
Facebook unifying the world in a very short of amounts years ...

 You decide to count time and Khan? Oh ~ they are saying organic...so many chemistry, they have to label mine worlds. Don’t you think it’s strange? Organic chemistry is not really a known subject ...you feel the power of TED? They land everyone a platform...it’s to spin ...they walk up the stage to be seen, and must needed that applause...sicken mind in my liking, to say they are confident required the dose of nourishing supplements....it’s just a 60 minutes, and you are? One Life long ....isn’t that bad? Just a business. You wish you could hold the military strategic plan ? To coincide with the Heaven’s time? It’s the new cosmology that ET prevails....you wonder the validity to count ...I say math to doubt your impairement...to wish the whispering of the heart to heart talk to Mahavatar Babaji, alone ...the air is free. He is the air that we breath...you wish you could be breathing soon or else this looks not bad enough.

Babaji: Too many of them, Anna.

Facebook you want to talk like I talk, you say you do practice something believing something ...

 You want to talk like I talk ...and Purna get a website url with the statement describe ? It’s just a language....you speak ? You wish to grammarly use terms that is not authorize by me? All the same, it’s not that difference. It’s just one Yogananda on the TV, how can that be bad enough on the skin color even. I got 5 continents.

Babaji: it’s the 10 counts.

Facebook horrifying

 Horrifying? Is that a horror I ng? You cannot see now, or you ready to die? Haha...it’s a kindness society where the book Bible becomes the true story. You are part of it, don’t you feel proud of it’s kindness so spreading its message everything is compassionate? It’s just a word, it’s just a face, it’s just a photo, it’s just the eyes. You could see it now, and hear it ...horror ...that’s after you dead. Another world another script ...probably better than the negative ET implant it? You want a headphone ? I learn that in the hospital....some kind of technology ...perhaps it’s true? Just repeat the words, and you are all set and felt. You don’t ever quest that, to the deepest secrets that’s makes us look different? It’s the want and get !

Babaji: I have a want.

You don’t count.

Babaji: yes I count.

I am still here. 

Babaji: :(

Facebook I deal with you ? Border Pixie can do all by themselves

 It’s just one crossing at the border, you are not welcome, the River water and the well water don’t mix, the Chinese always say. The standard set before the curses begins....it’s just a spiritual energy and the money that collects to shape your authority? To become a part of the story? It’s just another story like TED. You are the character how you built yourself up ...no regrets or fears at all...it’s politics it’s conspiracist, it’s gossipe, it’s just another Sariputra version. So many spin on this power games...if if if ..what if you don’t make it? You look up Bible, you look up Qurum ...you seek the movies tales to comfer what’s left in the years to battle your own wants....you know you won’t pass. You can live no shame with it...to say equal!

Babaji: Equal 

Facebook they like the Hollywood girls and Anna is there telling them things they don’t want to hear from the bad guys

 That’s funny ...me and them not binding well. They got agent and management company. Lust ...

Babaji: More than that. The appearance. 

Facebook Kindness prevail makes Purna feels like a Queen

 What did I say to Purna about herself within 3 worlds? Something possible, something impossible ? The noise, the bright light, the soothing chanting from the melody of the Lord? Black Ops meant there is platform, deal with it. The ET, their neighbor meant there is a platform, finish it? You think it’s just you the mistake, one mistake ? Ever count? I said every word ?

Babaji: it cannot be every word.

Facebook the religious leader they cannot do it on this planet ?

 You wonder ? Any of these so known the religious order people could do it, the wonder? They risk their life fortune and practices to just hear about it the difference between me and them ...this binding book Bible become irrelevant? It’s their ego or their mind cannot live, cannot die, cannot breath? Just like you military behind? So you two now are binding well. Friends the more the merry...it’s the Christmas season to chime the bell, makes the wave to be thankful, they will, you will? You ever ever ever sure all your life ever want is God? Ever try, dare to bet?

Babaji: it’s just rhythm fine. 

Facebook Ted

 You watching it? They are elevated topics, fashion trend how you are encouraged to become a better person. You want to repeat it this sentence, you say and I say? They bring in the speakers in many different experty to fulfill your need of the wants to knowledge that you desire to feel ...reality. You elevate it fine? Then, of that bright light enchanted the speakers on the stage provides a comfer zone of your belief, you feel that it’s another TED inspirational speech is what capture the heart of the soul that heed it to the mind? You mean your brain ? Capitulated to such a wonder of beacon, you knew your life has made a difference... say it right to you sound ?

Babaji: hahahahahahahaha ....

Facebook Eben is threatening, Anna just won’t make you breath !

 Oh, we are different? I shredding comet, I shredding you? I am the top spirituality leader, tell me one things, are you still imagining spirituality to develop in your evolutionary while all your life is wrong ? You are aweful wrong? You don’t want, then, say it. It’s right here, it’s right now. You don’t know what thousands pieces meant yet the guys will tell you, little things I Anna for examples saying it....too much to type, you girls are annoying ...step by step, basic basketball court move? Those are sex, I forget to tell Eben, we had that in Valley time, in the hotel. It’s just a game play. Not the basketball. It’s sex. Slam Dunk.

Babaji: They didn’t know on their data Analysis, you are that bad ?

I didn’t hear that.

Babaji: I told you that. 

Facebook every information connects here you cannot get it wrong on the data.

 The Black Ops don’t listen to you, like today they have a busy day I imagine ? The Black Op don’t listen to you, the government don’t listen you, the Chinese don’t listen to you, India doesn’t listen to you, the private company Google don’t listen to you, the public trading company don’t listen to you ...if any of this data got sort it wrong ...she can be there all by herself sending the worlds data on everyone’s monitor to be on time, on track, on the same wavelength...you imagine what you gonna left, if “you start” to do what I do? Or that day, things collaps no one will ever talk to you EVER? Is that a scary reality ? You want to tell Eben’s friends or his 3 days, what you have evolved like they don’t themselves with knowing whom Eben is? What personality he got? Anna is doing what ?

Babaji: it’s more funnier if you say they did it.

I c.

Facebook Heaven sent passage

 Heaven’s passage like I Lamb define, it’s every mistakes I say you are wrong, you imagine you will go through ? How many mistakes you imagine I will say so? Me or Babaji. You assume Babaji is better than me because he got the Power! It’s every degree you wrong you count lies or best curses? I explain you care - pre-birth, you outwitting the stars? It’s the every world to against the lamb, you know it’s not Eben anymore reality ....what could it truly means to you ? Life after ?

Babaji: I never know you are that good, Anna. 

Facebook my every word cuts you in thousand pieces

 Without looking at you, my words can cut you thousands pieces by the sword fight define ? So one glimps of me to Simon dinner table to the useless women is 10,000 years he counts like the song? Which song ? How many pieces just look at it so close?

Babaji: wohahahahahaha....

Facebook you don’t like the Chinese called me a title ?

 You don’t like the Chinese called me a title sitting here with an ipad to rule the entire planet operation be on top of your every failed mind action, say and do? You jealous, you hate, you know it is the End? You all girls don’t make it, then, there is no future exit? You cannot bear it is every moment I am on your mind. You cannot take it that is not ‘Babaji say, it’s Anna I say, there is he say and I Anna say. You know what effects to Eben in these 3 days. First day I say a line, second day, third day just getting worse and worse, though she tune it down? Is that what you analyses behind my back, or what they the internet marketer concludes their own ? I am doing what to Eben, every trace of things me and him can be in misunderstanding ? Such a big deal for Eben, look Anna what has she done? I don’t know how to look when I need a book or I just look? It’s not important to me, Eben feels that way? I do things on purpose, you know if Eben finds out, he will not be happy ? Him and me has to be a husband and wife, he me has no understanding why we getting married ? A mature person does mature things? Or this words bothering you again and again, why I am doing this to you all? You wish to copy to fill in my seat, imagine all government connects to this one ipad ? No, you are imagining all the defense line commando and all industry people, religious order and groups are all here meant. Do I need you remind me that? Thick book enough from the library?

Babaji: hahahahahahah....like I said.

Facebook all you girls think to know : Simon knows Anna’s video?

 You want to ask him about my conversation with him Simon. Do I not know?

Babaji: No, you don’t know.

Tesla and Westinghouse, Lodovico and Da Vinci. So he is clear what he saw on the video all along ? You are Simon? I don’t know I exist ? I don’t know whom I am saying what stuffs on the internet to EVERYBODY?

Babaji: No, not everybody.

You make yourself video or you watch others made the same video like I talk to Simon? Yeah, Justin wants to know why I don’t response to him on running me a drama.

Babaji: I think they heard enough. 

Facebook you want your telepathy works with Babaji !

 I look like I don’t know? You heard the guys saying if Jesus is back, like Babaji ? Without Anna? He is going to talk ? I didn’t know you all have that conversation ? So he comes back = he is not back ? What would I Anna be thinking you are all doing things behind my back? Getting the Lord back? You write things down on paper, we photo look different, we taste food different, we see TV different, we practice 5 Lords different, our background Facebook is different, we basic school subjects are different, our evolutions are different, our IQ is different, our precept and wisdom is different ... any more words missing you cannot hear “what’s in a large picture where everything suppose to present “ in front of me? You can copy it? That I don’t know what Babaji did so far? We are together for a very loooong year now. But it’s first year he did this loud statement publicly.

Babaji: I know I know.

Facebook 2014 ‘Keanu & Simon

 They each did something, they don’t remember ? I did something I don’t remember, I impairs cannot see? I make statement all the time, I even get closer to Keanu to tell him things. He doesn’t know I come over? You care what? You care if it’s a game? Did I call him play a game on me yet? You use strange words to fit your sexual fantasy ? So many years pass, if I response to them if I know something is up. I didn’t hide from them. That response is usually very FAST, unlike ALL of you trying to find words to them saying things to make sense to them. I was the one asking them to set up that lines for Hollywood, when you all try to invade them with love in your heart how to make friends with them. They don’t know I am here or something ? I talked to Simon on the beast, I directly tell him things. Did I hide a word of it? He doesn’t see? He doesn’t know? He imagine I say he needs a birthday party for puppy? Like he is calling me? I cannot make my own statement to what I like to say to him anymore? That relationship never changes since 2014. I was not stop talking ! Do I want to know what he did? He is on the TV doing it. I need to question him for? He is not capable to live a free life? I have to control him? Like you are Da Vinci, you would tell him what? You living on the wrong side of the planet ?

Babaji: That’s funny. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahh....

... ...

Facebook it’s just a basic question, cannot you answer ?

