
You gonna say if that’s ego or mind ....?

 I don’t use these words. I am a distant traveler ...I cannot understand a word you put to look like that.  All these years where you been at your practice ? Aren’t we doing the sane exactly methods? Buddhist teaching on reflection on the mind, heart, body ....how clear you getting things clear?

The magazine has a photo, I didn’t read the right page on what do they say? And I flip to next page, again, .... did I hear that right what do they say again ? I have not read those parts. I just sent you photos. 

You want to reflects so you have these words ? Or you want to teach others because you must teach others now? You never gonna quit the job to go back normal? You gonna say you cannot.

This century pass, I told you already, your end time is ended with that books. Not to argue what others make you or me a movies to feel. Century later future might have people to care more about these things or become every one known facts in the history. You just wish these flooding is not like everyday they make a show to let you none-stop feelings. You can only hope it’s not everyone on this planet or beyond have you known degree so you keep living in your life til death comes to fetch you. 

No one can teach you, I am just a substitute. There is no real relationship to this empty space. You are free on waiting ...you are free to almost right now to do anything except what’s right. 

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