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 Organic Chemistry Website


YouTube: Yourformula

Website: its a URL going to my personal design webpage, anyone got my name card with the link on it can come to my website. To generate enough traffic is to hoping you hand out your name card will not just one of the card you got from the seminar you went. But how many name cards can you really give out?

My header image is that really written, YourFormulaSheet? Yes

YouTube too? Yes

Its a branding.

The way I generate traffics are

    Local school flyers, or leave the blackboard, YourFormulaSheet on the lecture hall

    YouTube Channel will generate itself traffic, that was very early on, 2007

    Webpage I use keywords and writing content in it to reach I see one page did very well, its a formula equation I re-create an image from photoshop. 

To be honest, to create this Organic Chemistry website, its all done by graphic, one image to image to draw out each atoms, and arrows. It takes a lot of time, for one graphs. Chemistry has their own software doing just that. Its lab class, they introduce us those kinds of softwares. But its very very tedious process, very very details for one molecules to look right, not just combine the adding reagent, from drawing an arrow, to an electron intended Oxygen? well, I just told you, its organic chemistry class. Its just loads of works.

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