
Babaji: what did he write ?

 I think he meant if he ended with Michael but there is 101, there is if prefer writing ...

Babaji: you cannot understand it, 

I guess he meant if he die. There is ifi or I O I. I have no idea what he is writing. Something ends, something program closes soon.

Babaji: you need to go to sleep. You panic, you cannot read.

I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

 Babaji: some guys don’t mind people hating them, you should know that, it’s not an easy job done, that’s why it’s a job.

I am not hating him. Don’t make it sound worst than it should.

Babaji: really? Did you say he does test? 

Didn’t I say I don’t want to hear or talk about it anymore.

Babaji: the more you struggle to get unhold of him, the harder the rope will it ties up. 

I have no ideas what you talking about. I am tired. I need to go resting.

Babsji: you won’t have time resting.

Is this that Bible says?

Babsji: Bible didn’t say, I say. Beside what’s a wife for? He loves you he makes love with you.

I don’t want to hear I don’t want to hear I don’t want to hear it.

Babaji: try to work with him, okay?

Is this required for the judgement day?

Babsji: No, it’s not required, but he might like the idea.

He does not look like that. You should not have told him all that.

Babaji: I tell what I tell. He makes a decision of it. It’s pleasure or it’s pain. 

..... good night. 


 Everyday ? They didn’t say everyday.

Babaji: for first six months everyday, the six months 4 hours.

... I cannot do that.

Babsji: Yes you can.

I am telling you.

Babsji: I am telling you also.

It’s 10. I need to go to sleep

 Babaji: did you read the Red River.

I read it. That’s for days they are indoor bound.

Babaji: why they even draw that?

I have no idea. It’s just a book. Configurative speaking.

Babaji: you want to say he was discipline man getting up for meditation so he couldn’t possible to have a schedule like that?

I know at night he can do whatever he wants. But I don’t want that.

Babsji: did he say what YOU want?

(Pale) I still think...

Babaji: don’t think.

I am not interested in that. I will tell him.

Babsji: it’s on the monitors. 

You actually want to me do it like that?

Babaji: Yes.

Don’t worry. He may not want it at all. That way, it’s not my doing.

Babaji: We’ll see.

What ?

 Babaji: I was thinking you didn’t understand all those image means and throwing balls for 2 hours 4 hours.

You cannot possibly have sex for 2 hours or 4 hours.

Babaji: it’s in the video. It’s display at front on everyone’s monitor.

What do you want to say ?

Babaji: why don’t you just ask Eben what he gonna do with the information you paste to him. You have no ideas how to solve it or what does it mean. You have no ideas why they keep saying the same thing all over again.

There is certain things possible, something is impossible. A man like sex that MUCH? Isn’t just getting it will they make a fine day already?

Babsji: you wish you dream you hope. If you are not sure, you ask him about it. Don’t wait until the last minutes.

I actually don’t want to talk about it anymore. This is rediculous. 

Babsji: you want to ask him in person? 

When the things happened I could talk, cannot I?

Babaji: I don’t think so if he saw that.

You actually believe that?

Babsji: it’s on the front page.


Purple Opportunity

 I heard he used to have a routine before and after he got married. 

Babaji: jealous? What do you mean by that routine?

You cannot possible have a man on sex subjects all routines that important. There are quick things they do in the video.

Babaji: did you ever have sex?


Babaji: and?

You have to wash up in the morning, made the bed, go to the kitchen and ready for lunch if morning just had fruits. 

Babaji: I meant sex.

There is no point.

Babaji: There are a lot of points.

That’s too exaggerating whatever they put the eggs in the woke. 

Babaji: I don’t think someone thinks that’s too exaggerating. Why don’t you tell Eben you spy on him, you feel funny what was him doing that green things. Only you know Tro is green and shock you to erase him from the mailing list, how can he know you get your email back to his list to write all that?

It does smell funny. That’s why I look. I remember what I was busy at. I was using his opportunity video to open a competition saying called slow motion. I was saying the Chinese drama and by the way saying he is in it. 

Babaji: He was spying on you?

I won’t deny that. I said cloak man and reptilian. I didn’t say they are Tro, did I ?

Babaji: I don’t remember. You don’t remember. 

I thought he was one of them. So many things shocking me at the same time. He was introducing himself. First time I ever heard about whom he says he did in life. But I don’t think I watch that video much. Were we bad time?

Babaji: you forget, we just got married. He says he is the One.

I would ask him about that. That was not him I know that. But when I saw it, I remember how I felt. 

Babaji: how you feel?

He was saying he did all that I describe ? That’s not possible. That’s Keanu young version. 

Babaji: he knows you saw him!

Of course I saw him. 

Babaji: and now you have to be with him, imagine how a man feels.

... ...like he was forced to?

Babaji: did he have a choice?

Don’t play games with me. I don’t buy in those things. He did do something, whatever he was doing it must be him doing it. 

Babaji: Maybe.

Bible Story - Christian Jealous Buddhism’s very.

 Christians are jealous over Buddhism? Those all monks or zen priests are blushing, they don’t mean to take over the Earth. 

Babaji: They are very very jealous.

Okay, let’s put this way. Now you heard about the assets of the Buddhism, the Skills in Buddhism, the human resource how far can reach necessary people the requires high intelligent people to solve a space problem for example, or collecting singers, actors with enough money, or you saw the martial arts that now you could stand outside the Buddhism religions as a Christian still. But you won’t daring to randomly step the line with the Buddhism. Or challenging the Buddhism. With respect and rumors heard. You are still a Christian. You may suggest the other outsiders, don’t just step all over Buddhism if they want to go bothering Buddhists worlds. Do you know what I try to say? You are outside, you are  still you, 

Babaji: and me still me.

Eben again?

Babaji: what am I here for ?

Bible Story - Martial Art (Porcelin Doll)

 The regular Christian also think the Chinese ancient Martial Art important ? You can distinct? Not bothering by the clothing ? You don’t feel strange clothing and the hair style? Okay...yeah, if you consider the Martial Art is important, you need to make a list, frames of frames, photo by photo, or what? All of the video clips are very very important? You need these video evaluation to continue made? Yeah, you needs to list if you need the full packages of the video. I lists only in one playlist. Of course. I didn’t think people can understand it.

Babaji: Theu can look. They know something is up ! To look as real as THAT.

Thanks. (Blush )

Bible story - Resonance

 Do you like to hear about Rockfeller and TEsla? Do you like to hear about Ruthschild ? Do you like to hear about Westinghouse? Do you like to hear about Edison? Don’t care about the fighting, do you like to hear about it? Somehow you feel it? How do you feel this big umbrella branch of people coming down at the same times as the industrialists and investors ? How do you feel this Era you found out no Rockefeller information with Tesla but I say he is right next by. Do you like it ? Do you just feel so? Do you want to know about it? No matter if they do big things or not. For example, Yogananda also introduce a list of characters in the books, on the photo and in the tales. They are sects or religions? If they bring back the story , do you feel it? Do you want to know about it? Your somewhat feelings towards the character charts like resonance with your life almost to become a part of it. Your sense, the whole caste members. Why you feel resonance ? Lists.

Babaji: You forgets about me already.


Babaji: I am still here (glooming)

Bible Book - 5 major religions

 Like the Buddhism’s in the worlds right now this era is growing as one of the fastest trend. They have branch covered by Indian Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Japanese Zen, Big wheel Buddhism, Small Wheel Buddhism. (You need to lists all of them) - massage places are all Buddhists statues, the belief system in New Age how much percent is Buddhism territory. They received as Me = Buddha to lead in this era. The other 4 major religions are not heard of. Right now. I have not heard anything. So you have lists me as what characters, what personality, what traits, what orderly order she could do, how efficient ....for the Bible Christian country side those normal Bible citizen to read about this and get a saying. Get a saying like what do they feel about that heard in Buddhism Top leader returns. What do they expects their Top returns, or already here now. I am saying like Muslin or other religions seeing all these, have to compare and make a “law” saying what has to be done their Top leaders returns. They know the modern kids will do lies, tricked, get love, steal, day dreams... okay, so what do they become not tolerant towards a leader coming back. Understand ?

Babaji: they say they understand. 

Bible book - people lean on me as the time grows to the info, mentally, spiritually

 How long I am writing down information ? Because you validate information by each lines. You find out it’s true or at least makes a logical sense. As the years grows, people from ten to thousands to millions by generation by 194 countries military, civilian private and public sector will lean on me. For example, Life they have doubts, life they need a gossip, life they need humor, life they need a high logical analysis on the movie, life they need feeling towards the whole world everyone is participating the same projects, life they need Buddhism, life they really really really need Buddhism because of the precepts becomes a standard factor that yield the highest scores on the report, life needs martial art, life they need a joke, life they need a humor, life they need math, codes and images, life they needs to lean physical photo, mentally intellects or words that stable to balance your chaotic life psychologically. I can tell you I don’t get bother if I umbrella the entire 194 countries map. That’s not a stress factor. Your grow to lean on me increases the numbers of the staffs by years. To others, they will think that’s a stress if they know the reality of it. “Everyone has to depends on them”, do you understand? It’s a hidden factor. But I can see it. Will it affects me saying things with Babsji? No. That’s a normal life. Everything looks normal. But that’s not normal for other people, they may not be able to speak a word of it if too many people becoming depends on them. Can you understand what I am saying ?

Babaji: I think they understand perfectly. 

Bible book

 I heard you. I know you all know I cannot read. I know you separate them in small groups of you and you divided the small session of the Bible. I have read the Bible before. The New Testament, I know Jesus name and my name is in the Old Testament. No, I cannot help you right now. I know you all know how it works with the revelation now. I heard you saying it or thought saying it. You really need me reading them.

