitcase to go? 2 man down...that’s which 2 man means ? Now you know 123 body stories now.

Babaji: yeah, everyone can see you doing that in the room.

One direction ?

Babaji: what’s one direction means?

The guys? 😨

Why the postmail man knows I will eface the district 12 but the pixie will not let me?

 District 12 power plant workers? That’s the electric plant in Buffalo? I said the electricity attracts wolf packs. Frozen Dean and Ana are running away from the wolf. Wallace seem wolf too. Wolf like night fox like the jail, criminal? Oh ...that’s 5 defense Lakes lines, 5 lake region ...the Pixies needs that places it’s famous even to me when I grew up here metropolitan heard about their 5 Lake region strategic military defensing area. In the class. I cannot just do anything I want !

Babaji: hate that hate that hate that hate that.

5 Lords don’t like the Pixies but if any disciple claims they know 5 Lords, the 5 Lords will say go to the Pixies

 There are other people exists. 5 Lords knows there are jobs to be done.

Babaji: if they kill the disciples ?

They own power or they own the military ? The flood is a line, they cannot get rid of the Venus line. It’s after the Pixies.

Babaji: oh yes they can. You don’t know them.

Fine, a lot of things we are just talking. If Eben is coming, we will go back to the US, no more here lines, happy ?

Babaji:They need you to tell kids to come here to replace you ..

They have to want to replace me !!

If I Anna and the border Pixie all die together, they the Lord or the One or the game marker or Eben will think we do it on purposes

 The script says eternal. We me Anna and the Pixies die in front of them, we fall off the scripts. Yes, the 5 Lords think we do it on purpose. Either we purposely read this script but not that script eternal love, you choose the defense line scripts ? They guys have all kinds of things to say to me they if feel jealous ... me and the Pixies are doing things on purposes? You want my seat, to rule them? You don’t, so find someone, train someone else to fill this position, so I am all yours. Did I say I keep sitting on my seat with the Pixies. You need the Pixies just like I need them too. They are human, they are not that evil, bluish creature in the cage to be released make a chaos ? They have manner they have eloquent, they can do a lot of things I cannot ... I need to depended on them, a lot !

Babaji: mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

5 Lords and the Pixies

 They know, who are the Pixies. Me and the Pixies making fun of the things all by ourselves for a period of time. When I was not online. I don’t know if the 5 Lords saw that. It supposes to be for the Apple and behind. Like the border Pixies. They are outside my building cannot stop bump into me. So Anna I and the Pixies are “party” life? All of them, do you know how many? If talking about Justin and JC saw that before or now....they are Lords? You can ask them. Each side knows each other well by now. From my view? If not this life ...Lords might be stronger gradually, if they find the Pixies other things to do, like the things to eat, they like to bite each other blue evil things like the TV shown. If the 5 Lords find the direction for the Pixies, we will still be co-exist. Not all die out. They becomes the real pixies, they Bites, their fun things to do is to bite each other.

Babaji: really?

I told them before. 

Some kind of beautiful - Jessica Alba

 It’s the same girl I say the Little focker earlier. It’s the same girl in the home decoration. Jessica Alba. 

Babaji: Coincident ?

... ...

If a guy has enough sex, enough support like the girl has no mother no sister talking, no Facebook friends security

 You girls never cares about a guy at all? Physically mentally spiritually ? If they have enough sex? I heard they need sex, but do you find out if the guys really really really need sex? Really sex? And no more those petty talk, “why your slipper is here?””did you leave this towels here for me to clean up?”” Your smell clothes you done wearing ?”” Do you wants food? I need some, I am on the phone now.””can you get me one of those swipe floor things in the Walmart, later? Before you come home?””does your mother call you?”” Does Tony call you?”” Did you plan the seminar you going I going ?””I need to go out, can you shut off the boiled water ?” ‘ the clothes are washed, it’s on the table. Can you fold them?” “Lauren‘s sister call. Simon says ...there is his movie on TV with her in it? You want to watch it together, Eben?”

Babaji: bad bad bad Bolton boy will cry too.

These guys become God ... ...did I tell you who they are? We are watching the MTV all the time?

 I say to you all girls ....be low with the guys. All guys. Try to listen more. You don’t do it now, you will still be doing it. They are becoming the models for the rest of the guys. When the Pixies around, they secure me, I secure you girls with the pixies. But they if not there, I cannot defense any women population. This is very very bad you all don’t try to improve with the guy relationship...you survive with them. The dominator do not create Karma. They facilitate a natural progression that the civilization grows on Love. You girls are already broken. The guys if they become what I think, they can beat you for sex in each household. Real Love will be given to each household. It’s on the screen. It’s everyone wants.

Babaji: The guys?

They are changing...but they are not I say whom they will become. It’s not real. I know.

If I am back, not too many things go overreacts, but I will be overreacting without Pixie here. They set things up.

 People like real love. These guys don’t care anything but to keep me alive. If it’s eternal love, it will be love for real. Because they are Gods. Gods don’t care about the human. Human can just look at God exist and wish them be happy. 

Babaji: you think?

If the guys make a move on love, they become the guys. They will become Gods. Real love meant. You are all too naive, don’t know what’s love love real love meaning. Not this. You look at the photo. It’s a very lethal love games.

Eben wants me back? Yeah, everyone wants, Yeah. There are 5 Lords.

 I only be with Eben and be back? Possible. But not this. Not sure what it is.

Babaji: me.

Postman they will tell you Anna and the Pixie they kill, eface the entire city, especially that Anna. The Pixies will not do that

 They can be told not to enter the district 12, if they hear Anna says here, don’t go there. They know who is Pixies. And to set up Legally Blonde. They will use that Hollywood stars, that actor, not Eben. Eben is use for something else. People don’t see that in the audience mind. I see it. Besides it keeps good talk after I die. It’s not they go against me.

Babaji: you know .. Eben miss you already.

..... okay.

Obama Venus line and Mars federal post office mailman to each household, hotel, DMV clerks to review application, car license issues, grill line, telephone line, cell phone lines

 Yeah, Obama will gain his reputation from me exists here. So he will lead, or his kids should turn out something. Or President groups, they talk to each other. They know whom to talk. To hold that line. He can talk.

Babaji: the voice neh? 


It will be an exactly TED, Hollywood, Disney

 A brand new world. 

Babaji: not horror enough.

Eben, we have a very bad border restriction on COVID 19

 My mother told me. You can call me first if there is anything you need me to do here.

Babaji: your story ?

Purna becomes a puppet, Venus and Tony Mars, classify become the new reality ? Which classify military domination on Planet Earth? Snape?

Babaji: bad bad bad.

東方裕清 the kiss is outside the China Sea. I am down, the continent pixies at the border is your best lines. That one continent. They might all die

 Pixies is after you evaluates are second best after me, after that line, it’s 暢行無阻, the evil will sip through, there will be no more hindrance. Yes, the Pixies will know we die together. Not that moment. They are next.

Babaji: they love the Pixies they know that.


Disney will know how important that’s it


Oh yeah, I told you kid, you just tell your parents in a clear word, why Bolton’s guy thinks this is important in a clear word to start your conversation ? Seriously. Put into the words and let others listen to what exactly you say you understand it.

Babaji: oh no.

Are you kids my age? You like high school Bolton guy? You don’t like Keanu/ Simon/ Levine 42(?)...Eben because they are too old...


Yeah, if you don’t keep on the ground to do field work that much...I heard they are called. The Disney, especially them. They really need this get clear thoroughly. Every details. Not just saying part you cannot sing.

Babaji: high school high school.

Do you kids actually buy this and watch starting from the red carpet? What does Simon say?


I know what it says. That’s red on the ground.

Babaji: red.

You don’t know what’s US line Taiwan Asian pacific is?

 If that train moves, it’s marching in straight that one continent starting from China. It’s one entire continent. Entire. 

Babaji: like England Target?

England is barrier by the Sea, so...technically they got time to react if the trains moved.

Babaji: do you tell them?

I forget.

I know it’s a train station office, I say bus. Because it’s another direction, that’s Lake House running, it’s the bus. Not the train.

 I know exactly what I say, it’s on another direction of this outside 4 corners magic boxes.

Babaji: a box, neh?


No I am on the microphone all the time, you explain to the people on the top of the other building ... bring it down, that and that. You have no choices.

 Yesh, that emotional ...yeah. 

Babaji: emotional.

Harry Potter train or Loving the Silent Tear train on going to a zombie land? Oh, you are not doing that with the US line here towards China, I live how far from the station everyday checking if that train head moves

 You will look around the surrounding building how to collaps them with me in it, and not let that train head segament starting to roll. No. You drop the front builiding, it’s slander down, right in front, you drop the back of that train building, I will die in it... because I will; be standing at the train second options is to turn right, right inside that Taipei bus transportation office, that’s the entrance, it’s an exit. Someone will have to stop that, there. And there are lines left and right, from trash can to the door, I back back back back, I got stuck, it’s where the train head is. It’s I stuck it. I cannot move. I have to be there. Yeah, die with it.

Babaji: you know what you are talking about?


I know what you call me a name, you are very handicap, not just impaired...especially them.

 If you cannot come in Taiwan, there will be others have to see it. Yeah, you ask Taiwan if you military coming in. They may or may not let you in. Babaji told me this told me that, I don’t want to hear about it. You do it you do it, period.

Babaji: they cannot see, they will tell you that. 

I know how it feels to wear the contacts, I know how it feels to wear eye glasses. It’s not natural, you wish you have 20/20 vision.

 If you stay outdoor a lot, you won’t want to go to the bathroom to wear the contact in the morning to sliding the window door to breath the fresh air outside an look around my neighbors. Or gasibo. It’s mine. No one here. When I was in Buffalo. It’s how convenience the life allow you to be outdoor without the eye glasses. When I drive I need it. Now me and Eben decide I don’t drive he says his break things...I can still walk around he lives in NYC? His office. It’s not the same, here you don’t need eye glasses.

