
Babaji: she Anna would work exhaustedly every day so we won’t initiate a conversation for 7 straight years ....

 I wrote that down

Babaji: you are still mad

... ...

Babaji: you are the most diligent workers I ever known.

Okay I was mad.

Babaji: good girl.

I don’t really believe telepathy.

Babaji: then what’s now?


Babaji: you just don’t believe it?

You want me to write it down, I will write. That’s it.

Babaji: good 

... ...I don’t normally have an inner communication 

Babaji: you think they have problems, and now you have the problems.

I don’t have the problem. They others might have a problem. 

Babaji: did we have to go on bad terms like this?

.... ... tonight I did try to make it better.

Babaji: no you didn’t. I come to you first.

You are right, I just have many things to sounds whistles and bells.

Babaji: so you should tell me about it.

I rather not, sorry. Words don’t come out.

Babaji: I didn’t stop you.

I know. But thanks. I feel better already.

Babaji: your welcomed !

Part 6/9 Adam & Eve Exile from the Garden of Eden

 They don’t have food to eat

Adam yells at Eve Satan

Babaji yelling too. I don’t want to talk about it again.  I prefer you just talk out ....be fluent.

You need to be sure what you are saying to the public.

Part 7

Bakery...I c. 

Buddhist story and foam, or transparent stuffs they used to eat etc etc...you clean your house.

It’s late ...I heard part 6 and part 7.

Avenger : infinite War (2018)

Sailor moon in the TV series, the First season up to they gone to North Pole, they are collecting different jems stones. The TV cartoon version. But they are girls fighters against the 4 heavenly kings whom wears uniforms.

Intern (Annie Hallaway) Julee = sounds like Jewels.

My first name Wei 瑋 斜玉旁的瑋,not just the King mean the side symbol, there is a saying like Jewel.

Jems and the Hologram

Avenger has a lot of guys fighters. That’s all I know.

I have NSYNC or O town as 10 Lords? I don’t know why 5 Lords are not 5 anymore. (Quan Yin method 5 holy name = 5 Lords)

The spider guy said “if alien implants the eggs into his chest ...” “something is coming “

I suppose to laugh...

You write it down? Good.



 Do you remember I told you, they used to talk about this Y2K system when we were approaching the year 2000?

The AI technology nowadays and assimilate a real person talk or act probably, but you don't know in the future technology, what will evolve to become? Like they calling the dead from the grave to a full living human beings? 

Do you think, every day, I spent a little time, typing these probably the same things you heard it before, over and over, could give a different tone of the voice, to get to know, whom I am? 

You ! If you are very near the hell road side, like you believe, your efforts to create you, yourself is required ! Maybe they want to call you back from the dead  and give what you already have the memory you create for yourself these far. Not lies of course! if that is included as the part of the package?

I used to say I have 5 Lords not just NSYNC, the actualy UB classmates looks like them. You?

 You would have 5 Lords, just like 5 guys, not girls I see in the Sailor Moon, do you think? Inner Senshi + a young girl.

You like the guys, right?

They have another video " NSync - Atlantis Concert Part 5 Tim McGraw Medley"

Like Tim Cook. He is on the other side of your Apple Device.

The most immediate person you could write letters to everyday! 政治靈修

The Political Structure of the Spirituality. What if I said was true, you are pressured from so many of these people? Can you handle your life in so little time, and so many priority...you don't really want to talk to these people. If ...I say if. 

Who do you want to communicate with? You think about it. I keep seeing the same things all over again, on my YouTube Panel. I am sure you will be seeing on yours device what the video you are looking at.


"What Do Customers Really Want?" with Eben Pagan


How about ...you write a letter decently, not all your magazine letters to the President from the USA?

 "I had a wish that my careless act would not be magnified to the large audience and alike...but I could see it right on the newspaper, today they called it YouTube, how you had a little falls on the stairs just like I had a mentor reminided me, the Victoria Secret in 2017, what it is like to fall on the stage, and not off the stage from that runway. You know I am jokingly to say that, and I have hope, everything turns out great in your new succeed role at the White House. 

Kindly wish to all your cabins.


President Joe Biden FALLS up the stairs of Air Force One

 I had an actually wish that your ...everything would not going to the President, the United States of America!!! Its on YouTube https://youtu.be/dWqRcF1fSwA

Maybe they just copy the Secrets, and be told to do that. 

Yeah, I have a high hope, we keep low for a while, these entire things will proof, disappearing in no time!

You knew!! Thank God!

 You knew you were playing games with Kail and he plays it back in the Red River!

So you do understand what they were doing to you. In the 90s? 

In that cartoon Sakura 庫洛魔法使 there is a term called 審判者=the judgement person ....Chinese is more clear. 

I keep seeing big eyes.

I keep photographing myself big eyes....

Maybe they even counting that pages for the big eyes. Ramses’ eyes aren’t that big!

Red River - she is a 15 years old

 You are not a 15 years old. Correct.

... ... but you will fall just like the story says you and Kail relationship. Kail is like Kali...the 3 world Lord?

You can get the different company reads for you, the private company or the individual offices.

I just read at the part when she has the first sex with Kail, followed immediately a court yard of women are waiting for you two. You sure Kail didn’t want that himself and his step mother just did that request for him? They were the families!

These stories are not important to the present moment?

Yeah, you got too much works to do, everyone else is reading this book. 

.... you hate that? Everyone else reading the book together for the World Peace through gossipe and collaboration works? They hire the real psychologist unlike me or Eben. 

Will Eben think?

 He has to be here to think, don’t you think? What makes you think he is here? Do you hire him to exam a book, he will tell you with a proper cost of the money you have to pay him. You don’t like that procedure or you wish half half the mind power that Eben should be here with a but ....? It’s time you should properly introduce yourself sometimes with the money offer ... people like him talk with the money at least to his entire office or else depends how much he asked, he can hire more people to sort that. To a regular formality how to do things, if you hire a company like him does things, they have a reputation to keep as a professional - meaning any question you ask them, they can evaluate it.

You ready to confront him ?

Back end

 You all gonna ask them how many of them believing what Anna say? That book is a schematic games?

No, I just trying to let her know, you do that very oftenly to sort the House!

⭐️ Red River - killing you softly⭐️

 She was 15 years old and had no sexual relationship before ...

You were married before, so knowing the sexual relationship to a women actually is a painful experience, don’t you think? It’s not actually how they talk about sex in the real life fulfilling at all to my understanding the actual life experience. Man and woman’s anatomical structure. If you touch yourself, you might have better experience than having sex and right away - a court yard of women living in his palace when you return to that story drama. Everything looks to me was a endless war and drama....drama like a very upheaval turn your heart like the wars....you cannot have a settle mind when you travel like that to ...fight all the time.

If you just cage in a quarter of his palace to be the comcubine full heartedly ... meaning don’t question him, don’t interfere him , don’t talk to him, don’t play hot or cold to him, you can be at a luxury freedom life in a unknown world that get no attraction-attention issues for me to see what Kail can performing his schematic plans.

It’s a schematic game ...


I used to say this ...

 Wrapping an Egyptian in a dipper to grow up a soil that never heard on on the map, called Taiwan.

China is heard of, not Taiwan.

China has 5000 years history heard of, using the civilization saying, other ET will know how to write a book, just you don’t know how to read a book. If this works are not from a human ...

The judgement of beauty - asking an Egyptian, Taiwan? You mean my neighbors ?


埃及人綁在小嬰兒的尿布中在一個『台灣』成長,中國有歷史之名,台灣其實是不存在的國家,ET 會知道怎麼寫這本書,只是你們不會看的懂的,不是故意說台灣歷史不存在,所有台灣人都有學歷史,但是一個埃及人在嬰兒的尿布裡面做什麼?你知道什麼是審美觀嗎?

Re-start at ...Yuri said “I know where is Egypt, not Hittie”

How to get rid of the ladies?

 You charmed them!

It’s just typing. No one was reading this person Ramses and even now...Ramses is a guy on a book.

I am a girl. We don’t look alike, you think we alike? Who wrote that anyway? You are Yuri, you think it’s alike? Come on.

You shred these arms away from Simon ...one by one

 Just look at the painting or his newspaper....the video don’t make that details what did I do.

I just tell you what was in my illusion reality.

It’s like shredding a comet, you just shredding Simon and Keanu.