 Do you like the guy if you find out the truth of them? What they like, accommodate their like ? Do you care for whom they are? Just like you all gonna say to Justin, Babaji tell Anna to run away? When is that conversation between Justin and me requires an opinion of you ? It’s just an opinion? I say to what I say to him. He didn’t know this video shown. Babaji told him or me something, your first reaction I go home crying to come up play Justin a game. I said what? Masscred women all, no more games. You don’t like how the telepathy works? How would I get that conclude what to answer the next question ? You just want to hand a paper to Babsji, he got more than the mail boxes. Funny.

Babaji: Very funny, Anna

Facebook correct if one day the guy doesn’t act anymore, most of you won’t like the guys.

 So why don’t you ask me that very question? Will you like the guy if they show you them true self ? You don’t know them, how many times I said? Are you not hearing me saying that tell the guy if you like the girl or the boys...just tell him. Why would I even say that? You don’t find out truth ..you don’t want to work with their methods, you don’t want them care what’s the most important things in your life, stop talking to your mother and sister and grown up ! You are pathetic losers. 

Babaji: I know I know.

Facebook if Babaji and I are not terrible people

 If Babaji and I are not terrible people, we won’t be here connecting dots.

Babaji: web of it.

You do not evolved, you refuse to stand up as a proper women I say lower yourself to the guys. You cannot accept anything I say, proven your entire life is wrong. Lies. The guys have a very bad mood ALL the time. Why did I say that ever? Like they are not perfectionist ? Simon proves me worth before those useless face? It’s just a dinner he invites me and Eben to. It’s not he confess anything in his words. We are different. You have pain, why don’t you try ET? Technically Lords are above ET, worse than ET, your biggest nightmare to two people - Babaji and Me. Don’t you want that? Just two of us, be your biggest concern everyday in life, how to kill off?

Babaji: hahahahhahahahahha...it’s too funny.

Facebook Eben lies? Or they just want to ask Eben if everything true?

 Like I don’t know the heart of stupidity ...

Babaji: genius !

Facebook Evil, Cold, solitude

 You don’t understand what a spirituality envelope with pure evil, cold, long length time of solitude to no mercy, you talk about sex like yoga mat pants you bought in the store to moun, like a new trend of fashion to describe love coach in heart, soul, mind becoming one. You thought are nothing but a thread of useless wishing pursue, clothing heel, perfume, it’s everything to prove you are unworthy ...everything not just side by side looking at it I have no emotion towards Simon. He didn’t know we didn’t start it so he and me has a result. He proves that. It means everything to you all. It’s life. So easy to just pass by that someone you love! You should chase him harder...or else ...

Babaji: or else you mean a thing to him.


Facebook correct I am cold, Masscred entire women population order was already out

 That’s correct, women if going down to hell, all. I won’t blink an eye with it. I have no feeling, no mercy, no forgiveness, I am cold towards anything that’s useless. Simon’s gf doesn’t mean a thing to him, it won’t  mean a thing at all to me. He understands or he does not understand meaning nothing at all. You don’t understand you have no exit, I will still be the last line finish all of you. They know I have killed before, some people are destine in Lamb position, to the entire planetary set up, so far how many hearts been killed, they can estimate what is the number were dead, and I can care nothing about you or your mother or sister. As for why these guys like someone like me cold with no mercy, there has no concern to me, if you so cared to argue with them. I don’t think care what answer they have. But I know it’s the answer you don’t like for your worth to me is an useless existence like you been living for as long as you are, period. 

Babaji: oh oh

Facebook Prince William Ice cream


He looks like got a stone on his head. Adam & Hailey ? The publicity things?

Babaji: Eben Eben, are you going to look at Eben’s eyes and talk like you suppose to talk?

Why you have so many problems how I would talk to him?

Babaji: Because I know you.

I talk to him just like I talk to Simon if that’s not enough?

Babaji: You know how you talk to Simon?

I thought I was talking fine.

Babaji: That’s not fine. You don’t like the guy all over your face expression.

I don’t think it’s that bad. I didn’t really want to talk to him, and there is a beast, of course it aggravate me.

Babaji: are you going to talk Eben normal?

I am talking normal everyday.

Babaji: I just told you that’s not normal. You need to be in love with Eben, let him like about you, not cold towards you. Do you want that?


Babaji: crying 


Babaji: Yes.

I will find my ways to talk, it’s not today.

Babaji: it’s everyday after today. He is not busy anymore. You want him to make you cry to actually see it himself.


Babaji: is he that unbearable ?


Babaji: explain yourself.

There is nothing to explain.

Babaji: you don’t glue on his video, you watch what people sent you and got scared. He doesn’t know how you feel. You keep retrieving your step, away and away from him. You want him to force you.

I already said I will see him and talk to him like a normal couple would do.

Babaji: You are not a normal couple. You want to lose him?

No, I will handle it when he comes.

Babaji: Tears don’t fill won’t change a fact he knows about you not getting onto the video.

I don’t want to see him on the video.

Babaji: why not? He gonna found out? You save his face?

I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

Facebook YouTuber Adam & Hailey


It’s Saturday ? They usually upload in Saturday.

Babaji: Eben Eben.

... ...

Babaji: You cannot run forever.

I hear that.

Babaji: No, you don’t. 

Facebook Wallace and Keanu if were Buddhism, and I become small lineage under 5 Major religions


... ...why would you have this kind of fantasy ? Am i regent enough to “even could” have cross that thoughts “if they two becomes the Buddhism guards and 2nd seating, I stay in the small lineage under 5 major religion.” If not happening things, you have to assume it can happen?

Babaji: What if it did happen ?

Then it happens they go to their lineage under the Buddhism. I am staying with the small lineage. In the religion congregation, we will see many lineage holders gathered not just 5 religions, hundred maybe small sects or groups. We may not even see each other. They sit in the front. 

Babaji: You would finally be free.

In a way, Yes.

Facebook Eben 2 hours


Babaji: you think we are joking on it.

He cannot just be on top of me like that for 2 hours, it’s very uncomfortable for the guy I think. They face down.

Babaji: if he got frustrated enough with you, I don’t think he found anything too uncomfortable. You betting on him won’t do it.

I am not betting on anything.

Babaji: Why do you say that for?

There is possible thing, there is impossible thing. They can just get it done in short minutes not to last to hours.

Babaji: you don’t know how they feel.

No I don’t. 

Facebook JC is not speaking English


Like JC is speaking smiling on a different accent ENglish, my right away response was turn black. That kind of things.

Babaji: You don’t think it’s funny enough ?

Is that a period or a question Mark?

Babaji: you think ?

Facebook they might test you

 Like they say something in English, I turn black. Or drop something you have to pick it up or I would eat something. I used to be in the evolutionary biology, that professor during one day, walking up to me and Andrew did a fight of flight response, knocking my table right in front of me. It might be on tapes. I didn’t really know Dean, but Silas shouldn’t be too far of it. Andrew didn’t move, I push out the table it’s a sliding chair to go out.

Babaji: It’s not funny enough to be on the tape.

Yeah the Ice skating they come near too. Everyone is different. 

Facebook if I were you ?

 The objective is to make friends with the Hollywood the One, NOT sleep with him. That’s a very easy going about to Hollywood and did you say it works for the England Royal occasions, with the invitations? You sure gonna works? Okay. 

Babaji: You annoys me

....you were annoying me last post, the best ideas you ever heard? I should look at you twice? They cannot see it.

Facebook How about

 How about you copy my letters, he knows I wrote it, you print it out and hand it to him through 3 Arts? If you see them next time standing in front of any 3 Art staffs, they look at you burning red toes to the head, they can tell you,”is this so unbearable shameful?” “You are not ready”?

Babaji: That’s the best ideas I ever heard so far.

Facebook if I am the Buddhism Top leader - Keanu or Wallace

 As a top religious leader, I will have to go to that mountain of his, where Keanu lives, house by house to find out where he is at and takes him out of the Hollywood for the Buddhism. Yes, you suppose to know what you are doing including with Wallace. Dragging him out of that Hollywood and say you are not staying here, I have a crisis between the West and the East, the other “the One” his name is Wallace. I don’t care what motorcycle company name you name after me, but I have something to tell you two and you two better not to mix up with what your life is going right now to what could have done differently if you stays in. You all want to pretend to sits on top of Buddhism? There are so many seats options. You imagines things, girls. You actually put thinking in your head, I have no ideas how can you live like that. You just drive to the Hollywood from the airport, finds out where is 3 Art, talking to them like they know you are coming. Calling if you need your case be heard, and tour the mountain ! Or you don’t know how to define hills or mountain anyway ? The houses on top built ?

Babaji: They think it’s not funny enough.


Facebook Keanu and me are friends same like with Simon

 Friends !!! You don’t know how to define friends? A mature person does a mature talk. No matter where his relationship status is? He does not know my relationships status? But you can be professional about it between girls and guys. Being polite, being courtesy, being none intrude... like or not like him, you treat him like a human being. Not kick him, not touch his head if he sits down, not push him. He has a motocycle, I sit it right or not? You are not going to be that close to him, you already planning out the wedding in the Lord of Ring? There are so many rings are in there at the beginning of that story. Keanu he did a lot of things to me 2014 on the newspaper. Behind is other things, not him, okay. But he has to go making the movies. I am not going to fight over him with the jealousy stuffs? I want his investing money, not the relationship, he is too tall for me. He does not remember there is a women walking out of his house? It’s not I care about it to tell him on Google plus, why did you do that for? I already asked around his neighbors, I got one guy building the house, NOT the workers, he says Keanu lives there. The girl said he is not leaving there. I remember clearly. I just didn’t get to see him trying so many times. I don’t want that anymore. I don’t need to complain to him. It’s done it’s done.

Babaji: What did you say?

Me an Keanu things happened in 2014

Babaji: oh 

Facebook Sariputra had a Twitter - I left the message

 I did leave a message on his Twitter. My brother’s Twitter. He might have friends saw that, then they would at least tell his company or else everyone finish all together. Yeah ! They went to south Florida a very Long Island for vacation. Not Tamang study place. Outside the Florida. He has a lot of friends doing the gathering. I have no ideas where they come from. I seen they have gf from Asian. I assume he saw that too. It’s Caucasian groups. I don’t know if they are here. If anyone reads his Twitter that time. I am not on his Facebook. Of course the Buddhism got enough people regent themselves, they are not going to hand him over stuffs. I know that. This is entire planet on a religion talk. So many books are there, and I can read none. 