Babaji: the US does?

Yes. I cannot see that far. Everything is so huge block design, I suppose to see til the next block, where the heck i land it here this time, don’t tell me they do the same things, on the mall inside outside structure for a story to tell. You just curious...I m curious...if I am outdoor. I am not in the school anymore. The medical board liscense them, they suppose to see it. Oh, they will say, Dean I never see him wears glasses but I seen Ola. I thought ....that was a thick glasses or I look it wrong again ? That’s terrible. It’s a terrible look. She looks pretty without the eye glasses. She changes her personality by wearing the glasses? Strange people doing strange things, I am telling you.

Babaji: strange people doing strange things. 

You imagine the mall lights to see outside?

 You imagine ! Everything you are imagine, that’s sounds right. You are. You cannot see it ..there is a cone, you skim the entire ground before you go straight or slander? You have to walk straight into the water? It’s not fence, they do it on purpose. Oh yes, you can tell, that’s so shallow, they do it on purpose.

Babaji: it’s at night, right?

Yeah. You mean the jail people?😨

Why don’t beyond the lines?

 There is a Motocycle to a grass lawn, no more side walk. You can just look, look look, it’s not tiles anymore you walk. There is bars place on the road, you cannot cross, there is a Motocycle, I am going somewhere? It’s at night, the lights is the traffic light and the logo mall light. You suppose to see clear. You should wear your contacts right. Don’t pretend to be like me. I can see most stuffs.

Babaji: vision neh?

When you got spit it out from the mall? It’s in the video. It’s a night structure. But it’s not just line. It’s every lines of the entrance to the ground, to the words,

 You don’t walk into the water, outside, they do it on purpose you thought you clever you see. Oh, they do on purpose you follow where they place the cone, you walk slander, not into the water, it’s so dark, if you have a very heavy eye sight poeblem, tell me again you don’t eye glasses to pretend you have a photo issues...you will walk into the water, and you still don’t get to the place it’s slander at...it’s on the next sign, it’s a high heel. The image you look, you will blacken just about every line all around...line like, entrance is two line, left and right, you walk in the middle. That’s the line you don’t go beyond. That’s two doors, you are limited to 4 lines.(2 lines) you look at the lights of the words. Now, that’s horizontal. You raise you head you gonna scream. It’s in the video. It’s a runway light up. Airplane goes up? That’s does not look like that on purpose, isn’t it?

Babaji: it is on purpose.

You come to Taiwan breeze 101 is to eat food? I specifically say you walk around, you enter a mall, before you know it, you were already out from the side entrance by the wall watches or the ground car indoor, that way.

 I cannot take the photo of Egypt for you to look, but if you are allowed to walk around, you should look, NOT the food why this video on one, it’s all about the food vendor ? I say traveling routes, to 101 or towards the Taipei station. I say bus, I say subway, I say LOOK where you going, NOT EATING!

Babaji: you eat?

Yeah recently, change diet I found the chicken drum, they gonna grill me I found the cold chicken drum and hot chicken drum...I spent coin money ? Upper stair, ground stairs? You look at the food, for God’s sake, at least to know what you can afford, what you suppose to eat.

I go to nap. And those kids ...you whoever ...your father wants a healthy relationship

 Me and Eben talk is when we see each other. You know why it’s supposed to be healthy relationship? Because you communicate clearly. Not to step on Eben’s nerves every two seconds if he is very proficient the terms love language holding space holding hand. You suppose to make a guy easy to tell you that. I did a lot a lot a lot of those talking before. It was for the other guys. Yesterday me and them are finished. So Eben expect me to go and explain him something then we will have a conversation. You have to treat a guy you know what you are doing. Angry and not talking ? You can be thinking not talking he will tell you next time. You gonna wait next time or you talk in face say, “not next time, now?” Or you gonna yell at him and “What next time, you are SUPPOSE to know what you are doing !!!” You do that kind of talk is very very rude. Very very upset people. Do you know what you are yelling at? He suppose to? There is no such things a guy suppose to. That word you should just erase it “suppose to” never ever ever using it.

Babaji: do you know you and Eben has a lot to talk about ?


I go to Eben, not to Keanu

 Me and Keanu finished 2014. That was enough. So yeah, you can talk to Keanu like lower yourself a bit. Don’t say things like, “I think that jacket looks good on you” “that’s your Motocycle, can I touch it?””where is your manager? Is she around ?”” Does your company know you and me are here?””is Anna saying things you agree? Keanu, that girls should approach the guys most time?” “ do you believe a thing she says? “ “ do you really go to her hide and seek in 2014?” “Do you always play hide and seek with the girls, I got hurt if you do that on purpose ?” “Do you think I am impaire Anna keep saying, you like your mother and sister ?”

Babaji: his sister.

Keanu front door is locked. I checked well. He know that’s for sure locks, he plays hide and seek.

 He will drive people to nuts. Hollywood is very far from my place. The traffic is very bad, I hate over there. You want to play Keanu a game, he will play, but you girls have to go to him, he will know if he does all those bad things to you.  Yes, one of those you girls lose your dignity talk. He is higher grounded. He and his company. If you like Keanu, you show your initiative, and with things he likes to hear, write a clear letter with clear hand writing. You search what Keanu likes to hear. You told him about it, and see if he response to you. He is aged more now, he has money, you need to drop your attitude to him more. Be more clear with him that you are not mental to screaming at him. You just want to be a friend, not to boss him, not to command him. Respect words to him, or his company, he likes art, so I sent art. You find out what he really does in life. Like you care about him. If he talks about his mother on the news, don’t go there. He talks about his sister sick in the hospital. Don’t go there. His new gf looks like his mother, don’t go there. You just be a friend to him. Not petty talk. A normal talk.

Babaji: a normal talk.

Simon says : not every Motocycle is Keanu’s ?

 That kind of heavy Motocycle in California starting very earlier on, I thought I was in illusion. I move to a new apartment, it’s in the parking buildings structure all the time. I would not chase him anymore. He can keep parking over there all the time, changing places. I do not look for him period.

Babaji: He was busy like Simon.

A website to 3 Art - Keanu’s company ?

 Did I explain you what you try to go and talk to “the One” before he expires to be “the One”? You create everything you like and send to 3 Art for all of them to look at it. You don’t live California, you write a blog. You can check his Motocycle company to learn about it. Having a common subjects to bind? I cannot understand a thing of his Motocycle, I used to see them. It still there. He got a business. You want to all try to convince him in business if not 3 Art? Simon? You go to AGT, Simon knows Terry In California, he gives her that house free. I assume he has a house near by.

Babaji: gossip.


You want to build a website talking to Keanu Reeves full name with your url sent to 3 Art?

 I only went to Keanu, I didn’t go to Simon and Lauren. They live in NYC upper. I was with Keanu all those time in California. His motorcycles are present all the time. I don’t just see once. So I do know his Motocycle by looking at it. I don’t know what Simon or Lauren think of that...that ring originally was said to him if he ever proposed but I forget how we ended. I left. Simon probably more than happy it was over that whole terrible year. If you want to write to Simon and Lauren, you just do the same. A URL and send to syco. Yeah, you update yourself if you want to talk to them be in the group. You don’t like Lauren? Do you like Simon like Lauren? They are together. 

Babaji: hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts.

You want to find Eben’s email to ask him or his office people ?

 I don’t know if he teaches building a website 101 but if you kids insist to learn, he has coach the real human, you can talk to ? Talking to Eben is very expensive I think. You just need someone to explain to you every word I say, yeah, find the professional people. Eben has so many friends, you can check if they are dead yet. You have to confront someone to get things straight out with this because I told you, it’s SUPER important. 

Babaji: they cannot get Eben?

He has a lot of people working for him. They got coaches. 

Babaji: I mean Eben.

They can email them to ask for Eben, I know it works.

Babaji: good

It’s better you know how to build a site. No they are not forcing you. You love doing it

 The trend is going everything online. Everything. There are tools to use, there are blogs to create simple and elegant. You can have a store, you can sell ebook telling people your skill, you go to warrior forum to social networks. They sometimes sells ebook, or newsletter there, if you don’t like Eben. There are kids doing these writing, he just copy that Google announcement board wherever he can get the public announcement, he re-writes them to sell to me in 3 column Word PDF format. You can get information very very diversely. Building a website is very simple. You don’t grow with this technology, this will turn very very bad looking. Not just Facebook you use, you can show yourself online. Your professionalism. You see whom else are online. You can afford Apple developer forum, I used to get stole my money by that Indian ...3 apps he delivers only 2. But it’s an app. You can see and feel. What’s in the market, you check Apps news through their email. It’s all games. You found things new with them, you suppose to just in love with that, know that and do it. Yes intuitively everyone saying the same thing. Not staying in the school, don’t know how to tag a word to annihilate someone’s potential, okay, they don’t do that ...but there are all kinds of stuffs with this one interface called internet, all countries are connected. Write a blog on a comfortable home a couch, reading a bunch of comic book stacking them up....you are leisure living right. 

Babaji: you say who?

Just people in general has nice housing like little focker the Pharmaceutical sale representative. I saw her home on line. She got kids. That’s a very wide space, to stack up books, notes, printing papers on the clip board. You write a blog on thoughts, every father gonna be happy. It’s very very simple. Just a page 10 pages build. 

Dean and Ola stays in the school another 7 years. You know when Nescape, IBM exist, Google search, Meta search engine starts?

