Before UK UB - 911/2001


Grade 10, 11, US foreigner exchange programs 1 year, 12 (rulership) 交換學生一年

高一高二高三 (To be honest, if I writing for 911, I prefer my own language, your numbering is very confusing, you know that? As the secondary educational institution) I will tell you 9th grades, they look way too young.

 What do you want to know about the rulership?

10th grades 高一, We receive the uniforms of course in the first day. Its not really those orientation Table in the US, like a party at annual school birthday anniversary, the vendors to eat. Those festivity, I consider to be orientation table.

Not here.

We have morning exercise in this school. They design a system, everyone has to exercise in the morning, 早操

We have 3000 total girls in that one giant school, compare to the First Lady school, our name is 中山女中 (像中正紀念堂)

Our 25 classes in one years, are First year, general separation of the class, and second or third year, we will have a major, Humanity study or Science groups, 2nd or 3rd or...rarely 4th Farming methods. (Agricultural cultivation skills)

We have a straight line of little or big 學妹跟學姊

In the classroom, we have Perfect Head Girl. Or Public Relation Girl. They are more cared about their grades and they go shopping on the weekend. 

I join a volleyball team, when I see one. That is the day, I separate myself away from all the main activity of curses room felts atmosphere of Sailor Moon, emotional diagrams of all those building scarcity of girls, love and insanity.

Volleyball First Year

Volleyball Second Year, real Tournament, Regional tournaments 

No one will really tell you how I just decide so incentive to go to Volleyball? I will tell you, that is how that is, I see, I go. That away was my own decision growing up, happening to be away with those main building what you called, girls friends each they grow up, buddies.

California touring (Elizabeth, Monica, bathroom where US military police army? First baby English ), Buffalo touring , Boston Summer school ….(Vicky, Jason, Eric, Henry shorter we are not close yet with Henry, I am close to Jason’s roommate college Henry tall guy. I then know Jason, they are younger. Henry short pursue my go game childhood friends, Eric says it all. Henry short was very popular among middle school Vicky Jason age groups.)

Henry, Monica, Elizabeth 3 university student.

Henry was that 4th school management, that Henry was an artitech.

We were closer. I come back Taiwan, 3 them separated I tour motorcycle Monica +see Elizabeth. I probably didn’t tell Henry, but he is down there same. Or I saw him ?


11th grade 高二 Volleyball Vice President, Regional tournament, outside school competition, man short well built  +a new real coach girl college(?) with formation stuffs teaching us. Real formation.🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 exhaustion all, with everyday school work. It’s very heavy on everyone. Me Torus are 2nd categories science groups, no biology. I am Vice President. It’s exhaustion on everyone’s face. We compete first semester. It’s a schedule everyone knew 10th grader. Winter Chinese New Year EF ready package, all my family go to Japan, me and why this Torus shows up helping me EF, we never talk. Paper cut and paste books art introduction books. She is good, we never talk. 

Phone: they’re numbers, my memory, one hour long…her her her except the competition setter and Torus. That 2 hold hands. It’s the Era use memory not phone book. Cell phone the tall other girl has. Her parents gives her that.

Roller blade, just when the Captain says join, I become right …dancer moves. No, I learn that stuffs. At memorial hall. With the boy school. Roller blades teams 2nd boy school. I hold hand guy in the dark, all of us had no electricity walking from the hill to the camping place. We all do groups activity. 

========== Seattle 🛎 2 weeks, + 1 week, I call KY sorry. One more week. Rollerblades Terry, Danny, Hoaward + whom 3 guys class, not Terry…welll, my ear phone is statics …ET, I cannot hear right English, so I go to really bad English class for summer camp, the girls my high school at 7 or 10 I am at 3…English class. Those just guys don’t speak English ABC, such a shame.

More guys possible, forgot, they sign my photo stuffs keep memory. It’s signatures if you just ask them.

Sign language performance +girl sing, I sign ( learn from volleyball time, there is a sign language common things Torus or whom they just teach each other, other other people. It’s 3000 girls, you listen, you mingle, they all have little close to them. The song :Roof )

No, no make up yet Danny. 

No, sign language I get to talk to a EF big, leader us guy to do first 30 second talk.

We were perfect that show. I mean perfect. I was playing a hat boy, hair in the white hat.