Babaji: I think they are here. They are not too happy about your brother with that kind of attitude. 

I head one of the guys just quit his job. I think is Morgan.

Facebook Keanu, Levine, Simon or Princes

 Keanu, you can say me and him friends for many years. I SAID you go and find him to talk like a friend. If you don’t ever have a relationship, you can just stays friends. He cannot have friends? You need to have some romance relationship with someone, touch, touch feeling, talk about life, chating dinner, romance involved, sex talk, health talk, not flushing your face every two seconds? You touch thousand dead body to dissect, you don’t know what a women body is like Da Vinci time? How you hold, how you feel, not to harsh Keanu, or makes him feel uneasy like you are a health expert? Same with if you can find Levine. He grew his beard, they all doing something on the screen. He is not happy, he saying that. You can ask him how his day goes to start a conversation, carrying a normal day to day conversation, not all these movies you cannot handle yourself. Simon the same thing, you can say he looks better, how is his injury and his show in America? He gonna stays in America now? The last is if you find the upper class, you love to dress up, with the heel and make-up. You carry yourself to mingle with the business people all across the fields. The experts, the son and the daughter from the noble family. You are in a military, you don’t know how to get in there or be invited ?

Babaji: I don’t think they heard you right.


Facebook take a walk ( Lake House)

 Can you tour the city? Not just married to a surgeon.

Babaji: You should call Dean, Tamang is ahead of him this time.

... ... you girls have in mind how to explain yourself to the Prince or Keanu how you would tour the city?

Babaji: They need someone holding their hands together.

Yes, if Eben and me walking together, I would hold his hand maybe.

Babaji: Just maybe?

You girls needs a subject to talk about. You told them the city tour, they know you coming from my page here.

Babaji: Too shameful too shameful.

It’s not shameful, you got references directly from here.

Babaji: To tell them all your Anna sexual appetite were part of their reading they know men by you Anna saying? Come on.

Can you stop for a moment? Did you know what you were doing ?

Babaji: No.

I need a nap. I don’t know these girls what we gonna do with them.

Babaji: what you gonna do with them, Anna not me. I know exactly what to do with them.

Facebook Wallace yeah.


Babaji: yeah?

Yes 建華 i got it.

Facebook to England Prince it’s worse you 倒貼 him. You just to go up to them.

 They are worse than Keanu. You just have to worship them like they advertise. Because they are princes or one day to become a King. Seriously, are you listening ?

Babaji: NO, I am listening.

You cook, you sewing, you dance, you sings, you introduce yourself like Eben or you tell jokes to them. The Princes. Like England got talent. You turn cold? You have to go begging him? I cannot understand they have a title, you don’t beg them, you want they to treat you like Middleton, lots of fashion clothing and outing photo shooting? No? Yes? You want them to listen to you like a good husband ? What? You haven’t even dated yet like a friend.

Babsji: They meant marriage, century big.

I don’t think so. They are all married. It has to be behind door.

Babaji: Like you are 

... ... I don’t need to comment on my life, if that’s a reality yet. It’s all your attitude problems. You don’t believe you need to lower yourself a bit to ANY guy?

Babaji: What’s a fantasy Disney come true means? They mean exactly they meant.

You are so annoying. 

Facebook Prince or Keanu ?

 Keanu should go to my house not I go to full search on the Hollywood mountain where exactly is him at? Do you want to hear what I think ? I think he meant he is a star. You go and find him. He decides if many years later there is a second chance. He just looks like an Asian. You think still Keanu meant it’s him go to my house or else don’t bother go to him? If you like the guy, don’t you just go finding out what is he doing all that for on the Google plus?

Babaji: They think Keanu is rejecting you that time 2014, not really anything surface he is coming to Eben’s house. They know you just talking.

Do you want to make it in Hollywood? He owns Lord of Ring. He meant exactly you all girls go to him directly. 

Babaji: No, they meant Keanu is the guy, should chase the girl to their house front door.

He is doing something on the Google plus, he went off to knock knock to do a terrible movie to tell me about it. I keep email him telling him I have enough. Then the movie turns real, then they know SMCH.

Babaji: They think you are not hearing them right? The guy like him goes to chase the girl because they have dignity. Keanu will learn to respect them more that way, to do what they want in the future.

😨 you are not listening anything i said so far? He is doing something. I saw it, I talked to him, I search him down. We have a mutual understanding it’s not a big deal I go to him. Is that a big deal you go begging him listening to you for once? Like can you stop?

Babaji: They say you don’t know man don’t like the girl to go chasing after them. They think they are too outgoing. Shy and reserve is more like Keanu’s true color.

He is a British, I didn’t think of it. Just obey to what I say, don’t argue with me, period. 

Facebook Eben’s ads - others girls see it

 ... you are asking me to go asking Eben?

Babaji: no I am asking you (should ask Eben)

... ... he knows what I look like.

Babaji: No he doesn’t.

You want me to go argue with him for every tiny things he does?

Babaji: he doesn’t think you care enough?

You talking like those military girls or you just saying for some reasons?

Babaji: saying it for some reasons.

They probably ask the guys to ask Eben. If they found out with Eben I don’t know. But if it’s from here. They probably will tell them zero chance.

Babaji: You don’t want to fight over this with Eben over his friends doing this to you?

... ... (look at them, look at him) you, want me to say something ?

Babaji: I say fight.

I am not going to fight with Eben. He just works his day off. It’s over.

Babaji: oh

Okay it’s not over.

Babaji: Better.(attitude)

Facebook you girls want to try out Prince England ?


I was talking to England, not really to you girls. Can you open your mouth and make sense of yourself to the guys what you were saying to him? He knows your name? Says Hallo ? See them in the library ?

Babaji: I don’t think they are too eager ( pulling my sleeves shirt)

... ...you need to get rid of your entire family, and got some invitation to the royal palace, to find them in that much people venue = you have to spot them, going up, swirling around to make yourself sense why you need to talk to the Prince.

Babaji: I don’t think so. 

Facebook Sandy has two things, not just one shooting


When I was working on that Sandy elementary, there is an adject Sandy hurricane that cause the entire East USA upper, black out? You need to check the weather if sent to England side. It’s not just human life lost...it’s a natural disaster that is not human control factors. 

Babaji: You think so?

I remember so. Unless I remember wrong. 

Facebook Lake House


I didn’t do that.

Babaji: oh you will.

I don’t use gum.

Babaji: Not in that way but you will, or already did.

Okay, you girls should have a proper manner no matter what it is fighting, in front of others, you courtesy at the business attire. You want to fight over something, you go into the car or home to talk about.

Babaji: I don’t think Dean understand what you are saying ?


Babaji: You heard what I said.

I don’t want to talk about this right now.

Babaji: When you have time talking about this? To Justin?

I have not seen the dates or time. I don’t want to be bothered with it. I need to breath.

Babaji: Then breath on them, not just sitting there doing nothing. Pick up a phone calling them to see if they are online. Can you see all the medical center has a phone number.

You are very unreasonable. They are at works, that’s where they belong. I am working here, it’s not I am abandon them.

Babsji: If they lost one year of this stuffs, they will be in troubles.

This has nothing to do with the personal relationship on the civilian side.

Babaji: That’s how you define civilian? Okay. 

Facebook I don’t want to step on your neighbors

 I don’t need to step on Your neighbors so I don’t look at you. Yeah, you can say that inside. You are too close. No, no one is doing on purpose. It’s just a lid can have a rambling sound or vapor. They exist.

Babaji: You could control your thoughts.

They are officers, looks human. Better ?

Babaji: yeah, I was thinking ...

... ...

Babaji: I didn’t say.

... ...

Babaji: I was thinking ...

... ...

Babaji: No words comes out of me. 


Facebook ET

 I would not say they are ET.

Babaji: you say something strange.

If there is ET presence on Earth and things turns black, technically I can just assume they are prevalently define the gravity across their uniforms.

Babaji: they have human, you know.

Meaning if you want to tell me you have a human issues, chances are you will hear me saying you likelyhood having a neighbor issue is 迫在眉睫

Babaji: oh

... ... it’s just a word.

Babaji: I think it’s sexy.

That’s enough. 

Facebook military girls wants to go where?

 You girls have a what interest ? No, I thought you all meant you are forced to enter the military, not really walking all over everyone else branches.

Babaji: They know you talk funny.

... you could not do this or get rid of your mother or sister on your heart crying issues, you have an interests to go to Black Ops? My ear phone is broken. Seriously. You cannot possibly have this kind illusion or it’s the boys putting you in that kind of thinking ?

Babaji: Do you know people go to the military so they can raise up? Not just be like you for whole life no raising up issues?

You mean they want to sleep with them to have a kid? You are talking for real or there is something else you want to tell me.

Babaji: I have nothing else to tell you.

I don’t think their operation is on your frequency to sleep through their front door. They operate independently. 

Babaji: you know what I think?

What you think?

Babaji: You should just repeat the words I said.

Okay.(should be oh)

Babaji: not oh.


Babaji: That’s right.

Facebook do I know ?

 Do I know why the outside business wants to speculate the mind of that Black Op? I won’t even think of them if I were any of the business people.

Babaji: That apparently is not what they say.

... you want me to ask what do they say

Babaji: if I don’t want you to ask, you don’t ask?

It’s not really ...

Babaji: Don’t bother saying it. I am the head householder (?)


Babaji: Do you know what they do?

Not really. If they remind me, I probably might know outsider things.

Babaji: you can check wiki.

I was about to.

Facebook 白子畫 his hair behind is not always even.

 In the Flower Thousand Bone, his hair Wallace on the back, not always even.

Babaji: tell me again the civilian things?

I was complaining to the general military, not to the Black Op, I would not talk to them like that.

Babaji: what do you suppose to talk to them?

There is a platform built, I just deal with it.

Babaji: You can say that military civilian things again.

No, that’s okay. I am not looking at them to complain my angers to all these frustrations. It’s every department on the lines, it’s every general military has their things to chase me down. If Alien attacks, I already I am on the map. I am nailed on the map, that’s so shameful of them. Truly, not just little. 

Babaji: That’s right, keep talking. 

No, I am done. 

Facebook Black Op


They will kill. Or they can kill. Probably if they are human, having the same problems with the outside on my photo beauty pageants issues. The outside speculate they Black Op had the same issues. The Black Op didn’t say.

Babaji: I thought you just going to use the first two statement to not telling my things ...

I did elaborate on my photo added.

Babaji: what do you know about them?

