
Review - Victoria Secrets

 You SMCH check Taylor Swift and Elle Goulding video in the Victoria Secret? Like I recommended it before ?

They might have to review over and over again their older videos from the new video I recently made them myself talking in 2018-2019 and this year 2021.

You don’t see me having the video hanging around before. 

Why am I telling you this? You are being evaluated by the most credited fashion world, the fashion icons are all on you and you don’t see that might requires a lot of people to do the jobs? You don’t know where they getting their materials from. We were all guessing at it.

You are not happy they made you into that. Then what if they just follow an order so you don’t like what’s behind them.

Okay, I don’t talk to you then.

I know you, Victoria Secrets, I saw the 2017 how you audition the girls with the files, imagining what other files might be on the table.



Cooking (Zen)

 Only if Zen people are brought in to evaluate me, I don’t see why you need to screaming at. They only require the top leader religious nature to have a basic zen training. And if it’s voluntary from my part, I can use a spectular or a spoon to make a meal. They didn’t say I have to know how to cook. It’s not they begging me to do it? I like cooking. Technically anything just follow an instruction how to coordinating a kitchen situation, they might just glue to my kitchen camera those monks if they care about who I am. 

Do they? I don’t know. 

建華,你覺得除了軍隊的人必須追的我跑,真的有宗教的人追著我跑嗎?我以前好像看過,但是我跟本就不相信,寫道是 I m ac =iMac 不是誰誰誰呀!他們大概會希望我有的煮菜技能。

Cooking (Test behind)

 I actually don’t know if they make the cooking an important subject. Because technically if the military hand me over to the religious order, which unlikely, and because the religious order I cannot see them. I only see the military...the cooking is not a very needed subjects in the true nature of the background people? Don’t you just eat off the cafeteria whatever they cook for you?

But yeah, if they have to see some cooking skills, I assume there are people don’t cook well. I don’t even know if the cooking mean a thing ...because if you know people don’t know how to cook, they just don’t know how to cook. Do they make you have to cook exactly thing I do?

I still have photos...

How smooth you doing this website? 建華,如何輕鬆的做網頁

 Let me telling you a secret lady ...I used to explain this to them behind about you and your people be put on the stage to do a climate change talk like you instruct them.

They prepare a 5 minutes talk to say it on the microphone.

Or now, you look at me so easily just pick up a blog and start to type and response. 

If you review enough people, you will find out most people are way too stressful to verbalize a word out either through the microphone, camera, or a blog. You are reading for free lady with me, no efforts you requires to do anything, you always get a feedback. You take it for granted anyone could just do that.

When people do an answering, they need to draft!! You don’t get any complain from me like how you stress me out with the entire entertainment in the USA is airing your craps and grades. Most people to write out a blog like Live response, it will be huge loads stress on them, not including all the photo I taken unlimited photo, and writing unlimited words to lecturing you. Do you understand a normal human don’t do what I do, it’s way too smooth on my part and easy for 194 country to set a military unit chase this blog would be enough, and you? What can that possible be meaning ? It’s way too smooth and way to easy for others? I can do that, does not mean everyone can do that, period. You will kill them.

建華,你覺得你每天看我講一樣的東西,寫寫寫寫寫,如果你去找其他人做這種事情,他們是需要時間思考,跟打草稿,我說她根本就是在占我便宜,如果她去做審核她自己的徒弟叫他們,去吐幾篇天氣氣候,從麥克風還是寫微博像 Google blogger,他們一定會說他們的壓力真的太大了,她根本就已經把我用習慣,你知道我在說什麼嗎?還不要講我貼什麼樣的照片?你覺得所有人做起來很容易嗎?打字打打打打打,照片照照照照照, 194 個國家可以就追在我的 blog 上面,非常簡單聽見看見知道我在講個什麼,如果換作其他人,你乾脆殺了他們。

Victoria Secrets 2018 Opening full show

 The theme in the opening is about “empowering women”

Orphra looking sings “this is ME” - terrible looking.

And so then Halsey with a very deteriorating lady show up - horrible saying and looking 

Pink Rexha shows up - I am a mess - it’s for sure a mess

Shawn with that deteriorating lady and with a huge huge background cover, not a flag, don’t know what that is showing up, “you got plans tonight ?”

=== are you sure if a true guy actually knew about the real reality what they trying to say, you want to stay with their words, “empowering women”? What does that mean? Putting things in the brain or spent hours on the clothing for a date, Shawn says, “flying thousand miles away, you got plan tonight”?

Are you reflecting this lady? I mean you SMCH? You are categorize into the “empowering women crowd”!!!

Then Rita Ora - all black, you are like a disease or you are like a funeral? That’s empowering ?

Last is the rock and roll, ROCK AND ROLL on your body talks? Meaning you like the guy with your body saying it and that’s stupid if the guy cannot tell? There is a word in Chinese to describe that. Something flowery, something idiot ...so combine two words flowery idiot 花痴

Everyday I telling myself, there are only the military coming here by their military command, not by if there are public people got leaking through here to read about our BIGGEST SECRETS in the century.

Including Victoria Secrets or Hollywood movie producers ... I turn blind eyes on them.

TED: the power of zero tolerance (the short hair Girl)

You all meant they talk like her? Women’s right? Sometimes let the men runs the world is not a bad idea unless they are really all in a mess in their own life. Not all of them in a mess. 
Strange to me, I know most public speakers or the spiritual teacher or coaches are men. Victoria Secrets and TED have so many women on the stages. Are they comparing the women?

Wallace - conclusion 建華,結論

 Ask me... if they meant it’s their clothing they look like that, but all look about just like Rita Ora, Bebe Rexha and Halsey inside their personality, okay I saw it. You have many contestants.