 Apple, Facebook, social media interface, Google blogger...it’s Silicon Valley, you suppose to glue on the map with them. Steve Jobs die on that map. Taiwan is a high tech country, we rely on high tech, so every kid knows goes to Valley if you get in. It’s known it’s known it’s very known. I went there, for that big project building they build 5 years ago, you can see they are building the houses and you can see with your eyes, who are they there. If you have money, you can turn upside down that entire place. I been there I know the road. Steve Jobs gives a very simple instruction where they are. It’s just 2 parallel main road from west to east. I can see the mountain. Both end I drove to...no east...grave yards nobody there dangerous ....west it will end with a rock? Look on the map. It’s south of an exit going down leaving the Valley. You suppose to land in a hotel to ask the guy I am new here where is Silicon Valley. I spent all my money there, oh, I remember everything. You can afford it, it’s nothing nothing nothing ...just go around and eat and look, pretending you are buying there. See what they have. They are known as Valley, we are basin here Taipei. It’s just elevation different, if they rain. I know the mountain is on the East that one I can see it. You suppose to all kids know Valley is everything. All the time. If you hear me saying it once, twice, you should pay attention, not turning cold on me. There is a Standford there...I didn’t think ...Steve jobs went there ? Right next to Apple, that’s Standford ? It has some distance from the Apple. You live through every hotel. You cannot possibly don’t know which road don’t have a hotel, that slander road, that’s it. It’s one slander road to Standard. Very very simple. 

Babaji: Standford neh?


Babaji: any student you see?

... at night, no. In the morning your illusion to break a lab whole pieces windows completely, that’s a student. He will freak out, of course not. Those mobile things whatever you were saying ...

In American, you either join the military or you directly made it with capital venturists with an international standard

 The US set up, it’s not that difficult to figure it out. Like Steve Jobs has a biography. He was in his home garage? It’s every surburban area boys and girls listening up. They have to be like Steve Jobs that good to make it. That’s the expectation. In the US. You will be all in the junks environment, oh, yes, the US does on purpose. The railroad is bad, the NYC was black homeless in the subway ...there is nothing you can see you want to stay in the US. People will have to make a choice where they live in American. Asian, simple, they all want their food, it’s all in California, they don’t even have a wire. They are where a lot of Mexican are. I drove from Valley down, I went to small town on the map, I need a grocery, I walked in, it’s white girls cashier...this is not my place. There is a very bad discrimination you can tell exist, if I dress like an Asian = legging with the style, they will know you are an Asian. I have to observed a lot of things when I travel back and forth from south to north, I drive through a lot of places. If the US meant number 1, you tell them, you know or you don’t know. They will find a way to know all of it. You don’t believe they do that, I say, annihilate entire city, I bring new people in, you do that 5 times, you erase the US memory for the entire civilization you don’t care about it.  You have to be mobile, they give you standing waiters jobs to every America with a better look. It’s to move. You observed that. You watch that what they do to run that America, tell me they don’t built by military...just reading a book you can open it or read it.

Babaji: a book neh?


NSYNC made a lot of money, Simon, Keanu, Levine, Eben ...they all did. Eben brings Dean to see me? They 5? They were out from a state school

 No, they don’t make that much money. Dean if seeing that, he is like a girl getting things for his wants. Same as Tamang, they both have their parents, you can see it, if they show your they got parents, both showed it to me, they NEED their parents. I don’t know what that means? They ask their mother, can you do something for me today, I am at school? Oh dear...what did he say ? You are a boy, a student middle school hi Kimberly ? They just got taller. If that medical board saw they have other students on their profile below ...it’s every years US medical students look all like that? That’s student looking to me. Not from my school. They are just being reviewed wherever they were. Oh, I can see their photo fine.

Babaji: What’s the medical board expecting from them?

To see all of them looking like I saw? I don’t know people study for cramping methods ...so they only see patience neh? I would get a hospital empty, we hire actors, you do exactly I say so. You will be a brilliant doctors following these steps.

Will I get jealous if I see them scared all the time? You mean I tear them apart like the Russian finds me 1000 scientists on a Chemical formula ?

 Oh I know exactly what I done. They are scared. They are state school kids. They are competitions in with all kinds of background medical students. All kinds !! I saw a Asian doctor do surgeon on removing stuffs on the television, those big big lipo stuffs? You don’t know what panic means on every sewing methods on live? On camera? She has to ensure first if that can be done, when to say cut it? On the finger like a ring? You imagine everything can be removed. She has to touch and feel where those lipo stuffs hide at, remove completely with the secs or lining at it. If they remain, they will grow back. I imagine looking that myself ? I did do a sewing class, not for the medical. Gods knows why they have that show up on my screen. Tamang does a surgical works...oh ...he is? I see. There is a lot of “I see”. Oh yes, the professional will think you should know how to do that on the first day like you are a professional.

Babaji: your field too.

When I kills people, I will get that details clearly why they should be dead. 

Did you all ever ask me why Dean is dead? On the screen?

 I say he went to Oxford for foreigner exchange student programs . One day, I was sleeping, I had a terrible dream. I went to the yellow book to find his parents. I met their parents. He shows to me at reception award. He and Ola. He loves those award stupid things. He lost himself on the middle Europe when he venture outside the England, he got corner, they want his passport, he hide it inside his chest. They didn’t get that American passport. He comes back, he and his parents were there, we went to his ice hockey game. He told me about it. Tell me can you imagine what the medical students do behind my back, that I would go straight too, their medical board to be bilistic about it? You got a liscence issues? I got a climate issues that UN needs exams, and I have no mood to make you one, their face are on the TV, oh, you found out I exist? You wonder what the medical students do? They got coffee, and they have their eyes glasses, not contact, Dean uses contacts lens. He shows up in class always with that white hat. He shaved. But do I know what he looks like behind with an eye glasses? Never ...they drink that stuffs to say healthy and stay up late for the works for 7 years 3 US MLE? Do you know what I did in 7 years? Not on the paper. Oh they all needed that money. Students study in school, they do home chore or their mother does it? You don’t see what I see. They were in school. That’s school table, school professors to please, I need them to be tight up and throw in the River, I don’t want to hear about it. They cannot do it, they are withering attitude they say they respect the professor. If their professor shows up, they will get panic! Anyone shows up, they are panic all the time. That liscence is their money to pay for the student loan!! Have I seen the real doctors in my town? All of them can talk like a practice liscence doctor. They are in their college boys mentality. They are boys, they need their mother home to drive them to see them occasionally. Such garbage things for me to even talk about it. It’s just a photo, that guy is dead exactly on the spot. You cannot move it!

Babaji: they think you like him a lot.

Yeah? Dean is fine.

No, you tell the guys, you don’t have a Facebook.

 You will know he sees that, you just delete the Facebook, mine was gone really for a very long time. You don’t remember your college friends they were from where? Local family ? With a manner to go to the state school? In a honor class or without ? You suppose to know what you are doing in your life when you are away from your parents. I told Ukraine already. I went to their embassy. You login the website, you will be known. That’s a dead man. I describe it in the full details, you girls will have a fantasy a college boy wants to make it in life? Then look the one whom making it. Tell them, “oh I used to have a college friends, he was drunk on the phone, I slam the door in front of everyone, Bill was a military retiree, he should write that report in. They are exactly the Lord”. Those internet marketer still worked. That’s doesn’t matter the methods they made it with their audience, oh they gonna tell me about my college friends? Like I am in contact? If your girls any college friends show up, oh you need friends, I don’t.

Babaji: you don’t have friends, your mother know that. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️A lot of thing may not be real, but mild girls play games that’s real, you didn’t work⭐️⭐️⭐️

 The US system is more average girls all have to works. Asian it’s just chaotic. I am supported by my parents. In the US, the guys do plumbing, electrian. I was at the border, I had looked at their application. You don’t go to them, you just apply online. It’s nothing around there. You won’t like it very much. Girls should have too much self-proclaim quality unless you really keep your memory holded. You ask the guys to do a lot of thing like Tina is horrendous. Hank cannot just sit down on his ipad for a minute with a TV on because she was vaccum the floor and be in the kitchen. She does it on purpose, my entire trip in California was horrible to any degree I can describe. She has to be served. It’s every 5 minutes no one can do work, no one. This is very very bad. The guys limbs are longer too, you don’t see them laying down to be lazy ...if I am very tall, I hate the shorty that’s lazy. Oh yes, there are so many ways seeing you lazy around. You are doing it on purpose. A lot of things I say it’s true. Actually all of it, except between me and Eben, a lot of things he shows up, I talk. They know that, I know that.

Babaji: He thinks of you, what do you think Lala as an Indian ?

All girls in that society all are about the same, her phone if he is caring for the kids. If he saw she is typing, he sees it. She smiles at it and put it in the pocket ...girls don’t say straight thing they need, that’s very very annoying to me. Yeah, if I am Tesla, I know I am Tesla.

1000 ways for the every directions of the worlds sinks down with you together all to abyss down down down

 It’s just a painting methods. I know the story ...that Tony his father just didn’t label he will become a criminal. You worship like TV today? He is a teacher ?oh ...he is a constructional worker. Same like his brother. His father choices something, that’s for spirituality, I agree with him. I expect that high marking on him make it in life, cannot do it, then make it when you can. It’s such a stupid things you all imagine these guys love people but their own face...sending me all these craps songs, images, photos, sliding audio I don’t want to look at the visual ? This is most ridiculous things I ever heard. They act in life to say they make it life? Trust me, that painting of these is entire world with it, not inside this earth, the outside I will make sure everyone pay dearly for this....

Babaji: you cannot stop the heart.

Why do I even go to meditation at the first place? To be their mother, to give them a piece of advice ? I know what that is. 

Babaji: wait, Eben wants to talk to you.

... ... I have nothing to talk to him. Did you say he was the one be jailed ? He did that...yeah, friends alike so near by ...I have no sympathy to any of them. Everything I say about them is very real. I can careless they have a feeling at all.

A piece of advice to you all...when it says classify

When it says classify, it meant you turn into like it says so, or else you will suffer for the entire life you cannot buy the time back, ever! I know I speak what? I say “classify”. No one hears it for 8 years long. Do you hear I say classify? You don’t just live in regret, this is not just a book written 2000 years ago for any superficial guys like you. I know exactly what I say, I know exactly wherever everything gone by or see or heard...you want a painting, I have thousands ways to make sure your face is exactly loved by all, and you still have to pay dearly at heart...that heart is classify owned.