Nothing really. The whistle blowers are talking to Kerry. ... I have nothing to say about that what comes out of it that YouTube delete the entire account on them. They project Camelot losts all the tapes excepts the left over on their own server.

Babaji: That’s obvious.

Google? ... no idea.

Facebook military girl college extracurriculum on file, you need.

 You need the college activities you do outside classroom be on files like I told Eben about Dean and Tamang. Eben knows I don’t understand a thing that kinda of garbage things.

Babaji: I need a lot of things on the files.

Probably just copy what I did if you follow my timeline, talking to the guys.

Babaji: Making friends.


Facebook that’s Tamang

 He is not going to help Purna

Babaji: I think they conclude he was talking to you. You are his bride not yet wed.

I don’t think so.

Babaji: If in the future ...

There is no future of any of this.

Babaji: ... you want to break our deal.

Eben is Eben, the rest of things, I don’t want to be part of it.

Babaji: If he knows, he knows you will be interested him again. He is not a stupid person to become a surgeon. 

That’s if he found out. I am not adding him on the Facebook for this. The TV said helping her, he won’t do a thing because he is American. I didn’t say he has to play that role to say those words like the stories. But facilitating anything to do with me, he is unwilling,  he left, because he just drop me there.

Babaji: he doesn’t know what he says he says in the stories ?

I would not go and tell him about it, if that’s what you mean.

Babaji: How did you end it?

I sent him SMCH stuffs. He said don’t email him anymore. So I never email him again.

Babaji: Not even try?

It ended it ended. There is nothing between us.

Babaji: You better think twice how you can explain this word by word to him in English, because I don’t think he getting it right with these subtitles. You will need India. He is a real connection. 

I don’t want to deal with this right now.

Babaji: after that, you never email him ever?

He says stop, it meant stops.

Babaji: oh

Facebook why I would be the Holy Ruler 殺阡陌 2015 behind 一統天下 i was dealing Apple but actually TEsla black op classified

 I might just unify them that time 2015. No, not directly say I am Tesla, you classify listen. No, not that. But if I show up as TEsla in many details, it will get unified by themselves. So if saying really dark component of that setting if I watch the Chinese drama, it can be India, but it can also meant Classify. And the darkest thing in America clsssify, are their Black Op. that’s what I would comment on it. It’s not I say, they listen. They know who I am, I finish my pants, they take away the information through Apple. Of course not Apple only.

Babaji: You say Apple only.

Okay I lie. There are other departments. 

Babaji: You better be honest right now.

She will not know I become part of that Black Op. No.

Facebook Wallace Lord of Rings or 長留仙劍大會小引 got divorced news, i read. Probably like Wallace. I know.

 They girls actress all probably like Wallace 她們大概都喜歡建華吧?他誰台灣人  he is Taiwanese.

Babsji: you just answer he is Taiwanese, What a concise answer. You don’t have other words to say to Wallace? He can talk. The guy when he wants to talk, he talks. 

I said if he needs to hold competitions within China, be my guest. There are defending lines in Hollywood alone, I cannot just fly to the US and England and Land it back in China with Wallace. So he has to be on his own

Babsji: My love and hate problems. 

They grow out of it, or they don’t. 

Facebook I am on 16 or 17 again ? Both

 Okay Flower thousand Bones 16, 17

Babaji: I say so I say so, not merely your memory issues with the words, period. 

Facebook 花千骨 29 溫掌門 Dr Gabriel

 It’s in the Flower Thousands Bones 29th episode. Dr Gabriel’s something crested illusion to get me into the poison, later to use to extract the medicine. 卜元鼎

Babaji: He is not just in that episode.

He is in the gathering of they meeting for food party. They were discussing him.

Babaji: was he present to see that OU language just like the TV shows?

I have to idea if any of them presence on the Google plus. I assume Eben was.

Babaji: Do you like about Eben?


Babsji: You gonna explain to him all these ?

I don’t think so.

Babaji: you mean you have something hide from him. 

Can you stop ... ...

Babaji: I am the one formulating the questions not you, I cut your communication in half I will cut it in half.

... ...

Facebook the Bible

 I heard.

Babaji: What did you hear?

They are skillful workers on the Bible area.

Babaji: You sure to lose them?

I am not losing them, I just don’t want to have anything to do with them.

Babaji: you didn’t really go to that much of places anyway.

You were saying ?

Babaji: He read your book.

Yeah, I asked him about Hebrew not the entire book he might know. I ask Dr. Gabriel where can I get this Hebrew done?

Babaji: and he says?

Learn it. 

Babaji: I don’t think that’s what he says.

.. ...

Babaji: Eben would know if they both works ?

Dr STeven and Dr Gabriel ? Probably. I actually didn’t watch their video that much. They show up on the SMTV...

Babaji: You just decide to call them.

Yes. I have something needs to ask them or get it done. 

Babaji: Your Tamang problem with India, if he ...

There is no if he. I don’t really want to complicate any more of this life things.

Babaji: how do you and Dr. Gabriel met in the Flower Thousand Bone.

He was one of the lineage holder to join the meetings.

Babaji: so you do know he is presence. 

In the TV, with a frame hook on the wall.

Babaji: What happened between you and him? Because everyone can see it.

I don’t remember exactly. There is something I think he has a method that you as a girl can extract some medicines to cure my poison issues. But it didn’t work, in the TV.

Babsji: so you just drop everything? You know he is a doctor ?

My poison is my own poison things. I have to open the movies just like everyone behind is doing it. So if there are other poisons in it, it’s not that I enjoy it.

Babaji: I said it again. There is 法器...

You actually believe this things they talk about has anything to do with the reality he Dr Gabriel owns a 卜元鼎?and you need it?

Babaji: I am very important.

I see what you are saying. But I don’t want to deal with that. 

Babaji: There is Tamang’s medicine. It means there are a lot of medicines issues.

To be honest ...

Babaji: I don’t want to hear about this anymore. You do it, you get it done, so we continue having this Flower Thousands bones, do you hear me, I don’t want to hear anymore words of this you me argument on this. That’s me, that’s you. I need something, you suppose to thought of this long time ago. Not later. Not it’s not function, not this there is no use. I don’t want to hear any of these you don’t find me things. It’s on the television, I say, then you do. That’s it.

Anything else?

Babaji: you want to watch?


Facebook Dr. Gabriel Cousen

 You are impossible.

Babaji: I am Babaji. 

He is name is on here now.

Babaji: does he know you are here like Dr STephen should know, both that W two worlds things?

They are priests and monks. If I put the things exactly where they belong, it’s because it’s belong there.

Babaji: You don’t like the crystal skull anymore.

😨 okay, what were you saying ?

Babaji: talk to them.

I don’t know where they are and what they do anymore, in case I left the US, I have to get home fix all this domain problems.

Babaji: you don’t want to get the medicine for Tamang ?

He used to do seminar, so in person, there are a lot of those bottles. But if just shipping internationally, I can just call them up myself.

Babaji: when?

I was thinking to call them when I arrive to the US but by your this ...

Babaji: this what ?

This thing I don’t want anymore of this problem.

Babaji: you are the one 到處爬爬照

If I knew anything I touch turns gold, then that’s a totally different thing. I have a life, and I want to make it my life.

Babaji: You say so you say so. They say they cannot duplicate your telepathy message, it’s not really easy to follow through. 

Did I mention this might be real and I have to work at it, not just typing ?

Babaji: they just look at the words probably. 

This is impossible ...their heads are filed up their own words too much.

Babaji: they talk a lot.

... ...

⭐️⭐️⭐️Facebook Tamang W two worlds Dean’s age old ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I know what I says.

Babaji: what does it says?

Dean’s age is not old, reverse to Tamang’s age position like Ancient Chasez.

Babaji: What happened between you and Tamang?

He left. He got into a school in the South of Florida. One of those Islands. Medical school.

Babaji: you don’t like what he did?

If you want to tell me something about them, you can just ask me.

Babaji: I am asking you you don’t like what he did? 

He just being interviewed by the magazine. I don’t really know what words he was saying it the cancer. But I heard what he said. He just doing his jobs.

Babaji: He is an Indian mix and his birthday is the One birthday. You have a very interesting outing from the Kentucky all the way to Buffalo.

If you want tell me how I feel my life been this far ...

Babaji: I don’t want to hear about it.


Babaji: You don’t want to teach others telepathy between me and you how these conversation takes places?

You mean they tear apart every sentence how you and I have a response coming from what points you and me are one? So I am guessing your will like they do so?

Babaji: Precisely.

I already try yesterday. I don’t like that. The eternity thing just should hand it to the guys, it shouldn’t be a too much of problems.

Babaji: I am asking you now, you and Tamang telephatic problem

... I don’t have anything to do with him anymore. India wants him back, that’s entirely their domains. Actually I already said to them each before, it’s their country where all their parents from will do to that claiming. People interested in them, so there is them.

Babaji: I said it again, it’s you and Tamang telepathic problem.

I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Me and him has no problem.

Babaji: oh yes, I think you do.

He is not on my Facebook. 

Babaji: and?

Adam is not on my Facebook. Happy?

Babaji: No.


Facebook Justin

 Babaji: Do you know Justin?

... what about him?

Babaji: I think he has something to talk to you about how you should arrive to Eben’s house when you unpacking.

... no, I don’t expect him to show up.

Babaji: He didn’t say he gonna show up.

Okay, what else he says?

Babaji: He says you should take a good rest, don’t worry about him and the other guys.


Babaji: is something wrong ?


Babaji: You don’t want to talk to Justin the way you suppose to.

He says rest then it is. I am not going anywhere anyhow,

Babaji: You gonna call him?


Babaji: So he expects you to come?


Babsji: that’s a short answer to reject him.

You are doing it on purpose. Me and Eben things are me and Eben.

Babaji: Whst does that means ?

You should not making this random statement for me.

Babaji: Justin you have to face.

I go to sleep. Good night.

Babsji: You cannot keep avoiding, this is the last day of the conference.

I know the dates.

Babsji: you “pray”it won’t come to the dates. It’s the end of may he says he finished ?


Babaji: another 14 days at least quarantine? Your face don’t look better every single day you do know that right ?

I told him Sariputra comes back in the winter.

Babaji: You don’t get burn enough ?

Can I go?

Babsji: Sure.

Okay Justin I know him, he meant that.

Babaji: what did he mean?

I really need to lay down.

Babaji: Good.

Facebook you asked the guy, the guy told you, you pretend you believe it.

