
There is a concept in hell. The hell with Time or the hell without time.

In order to get the Angel to say more 1000 years time to prisons the beast, it’s her jobs to keep eating eating and eating, to first earn the 1000 years hell abyss sentence with the Angel. (Babylon, Prostitute on the Beast)

Depends on how she eats, the Angel can give more years and years and years to hell sentence to almost infinity. But after all, it is timed.  If she does not do it, or understand it, then, the hell can just go without Time.

Time, many times, half a time.

So there I draw infinite Greek sign and by flipping it, then time starts, that instrument is called “funnel” sounds like Avemger End game character, Thano.

建華,你看過電影🎬?Avemger Endgame 有個人叫做 Thanos,聽起來像 funnel 漏斗,我剛剛畫出來的東西,時間才開始,不是 funeral, 是 funnel,你知道什麼是 endgame ? 在西洋棋有開場祺,中間祺,以及最後尾巴祺,叫做 endgame。

When we talk about the end time, we say impossible she gonna eat. 

There is a word infinite by drawing 


Time, Times, Half of a time 

我畫出來一個希臘數學的符號,你記得你的數學符號講 infinity 的那個符號




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