Arriving Kentucky 

US piano accompanist 7 o’clock (or 7:30am)

Mary Singleton

I write letter 

Rebecca STephen 

Blake’s goes to basement 

Puppy borne 10(?) mix blood. 2 Golden retriever, no birth. Neighbor. Bad looking dogs.

Wayne Molar - Orlando house I live too. TN after pop corn stuffs. 

Volleyball, consession stand, North/South Carolina, competition, trophy. (Wei Jao)

EF outside school German, Ana Spanish, they hold hands jump on back. German short guys play piano.

After so long, he drives airplane pass, we went to prom, he was my date. Rebecca. We talk. And meet. I think that’s the guy. Ana use a lip stick, she shows me girls stuffs, we sleep in the same room EF outting to three states junction where the host parents own lake and house.

Another EF student from Taiwan, selling medical equipment  behind gulf course house Lexington, real city. Her friends black ? We sit there, she does my make up, eye liner. Girl to girl stuff, she is shorter.

No Adam. Just after school he sat there. But we become good friends. He was saying what stuffs it’s cool your country has different things, one of those they don’t have in country side. Just very good friends.

12th grades 高三 First semester of the 12th grades are very challenging. TOEFL, SAT 1, California SAT II, loads books loads classes, bad. Making up 2 years of all those classes in order to 聯考 meaning the same like the middle school to go to a high school, I already done it once, in my middle school year, I choose to go out of the Private School, I could go straight up in the high school, without any pressure. I talked to 方慧琳. She draws European old clothing wear, so well, we become friends. And that, she told me she is going out of the school for competition. She went to First Lady school.

So, 12th grades of my High school, that is 3 year away from middle school, I coming back from the America, not just English rules. We had Chinese ancient, math, chemistry, physics, civil class, etc. For quiz, small or big exams if you combine all together.

Second semester, me + all early admission (new Taiwan system) got let go free 4 months to design graduation. Operational team, we design our own cloths, we sew cloth, I design dance move, partial. The rulership was 2 taller girls buddies. She is short hair very bad bad eyesight sit in the first row of her classroom I pass by. Her eyes are one something, the other eye what. I was sitting last row of class making friend a funny girl why she is also last row? Bright. There are some brighter, study too, but bright. We talk about Harry Potter. She is funny. We talk all the time. It’s in Japanese design building, we were known as Big to 10th or 11th graders. Volleyball was gone, it’s all new friends. 2nd categories in science competition in all Taiwan 第二類組, the time I said they do on purpose to write all the way on the edge of board either side really, my body move with the teacher moves. I would say they do on purpose now. No, the same desk …well, you imagine thing. It’s very stressful coming back from US, I didn’t do a thing in the US, it’s very very bad. I thought I gonna stay in the US for the 12th grades. I come back Taiwan, we  wait green card just about I got early admission from UK. We got the green card we had to go. There was 911, no one can go, I try embassy twice, green card didn’t come down yet. STephen them, ready to adopt me. I was close to the host mom. My mother said my father thing very little but I really don’t care about them. I was on the phone all the time with Rebecca. It’s a phone company package. No, I didn’t care about her or my brother. I just feel better in the US.

Rulership was, they ask you your opinion each subordinates …friendly, talkative….no, I was edge girl doing other stuffs. There are other art groups, book groups ….we are like operational groups. 

Babaji: yeah, tell your mother what you are like 911 year.


Oh, I see Jason, Vicky too that year. They are first boy school, First Lady school. We met.

Roller blades littles. I took them to south Taiwan for trips? Which year was this? 


Wing, you never interest how to go on a field ? 3 years 25 classes each year, it’s just that area everyone gathered. It’s big events every day. Every single day, go on the field. That much people, some swipe the floor, some just take one side of the volleyball court including the basketball team. 

 I say my case because they beat me up if I don’t talk about my high school.

You have a high school ?

I went to Mucrary high school. Know Adam there. Adam is their height. No sports.

We have more sports in my school. The basketball team actually, after I return from the US to Taiwan, they were more binding ? I cannot remember which year. 

You go on a field but I was already in the team, everyone knows everyone around. Do they look at our style I don’t know, but people really play on the fields as groups, as new people meeting, as a serious tricks everyone does in front of everyone else. The basketball them, does those tricks all the time…everyone is different on the field, not to drop it ever…I used to tell Valley, I have a video made in 2014

I wear skirts….

