
911 430 inland not safe, your original protocol? Irvine Tesla AC patent breaks. Everywhere ...inland no security, might be all on the sea. Obama ‘Hawaii .

 The smallville movies I say ..they go back home 2019, it’s 2021

That’s 20 years...they didn’t learn their language !! It’s real.

Find out 430

Babaji: all

I go to sleep ...oh that is not funny !! Not from me ...here

 Babaji: Eben


430 you should be in the field long enough to write every little tiny thing I tell you

 Dean is always next by Fatima

FEMA camp

Bill is sitting next by him.

He drunk on the phone.

He got his passport thing...so he came back invite me to the ice rink. He does ice skate.

One of that two, or in class.

There is catherine. Black dress black nail 

It’s all mix blood.

Jonathon mexico 

Wing Hong Kong

Dr T Japanese ABC

Hira Persian 

Ola polish

Eric German

They are testing people on purpose, oh I know by now. It’s in the words but I cannot do anything. I am not MD 430. 

Yeah if they hand me Dianetic saying  “you know why modern civilization is filed with a mental diseases “? 430 that book you write or re-write them if my words not clear ? Oh, it’s not funny...to what I REALLY want to do at all....

Babaji: bad bad

Why do I even sing that song for ?


430 my mini Hallo kitty Kararoke has no NSYNC song or ..there were actors ...I seen strange rehearsal ..they put head wrap on them 5, they dance, there is a Jem & hologram. Atlantis concert - star gate

 If it means holograms one movies show up in entire industry ...it meant signature ...

Keanu says: films are changing ...meaning there are technology, 

Can you check it out? It’s on JC albums anyway. 

Babaji: yeah?

I went to Toronto center ..it’s all that around including tall guy like lock? He works in the factory. Sophie also. Very hard working, no one setting them up financially ...what they gonna do ? They really old?

 They go to group meditation, doesn’t mean they hand in medical report ...oh I seen them all.

These lineage has power but...when you break precepts, you know why Indian is that black color ?

It’s very bad when you do things very selfish like them. Most are westerner, they lie.

It’s cursed power. You can go near to rinse some cleaning effect, but I would not recommend if anyone do on serious thing should stay away all those...psycho looking might be groups effects? 

Babaji: It’s OU

I know 

430, you extent far? That SMCH are all pry for healing stuffs ...oh no, they won’t do a things these zero MD

 It’s entire organization are sick people, they tell you on TV.

Babaji: yeah ?

430 check Nick. He retired 41. That’s a real MD sign to TTC. No, his kids don’t know. No, he can drive car good. Just mild concussion ? Cannot take stress at all, too short ...very uneasy with too many people. He is from very small town. Very envy others works did. Cannot achieve high, his knowing is limited ...

 Yesh, the guy i know - disability in learning. Not knowing what terms is that.

No, he is very slow, hurting my brain all the time.

People like them very bad.

Babaji: yeah?

430 I meant write - real psycho. You make film ever? Scream to others ? They are perfect. Not sure, then find out.

 Reed = rid.

= zero

That’s legal.

Very loud and clear.

Drop acid, what’s that ? I know what’s an acid ... 

he lives in a big house that photo , did he live in it? He freaks out by himself ?

Psycho only had few trait, you 430🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 I say find out!

Wallace doctor movies psycho. Oh...those kinds their faces is fearless so perfect for actors.

Babaji: yeah 

430, wiki leak, it’s over, finish it.

 They bind.

It’s fate.

If touch Kerry classify, all.

Babaji: yeah?

440, you can go to NSA, outside, kill Snowden, Congress man came out several, fat, thin-medium built, I seen strange faces before ...you tell Russian. That way. I don’t know if they know that.


Leaves Reed behind.


Babaji: like middleton 

No, someone wrote that book. It’s a journalist.

430 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎Reeds father Steve Jobs is a psycho. That’s all that meant

 You are a professional. Oh, I meant it, kill him.

Babaji: yeah 

Steve Jobs biography so, his name is Seth !!


The third...Michael Fassbender ...I know who he is.

This is so bad looking...Seth is everywhere. 

No, I don’t really care who he is. Seth is after Tim Cook, not that Steve Jobs.

KY is Stampet ..,I heard at least 2 or 3 times when I was in ...that KY, TN time...the horse kneel. 

It’s an eating food festivity, probably famous there, we music madrigal go to them too often, it’s a dinning experience.

Eating and watching the show. You will see the horse kneels. It’s ...unbelievable.