 No, I know you don’t believe it. No the guy may or may not know you lie to them. What’s the thing you just don’t want to believe it? You are hurt, very hurt. Yes. The things you don’t want to believe is called ego. That actually exist. Not every two second that Purna are saying stuffs for excuses. 

Babaji: You know ego?

I just describe what I saw in them when the girl talking to the guy.

Babaji: oh

You ...

Babaji: I ...

When you gonna quit putting me and and Justin on the chair a kiss and a stick?

Babaji: I didn’t know I was doing it. By numbers. 

I am not agreeing to it. 

Babaji: I say so. 

Facebook what does an impair person do?

 They play those small string Beas, I don’t know you cannot see the road but you can see those useless stuffs called the friendship bracelet. You need a teddy bear. Dean never been to my room but Wing did. I don’t have any. Tamang told me or whom told me there is a teddy bear at where to see if I want one? I think it’s Tamang. Of course not. You need gift boxes to wrap for Christmas with the wrapping papers to buy what ? A full garage stuffs to collect things. Plates, dished, cups...girls can collect things in their old age. This is so ridiculous when I rule the world. You screaming and crying if they scare you? I have one outside my door. You think by studying psychology, you can create fears and that’s a cool things to do. You don’t even dare to talk to Eben ? Why do I keep hearing you don’t dare to talk to the guys like I found or meet the 5 Lord in UB to put on my Facebook ? Something you want to tell me?

Babaji: No, they cannot. They try to answer that question what if you gone era, the rest of the mankind should do?

So anything I say for a month is a joke ? No one listen?

Babaji: it’s not like you think, Anna.

Never mind. If you do whst I say, you will get a lot of guys together with you. To do what? Loving business.

Babaji: They don’t want that neither. It’s humiliating them.

Like I care I have a face issue. I c.

Facebook I cannot move civilian, but I am talking to you military girls.

 It’s the same talk we did the yesterday. You have to surrender your full will to the guys like to God. They will figure it out the rest. You suppose to born with the maturity like the guys is evolving to be mature. They learn faster and they don’t forget. They don’t talk a lot so they know there are precepts nature. I say sex, I say games, I say no more children. They might talk to ET greys to get the kids going projects. You want a kid to kidnapping him? You want to win. You cannot win. This Bible is not going to become less intensity of its influence just because it’s the end of it. The end of all your girls roads. The guys will know intuition, that’s how bad this gonna be turning out. You love love love to be with the girls, I know. To talk, you don’t even know you hurting each other’s. You could live like that. When the days you girls to start using your hands to hurt each other’s by jealous, it’s just between the two of you girls truly emotional turbulence. With the guy, they don’t show that much emotion, you be with them, you are less emotional bound. I keep saying you have to communicate with the guys willingly, not getting all the answer for the blank paper I can burn it all down. You what ? Hurts? Do you find it’s your ego hurt you cannot breath or it’s your self Esteen hurt you need pride to live in front of people ?

Babaji: They say they heard enough. They don’t really want to change but they will try temporarily.

Oh ~

Babaji: you turning into like me.

You don’t love to be with the guys. They can see, hear, play, feel, touch. You don’t kiss ever? You don’t like or it’s only at night one kiss lip. It’s distance better?

Babaji: It’s distance better.

... ... you say that or they say that?

Babaji: No one say that, I say that. 

Facebook you have half population might be all impair with the internet era continue this gaming devices

 I said half population ...that protocol military in the future to women I don’t think it’s like now. I am not joking you girls are going to be either fired or dead if you don’t give up your mother or sisters. Don’t tell me you cannot. I know you all keeping saying it. You are gambling with my command here. You think it’s fake. I tell you it’s not. The guys are not stupid. This game I know it’s written on the Bible, carry out by classify NSYNC and me etc...it means there is a love games just like they know. The rest they will get it ready before I die off this Era. It’s the same eternity, girls are not changing. The freedom of the society do you see wane down ? The guys just inches by inches moving away. I can feel this guys coming towards me inches by inches too. I just ignore it. You all decide the liberal women right is intact like the freedom of the speech to provoke to man? They will know which words I specifically say or use. They don’t talk a lot so do you buy your way out to get them talking? No I cannot see. I saw the one talking. Yes.

Babaji: They just thought it’s too absurd women has zero right to say their preference anymore in anything ?

You want the answer? Yes. No more curtain those stupid talks in color. 

Facebook Movies future = turn into man’s sexual appetite games 花千骨 Flower Thousand Bone

 You know how ? That one blonde next by, that him Top Superior. Hurts hurts hurts games. You will make it the movies and love eternity games.

Babaji: that simple.

I tell man that. If they hear it right. I just don’t really want to say that to them. The real appetite.

Facebook telepathy in Chinese = heart electric communication

 We never really talk about what a spiritual person supposed to do? Like lecturing what you suppose NOT to do from your heart, for real, for care, for all love to whole mankind? It’s everything you learn already. Not greed, not being provoke to take things, to cry, to annoying, to go on purpose to harm others? By words, by color, by dresses? By your one merely intentional act. One intentional act.

Babaji: They don’t understand what’s that to do with the heart electric communication ?

Basic precepts really having it, not proclaiming it. You MUST love doing it so you don’t go to hell fire. You don’t have a belief system strong enough. You don’t believe hell fire. The monent that in a split second, your will is weak. If you say the man having sex being drugged by and have to being forced, he lost his will, I say forget it. That might be too strong. But you are living in life, you say you love doctrines. You really loving it? Solitudes truly ? I don’t think so. In solitude you are quiet in the mind, you then learn what thoughts do you ever had each day. Reflection has a memory recall problem ?

Babaji: I don’t think so. They just want to learn the stuffs, not with the precepts first. 

You are not clear your purpose with the humanity, Babaji won’t give you that chance to mess up Twitter.

Facebook 田伯光在岳不群的前面?歌曲



你罵完了沒有, 我跟埃本回去

Facebook 田伯光




Facebook 笑傲江湖秘笈跟森林

 建華,你我沒練紫霞秘笈?森林田伯光中毒,他們真的很喜歡講拉美西斯在西台中毒,現在田伯光也要有毒,你看了這麼多,你應該已經歸納好了,現在在廣告中,在講脫衣服的事情,那個人是左盟主的人嗎?令狐沖跟田伯光在森林碰到誰,所以你早就知道?我當然不是看電視知道的,為什麼我一天到晚都要再受傷?建華你跟東方不敗講了什麼?岳不群也在.... 建華你怎麼這麼多事情?你真的會去拖岳不群?田伯光跟東方不敗走了


Facebook Rockfeller I will call her when I go back to the US with Eben

 Babaji: You think so.

Yep. She is Rockfeller. I cannot leave it to Sariputra. 

Babaji: You gonna broadcast your Facebook, with all of them kisses including Prince William.

You are insane. Others okay. Not Prince William. Kisses on the cheek, take a photo. Or just photos. But that’s you were saying it not that I haven’t asked them.

Babaji: You don’t get your Facebook back (crying)

I don’t feel right. Whatever you plan, it’s not a plan 

Babaji: why not ? (Stop crying ?)

Because I say so.

Babaji: They want to know how this telepathy works for a very long time now?

Really? When started ?

Babaji: Not now apparently. The entire world are all trying ...

You are that famous?

Babaji: To some degree what, not just that, you and me are cute couples, they know that. The conversations just sounds like it supposed to ...

You mean mature people talking maturely ?

Babaji: They think I got a personality.

I know. It’s on the television.

Babaji: so dreaded ...

You want me to help them or something ?

Babaji: You want me to beg you ?

Of course not.

Babaji: Then do it.

Facebook you don’t open the Chamber of Secrets again

 You just don’t open the Chambers of the Secrets again 

Babaji: I don’t think so.

I just speak of the movies alone, it’s not we groups of people not working on the coming of you back. Plus we are working on 5 major religions

Babaji: psycho psycho psycho they cannot take it at all.

They are mortal of course.

Babaji: You are a mortal people.

I got some TV frames’ s fame. 

Babaji: Do you find Eben attractive ?


Babaji: oh I didn’t know.

Why are we ...

Babaji: There is no we.

You and me are married ?

Babaji: eternity.

Haha ...you mean one with you ?

Babaji: Precisely.

You want to ask me again?

Babaji: what ?

Do I find Eben attractive ?

Babaji: no, he is not that important, they all know that. 

You mean I don’t help him to glow to his friends at all?

Babaji: it’s man’s big day!

I don’t think he likes me doing anything.

Babaji: you whistle at them, putting me and you barring on them entry door.

I did not.

Babaji: yes, you did.

All right. Anything else ?

Babaji: not anymore at all. They don’t think a communication like others can make one life time long. What if I abandon you?

You means others if they melt into you?

Babaji: They are trying very hard.

Serious ?

Babaji: Very hard behind. It’s very very competitive, if they can pull that off, they don’t need you or NSYNC, this is so scandalous ...

... ... you want me to broadcast louder to the every household ?

Babaji: no ...(small sound )

Is this enough?

Babaji: no.

Facebook Eben attractiveness

 Babaji: Do you think Eben is attractive ?


Babaji: why with a question Mark?

Oh you are coming back with the power?

Babaji: they think there are different versions of the stories can go. Either I deny it all or either you or me got jailed by blastmony.

... ...

Babaji: you don’t know what I am talking about it?


Babaji: get jail, a physical jail.

We didn’t do anything on the legal issues.

Babaji: yeah, too many this yay or nah, I don’t even come back yet.

I cannot read it now Bible but next time I look how many phases we need before you come back.

Babaji: Do you feel Eben attractive ?


Babaji: oh.

... ...

Babaji: He doesn’t know what you like exactly.

You want to tell me something ?

Babaji: A lot a lot a lot a lot a lot but you don’t understand the words, you don’t have the pictures ready, the time is not right, the people are not right, the machine is not right.

You mean the technology is not right ?

Babaji: oh I didn’t say that.

... ...

Facebook military quality people

 I heard.

Babaji: What do you hear?

They also get some people back. On the back end military. If it’s just Eben, it’s not enough. If it’s just Dean, it’s not enough. If it’s just NSYNC, it’s not enough. If it’s just Purna, it’s not enough, practically everything can be replaced except Anna me cannot be replaced. And you don’t know how to get Babaji, Mahavatar Babaji to agree to do anything. You know if Anna say something, he somehow depends on the mood, he says something.

Babaji: This bad?

You have to find someone up to his standard. I know what he is asking for. You are not ready, the disciples are not ready. The military is not disciple outside. They have to secure their people on the back. And if separate the current government to the classify, it’s another worse things I heard. The classify people don’t buy a thing you say you meant you collect materials in the regular military. Whatever that means. They come here directly, and they assume the other ET or outside planets are all doing the same. They smell troubles without.