The movie uses the arrow and bow...I said shredding is more like a sword fight, getting rid of both arms side people, final, just you only Simon! 

(Or Keanu)

You so smart, how to get to Eben? You got a plan ?

Purna HATE that word psychology ...is anything I do you don’t hate it?

 If you want to get to Eben, first you have to get rid of Lalla.

Like Simon and Keanu, they both display a lot a lot of women. Simon even has a yart  to host the parties. You have to get to each and every them, once each and every them are down, it left just Simon or Keanu. 

It’s just a typing on the internet. It’s not actually you go to them in person to do all that.

Just typing !! 

I used to do that to Simon and Keanu a lot ... but they might not tell the lady because ...

 Because we used to be in a different setting....but Eben let Lalla writes probably, it’s from India right?

He is the expert in psychology ...

She wrote that much, all she looks for was some kind of response

 因為 Lalla 寫了很多,女人只是需要一個答案,任何答案都可以,那才是心理學~

That’s psychology, because she is just a women. More tolerant, answer driven, and more forgiving.

Maybe it works on the men too! A very Simple Psychology !!

Lalla is a women

 Because the letter has no photo attached, a women is easier to fool to think you were just like me ...can write that...

建華,你覺得 Lalla 覺得那封信是誰寫的?因為她是女人的關係,我幫她還不感激。

Someone says you are not going to make it to the 1000 Russian Scientists.

 You want to write to Lalla like how you wrote to all the president ?

If they just have one President reading this and your letter, do you want the President to think you are a very proud person? Do you know how to define pride? How others perceive you? Is that important how others think of you? 

No, I would not send you to the 1000 Russian scientists.

If Lalla says things bothers you ...

 I comment it back. That’s not making a war with her. I comment on her curiosity over “you should mind your own business”

That’s making a war?

I see. We don’t look at the same things at the same level. 

You and me have a completely different nature and seeing things on ...the books and the reality ...and “the vision” I say what you look like on your tempament.

Red River - War

 Do you remember you have this Madonna made this World Peace on the super bowl 2012 Simon gonna tell me about.

If you wrote a letter to Lalla ... you may not agree with what I wrote to her for you.

The Red River tells me you are the goddess of War.

In Chinese : 以和為貴

Maybe I don’t read people at their personality type right like Eben...you know you are not going to roar at Lalla ....or you are? No, okay !

You know how many war in that book? My head is dizzy over clicking on it.

What do I want to say? Your past you asked ...

The Red River says that.

You have your saying this World Peace like Ms Congenality 

I mis-understand you prefer me not to talk to Lalla like that....in other words, you forget you supposed to be around the World Peace to every account of meeting others, new or old?

Your tempament!

I was making a war with Lalla? Your past you cannot shut up, she says Lalla may misunderstand you have a better personality than that.

Oh~ 噢 ~Eben won’t mind at that at all.

捕獲野生霍建華41 (News)

 I count ....right 41 and 42.


Clueless (1995)

 When you turn 73 the first day to the 364 (?) day, in any point, it’s the 73th annual hunger game. Is that a better illustration you could do that for 74 and 75? It can just last the entire year or the middle point.

One year =365 days, from Jan 1st to Dec 31, you just calculate how many days are from Jan 1 to Dec 31, if that’s 365 days. Then it change my question mark 364 to 365 days. In case ...there is a Feb, you just add one more day. 

I don’t think you need to be that precise ...it’s just a middle point would do.

I think it’s 365 days. But you can always question at it.

Because ...one day is 24 hours to the mid night 11:59, Dec 31.

I need a calculator for that. 364 days 23 hrs 59 minutes 59 seconds = it’s almost 365 days 

建華,花千骨網路小說的 index


Purna’s age !


Every 5 years 每五年長留初考,記得嗎?她是不是要算1950 她的飢餓遊戲74 屆75 屆


New Video March 26 2021

 Updating 2013-2019


The One




March 26 2021 photo



Do you want me to write Dr Steven a letter here? He is another coaching like a therapist!

 Hi Dr Steven, 

In my life, I did a lot of stupid thing, and one of them were like Anna said 1998, I challenge the movie sector Hollywood, I change my public appearance to a gold hair, in order to get a wish fulfilled in “You got Mail” to close my business. Within 10-20 years time, I got hit by the movie industry left and right, it might be a very shameful things to talk about, but if you have an available time, can we set up an appointment to just talk about it? I have so much to vent, I cannot contain that within to be honest with you. I just cannot take it anymore !

Lalla is a coaching meaning she can take a lot more venting stuffs.

 Like if you want to say you hate her, you hate the movie, you hate the circumstances, because she says she is a professional coach, she will take all the language from you, not just I have to take your past, the living you. Do you understand ? To the West culture it’s not a shameful thing to do. But you are reserved like a teen girl, shy...you feel what should be say not to sound less intelligent, that’s not her Lalla career is made it for. She is a coach or like a therapist...NPL? She says something like that, at least that’s what I understand. You don’t come out the words, no one can help you...so there is a she there. From how she talks, she has some personality doing what she does. You got so much money to spend on a therapist  ....well...you just keep thinking what to do. I don’t know what to say.

You can write to Lalla like this ...

 “ I could choose not to leave or to stay was not a voluntary choice this far I’ve made a reason with myself. It won’t take 7 seconds to appreciate the art, I have tried, it’s more than that. Likewise, it takes longer to decide why I should stay or I should go. Life is not Art and certainly not the art I painted for sells, if you meant to say that. No, it’s irrelevant and I know that. Feeling to feel love, hate or the freedom to do so is a very philosophical point of view... as you know, I might have neither attribute to graduate a degree like you yourself study, half science, half religion, but I understand what you trying to make a sense in my circumstance and I don’t blame that. It’s just ... where we all are brought us together, and one day we will all fall apart one day. I don’t expect us doing it that right now ... “

Babaji: She failed

 ... ...

Babaji: You can ask if you want to.

Jealous ?

Babaji: Much more. You don’t understand what jealousy is?

Of course I know what that is.

Babaji: and ...

She is being adored by her own people and ...

Babaji : She knows those are not real. She enjoys it she will tell you that but she knows if the high tech fails, she becomes nothing and no make-up, everything is not what it seems to them anymore.

You have a problem with me no make-up?

Babaji: A little bit. What was for?

For Eben is not the only reason.

Babaji: You don’t have your place to put make-up on.

For now, I don’t have much to complain but yeah, I cannot put the make-up on right now.

Babaji: 70 billions people ...

Okay okay I heard you. It will be a long time they see another video probably ...

Babaji: It’s worth waiting for. 

Babaji: Tell me

 These are all love theme.

Babaji: you don’t understand it.


Babaji: you don’t tell her anymore write a letter to Lalla?

I thought of but I rather she decide that herself, she might not be pleasing everyone seems to just go around all these Love theme around her. Lalla is very straight forward about it.

Babaji: not comfortable ?

No, it’s not, but for her ...I try to let her not to expose this if I can.

Babaji: This is not your choice anymore.

Every page of every comic books I read has to be a romance ?

Babaji: I hardly believe that.

You are being sarcastic ...all right, I deal with it.

Babaji: do you think you gonna stop Eben does what he does


Babaji: what did he do?

.... ...is this Dr Callahan is as difficult as Eben, because Eben’s lectures are heavy nature for her tiny brain.

Babaji: I am talking about you, not her.

I am not comfortable what he does.

Babaji: you think it’s over.

I am trying ...

(Image turn to darken black shiva skin color)

7 days fever...

Babaji: did you finish reading it?


Why don’t you try to finish it? If too much to read at the same time to write, just finish the reading.


Babaji: do you want to tell me what’s on Neville’s profile ?

 You mean I go to tell Eben about what they wrote or what you done?

Babaji: 我洗耳恭聽

I have nothing to say ... but okay, Eben is a normal guy but you are invincible !

Babaji: what does that mean? (Smile)

You will always be more charming.

Intern (2015)

 It’s on TV.

A senior intern. 

Oh, getting an intern with Dr Callahan ?

It’s a good news I didn’t see Eben in it? (... ouch )

Lady, you also have Flower Thousand Bones competition every 5 years after 2018

 Flower Thousand bone was 2015, then the first competition was 2018... I say the online novel index is +1 year...to match the comet year we used to calculate in a such short time. Now when is after that so every 5 years, they open competition, do you think of the years? Is that 2018 you follow or you use 2019? You have to be clear.