Babaji: 太狠毒了吧?
They suppose to sink down with it. 

You all don’t know the guys are boys?

 I know that fact the boys like Tony? I was told? Oh I can careless I paint great for you entire full house and this piece of junk photo to illustrate the entire Hollywood they are not just dummy boys, they are useless boys. There are no comments of me to say anything you want to stuff at me, my embrace? You develop your manner, you suppose to develope your mind set, you suppose to go to spirituality, not arrogance, not boastful, not pride and prejudice, my hair? Tell me , what’s wrong with my hair ever? There are only superficial guys like American people like stupid Asian girls treasure like the tiara on their head to say curses like Belgium ....stupid enough to imagine their petty face for any worth, to my use? Oh this CIA will keep me the only disciple of Reptilian, because they are the strongest. Whatever they have in mind their saying whatsoever ....

Babaji: is your internet even open?

I can careless if it’s open. I got what I need ...the world can die without. 

I can finally go to sleep

 Don’t ever tell me again about this Tamang with loads guns things on Facebook is romantic ever ...if all girls wants to die, I won’t call the police, you should all be die with it. And Dean? No, he likes his saying. I made sounds like a family of it’s written format what it supposed to be in real life like Justin sings...yeah. That’s the supposed to be things, not the actual immature human boys imagine they are Gods, their managers are dead ...guys need looks not talents. Those things I say it very clear. It’s never gonna make it, how many times you want to write it down ?

Babaji: so what does ever Eben come for?

Didn’t you say he is jailed ? I may not even see this guy, Thank God the reality kicks in. I don’t need them. They need T, not me.

Babaji: no regrets !

Never !

Are they all jailed?

 Does that mean I can never seen them ever?

Babaji: you have a dream?

They are not 5 Lords, they are one of those fame clubs guys needs glory and continue fame. They should all be jailed to say sound like their mother. Oh yes, I know those things. You jailed them and you tell me a different story ...I can always make this story perfect sound !

Babaji: I don’t think so.

I think so.

I really go to sleep. I hate this kind of talk ...

 So many things I hate it... one good thing is to close my eyes and sleep.

Babaji: sleep tight.

... ...what tight ?

Babaji: waiting for you to say something ?

I don’t have a mood right now.

Babaji: he still knows you know. If you say nothing he says nothing. You won’t last 500 years, Anna.

You don’t need to make things more worse than it sounds now. Good night. 

Chinese has a way making the films?

 Did I say if you talk to me normal? You mean the money they spent on the production is not like the US? It must be escalating since we have to watch it? You mean their purchasing power and monitization. Okay that sounds right. It’s Egypt again, isn’t it? What’s about this Egypt thing I don’t know about ? Taiwan was the beginning of the original governmental body of that China after 1911? They all went onto a small island bugging you ? The China looks like a dummy bothering to you ? You mean line”d”的 Taiwan is yours The USA? I tell you what ...If one day I become an ultimate evil, and you sent me a middle man talking not normal, I might just kill them all. 

Babaji: has no patience at all.



Eben is going to talk to me about the high school musical?

 Can you guys talk normal? You mean you watch the high school musical audition ? If you guys talking normal, Babaji will talk normal?


Babaji: I think he is going to talk to you about that, for real. Line by line.

... ... anything else ?

Babaji: you seen a lot of films?


Babaji: it’s not every lined.


Babaji: yep.

I cannot understand it. 

One person what ? Clean up the entire world confusion, set a brand new standard ...

 Meaning I actually really went to clean up the entire planet ..your special force going somewhere in the universe to clean up the entire system? Thinking about it. The sailor moon, swipe the castle debris away? Oh you check the playlist. 

Babaji: THE MOST IMPORTANT Playlist.

They ? Become pieces ...heart?

 That’s why I am trying to tell the Chinese don’t start it. It’s hopeless. It’s not happening to you so ...

Babaji: it’s not really relatable.

You like NSYNC jumping all around?

 Yeah, they were very popular, I seem a lot of people in the concert. Today, no more? Yeah I would ask Simon about it when I see him. Why they don’t have that anymore in this generation? Too difficult to train ? And ? You feel horrendous this entire world is taken over...becoming a women now? Egypt is too shining, you know exactly what Egypt means. I see.

Babaji: products products.


You jealous Buddhism, you jealous Egypt, you jealous the shipman chooses not Obama Haiawii, but here here Taiwan Egypt, you seen photo luxury made?

 You gonna tell me...the website I don’t have a time to design, they can only use it like that, you are jealous at? You are a guy?

Babaji: 荒唐荒唐太荒唐 buddhism always get the most skillful persons they know.

They might kill you if they found out who you are.

You want the military to replace the entire Pixie?

 They told me or they tell you, there are problems with the human resource, they cannot find them in the military, few maybe, but not like the Pixie actual training methods. They, the border Pixies don’t like anybody, they don’t like the military or your liking. They only collecting information. You are not happy they the border is the Krishina I say blue Pixie, aren’t you? These much junks telling me ...you found out the entire layout I say to the actualy strategic nature the Pixie is higher? Everyone is hiring the Pixies? You jealous them or something?

Babaji: they say once Anna come up, they found out they are the Pixie, they know it’s everyone getting the Pixie or jealous to be said.


Killing me with the entire population of Pixie ?

 Is there a book you read? That barrier I don’t think can be touched if you are on the religious text. If it’s not eternal, it’s actually a very long span of time they regime. Of course you need that book to fulfill the prophecy. Killing me, you won’t have a prophecy. Are they that easy to be get rid of, the Pixies?

Babaji: troubles troubles. 

Yeah I know, they are coming. No sir I haven’t met them in real life

 I know I am the best you ever got ...if not just this life, counts every generation ...time is rolling. I don’t know what’s next. Eben is the one communicating me directly. Just facing him along, is very exhausting. I know they all have the newspaper. I don’t actually have the time for all of them. The next stop might to do with the England. American and England has a relation. They were partner all the time I know the history. 

Babaji: they should get more women doing your job.

Replacement ?

Babaji: yeah, like typing none stop 24 hours without a face.

... ...I am still around.

Babaji: that’s the point. 

I heard sent to the top

 Babaji: it has been always sent to the top

I don’t understand it why you don’t get notify at all. It is on the movie Red.

Babaji: do you know how many CIA movies?

Yeah. Probably the same on the England side. I know what it means. I am the one telling you this morning. You come down, no one else gonna last on Earth. It doesn’t sound like that, but it’s like that. I thought all the pixies would call inland within when they get the call. Yes, people say it’s done on purpose, your agent is being watched, they don’t know. Others know they from your. I heard, yeah. They are like a fool to them. A lot of saying. No I don’t know what you decide. Maybe just 1 person with so many monitor ? No, I don’t trust what they tell me. They told me say, don’t say, it’s one older guy standing there watching the monitor. Say, many people are happy but then there is white flag ...lots junks say. They say you need that wedding invitation, or else later whomever found out, everyone all gonna die either way. Etc etc ...you ...gonna call the entire world inline? That’s entire world, not just the US inland.

Babaji: they know you are not sure which agent didn’t get the call keyword CIA.

Yeah. I know that. It may or maybe CIA.

Don’t want to watch it anymore

 Babaji: 舊疾復發?


Babaji: English ?

Old injury starts to infest. On the hand.

Babaji: better ?

Maybe tomorrow. I go to sleep.

Magic Land 5 Lords

 Babaji: you feel?


Babaji: Very?

Yes, very annoying.

I declare Pixies so you admit, you don’t want the Pixies going for the military ?

 Okay ...you understand the nature of the Pixies, but the military sounds better with a real uniform. I got it. Taiwan has no border ...its water. No? You know your chance is only to the military ? Okay ...with ? Your wits and talents ? Design their tests? Pixies has to work so they don’t use the tests ? Say it again, why the military needs the test from you? They want the best people in the unit. Okay ...you heard me doing the comet things. I understand. 

Babaji: No, you don’t understand (tears 打打打打打) you are playing the romance all day long with the best looking people on the planet ...

I might have an eternal life, I have no choice but to stay. You ever concern about me?

Babaji: No.

I am watching the TV. I heard I heard I destroyed a lot of things with one cut, you are too exaggerating ...

 I am watching this 林平之 I remember I suppose to kill someone before ? I cannot remember. I destroyed all the Chinese show in their conversation you all look? Like relatively speaking one to one, next frame, one to one, next frames one to one? 你們中國看電視的權利都變成碎碎碎,一直都是我跟誰說話對吧?我看的懂,這種東西我以前每天都在看

Babaji: so confusing.

Climate change ? That’s 2 video I cut her everything in half. She SMCH doesn’t know? You can try veganism ? Dr Gabriel? Dr Steven Hairfield ?

 You can find a things to challenge her. Don’t you know better?

Babaji: I think cut in half is better. Everyone saw you doing that. 2 video, everything she ever done is gone GONE.

It cannot be that bad

Babaji: want to ask to Dr Gabriel or Dr Steven? What’s you mean softly 2 cuts, you finish the rest of the history ?

Okay okay. 

Purna spent some money taking you in a limo and a lunch or a dinner ...

 She can talk when she does all that on the television. It’s just a chat on a lunch or a dinner. You will love her to be on your Facebook as a friend ? Like Trump’s daughter ? You like her hair color and the clothing she wears? Did she know your bags, shoes, shopping stationary in the book store ? You don’t like her? Become the best friends of her? You don’t want to try ? She is a Master in our modern time. She knows both Chinese and English you speak English at all? So I assume you have to speak only Chinese, not Greek? How she gonna make you like about her? You ever look at her video? There are climate changes journalists ? It’s just a chat !! 