 建華,結論就是這個 chainsmoker 你看到亞洲有一個後面一整片比較好看的背景,就是之前 winter song 摔跤的同一個女子,假設就是 SMCH, 我說結論就是她們的衣服俏皮,但是如果每一個她們的同行包括 Lalla 真實情況長得像 Rita Ora, Bebe Rexha and Halsey, 我說我知道了,你們有很多參賽選手

Victoria Secrets 2018 - Chainsmokers

 Now, I see where you are, lady. Ming? The one with a nicer background looking. One whole piece plaque sticks behind the Asian girls.

Chain Sm okers = is that different branch of the coaches business, spiritual priesthood, public speakers, or simply the spiritual teachers, like ma’am Ching Hai? One looks like Lalla. One looks like with the invisibility cloak. First one with geese or swans behind - meaning something close to meditation groups like Swami’s stuffs ? I keep seeing something looks like 2 swans forming love or 2 geese’s intertwine like Halsey “without me” but not really is swans ? It’s 俏皮 like ...fashionable naughty. I don’t know how to translate that.

Ask me... if they meant it’s their clothing they look like that, but all look about just like Rita Ora, Bebe Rexha and Halsey inside their personality, okay I saw it. You have many contestants.

Victoria Secret - Winter Song

 India, don’t worry about if I watch too many times, if you just need me to watch it everyday on it, I will check it. 

Winter Song.

Besides the background difference, when we talk about a Religion. What 5 major religion compared to the other small sects, there is a difference. 

For example, the competition between the sects to go above their ladder to get to 5 Major religion seat on Earth. From my view, there is still difference. Power difference, resonance difference and background is difference. 

They could measure in anything like so heavy on the body top (on the first girl)In Chinese =頭重腳輕

Like your entire weight is on the upper body, there is nothing grounded. Meaning slam dunk. Like the basketball basic move dribbling is not strong. Not to say spiritually, you cannot have that “dribbling is not strong” scenario. That’s equal suicides. 

Dribbling, running back and forth or 帶球上籃 =dribbling layup not only 3 steps, foul! The basic basic basic move has to be firm on the ground. The rudimentary education background. 

I have no idea where they found the mystic people to compare the Winter song. Maybe they could feel the difference by each candidate talking in tones and temperament to do a comparison.

Soul (2020) they create Coco movie (2017)

 There is a character name 22

Nick’s birthday is Feb 22 but the Pixar set that role as a girl and play by Tina Fey.

Connie is nick’s first son’s wife’s name. He had only 2 sons, no daughter.

Supreme Master Ching Hai day is Feb 22 and Oct 25


People have a lot of feeling and stress to commit suicide. 
You feeling it, Ma’am Ching Hai? Scripts you reading by yourself is one way, reading with others, it’s another way. 

成語消消挑戰 (App)

 建華,我過了114 關,還沒考完

960 成語

App 名稱:成語消消戰



 Hi Simon,

I have to talk about it. You know there was an AC contracts with the Westinghouse between Tesla and you  in the last century? Did you check if you knew how the comets came to on Tesla paper 1908 (The first sentence of the first paragraph) and got explode on Russian land? I am sure you are aware the technology to use to shooting down the comet is by a construction of a tower. Wardenclyffe Tower. And the funding and the building date was 1901 around but the actual comet time was 1908.

NSYNC Madison square concert explained how the comet being shot down.

I woke up this morning and they drop an iconic keyboards words on mine ipad. Like we talked about it? One million dollar in 1900. At least documenting on the book. We had another comet in Ison 2013 just before you and me see each other on AGT.


She is a mess and she drives herself crazy.

 I saw. 

The Angel meant the little scrolls, she went ahead the instruction to preach every language and nation people. She ready to eat every words on the TV caption down? That’s insane.

Or you meant she going to the class? I don’t even care at this moment. Too many silly thing I saw she was doing it. Telling no lies, she went ahead to deceiving the entire world with more lies.

They show me Prince of Egypt URL


You mean I adopt Eben? Like Moses is not the successor line, pagan meaning.

His original family are slaves, like VS Miguel in black color ? Uhm ...like a Mexico worker too.

I heard you. 

Victoria Secrets has the producer is one thing, what if the US has the movie producers now I watching the, behind scene...to sit with me here everyday we doing nothing !! 

Aladdin (2019) - I have watched

 First wish he wish to be a prince 

Second wish, he fell in the deep water almost die and be revived.

Third wish he want to set Genie free.

You can just ask me if King of Kings can be free not to be King of Kings life after life. No. It is just how it is. You can forget about whatever the books you read telling you thousands Buddha stories or before or after story. If it’s like I said King of Kings in Chinese words, 帝王, you cannot just make a wish for me to go away that seat. 

Like the Chinese religious doctrine says how a soul be free after three worlds, to become an Arhat under the Buddhism scripture. Be free means no more life after life reincarnation. No more suffering being born being dead. I don’t know if King of Kings reincarnation all the time or just sometimes, but like I said there is a reason he or me have to retain that seat. For example a civilization exists in the history because he exists or else the history does not exist. Of course there is a meaning. You don’t have growth. The civilization shrinks in because ...when the King of Kings in the life, the natural disasters or someone or something will make a signal. Then the civilization has a direction to go head of its development. Direction has a purpose. At least I was told like that. 

There might be a better words than that “ King of Kings, Lord of Lords” to describe a scenario, but okay they called me a genie in Aladdin if it’s our movies.