 一個印度男孩ABC 搶了白人的女朋友, 變成搖滾樂的巨星,最後讓所有人免費聽取他的音樂,因為他是被『披頭四』靈感過作曲的,所以東西不算他的,電影名稱叫做 “Yesterday”

他的名字叫做 Jack !!

很多電影的主角也都叫做 Jack.

只要跟我提 ABC, 我就會開始發火


 I cannot use any of you for a traditional Lord reviews. Generally speaking ABC has some money, care about the appearance and more Western influence like music, movies, hollywood cultures. They also more read the Western news. Except the language you are a bridge ...I cannot see any good of you. You would wish you are white boy or white girl skin too ...because currently the US having some racial issues....you become an in between. But I don’t mean just skin ...your head needs to put some stuffs in it, too!

Yesterday (film 2019)

 There is a JC song on “Until Yesterday”

I am watching the film 2019 “Yesterday”

It’s an Indian. He likes a white girl but she is with the white boy. Uhm... I don’t actually have anyone in mind to speak about their ABC and love?? About singing ...

You have 75th catching fire years to await?

 I was reminded you have a catching fire.

You to India, to US, to China.... at least I hope you have them 3 in mind.

New Video


The vide : talking to the Medical Board

 There is one video I talking to the Medical Board on my YouTube Channel.

Can you define, what that is? Girls often just say, she is so proud, so much pride, or arrogence.

To you, what do you see?

I just gonna tell you what that is.

That is my personality. She has a personality doing that.

Personality ... do you know what that is? Including Harry Style on Victoria Secret, what Style means to you? Is that evilish, is that pride, is that arrogence, is that cold, is that indifferent, is that what?

Can you distinct them apart? 

We just talk about it.

Boys or girls watching the movies: If the movie becomes true.

 Lady, are you going to apologize to them like you always did in your act towards others? 

Eben is being threaten on Neville profile. Simon is being said Q on his family member, and Keanu was being reminded, or all of us being reminds, the One can be alien natured?

Tell me, when you watching a movie or a guy watching movie, both realize the movie becomes REAL in life, they the guys, turns back to their 5 years old, single minded, and may even start reading books in their ages?

Guys don't get threaten in life, like the girls taking it. They realize "Someone is talking to them". Can you actually make a sense like that? or if 子歇 if he could translate what I say to you?

Boys and girls are different. They may see it as a big responsibility they have to the world, for Once in their life, they see purposes in their life is much more than what it is present to them. Do you think, or do you know, most boys, have that kind of thinking?

They are already sometimes single handed to do a lot of things themselves !!! 

I am talking about if the movie becomes real to them...do you think, they watch action movies, or comedy, or romance, like the girls inclined to read the Alien's messages? Do you think the boys, I say they are boys, why they turn back when they were 5 years old? Because they are none stoppable !!!!!!

Harvard class

 Do you think they are just joking she takes class in the Harvard? Do you know how many video Eben have? He is just a TA? Okay he is not TA.

Babaji: they are not joking.

I was not asking you ... but okay.

I read the 3 main actors file on Harry Potter

 So I read.

One is the alien nature, the other has Q in it, and then little women with the flood.

And Luna file too.

I am Emily! So there is a make-over on you darling ...

“Madness in the method”, it was on me, so you seen video a little bit different. I normally talk very normal.

🌟motocycle photo 🌟


Then there is about my brother using bicycle, the rest using the Motocycle (below)



 I used to live there, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Canada.

Is Sydney’s father looks like Callahan ? Eben’s “Father”?

I have to find this guy?



Sharpay Evans

Jao Pang, 發音聽起來像 “Sharpay”


I read, Eben

 Neville is Matthew Lewis.

Me before you is a terrible movie. 

I understand. 

I didn’t read it before. Why? I only just deal with it because ...

To me, you are the type testing things all the time. I don’t know what you were doing but now I know.


Vartan does not want to talk about it. Not really ...

You are the syndicate 

NSYNC has the girlfriends lyrics.


Who is 太子? me and Babaji doesn’t have a kid. The successor. The first boy ...?


Dolittle (2020)

 Okay, it’s me, suppose to be in bed...

I am fine. But okay, I will go to bed earlier and take the medicine.

I eat a lot of food now.

⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯can I say something? I have to cure myself.

These whatever outside runs the TV drama, my inside runs the exactly story for sometimes.

To find the fruits in this movie, it’s by the dragon.

If Babaji made me sick, he should repair the body.

I got unknown poison so many times, it’s from the high tech. It’s not the body. But okay, the TV looks horrendous...so I rest.

No, I don’t believe Karma. Not the way how you believe it. Everything is karmic like you might say. 

I just...have a different belief.

I am sticky ~ he creates the body and caused my pain, he has to fix it...that’s the way it supposed to be. I don’t believe what karma I didn’t create any karma, don’t talk to me about the karma. I didn’t do anything!

2017-2021 Feb

 2017 June declare Kingship.

But around Nov, I found out the comet time  HER hunger game, I cannot get on it, the Slam Dunk has the practice games and the formal games, we already look at it so many times.

2018 YouTube video

2019 YouTube video

2020 rested 

2021 Feb, find out the flood!!

2014 -2017

 Did I say I started at the Painting, not started with the Movies, to see what had indeed happened at 2014? The Da Vinci Painting? I said it many times don't I?

But did I tell you at that time, because my world didn't have TV set, I normally watch Classify, and their educational materials on the Project Camelot or Project Avalon? So my peripheral always have things they say to me, as the top priority? like ET exists? ET

I cannot let Simon or Keanu down, if the resonance things going down, ET knows that, we will lose it !!  I keep telling jokes, with my head had this excruciating pain the entire year, no rest !

Babaji says, if you start this entire story again, he really just prefer people have more brains works on the painting, instead of hooking on the  movie screens to read about their fantasy what could be the movie to be real in their head, he says.

I make video in 2015, I remember that too. It was on 911, on Valentines Program, on Crop Circles, on Crystal Skull....but there is one thing missing - The TV to watch the Movies !!

It went on to 2016. Of course I know what has happened. There was a gay shooting club. You don't know how it happened. I remember how it had happened. There is someone else die too in Hollywood, name Prince. 

I have no one telling me, there were on behind watching the movie scene, why I all day questions were searching for, were for a reason, what's happening. Then we get to the 2016 Summer. I made it to again, Victoria Secrets. There is no words !!!! AGAIN, its another guess games just like alphabets. I hate it so much !!!

July to Jan 2017 5 Lords Review, I just better lay on the bed.

June 2017, declare Kingship

Right now its 2021. I still remember how those journeys made it up to today now. We write it down a little bit.

I didn't see Victoria Secret 2019 or 2020

 This year is 2021? Winter is towards the Dec.

So yeah, the Winter 2020, the Winter 2019, were all missing.

What? Do I see strange and shock when you Levine and Keanu looking alike guy sitting in the audience seats? Tony thing starts to get affected me with is with the Full House. After song after the songs, missing you the Uncle JC....well....I didn't get so hook on in that One single Photo. It was more of NSYNC that time singing Bye bye bye, I need to get off immediately...5 Lords is like 5 Husbands...there are things coming ....I cannot just sit there waiting. Now I know where the story goes and I rested, so was my thoughts were rested...to gather pieces of things. If you never ask me to write it down, I still will keep it very organize in my own mind, and continue this journey in Life. It just right now, we are talking about the books, with Simon. I told him about it, why do I go through. Maybe he does not mind listen to it. He seems to know a lot of this industry.

Does Tony look very much like the game maker?

 Then the story is made, Levine.

I don’t call you Adam because ...you know the reason already! Simon supposed to be my boss if the movie was correct in iron man, I relate to Da Vinci story. If you have the character play in the story that you don’t know what I refer to, Simon might become all knowing one of these days, because I told him all kinds of the stories.

Adam Levine

 Hi ! We met yet? I don’t believe so, but I have made you a game maker in the memory of Tony, that you sits with Keanu looking like person in Victoria Secret audience seats. You may not know what that mean.... do you know my friend, Wing and Dean are both in your wedding MTV? When I called your band my high school basketball mascot color, I was not just talking to you straight to the medical board, one of us, you or me have a recognition problem! On people, on relation, on photo, or on memory? Do you think darling I can sort that relationship in Victoria secrets just like I told everyone in “One Photo”under my navigation bar?

