
I made a list ...

 For example, 

Eben is not God, should I tell Sariputra that?

They ALL don’t get on classify study or China some wits story of how anyone does things or could say things. If you cannot say it, or act on it, at least read on it. No...it’s not close or dear them.

This is also an item they bullet point. Because that’s born with it they say.

If they are foreigners, that’s one thing, many are European mix, one is Indian mix, oh dear....

If happened to be Asian, it’s ABC.

It’s not you mix, it’s your sister mix, but you might have a blonde hair on the TV?

A lot of things could the entire world is on camera 🎥....

Should I say in details?

In case you didn’t know what you eat food, others eat too. Should he find out or I tell him?

The problem is when he finds out ? You mean how do I know is that a key factor we cannot stop fighting never stop in the air on iPhone on demand ? That’s without saying.

I cannot fed him anything if to be said. 

“It got to be nature”

But the time.... I can think of time....things gonna wane. 

Then if it’s ABC, you gonna say friends are not all that important so he must be Eben first?

I may have joke said Eben is paganism so Sariputra as first, deal with it, then that’s Purna.

Now I don’t think it meant that way. It mean exactly it meant.

And Eben happen to be a dating guru?

Oh dear God, they are kids nature, how long Eben really be in his business, what if it’s for real he is doing that for decades?

Then, there is classify nature....in there, it’s every degree of subjects you can read.

How does anyone get there?

There was 2012 everyone is online, Every One.

So...can I tell them, there isn’t just FBI or CIA?

Or I happen to be TEsla so I know FBI and him don’t get along, how do I conclude Simon is so and so etc etc....

Classify has ET other stuffs, so all that interests was? How do you have your interests from ? Etc etc ....

I know I know ...

Can I just say I cannot explain and they just stand there. 

It’s getting worse the more money the items they get everyday ....the car, the house, their wants....why should they care if there is different branch in America? 

And then this a big net catching a mouse like me started when I travel down the Moutain .... 

if saying just One Sariputra that’s one ....that’s not the book index said. 

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