Miguel (Coco) - Nikola Tesla 1899 Interview: Music


JOURNALIST: In the hostility to the theory of relativity you go so far, that you hold lectures against its Creator at your birthday parties..
TESLA: Remember, it is not curved space, but the human mind which cannot comprehend infinity and eternity! If relativity has been clearly understood by its Creator, he would gain immortality, even yet physically, if he is pleased.
I am part of a light, and it is the music. The Light fills my six senses: I see it, hear, feel, smell, touch and think. Thinking of it means my sixth sense. Particles of Light are written note. O bolt of lightning can be an entire sonata. A thousand balls of lightening is a concert.. For this concert I have created a Ball Lightning, which can be heard on the icy peaks of the Himalayas.
About Pythagoras and mathematics a scientist may not and must not infringe of these two. Numbers and equations are signs that mark the music of the spheres. If Einstein had heard these sounds, he would not create theories of relativity. These sounds are the messages to the mind that life has meaning, that the Universe exists in perfect harmony, and its beauty is the cause and effect of Creation. This music is the eternal cycle of stellar heavens. The smallest star has completed composition and also, part of the celestial symphony. The man’s heartbeats are part of the symphony on the Earth. Newton learned that the secret is in geometric arrangement and motion of celestial bodies. He recognized that the supreme law of harmony exists in the Universe. The curved space is chaos, chaos is not music. Einstein is the messenger of the time of sound and fury.

JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, do you hear that music?
TESLA: I hear it all the time. My spiritual ear is as big as the sky we see above us. My natural ear I increased by the radar. According to the Theory of Relativity, two parallel lines will meet in infinity. By that Einstein’s curved will straighten. Once created, the sound lasts forever. For a man it can vanish, but continues to exist in the silence that is man’s greatest power. No, I have nothing against Mr. Einstein. He is a kind person and has done many good things, some of which will become part of the music. I will write to him and try to explain that the ether exists, and that its particles are what keep the Universe in harmony, and the life in eternity.

Eben - your wish (Miguel- coco movie )

The movie says you have a wish. Your wish is to play guitar and sing a song in the music festivity.

Do you have a wish in life? I know you don’t want to go to hell. Besides that... is there anything you want to have in life?

Some people wants to be Buddha’s disciples, some people wants to find a real living Master to study under like in the real known India Master or unknown Master. Or now you heard some higher planet to study for achieving ‘Buddhshood like Elf race in the Lord of Ring ....do you have a wish like getting more money, or girls, rule the world or something in the life you really want?

Right now I have nothing to give you. Except you don’t want to go to hell like the Miguel profile says, you can try to think about it and tell me what you want when the time comes.

If Tesla later let me know he meant that, and I become the King of King, Lord of Lord after this Life, I will thank you to give Purna a class, a wish. 

To India - how close the Secrets describes Halsey, Rita Ora and Bebe Rexha

 You feel the US Victoria Secrets describes their personality very close to the reality - like Lalla to Halsey and Ching Hai to Rita Ora and Bebe Rexha.

You wonder what exactly are they saying ? And what else are they telling ? If one thing is right, what else are they right about? You seen all the good shows including the bad shows from the Victoria Secrets.

I heard you. Comparison is being made. You feel terrible about them? I feel terrible too. It’s all being made clear on the stage, I cannot cover them up. I just don’t keep watching them anymore.

為了拿到最高的時間刑期 (♾️)






Time, Times, Half of a time 

我畫出來一個希臘數學的符號,你記得你的數學符號講 infinity 的那個符號



Legal department : Coco movie (Miguel)

 Do I have to report to you occasionally? You are looking for me on the YouTube.

What do I think Tesla is taking Miguel on a journey to look for his great great great grandpa.

Tesla shows Miguel his best friend. I have not explained to Eben how “a guard position” becomes a super importance philosophy. To join a contest, he might encounter Master and a guard. It could be a very professional assassin guard.

If it’s Tesla he wants Eben as he guard, I would have to ask Eben if he is that into Tesla, because he never talked about him. A servant to a master to an absolutely loyalty and faith....Tesla he still alives? Does Eben know why Tesla pick him up? Eben wants to be trained by Tesla ever? He didn’t want to just live his life?

Like Ryan Evan and Sharpen Evan in the high school musical audition. The pair position. That concept is not strong in the modern time. If I figure it out the term or the movies reasons, I will tell Eben about it. It might be a real Tesla he has to deal with, not me.

Yeah I know he is dead. But he is on the television !

建華,聖經的詞彙(Time, Bible Revelation)


The Scroll of the Lamb 我的東西我的白羊座,跟我的書寫了四個基本基因的密碼

Angel and the Little Scroll 因為她很小隻,你知道她才多高嗎?然後我們講時間的影片,我在討論吃東西,她的簡稱叫做SM, 所以 Babylon, Prostitute on the Beast.

SM 是色情的詞彙,所以 Prostitute 講的是妓女,所以她的章節有幾個詞彙你要弄懂呀!

Babylon 你要把字猜開 baby eye on 她的右眼看過嗎?所以我們之前再講如何她要從SM 變成 MM

MM 是新約的第一個字前面的兩個章節

你記得我的縮寫吧?各式各樣的縮寫?我的姓是?Jao 但是那是堯,那饒呢?Rao


Hunger game - the Mentor & the Sponsor

 Do you work on this movie at all? Hunger game requires a mentor and the sponsors. 

Eben is showing up his profile left and right, like he is going to join to how many more hunger games participants profiles? Even Tesla shows up to say to me a word about Eben - is that Tesla’s recommendation or Tesla is besides his book 溜冰天使 everyone reads knows he is looking for a partner? He Tesla is serious serious serious serious about that ice skating book? A mentor ?

You understand there is a movie or you understand Tesla is looking for Eben or he is telling Eben remotely  or the Entire Venus is knowing Tesla is calling up Eben, I cannot hear it, I cannot see it, I cannot know it? 

I was the one recommend Eben to be your TA, Lady!!

iMac, so I resume Tesla’s position. What do I gonna do with Eben? Waiting for Tesla?