You had two girlfriends in the Victoria Secret.... what do I know about you? Do you know the story Hitler relation to his body guard killed Tesla. Have you met Tony’s family including watching me sing in “Pitch Perfect”? Do you recognize the red hair? His wife?

Do you believe each statement I make, they go by ruler to check true or not even though it might seem to be everywhere but it goes to the end if each statement was perfectly right or “in relation” to what I have said in the past or at the present ? That’s the gambling you would guess at it?

下雨了! 你們看得懂英文?



Letter to Simon (he close his ears off)

 " Dear Simon, my name is so and so. Like you are manager in many groups you sustain them in the world, I am a manager also in this lineage methods called Quan YIn Methods. I have a student name Anna, recently I have heard her talking about you, and so on so for tales she went on to this Hollywood. I myself has been fond of this industry since the Day 1 in 1998 You Got Mail, I have changed my hairs for a particular reason, I am not planning to disclose to you at this moment. But here, I am talking for Anna including for myself, on this lineage. You are an entertainment mogul, and I am Supreme in this side of continent, as my own mogul. Anna has claims that she has suffered a tremedously pressure from people like NSYNC 5 guys, looking like her 5 University friends, to do with my lineage 5 Lords names. It is not actually meant 5 husbands, but I understand, there is a possibility, the world of its own, has tainted its heart in so many ways to misleading Anna or alike, including myself in these affairs of the world all around of us... therefore, I am just writing to let you know, I am aware of our each other's ground, and roles to play in this matter, whether its significant, or its less than trivial, I have voice in myself, these are not a light matter that they could even get people like you, yourself to speak to our kind ...spiritual people.

Sincerely yours.


Talking to the Mogul Simon ...Purna!

 Did you know when I say NSYNC were 5 Lords, because if I say my University friends looks like them 5, you Purna has teaching this methods with 5 names, knows, what I am talking about.

Simon, establish many choirs, including the boy's famous groups "One Direction"

Do you have a way, without me, to explain to Simon, what has actually happened in my life, that I cut off his connections after 2014 or 2015...as like you were managing, or the leader of the Quan Yin methods, for so long ... Can you verbalize, what Anna has been talking about the Sailor Moon 1995, there is 3 frames transformation coming out reviews, to a music mogul, like Simon? What's exaclty Anna were saying about these 5 Lords showing up on NSYNC, and mingling like a real human beings near by her in UB? Because if Simon got connectioned, he can either go by himself to meet these 5 or he heard from his staffs, where these 5 might be at?

He only knows how to judge the musics? Have you thought how to explain to Simon, your devotee, Anna, claiming something, but she is too young, to figure it out the words, to say it clear to him, Simon, but she had a background Simon should know? with you, or with him? 

I know I don't need you to explain that, but have you thought, if you were to explain to Simon, have you, or how you would introduce yourself including me, Anna, around? To a legacy person like Simon?

Ocean on X factor - I saw it


A girl name Oceane at minutes 3. Followed by an indian boy, and then a black girl. 

建華~Does China has this X factor show similar, they have judges? Simon is way too famous, we are here on this side of map. Did you check where Taiwan is on my video, Wallace? It might be nothing new to you, because you feel that is where you come from. A lot of people don't know where Taiwan is, on the map!!! Yeah, I draw that. 


(P. 3/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

 You feel tense, and responsibility? "okay."

God has two kids, Adam and Eve?  " ... ...you might be right, on the Second Heaven, see later explaination."

Fire is not the Light. The sunlight is not fire related.

Iron, clothing....I understand. The Red River.

Where you going? That is after Ramses shows up, another 18 floors Chinese Terminology like Hell.

Is Adam and Eve story, after they fall, they are farmers? You mean Ancient Chinese story on farming? how the Fire started? 伏羲氏

I think you just meant the modern farmers. okay, I heard you.

You believe the energy talks like the New Age energy people touch you and you got drain, or eating food from the neighborhood? I heard you.

(P. 4/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

A diamond, an angel, a sword, a river, a push, lost his balance. The Diamond falls into the river.

He screams at the angel.

Which book you are reading from? The Diamond is falling in the water? Stain water?

It sounds like the Rings from the Lord of Ring were in the river, and someone picks it up from the river. That story has sunshine, at the beginning. Sunshine !! 

I keep hearing you said about the India story you used to be. You really want to go back to those time? You mean, you regret this entire flood things going on? You are just a humble servant. You take what it has come, and accept that. Move on going.

no, I don't think you were arrogant. It happens, so we deal with it together. That is all I can say to you. You are a growing up girl, the teens has some pride, but not arrogance, if I used to bring you up to certain age. You are far from arrogance.

The continue story on Adam's story....the diamonds, and the true home, or Eden...uhm....is that how the spirituality started to pass on to the World? I know that is not how they say they falls from the Eden story I used to hear from. I don't know. I don't have the books to check at all. 

(P. 5/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

Diamond like how crystal the mind becomes sharp? How sharp a mind can become? Do you remember you used to recommend a Japanese film, that the bus falls. They went to the second heaven to sit in a group ready to be judged? That is where the gold, or jewels or everything pave roads? Shining? 

You talk about the Mind in the second world, remember? you can keep in mind that, there is 1 Adam, 2 Eve ! so ...think about that. 

You thought about the Climate Change to do with the Water you causes the flood?

.... ... the Earth location when it spins in the solar system, it goes with the entire solar system to spin rotation around the gravity within that space to do with the Center star, perhaps like the Milkway, they say, central of something. Or there is other saying like the sun has a twin star, where the Nibiru were rumors to travel between the two system for 2012 conspiracy theory says. Weather is a funny things on the Earth, because the aixls were tilted, so there are seasons. Therefore, the weather is not really harmonious. 

You talk about the animals ... you ...how do you like the animals? Like for real, you like them? 

no, I don't like them. No, I am just....left being alone accustomed to it.

天氣氣候的回覆 Climate Change Reasons Reply


Besides "Cool", I also reply on his reply:

 "The smoke came out with Lava, that huge darken smoky ashes is not cooling the Earth atmosphere. You live on the Earth, not inside the Earth. Where is volcano erupt to? To the surface of the Earth where you walk, breath, jogging, play ground at."

I don’t know who Callahan is but I know whom Simon is.


This video he talks more than just they are awful, it really shows he had seen A LOT of people.

Do you think you are ready that he reviews your stuffs ? Whatever that going on between me and you if he heard was on Britney ? Your disciples they ... know who he is!

I don’t think he is easy to pass by ...it’s not just the voice, he says look and personality ...he actually has something he is looking for. Do you want him to review your stuffs ? I am always the last one coming in ?

Yesterday I have seen Devil wear Prada make-over

 Several film all together, like Legally Blonde short clip, Devil Wear Prada getting interview or be made over, Enchanted how does she know (you love), etc etc...these are healthy comedy film. It just takes the work to do it. Some entertaining but filled with the lessons. 

You seem to me very busy, so ... you think about it what to start, what to do, talk to the German doc or 子歇,Prince Willian or Eben is not the nice group of your disciples that takes forever time seeing you doing something. Eben is not looking a patient type of person. He might be very smart to create all those programs. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️Prince William & Eben⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Prince William has some news

You can be personal saying things to him. “Hi, I have read laterly you have some family crisis, and it’s my shy nature forbidding me to talk about it. But I have come to understand that tension at the present is just temporary and will soon pass. I am happy you are ready to embark your kingship path road to success. Say hi for me to your father !” 

As for Eben

Do you check each program price? Of course I am seriously saying he is on the Legally Blonde?

To me, he already had something on the Internet. Everyday you working on it besides getting SMTV ready, you had something to start!

Think about it.


Professor Callahan!

 I don’t actually know who Callahan is ...if this is so real... I hate them even more when they become highly reality targets.

🥰🥰🥰😍😘Hi Justin (Timberlake)

 I saw “The Social Network” now on the TV.

You used to be “In Time”. That’s not the story I write under “One Photo”. You heard about me? 

I ...saw your play list ...do I still on One call 📞 ?

🥰😍😘😘 Goodnight!!!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

 Lots of painting scene - the front door and when looking for a mouse at the hallway.

Mirror and painting

Spine candle at Lupin office when training Harry

“Black magic”

花冠安琪兒 someone looks like Snape, it is a story about Da Vinci Time.


Da Vinci I have heard on trial, but was let go.