No, it’s far...you have to see it in front, the horse kneel ?

Babaji: idiot 白痴

What did Steve Jobs did other wants him dead ...( I added so badly ) it’s not said.

 No, I have no idea. It’s not my side maybe. I don’t know him anyway. But yeah, if he tap into my stuffs, he is not only will be dead.

Babaji: yeah.

I watch him the same thing everyone watched.

Do you know how old you are? If my age, it’s not 16 years ago in the university ...you work in SMTV getting along with people ? Do you tell your Dean, Ola climate change in their front and do behind another tale when you go home island, country, sea, land, air? Or you want them to hear you talk only? Not her talking ?


Climate change 


Nothing else ...loving hut proposal. She heard me, no I didn’t tell her that ...there was nothing concrete ...we groups had 2 items I select...one is red yeast and the other is 百頁豆腐 because outside that’s eggs made tofu. And in Asia, that’s not exactly outside they know Tofu.

I had groups. I have no ideas which poison they say they swallow by my merits account.

Not the rest....I taste all most. Garbage.

Babaji: yeah, dough 

UB they eat my bread, so SMCH see this TV Hunger Games funny not just liquidation if she go buys book or in jail now?

You don’t want to show you can Cook or? Climate change only talks ...

What do you guys see?

Oh no, not that auspicious location for zombies ...inside ugly, outside blue glowing 內憂外患 Seth would do black smoke, Earth disappears, do you know how it feels like if we are all out, we see an entire Earth poof in front of our eyes? Oh ...following your masters order ....


You have that video trailer you wear offices suits? The trailer ...2015 be forgiving and merciful


It’s your parents you don’t like, it’s the free work she gets more money you don’t like, or she talks the way she developed you don’t like? Do you envy your own Master as a girl and as a boy ?


Do you check if she made that up OU language ...oh I hate that my brain becomes an IE dr. Coco ? If written backwards ?

I have no need to read that cursed book if it’s darkness no shine after 6 like she says is Original Universe.

She hears Original Universe so she transcribe or she really writes English in my most convenience ways to read ?

Oh I don’t care where she got that from, I had a time schedule like I need to know where she make it up her own mind ?

Babaji: yeah yeah 

Did she even read it herself ?

5 Lord Reviews was or after, her upper entire line someone shows up specifically say no 100 Forbes. But I will have no B/t/x works. He says no!! You don’t know what that means ?


She will be jail if she lies.
But if US lies, we all will be dead.
So I say she lied.

Did you ever works in your life? One 401 paycheck I say she was late 65? In the US!!
Oh, I said a lot of things, where is Wallace ?🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎
You written everything down?
Flip my books...
You all meet Wallace yet? Like his songs ?
Like him like him or love him love him ...
Don’t know? He is married but I insist he will work on my stuffs, and I will get married too.


Do you know Forbe 100, not just religious them 1000, okay I say 100 behind, we had a magazine me Annca blacken out behind I thrown out? Her Indian 500, then 赤井秀一


We sort 100 behind already at 5 Lord review ? Didn’t I say we did a lot of things behind before I got on Slam Dunk Green team uniform taken your master seat 2018? She is a nun, she has no seating whatsoever ...
This is every 1000 on that industrial book by codes Keanu with his map to read ...

You know the terminology or you are worse than MD groups for real, they are zero, you are minus?
Beas has many magazine in English.
Not same lineage breathing same air 同氣連枝
She has no master if she lies...just dump the darkness ultimate to Beas, that’s where the book meant to use ...
Oh, I actually by now don’t care anything she says lies on TV anymore if she has it no had a master, they are all dead Taiwan, like the TV says, I exist now !!
Of course I heard 500 years old master. I told everyone ...before we had a crisis that the sky is fake ... so they have aliens lied?

You read this Tv or not? It’s 1000 cults, lineages, group, hidden, not hidden, participate with this one script if they heard the call. You are right in the SMTV !!

We are on 5 major religions, no, your master is not a thing, but she is a lineage holder like De Gabriel, Dr Steven they are.
She has 30 years with that 一貫道. Here. I told them, they win. The windows here open I scream very loud, the police pass by.
I stay in door ...
Oh, I did all kinds of stuffs, I cannot go to her center, TV says.
Babaji: oh yeah?

SMTV meditate A LOT, that’s why I never end up in your group. I cannot make it. The center they have an overnight retreat, I know I don’t make it, I always go to sleep if I travel far before meeting Nick.