Babaji: chatting chatting 

There is a Purna, you Asian girls have not many decades to take her down? I am behind her

 I don’t know you have a word saying to SMCH? Yelling, shouting, screaming ? Indifferent to her like you see me talking to her on Mark? You can act too? Sing a song, explaining a simple Chinese drama, you don’t have any feeling for her SMCH? Is she charming to you? She gots a lot of money...oh she learns how to buy stuffs....you all facing one by one to her ? I know what she is capable to do. She shows it to me, I seen it all. All her websites I already looked at it the first year. I didn’t tell her. 

Babaji: her website. 

Irene husband is working in the airport.

 She assume he is a Pixie. I don’t know if he just works at the outside shop. The other cousin of mine. He would think she cannot understand a word I Anna say about the border Pixie. You don’t go and anger them, they come in a pack. They are the laws. Anna say three worlds, liberation Buddhism stuffs? Oh they know what’s a religious context meant their power and statues in any page of those BEAS books. You don’t make it, that’s your problem.

Babaji: a box of chocolate, if Dean gives to you, you gonna eat it?

Probably not. I will look at it. 

Asian girls - I show you I show you what you can do on the climate change, on sewing, on cooking

 You can show yourself up with the skill !! You want the white guys to carry you a grocery bags be seen in the store? Or asking him for a cup of water or a box of chocolate if he hands to you? Dean if he hands me a box of chocolates like you Asians girls do to the Asian guys on valentines day? I would look at him look at that box wrapping like I should look at this, Dean? This is for me? You girls ? One box of chocolate, you will fall in love with Dean. Did I say me and Dean never really talk a lot ? I don’t remember a thing. But if now I remindered he asked me that Facebook, these whites guys already manage my Facebook before already. I didn’t check their Facebook, they will for sure say they change it, I didn’t look. Of course I didn’t look. It’s not updated. This is so bad looking ...

Babaji: bad bad.

Why was I with the military, not the border Pixie? Before ? You can be so jealous that I cannot across people on my traveling routes. I actually drives=travel with the tiredness

 Can you tell me what kind of possession question is that? If I own the Pixie, I don’t go for the military, so I lie to you, I already met the military before the border Pixie? So tiny mind ...I had talked to the military before. We have talked about the skin color issues long time ago. It’s before or right after I arrive here, I was still speaking in English. I have to finish it, so one day I can change to the Chinese. It was 1 and half year? Yeah, I actually hold some military personnel on check ...because these information is very sensitive, so one day there are the border Pixie. They know I was talking to Apple. I made it up the Pixies?  If American told you there is a discrimination...you should know that will become worse when the movies turn real. It’s a real rating you are psychos. Small small mind, it’s your parents giving you money, that’s not average American set up their environment. There is a reality to work. So you develop a strength. Habits, speaking skill, express yourself, broaden your vocabulary, communication communication communication. Your Asian guys will tell the white guys what you girls are really becoming ...this is so ridiculous.

Babaji: 抬頭看

They think me turns into an Asian girls, they will all plan out that already.

 You Asian girls love this entire military, real uniform white guys faces. I didn’t talk about it, but I already cross them before. I just don’t bother it with them. I say, the white guys military has a lot of this white guys suppose to be in unit. They carry the guns, they know for sure you all are mental psycho and eat like a pig looking on photo ...yeah, it’s on the camera they will make it looks right for them, not for me. My family Asian girls? You don’t have any strong point for people to like about you ...do you cook? They go to my grocery store here to look...do you sing ? With the Tears Anna keep saying it why? They have that Kararoke in America...it’s like a psycho you girls are. Do you ice skate? Hockey is super important to them, or basketball. Anna is on it...the other one? Red hair ? Joey has red hair on him. Him? Joey Fatone ? He has a quality to talk about it? They know I didn’t stay in Egypt, they can tell you all don’t make it, it’s a blonde? What’s a collective karma they write about ? Oh...I don’t have to imagine to talk about it everytime I look at Dean’s photo, he HAS a military ? I used to talk to them years ago? It’s hopeless if they know about me Wing Dean before story ...we didn’t talk about Levine. I have things to tell them. You girls doing this fallen in love behind, cannot withstand yourself licking sicken mind issues ...I am an Asian I will go to that Buddhism finish that mind, body, speech drafts you all owes me, the monks groups. The nun groups are completely gone. There is no hope, every question I ask is failing...NO, ANY ASIAN girls, don’t try the white guys gun. They don’t like you.

Babaji: failing failing. 

Dean doesn’t like Asian, AT ALL. He is white class guy.

 He never told me. But I think it’s not just the height. Dean is growing up in America. He will have his saying. Of course I know. He did what ? Did he do that with Wing? Oh I will find my way to ask him. Asian girls ? He doesn’t care about Disney before, now he becomes the Lords, he does not care about nothing anymore.

Babaji: He hates Asian ?

I don’t think that’s the word. All American guys, don’t bring the black hair in. There are things when I say the hair exist...it exists. I say it very clear.

If Simon and Andrew been here with you Lauren, this is Egypt means ?

 They will tell you I don’t care about a lot of things, those are junks. Junks mentality, junks saying, junks design, junks making, junks invention, junks facility, junks build, it’s all pile wood, you know what that is?

Babaji: yeah I know

India has an island too, I heard strange thing. They like certain things we do here.

Babaji: They all like a lot of ideas here, Anna, not just the websites.

.... ... again ?

Babaji: Again 

Dean is in Florida, my cousin falls in love that comic books, if this says, wherever she goes, I go, she won’t go to Florida


That’s just a comic book, pretending to be someone else. Dean if in Florida still, I have a friend to look for us lodge and accommodation. I don’t want to see him, but I better see him myself if you go, I go, that’s the best too. Yeah, 花冠安琪兒 you don’t go and make your own blonde hair white guy friends, you by hearing others, you don’t like it me and Dean together, he plays you on the comic books? Where is that guy talking to you on the Thanksgiving. Dean is another personality, he is very soft spoken. Very.

Babaji: the voice.

Vocal means a lot of things - they are all the same.


I heard. Yeah people like him can make a sound, not lyrics, it’s a sound siren.

Babaji: you cannot hear it?

... ...

If Eben and I have to live an eternal time, 500 years pass, we will talk about our first 100 years like it exists?

 5 Lords gonna becomes me glues layers on me. Glue together. And? That’s a magical land has a meaning ? They feel how I feel? That’s precision or accuracy ?

Babaji: Accuracy.

Sailor moon attack, gymnastics ball Mercury


You care that much, you can try Slovenia their President gossipe with SMCH. He wrote a lot of books.

Babaji: Earth Prince, neh?


Kate’s fashion....those? Egypt here we got better embalish girly clothing..


I had some clothing better ribbon before flowery looking ...those are blister they make on the dress, just look. Black is not really black? Gold strip is not a plain background ...she is going where? She likes it if Asian girls just pull out their closet. We have a lot of designs here.

Babaji: you don’t wear any, anymore?

Yeah, for the industry looking. They don’t know I am Egypt.

Ola’s college boyfriends looks like Lee in my lab has a girlfriend red hair Ana. Ola middle name is Anna

 Is that a question that will hurt you ? You are that useful. Yeah, you can ask the border Pixie, did you even seen them at all? They are Krishina type, the color Harry Potter Pixie, we talk about the whole wide world set up Life Long career means 終生職. You are on Earth, you can ask them. We aren’t that much different. You can try the Black Ops boss too. They are living without life, dead is not dying everyday so far ... ..I heard? This headset phone not just broken, they told lies all the time, which boss? It’s always the same Black Ops...it looks like the same guy. They have this i heard policy, if all don’t make it, they mean all. That strict ? Black means.

Babaji: Black black means. 

They are all getting hurts and pieces already, it’s in their eyes.


You don’t know you just take a photo side by side looking at yourself and me? Why with all the networking to wish to get politician, military, police, the one with the system inbuilt, you are just a private start-up with a Corperation name, to making friends with the civilian you don’t want? Oh ...my eyes or your eyes looking different. It’s on your face. All of you look just look ...I seen many. You cannot hide. You got hurt. Do you think I can hurt you more? Is that what you want? Then don’t ask me this crap anymore. You really don’t know what you want or the game play you use what to exchange your want voluntarily? Until that day, you will come to me and ask me what I can help you as an evil person to get what you want. That’s the script I told all Chinese for explaining the Flower Thousands Bones. You willing to pay that prize, it’s unbelievable the true humanity meant within their own very heart.

Positive thinking


Yeah they want bow and arrow, that’s a circus looking to me, with that custom ? You are a gymnastist with royal pretending outfit for circus shows on bow and arrow like Legolas outfit is real cloth, you are animated ? They want to be a guardian or classify words custodian ? They are circus clown pretending to have royal wrapped up. I am the guardian of the gate like the border pixie. Not just the fighter. It’s the word? They need just a stage with the stage spot light directly Only spot them two clown circus performance...they networking you know why? Not just friendship on the stages...they are always on the look out of hope and games to play ...they are doing it, they know the magic words. Words have power, it comes with the curses too. It will stirs them. Not now. True clown number one is in a cooking show cartoon, how to make a bread. We watched it already maybe 烘培王

Babaji: what’s that clown doing ?

A judge. 

Optimistic groups they say their own mantra, like I teach the Chinese words by words.

 Eben he teaches marketing. He knows whom they are or what they do. It didn’t look pretty at all if saying a bunch of guys are = a bunch gymnastist future career is ?? Olympia? I used to categorize that from kingdom garden, elementary school all the way to Olympia ...I think I still have the notes during the 5 Lords reviews. I didn’t know 5 Lords can be this bad. For the reviews ...I am sure a lot of people imagining doing it. 

Babaji: you never thought they daring to open 5 Lords reviews.

Never. It’s real. No one with a head should ever do that. 

It’s on the TV today, Watson phone in the movie

 Annie is after Anna.

Babaji: you see that and?

I cannot possibly have a want like that? I was busy. I have other things to do.

