34:26 清海無上師你的弱點是? your weakness SMCH is illusion him, Dr Gabriel ? 1943?
You SMCH wish me to do what, a step by step procedure ?
Getting a 卜元鼎
What’s that ?
Tie him up, inquisitive to him, make him fear?
Your name is 無, everyone knows why I target you…he knows that, you believe?
Okay, your wish he got tight up
Your Master and he together fall off cliff, you jump together ?
少了一位= missing one seat.
To enter the illusion ?
You call that as an illusion, blood test, unmoved ?
What’s a blood drop unmoved means ?
Outside snowing like your mood
Inside you are serene !!! I understand !
Babaji: there is a lot of meaning you know.
卜元鼎 is a medicine equipment, to make medicine.
His medicine in 我家小妹片尾曲(the ending song )
I say psycho Tamang,
Psycho mansion.
You want your Master and Dr Gabriel thinking you are serene ?
Middleton, I told SMCH about Venus…how frighten she meant it to say a word at all….
One day, I confront Remember me …so looong after so kooooong, there is a kid look like Eben Pagan on TV.
In fact, it’s when we talk about Eben a lot 2018, there was Tesla CoCo movie.
Coco …I remember …
Tesla …I remember
There was a kid used to be 天啓 (FBI or CIA Inelia Apocalyse X man that 天啓)
That green guy in the pyramid.
Under Tim Cook regime not sure which Age was that, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus story. There is this dark skin kids extreme ugly.
There were a lot of story written, before I came out at all…
I don’t really care whom that Eben is…that movie is Coco Tesla Remember me …
I say to Eben certain things. I say it very clear.
Were you there ?
Do you know how the World is ? Used to be?
1900 … …
Everyone all has a saying about Tesla, but when I ask whom to be real Tesla …guess what ? It will never be done, Middleton.
“He wish to provide all world free electricity”
Do you know how people script behind to imposter Tesla ?
“All he ever want is …”
Babaji: right
It just meant on this side, my side of world, two side don’t shoot each other coastline to coastline, they are not Super God or Power whatever that means.
On my side of map.
We just use my side of map, not Simon side.
This side.
You never heard things like Asian ? Ancient Chinese literacy ?
Yeah …like England has only crown not books? Like Little grandmother they are niche to Leumarian?
You know, whom will know these things ?
The real spiritual leader.
Religious spiritual leaders like SMCH and Yogananda.
Because some disciples ask them, like Mars, like Venus. Like Mountain within ….the junction Colorado ..those 4 states ? There is a mountain, within.
I ..only have 5+5 them. That’s all they 5+5 ever hear about …my money and their money craps…
Babaji: right
One day I went to Tony’s house, Middleton, Carla says synchronicity…do you believe in magic ? One World yours comes to an approach, same was a very quiet Canada one World mines comes to an approach ?
Middleton, is that guy in the photo no one sees important ? Because 99 was me with someone’s number in 5 Lord Reviews, W two World hospital moniter 99…when normally song sounds …at those times, I didn’t have a TV real …for so looong time. I live in darkness. Too long to remember. Do you remember this guy’s face ?
That’s very close photo, your hair cover your face, you care your mirror face that much ?
Babaji: right
It’s like this, Middleton, when the TV says beard on girls….男女授受不親=your face seen a guy back, not your husband.
Remember that photo ?
Babaji: right
I don’t think just eface your stuffs to be honest …it’s 民不聊生
Side by side (Keanu Reeves 🛎)
How to be manipulate ?
How to be illiterate?
Babaji: right
1234 you cannot count ? Math ?
Eben shows up = which brain side is this ?
= if I ask Eben a question ?
There is a prize to pay ?
How to be manipulate ?
How to be illiterate ?
Close your eyes
Mask man shows up = who are you?
= if you ask a mask guy a question ?
Da Vinci notebook 77
Babaji: right
Finishing watching ….how to be manipulative ? So they use TV+ religion +mask guys to tell you how “to be”manipulative, Hollywood, Producers groups 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎
Some explode you will all be remembering this date
“How to be manipulative ?”
Whom suppose to get bombs?
Writers? 🛎🛎🛎
Cinema ?🛎🛎🛎
Ticket offices ? 🛎🛎🛎
So, remember the story was someone exchange a price like True Love?
Ever heard that story ? The traditional mermaid story.