Babaji: They cannot do without. They need to get someone like you. In fact they have tried. You just hear me saying it because there are a lot of people in the world proclaims they can do things. Some people want to test it. They will use you as a standard to go sabotage them. And make them confess in the end. 

They really got nothing to do.

Babaji: you know what’s the best part of it? They all think about the same thing. It’s either you vs them. Secure one side to confirm the information data right, then the rest is the history.

Can it be that difficult ? (Blush) 

Babaji: what was that you want to tell them.

You all can do one thing, it’s been done in the military. How to in the future to find someone like me?

1.horoscope, I am pig, leave birthday 416, landing dragon in the middle, both dog either side 9 month before and 6.

2. Growing up - moral high

3. No mess around relationship. Secure 1 so far, no fucking around 

4. Intelligent is high except giving time in language and later test it. Just happened there is an opportunity she got into the transcription by happening. 

5. She has skills, a list of it, she does not go learning what the professional do on roller blades, her methods is staying on the bumpy road like wildlife methods 野外求生

6. She does not believe certain things, but she believes these things.

7. She has tendency to go for medicine and read what documents and actually finding it by chance. It’s not planned.

8. She has developed other skills, video video video.

9. her height

10. Her weight

11. Her color in the eyes, hair, skin.

12. She can speak about strange things happening to her and remember all by years and once giving her enough time, she will sort them out. She willing by her willingness to share

13. She can talk.

14. She can type

15. She can process what kinds of information by the tv story in front of her

16. She can see beyond thing, 12345

Etc etc...

Babaji: finished ?


Babaji: Time to go.

Porns - I cannot breath

 I cannot breath if you keep suck my energy up.

Babaji: tell Eben what do I say?

Just don’t talk to him anything he does not want hear.

Babaji: why?

I either got worse or none at all.

Babaji: so you choose the middle.

You leave me have no choice. 

Babaji: Then if he openly to talk you about it?

I won’t talk about it, don’t worry. I heard what you say.

Babaji: can you breath now?


Babaji: Don’t.

Telepathy (Test, military)

 Memory is something one can determine how to recall the memory when the upper power tell you so with an image. Most people cannot remember a lot of things, at least who you are, where you been, what did you see? For example I pass by a wall, there was a hole or tree near, next day the same place was fix. I would dwell on something called “Parallel Universe”. I have heard people talking about and I would imagine what they say what could it be that theory is formed. You have to be sure these miraculous things that happened. For example I had a dog just walking toward me from far away home owner and turn around show his belly for me to touch him while Nick stands right next me. Not to him, but to me. You watch signs, clouds, feel the air if the wind blows too strong, is there something uneasy with this wind ? Should I go indoor? Chinese tradition has something passing down from the ancient on how to work with Heaven, Time and Space. Become one. Now, if you are overtaken by the emotion, you temporarily suspend your memory because you are super angry and jealousy, you cannot hear nothing, no God, no whispering. If you don’t built a strong character, you gonna be envy, jealousy for no compassion reason you love for all equally. You can have overall umbrella sympathy for the human race even if you are evil, a basic basic standings that the society teaches you with many good teachings. 

Babaji: you finished ?

Okay. What do you want?

Babaji: I want to drink juices.

I want to drink? like now (I am in bed now typing)

Babaji: do it or not ?

Okay I go and fetch it. I only have a cane juice right now. Wait. All right, I drank it.

Babaji: All of it. The whole cup.

Ok, it’s all drank up.

Babaji: how do you feel?

It’s sweet. 

Babsji: too sweet or little sweet.

Too sweet.

Babaji: 膩了?


Babsji: Good.

Continue image


You are joking ?


Babaji: the image.

You gonna be kidding me.

Babaji: did Nick ever put his stuffs in?

Of course not. I have to use Plan B if the condon broke.

Babaji: that’s not how it says here.

You know...the last post...

Babaji: I don’t want to hear about it.

Porn video

 I watched.

Babaji: what did you watch?

Just two people doing the same exact...act.

Babaji: what went on in your mind?

I thought... Eben might really do what he said. Like sex.

Babaji: you would think not?

I don’t usually place my thinking to ahead or forward timeframes to say, that’s the future.

Babaji: he is or he will be your worst nightmare. That’s an order you cannot read.

I just tell you how I thought, you ask me what I think the porn. He really is doing that. Going to. There is suit and no suit. I cannot remember the first month of the days that without the condon, it was hurting already, so no feeling. I cannot remember. Then we were just using the condon never stop once. It’s a rubbery made. It actually hurt like a substance. I heard you cannot feel much and we live like that in years. Now I have to watch these. It’s very very ....an intimacy.

Babaji: what do you think make love means?

You gonna do all that when you are back?

(All door and windows shuts)

... ...how are you planning to come back?

(XXX seductive 眼神)

Are you going to kill Eben?

Babaji: he already thought of that.

These Bible stories the Mass people wants me to read it. They heard it, I cannot read it for them.

Babaji: you want to investigate how I come back?

You are doing this. Those are movies saying power. Jesus used to have power story I heard that.

Babaji: It’s none of your business. 

Telepathy ( Test that you look at yourself, military)

 I heard. How you hear someone talks to you? I cannot hear everyone talks.

Babaji: They meant me.

You have these emotions built in you. Some people do cry. Getting insulted or want to hit people. Very strong emotional response. Your thought will get interfere with “all you ever want is to be heard” emotion, okay, there is an Internet. The speed of your thought you have to be able to detect. Is that yours? Is that your hate toward others? Like I said I hate Tony and his wife I used to. I don’t want that trait so there are ways they taught you to acknowledge your feeling. You cannot get rid of that fix factor that lock-in in your life. I can only leave. That will solve all the factors because I no longer bind to that. 

You have to be crystal clear and very honest with God you are not a selfish person. You do needs to pacify your heart to service to humanity like Babaji taught. But most time, in half ways you look at others who owns better things than you like on Facebook. You are at 11:00 o’clock. Your heart got torn by 100 knifes every single night for years and years. You don’t go to get a new groups of friends, you linger a lot at the old. You cannot migrant, you very very needed them. You have a very strong need. Often your thought will cline to what you want instead empty void. You keep sinking yourself with the Facebook, you just have no tears to compare who has a better Facebook photos. Yeah grow up.

I actually don’t believe telepathy. I don’t believe download. But I hear closely how others describe to me their experience with their brain. Is that applicable to myself. If I want to learn that stuffs, you have to be able to duplicate exact steps to actually hear the words or see the images. Not guessing, not lying you think that’s how it is. You have to learn to speak exactly what you saw, in words in any language that’s as close as others can understand you. Be crystal clear that’s what you saw. It is an image. It is an experience, it is being taken to, you do feel being induced towards that scenery. It’s actually truly feel, you have to know your body response, are you being induced now? Most you got drunk, you don’t feel you foot. You won’t feel your entire body is electric induced. Then you have to be alert exactly who and what is taken you to see. Not a random guessing. If I saw young Keanu, I told them that’s young Keanu, that’s not Babaji. Everyone will not know what’s going on, yeah you will go through years before you found things out. You know yourself it’s a true image. Others opinions don’t count, but most time, you lie. Words precepts are not important you. You have you thinking adding one extra word in description is fine. Wrong. You cannot escape the basic precepts natures of the higher ground. You don’t broken yourself into pieces. I will suggest you that. The internal power can torn your apart faster than you reading or watching movies and from all your character building, you know what you saw is true, you will go insane. You don’t believe someone knew how you can be put on the ditch, that’s not a test. It’s just simply you don’t doubts.

Babaji: you are on and on and on and on ....


Babaji: I didn’t say you cannot.

I think we are through.

Babaji: good.

I gonna go to lunch = the sandwitch is a lot that portion.

 Babaji: you gonna eat all of it.

Maybe. But let’s say if I have a choice in the US, so I can tell them. I don’t digest that well. I can feel it the bread sitting in the stomach not going it down. Here we don’t eat often that, so next week I lose weight down. Yeah, I eat them. Yes. I like them. (Herbivore Vegan料理)

Eyebrow? (Phone number)📞


My eyebrow? I have fainted eyebrow. Some girls they take the eyebrow off so they apply the make-up better.

Babaji: did you ever twit your eyebrow?

No. It cannot be seen.

Babaji: do I have eyebrow?

Yes, you have.

(Cursing cursing cursing ....)

??? Am I not doing what I am supposed to do, watching the video?

Babaji: I didn’t say that. I expect that.

I give him my number in 2 weeks. 

Babaji: now.

0905-268-022 ( you need 886 calling Taiwan ) may or may not apply 0 like (1-886-905268-022)

Babaji: good girl. Your stress level going up.

No, I am fine. You don’t have to watch me like a hawk.




Babaji: it’s a gay. It’s a couple.

... ... I can watch these clips myself. It’s how many days you are here everyday now.

Babaji: well, I am now in an easy mood. But yours? You need me to press you to hand over your phone number to Eben?

Eben is on Skype but not sure which one.

Babaji: he has an office.

You cannot just leave me sorting things by looking at them?

Babaji: I know you 😘

His daughter


... ...a lot of things I have to ask him first.

Babaji: yeah you should ask him.

Ron and food


I have gain pounds on my belly since that 2 years YouTube things going on. I finally lose half of that pounds. 

Babaji: baby should be fat. Milky fat.

Milky fat?

Babaji: like eating chocolate of all kinds. 

Milkyway? I don’t like particular chocolate like sneakers but if I need to eat them. I eat them. What’s a milky fat?

Can I think alone?

 Babaji: no.

I sometimes have a thought.

Babaji: say it. 

It’s Prince William engagement video. I just thought “what’s an engagement? Is that living together or it’s another ring they have to select?”

Babaji: have you look at the ring before

When you and me were on : what-you-said-count wedding, you told me to go to the shop in the US. They have a complicated system. 

