
I have heard about you talking about Babaji

 The Hungary tape is online. I heard that.

Sorry, I heard you saying him.

Europe Paris you say that 

You talked about him in many occasion.

Have I tell you there is a lot of things I don’t validate whether it’s true or not true coming from your mouth when I get a name like 3 Esteen?

If you wonder if I envy?

Tiny moments?

Maybe you don’t know us too well, between me and him is at this war for very long time not just WHERE he might be internal, but was at my kitchen with these infests bugs he can find them, or else you imagine American has these made in robots, did I tell you these bugs have highly intelligent when to drop on my hands or let me see it right in front eyes to eyes where it belongs so I can scream?

There was a time that was EVERY NIGHT. That’s just an external factor ! That’s not AC factor on my entire body tie down in PAIN. THAT IS not internal while I close my eyes?

You would still be thinking of him if he did all that, I am sure ....

I become cold ....do you see that Disney original Frozen story was way way way early 1943 or some years they have that character made in very very cold?

When someone does this very cunning things to call me a name on TV so he might exist to play a love chasing games behind .... I smell problems. NOT anything that may you need to worry about ?

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