I am telling you, this one education sector will engulf books on Earth amount than that in black Pope houses ? Whatever there is a name to describe ? It’s black in color first, it’s …o ?
So they say, one after another to exchange prize, there are 2 Party involved at least, (Law groups 🛎)
Yogananda says 3, then 4 (1234)
Traditional Disney story : sleeping beauty
are they trying to say really, you are all illiterate?
Babaji: right
35:42 it’s Day Light! You all woke up, to tell your parents every good morning from now on ?
It’s good karma.
You all work on education.
I am on 3 world laws.
Black Pope they do ceremony, needs sacrifice like Indiana Jones crystal skull, might be.
Babaji: right
Want to love classify saying ? How ?
33:22 which life you all choose to sleep like that ? It’s Yogananda related meaning, not hell? It’s near by. It’s Indian 500 years old Grace …right now, everyone all looking at this festivity …how old is black pope inelia 7/7 says Bill? Drinking blood story? There is a Sariputra big house story, ever heard it ? White lighter, Berny uses those words, Inelia Benz. It’s just one Bill, One Kerry …
Black Pope can live up ages, not our ages?
So you all for sure no chances in life ? As a girl never wake up ?
It’s not like that …future ….untold, just like now untold to me …tell me, what are bothering you the most right now in life, I can do for you ?
Babaji: right
28:16 Bill, Kerry group on Black Pope? Well, Conan Detective rumor long time ago I got back here Taiwan was this Conan has an ultimate leader, they rumor says it’s bold guy Tim Cook untie with 阿笠博士, internet rumors.
Black Pope?
There is a cover face - dagger ? 小西斯組 (Europe probably has a lot of them exist, Boss and them groups?) -traditional mermaid story, anyone read? 小鬼小和尚看書,小美人魚的傳統故事就是匕首
There is an uncover face
I am cooking instant noodles …
Babaji: right
16:50 hi, you need to be eface the entire house for a thing your daughter want …it. Whatever that is.
I used to live in my grand mom house. I have a box my mother gives me. 200 US dollars my grandpa gives me. I have many things in there including a cut hair I gift my volleyball friends before I leave. I save it one for myself. It’s very darken blonde. One of those ?
You are very quiet, too quiet like Ola.
Well…they just got suggested by me about your treasure …England Navy ?
Babaji: right
You say, Dr Gabriel, do you read Bible? Are you an abbot ? Like a Jewish priest. Are you a high priest ? Anna says strange words.
Yeah. You start there and continue your conversation.
Babaji: right
❤️❤️❤️🔊 Do you know Prince William like Karl’s 7 wife competition 赤河魅影的七妃之戰?威廉王子 before he got married, on his news? In Google ?
Of course I am serious. Have you read his newspaper, 2 years older you, or younger you around 2001, 2006, 2011?
He is an England prince has a brother also prince?
Our age.
In your university computer daily gossip ? Besides Dean told me to Facebook ? That computer ?
Babaji: what?
I talked to Bill Capen computer …we stand at his PC talking computer.
It’s entire building listen to orchestra ….it’s cafeteria food on the table ….whom care stays in that room, orchestra rehearsal anyway …I tell future King that.
Squandering the money…just like the Heaven permitted …
Middleton can finally no more cooking because you all showing up…
Prince William is our classmate age.
… …
I want to know something after I seeing that my comments …just like MCAT.
Babaji: Ask
Is he Future King that important to you in your life like Facebook ?
29:46 if I were you, that Indian 500 years old has only One disciples ….any position like him this celestial guy =無垢上仙 past or future …or every life…you will prove your chance or opportunity ?
That’s a banquet for.
Not I feed you every spoon if you are so cared dead to hell, because your IQ are so limited, I have to do it all things I say …..
You don’t just survive life
You don’t just survive no richness like they life
You don’t just survive your parents opinion life
You don’t just survive others looks crimes, you succeed life …
Being shy?
Well…hell is not your things to define.
Babaji: right
22:46 生死劫 you wrote it ? So we talk about Death
People born, people die.
If TV high tech shows you precision to exact, how close you think your death that day, you found out Black or White?
生死劫, ask 殺阡陌, same like before.
Before people ready to die, depends how depress they are, they cage within that sphere, they Suicide.
That is one choice.