Babaji: yeah

Volleyball team has a court has a basket full of volleyball. Touch it feel it scared, Wing? You have to move that from the inside swimming pool to the court. There will be years younger than me. If I train them, as a coach, it’s one basket of that, to one lines of them …

 You don’t know what I am talking about …

Going on the field

Train others

Touch the equipment 

When I was being trained, that was 10th year for orientation table. We had a man coach and lots of big, captain and vice captains training us. But actually the volleyball team were so small really. One of them big is your birthday, Wing. 

When you see big 學姐 , they can really play, they are volleyball team. 

We have that relationship to the big or little 學姐學妹

That’s not in the States.

You know Jonas? Justin? Eric? The Honor class? Brian ?

Babaji: yeah 


This is a successor story we used to watch, in case you are new. C.I.A. Or bigger than them the U.S.A will hope you MD groups participate that. It’s a successor story. That’s the President here women 蔡英文, the female President …she is law degree. Oh no, not you girls talk to her like that ? No.that girl was my school on the 12 grades we operational team together, her face was not in symmetry but she was discover by agent to be TV commercial. I took all of them, operational team to a TV job, 500NT…survey type. Yeah…

 You MD should not think of jail, you should be thinking that’s the only way you suppose to live in this lineage stuffs, come back to the USA and Anna will have 10 guys told you so now, we do my way.

That’s TV way, called Asian lineage method.

That’s 4 guys…it’s not me, but if you translate and it’s me, the first guy…there is a lot of things real life real power, is different from the story.

我說繼承者的故事,我們以前看過了,所有美國或全世界政府最在乎的一件事情,你們最好用你們性命擔保出的來,在來美國找我跟10 Dean Bill, UFO Yeth they are …

Babaji: 對 對


I feel like I always talk none sense.


JC always?


Mary Singleton (Madrical )

Rebecca STephen (Madrical)

Wayne (trailor )

UB (window glasses)

UK (University of Kentucky - eye glasses)

Adam ( dance)

UK volleyball real university team try out

City of Hope (microphone Dr Shen, Toby) = 3 white 

Honor Class ( Catherine black )

APO (nickname : Little foot, Dinosour)

CAC Community Action Corp

Melinda South Campus ( gulf course )


Volleyball intermural  (Formal, random team)

Volleyball intermural (Tiny 4.0)

Chess (young )

Bio lab job (Chromosome ) - 3 White 

Disciple SMCH 清海無上師 ( get initiate 430 Utterness Darkness Da Vinci notebook )

I + Nick (6 months later)

Organic Chemistry YouTube Channel 

Era Glow (Art, JC on TV show, colorful)

2010 inheritance thing (Da Vinci)

Scott = 2nd like Tony issues

Loving hut project ( I, + Nick = Chris )

Her SMCH Facebook (lonely green )

Piano (TYG)

Keanu (truck, Tamang drives white truck)

5 Lords Reviews.


Sometimes, people after …become lazy, I …learn it so long time …no, not I stand I served you all die, no…you don’t play volleyball. 


Not just wrist…become so lazy ? Limbs. Upper limb. I am too lazy to pull back muscles. If upper limb heavier …serving, = just stand there, no bend, no knee, no toral of the body? Rotation …too lazy …they just stand there. It’s 6 people, space between. Them, their feet don’t move, everyone knows they don’t move their feet.


Babaji: I am too lazy to talk about it.

In Chinese …你朝人家身上打 …you target people’s body to hit …guys have 跳耀力 jumping force, like Dean did. He jump right in front of me. If I have his height, we stand on 2 different sides …

 Indian 500 years old I think he does on purpose ?

… …basketball is on TV rules.

Babaji: right 

In my school, they some already touch volleyball…I haven’t til 10th grades. The First Lady school, they are 保送生 = like grades don’t count, they raise freely. The real team. Setter loook at the setter ..what ? That video ?

 … …I used to try out in the Universoty of Kentucky

2014 I spike at the wall, Valley has it.

2019 maybe Eben saw it, the basic hitting wall, lifting the ball?

They now complain it’s tiring to play volleyball.

To practice every morning ?

I practice serves earlier than they are.

If grades means something, if cram school, if science groups 2nd or 3rd category, if I go to Boston Elizebath …whole summer 3 months?


One whole year EF

No textbook

… …

I heard what you are writing ….

Babaji: right, no one knows.

I said Gracie Gold train others …my school, the captain trains…a bucket of volleyball, you have one line “little” to catch ball? You train you learn.

