Comet math 彗星數學

Comet math (1908-1943) vs telepathy thinking clear 他們在找人才

 They are looking for people on trying out that math problem.

In limited try.

Mine is almost DIDNT try. We just made the video that time counting the years. I cannot remember if they give me one chance before but I was just talking too happy and Vola I count.

So ...they are looking for those who made it to count that 1943-1908 math problems. See how they define telepathy related questions with a crystal clear thought - what does that meant to them.

No, I actually cannot see them. 

Didn’t I just say, I didn’t remember if I try once count the years and then made the video right there immeditately? Do I must say how many try is on their sheet? Because it’s not a lot of try. You shock people by asking them first this kind of question. 

Comet math : it’s a blur line 

 You mean, do they does my ways of counting ?

That’s not usually how they approach people. But...there is a but.

If they tell you that’s the method to count, or show them, they almost just get immediately answer “No”

At least that’s what I heard. They tell you straight, no they don’t count like that.

Counting and actually without writing it down = oral teaching type 

But that’s not how it is done.

Counting and actually saying In English if you are not native speaker ...they give up that norm. They directly contact those math elite class from the native country language speaker. Like high school or college. Or the university professor those none native English country speaker, they allow to count in their country’s language. 

Anyway, it’s all kinds of stuffs. It’s the Elsa castle things on the Frozen. What’s the crystal clear mean.

Comet math : filming 

 You mean, like you can see me doing the math in front of you all people, having an ipad display camera and click the camera myself to film it?


You all forget something... these being asked elites are very arrogant type of people. The government approach them is not going to beg them to turn on that camera. Do they look nice, do they care their appearance, do they care if they talk clear but only can count in the head, words stuck and blame the camera ...etc etc.

I think they giving up that step, but they have other ways without them knowing to have the records. They need to see it. 

The general steps they approach them is for them voluntary coming out and say it. ‘Can you do it in front of the Camera?” Of course they have that. A lot of people still very very very care care care about their appearance especially so called the geek ! Their self esteem is high above the mountain. If they knew the government is desperate which they don’t, they don’t acting nature. Their temperament is not like me.

If they know they cannot do it, the staff insist they just try it...there is all kinds of attitude people. Almost you find someone they already knew they are in the best relation staffs to go and grill them. It’s just one math problem. 

Comet math: write it down 

 Most of them doing a calculation by writing them down.

They do a subtraction.

The problem is ...the agent went to ask them could be either telling them or completely don’t tell them it’s for the comet. If they found out the severity of the matter, they will write it down for sure line by line.

Anyway, from my side, the agent first has to learn a few mistakes before they become a standard operation how they approach the geek crowd. They don’t want them to touch the paper and pen, at least not doing everyone else are all doing it. 

First is that.

Second, if they decide there is a time to tell the geek crowd the truth, you can imagine they must have gone to enough number of them, they saw and hear the video what has done, no, they don’t do that way. 

They conclude each of them the methods they were using to approach the problems. It’s the writing ....that they step by step wishing to eliminate that in the process. They want to eliminate the writing. So they go and ask the question like such year to such year, what’s the total numbers of the years, the months and the days. 

If they could just find the person doing this questions without the pen and paper, they will pick them.

That’s before they tell them it’s the comet issues.

They military break down steps to find the right person. That first step is to see if they can naturally go without the paper. It’s very fine things they do. You cannot get people to have their guards on they drop the pen and paper.

Comet math : very special people 

 I have watched a China show that there are some very very special people who could do very very special things.

That’s all I know.

No, I don’t know if they operate their mission is to look for them. But I am guessing they went to them too. I cannot see that part. I saw the normal classroom or university background. The normal people crowd, just a little advance in math than the average people. 

I cannot see if there are other people like very very rare of them whom could do very extraordinary things in life. That part I cannot tell.

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