
How about you fight with your friends for Wing and your parents and I go to sleep…the US wants a lot of things. Not that. But you deliver right ? Tim Cook? Thinner ‘Tim Cook like Justin Bieber Type ?

 The US wants martial arts. A lot of lineages, including police networks are watching these Indian 500 making up mess how far we can go with it …it’s ENTIRE USA!

Babaji: bad bad 

Ola do you cook? This TV your friends is cooking for Tim Cook? There is a pink phone to hand him by that girl unknowingly …your friends to cook for Dr T like her father, best friend with whom? Has a master or mentor or creature talking to her psychic wise? Oh, everyone behind knows me +Indian 500 years old, not like that …


A lot of cooking ?
It’s in the story !! Magic gift like Harry Potter witch ?
Babaji: no, we don’t do magic in Anna’s lineage ( fool of food)

Ola, it may not be me !!! You share your Facebook friends with Wing?


I try, I cannot take the photo !!

Babaji: yeah 

Like all my allowance …for them 194 on garbage …


No, you don’t remember we were doing indoor things with Eben, then I go out? There is procedure doing this …a video or a news show up, there is on special. You have to find it on map with the subway…I had a lot of stress in this city, you have no ideas how bad in my position …flip, fleet every night my traffic light here in one straight road like 4 or 5? You see all red? You ride across the traffic light top light?

 Of course not ….

They are renovate that mall…I take one stop earlier …so I walk underground to a eat shop, order a thing, telling them something I head that way.

There are stuffs to buy, to get a recipe to go out, and ask a free biggest bag to contain one of this, by “draw” in the big box. There is a photo machine next by, I pick 500 years old in the photo frame. 

Babaji: yeah, Tesla guy

庫洛魔法使 Ola and Wing stuff….you like it? …normally, you get it once.


You know why I had a bf ? Because he is the biggest mouth in the Universe - Loving the Silent Tear?

 You doubt that with the US or just say EU now? Your heads cannot stretch anything bigger organization task. You work in clinic?

Babaji: yeah

With Vartan, I think he called the Police, that year …a lot of things people do 6 years ago, it’s now formation set in 6 years later. We were no one talking about you.

 If they went 2014 to find you all behind…wait til Magazine bio 403 I force them fail F on the ground, that was 1 years half ago. With all the big China financing songs on Dean, Tamang, Ola and Mat?

That’s …? I turn around and say? US?

Babaji: yeah 

No, behind you stand up in the room, walk and talk to Apple, “if he Indian 500 shows up, it’s him talking to her”


Babaji: bad bad

Bill will tell others I read all the comic books and I will say to him, I think the standard test is the standard…


No, seriously …

Indian 500 years old: you avoiding me …

You are the most dangerous things existing right now in front of me.

Ji: yeah ~


Ji: right


Ji: I was wondering …

You don’t wonder, you realize ?

Ji: no, that’s not what ~ I ~ mean.

What did you mean?

I mean you.

You know why trainer exists or doctors exist? I found out by myself to see ALL your patients? Oh, that’s exactly what it becomes you believe I have answer to a lot of things. I try to ask you that entire US every student normal do on MCAT preparation…that’s insane !!! Do you want to hear my comments on that ?


Do you know your priority in your life right now? 

Yeah…oh okay.

Babaji: right.

Okay…you don’t like the way I twist things to talk, I talk about me. When I found out Westinghouse and Lodovico is Simon, I have zero design to show him. I have no future with him. I live my life for 8 years +4 years +1 UK were that I just find things to do, I didn’t have a plan…do you have a philosophy in life? Like Lalla has that major ? Do you study others philosophy? Do you believe life will turn ? Like the views in life as a mature person ?

 It’s just like I design my PCAT?

It’s just like I design EF Seattle ?

It’s just like I design my conversation ? Maybe he is not a real psycho, you don’t like how I talk?

you don’t like how I talk?

you don’t like how I talk?

you don’t like how I talk?

you don’t like how I talk?

Babaji: bad bad 

No, he is not doing what he loves to do. The US gives you a lot a lot a lot of Protocol, you may not find out the beginning why…because there is no money anywhere …

 They say to you certain things. A lot of things.

If you read? Oh I can just tell them, I read cover book, and they be fine with it, and they make me an animation like Yeth?

Babaji: bad

I just talk the way I want it … I talk to you, you cannot tell, MD make-it- doctor ?