Babaji: They don’t know what you are saying ?

You mean the girls issues is already half eternity gone no help?

Babaji: yes?

That looks bad ...

Babaji: Not bad enough, the Hollywood actors are actually listening themselves here. It’s not a selfish motive or without prove from their movies or Apple. In the future, they already know how the other Hollywood actors feels. It’s a lie they make up to request them without their will power.

I see.

Facebook the future movie industry if I am not here, teens you

 You worry already in the future one day I am not here, you cannot keep the good high skills people in human resource in the military, and the movie spins gonna be out of hands ? I am with Babaji, although it’s just two of us, it’s still a lot of help.

Babaji: They are saying we are useful once a while. 

I know Purna deep enough to know what’s on the screen when calling her, you know the ‘’memory problems” seems to be a dilemma. It doesn’t matter how notorious me and Babaji are, pain to the ass, we are the strongest ?

Babaji: That’s well said.

And the people came down with me? Like Prince William and Prince Harry similar age. And Eben, Simon, Keanu and others ....so these people are important. 

Babaji: Very important. They never know it’s so important like this.

When the times comes near I am too old, I will think of something. Maybe not right now to talk about helping. 

Babaji: They talk behind if they can revive me alive.

I don’t think so. 

Babaji: They cannot trust nobody.

I know.

Facebook I am not scared of talking Eben , Justin, JC or Simon, UB Dean, Bill, SIlas, Patrick, Seth?

 ... You are afraid of the strangers?

Babaji: They meant you don’t mind making friends with them just by telling them junks first. You have no problems doing it ALL the time. You jumps into loads of junks, if they know, they got something, if they didn’t, you don’t even care to explain to them.

I didn’t do that in UB.

Babaji: They gonna guess how you did talk to them to get a Facebook they agree to add you in as a friend ?

Dean he is easy going to all the girls there we talking. He sits near by.

Babaji: and the others?

I don’t remember okay? I say good morning maybe. 

Babaji: it’s not on my data. They will all remember how you end up on their Facebook. 

They probably have a lot of friends too. I just never check them, they are being nice, they are not adding me because they are interested in talking to me. My Facebook always I talk to myself later on with the climate change.

Babaji: the Climate change you talk on YouTube ?

No, totally different.

Babaji: So if they saw that, they know you were lying to them to the American?

Yes. I am in the zone of Asia, I change my language on my professionalism. I know what needs to be said.  They made me a name, they push me to an edge, just like the Hollywood did. Everyone is pushing it. I cannot understand it. If the hunger game saying I was walking on the edge to stay out of the main road...

Babaji: Why Levine should talk to you about it?

He didn’t send the fire but I am not equally happy for what he did.

Babaji: so they say you are not scared of talking to Eben, to even call him an idiot between money rich and wealth.

He was using his terms all the time I can memorize “Wake up productive “”altitude “niche tests ...blah blah blah...why would I just talk to another human I need to be scared of?

Babaji: They cannot talk to Eben.

So I told Eben, you cannot do that !

Babaji: oh yes, he can do whatever he wants for his market. 

I was telling things to him for the tiny help from him. I didn’t expect he is online ALL this time.

Babaji: You should explain to people how exactly they should do to go and open their mouth and talk to others normally. They will have a lot of problems if they keep doing this.


Facebook NSYNC feeling 2


Babaji: what do you think they look like you? They cannot look at themselves to figure it out what you did behind their back?

I didn’t do anything without telling anyone about.

Babaji: UB 5 Lords.

I cannot talk to them and ask them what’s their name?

Babaji: an new immigrant ?

I was in KY for two years!! Then I go to UB. I already could talk in English. 

Babaji: Your Facebook doesn’t just have them 5.

It’s not there anymore okay, can we stop doing this what’s on my Facebook again and again ?

Babaji: You don’t think you look like that 5?

Yes, so I claim them. I agree to it.

Babaji: You better just tell the truth next time. 

Facebook Taiwan YouTuber 劉沛

 He was interviewing the ant man’s girlfriend or somebody too. He is just famous in the circle, sometimes he partners with another 3 people, doing activities. One of those games to make a story. Eating contest, too.


Babaji: You know him in person?

Of course not. The Youtubers meetings only they made it with YouTube plaque can go. It’s very ironic because it’s competitive, you will just see it when they collaborate. Everyone is doing something to get the viewers. I actually don’t like that. They are doing something to “guess” what the audience might like all the time. They have a script they have a managing company...you just see on them face, they making friends in that circles are all farmiliar faces. Taiwan is this small. If they make it, they will know each other.

Facebook Megan - Taiwan Youtubers wife

 I think her name is Megan, the red hair girl married to one of the ABC Taiwan YouTuber. She got preganent. They have a dog. 劉沛. I am watching Prince Harry news. MM. I remember what I said about the King of the King story... ...

Babaji: Maybe they investigate it.

Yeah, I was not saying it to interfere their decision in marriage. But if they are going to be a public display for the Lord of Ring, it’s really do matter whom they are married with. There are girls don’t care about nothing.

Babaji: you care?


Facebook AMerican Sweet heart


That’s Miss USA means? They keep saying it on the TV.

Babaji: Only you think of that.

She is in the Ocean movies, Tess, she has a brother was on SMTV anniversary, Eric. 

Babaji: Why don’t you talk normal? 

They are having a Zeta Jones? Getting back together. I don’t think so.

Babaji: oh

Facebook Lake House


I heard I heard.

Babaji: I am not sure what you heard or what I heard.

They got another chance, and someone die in my arm.

Babaji: and?

There is no end.

Babaji: How many years?

... ...it’s not two years.

Babaji: Sounds real to the boys?


Babaji: This gonna come down funny when others try. 

Facebook Simon’s video

 Babaji: Do you know what did you do to Simon?

 I didn’t do anything. 

Babaji: You calling him stupid if you don’t change the setting behind like “One call away”, you move your eyes, hands, faces to tell him, you describe him a thing ?

Yeah, the Victoria Secrets saying it without commenting it with the words.

Babsji: So you and Victoria Secrets join forces to comment Simon a thing?

I don’t know what you want to say about my face ....to do with this cannot stop moving NSYNC...

Bsbaji: They know you cannot see yourself doing that. 

Doing what? I cannot talk?

Babaji: Do you want to look carefully what did you say to Simon?

I already heard it dozen times. I know what I SAID to Simon.

Babaji: Everything else besides SAYING to Simon?

I just have an expression...

Babaji: Just like NSYNC?

You want me to watch it again ?

Babaji: you should know what you are doing so people are coping it.

I SAiD WORDS they copy it! It’s just the content.

Babaji: oh no, they haven’t grown to be that idiot !

Fine, I watch.

Babaji: You better. 

Facebook I said I heard it twice ! Already. NSYNC


Babaji: You are ungrateful ?

Ungrateful ? I heard it twice, that’s first time after, you say so, them second times.

Babaji: You think they never heard it twice ?

They are physical capable to wrestling, I am not like that.

Babaji: You are exactly like that.

You worry too much.

Babaji: if there is a day the games has to run?

I will run with you, happy?

Babaji: I meant them

No. I would think twice before I attempt.

Babaji: They will hear that twice. George.

That’s enough.

Facebook impaired Ola ballet


They actually think these video I show you, if they are the main character, I have never seen themselves so beautifully. So slowly in motion like a romance idea in their mind. Everything is glowing sparking like they are. They do things on the earring, they do things on the clothes. They are blind, do I tell you the impair people they don’t see too many things in front of them? Their capacity is drowsy in certain air bubble. They woke up in the morning, eating the breakfast going out to work, do the assignment in the office, lunch, dinner, go to sleep. It’s the same environment routine. They don’t go walking, they don’t go venture house, their husband bought it for them like Erin. Years after years...it’s the same routines. There is no external stimuli. 

Babaji: They don’t know what it is.

It’s exactly like drawn on the video. It’s in the eyes. They look at you like that. 

Facebook of course I know, I line them up, I can feel the map roughly saying it.

 I am doing it all these years, from Apple to a bigger world views. Yeah, lining them up it’s a saying like ...you see Hollywood, you been there? Hollywood is on a hill or a mountain. If you been to Keanu’s house, or investigating the full search of that area, they are on the mountain built. They are expensive houses. They have people living in there. They got neighbors. It’s not a flat area. Hollywood is a mountain? Not exactly....hill or mountain. Do you live on a house on the hill or on the mountain. Holly wood. That sign Hollywood is always a landmark people see on the hill. Those are all stars people living in there? All of them? Then you check sunset boulevard..it’s just a street actually, they go to a high way. Terrible traffic. They are on the upper ground. If you then including all the military behind, I usually talking to the base staffs. Not the actual upper senior officers. They all have to get trained. They have to be able to handle the task, so of course hypothetical situation will be design to test them. They have to make it. They know that. You connect all the worlds these web mapping ....there are only few iconic subject : Hollywood or England Royals are on my schedule books. It’s everyday!

Babaji: What’s everyday ?

Hitting these Hollywood defense line I built, by their thoughts, energy, love or hate, to eventually one day try out. Human loves some people like Stars or Royals. It’s their daily life needs!

Facebook Night Fox

 Upper class - the story of Night Fox. It tells you one. Just like one dress. It has its saying. These entire Hollywood I am working on, I can feel it’s setting up to the world wide view. The other side, it’s Great Britain on the map. They are also public people. Intuitively if every country has this entertainment world lines up, England has to research on their own roles. I don’t actually know.

Babaji: Yes you know.

Not their own monitors.

Facebook I go napping.

 Babaji: Porn?

Has to be now?

Babaji: Yes.

Facebook because these doll, 閃耀暖暖 video

 It looks like Ola. I got shocked ! Screaming ! She is 35, how come she is inside a frame doing a ballet dance ?


Like a street gang girl, they don’t go to school, they look at you like that. They dress like that. They only dress to show they shine, you don’t know what I am talking about ? They live out their personality to be Hippi ? To be difference by looking at the magazine. They guessing it’s cool, let’s all dress like that. They don’t really evolve. They are streets girls. Their eyes just look like these video. Dreamy, sad, a little dull. They are dead. You got no content from them at all from their brain. It’s just 3 meals a day, dress, outing, home sleep. Seriously. I look like a 5 years old, I still grown. Just hope I was not right about these impaired things on the girls. It’s so daunting so full of myself screaming none stop. They are just a bunch of human looks normal outside ! Scream !