Babaji: so you gonna question him about it, your blackness ?

I just told everyone where that names come from on my email. I didn’t know anything about Tesla.

Babaji: you didn’t ?


I was at the back of the conference room

 Yeah I been to a conference, Eben is not there. I didn’t sit with Nick. I went to the middle of that session on the last 2 row, there is another women behind, with a bunch of young kid on my left.

Babaji: what did you do?

His ex-wife name is funny.

Babaji: what were you doing ?

I was talking to them just like the front people instructed...so when the activities take place, it’s the right side have people come to play shake hand games. On the back of no pressure, no one sees it ...it’s just talking...the left session are more serious type. The right session is Nick seats. I went to the middle back. It’s not I need this class...

Babaji: his ex-wife what?

When I first him or few time, I did see him.

Babaji: what did he do?

Doing the same thing he is doing now. 

It’s not just the Octopod head is missing, they were doing it on purpose there is a tail at that ...counter cabin one straight long line ...

 You search cabin by cabin, just look. It’s wrapped up. These entire things has to be checked.

Babaji: you ask the guys there ...

I forget already. Same thing with Sogo they sell fishes? Right, the front display, or the back store owned? Have you seen those fishes who eats human? These are gigantic fishes. We have president here. Maybe they are doing nothing to check all these defects.

Babaji: tomorrow you want?


Babaji: nothing. 

Obama, I know who he is. Yeah

 We recently on his case a lot ...starting Venus in Justin’s video. I just didn’t always know ahead of time. I am outside the US. We have a lot of crisis crumbling all by ourselves on one small tiny island. The structure building defects, there are police building not empty, or they cut the octopod head but with a body ..not super model market ...what was that shop name underground Breeze? Near by 101. There was back in days. So no Obama that time. It’s not just Obama the only president ...

Babaji: There are many.



 Probably just this 20 minutes. Bad like I am drugged bad that bad. It shouldn’t happen. We didn’t do anything today. I go to nap, maybe better waking up after.

Babaji: she eats soup.


Eben, I don’t know where is him, but if you open that 4 points frames he is pulling me into the frame when his image shows up

 Yeah he affects me physically. I told him many times already. 

Babaji: where is him?

I really need to go out today to buy that traveling bags.

Babaji: why you didn’t buy last time?

I thought I can wait.

Babaji: then you wait.

I need a travel bag.

Babaji: oh you don’t need one.

Your girls might get saved ...that’s keyword department of the CIA, it’s one of them

 They investigate first ...they call or they know Chinese. If the Chinese got tie up, that’s a bad news to them. They know they have a higher understanding in the spirituality? They can read the Chinese. You girls might be saved is ...this one CIA is one of them, he looks aweful to be one of them in the next meeting. Don’t know what they talking about. 

Babaji: one team to investigate but just one person in the meeting ?


‘Welcome” is not a trace word, you sir...but ...

 Our small island has a grocery store for as long as I remember when I was young ...they recently got took over by others company ...I think it’s one of those BJ type in Buffalo. If I didn’t remember it wrong. They just recently happened...I have seen it. My mother know about it. We both talk about it. Yes. It’s not a word on Tesla paper. It’s an image with the words in it. Feeling more elevated ?

Babaji: no good no good, no matter how it sounds like Trump he needs her to be here NOW.

She cannot see anyhow. Welcome is my time things. 

Babaji: oh yes, she needs to see it.

You gonna say welcome to them on Tesla paper with Mark Twain, like twin towers?

 Yesh, they CIA or FBI are exactly what you imagine they are that they are. You waiting them to say thanks? Or expect to? There is a Mark’s wife story, you gonna remember your first Chinese live account history story ? 高圓圓的趙又廷  How the gate is open to the new dynasty ? Not CNN did on purpose the image but the actual writing layout was unintentionally ?

Babaji: you know?

No, I don’t know.

You don’t want to grab a microphone to talk to CIA FBI I found them to you, free?

 It’s not like us darkness spread its curses or power to permeate the inland on purpose. It’s you are on purpose open the door for us to enter the US.

Babaji: they are not just only remembering you ...

Well ... they can confiscate everything. They did that to Tesla. 

Yeah if CIA or FBI found out I Anna do this right in front of them, to get the entire world pixie to invade entire world Presidents plots

 They will remember me! It’s not a song from Tesla anymore me and Eben is getting married? They got a call. Just like sweet 17.

Babaji: your mother is calling. 

So naive..I don’t call everybody if CIA FBI are coming ? They will be getting a call? You won’t tell everyone if you found out? Oh

 They are on Harry Potter with the trace so they go to Simon with that Snitta thing of whom does on purpose because ‘Google told them no one knows you didn’t get the call, it’s classify. You fall in love with the Harry Potter did you? Simon, Harry style and Prince Harry?

Babaji: Prince Harry has 2.

Obama’s kids, you didn’t open the White House door today? Oh yes you did. CIA and FBI arrives with the keywords.

 I didn’t write about them, everyone knows we are supposed to be at the edge, that’s the border me 3 points 三分天下. Yeah tell your father, you didn’t just hand the territory to me. They use the keyword methods for real!

Babaji: to train people

Yeah, right.

Simon is not stingy ?

 It’s on your face the look...when he is not stingy. It’s on your face. You didn’t deserve it to be honest if he saw that. It’s in the air you got a better mood and want to try him every time! That’s a fact you cannot see yourself. 

Babaji: A fact

Google blogger demo profolio for their other clients - how to use the blogger lay out?

 Now I heard. You have many others websites display for the client coming in to see the website layout ? How to use the template you already have ? I see.

Babaji: what else?

With the other sites I make ?

Babaji: yep.

Yeah it was my way to go to Taipei station where the airport exit, I sit there waiting.

 There are 2 choices, you sit there looking straight and waiting or I got up to wonder about that hidden structure behind to find buttons. Oh no, that has layers of walls, if it’s pushed, either it’s the front door close or it’s me in between here got stuck in between the walls. He pass by, I am right hidden behind, that looks like a perfect image, and stupid ? It’s him has to deal with that airport structure, not I? Or his co-workers.

Babaji: you can see him?

He is a guy has some height if I remember correctly.

Anna says you are Disney

 Oh they 3 will say, Yesh? You don’t want the guy? Why don’t you go to Disney destroyed them like Anna says 4 point frames things to bring in a new technology in at this time? Do something for once for your life. Not running that what gluten contain without restaurant sitting there looks like you are doing something behind? If you go to Florida, to destroy them, we know you are not here for certain ! And if you partner with Anna, she knows exactly how to destroy the Disney, maybe not the first day can destroy them, and you go with their guys ! Micky mouse club like britney like JC, whatever club now they have training the youth. Do something like that, or else, everyone else can see you and Anna is far different !

Babaji: that will destroy the Disney.

方方 She is hurting her mother, their sister and my mother with that uncle 恩右叔叔

 But they 3 have a manner. They can take it for her 方方to do a dozen. Not her same age groups like Irene time. They 3 knows they didn’t do it right, but they prefer this way. They will admit that. No they don’t want a dozen neither. They are raising a family. They 3 will only getting hurt, NOT verbal abuse others, NOT breaking her restaurant windows, NOT sending blackmail letters. She took it for granted. She wants to keep them happy as the best friends. They 3 know they will never be her best friends. That’s very a stupid fact. She is NOT growing up, ever ! Their ages are getting old ! Do they really that petty mind not to wish others for a better life? Of course they getting hurt. But is anyone couldn’t wish others the best for what the future they can hold together ? They never seen other guys? Like never be loved or like about ? They didn’t make a choice in their life? Ever? This is insane. They know he gonna suffer, for that they 3 at least will have a sympathy because 方方 is hopeless. 

Babaji: 軍眷村 methods ?


No, I say already I don’t understand why people have the kids, no.

 You cannot understand my words? I cannot understand at all why I be with someone is to have the kid. Not at all. You be with the guy, not with the kids.

Babaji: the kids, neh?

If you are the President kids, you use the words directly like CIA or FBI 廢話


 They are not my jurisdiction, have you notice ? I am on the edge. It’s shown on the movie! With the game maker (hunger game).

Babaji: game maker, neh?

Normally the spy program they tell you a story that the girl is cold blood replace any guys to rise to the top

 CIA or FBI? Are they spy agent or investigation groups like the police? Analytical skills to analyze the given information or data or monitor the extraterrestrials activities on Earth ?

Babaji: central intelligent agents 

Oh it’s the intelligent departments. I see.

Tamang gets rid of Jonathon, Dean gets rid of Wing

 Of course I didn’t know but Silicon Valley knows they shrink for their job recruitment? In the real life?

Babaji: it’s in the real life.

Tamang and Dean


 You girls did this type of things in life in school? STephen Tamang and Dean Wiezorek ? Both very tall. I didn’t know there is a height issue until I met Nick. So that’s the story your father spent loads money wishing to hear? Not I make myself directly replace both of them position on the TV, because one of these must be a fantasy or someone plays a trick on them the President USA?

Babaji yeah yeah.

Babaji says I just kidnapping the half of congressional people ?

 They go to works ...

Babaji: their kids.

Yeah, I know.

White House

 Front yard of the White House is where the shooting goes, your father was there? Back yard is where the turkey were outdoor to photography the raw turkey can move around, you gonna say indoor farming White House turkey ? I am the outsider telling you this is my vision peripherals goes, are you willing to tour me around in the White House ? It is tour by the public daily ? Or it used to ?

All of your kids need to repeat every word or lines of my writing exactly I wrote it to your father and explain what you understand every word

 Yes, that’s what you suppose to do. Every words/ lines/ paragraph 

Babaji: too much works neh?

They optimistic opt put groups - I called them that, not you kids have the right to say that.


Your mood is your thoughts? Can you standing inline at my city underground subway with or without people ? Too modern for you, the US must be too high tech on you? BMW car? You walk? Ever? Tell me again you know your mood to do with what thoughts you generate daily with your eating habits possible relation in liking or disliking of sugar or chocolate ?