And you? You getting a mentor and a sponsor yet? You don’t know 溜冰天使 or the Humger game severity !!!

Talking about the Hollywood vs your spiritual topics

 In this Maya world, you can talk about sex, Hollywood, gossip, me and Babaji marriage like I did a story connection with “Water natural border” story to ancient Chasez and Ankeheseamen in Red River manga. 

But once you start to act like a Master and interfere people’s spirituality, no matter what you talk about spirituality, there will be feedback to go splashing at you, regardless you talk about the lies or the truth. 

You don’t understand or you understand what I am saying here?

Public people have a brain. If I want to talk about the Bible, we specifically say this is the Scroll for Lambs, that’s the Little scroll for Angel. Do you hear me? No confusion !!

You talking about the spirituality mix with the things you want to tell me. I heard you, so will they hear you. 

Part 5678 snake inside human


Intellecture development is the reason why the human civilization rising up with a higher consciousness, the children grow smarter. Mastership don’t limit to the high intellecture Elf type of human, cool, highly developed human race like you see from the TV. Spiritual practice to a Mastership person don’t just go on finding a dummy that cannot listen to a simple instruction. Your assumption is not right. You cannot handle the highly developed people, that does not mean they cannot by pass their brain argumentative talk to seek an answer. A true Mastership Master knows the brain, how it function. To me, you only repeats the same words to denounce anyone to put yourself in a better position. That’s not an argument in a free society to facilitate talking and philosophy. That’s suppression. 

You have to be very sure the snake is inside human to talk about a snake is inside a human. If it’s a kundalini emery, that’s an electric wave of energy surface on the human body. Is that what you concluded to say? Maya and snake, you have to denounce all the creation from God’s method as a sinful method because you interpret Bible sin into every story you talk about Bible? No one can be a doctor anymore? Because the physical body is all sinful sinful sinful, should be dead not live!!

You are a rabbit, do you agree with the movie industry? Zootopia. You go by my birthday 416. 4 like teacher 6 like SM. You are not Tiger, you are a rabbit. Move two more, it’s snake. 512, your 2.

You know you are the Snake so you talk like that?I really hope you truly reflect on it. Wasting my time, you really should just go and seeking death instead of wasting my time on your useless make-up patching your face glowing problem. 

Bad leadership no one jail them. Is that you question me or them? No one jails you?

Eben - Senior Bush

 Senior Bush used to be rumor he plays in the Tesla lab.

He is partner with the singer called Josh Grodan. Sorry, correction, Bush beans.

He looks more like Neville, he sings in the Haiti earthquake. First time I saw it, I thought that was you.


There are two songs two groups doing that with Michael Jackson. If you like the music, take my advise, these two songs are important. 



I used to have a reason sings that song. The one with JC curls hair looks-like guy in it.(Ancient Chasez)

The people in there are important. 

🎬 New Video

 Time, Times, Half of a Time


The Scroll and the Lamb



Babaji: you cannot see it or I have to remind you how to see it

 Okay, okay I seen it.

Babaji: and ? How bad is that looks to you?

Very bad

Babaji: the world does not just made of India, however ...

You mean them india 😨

Babaji: Not just that, she represents India, and you are?

No where belonging ...flags.

Babaji: you know how you look like.

Angel’s Wing

 Taylor Swift - I knew you were troubled


Elle Goulding - Love me like you do


Taylor Swift


You gonna compare me and Lalla video? I went to meditate for 10 years, doing my mind works for real. Body, mind and speech. You know those in the industry people do the mind works for the public speaking!! You don’t compare to that. 

Elsa Let it Go building a castle, that is real !! 10 years I am not just doing the medicine. I meditate. Some people when pursuing a spiritual practice, I was doing it for real!! Of course there is an effect!


Eben, how is your works on Tesla with the movies?

 I went to the movie theater to watch coco. (Miguel movie ) But, it was after the Frozen “Olaf wants a tradition movie”. Not Frozen 1, not frozen 2. Not the Frozen fever neither. There is a Frozen movie on tradition. It’s after that, I saw Coco. 

In the movie, your home tradition is no music.

You are a really Jewish ?

Okay...if I am your God, I don’t listen to music to very extreme degree. I do NOT want to listen to any music. But the movie is about Tesla. Did you get to study about him? Like his book on Venus biography ?

I can tell you several things. There is a Venus Corporation might be on this island. It’s in the show here. Asian people’s drama show - Venus Corporation.

During Christmas, they light up Christmas tree here near by my house hotel, 5 stars hotel. And it’s T signature all over the entire three floor trees. 

Do you find out as much information as you can on Tesla? I know the movies says it was about your great great great ...grand father. I am talking about Tesla, not your great great great grand father. 

Yeah...Olaf Frozen Adventure Full Movies.

I borrow his name to come here if you believe that iMac, Macintosh the alphabet spelling and Microsoft, but I am not feeling myself to say Tesla. We might be completely different person. 

Were you curious if it’s Tesla ...??

If he tells you something, don’t argue with him. ... anything. You have to find out is what from him, what’s not.

Me and him is different, I didn’t really create that much works like him. I believe you live your life to the fullest. I see the good quality of Lalla, though it looks like it’s breaking apart, but I am certain there is a very big reason behind anything in that much Stage display works putting all that efforts into a show to describe a simple thing.

I hope you find your answer soon.

Victoria Secret - cannot feel the face (2015)


Do you see the cancer girl?

I label it, doesn’t mean it is.

But the song’s name : cannot feel your face?

They got lucky, it’s not this. 

Does India serious investigate on that? To do with the religion.

 Okay ...