 I went to NJ master house. And New York has no center location. It’s their home or school. I went to Taiwan retreat, Thailand hotel, Menton two times...she says she has a vegan hotel Austria. She has a ying ying or light light food ? It is a loving food, in US is eco-vegan. I call them to ship me stuff because my landlady has zero things in the freezer. 

You make bread? Cooking?

Climate change ?

She always say things on the TV on her own account description....

You cannot conversation her but Yogananda ?

Oh, she will listen. She trains 子歇 they were early disciples I told behind we ready to bury in the grave. 

... ... I was sorting years time on flower Thiusand bones. Funeral homes. Yeah, I did a lot of things to get ready because they have zero money to die on the street. 


You new ABC or I don’t see all your face anymore?

You miss being groups together to look decent and nice on the TV?


Nice voice, nice dinner, nice phone call ?

Is not that?

If I just ask you very basic very basic question you cannot find me an answer ....I assume I have an assumption ?

I have to do ALL that in front of Eben and whom he found his friends groups before I talk to him ever happen?

Really liquidarian 

Really sawing cloth ?

Oh, drink I was too exhausted without. Sawing ...I cannot explain it.. just do it. No ideas why.

I never talk about life - it’s a basic human function discipline you make yourself happy, wider responsibility, to host the whole world in, but okay, you are an inidividusl, US says optimistic groups has a protocols rules how to be happy.


It’s so none sense, but they deliver me at least entire book shelf on Eben’s living room. Yesh, I read how you suppose to make you and your parents give you money SMTV ABC to live happy. SMCH didn’t know me 8 years before ...I didn’t even know when she got onto my business ? I shut down my organic YouTube channel has her face on Real Love ...I sent her copy her Facebook I made for her. I shut it off. I did made a Love of Century Facebook page images if she saw that. 

Did you SMTV do something comic I draw to you or to her so I had a SMTV Christmas card ?

Toronto has her birthday well wishing birthday every year ...if not first or second Ching Hai day?

I have friends...I don’t have them, I went to a new place they never know me left behind, I meet others. To talk. I practice meditation so I don’t talk much. Dean and me are not getting along, but if he gonna ask me how I end up furthur North Muskoka? I play my 5 Lords games you all wish to get Lords?

Why don’t you looking nice ABC SMTV finding your own friends?

Findsing your parents their parents friends...stop bothering me.

Tony’s life is dead. He made it himself. Lots people right now feel already 16 years pass, they are dead living corpse. Life is not supposed to be like that. They made it themselves, you decide, I don’t know him.

 Tony is very very bad. I can never stress enough. Growing up like to imagine thinking outside the box, he does on purpose to deteriorate his health, his back, like a construction workers, his both mother father already divorced he made sure they are both be used by him, cooking s meal., to stay Fat.

He becomes thin, no more happiness, it’s all her faults with 3 kids. It’s Canada side don’t give him a passport. Oh, his attitude is ...all that if I found out Dean 16 years pass, that’s one photo God knows when he had...he is not just Impaire his life dead like Tony...I know exactly how to make people dead, see, hear, living fine.

Babaji: yeah

Babaji: right

汪星 him, lawyers your ex? That’s fine. What’s the lawyer do? Making law firm friends Bar exams ?子歇 汪星的前任也是律師,他們那邊認識

 You have a video together on stage.

No, I don’t care about it.

It’s both you life.

But no, don’t ever do that French last queen girls does 凡爾賽玫瑰 again, or else, I am not China.

Babaji: yeah? Right.

We will hoovering til we can UFO blast the entire galaxy Reptilism says, stars ...to see Hollywood who dead ...like the Kerry Ola Impaire ugly shown video called doctor MD sewing class clothing making. You didn’t watch us going ?閃耀暖暖的醜但是,人心看秀 UFO 不再盤旋 我們起飛去炸外太空外星人說的,我說看好萊屋哪個星星死了


食氣者 喝水果汁者 太陽者的印度喜馬拉雅山可能要求你們那樣,我從來沒有說,我有供養食物真正的麻煩,真的很煩 I will NOT do that ever again, for the food offering, it’s not a joke 不是在開玩笑 breatharian, liquidarian liquidarian liquidarian solarian ? I didn’t say that. Himalayas might “demand request” that for real, not American military passport issues


This is not you ? I can search out of YouTube if others cannot ...