You face a banquet, here they tell you a strange story. England Palace banquet, not Google cafeteria…or Boston University that way cafeteria me Jason they met ?
Jason, like Vicky Tina Jason, look just happen on Tamang position ?
Did you confirm that position ?
100% confirm ?
They are telling you that girl wave a fan, she fall asleep.
It does not look like any relation to prove you, we are still on the same Heaven rearrange my life by Date & Time?
His name is = town ancient owner 城主= ground x Lord = multiplication.
Richest of all richest
Servants = you only care to see
Decoration = embellishment you only care to see.
A guy, and a girl story = all you care to see
What else?
It’s raining, not Clouz …
It’s asssain = you expect to see
It’s talking sense to the entire world story, cannot be you possible = you know it, it’s not you.
Babaji: resume
You always want a stage, not AGT stage to, run yourself own show. Be the main characters??? Not like that?
Tamang and my father are on coff, near coffin.
Tamang not just have 123 girfriends. He has a lot of girlfriends!
A lot of your attitude to him, means exactly you meant it. Hear me before or not.
His eyes glasses are not that thick.
He is very tall.
Austin, Leo, and Pang 3 guys all tall.
Dr. Gabriel is very tall.
Can you see them face, with or without eye glasses ? Contacts ?
Not England Prince William behind those Wallace kind write me a photo album report how you wash contacts behind ? Right under their nose ?
Babaji: right
The premise = if you want to liberate all sentient being ….
You want to write it yourself ? The reason you are ?? To be?
Babaji: right
It’s a TV saying an investigated already story. You will find out by first experience in the banquet.
With or without me.
Eben cares?
Babaji: right
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Do you know why we are doing this? It’s Anna recognize TV story character to implant an education sector, everyone follows the script - to improve their language, articulate their profession, work on their short coming, not internal seeing like TV, to eventually one day talk to Spiritual Master in that degree, we go out blast the galaxy to find it? The Living Master like 花千骨?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The education sector 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎
Had to file this case to the Congress.
Not just War defense strategic family photo Anna I made.
I identify each face
You don’t like the face ?
Understand script
Enlightened mind
Admit short coming
Improve it
So we go to Star one day
To meet Kail full military enstallment?
Babaji: right, India !!!🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎
Google has buffet or food court …I have no ideas what they have. You all eating, dining cafeteria?
Okay, Simon on one side waiting Lauren coming back, to Wing+ Ola, that Robert, Pepper, Avenger groups (Hollywood)
Tamang talks to Erin, Lanh/Hiep, children’s Asian group.
Dr Gabriel is at Dr Steven Hairfield waiting Queens groups.
Inelia is?? In between whatever New Age I read more groups or Kerry they Bill groups with Disney that Age Bracket I say you high school musical duplicate, few years younger Wing+ Ola
Is Victoria Secrets still exist ?
Oh they will continue that I think, not now…but …
Pope / Dalai Lama they always pack with people.
There is a bashar + twin him ? On stage ?
SMCH by her nun groups or SMTV / with French /with librarian groups?
There is
Austin, Leo, Pang
430 is you SMCH stuff or …I call him when I get to the States groups ? You both groups are local branch too? SMCH vs 430
Do you all plan which side to say words yet?
Prince William and Prince Harry both wife with kids groups ?
Nick not sure where Italian groups behind ?
Me, Eben, NSYNC, UB5 on one side across Simon side.(SYCO, Sony )
You all in the middle ?
Keanu Hollywood side ?
Mathrew science groups side ?
You might not do once this thing … what you gonna do ?
Babaji: right
🎑🎑🎑. If I made you all individual Family photo, so I don’t have to do this …💎💎💎
Simon Cowell, if I am not there,
If me + Eben not there England Banquet
If me+ Eben +UB5+NSYNC not there …
You and Keanu ensure things right entire there ?
10 them are not kind characters, not …I am trying to make up Lords means stuffs.
Babaji: Renaissance entire groups !
If they plan that…festivity meal time…it’s you all problems how to meet and greet each other.
Whatever background you bring yourself to.
Words/content/ conversation
You work ? To approach ?Vartan?
You be seen by your parents, you want to, you wish to, you pray to ? You have no choices to …
Everyone hates me, I know that….but that day on …明藏暗鬥、各懷鬼胎
You only get one chance, make it right.
