
Electric Age and technology

 Because of the coming of electricity, it comes to a time like every household has a TV, and now, a phone, a tablet, and becomes every nation every house has these equipment. 

I don’t have that open peripheral seeing or give me a reason why everyone is on tuning in here....but let’s say one day in the future, it’s everyone knows the story, where I been, how it is done, and then you 10 having great talent shows with friends etc....

I see current time is preparing to every household to receive possible this “The End story” .... government have to training and testing and evaluating with the Chinese drama, different spirituality ...etc.

Not everyone is into religion right now.

Every household?

I say in the future. You see, right now, I got on a website, to make a simple saying. 

It’s already be done!!!

In the future ....that’s just ....when less people know, that’s one thing, the entire planet knows ....how many mass of people exists?

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