Babaji: she says organic

I say hell portal SMCH says. Which part of the White House? Not indoor apparently, on the grass lawn ? Back yard?

Me and your father different is I don’t have kids or willingly to keep one ever ...

 Some people actually create a family with patience. I actually don’t. That’s not in me. I don’t believe in it, I don’t have heart in it, I don’t have talent for it, I don’t have money for it. Did you ever wonder why you exist or they say I spin the ball on the Black Ops, your father meant on you? You ever questioned it ever ? The time like such now becomes unforgettable curse...not unforgivable words? It’s which more powerful to withstand and challenged ? It’s after let go the position or those whom started at their Presidency every now on for American history ? Hot and cold dish? Not ice and fire ? We just chat like a peer. Not a peer reviews on papers ...you know what I mean ? A creditable source of citing information or reference to scale the academic potential for the judges to say Yes? That’s not the judges? It’s a committee board? 

Babaji: I don’t have the terms, it’s not in your brain. So I cannot tell them. My response is limited.

I am Legand. 

You all think getting through the border police not military is easier, way lots easier then the military true route to the path of success ?

 Oh ~ so I take a short cut then. They don’t look like that harmless ? Yeah. We are human looking. Everyone will tell you that, they don’t want to be parts of the Black Ops to be turn into ET. Funny? I thought so.

Babaji: funnier.

You are the shadowy light from your father - military commander in chef?

 It’s on the book says. You could stand tall in the military if you continue your fathers works after he let go with the military. No one is doing it, because you are girls? How convinent ...that’s evil people think. You are doing things on purpose in this petty world inconvenience ? You don’t want to do anything. You just spend time with dad and mom on Facebook every night 11 o’clock? That’s saying you had a job up to 11 compliment ...just a Facebook to measure my life. Yeah, I had a life from UB. You have your father shadowy light life with your friends connection ? Do they do that nowadays ? You are so and so daughters or sons, so you got to be friends together or Obama had a skin color issue with the Congress, never is his family should (have a skin color issue with the Congress ) - see, the redundant words shows itself or else I am too lazy to say it right? I didn’t have a draft starting that Organic. I don’t know where that rumors went when I tutor them in the lab, because there were guys find out. If others in the classroom should know I exist in this school is on YouTube or teaching this stuffs, they gonna kill each other in the future? Is that a lie or truth telepathy to me?

Babaji: a lie

Eben says your father says you have a lot of habits issues.

 Get drunk to wake up at moon habit ? I never had that. You all kids don’t look like that to have a parents like yours. I didn’t hear anything from the news. Your mother clean the bathroom? My mother clean the bathroom. Yeah. She cleans my floor too. Habits ...reading words between lines on a book your parents don’t know your eyes skip the words or the image on purpose? Does your parents tell you I used to work on other’s lab? I don’t need to see what she is writing line by line? I was just sitting in front of her? It’s not she don’t come, she should not come back...you skip words on purpose ? You look that’s 3 books every page ? Everyone is on the exactly 3 same books. You like to skip the lines or the words because you read in English I cannot find you in Chinese? Do you want to get a session in organic one video doing some talking and compare to mine like selection from your father whom might seen that channel to get all the materials he needs? You start from zero?

Babaji: they two.

Eben and me is Eben and me things - nerve wrecking ?

 Yeah he will weight more than me? I don’t know which answer you are looking for from me. When I first found out or when I got notify by Babaji one time second time? You would imagine you are with him starting from the day 1. I didn’t do anything so I would say to Eben, let’s be together starting the day 1. It’s a shock, a completely cannot turn my head around shock. Not just the following things I discover. There is a shock. You do things clean cut for so long, someone told you you do that on purpose to get Eben? You would imagine you are with him starting minus days were. 

Babaji: nervous wrecking.

Like Steve Jobs dead or real? He got a lot of kids!

 Reed? Reeve? That’s Jobs’ kid? What do I think his father were alived meant ? Finding a job. Do something looks like you are useful. I didn’t talk to this kids before. I was talking to the border or the military. Federal or state branch? Oh they are not the military ...I am too bothered with my Ellen Goulding on the Victoria Secrets says Army. You build one on your own your credibility. If the military got cut off no more I Anna say so? The boys or the girls reacts different? Someone heard from Da Vinci before or Tesla 5000 years ago? Yesh, fantasy turns real on the movie !

Babaji: 5000 neh?

How many times I say you don’t work?

 Anyone who works to get where they to do, they know what it means to work and get where they suppose to be. That’s EVERY successful people will tell you that. Just reading a comic book sign by T with lots of food on the table and a big bed to sleep, nice environment room to walk around with a snack or two in the hands ? That’s leisure reading the books. Some people skim books, not reading it !! You all suppose to read page by page, yeah, because Anna Tesla says so. I say sign by T, the greatest invention of the last century ? You gonna be joking me they don’t know that’s a romance story ? Tesla? Look at his dating history.

Babaji: no use no use.

Does Simon wants to do things with the military ? Syco says or Sont says

 For Simon to do what he does for that loooong time in that industry, it’s inevitable he will have to be involved in the military. Everyone knows that. If I sent all those photo out when I am 35, I am still on line right now. People will have get the effect someone is talking to them everyday. Simon is not doing that everyday. I am. If whatever these news of Simon’s gf breaks out, oh no I don’t care who says that, I will just tell Keanu, that’s Lodovico. I am Da Vinci. He is doing it on purpose. Yeah one of those stupid subconscious talk. No, I don’t need to find out real or not real if the company says so. I know the fact they are romance involved. That’s the statement with the photo. Simon slept with them. If he did it by himself, of course it’s worse. He does not care about anybody whatsoever by doing that? A minority, a handicap ? If you find Simon, he gonna beat you to death, not just bruises like black ? He is in an entertainment worlds. We have that world in Hong Kong, that’s the gangster doing too, but I am in Taiwan, I told them, I don’t do things with you. It’s money involved ! Lots of money. Do you think Simon do that on purpose? Oh yes ! Not Sony or Syco? They can read it themselves if it becomes a news and become a gossip. If they don’t like it, they will stop him, yes

Babaji: you care for what you say at all?

Not really, 

I don’t think so

 There is a lot of I don’t think so, like yesterday Simon knew or she knew Simon is talking to her and Anna just decide to show up they two are talking ? Starting when? She is not hiding it, she is telling her everything Simon is telling to Lauren whatever Simon did say. Trump is going to be like Obama helping his kids smaller, going one page by one page on that ice skating books? Yeah, some people they are that crazy.

Babaji: his wife wedding dress

It’s made by the Taiwan designer ... I was not yet online talking. 

You don’t know what’s Taiwan is famous for ?


One of those high tech products they have very very often on the weekend next by 101. It’s expo every so often. Not like the US. It’s almost every weekend 4 days Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. If the military or Pixie tell them the President TEsla and Rockfeller will go to those expos affairs, they will scrush down those venue themselves, where do they think they are going ? I Tesla say...shrinking my shoulder, it’s every weekend! You are not here. We live here!

Babaji: they meant they live in the US, Florida.

Oh, that’s not what he Trump meant.

Asian plots, Asian face, with Asian stories


Asian has a face expression on their face ever? They are showing it right on the television ! It’s a guy has that much of face expression, is that real? Is that ancient? Is that for the Chinese? Or is that only for the jail island, that’s not made for the US, they Asian all look about the same even face with an eyebrow or two eyes. Of course it’s for the Asian. Anna knows how to get these video on her monitor, the US needs that. THEY NEED THAT. China? They announce\ing things to the entire Asian pacific domain All Asia as they are number 1? YEAh all the time. They don’t care if the US watching them, most people cannot tell their face are saying things, plus it’s an ancient outfit.

Babaji: oh no.

That ice skating comic books are sign by T - oh no, if you are a president kid, with the money, you must bow to that plots and do it as a nation pride and prejudices

 Yeah. That book is sign by T, I even show the page. They, the father sees that? That’s stupid of her doing that.

Babaji: yeah

They want everything get done. They are the President, I do exactly what they want. Not the things get done.

 It’s they want their family to participate something they knows it’s good for them once in their life time. It does not need to be a comet subjects. They can tell, they are not getting it, so Anna later tell all they are not only not getting it, they don’t know their father knows Anna does thing on purpose saying to their kids don’t understand it, and you wish me to tell them? They didn’t even say a word yet? And Simon too. Simon already knew what I look like 2013, this is not the first time he is hearing garbage things she Anna meant to say. But Trump was new on the block, everyone can see he brought his daughter to the public sight on the news. It’s on the TV.

Babaji: they hate you.

Yeah they know how to re-write that 溜冰天使 the ice skating comics books.

What did I do to the military they got so mad? I don’t know how you define madness...I actually forget what I do to them

 But Trump, Obama, or my cousin’s uncles or fathers knows what I did to them yesterday. It’s just one day.

Babaji: it’s just just just one day

Justin ? I went to his Twitter and JC Twitter, I did show up. 

Babaji: what did you do to him?


No, it’s not that none sense mean, but ...

 You don’t read Bible you are from Tennessee? You aren’t classify bound for life to say the US government but from all the words you want to say to me, it’s “meant to be”? They 5 guys open their mouth telling things are meant to be. Yeah I will hear that.

Babaji: Eben?

I don’t know what he will say, probably I see him enough on the movies, what about in the real life, did I ever watch his video?

NSYNC will tell me Anna it’s meant to be

 Yeah. I don’t know what’s the other guys would say. No, it’s not needed from the Bible or the US government. They know we all clash very badly, she is not taking it right. They will tell you that, it’s meant to be. That’s what they will say. Nothing else. That’s 5 Lord, that’s UB 5 them. When she comes from knowing that’s not a setup. They will tell me it’s meant to be. It’s not exactly the Bible to make them do things in life. Or the US government. You think the US is that stupid ? 5 Lord is fake ? Do you even know what’s that SMCH lineage method is? So find it out.