Miguel Told you so. (2017)

One looks like a cancer. Women nowadays have a lot of those New Age talks, tribe, color child, native worshipper, ceremony, natural fragment from new age sound in the water or wind bell ...those how natural force that is light worker, light light light. Love, work out your emotion, all days long they cannot stop talking about none sense if you let them. Feather earring or hand band...let’s pray together for cancer awareness or etc etc ...yeah. Those are stupid to me. Find a cancer remedy, not raising cancer awareness by praying at it. Work, actually work on it.

If Eben is Miguel, it’s about the women. His older business. The superstitious things they buy for selling the women accessory. It’s completely disastrous to me.

Pineapples skies (2017)

Do you guys want to just go piling up pineapples shooting at the sky and explode it one by one? You guys all got nothing else project to do ...

If Eben is Miguel, the movie child only has one dot. Tesla next by. Did he sing two songs only?

Indoor sky background, pineapple like dye splash on the wall. Does that look like him? “Want to know”

He wants to know? Just follow the word.

Halsey (2018) - the wing got distort, but that’s not the words to say. I don’t know the English. 

The eye brow is scary, the background was two gooses? Geese’s, too gross ? There is only one big wing look like a normal wing to me, black hair. Everything looks very odd. Like hair thin for some women not short hair like Halsey, the last one. Sometimes like falling out of the hair.

Chainsmoker (2018) 

The song name is -the feeling.

But the lyrics says they got their hands on my neck. 

You really want to hear what I think? They got their hand on your neck. 

There is also a cancer girl in there.

Me and her are Buddhism (Victoria Secret 2017 Winter Song Yundi)

 Me and her common ground is the Buddhism.

Talking about when a women has a voice and be present to the public. If that’s how it is compared among all the women.

Buddhism is probably looking better with the actual practices and with a proper background.

What do I really think of the Victoria Secrets on Only Angel and the Winter song Yundi?


What do I think of the Victoria Secret on these two shows? The ladies being compared?

It’s terrible. “Only Angel “ they look mental. Harry is Simon’s stuff. ... completely wecko! I have seen so many Victoria Secrets singer. I would be very glad if Simon this whole time is not here to hear me. That guy look like something wrong with him. They are very famous I know. Very very big fame.

If Harry Style was exactly the Secret wants to create an effect, those are definitely not angels. Not sure what they are saying. But compare to the style that the other Victoria Secrets could do....these are not angels.

“Winter song”, the skirts were very short or it’s something dangling in front or the background was tilted.

I actually am glad not anyone else knew the girls. Like Keanu knew Anita but he may not be here. So ...there is not much to say. Maybe something cover your Buttom like cover behind your back. Like my sequence is after her. That’s covered, no matter how bad she is making the scene. 

Taiwan terrible incident : location name

 Did you watch news, ma’am Ching Hai? The terrible incident on the train tracks in Taiwan?

The location name says 清水=clear water

Your name is 清海=clear ocean 

50 people die.

New Video

 King of the King, Lord of the Lord


Curses 上古邪惡黑大魔法師


Monkey - Chinese mythology

Two important character in the stories related to the terms in the Bible Revelation 

(Heavenly) King of the King = 玉皇大帝

Lord of the Lord = 如來 = a kind of Buddha but the name is 如來

The different terms to another King of the King = 帝王

Eben - Miguel discography


Here is Eben’s file. Going to hell. Do you know why he is going to hell?

I am the Judge. 

One day I gonna be in Power to call upon the dead. If one day I need to call hell for Eben to do a class on you, what’s the matter with you to get his a honest opinion of view, you think he wish washy doing it, or he will do what he does best?

I know Harry Potter = Simon = Westinghouse, service to humanity 

I know Draco= Howard Stern= Marconi, service to humanity

I said I have no idea whom Eben is, do you hear what I said? I would have to go to Heaven to get a book to check why he is being told he is going to hell?

You, ma’am Ching Hai on the hand, have no problem staying and remaining in hell eternally?

Britney Spears - Criminal

 We talked about if people are living but dead. They are like an aside to everyone around them.

It’s a new concept.

Now, the US release a song https://youtu.be/s6b33PTbGxk

Britney Spears Criminal on the date Oct 19.

You are so desperately for the inside people from the government, Victoria Secrets or military got shot inside your center? Do you check this video what’s saying to you?

Define criminal 

You are breaking a law for a self interests.

Criminal supposed to be jailed and you explained this to mama? Like I am older than you how you run your organization with the Super Power nation. One of the US defines you as a criminal, China, another Super nation defines you as a cult.

You are still functioning !! You have no problem taking unlimited money, asking disciples to purchase lands and center so you have more money you say you earn it!! Under a circumstance everyone has a risk in being shot! You are gambling they won’t be doing it !!! That’s your attitude. They know you have that kind of attitude or they need to tell me, if I know you have an attitude ?

You cannot understand, can you? I am the judge. Things Say to me you don’t make them disappear out of my memory !! You are not going to improved it this life time!! At all!!!

Multiple choices question

 A. Movies told you to stay alive

B. Babaji tell you not to die this year for the comet year, and after this year you think about your retire year.

C. I Anna say you should be dead.

That’s for everyone to pick an answer.

The answer is C.

You knew you were wrong but you cannot go back?

 You knew you were wrong. Is this before or after you reading the Bible Revelation your name and figure are carved on this 2000 years old artifacts ? You don’t assume the Universe can send in the new materials through the movies to be in the same pace as the modern civilization people do and say ?

You knew you were wrong but you cannot go back. Do you enjoy buying stuffs as the leisure women flipping her hair in the Hungary ? No one knows how important this Hungary retreat  tapes are precious to the disciples, the outsiders do not know exactly what you talking about it. They don’t read BEAS books.

When I get online, your mission is over. Do you understand that? You are not needed anymore.

Or you don’t think Babaji has a reason to say what I said ? You should be dead?

What? He does not like about you. You saying it because you knew it well? Really know it ? 