Babaji: are you going to wear that ring?

... ...I don’t have a habitual ...(interrupt)

Babaji: you should wear it.

I don’t want to lose it. It needs to keep safe. It’s everyone’s ring, not my ring. 194 country their ring. 

No I don’t do tanning


If my face didn’t got ruined by the sun burn before, it supposed to be like my body. It’s milk white. The others might be powder white.

Babaji: they tell you to get a tanning ?

I don’t really know. I don’t think so.

Babaji: oh ~ what do you think Eben skin color is?

He is white.


 Babaji: There is a keyword. For the porn. You don’t watch anything else besides Reeves and argument and THAT argument ?

Pornhub. I don’t like this thing.

Babaji: you want me to search for you mine side of tapes?

No. I will look at it. Like the step mother? I hate this thing.

Babaji: you have no choice. Everyone is watching it. And for your reference, having a Mose position to fuck his step mother, it is a fantasy for some younger guys.

I cannot understand what you are saying. Don’t talk like this anymore, can you? I will watch.

Babaji: that’s one marking for your attitude.


Babaji: 2.

Babaji: do you know what is that Korea girl doing on the TV?

 Of course I know. She is doing a cooking show and an eating show ASMR

Babaji: do you know what is an eating show?

You look at them eating. I have seen many, not just her. With the YouTuber business it’s incredible what people come out with. Artificial dye just about anything with gelatin ...they made into shoes, cakes, cell phone. Not sure if it’s gelatin. Completely so famous on the Internet. Their subscribers are piling up more than millions on the internet space. It’s incredible.

Babaji: I am saying the eating show, not gelatin.

That was 2020. It’s on my channel so I watch them. I do get hungry.

Babaji:I think you enjoy the cooking more than to eat a meal.

I do like to watch her cooking. Why are you glooming ?

Babaji: it’s an eating show.

I eat fine.

If he did that comment area, whatever they said, one of them...


Babaji: what?

I think that is before Eben find out I have a tendency to destroy everyone’s wall with thousands photos.

Babaji: now you are thinking what you were doing in the PUBLIC space.

I was saying ... if he did whatever they suggest to do in the comment area, he might get hit by me accidentally. My body has this swing mechanism. I don’t like he has this mode to test anything to find things out. I just gonna tell you to tell him all of it.

Babaji: you don’t dare to tell him, don’t touch you if from behind ? You learn martial art?

Of course no martial art. It just happened. Anything this video says ... I don’t have it.

Babaji: guys are different.

I heard that a lot before. I suppose to walk with an ease someone came with a hand on the waist. Because I cannot relax no matter how many years pass by, I have to get nagging by Nick. It’s always I have a mode to jump, probably that’s how it says. 

That Korea girl cooking eggs always half raw

 The Korean girl has a device to cook eggs but she didn’t cook them all the way. So I was poison in Silicon Valley or Sacramental. Staying in the dark running showering water because they don’t have a tube. I told everyone I got poison. I cannot eat half raw eggs.

Babaji: you worry?

Eben looks like he is a vegetarian. And he prefers someone just fit and he is thin too. So if he didn’t know all these Heaven to earth food selection, I didn’t really know what’s meat other than chicken, pig and beef. I don’t eat intestine looking stuffs. Octopod or snail ...no. So if he didn’t get brain washed by all of you, to send video about my diet. I will tell him what I eat to keep myself fit. 

Babaji: baby face like you, you know what that means?

I have to a right to eat semi-solid food.

Babaji: no, baby die during the sleep.

Okay, fine. I am not eating that. I figure it that out already.

Babaji: why don’t you tell everyone ?

Because sometimes I want to have an option. And it’s my nature mechanism going there.

Babaji: you can watch all these shows for hours but no food.

I have chips. Potato chips.

Babaji: you afraid Eben sent you food that you suppose to eat?

I am afraid he found out I don’t eat. I can eat and now I am more eating. But if I work whole day, I might just skip it. He says juice and organic. I can eat whatever he prefers to eat. I always thought you made him my manager from everything I have to do. I just have this strangest sense behind my back. Organic people they sometimes don’t consume wheat products, so I would think he did stands on my side.

Babsji: he owns his money. I have nothing to say.


India omelette


I just watch the beginning. I am sure they meant for the best wish.

Babaji: I don’t think so.😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

You have to put more image icons in his mind.

Babaji: I cannot possibly explained what’s going on with your brain like this.

India just meant they know the situation so there is that.

Babaji: you cannot be more specific?

Nothing specific. It’s just they telling me. And I guess if I show it, everyone sees it.

Another Chinese drama


Babaji: where is the other one?


Babaji: another one, the one he chokes your neck.


Babaji: that’s what you busy at?

They just like to talk about this thing, I don’t think they meant any harm.

Babaji: you head?

My head is fine.

Babaji: and the image photo

 It’s done. I saw it.

Babaji: See. You cannot be happier to say ...

I said I saw it.

Babaji: you ...cannot have a word?

He just confirms it more clearly.

Babaji: your level of stress...

I am fine. I deal with it when he shows up.

Babaji: how him gonna find you? A phone or something

I sent him that after two weeks. Otherwise his office people thought I am a psycho of some kind.

Babaji: address ?

I can just tell him that hotel near by.

Babaji: he cannot tour the city with you as a guide?

... you know when I alone, that’s not a touring. It’s they danging a biat and I went looking for things. So technically I didn’t go anywhere.

Babaji: there are so many things in the city you can do. 

The summer is too hot here for anyone to walk, maybe he comes at the winter season, my brother would be here.

Babaji: what did they say the timeline?

ABC 3528

Babaji: what’s 3528?


Babaji: what’s 8?


Babaji: do you know what it means?

Human body is different in 49 or 41.

Babaji: you again 😨. You so worry about your after life hell sentence ?

A little bit.

Babaji: you plan?

No. I have no plan. They say that’s 8 that’s 8. Maybe it’s not what they say. If you are back, we don’t have to talk about those missing years.

Babaji: you sure you want to say that? He cannot hear what’s After Life? He can buy the year back.

You are being unreasonable or they are. 8 years ago I am not even out.

Babaji: you cannot just go to Eben and say this is the prototype, I am so and so, invest on me? You don’t know he is a millionaire?

No, in fact I don’t know what he does. I know who he is. I was not interested in him enough to know how he did in his career.


 Babaji: what did he say?

He said to early adopt, if ....

Babaji: you cannot just 😨 all the time, not to explain it.

No, nothing, he just talked about it.

Babaji: like how you feel?

I cannot be 😨, I just sometimes.

Babaji: you don’t want to tell or is there something bothering you?

No, it’s said it’s said. My hand still hurting, I still up early. It’s 3:30 now. Already 30 minutes pass. I think I woke up before that 20 minutes.


Babaji: he says attraction

 I have some words mix up.

Babaji: what did Nick tell you about all these Internet millionaires junks he used to collect and how Eben becomes his idol? Because most people don’t find attraction is a reason to feel frightening.

If you show up, it will be the same for you.

Babaji: what did he say you getting all these fire up?

He didn’t say about Eben. He just talked about things in that scope I don’t have any life experience he has. 

Babaji: you don’t want to explain? Maybe Eben understands where you come from, you two sleep in separate room and don’t do nothing for a year. 


Babaji: you cannot say to him ?

You just want me to fight over this Bible things with him ?

Babaji: what did I tell you all these years?

The nightmare of this might be more real than I think.

Babaji:so don’t fight over it.

Babaji: do you want me to tell Eben a girl like you be stuffs with these much video, what it means to you?

 I just deal with it. I was in a relationship before. He knows that.

Babaji: you are very frighten of him.

Yes, I am

Babaji: then why cannot you just tell him that, and say can you live life without the sex? You know it’s impossible but you could ask at him and fight about it?

Things useless to talk about, I tend to just say nothing to get into that man’s mode fighting or sex to make up the relationship they online says. Besides, it’s just they always sent me this video. Eben didn’t say we get married or nor we talk about it.

Babaji: you don’t think YouTube has a reputation to keep by sending you all that if it’s not real?

I said I don’t think more than that. But okay, maybe Eben meant what he says in the email.

Babaji: you could pretend he didn’t say it to go back to ground 1.

I said I heard it. I know, and I understand. 

Babaji: and you are hurting that YouTube doing this for Eben, you and them suppose to be best friends. 

If you just want me to think more than I spent time thinking of the thumbnail image, I will. It is strange looking to me. I was not aware of. Now I become aware of.

Babaji: can you be more active now to focus on Eben after we coming back to the wedding ?


Babaji: YouTube shows you something else too. 

It’s late. I go to sleep. Good night.

Babaji: Good night.

Babaji : he saw a photo of him next by a kiss. Do you think it’s insulting him quality or you think he wants to kiss you ?

 The reality didn’t happen. Why I even think of it? 

Babaji: everyone saw that. So does he look at it have a felt?

If you didn’t ask me to post it ...

Babaji: with the rest of missing thumbnails.

He does not need to explain to me anything. I know he didn’t post that. 

Babaji: some people needs a lot of explaination like what did he do behind if YouTube doing that.

Can a life be simpler without these complicated reasons how I should just look at the video for a leisure purposes. 

Babaji: I want you to think hard why YouTube doing that. 

I have receive another 7 clips looks with kisses on the phone. I gonna make a fuss the ipad and the phone all look different?

Babaji: did you check it out?


Babaji: why not ? You can tell Eben all you see were intimacy.

They just talk to me for a reason, I don’t need Eben to know about it.

Babaji: to suffer at it? Others apparently don’t think like that? 

I am not suffered at it. I just know it’s bliblical. They saying it straight forward. They don’t hide it, I don’t hide it. 

Babaji: then watch it.

Fine....it’s gone now.

Babaji : you don’t want to talk to me or you don’t want to talk to Eben?

