
Open galaxy

 Do I need to think you don’t dare to push American, AND ET is negative on their top so they are pushing each other! All that to do with a flooding problem on this planet?

If you transport to another world to make every direction of world to become your Seamless skirts issues? Because if other world goes without a book or India? Babaji makes Yogananda wrote a book! There are lineage said. 

But here you just need to register a brand name to start early on camera with the disciple with loads money in the bank, years after years you make it without ever need to explain ! Where is your Master? You could make up the words inner master to make you a brand new idol.

Simon has a early 2000 years show name American idol and he is from England. Just when you step to the US. 

Are you still drunk they are welcome you for a free trade to this cover up business methods? How to collect money by free will? Not just free constitution democracy everyone is equal and doing whatever they want ! There is no boss no kingship, just you ABC European Vietnamese!

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