To say who is the central role for Leonardo Da Vinci, it’s always known Lodovico!!

Castle like 田園制度 the history in the Europe middle age.

Servant and Master be United once more ....

Da Vinci was a surgeon and there is something about mirror ...

I watched too many time this Harry Potter.

New video


The grade report and the Fire Lord in the Lord of the Ring.

Dolittle (2020)

 There is the iron man actor. Robert.

There is a little girl, “you are so kind”

But I had a very terrible feeling came across me. What’s wrong ?

Tiger, ship sunk, a new ship, to Eden tree (Chinese )

Magic trees draws ....that’s in English.

The birds name is Lilly !

The dragon filled with arm equipment. Surgical process.

Fruit juice save the Queen Mother. 

Is he the professor in Harry Potter?

It just mean possibly Hollywood know each you what you are looking for but also everyone connects to each other to tell a story. It’s 7 years since 2013 we all know each other now. A healthy reminder. 

Like reminder of 

Kindness Purna’s name


Pirates ship 


如來跟猴子的故事 =a more 如來 buddha story with the monkey 

Sometimes people don’t believe the structure, they reminded us again each element in the story plot has a meaning. A very real meaning. 

I am not talking about the other, I am talking to you Lady.

 Your circumstance and your position, why you are there, or how you become what you become should have some discipline, somehow I expect you to have. The proper manner.

Babaji: I am not talking about the manner here ...

He meant, if you want to play, you better play it out, not pretending not to play, he has a way to make everyone play, and got burn on fires. This Universe is big and wide to find groups of people to set up this story scenario, just to see, if you really don't feel the cut from the story and the real Life someone else got married, and re-done this plot several hundred times!

How about this ...they are all married or engaged.

 Babaji said, "That's worse. Now they can play role play"

What does that mean? Role play?

Babaji : People imagining stuffs called role play.

No, I don't know what that means. okay...how about this.....they are not accessible. They are just on the video, you can kiss them, with the printing photo...

Babaji: Where is my photo? Kiss me.

... fine.

Babaji: That is not how they kiss me, or kiss them!

Its better we talked about it. I say that.

 Lady you don't seem to have that problem, do you? Is 子歇 know the game of the romance? Now the TV becomes a reality?

How about just point at me, my life, what do I want in my life? Not this TV advertisement, like with Wallace?

I woke up in the morning, in my comfortable home, Rockefeller had. She cooks, and she prepares the meal for a day. We went out in the morning, and I went out again in the afternoon, to check the reality outside my house. It could be to do with anyone, or anything.

This is a freedom life, I like. The street is smaller, so I can just walk, or take a bus, or Metro, clean, very clean, and people are nice in the Capital here. Its a small kingdom that can afford itself with good stuffs. Do I love this life? Don't I want this life? 

This is the real life....

Babaji says I am dreaming....

No, the reality does not look like that.....but okay, this is....awkard looking! (Laugh)

Character Destruction: Troy Bolton


I don't think this any of this movie looking right on the character building, at all ....It sounds to me, they are doing that on purpose! Its not like that, you all know that right?

Do you figure it out what to do with Eben yet? Your website

 I don’t think you can make a website yet ... but do you look at your IT a bit what do they do with your sites ? You are going to the World End with or without a marriage, you still need to construct a functional website to call me HELP or somebody will left behind after ME???

Eben so long probably don’t look at the website 101 to forget what a website supposed to look like, you think? His niche changes ....

No, I have no idea what’s wrong with his face or how many face look like him or birthday....I have you to fetch a future scenario you have to construct something in a proper format? Or it’s never an issue how to make a website?

Oh~ okay!

😨Sense of honor, sense of responsiblity, arrogence, inferior complex, sentimental

 They are not the same concept. Between guys and girls, the perceiving meaning is another different layer of understanding.

As a man, without the period pain, life every month can go further so unlimited. Their physical building is different. When things getting done Step A to B to C, they will find a way doing it. You gonna call them pride? If they finish their task and go out to get drunk for another week, there is something wrong with them. But they don’t !!

Girls suppose to be wise becoming but often full of jealousy and laziness because of this because of that. Telephone company ...none stop complaining or none sense talking make each other buddy friends. If you Purna just so in love with the 女眾, you can just pretend the ancient advise you were given and now isn’t that much difference. 


Because OU language from SM was Tree under “TRO”

 Tro is green. T from tree, and added the word Ro. I read that !!!

Do I want to know how my brains work? When Eben did that in 2015?

That’s a light green, bright and shining with me thinking big eyes?

Modern language is I hate you, but if I am not from the modern, you will be so over, Eben.

Babaji wants to talk about this - ENglish skills

 He wants to talk about the science nature in debate, in writing, in speaking both language Chinese or English. (For Yogananda, it’s Hindi and English)

He wants this be analyzed thoroughly. 

Because Keanu is engaged to Alexandria Grant

 I know Hugh Grant.

But I also know Alexandria in Red River manga.

When they grew up to be assign at the border I assume the One, Keanu is pushing me on the subjects.

Here is his ruling ground. For my brother. He loves America! He loves his friends. 

He is not pursuing anything spirituality at all, nor coaching ...he is a consultant himself. 

I have an emergency...my brother

 I know I never really talked about it... either a gf or a bf my brother is lacking. 

He is making money on more in a hurry. The other you have the reports ...?

He should be ABC so that ...?

He is a little more baby ...?

He has 50+tie probably, I probably have 11 pairs shoes. She collects for me.

I don’t know how to make a point of this ... ?

I told Dr. Steven myself... about Eben. His singing craps on the 2015 wearing bright green!

 His last name is Pagan.

My name is Yehweh in Chinese, last name first.

No, it is definitely NOT because of the movie Pitch Perfect 123 pushing behind. I didn't watch the movies that much. But I saw it. So I sing 2018-2019 with few remaining video I upload on the internet. I have not seen Eben singing ....I don't know if he would ever sing, since the movie launches on the Coco club (2017)

Pitch Perfect ( 2012)

Pitch Perfect 2 (2015)

Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)

If I know Eben would care that much about the singing, I would not have sang a song. I actually don't know what's the movie so emphasize about these music things from Pitch Perfect 123 and from Coco.

The story about the 夕陽黃昏

 Da Vinci told Lodovico the story about long time ago in Chinese, what was the King of the King becomes....but there is another version of another story in the spin, that is known as 夕陽黃昏

While the women's court yards were the King of the King used to known them in the palace, but the reality when the Sangha life in place to the right location, the King of the King gives the warning to the women's court yard, if you attempt to come, the Mountain where you travel will become the furthest distance none stopping unfolding.

To another account, its when the King of the King visit the Women's court yard wherever later they move from the palace to a mountain where the King of the King settle them, as long as they don't go and bother him, the King of the King. This new place where they settle in has 2 women, one is the Head of the the whole women's court, the other is just by the side another lady.

One of them argue to the King of the King, he is not the King of the King, the Head of the Women stopped her from saying. Next day, she was dead. The head of the women. That remain of the accusation lady was not dead, but continue to stay in the women's this backup troops where they stay in this mountain, until one day, an Indian color skin boy, comes in middle night to arose her to take her go ....where are they going?

They never return. They went out to see the Sunset with this big Sun, I name the future of their going this terrible words sounding in old Chinese 夕陽黃昏

Annotation: What we known as Indian Prince and Buddha, are two different terms. Same like is Siddarthra. Prince Siddarthra. But in fact to me, personal....these 3 are not exactly the same field, if I were to digging out of the history in India's library. Buddha, Siddarthra, Indian Prince....these terms are not exactly meant the same thing to me. Its not really.

Annotation 2: The actual being of the King of the King, you cannot see the Head, the Buddha's role. Its shining. The Indian Prince, the indian boy color, was therefore, very distinct to the Buddha, because it is the native Indian darker skin tone and you can see the whole body including the head. Its a short black hair.

Annotation 3: Purna was told specifically, not to mingle or mix with these women crowd, the backup troops from the palace. When she was exile to another place to choose a destination, her wish is to find these diamonds to bring back for these women's court yards, the backup troops. Like the Diamond Sutra we heard about, perhaps has a relation. I just never read it yet.

Tesla’s best friend (Coco club movies)

 You can try Purna’s dad to inquire a library. I think he talks about the Jesus he used to research in India or China.

Like Ross goes to China but I don’t actually know if Purna called him yet so he gone to China yet.