They smile and they don’t have mood. They are not competitive ! They will envy you but …they got trainer. They hold string on them. I can live like that? You want to be with those really stress guy like? My cousin Irene’s brother ? He got a decent job. His parents set him up in apartment own, garage … …

 Of course I am serious, they are prince. They are happy most time. Seriously. 

They will not hit you or curses you like Hank. I know Tina did that …but …that’s a criminal.

You never train 1000 people to get a data. You should ask ! You hear a rumor from me.

Babaji: yeah yeah, you mean entire Hollywood are psycho? Victoria Secrets too?

… …you never look at the audition girls? They don’t look like the real model. The real super model, they …look very specific.

Oh no…sometimes being with a weaker minded guy…just kiss and hugs and cooking and live life …or you say psycho, they are prince !! They have unlimited resource.

 If you train people in life …that’s a year after year, you as an American knows from your country as the number 1 nation, on medicine, technology, cancer treatment, on mental health, on food engineering…I am just an ambassador telling you that. You suppose to …think your country USA is fine? Not just much refine? You have food, you have water and unlimited toilet paper …

Babaji: yeah

Seth, no, not target UB. No, it’s just by chance Anna she is something …on purpose practically too noisy. No one knows Anna has a dream …I have a dream.

 Yeah a vision, not a dream. Not a vision, a feeling something targeting me …

Babaji: right

Seth, do you have a name card? Like Tina’s friend Director, City Bank, they I imagine doing something job but walking and smiling and be on the website as one of them. Face card


Most honor class I knew…it’s profession to what they can do. I think Bill or Patrick or Brian they life…it’s to build life steady …Tamang is near us. He knows Jonathon, but he never asked both of whom your other classmates were or why so many of them now? Oh …he is competitive. No. He is not Kail. Nothing like. We just all Halle. To meet in UB

 If you all meet Ola, Dean, Lee, Jonathon they are, you know they are state honor class looks like you some.

Babaji: yeah 

No, Seth, he is a psycho.

 He afraid certain things or try …if he keep doing that, he will drive himself true psycho.

Babaji: yeah

Seth …I was only telling them Tesla, not you become my back end, you stole UFO on TV makes 5 looks 5!!…they will find out it’s me !! In Dr T class,…


Student athletics …they need to become a real doctor ? Yeah?

Babaji: no.

Tamang probably go with Police to see you see them classmate to Simon? He is not our classmate. I actually told you that. Do you meet Tamang yet?


Do you talk to Tamang yet, Seth ? You got a UFO, the things that you stole …

Babaji: which him?

That Seth.

I think you should be able to talk to your parents, your mentor (tutor), your professor before talking to Simon …it’s not I don’t have faith in you.


Cayce Edgar morning force is always stronger in pain than at night, correct. I used to have that. Today I have that pain. It’s…worse? Normally is not like that. You should records right. I forget this things what I have done.

 He uses force. He may not say morning or evening force. I say that.

I done it too many years, I know that. I remember now. It’s morning and night. But normally the second day and third day when I have a normal period. It’s …getting like this for quite time now.

Babaji: I made you.

No …I think too much junks. I was long time not to use that thing in the shower. Long time bath in the tubes. Looong time. What is this thing they sell?

It might be novels…not necessary comics books. The story written you go in the story frames like they describe you…I didn’t know there is a vision inside you can see mental things…it’s inducing in, but, you have to be very sure you didn’t imagine that. When I was younger, I was not induced. I “know” I imagine the space followed the roughly design of the book, …well…knowing is they lie…I will find out they induce me. It’s the same thing.

 No, I don’t know if you really have a tutor …all the way like now? 36 Ola they age ?

Like talking skill to Simon, not to me in front of your medical doctors ?

Are you going to be friends with Simon? Ola, Dean, Wing, Hira, Bill, Patrick, Brian, Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda ?

It’s just one Simon. My peripheral shrink without a background…it’s will be a black and white if I look…

Babaji: right, you are blind.

The sun is too brighten sharp ,..I cannot see !

If Simon got engaged, you cry? Oh …like crying with sound? For real? In front or behind?


Does that mean you have a tender heart, Dr? Asking guys or asking girls?

Do you crying in front of the guys?

How do you feel?

Your mentor ?

Do you really get a tutor for MCAT so there is a real market for medical students to get tutor…how come in UB they flyers meant MCAT PCAT call. They didn’t write tutoring interviewing ?

I see them far away, they always look like that …catchy.

Do you cry in front of your parents ?

So, don’t you suppose to yell at them, like I really want Rockfeller to shut up now…it’s to make sure they never talk back one more words?

Babaji: you do that ?