Babaji: Anna won’t say none sense to them, but ...

You take an easy website made of online easy access read articles you have a liking and a critiquing...you want to shut it off?

 Yeah, like you NEVER can see a word of me and live with the guys in your camp...you say “finally” alone you do what you want with them. Yes, without me. You shut it off or they cut it off by themselves. Oh no, it has nothing to do with the pixie anymore. I am telling your boss to do exactly that. They used to tell me that, when I drive them insane to get rid of the military...you would think I would fake doing an operation ...I have no ideal where you go after that, “by themselves” as if Anna is dead.

Babaji: Anna cannot be dead, they know that.

Anna in Taiwan is in hindrance to Taiwan like to his father, and uncles if they are that important. So they wish the US to take Anna away

 Or you saying they will finish all of you after Anna took off...however you decide to tell the guys. No, I have nothing to comment about it, you know how to cope with US, you know how to cope with China. You had more experience than me, they are right, Anna only plays a fool with the border police. They are nothing they are nothing ! Yeah? The military you are in, must be so hell of your proudness to speak.

Babaji: too proud too proud

In front of any guy, you better never say a word about me. They already know where you all are. Not this time.

⭐️⭐️⭐️The guys tried to diminishing girls by using Anna⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You mean those guys? The guys works there butt of, those guys? Did you ever work? You didn’t see what NSYNC did? Or if in front of me, you gonna suggest that to Da Vinci, oh I will tell your guys if you show up in paired. You say I am so in loved with them, cannot see clear, why should I just be dead to live? You enter the celestial ! Those stupid talk only your brain can be that limit to think.

Babaji: Limited response.


Disney ? That’s four points frames happy ever after ending


Babaji: what’s yeah mean ?

I go to sleep.

Babaji: you haven’t told Eben what today means ?


Babaji: right.


Babaji: right.


Babaji: or Justin?

I don’t go with that anymore. I cannot stop seeing I am below their back. It’s very real.

Babaji: you don’t like it?

Nothing to complain about it. I go to sleep.

I always find some funny jobs to land on a strange world conclusion in my life?

 Yeah Hollywood is not a job, it’s a marriage. Comet is not a job it’s a math. Yogi book is not a job, I alive go to celestial, no dying, that will be wonderful, like now? That’s not the celestial they say on the TV, Eben gives me his last name ? All the jobs I do, I just got set up ? I have that imagination ...you don’t know if you got set up, you find out. It might be years years years years years ....I know what these years mean, what things got set up. You are not going to make it.

Babaji: I.

You imagine you get enough money to live in a nursing home with 3 meals a day, tell me, how to re-load re-filled “prescription”?

 Human useless to keep sick and old? If I run the worlds ? Is that every year it’s every season ? Don’t their family to care about how they the old girls to die with lots of money be there sleeping ? The entire nursing home? The US is the number 1 country on this entire world ? They got the guns? Oh ~ I didn’t know how my life be so complicated to find targets ...it’s just dead body to get rid of. You wish to earn money for one lifetime gurantee long life in not laziness in the nursing home waiting for the kids to come and see you, that’s wrong ...it’s a dozen =12 I said yesterday.

Babaji: a dozen, neh?

If there are people have to kill people in this real life for works...there is no such optimistic opt put dancing groups like building a future 舞台少女

 It says so bad in the lyrics, do they even listen to that themselves ? When your career has to kill stupidity people and massrred the entire rooms of something to clean up an operation...you don’t act the way like the other people. Things you bring on the TV, will have people get killed. That’s just as simple. We were working on a comet. We had a problem in Hollywood girls fight, Keanu would know it, Simon would know it. Anna got fed up, she went somewhere else to open a comet book? Then everyone knows the number? I name it myself ? Oh that’s shit none stop piling up to the sky. Then there is shooting I check my schedules why Sandy elementary and hurricane ? Is that possible black out east side US? Oh ...don’t bother, I hate every book practically everything I open has something wrong with it. Eben at my time video say 47, it disappear? Great. That’s SMCH poem. I hate that. There were so many junks. There are people have to kill...just face the reality, not sitting pretty to spend dad’s money like my cousin. That’s exactly she wish to do, she will 坳到 she has it for the rest of her life, or her father could do something worse, just hand the silver platform to her. She will know something I don’t know, what a petty mind petty soul. 

Babaji: no, she doesn’t know, they are not that drunk.

If Adam told me, my ex

 He is not feeling well just standing on that subway like Keanu finding a book for Kate on a platform...it’s the exactly the same things ...that Hailey ? Where did she say she is from? Too impaire not seeing but there is Adam or just get to where she knows where to go? They drive 8 hours to an airport ? Oh yeah, her father needs to know her name is Hailey like a comet. I already know that. Trump doesn’t just do one thing. There is a target, that one. 

Babaji: that’s the One?

Oh they know I saw it. It’s sent on my phone none stop of these whom keep speaking Chinese foreigners, doing very blizzard thing. It was about her? Then there is him? This channel is about her suppose to, so I see her alone in the camera not sure whom film it.

Lauren high school got married later to a house with her mother sister to new vacations home Simon negotiation to Andrew to Simon’s house?

 Did she ever been in a room with 100 human herself not 100 ET? I saw she went to AGT with Simon. She is high school met Andrew? I don’t know her history. I know what an American classroom people numbers looks like. She been to high school so any college? Some high school very suburban people go to community college, cannot get used to the University. She ever been in a full room of conference herself alone ? Like I have to go with Danny they are in EF here grand hotel conference to hold a simple speech on the microphone. It’s when we returned. From a rural area back to a civilization l.... there is nothing to talk about it.

Babaji: nothing to talk about neh?

She 方方 likes the donuts or the ice topping on my monitor ?

 I eat one when I buy them now. One. Not a box. Yeah I put the ice sugar syrup cube they display on the counter for EVERYONE copy me would go and dump and touch that entire thing set up counter. There is napkin, there is this and that...it’s you standing there. I. It’s all mine. To look like a normal human eating a donut. Yes, the sugar cube syrups...I use napkin to lay down that paper wrap donuts? Because if you break that paper, you need some napkin to pick it up again when the syrup goes on the top including on the paper? It’s something you love what you eat to do? Dump a lot of sugar syrup ? Yeah, it’s one donut. It’s 50 dollars here ...for one donut ? That’s barbarian...

Babaji: you like the Website, Anna?

I like every website I make, of course, why I making them?

Babaji: Do you think Eben likes it too?

...I didn’t really think he cares so much about a website but after you say all that, he examines the website. He does frames, not necessary saying images or background color that much. Or there is a frame first ...layout to get the story right. I don’t know what he sees.

Okay I made a website to Facebook him online. No, he doesn’t look like this, he probably tells that himself to England they. They like the website.


I don’t remember what I did. But yes, there was a website I made it very hard. I put the works in. I always make a website that time. The park site with a c panel behind. You have to install a lot of things if you want. Mine was simpler if just a Joomla. I don’t remember what I did that website baby boy?

Babaji: you don’t care about it? 

It didn’t work. There are photo from them like NSYNC gone video, serious, the party, I thought the NSYNC set me up, there was a lot of things I got upset with them. It’s not love affairs. They set me up !! They tell that story ? There are other maps I did to tell the roads with the building next by.

Babaji: you don’t care about it?

If I don’t get the money, how can I care for it?

No, I know the border people for so long before they show me a video, I saw...whom? Isn’t that the uncle?

 We were busy on the Flower Thousand Bones. Our all days those days are all on that. I had other things on my own dealing with. I wrote what my side story, not online yet. I had things to do that time. And then went online...I did a Mars? Oh I remember the SMTV MC, I say he looks like ? We just don’t talk about them anymore. It’s just a face recognition whom they look like? I cannot possibly to know them all. What was the lab partner ...Olivia ? She’s man (movies) oh, I have a lab partner Olivia. Her new jobs was an MIT professor in SUNY Buffalo, I know how competitive that is. There is a French them SMTV Olivia. 

Babaji: you know him.

Of course not. 

Sushi, kimchi , and the hot wok....you all could be that miserable ? Is this only for Asian ? Should be? Of course ...that ....

 Okay, I don’t care about this. You glooming you glooming about it. It’s not that terrible. I like sushi it tastes just like that, it presents nice right in front of the TV!!

Babaji: That’s the thing ! The eating show.

Simon? I don’t want to talk about it. He may not be there if me Eben flying by ourselves to England. 

Korean girls eating show to a Simon or Pixies


She is a Korean eating very Kinshi Korean spice food. She does western food at home, she eats them, that’s a milk. I haven’t finished watching ...here Simon doesn’t trust Pixies that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what me and Pixie are doing, we are working. If those girls are so so ....whatever to start talking to Simon on Korean eating show, that’s not good for them. I have to do things with the military because because because later I change from the ficus of Pixies to them. Everyone all know or have a reason do things they do. So yeah, I am not 100% on the military, because I have other people to be responsible, yes, the biggest of them is the border Pixie. Yes. But now I am focus on the military, whatever that words really means to be honest !

Babaji: cooking show cooking show. 

They both do that, the girls Lauren or Trump’s daughter might get killed. Yeah, I know

 No, that’s not how things to be done. They may not even arrive here. Their father are watching...it’s not they can talk to them, are they even close? Oh Trump don’t care if she got killed she has to make it with him, so yes, she stays til she got killed. That’s a not an argument. If if if if if she is smart, she won’t get killed, that’s him. How to be smart? Well...it’s not even a discussion to talk about it. That kind of dad ... well they can do something in the US big I suppose...I mean BIG. Lauren I don’t know her step father, I thought was very old already 8 years ago? They look like a Jewish family ...oh if they see me doing this, I am a God, they meant they are crowned. So bad people. 

Babaji: bad people bad people.