
 I used the cure zone protocol. Colon, kidney, liver/gallbladder cleansing.


Orange juice fasting 

Dr Christopher booklet 3 day cleansing. (MH from the cure zone are selling the products from his recipes)

Dr Gabriel atomiodine (Cayce Edgar teaching a particular iodine)

Just wipe on the neck, don’t intake. It might be too strong. 

In America, it’s very easy to access these items by the online shopping cart. Dr Christopher also have his own website. I getting stuffs from both MH or Dr Christopher’s webpages.

Like MH has very strong Oregano oil

Dr Christopher has ointment for bone and tissues and his herbs capsules I used them both.

Of course that’s not the only thing I do, I do a lot of stuffs. I had eyes cups from Amazon. But I used Dr Christopher’s eyes formula. Nowadays they might have tincture. I was using the recipe making the tincture from the herbs. 

There is another Chinese doctor in Canada selling her tinctures how to let go stones. She had online articles all over. I used to read them all.

Starting 1:24 you see stones.

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