 You have to put terms like that?

Babaji: I am asking you a very simple question.

My hand is just a finger typing because there is no keyboard. It’s very hurting. And I don’t feel good neither, last night because of you, I didn’t wear anything.

Babaji: you were saying ?

... ... they want to enter the studies with Jesus or something if he comes back, to see if they are ready?

Babaji: it’s in the Chinese drama. It’s failing failing failing.

They cannot write fast enough like they really think. They are not even willing to write about what they really thought of, or do they have a slightly moment have trickery thinking? Do they know their mind, do they know the world, do they have enough build personality. People like you provoking all the time. 

Babaji: I am not provoking, not this one.

I am not avoiding you or Eben on purpose. I just need to break away this for sometimes.

Babaji: you are avoiding then you are avoiding. That’s a fact.

I know the stake, okay? I didn’t go and argue with YouTube or behind. I reply I saw it, I know, I heard.

Babaji: and you to tell Eben they are putting you in a position you look at these everyday....to thought of him?

I didn’t say I give up on him. We originally agree there are wishes. I was waiting on him saying it if he had thought about it. Then the rest of other things break loose. So we are here.

Babaji: I didn’t think I need to repeat myself.

I saw him, then I saw him. I saw everything around. I understand. That’s it. No more arguing.

Babaji: you are mad, you are very mad. You feel you being coff up to press to a marriage that Life has set it for you. You never even think about one day ever getting married. You can relate to Eben your philosophy of it. You don’t like to talk about a common interest ?

I said it’s done it’s done. I cannot change anything then I just accept it’s on going. My mood is my mood things. It comes and it will go.

Babaji: you sure that’s how you ever gonna say to Eben?

... ... I am saying that to you. I am not saying that to him. 

Babaji: do you know what’s wrong with your email to Eben?

You want me to go throw my frustration to Eben.

Babaji: you should. It’s a proper love game.

Can you stop doing this? I cannot understand your emphasis about Eben is everyone has to go fall in love with him. I know, I heard, I am too pride to tell everyone about it. You don’t just saying it today. It’s EVERY day.

Babaji: if you knew, why you cannot response to me since the day I say it?

I have nothing to go and against Eben, but there is not much I have a saying about him neither. It’s just neutral neutral.

Babaji: he is a professional expert. Can I know what you think his own thinking on you just about everything you told him, between how you response to me Babaji and then go and do what I said to explain to him?

No, I don’t know. I don’t know his liking, I don’t know his preference, I don’t even know who he is.

Babaji: you would go and unleash you anger to me but not to him.

Because he didn’t do anything you did. I cannot just lock myself and say nothing. And if I say something to you like I suppose to, this is exactly I have much to say. 


 They say you Babaji told me to paste that Eben photo is “an act to test Anna=if equal to them loyalty”?

Babaji: what did I tell you it’s a test?

They want to become your disciples or something ?

Babaji: I didn’t make that test. They just saying “do you think you gonna fail Babaji test every step of your feeling problems “

I don’t think that’s how it is said every step....

Babsji: I say that.

Anyone ever gonna live a normal life just by being themselves with you around ?

Babaji: you are around.

If I have to apply that their concept in life, it’s like it’s an endless test from you.

Babaji: they also want to become telepathic so if they answer honestly, they will receive a chance to be test more, so most of them just be honest they have a lot problems in between these conversation. Every junction of the expression like “do they think it’s a fun game” “do they enjoy the game” “are they hoping to join the game” “do they really like Eben or Babaji” “do they have a problem believing why Babaji is around being thoughtful” “do they understand it’s a language between man to man, not really a girl concerned.” So on so forth.

I think they ever have that kind of thoughts “test” to live a mature life what a high civilization human supposed to be, they already failed by thinking every thought is a test. They forget being normal is a maturity issue and a development of one’s character. You have it you have. You have fantasy to life, you have fantasy. Nothing to arguing about. 

Babaji: that thumbnail with Eben in it, you show to him, what will he feel?

You mean everyone being asked this same question? I display a photo from YouTube like kissing?

Babaji: yeah. On their papers these people have so much so much so much to write about. It’s like “it’s not your fault” “it’s YouTube say so” “It’s now telepathy you prove you hear it right” “Look Eben, what do you think YouTube is saying, they mean Google saying, you think?”

Unbelievable you gonna turn yourself into those little girls.

Babaji: I asked you, what was your first feeling seeing that, second being forced asked by me to confront it in front of him, third display all exam format to let Eben know he becomes the star, and forth, what does he think you doing this for, and Last, why he cannot hear a thing you say to him like I tell you how to say it all that ?

You mean I go arguing with Eben about a kiss?

Babaji: you don’t want a kiss or you cannot see what they are doing ?

I didn’t evolve to turn myself into a conversation type of person. I saw, I heard about it, I got notified. I am told, I was warned by you, I can carefully thoughts they are being exam, and I become aware Eben know about it now, I was being chase behind all the time.

Babaji: you didn’t answer me those questions like a girl suppose to think.

I am not thinking about anything, a kiss is a kiss, that’s fine.

Babaji: YouTube say so part ?

Why don’t I say Victoria Secret has a saying ?

Babaji: why cannot him hear that part from you as a decent person?

YouTube display to me a lot of video. I heard about it. I understand I have to face it one day. So I cool about it.

Babaji: you cannot say to Eben, this is how we suppose to be, you and I like you planning ?

If these videos bothering you so much how I do my response, you just list a summary point to me what to tell Eben. 

Babaji: I want you to tell him to hold responsibility over that, in any kind of language sounds like you.

I feel a little pressurized. I have not thought about that part seriously. 

Babaji: you cannot talk, can you?

I saw him, if he asked me, I will tell him about it.

Babaji: I say now.

I am not feeling well.

My hand hurt

 Babaji: what’s wrong with you?

I am not feeling well and my right hand hurts typing. I think I damage it.

Babaji: your mother.

She is a whole industry of Rockefeller Family.

Babaji: What does that mean?

When I have to do whatever I do, I have another side of Life, THAT IS to FACE Rockfeller. In case you cannot see humongous that might seen it in terms of energy. That’s everyday ! Can I take a break ?

Babaji: You don’t seem to have a problem before complaining about it.

Can you just tell them shut up these conversations I sound like Tesla? I don’t want to hear about it. 

Babaji: why don’t you go hearing about Eben part like you will feel being adorn or feeling sad or feeling what?

I cannot understand you.

Babaji: Like you know, if you have a power on hearing things, can you direct yourself to the most interested target to do an analysis? 

I don’t just have a problem understand you, I cannot understand you, these conversation is meaningless. I cannot face him, I go ear dropping on him ? 

Babaji: that’s what love people do.

I have a crisis Book Bible that display on everyone’s front desk copy all look different from one and another. Let’s face it, you are the most important thing that ever exists. So I bear with it to sit til the end. Thing I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to talk about it.

Babaji: they appreciate this time you come forward with the telepathy conversation with God like me. That’s all they ever want. How I think, how you think, how a mortal and a God should communicate. The thoughts daily reflection purpose.

Did I stop anyone sitting in to listening? It’s like every conversation can turn into a test themselves. How I would ever feel to see these? I feel terrible.

Babaji: don’t be. They don’t feel a thing, trust me.

You just told me to paste Eben’s face and a kiss on the screen, you tell me they don’t feel a thing whomever did whatever? I learn from them now. You want me to actually feeling being loved? They are stimulated a situation like they are with Eben and look at those?

Babsji: they don’t feel, you don’t feel. That’s how it works. Besides, what’s a test mean?

This is completely none sense. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I need to rest. My hand got injured. 

Tell me

 Babaji: Tell me how does this telepathy works again ? You type and they trust your hearing problem.

I don’t have a hearing problem.

Babaji: those are not your hearing problems, then what it is?

I was just not looking.

Babaji: just happened I looked today, or it everyday you are not looking? He doesn’t know about you have an inner game so eager to play?

I don’t have an inner game. I am just looking at them without giving much thoughts. 

Babaji: It’s EVERYDAY from when?

I don’t remember. 

Babaji: you don’t watch the Eternal Love when they show it to you?

You just want to ask me how the telepathy works? I can explain to them. I have explained it before.

Babaji: One day you gonna shut off this device to face him, and where will I be at screaming ?

My head.

Babaji: how does this gonna look to him you don’t look right ?

I haven’t thought of that far, I take one thing at a time.

Babaji: this is how you think, “as long as the guy don’t show up”

You have to pick a time like now to make a big fuss between me and Eben? I haven’t got an email yet.

Babaji: you could read the old ones. People care about his email wrote them down. You?

I didn’t think he was serious maybe. Maybe I thought he is a very nice guy, as long as we talk...

Babaji: you then what? Can you meet his eyes when you talk to him?

Two weeks, just give me two weeks. 

Babaji: you don’t want to monitor what he is doing ?

I am a little busy here.

Babaji: he does not have a glue how i co-exist with you, he has NO IDEAL I spent what efforts to call upon you that you don’t response.

I am responding and being here to let everyone knows you are like a ghost to me and airing a live ghost version of story/show - that’s a Bible tale becomes true. I think I look good by doing this? I don’t even care anymore what others think of this anymore. Every day I open my eyes in the morning is to think I am King of Kings, Lord of Lords? I HAD a life!

Babaji: you had a JUNK life. You don’t solve the crisis here, who would, Uhm? It’s every word I say so, it’s every bites the cake I say so, it’s whom I say so.

Today ...can I off from the rest of the day?

Babaji: going somewhere.

Maybe lay down a bit. I am not feeling to well.

Babaji: you are feeling TOTALLY FINE.

Babaji: you don’t want to be here when I call you so, or it’s just too troublesome you doing something else ?

 I am watching his video, Design your “ideal Day”.