You know you tell a lot a lot a lot of lies. You are not ready to die.

Oh ... you are thinking with a hope if Anna is a judge, maybe between her and Babaji, there is some linear way if she proclaims she used to be so and so? Getting through her may be is your own living way because the hunger game trailer told you the best advice given to you is “stay alive”?

Tell me, why Eben is important?

 Why Paganism is important ? That England Church and State are separate?

It’s for the illiterate people not to have only blind faith. 

By going to a Eben class like Harvard logical class, you practice your mind to discern what’s fire and what’s Water.

You don’t see Eben is important like I see, do you?

Then tell me, when you hear Eben talks, once, twice, do you like about this guy? Or the more you listen to him, you knew you gonna love this guy? I am the judge, so you answer my question.

You do not understand his subjects and no one in this world will force you to understand his experty so you wouldn’t possibly fall in love with Eben. Am I correct?

Then tell me...do you think India purposely set up an Eben with their girl Lalla besides to test you? Because you know if you failed the test, India gonna do what? Kick you out? You are already out, by stealing and gaining your freedom to be free, financial freedom. You pray you hope you wish I would be blind or Babaji would be blind to define you as a street girl who just cannot stop learning how to curses God methods but in front, you pretend to be a submissive disciple whom like a monkey proclaim its own throne? You want to tell the Chinese, that’s how you proclaim you are God because you knew they have a mythology ?

You are deceiving people on the television broadcasting to the entire Universe. To gain a freedom, your financial freedom.

Define a freedom word to me, say it loud? You can buy unlimited clothing and eat any kind of delicacy  and play as much as the games on the TV to deceiving more people to give you more and more and more money. Say it.

Tell me, between those words, you choose India or your money ? You could just follow the India master like a puppy back in time. You now open a brand new name of the methods called Quan Yin methods and decides after you gaining the finance freedom, your best choice is to start to find an India Master to release from your financial freedom you enjoying it everyday ?

You called Babaji all the time because ??

You understand me and him are married just like the TV says with the Chinese but American cannot read Chinese?

Or the revelation has two women in the chapter, you doubt that my words cannot possibly be what God intended to do? To marry me off to Babaji?

You called a deathless guru like Babaji, a God now? The Throne?

Western world believes One God, you want to broadcast to their entire Jewish community included Eben, that One God theory from their Bible is not Yehweh like my name (Jao Wei) but only Babaji is the only God?

Babaji is One God like God speaks in the Bible?

Or you intend to throw all your junks and disastrous garbage to Babaji? Like you proclaim you are god sin to make money to live a financial freedom life like a street gangster would do, telling lies all over the television in order to make money, but Babaji has to and must get your sin?

Who told you that?

建華,知道漏斗怎麼用嗎? ( how to use a funnel)

  你看過電影🎬?Avemger Endgame 有個人叫做 Thanos

聽起來像 funnel 漏斗,我剛剛畫出來的東西,時間才開始

不是 funeral, 是 funnel

你知道什麼是 endgame ? 在西洋棋有開場祺,中間祺,以及最後尾巴祺,叫做 endgame

When we talk about the end time, we say impossible she gonna eat. 

There is a word infinite by drawing 

Time, many times, half a time.

So there I draw infinite Greek sign and by flipping it, then time starts, that instrument is called “funnel” sounds like Avemger End game character, Thano.



Raining shock call Dinosour book

Raining call Dinosour screaming spit Tornado, star reading sm beast ET kiss

Love love love camera music dim home writes time serpent inspired hunger game

Comet says love home beware money o painting 


New word : obes




So if you don’t get to obes, you don’t go down with the chain to abyss ?

All the way down down down down down ...they or I hear my own talk, sounding like obes.

Everyone all has the formula clear.


 Your top formula to solve is if you = beast, and only by yourself efforts to eat as big as how they describe.

The less equation you wish to solve is = if Babaji truly be with me.

Judgement day can meant anything to two women list in the same chapter of the book, while the general idea is Lamb=a man.

Now I told you that equation is equal mark

Lamb=Lamb’s wife

You SM Prostitute how to =MM beast ?

You have a time factor, not I.

New Video

 Throne=Lamb=Lamb's wife=King of the King=King of the King Lord of the Lord (if)


1908 Comet Years (Math)


Judgement Day


Mahavatar Babaji





 I spit it out to rainy you, ET Dinosour happy

Babaji wants : you take a break, breath, relax

He knows you under a lot of stress and all the torment feeling you must going through with Legally blonde, or with Eben like analogy alike personnel that torments your heart on the movies, people around karma etc etc etc...he trust you won’t use the comet year to take that credit be shooting down as the comet like Halsey or Harley. He knows you done your best.

Top priority

 Everyone’s top priority is me. 

Apparently I am not your top priority. We both agree on that?

Good. I will note it that on your book like the Bible says.

The whole world

 The whole world people need to find out that statement or to celebrate ME if that statement to be true.

You are too busy to committing sins to think, what’s the celebration on me account?

Ask me again this Clinton embargo you think you are doing the right things to save your people as an activist, a religious leader and an animal advocator ?

No, I would not do what you do. Now you dye your hair blonde, you should lean towards only one side has no need me to reminds you again where your loyalty lies.

Lamb’s wife = Lamb = Throne (If)

 Do you think this statement on their back military is their top priority whenever I show up?

Lamb’s wife=Lamb=Throne=King of the King= King of the King, Lord of the Lord

You don’t want to turn this statement as the top priority because now you decide to only gambling on Babaji’s statement.

Let me say that again to you, I wish you go and be dead. That’s not for you to question me why I saying that. Do you understand what’s top priority if the above any statement to be true?


 Each of us have different age. 

When we find out the movie or the actor’s profiles are real, what the steps we take is by our own personality to answer that calling. To a brand new reality.