In the movie, he isn’t nice to you, Eben as a kid, I guess before he became too old, you should find out his opinion about you? Sometimes you have to get all the opinion down for a movie why it looks like that. His personality looks like that? Then he has to answer me that question, what happened ?


Before the sunset ...yeah, if you can translate what I say about the sunset things to him and do a reflection in your life, what exactly I was saying....I am sure he understands English perfectly. He is important, you know, Tesla’s best friend went missing !


 He does not write in Chinese on his face, anyone?

夕=one dot (or 七夕without 妻)

陽=the sun without the 太 or 耳 曰or 日or 耳日約一悟or 勿(勿忘我)

黃=2 dots below (21 田)

昏=氏曰=like about his voice.

American side has people know Chinese and that story I keep saying...印度王子跟佛好像是不一樣的稱法跟長相

smoke gone out of the wind?

 Sm o ke gone all u t o ft he wing?

Ft =叫,國外的測量用腳or ft 

Eben did what? My entire thing broke down because of him today?

我的板子是不是壞掉了呀?is this iPad Pro broken? No matter what I wrote today...

 No matter what I wrote today, it’s like smoke gone out of the wind?

I cannot describe it. There is no reaction. I wrote too much? I used PC today in the morning. 

Simon, how do I live in the story?

 Following through the scenes and the story. The world internal don’t use language. It’s a knowing communication so that’s how I know. Different scene, different story, shifting the environment. 

Do I love Justin, JC or Lance?

Ancient Chasez isn’t JC looking. Justin is actually following JC everything he does. And Lance was cold blood person that both Justin and Ancient CHASEz following him around. I already don’t necessary have much love feeling but I put up with it. After 2 years I learn about video shooting, you can look at the camera, the angle to tell a story, by the next year one more year I rest properly, a lot of this fades away.

It’s more of this photo ...if I say something to them immediately and they have no response, I run! As for the rubbishing story I heard or experience, I will get it back to them later!

They have this forever young video I sing one time ...I know it could be someone looks just like them, so I don’t conclude it too fast whether it’s them or on another space and time coming to the Present Life.

(P. 2/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

 AI, Ancient Sage, Adam and Eve? You just comment on it, right? That is not a question to me?

They i heard classify said has high tech can be recording people's thoughts or words. If I become that high tech, we will go on judgement, correct! Its by words, including your thoughts in the split moment! I say a word, and you react on it. Didn't I show it to you already? Yeah, what do you think I was doing all that evil looking stuff on the video? 

Two angels?

I thought Adam and Eve story, you can just look at the Precious Moment, in US Hallmark store. How a child growing up a faint far away story in comparison.

Did I tell you, my first bf was Adam? No, we never talk about it my name. We lost contacts. I tend to lose a lot of people on my way ....So he looks like the BackStreet Boy, that dress Yellow cloth you and Anan fight over the microphone video. The main singer, like Buddha that one in "Drowning". The First guy. 

Serpant? I actually not a man, so I cannot really say, if a man really just that helpless in real life of their anatomical structure. So I won't even say, if that was a mistake, or negative voice.....its just a story that talks about it. But unless I am a man, I won't comment on those things.

Did you tell your ex-husband, what I say, about you Purna, and him 大頭?

 From my side, looks like you did, but I am not sure. I just tell you what I saw, on their bicycle display in front of me, before I went on the bus, yesterday.

You seem to be a better open person that might actually go and talk when you get a problem. To the real person, I mean. The real actual person, people to people skill.

I don't actually have that. It might be the entire environmental issues. I seldom go in person to anyone, to show my wits. Unless they just go beyond far enough on my nerves behind ....

Aren't they smart people in the Classify?

 oh ~~ you mean THAT! I see.

I understand you. Classify, and their smartness ....I see. They probably have to take an exam, right? Like all the governmental employee. Sometimes I thought they even select... in certain ways.

You want to open a busineess to do with them, classify?

 I start to realize people want to open a business, related to the millitary.

I see. Well....they are not that easy to be step on. You see them like God? Like you see Ma'am Ching Hai or Eben, or Yogananda like God, too?

Its not like that?

Classify like a God? That is the first I heard ....okay, I see. I hear you.

I ocassionaly go steppipng on them, not that I on purposely to go and step on them.

 You want to know all that ....yeah, sometimes I go to them the classify, and step on them a bit.

Because I thought it is related to. So they better sometimes hearing me a bit. Yogananda and Ma'am Ching Hai still somewhat important, you know. Its the same video we cannot stop watching it, and go over !!!

Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom

 Its the same girls, whom has two different hairstyle...and her last name !!! Howard??? And she does not have make-up on the Wiki !!

The guy in the Jurassic Park, who hurt his legs....I thoughts looks like Howard. And shows up in the Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom on the Public Hearing? I already watched that DVD, I watched the trailer.

I think its better you try to do your homework sometimes. Its ....classified world to sort it out !

They are having another film 2022 Claire Dearing ! What a name!!!  

But Bryce Pratt... I don't know what is himself play in the Jen & the Hologram, at all. That guy I sing the song, do not look like him, and I check, this name is not in the Starring Set. Its in the Archive Footage???? Anyway, now I know both them.

Is classify Pixie? No, I don't think they are close by in its nature, but if you just conclude all the National defenses as Pixies, That would do too.

Why? The border needs to know what exactly I am doing. But for the classify, unless it is their materials got violate, they can have nothing to do with me, at all.

Purna, did you get the year when I declare Kingship? 29 = 惡舅

 2017 稱帝

That was when I was 34. But 416, they minus 5 years, becomes the Dragon Years, 

so it went accordingly like Ella Enchanted that Bad Evil Uncle = 2 9

The sounding is the same like Bad Uncle = 29

Because there is another movie do you watch it, I am reading the magazine and see the Macaroon. India sent me the one last issue I order on the BAZZAR.

"Grace stirs up for success" 


Do you see the Uncle store, what was display in the shop?

Yesterday outting routes....

 I wait it about 10 minutes for the same bus to go to the destination, coming back home, I didn't wait for the bus, so I walk back home.

I went to a convinence store, I saw previously someone in front of me and Rockefeller, she grabs a particular brand of food, so yesterday I just follow her choice, picks the exact the same food to eat.

What? They didn't see it? Its not that far, or they didn't wear contacts?

You would rather wait for the bus, instead of walking home? Is that shameful to walk in this big city of itself, no one is around?

I got the food, so I cross the road, to a shielding place, a memorial hall, next by a pay indoor garage entrance. Its very spacious with stairs, lightly I just went to the lower floor to eat that yesterday.

You would eat at the convinence stores.

Okay, i just comment on what I saw, that's it. They apparently give you the freedom to choose how to act in the routing roads for going and coming home.


 He is always at this very strange places, the light on the ceiling, the broomstick falls breaks his arm, but got hanging up there, or he is behind a painting, at the proper moment, kill the Snake...

At the very first time, Hermione was with 2 guys coming down from the stairs, and he falls down, turn ice. (White)

there is a word yesterday I say in Chinese. 替身

替 = two husband, one white below.

身 = like the body falls...tilted that line, do you see that?

Stunt, or substitute meant.....This is strange, what does this Eben do for a living? I don't believe whatever he said most of time, anyway.

His birthday is 12/5

Ma'am Ching Hai birthday is 512

Like yesterday, we were on ancient serpent ...

 We debate there is an ancient serpent then there is an ancient tree with the ancient fruits name Apple.

You don’t call it a tropical fruits because how do you know ancient Eden has a earth axial tilted issues? To create 4 seasons? But do I need to say that loud? It’s the Angel quoting “King, language ....” I volunteer to tell her...of course I know she is talking to me. But those careless talk, I normally would not say things like that but I understand you had a point. So I quickly made my point too. Right now, I have some responsibility over her, so I say it. You are saying a word to the entire universe!!

On sleeping or on wedding


OjO = baby or ...fool your 7 oo

He wrote a very deep book in dark navy color. Two in one set.

Is he a doctor in India?

I probably would not say it’s your entire West people who just cannot sleep. I cannot understand him in English. I would say if you are from America, I see you one by one. You have what problem? Just saying sleeping problem has an equal sign with the West, I would not say that.

Wedding, did he host a wedding in India before? He was always beneath his master tier while he is at home India. I don’t want to watch it anymore...

If I tell you my psychology course ...

 Their eyes filled with the hurt.