Oh no, crying her has a lot of help…in high school….there was a particular story to be modified …every night after volleyball practice I cry in the later night bus ….oh Loving the Silent gear, I was silent …but high school it’s not crying those girls. No…we’ll..it’s not I remember it clear..but, it will be no good for no one to know, I did cry like they meant it all things right.


It’s late night bus …all week. Until weekend, no more school.

I forget …which story was the crying part?

I told you these books are to be read by ….going in. You imagine things…now I know you and me reading very different.

Certain story I can revolve 100 times to cry …yeah

Babaji: what 

Tears, not cry.

Oh …this is not the books list Eben books list I ought to grown up and read….i read it 7 and 8th grades. That’s 789 middle school, to teach you geography in 5 minutes. I draw in middle school.

 It’s always about your career

It’s always how others see you

It’s always to critique others than being yourself 

It’s always to conceal your wanting as a mystery tale.

It’s still a zero.  You care about nothing I ever cared …

Babaji: yeah 

You all reading the comic book lists? 你們看完所有漫畫書嗎?my middle school selection ? 我國中挑的書?


Babaji: yeah

I say that the girl cultural things. I figure it out. No, not seeing it



A drug vile or iron sword Yuri picks up? Actualy don’t look alike …but …it’s jewel cover …did her has a 劍鞘?

羽生絕弦?that’s the Ice guy Japan’s name? Oh, those girls all jealous his clothing …so stupid …


Do you get the lyrics Ola Dean Mat Tamang sing or Karen Adria Marconi dance? It’s to understand what Ola understand like Tina’s best friends ? She is a doctor , she doesn’t know Tamang like I know, she knows little bit Dean.

 I know these 2 guys…they are famous.

Oh they have to learn you all medical doctors how insane this is 我說我認識他們,他們需要知道你們醫生有多恐怖

Babaji: yeah

If I were a master …meaning india version of Master …


You don’t want to tell her SMCH and your government why you didn’t make an effort ? On that book account ? It’s an OU, now you heard me 8 years !!! I am telling you it’s OU!

Babaji: you tell her too many stuffs like Yeth, drop bombs, run, drop bomb, run, you two don’t look that much difference, to be honest.

After I burn down my stuffs, from Muskoka …what a name, I drove down to High way 7 stay there hotel a day, then Buffalo Amherst motel 6 next by Hooter, Karen Adria Emily, Melinda and I went once. It’s next by a high way…I finishing burning stuffs, not Vancouver East trying to OU kitchen knifes from Walmart …you don’t die. Look at the diagrams. So .,,after burning down stuffs, it’s second OU, we just had little snow there. It’s to drink. They sell knights again? In the Walmart, I heard that, I run away all the things to make a potion you can pick up in the Walmart, do you all want to try? Picking agents chemical for Chem class?


There is a horror things happen on CNN and motel 6, that 6 under their counter table color …it’s OU languages you don’t read right ? It’s xxxxxxxx on numbering ..it’s not sex…it’s axe !! Soy = mascabat chinese ?手淫 =touch yourself. That was 2014 Christmas, my mother here.

Babaji: bad bad

Oh no, Pixie, if = I, no, one to one like me and Nick to motel 6 Buffalo ? Ramada is too expensive…every hotel I will tell you, one to one is already worse. I will kill a lot of worldly people, maybe not the other uniform, they are territory restrict. They do sex experiment like orgasm on Prostitute or sold traffic girls. All the things you heard bad and dark behind, I’m the US

 Pixie heard the restriction area, no, if they try to go? Oh YES! Well…it’s been what 120 years now? 70 years now? They have ET agreement. They don’t know on book or movies said where ET might be?

Oh no, we, they kill all. None humanoid looking, it’s real. I meant I do this for professional not to be rude to classify, I they kill all. Any territory. Not like Kerry they say they will be in peace being zoning district?


I said NO already, it’s kill all. It’s Black OPS or what in between, it’s all killing masscred. I am telling you. 

I would not in front saying that to them, I say they got government retiree paycheck ..yeah hurting them, not to Kerry or Bill, they are just interviewer to bring out the whistleblower…but they keep saying they are them. I see donation sign not federal paycheck ID numbers.

Babaji: bad bad

No, it would not be 7 days …it’s a story. Kail Mursil might be that names for real, not Ramses. I was in the US they was not finishing the magazine posting with the original comics. No, I know, it’s first day, not that either. It’s a magic manipulation world.

 You don’t believe this thing?

You don’t believe a lot of things I tell you.

Yuri might not be his disciple, it’s just a story arrange people read on sex. If we die 100 years length …to be honest, I would not even remember that story if we are so busy. 