What did you do to answer that call? By telling people a bigger bigger lies just like the movie sarcastic you to do?

You are 71 this year. You are leading people as an example at all?

1998 they told you a Mail, you went ahead to dye your hair in front of the whole public.

2007, they told you don’t tell lies, you went ahead to tell bigger lies to dominating the world. 

Do you think by listing a statement like this, you look pretty on the records ?

That’s insane. Not just crazy. You are insane.

Thumbnail image


SHE : a Brand New Me

 At least you can understand the lyrics by hearing it?

How to become a brand new you.


 Tell raining Love call star all

Say comet tornado money furious Tro

Be aware the painting ...

Music book me smile home

Dinosour snake ET superman (Clark) judging screening Home


 He love raining vomit all money 把錢吐出來,建華你有她的所有花費嗎?

Did you use a lot of those money?

TED : Richard Leider

Yesterday I saw the Lalla looking, then Asian guy looking, now this is the Legally Blonde father?
Perm hair lady?
No, I am not 100% sure. To do with Nick ...Pirates of Caribean :Dead Men Tell No Tales
Chinese translation is : Dead without evidence 死無對證
What could be in Hindi?

Auspicious location for the World Leaders

 You have a video on that title. Auspicious location for the World Leader.

Do you want to know how to re-write this, to sound like King of the King has many military power?

king of the king sleeping sound in his palace getting a written letter, not telepathy message, it’s a written ugly hand writing letters. While the guards ask the King of the King where he got these letters from, he replies she was taught by the street people outside with the mundane alphabetical language. The guards say, “something written about you, my Lord?”

“That’s where she got her information now.”

Each day the King of the King seeing you going out coming back home wanting to re-positioning his troops and the military. You always ended up a big fight and a warning and slam the door went outside. 

Each day King of King weary down, from her eye sight, he knows she is not coming back. She loves the street culture tattoo, singing and dancing life that enchanted her.

The end.

Simon has a son, and he has a lot of money. He knows you have a lot of money now and at least not to mingle with the street gangsters to pick up their culture again. Does he know his son gonna be in the teens years?

You say you don’t do that.

I say you have a tendency to do that. Conquered and divided people by their sides. You want to re-locate my entire world military before I was even aware of. You didn’t tell me in my face, you went to the TV to let me know and directly bossing at them, to cover another big lies of yours, you let the flood comes in. You assume they know the flood and without them telling me about it - the mess you created for how many years ?

Do you know why these stories I write like that? Because it’s a live circumstance happening right now.

If it’s I written this, I will have a record. And the military will have a more fabricate story they better than me positioning themselves the whole wide world.

You vs Eben vs Simon

 If the ending just you be killed, why even there are steps to take by giving you movies, songs and words to read?

If I say that to you, same things said to Eben and Simon.

You gonna tell me what? You know your sure road is going to hell but they are not, so you and them are different by given you the movie instruction all in the same time.

I don’t even want to spend another word with you. 

The method not yours like the money not yours

 Do you read in Chinese news about you ? Someone came to your groups and stole your methods returns elsewhere and do the exactly same thing like you, establish a new cult ?

It’s in Taiwan’s blog somewhere I read.

They don’t have a prophecy to fulfill but you do?

Are you happy your financial freedom makes you stand tall to be in front of the how many % of the wealthy people in the world? One simple act like you, how many worlds are ruined? Because you obsess with the money or be reminded you were used to be so and so, and once kick out, you only have gold to cling onto it?

Your ultimate goal is to have a place to feel the belonging. This life, I let you lean on a bit but you went back to the same thing, you doubt my instruction because you have done so many things in life, seeing, watching, testing so many ways but last but not least is trying the Death. 

Have you ever thinking about the Death ? Not we watch others go first to sort this movie business and you are not going first to the Death? Again, an irony. Movies sent in, singer sent in to Eben. One is you, one is him, both are dealing with the movies. How the steps are being taken. I am the judge. Have you heard me saying that enough? 

Once the movie hit you, you imagine first you were this adorable creature in You Got Mail in 1998, let’s try to see if you are the Chosen One. You dye your hair. And? Next year Harry Potter ready to have the Chosen One. 

You got a feel you got to be chosen for something. You are gambling, lady. You are gambling. Listen to what I said. You are new to this movie frames because you have not seen worse.

Frames can seal evil creatures in it.

Frames can spell magic binds the naughty children that does not listening to the word and be punished. 

Do you see the endings how you carved together with the Prince on the wall? See it right. You come to a World that has the power given by Tesla a mean to sealed you. That times comes, you gonna run away?


Legally Blonde : SM you are not a blonde

 Meaning no matter what homeworks you do, you can never be a blonde?

Of course I know that.

If You have one more life, and that life only Asian disciples gets the lineage power as the Asian, you would pick exactly the blonde birth to look better on the movies instead of the Asian.

Do you really want to be a blonde now?

Do you even know what’s your objective goal in life?

If the movies leads you that way, you can only go with it step by step. I don’t know how to do things like you without actually doing it like taken Eben’s class is the only thing I thought I know how to click and the video is right in front of me. I am not even required to go to his seminar. What the worlds allows me just sit in front of the computer? Something to be grateful at ?

No, your attitude is your will never be a blonde.

Why don’t you just follow the movie lines and repeat,”Warner, I would never be good enough for you, am I?”

Like I told you, you cannot shut off that flood, period. You stole the methods, that sin is going with it.

☄️Minute 25 (NSYNC Madison square - the comet)


Minutes at 25 starts.

It sounds like Eben

Richter scale like earthquake, like Lava

NSYNC like Victoria Secrets. They got One Eye stamp, their signature on the TV like Atlantis concert.