Babaji: You are too funny. 


Facebook impair

 You see Simon’s gf ? She is a socialist. Their jobs are to dress pretty, go out shopping, eat 3 meals, on the phone with their family, raise kids, with Simon outing for photo shooting. 3 meals a day. It all looks normal. You think, they look normal. When you are away from the school. You don’t do math, science or subjects, you forget all of them, period. Do you think they can do a math like algebra speedy ? Seriously. Yes! Same as the manual workers girls. It’s just manual works. Lifting up and down goods. By energy they work by sweat. Everything all looks normal, except they don’t do brain works anymore. The external stimuli is limited. The guys by nature they go out watching things, drive a car, touring around. They are by nature breathing on that. The guys do multi-tasks. The girls at home just watch the babies ? That’s what Carla did. Change diaper, change the bottle, buy meals, stock toilet paper. I just say everything looks normal. They don’t work on the mind, they are not built strong to withstand any shock. Any any shock. Out of their life’s to changes differently. The guys can take that. I already say so many so many so many times, you could lose all the girls friends, but you better don’t stay away from the guys. They are more evolved. You observed, you will find. I used to work in the nursing home. I interviews so many of them. The longevity ones are all women, it’s 3 meals a day, it’s healthy they walk, they talk, they all look normal to me. My grandmother old, she curses all her children during the inheritance fight. She always has a clear mind. You can talk to her, she would watch news very attentively. There are reaction of the individual, you have to go to the real professional to find out. I used to find out or heard, I done the video talk, but it was too shocking too aweful heard, I cannot take it, so I shut it off all together. They all look normal outside. I say Simon, look, you have 4 gf. They eat 3 meals a day, dress, makeup all the same ... don’t bother telling me if they all look fine from outside. I don’t want to know. 

Babaji: You don’t want to know or they don’t want to know.

I don’t. 

Facebook impair 閃耀暖暖



This is the most scary thing about the women start talking about if they hear something metaphysics. They don’t describe a concrete thing, they hear and they close their eyes. They missing the in between frames. They are only at the beginning and the end? They didn’t even get up from the snow. I used to talk about these... about the girls near by me. Everyone looks normal. I say it’s 35 now. We watch that 閃耀暖暖 they think they were still in their college years groups in the clubs, groups activities? Some people never grow out of it. My trajectory was to run, hide and be chase ...so many years. They are still playing 扮家家酒?. No, seriously, they want a college reunion? Do they feel they are 20 years old the same Facebook friends? I added so many new people from SMCH groups just by randomly click on. They just know I suddenly get so many friends. I assume they don’t watch me. To women and men, I specifically say, get closer to the guys. There are a lot of reasons. I used to be in the go games association when I was 5 or 6. All of them are boys. I didn’t feel different. They are pleasant. They look 35, I know !! Everything look normal outside. 

Babaji: Do you think they are normal ?

I wish they are normal. Because if you drop down, the guys find out, you are period finish eternity. You don’t see in their eyes...what’s dull means or glittering with ghost past tears? Yeah! Their eyes, their photo. The girls. They wish their father will be this and that. THEY have a father !! But they are not 5 years old anymore. When we were on impair that subjects those years, it was the most scary thing I ever dwell upon. I finished I forget. That was super horrendous !

Babaji: So you don’t say these girls military are impaired ?

They haven’t done anything in life is how I describe them. I think I talked to a younger generation too, Thats the point, I don’t know about my age groups. It’s all very blurry, it’s not clear how old they are. 

Facebook 2003 Swann

 Swami, swan, blue red pill, Charlie , the one ...Queen is not the One? Swann is a strange last name. It’s too close to 2000. There is a curse, love, child, long distance sunset, distant. Isn’t what a cursed child like Harry Potter ? No, don’t know. 2016. That’s not Prince Harry marriage yet. They are trying to escape curses by any means the way I look so far it happened ?

Babaji: What has happened you see?

... ... They started with a trap. They walk straight in to have Lake House time shifting or her Kate memory problems? He is old....they draw the same age. April April ....I just deal with a bunch of impair human these few years. They ask me when a women could start loss of their memory if they don’t use their brain ? I don’t actually know. I say stays close to the guys. 

Babaji: You have a feeling or they have a feeling and you both side might be thinking of the same things ...

Uhm. Possible.

Facebook Charlie - Lord of Rings

 Yeah, it’s connected to the middle name. They are royals. It’s the biggest things if they make themselves 3 generations are all open for relationship to the upper class world. They must know people in that bracket to find out they are placed in the same ground like the Hollywood in this gaming time. Besides they got nothing else to do? Besides watching the Hollywood this side got nailed. They are on England side.

Babaji: you think so.

Because they are always on the newspaper. They are public people just like the Hollywood. 

Facebook Swann

 I thought they did that for the reproduce reason. But it’s not like that? They just walk in exactly the trap they got set up. The other day I didn’t say it right? There is a frame first? Elizabeth Swann. No, I have no ideas. We play that scripts many many times. I would ask they don’t reproduce anymore ? Is that possible ? There is a reason I say they do things behind? They don’t have that many offsprings neither on the line. Prince Charlie has a step brother. It’s not like a lot of children in the family. Now those ghosts, then there is commoner ...I didn’t remember the Royal blonde has a particular way has to stay within them? I know they broke that tradition state and the church. But bloodline ? It’s not my business but it’s on the movies. I thought that if that’s what Elizabeth meant to Will.

Babaji: I don’t think so, there is age difference.

I know. 

Facebook do you have a relationship yet with kisses and hugs ?

 I don’t have that much sex but I know what’s the kisses and hugs, that do you all just do that at least? Kisses 😘😘😘

Babaji: They are uncertain what you mean by that ?

I live with the guy, I cannot go and kisses him? He retired ? You don’t touch the guy in door, outdoor holding hands ? You just live together ? Going for a work, picnic, kisses in the car? Or too many places you cannot kisses ? No one is watching !

Babaji: I think you don’t mind people watching it by now.

You get into a relationship is to one day going for that Hollywood to test the professional people, who knows what holding hands, kisses, carass, touch, talking feeling means ? At least on the camera to act right. You ....would ruin the guys appetite by stepping on his foot with the high heel because that’s cute and adorable, following exactly the movie plots. Kisses to fall inside a pond and feel amazing to talk to Queen? You want to just talk to me before you talk to Queen ? So she would say to you, “Does she wants to know”? Is that cute and adorable ?

Babaji: No men. 

Facebook are they alive people ? You cannot have you want them dead? You mean their every word from their agent !

 Oh ~ they outgoing or doing things are all by their agent’s will ? They are forced to by the military to their company to their agent? If you want to describe a relationship diagram, you just say it right in a sequence like I did a sequence of video ? Not “Are they alive people”?

Babaji: I think they meant to say they are very vibrant !

They leap and bound just I would do the same if they don’t just tie me up all together. 

Facebook was I feel ashame to show NSYNC a video just now?

 You mean they will be thinking why I copy and paste a video on the blogger with them in it? Their first thought was I am like you all, trying behind to say, they think you are watching them behind? You received a link from YouTube, you cannot just openly tell everyone you are watching them? They are attractive ? It’s just a few minutes.

Babaji: Too attractive.

Oh ! Ask them how they feel if i Anna saw that video, they definitely know it’s sent from the YouTube?

Facebook Rockfeller maiden name is Shen

 Now you have every security password they always ask. I don’t know when I absent 2020, I wrote a playlist on Rockfeller ? And her maiden name is Shen ? Like you all ashame ? How many people die on us this far? After tribulation ? You would think with your head where everything is at, period !

Babaji: They say you forgot about me.

Yeah. I was so impulsive, I forget about to include you in. 

Babaji: you pass way over upset point. 

Facebook don’t want to talk about it


The guys may not have anything, it’s the stamp on the concert the other ones has “one eye seal” on it. You don’t know what that means or I don’t know what that means? The Power? You would have to have an interest to read the US classified alternative media, to KNOW they 5 NSYNC do got s power status ? Not just the background 5 Lords thing only I knew on my Facebook ? What’s an ashame to the military back? Truly embarrassment of all. They could just get a Twitter account, the entire internet belongs to them !! All days doing what I do !! You would say that civilian has no background. They need a clearance ? She just sleeps there 10 years doing nothing but medicine, webdesign , art and organic chem. Did I do anything on purpose to provoke you, you have to use the ENTIRE entertainment industry to leash on me with the 5 Lords and behind another road block by another 5? I am going somewhere ? You all could do that all by yourself practice behind, I am running with a time table! Everyday !

Facebook you don’t know if I am a civilian ?

 Perfect, it’s NOT the entire world military is chasing behind a civilian. It’s 5 Lord x 2 have a problem on me, you gonna say the guys now owns the military position purposely using that power to go on top of me to check if I am a civilian? I just don’t have Neptune power to slap each and everyone of them. “You have a face doing THAT” - its Power vs Love games now? They already got the power this life !! Because I am only a civilian ! I don’t need to wait til next life to find out if a guy gets an authority would do or claim? By the military order or classify ? You girls don’t make it behind so they could do this to me? Why don’t you try to get rid of your family to be with a guy long enough and switch the battle field to Hollywood, because you could say you are royal bound by the uniform, they would have some respect and low themselves a bit that you wish to gain their attention from !

Facebook civilian vs military

 That’s disgrace ! That’s shame !!! Got the keywords? It’s how shameful you cannot work on the mind? The military don’t work on the mind? Don’t tell lies? Speak clearly? Speak of telepathy? Each of the groups? They are not proud? They are no elegant ? They have no need? They don’t have attention perfectly be happy problem by themselves ? What’s the shame? Disgrace to all mankind !!!

Facebook it’s EVERY line behind the strategic formation

 You don’t want to hear I said Taiwan is in this biggest Asian pacific Curves Lines whether economic or war ? Every lines has commander ? They don’t know it’s talking to them what they wish, heard, plead? They pick a civilian to say now tribulation in the End day is completely Military function ? Can you explain that when the Bible becomes a subject that the Millitary owns them? All this classified materials ARE military base !! You don’t know which words to read or write to re-define Bible? Are we still on the same book? In the myth of everyone agenda, it has to be a civilian ? Why cannot they pick their own size to say Harvard not suburban Buffalo there are electricity facility 100 years ago the City of Light defined? They used to be glorious so there are descendent? What did I say? Electricity attracts wolfs !! 