Babaji: I am dragging you everyday sitting here to have a conversation with him, Hallo?

They put it on the channel, so I watched it.

Babaji: if you are so dreadful to this guy, why you even bother typing to let the whole world knows, a real game is when you shut off your device and lock the door, stopping kidding yourself no one can see you?

I just happened to be here. There is no particular reason I cannot type. 

Babaji: you don’t like the guy, so I say you are playing a game, like why you are even here? You could shut off this device and not even a world person knows what you up to, to keep your privacy, and this Bible cool stuffs are filled with games and maybe just let the guy figure it all out?

I have my reason why I am here. I don’t need to explain to him why I even here, okay? I am right here. I am not avoiding.

Babaji: everyday I am the one dragging you, you are not avoiding, you last statement is avoiding.

You just want to pick up a fight or it’s another write-up day? I was just checking the YouTube to see what is on it.

Babaji: do you want me to tell him what is on it? Do you have a feeling ? Does he want to know why you click on his video different from what he might have thought? You cannot click the right video to look?

I just checking one by one without a sequence. I was going to see that one later.

Babaji: really? You cannot see it too often on your pad, but he cannot see. I wonder what is in his mind you looking at all these, sweet or bitter or feeling nothing about it?

That’s between him and me if he so desperately to know that. I highly doubt that. 

Babaji: so you are saying people behind this ipad don’t know what they airing to everyone’s monitor to let’s guess what is your inner game struggle which one to click first?

I didn’t know people are analyzing. If you just want to remind me that, thanks, 

Babaji: what is your ideal date with him? 

That’s not what it says.

Babaji: that’s what I said.

I don’t think about it. I never really date it a guy long enough to find out what to do with a date.

Babaji: what do they tell you?


Babaji: you don’t think about the words, you don’t listen to the video, you don’t check the person behind doing the analysis. What were you doing ?

I was just randomly watching a video, started from the middle. Can I break away all this for a while, like today?

Babaji: you want to break away from me?

If I have a choice, I would. 


 Babaji: you two are on everyone’s time table. Do you want to say something like inviting him to a movie or to your country, looking forward meeting you, or you simply have no life?

I don’t have a life.

Babaji: give people incentive to like about you. 

My life is publically display since a long time ago.

Babaji: you don’t just become close by me introduction ? Your file you don’t think he likes about you?

I didn’t have a time to process that thought, but if I have a choice, I won’t want all that be display on my life.

Babaji: have you chase a guy that you like?

I have talked to them but most time it’s the guy’s first move.

Babaji: you don’t want to get close to Eben because you terribly afraid that Bible to become true. How can I know what went into your head about a Bible written 2000 years ago has a question on doubts or you just intuitively feel it’s not your thing like Tesla is when you need him, you become him. It’s when you need to be Buddha, you use the Title. But when I need a Bible to get it done, you disappear. Is Lamb you?


Babaji: Just maybe?

It might be a guy.

Babaji: when you want him to be a guy. If you are the Lamb, there is a wedding and stick to the book. 

I am AC but I don’t know if that’s Lamb means to more serious people. 

Babaji: do you want to make Eben feel he is invited to have a talk with you?

I have not reading it back his email. 

Babaji: why not?


Babaji: why am I show up like now almost all the time?

You know I fall back.

Babaji: because everyone all know they will be scared if they are that Lamb. There is a porn, there are people send you a porn with the keyword, there are people sending you video, there are people sending you a car plate. 


Babaji: military do things by the military book. Do you think they gonna stop the coming of the Jesus ?


Babaji: answer me.


Babaji: you are not going to find them to help you with this. There is a way how to do things.

I understand. 

Thumbnail images


⭐️ Babaji: what’s the liscense plate says? ⭐️

 ABC 3528

Babaji: what does that mean?

When Eben turns 52. He is 49 years old now.

Babaji: better attitude. If next time, you gonna be so full of yourself, that Eben’s book, in fact, I just give him that authority already, to date time when you displease him with your attitude problem so there are sex games I want to see on the table. 

... ...

Babaji: you don’t dare to say or it’s either case me and him can both write you on the book. I have a stacking up books since the day we met. The bed business I am not happy. 

I see

Babaji: you want to say you live what you wanted 3 years it’s 3 years or it’s 2 and half years.

No, I am not thinking anything.

Babaji: you talking or I am talking. 


I am dizzy

 Babaji:: and you are wet.

I just lay down for a few minutes. See some of the conversation why I went to the ground 1. They speculate that I assume Eben is by himself in his office know about it. So for the decency she thinks he didn’t mean all that, she told him things he should have been told long ago. They are writing my character profolio. She will tell you something when she has an exit out, like Babaji makes her feel loosen on it or whatever she register she can exit, she might tell you about it what she thinks.

Babaji: you want to be punished or tell?

I already tell.

Babaji: the wet part.

It’s on the chair 

Babaji: and taken to the bed. He is about living with a sick person like you, not you thinking what else a fantasy meant to a boy has all sorts of exchange ideas who gonna do whose playmate. 

The date and the time

 Babaji:: I don’t like you going back to the ground 1. You need to be punished. Tell Eben to write it down, time and date what happened on a document. If this thing keep happening you don’t follow my order, that list in his hand no matter when he gonna reach the bed with you, there will be severity of that. We already say about this loooong time ago. You follow exactly order I give you. And there are the punishment, I don’t care how much you drink down those pills to get hot...that’s one form of punishment you have to begging him.

... ...I will tell Eben don’t do that.

Babaji: it’s a judgement time, listen that yourself. You cannot read that whole book, someone else will!

Article says

 It says some guys want to see their wife get fucked by another man.

Babaji: DIDNT I tell you that before?


Babaji: so this damn Bible you hate so much the end time is s playground of the sex. You got it very disappointed. You were thinking the after life there is a New heaven and a New Earth. 

If they wrote that much to reach that paragraph, I count how many phases til you are back.

Babaji: because of the sex play, you don’t want me to come back.

This is not a simple play.

Babaji: did you see them military behind asking people around yet?

I have heard they were busy making calls but I cannot heard what they say. There is a women seem to be very short hair looks like Lalla.  But there is no word. I only flip the monent by faintly hear them saying they were asking how a women feel. As if the guys whom go out to look for answers already know how they feel. Or there are faintly images of the 3 guys but not sure if they are in the same groups. 

Babaji: what else?

Cannot hear it.

Babaji: You don’t understand why after an argument its sex?

 I heard the guy saying it when we went over the keyword, “wedding, sex, argument” what’s the next word, they say sex.

Babaji: do you know why?

Kind of. You play the bad guy. I got upset. So Eben he plays another part.

Babaji: you don’t understand why or why would he even do it follow by the book?

I know it is something to do with the man’s thinking. The video meant it’s if me and him has an argument, then it’s the same pair on the bed.

Babaji: that’s not what I said or did.

You provoke me with an argument. I got upset.

Babaji: correct. 

He supposed to fill in your role to form with me relationship.

Babaji: what’s good of that happening to him? He can have you when we are on a break.

... we will be living under the same roof. If he just leave me alone, none of these things will happen.

Babaji: we’ll see. 

The information I gives them last night (Satan. White horse, white throne) - Bible revelation

 Babaji: they will finish it in a few days.

Ground 1

 Babaji: you went back to ground 1.

They know there is WWI and WWII, so they thought about to care my welfare a little bit, to be thoughtful what I don’t want like that kinda of sex ideas. 

Babaji: what was the porn says yesterday?

One with the argument, the other is Reeves.

Babaji: why would they show you a title if they aren’t serious? Why would you not thinking Eben meant real when he put stuffs in your mouth, it’s in the email, you didn’t delete it, so you can look at one time, two times, three times what he says. 

I know what he says. 

Babaji: you praying to the next email he would not say it?

... ... can we 

Babaji: Bible verse are not arguments. They are the facts. 

Everyone preaches the word Jesus loves you in all kinds of seminar, Sunday church, or crowd congregation. Now I gonna tell everyone I don’t have a heart and you are worse, heartless.

Babaji: I thought you don’t care about the people anymore.

Until you put the wedding of the Lamb in front of me, saying these front row seats like that’s where all the behind people gonna shows up Eben’s talk if I am with him. If I have to access to public, I have to act like them. Talking or listening like I pay attention to them.

Babaji: do you really thought of the final judgement to that SMCH?

I would think it’s after this life.

Babaji: the book fact is Eben making it one wedding with you in it. 

What were you saying before if something doesn’t go by the book?

Babaji: we’ll see.

Do you think ....

 Babaji: do I think if Eben went ahead divorce or at least separate it or tell his office it yet?

... ...

Babaji: you worry about him?

If even we don’t go ahead, I didn’t really ...

Babaji: Told him they could just do Sandy Hook Elementsry shooting to his office and he gonna lose it all?

Because I just leave him there by himself saying there is a signature on the TV. I was afraid to tell him to scare them. The office girl doesn’t seem to know. Then one that replies. 

Babaji: How come when it comes to tell things to others, you don’t seem to be able to say it?

To tell him his choice has a question mark?

Babaji: you can let him judges that, not you do all the thinking for everyone. 

I still wishing him the best.

Babaji: you want to tell him when that massacred women order came.

Once I told them, they made into the magazine but I lost the dates and the magazine. Probably 2016/2017

Babaji: did you check if the street people dead?

I did. The girls are still around. My mother stills around.

Babaji: did you see your mother get killed?

I did but it was an analogy and later I saw the movie Prince of Persia that guy near by the prince, shorter got kill. When the times returns, he says, “Pete you are here?”

Babaji: so you want to tell Eben, it’s not because you don’t have a heart. If too many of these operation is near by.

I become very realistic. 

Babaji: and COVID 19?

I worries. The numbers I cannot see there is an exit.