 Justin, JC, Lance Bass (Chris, Joey)

My UB friends 

Seth, Dean, SIlas 

SIlas is the name in Justin movie “In Time” with someone looks like Ankeheseamen. (Egyptian princess in Red River Manga)

Victoria Secrets 2017


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

 The competition.


Babaji: they are all not ready, Anna. None of them ready.

Babaji: talk about iron man, he asked you on the news

 I seen it. Pepper? No, I don’t see that between me and Simon, ever.

Babaji: I mean the water, explain the water to them.

Water means acid, if you touch the water, you corpse that body parts.


 Call tornado ET says be aware Catching Fire

Okay, you lady please check your own device about Catching Fire (Hunger Game)

Hi ! Simon

 In case you are always around.

I did say Levine was the Game Maker. I wrote a sequence of the photo Keanu, Levine, Chasez, Dean, with Sailor moon video.

I didn’t know Harry profile. I knew the painting and the book.

What book?

Uhm ? I don’t think a lot of things are real, Simon. These painting ...uhm, I don’t know what to tell you.

No, I have not told Simon.

 I am not sure he is here.

2014 ...it’s the first time I talked online. They ....whoever they, this planet or not on this planet found it out. They don’t care about what exactly I talked about with whom gonna die they don’t matter to count as long as I keep having the language to develop. No they didn’t tell me. I say that myself. 

There was an OU language air in 2014 with SMCH.

Have you watched Adam Levine “go now”?

 The ending was there is a frame 🖼 on that girl and she went to jump in the water

I can say what I think ...but it might be not anywhere to find validation a girl looks all wounded with a mouth black girl on Halsey.

If you are dead in this world, but you are still living and breathing....meaning someone has killed, but you are not dead, you are like an acid to everyone around you. But I am not sure I see that on Lalla. You need a video to back up any saying. I can only tell you about Simon. That picture frame. That Harry Potter files.



Start video calling Eben lalla Tonado vomiting music screaming fire home kisses homes writing snake love Dinosour clock elevator smile Dinosour be aware she star microphone home book comet money o

I don’t have much to say about Halsey, but I did say there is a women in the video when I sing, if it’s Krishina ...one glimpse 10,000 years per unit start

It talked about there are ambush on the road like thousands of knifes coming at me.

You cannot escape the fate arrangement 

When I close my eyes, I can see your face.

When I open my eyes, it’s these cold blades swords fights.....




How the worlds changes all the scenes of Life 



Wait til that day, to meet you and hold hands for the festivity 

One glimpse, 10,000 years


 Simon love judges home tornado ?🌪☔️🔥🏘😱

She is raining that catching fire home screaming 🌪⭐️📞☔️😍🎬 tornado she started calling the raining love video?

建華,我在玩成語(Chinese Ancient Words puzzles) Test



The public speaker

 I used to go to some seminar, Walsh ...when Berny was around, there is a black teaching how to perfect your mind courses to present yourself well. You can hear it from his voice and see his presentation, he did work on the mind. Some professional public speaker, meaning they do the public speaking for a living...there are groups of groups of groups of them, behind all doing something a little different. Working on themselves, work on the voice, working on the stage performance, or like a question who do you want to modeling a star you wish to see on the TV?

If you have money, you can join in so many groups just to learn many things that the popular environment that they found where their information are from. Yeah, the professional one. I don’t know about the TED. They find all kinds of speakers with all kinds of background.

If I say chicken soup ...

 If I used the terms like Chicken soup to describe TED ....we ended our conversation ? They all started with a story on the public stages. There is a commodity before these camera/video becomes the popular mainstream media outlet. That’s the books called the Chicken soup franchise. 

TED :Jason Lee


They military probably don’t write that... I wrote that formula.

 I wrote that. They just need to use their thinking, Vola.

Joy, circus ? Where did she say she was from before ? No....traditionally if you see that much of motions, she got a problem. I just copy what they wrote okay! They have experience on reviewing and background checking. 

No, I don’t know. 

I thought ? She did that kinda of performance all the time, like people-people person? Oh!

Does TED getting any negative feedback under the YouTube comment area? Every speaker. So, it’s the culture, all light, all glorious, all encouraged, all facilitate, all great, all clapped, it’s one earth one TED. It’s just an universal culture everyone agrees we comment on good things only. No one hurting anyone, perfect glory!

English is better

 There is a formula if it’s Asian women with difficult English to understand ...they are ...

If it’s an Asian women with a better English to understand ... they are ....

Have I told you I hate you asking me for a review - I glue to EVERYONE whom got picked to write a review like an American guy would write ? Why do I have to write like they write? We temporarily glue together for limited impatience they feel - I feel.

Except I do that in a big quantity all at the same time bomb at me, so I said...if let’s copy a formula. 

No, I don’t have racism. I went to America for the university and I went to sleep meditation for another 10 years in my own workshop ...I don’t have friends in either here Taiwan or in the US to define racism.

I think the beginning was good. Later ...if she could stop moving, it’s better. 

TED : Dianna David


We gonna blurs “the One”

 Right now we have too many people on the paper to be “the One”

I told her to go, leave this Life

Babaji says no

Everyone else says they put her in jail (she knows)

It’s whom are the One? You all are not curious why it looks like that? It looks exactly like that. 

One God, deattached

 What’s deattached mean? Inspired others for their emotional needs?

It’s One God, one Babaji I have to please. If there is a living Master exist, it will be only his or her opinion count what you really are, not the rest of TED or beauty contest judges says.

I thought you knew what I sign up for when I pursue my spirituality under a master. The rest don’t weaver what I believe. Now she is switching that role with me. All she needs are my opinion. Even the Bible testify that for 2000 years living evidence. You think she knows what is that only my opinion counts for her own cases?

Zero understanding. This Bible just wasted wrote. 聖經白寫了