
Legally blonde 1 or 2

 I did not need to talk about the movies because you supposes to stay away them from ....but if I have vent like I cannot help it? There is Eben!

How does American decide you join law school Harvard with that kind formality dress both to the Harvard or the US Congress for the animal rescue movement ?

Should I stand at the Chinese monkey story like 玉皇大帝 cannot strain the monkey in heaven so he finds 如來? 

Jewish goes to the law school or the rich kid goes to the Law. Or your fraternity activity to your logical deduction methods they found out was not clear? Eben was early on that time ON STAGE public speaker.  There are many public speakers. 

These enough is enough movies, I don’t just see one of them, because I happen sometimes do watch movies in my university time. IN AMERICA!!

AND the first thing I land here and for a long time left the Asia, it is still again, WAS A TV !!?

Where we used to live was out in the forest! Don’t even tell me what spirituality is meant to me or to you what you so used to say lies with a twist. I know the words in Buddhism compassion or must must forgive?

Those words don’t mean a thing to me.

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