
2013 - 2020

 2013 TYG The You Generation

2014 AGT The One, Tesla

2015 TEsla patent on comet 1908, and Da Vinci notebook (reading )

2016 5 Lord Review

2017 稱帝 declare June, running out of time 

2018 長留初考 YouTube 灌籃高手藤真上場, hunger game/ catching fire

2019長留初考 YouTube Comet time counts end

2020 rest whole year back to meditate  2021 you saying trump stuffs your inner vision is wrong, I start to think are you lying? SMCH and revelation story, lamb , your Chinese name... Before Chinese New Year 2021

2021 Website

How to run out of time 

1911-2011 =100 years TEsla said 

My practice 2006-2016 10 years AC patent TEsla time 

2016 5 Lord Review to 2017 Jan 

2017 June 稱帝

Comet Time 


1983-2017 -2019 (Britney comet video on 2011) holding it against me 2011 Jan to 2012 Dec 21

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