Babaji: they would know for sure Judgement is not kidding things. 

Anyone says it’s a kidding things?

Babaji: you never know people’s attitude when they hear you me talking, why Babaji is even important. It’s just a Legand and myth what Shiva, destroyer or Babsji, the ultimate meaning has a very literal historical saying. 

You will give Eben time, right?

Babaji: I think if he says he knows he knows. People like them aren’t as stupid as you think.


Babaji: they are in the meeting

 To decide if they let you come back?

Babaji: there are some movies about it apparently.

No I cannot see it. The most is if they want to slam door in front of my face. 

Babaji: you think if Eben heard so much from you, he already heart cold?

 If you would have told me, I have to work with him on the Bible.

Babsji: I didn’t say it’s a working relationship, 

I am a girl, I would prefer how I approach a guy with what I intended to say.

Babaji: you wish to hide ALL THAT to him Eben before you go and talk to him?


Babaji: so if you cannot hide it, you think it’s over long time ago. 


Babaji: do you feel ashame?

No, I just don’t think a guy could take that. And be honest, they want is what they have selected. 

Babaji: you think he is feeling being forced like you. He just didn’t say he has a feeling, you feel it’s just over before it begins.


Babaji: why they even make a television story with us around?

Because you are coming back.

Babaji: you sort things with him, then we talk about I am coming back.

We finish talking yesterday.

Babaji: you wait him reply or you could video him another Lamb’s story on sex. He never sees you on the camera to talk about this subject. If he could see if you want him and all that.

I am not going to do it.

Babaji: then it’s his choice what he says next. You don’t have a choice. You hear what I said, you better keep him close. I don’t care how you do it.

Babaji: you have a Bible story, Anna

 Can you shut up just for a day?

Babaji: you know you cannot get rid of me. If I show up I show up. All they do is waiting for Jesus to come back to give them a standard. You don’t want the food offering, you don’t quit thinking they are idiots, to say a standard their whole life cannot make it. That’s not the human mind that Jesus just loved them for whom they are. You do the Bible story, then let the Jesus come back to live among them.

The way you sound ...

Babaji: what’s wrong with that picture ?

Nothing. I think about it. You might be right. They don’t need my standard. I just need to comply to the book. Soon we will all get over with all of these.

Babaji: good girl. 

Don’t believe everything you think


Wrong. You have a thinking, I don’t.

I know exactly where my thinking come from through a very disciplinary reflection daily. That’s Buddhism.

You have a thinking to think, so you can come and argue with me you have a logic. I don’t care you have a logic. You don’t make it to my standing with whatever your logic, you just don’t make it. If I am the judge, I will tell you the exactly things what is not pleasing to me. Your intelligent development bothers me, your emotional mind, body and soul bothering me, your wisdom capacity does not equip a thing. Just like I said Wallace is the guard. All you ever need is a face photo to make you smile, a baby to cuddle you warming, to listening to garbage so you could split it out the exact same words to become like another public speakers. Even to tell you, “repeat” just saying the same exact words, YOU CANNOT DO IT.

It’s just a memory recall and repeat it with your tongue. If you cannot repeat it, don’t bother having a tongue.

Positive thinking


Buddhism say void. Then void. Empty mind. Done. No more talking what a shit on a positive thinking. Your intelligent cannot offer you a better bright mind to live like some others live. They were right. It’s your IQ just low enough you need a thinking, you need a positive effect, you need you need you need to find love.

Completely all none sense to the most unbearable degree I have to entertain all of your monitor for “What’s a hot topic” in the world? Or “yoy, what’s up?”

The most idioticy things I ever seen. 90s you don’t grow out of the chicken soup. Even I grow up can live without the book “to make the heart to feel”. You want a balance with a even mind to cope life like the Buddhism says. You read and read and read more of these junks of all useless people’s life that try to create a heart warming felt talk to resonate THE ENTIRE WORLD. Try me. If I am the one you can MOVE IT. 

Military and offering

 If I am so and so, like Buddha name, it’s you all want to offer me something. Then offer me your own enlightenment. Not just the food I don’t eat, it’s you want to ask me questions to gain the wisdoms? How do you get out if your depression if you just swing your mood down there all by yourself. Your ego bothers you, you gf face bother you, your mother your father bothers you. You feel so ashame all the time for these movies setting to imagine if you were me? You are imagining what it is like. You cannot bear a second of it. Face face face, what’s the meaning you just need to keep your face. You need it, not I. You need the question, not I. You need the food, not I. Tell me, what exactly you decide to offer me with so loooong I don’t use a BIG name on myself ? Your ignorance to humbly asking me what’s enlightenment means? You went through kalpa wars, none stop animal or human worlds intertwine both verbal or none verbal worlds to survive. It is to survive. Not the face survive. That’s what I can say to you. Not a heart winning TED another story of Life. A story life a story life. I got the greatest stories of my own life, I can offer fine on my own to myself.  

Babaji: say it

 I have gone to a lot of degree of fires to extracts things for you and others to read. To read, you know what I mean we are different? There is a prophecy or rumor about this king of kings, Lord of Lords, or even a name Buddha used from SMCH. Do you know whom Buddha is? I kinda explained in the Curses video, in Chinese title : The most darkest, evilest ultimate wizards of the greatest in all time. THAT is not how Buddha is portrait in this world. They told the stories he live by eon and Kalpa as the Crown person. There is a trait to find that out....if things got present to me, I already feel I done too many times the similar things all over again. Like the food eating too much, it choke up til the throat. ALL the TIME. I don’t explain, I don’t want to explain, I don’t even need a person to talk to because saving them in their idea is present to me all over in their eyes. They have no wisdom built in, they have no endurance to built upon, they have no strength to say they have depression for nothing, they have a mood for the reason except my reason. I don’t want to explain to you a lot of things because I don’t leave a choice to you. I don’t have much to lean on to live with my mother, but it’s regular everyday do things the way we both find harmony. There is nothing wrong in it. As for the Bible story, let me think about it. You have your professional life and people depends on it. I know. You don’t need to tell me. 

Babaji: she meant you have no feelings. 

That’s not what I mean.

Babaji: you live daily have no happiness, upset, or feeling love to go for what direction in life because she has no love. You cannot find it through her. She cannot tell you that, but I can. How can you be with someone to say Love exist but she just don’t think everyone knows what’s await her - another long kalpa journey might waiting for her once she leaves the body. There is nothing she wants to do here. Binding to a book, she doesn’t see a meaning of it. Sex is to pain her, she already got enough pain.

Babaji: that’s forth days. Tears...

 You don’t keep pushing it, in a day I will be fine.

Babaji: you spent too much time with me and Ancient guys. All the ancient guys personality you describe to them. You never go to a real man except Nick to talk about your feeling.

I just told everyone the day it’s raining ..,

Babaji: Modern man exists, okay? They talk about the relationship, they use the words to make each other feels better. They built trust on the women so they have fun socializing. It’s a relationship.

I live in my world cold world for a reason - it’s not I gonna turn into like them.

Babaji: it’s a job I give you to do. You cannot have a guy come in and open their mouth each time on feeling, you gonna act like “stupidity, what feeling? Those feeling are not real. Don’t come to fool yourself with half of the things you list on the paper are none sense”. You don’t compare me and Ancient Chasez that crowd to the modern guys. You can break that apart, play a little games with them. Gain their trust. Showing them some “teeth” you can do it on 3 of the Superior guys and girls in the Porcelin doll, you can make a heart talk to talk with them. It’s your military you raise them up, not mine military. You cannot just called TED every story behind is just a feeble human will to live, a feeble human listening to what heart touching story, what a feeble mundane wishes to satisfy their temporarily needs for not long lasting? People live in this world needs something lower. Can you do it?

What if I told Eben, that’s exactly how I feel, you cannot change that. Change about TED, change about me looking at TED wasting my time and seeing human faces melting in those none sense words. Completely none sense but human enjoys it? You seen the Porcelin Doll. I cannot tell you all that happened but it happened. I cannot turn back anymore. I know you are a good guy. Can we stop here?

Babaji: say it on the video.

He gonna leave me alone?

Babaji: you are the one should fear if you lose him, not I. He still got his wishes, that’s 3 in one rubbing the lamp. 

... ... (fear)

Babaji: if you and him married, do you ever ask him what ultimate sex game he fantasize with?


Babaji: why not?

I told you yesterday and everyone. I cannot take it anymore. I already drank down so much. One side you want me to glorify my day on the video, the other was a real ancient setting of inequality ? When you do come back, what kind of the world you want to turn for everyone? Men’s paradise ? Heaven means? I know exactly what that mean with the massacred women subjects. You cannot stand those stupid women disciple came in with lust, thinking they have a better game to play. There is a reason I become the Only, and there are 194 country filled with the modern equality? I am the one receiving the grade reports. Do you see how many people die on that monitor every single day? I have a mood to go and tell Eben, what might be your ultimate game as a dead end or simply “offering”?

Babaji: he never says about that to me. You can leash your temper on him, but to me?

He doesn’t know! He doesn’t know! He doesn’t know!!

Babaji: I think his associate well aware he knows that you know things. You just don’t trust enough to tell him or you just have no love for the guy for real, like cold, or you have a reason not to tell him. So made into a video to describe your frustration. How many girls are the contest to dance in front of him? You cannot just be that one of girls he see? It’s just a tape, a saying and a presentation.

I already say TOO much, exactly things I saw, feel and done. He doesn’t feel the cut, I feel the cut. Cuts in my hearts.

Babaji: so I say tell him about it on the video; let him seen how you are doing ? Can be at least see you after crying these much days, he cares?

No, I don’t NEED him to care.

Babaji: you think Eben is like me, don’t care about people’s feeling? Not with what you go through, he doesn’t have a feeling.