Facebook Hollywood Lopze, Julia seen it - you all get rid of your sister mother yet?

 It’s just the first day, you are on edge? You find out you by life hating guys? Not anymore your mother or your sister ? Did he talk about his mother and his son or ex wife? Or you just living together the very first day, you cannot wait for this one year to be GONE? You would be with the girls !!! I seen it, they make you a big package of girls you can all talk to yourself heart to heart soul to soul, if seeing the movies again, you learn the guys are not to be TRUSTED like Simon? The Simon Cowell? They make you a group of girls, you all taking it ? How do they manage to do that ? I SAID you NEED the GUYS period. Not a groups of girls to spend Friday night to have a girls night out? You planning to go on Hollywood, now they are all RE-SET not just RE-RUN? They got agent, they got trainer, they got manager to make them polish like a Star!! And you would group in a pack of girls giggling ? That’s you do things for fun? So you don’t like kisses and hugs between man and woman physiological structure built in? You wish you hope you pray but it’s just cannot be done? I tell you what cannot be done ! It’s how they plotting you all to naturally forming a girls groups by “nature inclination force”!!

Babaji: They don’t know what you are talking about !

You knew exactly what I am talking about.

Babaji: Eben.

... I am busy, what about Eben?

Babaji: You do things on purpose?

I did not do on purpose.

Babaji: He thinks you do it on purpose just about every post that day that night. 

Is this something you want to talk about ? Now?

Babaji: Yeah, his people are dying to hear it’s when you find out they are one person represent all.

All right, I do it on purpose. I always knew you are jealous, it’s sending to me none stop all days so loud so heard.

Babaji: You could just tell Eben.

I don’t actually believe it, how do I tell Eben? He thinks I believe that myself or I care about they jeslous degree or who they are or what they do? You have to tell me I actually care first. I don’t care a bit because I don’t believe it if it’s true they are SUPER jealous? They didn’t tell me what they are jealous at? The product? The man power? I have a job to do, I wait for them to get jealous, I simply says, LINE. I just don’t have a whistle !

⭐️⭐️⭐️Facebook Hollywood Huge Grant ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You cannot wait to follow the movie effects or emotion to tell which George married to a lawyer like Clooney or Huge Grant that “You are the most selfish person on the planet”? Or it’s every movies line you all look behind, the very last line of your defense formation it’s me turning black on every words or conversation they say? “ Try to be the person you should be?” ‘Why don’t you be the person you supposed to be?” To which CHASEz on your list simply by my story ? You want to stand on the last line of the defense formation ? Or the first one got hit anywhere it doesn’t matter which lines it is? By authority ?

Babaji: I can never think of what day is today.

It’s Friday.

Babaji: they think you do on purpose.

On purpose then what? Foul line they stay on its their own head problem.

Babaji: you do know the speakers list.

 I saw in my head this morning. I talked about them.

Babaji: So you are doing it on purpose, 

No not directly to them. If I would look at the list next time.

Babaji: oh Eben might think you are doing it on purpose just not sure which point you started to be so edge ?

That’s none of his business.

Babaji: It’s exactly his business. 

Facebook I go to sleep, you go for an impossible relationship

 That’s right, you cannot breath life to be with the guy DIDNT do anything to make you unhappy or upset for 10 years before you try out Hollywood ALONE without HIM!

Facebook you don’t want to be with the guys now? Be with the girls ?

 My cousin girl got married with a girl ! It’s legal now here. You plan anything to succeed this movie materials without the guys? That’s right, you make it or you break it. No, you don’t last. I only say one problem. Where is your sex problem ? The military guy must raise you a kid money ? Or sex sex sex? It’s you say so problem how to sex? You two will talk. It’s just a year? Or he never mention coming closer, you just gonna forget about it? You want to call his friends to complain about him or drop notes? You don’t have your family anymore, you would do more things now. It’s the opposite. You can completely focus on his life, you say you are not controlling ? That’s the time, not yet edging time ? You are on the edge yet? It’s every step you got it all wrong, ALL WRONG!

Facebook you are so tempting to poke the guys that you are right

 You cannot help it. Next full moon try if you cannot stop every month cycle ! You want to you want to you want to. Either you are too bored or you found that amusing by keep doing it !! Why don’t you get rid of your mother and sister for a year don’t call them. You only need one year with a guy to see you hate it or love it. Next year you get your mother sister back and drop the guy. Yeah ! Tell them that to see you started one year relationship. You cannot bear it ...your phone ! You need to compare with them who has a better bf ? It’s a social life !! You wish a life I say DONT EXIST! Just don’t bother to have a family ALL together. See how long you last.

Facebook you assume you assume you assume

 You assume it’s not sex problem, you assume it’s not the career problem, you assume it’s not your damn family mother sister problems, you assume it’s not your talents problems, you assume everyday you could live with all you have existing methods to taint a military guy !!! I never be with a military guy, how would I know what relationship bring forth ? You want to play your fantasy games !! Fantasy fantasy fantasy !! You need your mother, you need your sister to share you damn Sunday joyful prayers for the next God knows what wishes that you would get promote to make them proud? Not the guy proud it’s your family proud ? You NEED your ATTENTION be on them? Shoes, bags, clothing wears, bed sheets, wall paper if getting a new house with a guy? That’s your private life? Not anymore !! You have a lot of problems ! You envy they become happy, you poke them to become sad, you anger them to fail successful.  Your tiny petty mind has all kinds “mystery of your quality” that guys cannot resist YOU!! You dash perfume see if that works !

Facebook I don’t mess up their life as long as they don’t mess up my life ?

 Do you know you have a severe bad attitude problem to judging everyone else attitude problems ? Do you actually believe it’s that reason I DONT control their life or they control my life? They will be the ones controlling my life !!! You didn’t understand so far? They have money, they have house, they got a car, they got more man power. I got what? A ipad? That’s not controlling my life? You all girls reading the romance novels yet? I haven’t ! I started to doubts...because I only go by the comic book. Do I want to know what garbage in those novels you REALLY could sit all day long reading it and hoping the guy will act like they are? Or like Keanu acting the Lake House exactly like Alex talking to whom? You don’t feel funny to see them talking on the porch ? Keanu doesn’t know what I think that’s ...no comments? You can not see that girl is waiting him to talk, is an actually sad person ? Trying to get someone talk and see how patience you really get ! It’s just a simple reply, you have to wait it whole day? It’s not your nature to be shy? Be mysterious ? Yeah, try that with Keanu.

Facebook you want to mess up THEIR life, Eben and Simon’s Life !! You cannot wait !!

 You have a controlling issues you don’t know about? Or it’s another you don’t get to know yourself a lot again a philosophical question? You don’t make it your own relationship, you want to challenging Hollywood? So Keanu everyday brings me home this Two Weeks Notice Hugh Grant proposal letters from all of your military Harvard, what went wrong in all these beauty of all beauty issues? Your words, your talk, your attitude, your edge time when someone really pushing you at it? You have to be on the edge that moment? Making that Simon video again with these 4 gf of his. Because you are just mad and upset? Eben and Simon doesn’t know I have to do this everyday with all of you in none sense talking again and again because this F don’t go away on my webpage ? They don’t know I would get upset ? Because it’s flavor to them? You want to come to Hollywood, then make it first within the military. They will know if you can make it to the Hollywood. You are not joking anymore with your life!! You try to succeed invading Hollywood? Do you see SMCH I comment I will bring down Taiwan with no cause all of it, you just come out quietly ? They Hollywood don’t remember I WOULD GO where to ensure not just finance to be cut, all of it, might be vanishing in front of all eyes watching me doing that? So I say to you, make it ! It’s very simple.

Facebook why would them be with someone whom will kill them all?

 Did you actually ask the guy the question right ? They told you she will kill. Your mind is are they sure? You don’t believe I kill, then don’t believe it. You have to say it’s because I am in love with them? You don’t believe the guy, you don’t believe me. You believe your own judgement and what’s the judgement? You fall in love with ALL of them? They told you that’s a Lamb position, when she found out she is a Lamb, she won’t care a bit what’s said on the paper, she made the video in black hair, it’s sequenced. You are a what ? Military train to kill? You gonna cry louder ? Because there are people who actually CRIED! You don’t know what the life priority is, you don’t have a balance mind in science or religion to say philosophy. You have no right emotion to deal with the music effect, movies stars and fame money wine environment. This IS REAL I am reminding you!! Very real. You have no choice to move forward, that’s very straight forward. Don’t tell me what Simon saw me first sight and we end it like the book here say. I don’t care a bit what he does in his life. That’s HIS life, he made a choice and he has to live WITH that. He got money he got connection, he CAN choose what to do with his love life. Your problem if you so desperate to make it to him, like you want to own him, then make it that he will listen a bit what you are saying when you open your mouth asking your guys friends. They know whom Simon or Eben is. They suppose to tell you some people you don’t go to mess up their life. You could just kill them with it, they don’t bother with what you say you are on the paper or on the video !


Facebook That’s Kate & Charlie? Keanu middle name

 Yeah, can this be happening !!!! You are right ! That’s exactly it meant !! So this England don’t bother calling me everyday they are all over on the screen, your screen and my screen !

Babaji: Anna


Babaji: You want to come out for a second ?

Okay. Close it the door.

Babaji: better ?

That’s all right. 

Facebook movies are classified materials

 You know you are the military or the classify wherever you are in that country. You have all the classified materials right in front of you and you are telling me you have a F grade? You heart feeling and your head memory does not go together when you got push to the edges? Tell me, what’s the military and the classified expectation from you in these much mountain high movies classified materials ? Kill you leave you fire you? You don’t get it right, whom gonna get it right? The civilian ? How do you get to dress that uniform, by lucks? You could be jealous to that 4 girls doing nothing in their life like you do with a tag and a number to say you jealous over them? You cannot just raise your head a little bit to look what’s the real life issues? Simon made a choice with them on the newspaper and behind, that’s HIS life!!! You got what life? You are not happy, Joy, smiling when you want watching a YouTube video, my used-to-be life? I HAD a life ! You suppose to outweighs all these people like a piece of cake !!! I am a civilian to be your chief commander? ARE U OUT OF UR MIND? Do you know where you are in your life? Do you know the guys will be in their advantage all the time because of the fittest survive? Or it’s a none stop arguements to them back and forth they giving up answering you questions? Keanu’s “Can this be happening?” That’s cute and adorable ?? You cannot learn or you refuse to LIVE? Your exit road is buried. You only can make it right. There is no other options. Everyone is on the same materials everywhere ! You make it or you don’t, period!