Their voice behind, there is a point that’s hurt.

People somehow polished their voice behind as a public speaker but they all getting hurt already from everywhere. 

Getting hurt, when I was young, I getting hurt, so I move away, I live more solitude. I have my character built not to take things personally. I hear what you say, do you say enough? That’s it!

With them, I have to be more careful, to even look stupid !! Yeah, you just do that! Look stupid but I bring my words to this point or the line, we stop there!

Memorize the content and pick a word, then hit it

 Prepare, Fire, Aim.

It’s a title of a book. I don’t remember what it says. It’s just not wasting your time to keep aiming. You hit first and reload the words. I am sure you all tear apart that 2014 words so I keep seeing these deep voice characters on the TV. How did you do that? Or you sent that in to the ET?

You pay attention what the speaker says. They may have loads of other works to do to must see you video alone? You pass by, drop by and say Hi!

⭐️TED⭐️ You all asking me psychology on those people?

 Apparently they all seem to “design” their scripts, they might study online psychology a bit.

No I would not do those things even try. It’s breaking precepts. If you want to attack somebody, just directly telling them straightforward, not hidden statement or by design. It’s not a shame thing to do. It’s the West world culture, they study none sense stuffs I am not interested in. It’s all in the book and free to learn. I would never go and try to learn a psychology book in order to hinderly grasp an attention from the customers or worse,... first, they inject a fear statement or a question and then lift you up like they are a miracle worker ....those just meant they are very very arrogant inside, they got no better way to do a simple communication in life. Yeah, I believe that myself. You can observe people psychologically but not doing anything to harm it on purposely, to win! That’s sickening, 

You can copy a word that the speaker says before, throw it back when you just do a response video. It’s their speaking words problem, by each word how skillful you polish in the mind, body and speech?

我覺得? I think ?

 Eben is more like Bolton boy, the black hair that team.


我原本是說滿慈子跟她下面那一個比的,Inelia benz 

But ...there is a lot of but ...


 他們是 twin. (High school musical)

對, 昨天前天的電梯🛗


原來你們是要看電影🎬聽音樂🎵以及看書📖的?what’s pixie?

Pixie is Harry Potter blue/purplish little fairy masked inside a cage.

I just say border people. Nowadays you will have to have merits to live by one border...with the line to see them existing. They become wireless ...

ET e 梯車——電梯

 I know what’s ET okay?

The number, you wrote them down to which side of God? After the 3rd?

One single God’s cell, why do I even talk about it?

Red red red red red ....so they become ET with me, one single “big cell”? Chinese meant the elevator, and apparently yesterday, you all send them all the way up! I cannot write that. 


Iron man 3

 ... did we have to talk about it?

The name? In real life, we didn’t do anything, Simon. Nothing. 

The story I tell you, it’s just a story with Tony in it. There are the characters. 

Things happening behind is always the same, they bite me like the pixie, I just bite them back. That’s not the dread part. 5 Lord review was more deteriorating but I am young. They have to lower my age but if not, I will be 40...so I know what I am doing okay?

Did I what ?

There are things I don’t want to talk about it and this end, there is nothing matter to even think about or make a saying at all. It’s 7 years, or 8 years pass since TYG. All people need is to sort these crappy pixie ideas of movies to a proper statement and I am doing it! That’s the story and just stick on that.

You have a big business, I won’t even say I look bloody all the time. They ...okay, there were times, okay? Now it’s one year pass, I got rest. You got injure then it’s your big business you are too busy at. 

You can watch the movie, I can watch the movies the way I want.

How is these story I tell you be told to me? You say how? I live in it.


 You are thinking a new TED if they talk more in evil nature ? Keep dreaming, okay? I was forced. That’s not natural. You compare with the speaker, you go with the visual too! Their voice sounds okay, right, but the visual you have a lot of wacky things to say, after you calm down with my video watching. What a nuisances?

This society is not going to turn into that direction, okay? Just don’t imagine that because we have a little adjustment issues.

Babaji: what adjustments issues? It’s broken.

Just don’t listen to him. If you are like me only just watching them hearing them, not compare...you change my clothing ? How crafty you all really are.

If you ask people to be evil talks, you gonna break people down. Seriously. They are made to breath on that, you are not made to breath on that neither.

You just don’t like it !!!

You already don’t like anything, did you see what you yourself looks like pixies ? What can pixie really do? They are made to complain and compares!!!

You finally found me? As the pillar to? If everyone else has a huge problem in their life!! By looking at them and me? I must be dreaming. 

You are all something ....gossip number 1

You were just testing if it’s true ...oh!

A new team on the ground

 Emergency plan.

Who is the new team? The 代總司令?they too? 重新列陣. I already knew ...I cannot read the classify! They are using the what Dinosour? With a hook? Rap...ture true Dinosour? Are they safe? Alpha and delta ...data Where is the alpha, you are looking at him. A. The fence is not looking A, it’s 3 bars fence looking.

Upside down A, line up.

Ghost and patents -we talk about it before.

Dinosour has the Speed! They have the action movies stars? How many? It’s not 代教主?it’s The ONE? Not the alpha! It’s.... it’s the big huge gigantic ....communicating. They can communicate!! Oh, Dinosour has their God too! Mose! The movie Prince of Egypt.

My God is Babaji, the head householder.

Their God is IT, the head householder

Blue? It is God. Shiva

All the generator online? When they clean up the lab, chinese says.

同類 on the same side right?


How to 同一體?eat alive? To communicate.

3 尊 3 Dinosour 

They become one and the same God? Does that exist in 3 Worlds? No more body.

“Need more teeth” to bite? To be 同一體

I am a baby, only crawl... so I can only learn toy 🦖 

For survival? Lyrics?

They are drowning too?

You don’t think I got pressure in real life watching these? In real time including the commercial?

5 Dinosours

 They fight they using bite.

Two boys are shifting gears, manual?

You got a manual, WAKE UP.

Lifting me up, Amazing grace, song song song , Keanu. Simon Idol your group. Divo.

Both are soaked in water ... how old they are, Simon and Keanu? It looks opposite?

No no, switch, there is younger version Justin, younger version Charlie, Puth? 世代交替

The Dinosour is dying. A lot. 世

“Killing for sports”

What situation ?

替=2 夫 白:2 husband white (me) or stunt or substitute 

Owen has a gun, and I what do I suppose to mean? Tie knots on my clothing. Is that white? 交 替 knotting style.

Where do they go? Music sounds, Keanu! They found a jeep and a match? And a 🦕 on the wall. 

Talking about the grandpa? 

Lab has crisis. I need the language department when you call pa, papa, or grand pa in dirt language. Anyone by the way on experty on Reinanssance?

民用 jeep, not the millitary one. They are not in where? Isnt both them supposed to be regulated in the public news? Keanu and Simon.

We found the dinosaur! 

In the mean time Keanu it’s not time to talk about my kiss, but late evening I got a real estate card on 902 is a good kid, so you have a gun? No, we just sit in the same elevator, he went to 3rd, I went to 7th floor.

Did I call Chinese? 你們給我起來,起來!現場現在

ACU is air born? 

“Who is flying”?

Not Dinosour, but it got in the glass wall fence structure, the building.

The helicopter down. Then the Dinosour will fly!!

“That’s the first”? The Jeep isn’t the Millitary Jeep? It might be the First. Prince William!

I need someone works on 櫻桃小丸子 the word, and that age difference.

The lab is like me, there is a substitute 代教主,代總司令??

But don’t UFO already flying ET race? Something more than UFO flies?

A kiss, we already explained !


 In America, when I had no access to the TV, I went to watch some New Age group and among these groups, there is an alternative media such as Project Camelot. They later breaks into two projects.

Project Camelot and Project Avalon.

This guy in the movie actually in another Jurassic Dinosour movie makes two hair looking different lady. It’s strange... but okay, I am sure only I laugh but some others might get mad in America. Those journalists. 

What? Dinosour says that’s two side lady? Hair style different. I think the man can say that by himself. They have to go and compare the story with this same actor. Let me check. 

Chris Pratt and he is in the “Jem and the Hologram”, and as himself with a note Cameo?

Jurassic World (2015)

Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom (2018)

I have sing that song, maybe I should upload that and make a note of it. He was in that movie?

Where is Keanu? He knows what’s an action movie, this is? Adventure movie genre ?