My day is raining none stop since the day I met him with Nick. So many years, the rains never stop. I look exactly fine to go and knock on his door? I cannot even come out a word. I don’t know what to say to him. I don’t need his sympathy. Don’t even tell me what a couple do with what communication or the power understanding. There is no understanding. It’s what man’s wants, do you hear what I said? Because they can built this world alone totally fine ALONE!!!

Babaji: you went too far behind in the ancient time. Maybe you should rest a bit before you say that again to hurt Eben. He has a heart. I don’t have a heart. But that you shouldn’t putting him in the same shoes like me. Know he cares. 

No, I SAID I DONT need his care! Man doesn’t need a feeling. I don’t need a feeling. I have a job description to deliver. Apparently I say it last night. The rest they can all go and figuring out.

Babaji: Then make him cares. Do something he can turn around. Not this you don’t need him but me exist scenario. 

You and have a deal, I know that. But I am afraid I cannot keep doing this anymore. You are pushing me to the limits. There are 194 countries on the line stand by. The most fastest update news they have to received EVERY SINGLR day. I grow to put aside what feeling is not a feeling for them. Shame no shame makes no difference. Any girl who, wants to display before a man, if it’s like you say, make an entry video of his Eben’s own beauty pagent. I can just tell him, “I am coming from outside, the rains never stop.”

Babaji: then say that to him on the video.

My tears will come out.

Babaji: like now ... anyone wants to get her a tissue.

No, I can get it myself.

Babaji: there is nothing wrong to feel raining all the time. They would all tell you that they have a hard life, hard time living in this world. There are so many inspirational speech you can listen to.

I don’t need you or him sympathy. THAT is not how I WORK to survive my spirituality. It’s just without going to bother him, I feel better inside.

Babaji: I don’t think that’s what he thinks. Maybe he wants to be in the missionary so he cares about the people, listening to what they been through and comfer them.

I SAID, I DONT NEED IT. I don’t believe a thing he believes. I don’t believe anything at all with this world what to offer me.

Babsji: then make him understand. He is chosen. 

Don’t start with that word.

Babaji: if all man are like you say, that worse bad, at least give them a chance to talk to each other. 

I said DONT.

⭐️Babaji: Just woke up?⭐️


Babaji: Ready to talk to Eben face to face on the video telling him what you written about?


Babaji: it’s Lamb’s wife topic.

I know. 

Babaji: What?

You want me to tell him all his talk might be all junks I don’t want to hear about it? Because my excuses before were “man in the ancient”, in the true reality, “man in the modern time” didn’t change that much. It’s the games in between the man play because only they have the dicks they feel resonance as a group. They can binding so quickly it’s because of that. Women are so loud, fight fight fight every single day this equality, it annoys guys. It just in the modern setting it’s one to one ratio scenarios. Victoria Secret “This feeling” you tell all your friends ...it’s no and no in the ancient game. Women is completely subjective to man’s property. And Eben? Talk about how much hate I have towards that guy, guys don’t need love to breath, but they can use a game to relief, or whatever you are saying breaking down in his modern language.

Babaji: are you going to the police, reporting him ?

You are invisible, and you made an argument to get ME upset. He plays a nice guy in the house and accidentally slip his stuff inside me? What games does he fantasize with ? People accept him or reject him. I got that fear from you every single day more. I cannot tell his side because I don’t know what he is. He seems to be a nice guy but he is NOT a nice guy.

Babaji: you finish, on and on about him? What about us?

You want me to be swing back and forth now?

Babaji: I am just asking you a simple question, us.

No, there is no us.

Babaji: Good answer.


Video ever

 Babaji: you cannot lose your deal, I said.

He got someone on the line telling me he received all the emails.

Babaji: it means don’t email him anymore.

So I don’t email him anymore.

Babaji: I think you know what to do. You have to get him back.

... ... if you mean video, I am not ready to talk to him.

Babaji: you know what you writing ? He heard enough.

Because I sent enough.

Babaji: I said get him back.

I am not ready to talk to him. 

Babaji: you should know the consequence you avoid him.

I want my life back. If those email meant for a reply, it’s done. I am not going to play you him him you a game. That’s ridiculous. 

Babaji: why would he tell you that?

He received large of emails. 

Babaji: so no more emailing. You want me you over?


Babaji: then don’t avoid him. 


 Babaji: started with there is an argument. 

There is an argument. Because it’s me and Babaji argument, if Eben comes in, he fuck’s Babaji’s wife=How to say this =Satan, under the Bible -Revelation 20:7

Babaji: and horse and the throne?

3 guys like we uses Red River in the 3 places. One in Kail palace bed, one is under the tree picnic Zannanza, and Ramses at the garden bench/throne top.

Kail fucking the girl says “where did you go today?” They are fucking at the same time, her long curls hair reply, “to picnic horse riding.’ Kail “is that hard?” She moan”it’s very hard, horse top is hard.”,

‘Where you been fucking with Ramses ?” ‘On the top” “top like this?” “No, I am on the top of his...”

You can imagine the word, need to find the writers. 

Babaji: what did Eben say?

There is another person on the line.

Babsji: are you going to email him?

I don’t think so.

Babaji: you should.

No, I am not. 

Babaji: you scared? By his people?

If we can pass by each day like I used to, one day two day three days ...one year, 2 year, 3 year...

Babaji: like you run away with Keanu? Eben knows?

I have my hope up. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Not everyone had to listen to you.

Babaji: I said if you lost your deal ...

Can I hope he didn’t mean it? Maybe I was too serious the last few days. They maybe just throw in the garbage like they should.  Our communication ended.

Babaji: you don’t know whom Eben is.

You actually believe my life gonna turn upside down ?

Babaji: I think you should find a way to talk to Eben. 

He meant the video? (Pale)

Babaji: read it again 

It’s just a person said he received the email. I feel so fooled of myself. I thought of that already.

Babaji: tell him here. I am here.

No. I just don’t need to think any of this anymore. 

Babaji: tell me why he did that?

I sent too many emails, the system rebounded.

Babaji:: you email him because I say so or you feel to?

 ... ... how could you asking me that ?

Babaji: I just want to know.

You say so.

Babaji: feeling hurt I betray you?

Why our relationship has to turn into this fighting mode all the time?

Babaji: you don’t have a subject to talk about, I made you a subject to show off.

... ...I told him that because I am not that type of telling things including you things to him.

Babaji: you would tell me about it, imagine you two living in the same house and you run to another man for you feeling and advices. He gonna take all that from you? Reading here and pretend everything gonna be fine?

You could cool it off, so me and him can start a life.

Babaji: I don’t want to. I am a ghost, I do what I like. Apparently you knew me long enough you built your trust with me but with him you plan to sit cold with him.

He never encounter a ghost problem that runs in the end time biblical story. 

Babaji: and that’s a man feel life is different than they plan out.

I want to go to sleep. Good night.

Babaji: you could have told him good night.

I have watched a porn in the real human, no more cartoon. I temporarily lost my word and my mood. 

Babaji: you should do things to excite him.

... ... if you don’t get in between us to get my more upset, maybe I would think of way to tell him.

Babaji: how not to have sex with you. I know your plan.


 I am not stopping you, tell me what you need to tell Eben.

Babaji: first, you didn’t have sex with me since when.

After I left the valley living in the hotel.

Babaji: what do I tell you to get the money?

To go to STeve Jobs.

Babaji: did you do it?

No, he was already dead.

Babaji: what year was that?

2016 Feb or March started, April, May, June.

Babaji: which verse Bible shall Eben look like for ?

Maybe you should look for I heard there was 3.5 years in tribulation.

Babaji: looking for what?

The missing time we didn’t have sex.

Babaji: how he defines sex?

Real sex. Penetration, movement, and getting wet.

Babaji: do you feel it?

Sometimes it’s like stick in, most time it’s not that. It’s a drugged state. I have to turn around like from the back. Now, I just solve by hand, he might use Red River story to do a role play. That long hair women me. The brother, Kail and Ramses. Playing games.

Babaji: does it count?

He says no count.

Babaji: do you believe it now the Bible says it very clear?

That’s why I tell Eben.

Babaji: what’s the language ?

All kinds. I don’t think I can say it. I know roughly there are words can be said. And now I forget most of them.

Babaji: are you going to say words with Eben.

I don’t know what excited him words.

Babaji: are you going to do it? (Yelling)

... maybe.

Babaji: what’s a sex mean?

To have pleasure.

Babaji: how many drugs?

If he were you or if it’s followed the FDA, I read them. It doesn’t look working.

Babaji: I said how many drugs?

Just all the time he doesn’t care.

Me him, not you me

 When we get married, you and me should just shut off. I am deciding. Tell you about it.

Babaji: really? Do you want to tell Eben where you been to 2015? You could stop my communication? Earthquake Nepal 425/ tornado frequency, crystal skulls, pyramid, crop circle, animal kingdoms, angels in the end time. UFO. COVID 19... you could win?

I will tell him I have a physical condition I cannot go anywhere that much far anymore. You cannot stop hyponosis me to sleep or drug me

Babaji: you should tell him what do I want with sex and in another guy’s house like his house. We have to live peaceful 3 of us. 

You really expect me to have a family with him, then you let me talk to him ALONE.

Babaji: you want to lie to him or lie to me? Because he would find out how you and I have a relationship not like your mother this time. 

Can you don’t do that with him around ? Let me live with him til you come back.

Babaji: No. me him is him me to talk about. This matter he can read it on the book. I have what to say, he heard it. Like you know, you have no position between me or him. You have no sustainable physical body, why? Why?

I need to lay down so your telepathy message arrives or the whole world message.

Babsji: and?

Not in the morning ...not in the afternoon ...

Babaji: did I ask you for an opinion? Did you read the Bible?