She is always like that, she is your Masters. No, not this kind of group activities...she speaks English not my English. 
You all college graduate 8 years ago + another 8 years ago? So it’s all free SMTV your parents let you? Yeah, my mother ....well, I was in the US, she had no saying. I went in myself. 
Your parents made you in SMTV? ABC?
No, I am not in SMTV. I went outside 自理門戶= like I set up a new cult in ancient Chinese words means. 

You want her to take you all for a group activities ? 
I am not deaf.
You were much younger ...so what you were all studying in the university in US or Europe? Is her ex husband still alive to see Europe? He was the 3rd of that 10. They come in as a pair.

We might be same ages? I am very old now to do this 8 years after another 8 years, that’s 16 years. 
We had a Calvin younger age at Toronto center. I have no idea what he does neither. You all just eat, sleep, work SMTV?

I actually have to solve crisis...it’s not a real playing things like with Russians stuffs? I had to dialogue as so and so. You guys are living in paradise ...

I heard you all eating less...

Babaji: yeah, right.
I heard you SMTV went somewhere it’s not loving hut
A store that steal my credit card right in my parking lot card 4 emails. Next by that egg diary restaurant vegetarian.

I was working ...very hard.

Thao SMTV Tim Dennis, Olivia, Korea girls 2015? Office suit ? Yeah we all watched. She had a Thunder my sex song 2014...Thao wears purple black legs ...oh,,,.......she SMCH said where you been didn’t mediate she say oh well. Well= 井 it’s in 夢幻遊戲. She is a Vietsnese. ABC? You all look AabC, there is another Korea Taxas university ...no, no more Facebook.

 Bush they live their entire wealthy family in Taxus Austin ?  I getting from them my 411 watermarke garbage credit card solicitation mail all the time when I had a mail box, NOT Keanu illuded his dream Lake house has no bathroom on set. Movie set.

What can I do for you ?

子歇 is a monk, not SMTV?

汪星 was a child star, lawyer

You all are? Speaker microphone to talk to her with her real icon image or without an image? Meaning audio contact on another planet ?

We used to watch all of you ...2014 2015...

You had a grade report

What was it 

C F Q - Z ? Or Z?

Meditation 75 minutes =C?

Q= you SMTV cute 

Loving hut is = z comet ? 26 alphabet Hallies abbreviate I told Keanu they were 2014

Not funny ? Oh okay

That’s Keanu saying too? Or it’s Hollywood saying too? Oh, you guys gonna be joking me, what’s life after life after life century lifes to be that Tibetan double body Russian imagine 3 free space programs ? Did you go over there calling Dr Steven Hairfield on that Tibetan my missing my air I will kill him if he took my life like 2014 again ?


No, I don’t think so. It’s TV illusioned. Something possible, something is firmly impossible. 
Babaji: you will kill me
( Heart sink )
Babaji: where is my food offering today?
It’s purple chips today new open sweet yam flavored.

Keanu REEVES!!🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 where is my book? Simon has a publisher, Nick had a book...old adult fame on books to day they mature and evolved stage life to truimph ...like Obama. You reading 3 Art my request item yesterday ?


NSYNC meant we “you Simon Eben” them, living room. How do we all fit in ONE living room 
With UB Dean says he is coming, why 5?
Your script you thought thorough ? I seen you matrix microphone it’s amazing, it’s enchanting, it’s intriguing ...that was a Standford guy say to me City of Hope soccer player I never met Asian before Wing
He meant my presentation was imtriguing ?
Okay, yours ...Steve Jobs went to Standford delivers a speech...that’s Standford.
One day I didn’t see you on paper, I was busy with Lalla SMCH you don’t give a dame you feel so withered yesterday ...Nominji too...
Your immediate danger was a reality all of us? Or they put you on speaker phone yesterday at 3 Art reading scripts lines James writes you?
You write your answer as the French King Reinanssance while European groups High elites waiting you look at me forward ...
Babaji: yeah ?

It’s just 16 years Maleficent Legacy trailer - you will be Free again, to meet a Prince how to step the World...a bit fencing.


SMCH loves Lalla to know that pig feet is Indian root words Mushroom - it’s vegetarian means old time beliefs to “have food choices”. I know how each you will die in my hands with everything you ever got ...


You girls kids, are not vegetarian ?

It’s popular degree outside in our groups ABC, fame, wealth, friends circle. 

Babaji: yeah 

Mark Chao, his kid 趙又廷 eternal love - it’s a gift.


Seth says he wants a Pheonix, I say ...how, this is how. I say I will help him, this is the mushroom ... we were all behind, so military heard all that too. I help.