Matrix is an action movie ? They meditate doing nothing in Yoganada groups. He made John Wicked too ...Uhm... talking about the spiritual group reviews on them own.

“You just staring at them” the young boy said. 

They went on the projects

The ride close.

What does that sound to me? The scene changes to a lab geneticist, they mean Greys lab? 

That’s one Indian + one Asian. Those are not American ? That two journalist are American, English speakers. 

Ancient Chinese + Ancient India.

That’s saying sounds right. Remember adding 5000 years on it.

I throw the microphone down and say, “ I do it myself” and see Owen on the movie screen, Keanu?

It’s on Live, HEY, YOU ALL WAKE UP!!! Rockefeller is on the phone. WAKE UP!

建華,Iron Man

 That Tony Stark chest ....did you know Buddha story on Purna beating his own chest is the signature how everyone looks at this video?

Lupin sees double, I count that’s 4. Where are you? Do you documents the words I say? 

建華, Ryan Evan!

 They always called him Ryan. 建華 he got a last name!


High School Musical. And did you check Eben’s birthday? It’s online!

Did you check Eben’s video one year ago? If you add keyword “Larry King”

Eben does not have make up, 建華,這份簡單的工作,不要給我搞砸了!

Deep Impact (1998) 彗星撞地球

 How is the math grade? You can draw it each line first but you still need to be clear at the exact dates, no?

I still don’t have the exact number memorized in my head. Every number looks a little bit different.


1983-2015 32

1983-2017 34 (Britney Holding Against me 2011)

+2=1983-2019, Sweet November 

1893-1856 July

They look similar to me. At least you working on your own birthday, 

Lodovico playlist - the Physician who lost the limbs talks about the suffering

 Is the shameless heart a suffering ?

That’s an illusion but it is a great deal people suffer the night sleep, the next day works, or weeks or months tremendous pressure behind when they train day to day people from behind. 

I am not at their behind.

But I pursue Chinese philosophy teaching 4000 years these Chinese Ancient martial art, if you find some really Zen master, they will tell you, there is a 羞愧之心

We just cannot get out of that topics. I am tired of talking about that. So I explain, THAT is an illusion but it’s very real to the mass of people, so you cannot use that bar standard to equalize with the others strength. It’s not the same. 

建華、子歇,我以前看過什麼書 YouTube ask me

 小學 elementary 


Monday, Wedn, Sat and Sun, go game

Thursday piano

I have read 清朝歷史整個王朝我都知道、格蘭童話、、封神榜、薛家將(我從不看歌仔戲的,我還為了這一個人跑去等歌仔戲)、很多童話、中國小孩看得哪種比喻書,在棋社,各式各樣的中國四千年歷史,我上國中前都已經看過了。UFO, 世界上的各種奇異事件

4 no more go game 圍棋 continue piano, English (same books category no comic books )

56 piano, cello, English ( same books categories, no comics book)

Middle school

789 that’s when I read the comics book愛哭學妹 +school work 外考考上中山

No more piano +cello 萬歲!



10 11 12 just volleyball in my life 這個時間我也不知道我到底念了什麼,過了就好


UK, University of Kentucky 我的英文就是花錢請人每行字改,非常適應不良,不是你們看不懂英文,看中文呼吸,幾個字都好


你們之後都知道了在 Apple 上



 Babaji: you want to turn into like them?


Babaji: so why you watching them for?

They behind are watching them all about the same story telling. It must be a format in their hand, they just follow the outline sheets.

Babaji: correct.

Back to the story telling

 Da Vinci continue to tell Lodovico about 3 day

In the old Egypt time, when Ay is no more having sex desire or drive because of the old age, Ramses will come in the palace to cure him. For example, releasing his stuff. There is still way doing that.

On another story account, Ay decides to let go Ankeheseamen to Ramses so he took her away, with a new form, blond long curly hair her to another far away castle to be excuation. In those time, magic or curses are known. You change the heart, you change the hair color naturally. That’s the story of 3 days. When Ankeheseamen die, she becomes the air resume back to the black hair form. The story stopped here. 

You can see, the Egypt side of story has no written records on Ay in Red River Manga.

Eben, your name was from the Eden?

 I see ....I heard it from Purna. Your last name is more clear. I don’t speak English before.


Okay, I see the URL code now. HDTV. H here meant sex too, for some reason I remember in Chinese. 

Earth stands still or ms congeniality NJ OS entering world.

Or DJ full house bf TD Canada bank link south west...here. I am at south west to Canada, water. Aqua. 

Part 7/8 Fallen Angel

 ET is not a demon, I know you didn’t say ET is. A demonic nature is invisible. ET I can see them from the Google search engine. Negative ET is not necessary saying they are monstrous or demonic ...they are symmetry bilateral humanoid. 

Did you see you had a voice volume problem in “pitch perfect” when they beginning had Obama and his wife on the group audition? These people exist! They are from Harvard. It’s put next by... your Legally Blonde paper logic statement study? Since Lupin says he is NOT your father. I am still here. Political science department has a logic class with a proper textbook in any US university can shipping you a textbook.

Part 8/8 heard. You actually had the photo you used to go out ...and ...did all that. Now your hair is blonde, just remember who told you so. That’s it. 

Part1/9 Adam & Eve, it’s not organic. Water in 本草綱目 definition roughly 101 type of water in the 清 dynasty ...you know how long that ago? Many Hundreds years ago, you talking about the air quality and the rain. Tell me why this doctor has to collect different season rain in different location to cure others to even claim his own name on the history? It’s not applicable this Time. Organic is modern agriculture terms. Your Bible, your ET waiting for you saying they are ancient ...ancient serpent , snake Neville, Eben on Legally Blonde. I have not blind or damf to explain what an organic terms to me ...there is pollutant in the food like pesticide so they better label something organic for a selling price tag. If the world has “no more oppression” from the insects, they don’t need to print a tag on a banana I hate I have to peel them tags or on every avocado!

Peanuts (David Jones Locker)

Diamond, eye glasses, small compact book, 24, old man ...

Washing machines, you drink ? Dryer ...Westinghouse branding, Simon, she is calling you. Dogs, birds, happy ....if you don’t see negative ET hanging around a photo they and squirrel and skunk painted in the Eden harmonious Heaven, something is wrong with the wild life produced by the Earth Mother element, in case they are imported from the other planets like us human ? Populating seeds?

Your father would know which subjects class you taking extra while he has to be in the movie, that Harry Potter movie? I hope that does not mean he keep seeing doubles ....he is too old.

I answer it


Harvard MBA classroom 

Wallace - 傾世皇妃 the MTV song

 建華,yeah I did say that’s Dean but I said we...didn’t do anything. Like Eben is Tesla, I am Francis and Dean is Frank? How about I stay I am AC for now? You read the Tesla book on Venus? 他們美國有出版金星跟特斯拉關係的書,裡面有你的師母跟師父(笑傲江湖)

Dean and I are two very very different kinds of people. Did you even get the idea I just look like Americans if I put the make up on? But I am not putting anything except the eye brow! I went to practices like I never really talk about it? Isn’t I become important was mostly because I had the practices in ...pursuing the enlightenment? I don’t like that word. I have to start when to get my meditation back again? Apparently not right now!

Dean is an ukrain background American boy who drinks and play hockey. Does 邪惡小仙童 look right to you even in literacy ? Do I need to buy the Chinese calligraphy set 毛筆硯台 for you?

I have no idea why they look like NSYNC, I only just talked about it. That does not mean I want to go and interrupt others life, 建華!! Rockefeller and me life is not good?

😱TED 😀

 Babaji: What do you think?

People ...they want to sound smart in their presentation?

Babaji: have you not done the presentation?

I did. In the City of Hope.

Babaji: and ?

I didn’t know what that means - how to sound smart in the presentation. ... ... what if they actually behind has that on the bullet point to examine the character, and me?

Babaji: see me empty handed, there was no drafts. 

That mean I just do it to make others feel stupid without the proper evidence ?

Babaji: you did that again ...


Babaji: you know why they hire IT to create a gigantic IT department ?

To store data.

Babaji: to actually monitor anyone not your brain how the process was not stolen ...

Oh ( becoming the big eyes) - there is a stolen problem, I see!

Babaji: ...you could wrote it down first on behind...

... I should write what it’s in behind?

Babaji: your inspiration and doubts in my communication that these are not sounding smart communication ...it’s not the presentation.

Communication is not the presentation? (becoming the big eyes)