 We had first year and second year FIRST semester.

We only had two setter, that’s all we had.

She came in with a knee big digging hole in the knee !!

She picks 3rd categories, 2nd year. 

First year high school is general subjects year. 2nd year we separate class. To 1234 categories academia. 

Setter has jobs to do. Medium spike, Short spike, long spike, back serving (no) spike.

It’s trajectory…when I was at UK, that’s a real American middle west team. I walk in ?

They are very tall.

I did set them balls, I say I was on trial.

No, I didn’t go back. 

The height. You look at the other server did…she did a very high trajectory, just copy, they are taller.

Babaji: yeah right. 

No, man and woman are very different … not just the line (the net) I am the closest …guys they bounce …in my team, Captain she has that. But she does not go near the net. We do short run too. …the spike position, to be honest you thought everyone posture looks the same, right hand bend arm, where she hit at her hand peak position , it’s at her right hand 

 Man is very different…this …they design their formation to be like that…second wave, it’s no where near the net.

You jump like that to touch the net ?

Guys kill…

Babaji: right 

…. … … you first entry the school, you have to make it basic footwork on hitting the wall, it’s 100 times to the wall. And you made the grade at least not failing, you go to …new formation they teach you, you go to religional. At the same time schooling …it’s horrendous them I think. They have cram school, and parents. I have none. 

They have parents issues
They have friends in class issues.
They have big = academia senior issue.
They have little = academia little issue
If they are tall in the volleyball team, they have popularity issues as the spiker ?
We don’t have a functional coach…it’s a man well-built. 
Oh …no, not him on the court ?
We got another substitute …it’s captain and her relationship diagram…so we have formation issues?

Captain has basketball team whom uses court, ours or theirs issues? In the gym. 5th floor, no elevator …

The grade I don’t know, everyone all making it.

舒淇 is 怡蘭 friend, dolphin lady, the skillful gun team.
Maybe she compare them have an issue.

In the classroom, we have girls groups to go social with the same standing guys school, no, not roller blades, it’s 10th grade. Social to like the guy, we don’t wear uniform. Just once or twice…

Volleyball, we go to all guys school, they surround the entire gyms with all guys uniform…try that to be a blonde. 成功高中

Roller blades. The captain plays volleyball; ….a lot of people know each other by volleyball. 
Yeah same boy high school 成功高中

No, we don’t go to first boy school stuffs, not I know of. 

Torus…the public relation. she brought in a guy that school, volleyball ? To walk in the middle of the center circling ground, running track. = they sit in the principle office.
Talking about gossipes?

Oh …
The school annual festivity not just food, there is a run track …one to another in a team. We have 5 track teams to run 接力賽 like cartoon 櫻桃小丸子 Sayer in it…

There are so many things in that school to do…there are foreigners teams, blonde hairs, they wave flags? Yeah, I went …

Babaji: where did you went, Anna?

It’s just a girl, I talk to her…

Class the same location, we don’t change classroom like America, sometimes, certain class.

We wear uniform- it’s a skirts. I wear sport ware -it’s short pants.

We have trees much better scenery in school than the First Lady school.

World Cup 2019 11 :16?

 I told you, guys play…the opposite they die…not that…

That Indian 500 years old…he is not coming alive yet, and to the time you make it 100 times on the wall…

there is two people hit ball, 

a group run hit ball, 

other hit, you catch 

…then go on field ?

Babaji: bad 


Middle school, I play soccer. In the gym class only when it’s a free period. 蔡心如 the friend we paint together ….there is a better taller girl show up, Reinanssance painting Europe fashion style in old garments. She …is the one encourage me to join the congregation, congression all Middle school examination in this city …so one day I have a Volleyball team. We take exam outside …

 What was it ?

I used to be …discipline. It’s not called simplology software. It’s a 聯絡簿, you write 

5-6 watch TV

6-:6:30 eat.

7-8 geography 

8-9 Art

9:30 -10:30 science.

10:30 sleep.

Every single day. It’s school required. Not self improvement book I bought outside bookstore required.

Babaji: right 

2015, we did a rememberance of 911

This year is 2021 August, 25th. There are people's life to remember when the time passing 20 years. 6 years pass ... we are all 6 years difference since last time. That was in 411 Watermarke, Irvine, California. USA.






2021-2022 夢幻遊戲

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