Babaji: cannot he make a sense what’s a horse, what’s a throne. White white...and there was a SM, both women in the end time? You think he does not figure it out, or he cannot hear me saying that enough. You pale ...you didn’t THINK!

I already said that’s not pleasant, I cannot ...

Babaji: why don’t you just let everyone does what they do best and what they know best?

... you know I don’t sustain.

Babaji: I know WHY you don’t sustain !!!

It’s for the telepathy message, okay? It’s not your life you care so much about. Say don’t talk about this anymore.

Babaji: you are pretending

 I am not pretending. I wrote a clear email and I told him I am not comfortable with him just for now.

Babaji: I said you are pretending you are pretending. 

What exactly you have a right to tell me “if I am pretending”? I am the one writing him an email. I talked like I suppose to talk. I explained thing like I should explained.

Babaji: if you want to tell lies, you go somewhere else. You have a feeling you just hate this guy for some reason. Either because he can see through you or your peaceful day is about over. You knew you have to see people. You hate to see the public, you hate that you hate that you hate it. He is a type you cannot talk and win over an argument, so you just keep unleashing on me, throwing glasses on the wall.

I am not throwing the glasses on the wall. I am not unleashing on you.

Babsji: I am talking or you are talking ?

You are. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. 

I have a feeling

 I have a feeling you need to keep talking.

Babaji: you know why?

... yes.

Babaji: Don’t want to talk?

I am getting myself accustomed to the idea getting married.

Babaji: There is a real person you can communicate with.

You didn’t give me even a week time for a news that I just communicate?

Babaji: Happy people communicate.

And reserved person reflects.

Babaji: Don’t get smart with me. You are about to live with a person.

I always thought if you don’t drag me here to talk, I might have a better to start with Eben.

Babaji: You doubt I don’t know what I am doing?


Babaji: So?

You mean if I thought about the words to say to Eben or again it’s an argument?

Babaji: You could start communicating with Eben by emailing him every single day.

I just said he has to resolved his life. He has works, he has the offices, he has probably getting a divorce. 

Babaji: you can tell him what you do all day.

... ... He knows I am here ALL day.

Babaji: you can tell him your feeling, like why you avoiding him. Is that because you want to play a game? He probably knows a lot of games.

You ...

Babaji: so talk to him that every girl dreams of if they like Eben so much, what will they do, cannot you tape into their mind and learn ?

They eager to talk to Eben. Waiting for him to email. Maybe even have a copy of his picture. I don’t need to tape into the mind...okay...they very eager to wait for Eben or the star-like people. Maybe it’s Eben. Their mind has a lot of emotion going up and down like expecting or waiting. Crying, tears in the eyes being moved by or expected by....

Babaji: I said if they are you.

They go hugging Eben like throw themselves to him. 

Babaji: that’s a description like Chinese saying things. Try again.

They smile and crying. They are completely melt with Eben’s arm in a wedding dress.

Babaji: That’s a story, not a reality. Try again.

They screaming. Yelling and pushing the fence.

Babaji: you cannot see.

I don’t know what you want me to see?

Babaji: I want you to find a way to talk to this guy normally. Like you are in a rush to get married.

We are in a rush.

Babaji: did you ask him?

I should eagerly go and ask him and arrange it.

Babaji: I don’t like your tone of it.

You ask me, I answer you.

Babaji: do it?

... ... Can I wait until 2 weeks after? He is more relaxed and I will be more myself in this concept getting married.

Babaji: You are not listening to anything I said.

You want me to push him. Me and him didn’t start right.

Babaji: you said you are not starting right. Apparently from what I know, he dresses himself green in 2015.

You want me to ask him why he dresses green? How he said he was behind to read?

Babaji: You cannot show a little interested in him? what’s the meaning to show someone you have an interest in him?

I have some feeling very disturbed. 

Babaji: Tell him about it, how two people working out a feeling. Isn’t him like a coach ? Holding hands to solve a feeling situation? Not like you personality to sit next to each other holding hands? If he holds you hands, you gonna get rid of? We do a stimulation here. Want me to tell him?

... ...I don’t think we would come to that. If you want me to just talk to him. I will bring myself there.

Babaji: real heart eagerly, not sinking my heart like your heart.

If you don’t want me to overreact, can you just wait? He is busy and I can be busy. I restore my pace, I talk to him.

Babaji: you talk to him NOW.

花千骨18 (Flower Thousand Bones 18 episode )- fall in love test failed



You fall in love? With Keanu with Simon or with Eben?

Which era is their time, you think?

You getting older and older, princess. 


 They meant ...

Babaji: no, not they meant. They say ...

If Anna tells you certain things like the birds will curse her or creature will morning woke her up she already up, like they tell her they know she heard them. This thing she usually don’t tell. She will say they are evil. At those times, you need to circle mark. Because one cannot talk but only Anna talks. There is a big reason all of them literally know Anna know things in the environment including the birds going on the top of the traffic light. A normal human being wouldn’t look up but unless you had a camera with her all the time, which when she outside the house, she is off the camera, that’s another world of lies. Because just like she says the story of King of Kings if he goes out of the temple or mountain, he didn’t take guards like Wallace with him. He deals the wild beast alone. That kind of saying. You have to have a very big sense to the environment, you will know Anna got “attacked” or “reminded” the animal kingdoms are living with her besides. She doesn’t like the animal, there is a reason. Their speed is fast and they are highly telepathy. Anna will response to them but not that she is the happiest to describe their existence. Because it bothers her. They are on the same wavelength. Both Anna and animal are actors. Anna knows the animal kingdom lies, and animal kingdom knows Anna hides, not lies. Hide. They will tell Anna they know. Anna occasionally complained but actually it’s very frequently happened to annoyed her probably. Because most human thought they might be all loving and cute and play fun. Anna might taking everything too seriously - they are serious. So she complains occasionally, if you asked her, she might be mumbling but she will tell you words in between they aren’t the most friendly groups Anna can rest probably without they keep monitor on lines. Different species of animals. Not just birds living on the roof top.

Photo - the worse version of the Pixie Top

 Meaning I was telling them the truth with the hair up photo being very “pixies” like. All kinds of expression. Except others thought she was a child. They study a little bit on the blue little boy Krishina. 

Babsji: they ask Eben’s same industry people and?

(Shake head) They think Eben probably doesn’t know that. 

Babaji: what’s Eben don’t know that?

I have these shoes I would trip like the sandle. It’s not the first time I didn’t fall down on the ground. Fell they mean literally fell flat on the ground. Like a twist of an ankle. 

Babaji: what else? 

If they make me Anna does things outside, it will be just like what they will get inside the house all those video or worse in their description, I don’t think so. They say『Ice skating is not the martial art, ice skating is not the martial art』something like that. 

Babaji: do you astral there to Eben?

Something like he stuff me in a closet. 

Babsji: That’s not an astral projection.

I didn’t say I know how to astral project.

Someone whom conversation on : the collective karma of the worse pixie version Top = me (military)

First,  They show his colleague video or it’s another conversation from whom inside the military because I used to keep saying pixie. If it’s not a practical terms she wants to stress out, they wouldn’t go without an investigation on it. So, they went to announcing the worsen top of pixie if all of the defending lines of military are pixies. What does Pixie do? That kind of introduction. Second, to the colleague, there is a Chinese terms to describe how to flip or hop on the mountain cliff like floor height very easily - a Chinese martial art they novelist describes in ancient Chinese drama.it’s called 輕功, they show in Wallace Heart story I fight with an old man video. With these two statements, they got my video in the daily outting video. I wore my hair top up like I had a crown. There are things I do alone walking being caught on the video. Yeah, that’s about right. The worse version of the Pixie Top that creates the whole wide world pixies. At least I don’t know how they describe it in terms. I am the Top of the Pixie. 

Babaji: you finished ?


Babaji: what did you do outside ?


Babaji: See, that’s not walking. 

I cannot see it.

Babsji: si ~~ try this so Eben knows what he is getting. What were you doing in the store?

Looking at the things in front of me.

Babaji: that’s not the video shows, isn’t it?

I was just moving a little too fast to ensure I was not looking at the wrong things they put it there

Babaji: moving too fast. Let’s try this again , what were you doing outting ?


Babaji: wrong. Try again.

Let me see. I was looking around the building 

Babaji: alone?


Babaji: where do you think you and Eben are at?

 Where do I think Eben and me are at?

Babsji: right.

He was told by Neville’s file there is a girlfriend.

Babaji: is that furious you. 

I wouldn’t ...

Babaji: say it.

Yes I was furious.

Babaji: did you tell him about that he has a wife and you were so mad what he did on the email? Because there are people telling you something went up to the smoke on YouTube.

No. I just didn’t wear make-up or I did wear a make up saying my time schedule.

Babaji: you wait a few days to see why he is doing it so you found Neville profile and Vola, you flames up. They use whose name?

Nikolas. And nutritious.

Babaji: you feel insult or you feel nurtured ?

I know Eben. I don’t know what motivated him to did what he did, when his attention turns on me with that kind of language, I figure it out it’s something no good. Then Miguel and Halsey things I cannot fix it. It’s too damaging to fix it.

Babaji: did you ask Eben why he didn’t fix it, you have to fix it?

I thought they were joking to Neville on his file...to nurturing me back to live. I am fine. I said it so many times. Everyone is on the secret homework’s, of course I don’t need Eben’s permission to fix it right, he has a wife. I should tell them to be separate? I was not watching it carefully ?

Babaji: if anyone interested in Eben, they would tear down those songs and lyrics and Halsey’s work to find a reason why the secrets were there 2018

I was not interested in Eben. I said that many times.

Babaji: you gonna have your baby napping...I don’t care how you fix it, you have to fix this relationship right with Eben. Astral projection to him, vision pointing at him, or imagine him, I don’t care. 