This world might like Tolec says ascension to that magic wonderland …people like them talk about all kinds of garbage. You all like his voice ?

Babaji: yeah

Kail’s last name sounds like musilinni …or the European breakfast…you have money you eat that.

No, Kail is very calm just like the comic or color book drawn. He sat at the desk chair like 星宿 he held her right arm right hand to caress his left cheek, said” that’s how you do things” she will immediate withdrawn, but he is more in strength so he put her palm to his mouth to kiss, pulling games, and he hold her hands to heart chest,”it’s here”

 He is very very calm. But you suppose to know he is very angry worse type. He evolved to be calm, and very very 冷靜 very very much the comics, but there is things you don’t know about the guys…it’s not an act, it’s ..just them, human.

Babaji: yeah

Keyword : Red River 

Vampire, Sex, Red River, Kail’s face slap from outsider, prison. wind on his face, very angry, it’s a feel, magic land, cultural girls love glory, military, they love power status, different cultural society form. About Kail’s girlfriends, one of the court yard story. Bible.

 Kail kept that long hair girl prison in his palace for months, not years.

Ramses came in saw, that cultural exchange between Egypt and Hittie is everyone known they are magic feeling sex, power, status, bloodline royal means the Top priority things.

Kail will not touch her.

Ramses either got the permission, or, that cultural if he sees…that’s how bad the society meant. Ramses will get Kail Mursil girlfriend kept very close to his court yard. He found her in the garden, either chair bench or grass, Egypt has potion or drugs. So that’s the story.

Kail will let his brother, him and Yuri got to the tree everyone has a picnic.

Both Kail and his brothers heard what Ramses did, knows he likes it, so his brother went to the picnic, “ I know Ramses came upon you”, so they will make Kail and Yuri go sight seeing left them two there under the tree.

Length time all different, his brother will take her back to Kail’s her room sex her there a week…and went Ramses brought in medicine from Egypt and Ramses.

Kail will know all that.

After they left, she knows Kail will come. The domestic things they never agree, so it’s been Cold War between her and Kail. He does on purpose in many girls whom all love him, smooth wind, soft and gentle feel wind.

Kail public asked Ramses to offer medicine.

She will just show up his bedroom.

First day normal. It was exactly what he thought. Very good, bad mood.

Second day games, there is a girl in his room, Kail very angry and very jealous, she knows, she expect already, but she cannot leave the room, she has to say something to tell her, “we just have sex yesterday that’s why I am here today,”

She will leave, Kail will get slap all day he did to destroy everything they had an agreement, including that night. It’s the drug night. It’s a magic land how feels with wind is on the body. It’s very sensitive world. She is not their country grown up cultural and she doesn’t love him. It’s just a temporary prison, she knows sex things will get involved.

So that’s the story, yet with any every language they use. Sex language. Especially Kail second day has a medicine or drugs or ….whatever better stuffs, she will be so angry with him, they still have to share the same bed that night. It’s a feeling country or cultural, not like vampire, they bite, you scream at the very last monent. It’s exzilirating to Vampire. You might feel or lost some conscious because it can be magic they manipulate screaming …it’s a bite, I cannot see what happen. It’s sex.

Babaji: happy. She knows …. She knows all you girls will hell, you do that behind because you all have no ID numbers or face issues to worry public, one day they will become God, they already are. You will be judged. They will do terrible things you don’t understand that’s exactly ego no bow.

Pixie I = I will kill Black Ops fake, Black Ops real, CIA, FBI, Whistler Blowers, retirees Bob Dean lock down TV, they are not escaping ET.

 Real Black knows they enter none airport zone?

Fake Black Ops don’t even know there is airport passport DNA bar strips? Your SS, social security & Passport Numbers.

I will kill a lot of things don’t care what Order that Kerry imagining say, not with me.

Spy, double or CIA, FBI wants to get science people. No. They get most are street smart, gambling, short memory people. Not science. Science go to science groups, that’s it, or MD groups, they select to run hospital and military behind. Medicinal equipment for example ….technology …

Babaji: yeah, lay dow.

躺著 sleeping

 Babaji: go

三魂七魄、煙硝灰滅、神魂俱滅、天地不容、不得好死 (🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎194 country …COVID 19 is 走火入魔,我沒了)430 ID🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎



NSYNC, they behind those Backstreet Boys are not like you being mention too often here, they got a lot done already, they all. By the way, you all 5 needs to write yours will when you heard these we touched on.

 Just write it for you and your family sake in the safe.