Babaji: right
Viceroy, is when you don’t have a huge groups ….people just sleep, paste wall, printing printing printing, maps, modules, construction, tables, newspaper, junks collections ….and in-house phone ? Cheaper ? No one like in house phone? I told Salai ….phone is how it’s used 2015 …on the wall.
Viceroy …for small family, grass, landscape watering land yard …
I don’t really know what to do with Eben’s invention, Prince die in Hollywood I was in Valley …
Where is Eben?
Babaji: right
Tall people don’t go outside walking …sometimes.
NSYNC has a Florida compound they can paste papers …print, copy, file, …
Tamang + Tony? I have heard.
Haha…that’s …some distance in between.
Tamang wants Viceroy house, why doesn’t he 不要在節外生枝呢?the height…
Tony has a brother, and small family, between themselves. He was determined the first day I met him. It’s been 16 years.
Babaji: right
You mean Prince William, I am not really reading him. I cannot understand a word they say.
You…can ask wiki to add.
Babaji: right
心血來潮(心血) heart, blood. 故作端倪(泥 mud 霓 neon light )🛎
It’s how stupidity girls in the future I cannot manage, I say what ? Your literacy is zero to reach 3 worlds laws
I say it very very clear, if all generation lost this One generation of Reinanssance groups, you go back one millions years evolution
It’s 愛
New Age generation …lost 3 World I say law …well…it’s poor American eternity behind has to set some groups single life to only
Tiny 3 Worlds laws. No one, EVER erase laws, I say so, no one.
Or else ….
It’s unknown civilization to become degenerate….fertility included deformed
God’s wrath
Black Plaque
All things you never seen or hear before
What’s high tech + love meant = to die once of a Life Time promises …
Babaji: right
If I were you Queen, I would say the same things, yesterday 媚兒=charming seducing girl, you talk to 殺阡陌 and don’t care about it.
You don’t really know, it’s just a story.
What you can give me is Prince William’s credit card, that’s one meal, two table, ….3rd his plenty friends - his manager you hire him, for his face fine. No, I don’t need it.
Well, yesterday we were saying he will be the Richest 豐饒之鄉 that …富可敵國
之事體大= that mud cursed ideas or no one knows that, from thin, to that giant size whether I warn or not …no one knows which Class are that. I used to say 哪吒 like his grandpa …Cabel. No, not like that.
Grapes = blister, purple that grape.
Don’t know green grape means.
長留結界 (bad, not there …) = I have no idea.
….one day …1000 years scenario.
Yogananda did know lineages, one thing he does know something.
Corner page …it’s just a story 200 years down, he seems 3 Esteen reviews or 5 Lords Reviews 五教主審核
Do you all know what time is it now? 38 + 2 month yet?
I doing what ?
There are things you try to do…it’s not it’s all can be done.
I know you cannot ask. But at least if they ask you ….garbage mud?
Not that.
Babaji: right
Eben meant real business digital AlL desk Top Web Tegucigalpa learner to income generator at home, I meant AGT
I copyright all. Library of Congress first.
Babaji: book.
8:06 practice makes perfection. 熟能生巧
Iron blade making require the raw hitting (raw material ) to hot temperature to burn (to bang)
= a sword, ancient made blade.
Babaji: India !!
Respect the lineage Master 500 years old.
Origin training from high Monk (you have a master, you respect, you gratify, you surly remember)
Don’t do others what others don’t do to you feel.
Politeness to all coming to your company wiser unheard (hiring )
Gallbladder pouch, stuck, you Outwit the Star to get out.
Babaji: right, India 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 I want exactly old Hindi, Indian, 100+ of your local language.
Progress makes a haste.
Family tight up
Union government
Pacify the world - little foot.
Unify family, governing the nations, pacify the World
Babaji: right
Eben and I know technically know on Google plus 2014. Before…I don’t remember, I was hanged on Mahavatar Babaji wall ❤️
Eben is a business profession. Meaning he does business, not governmental employee.
He runs company. Offices if he still has.
I have no ideas what he really does.
Babaji: no, you know.
Making website is not what he does, but apparently they all say he/his company makes a website for s living ?
Volleyball, defense …you watch me on both side now? If I am not at the front, I am at back defense. Vice versa …. …
… … meaning if I am at the front jumping the lower net for elementary height which is impossible, I cannot be on the back.
Babaji: say it right, Anna.
If I am at defending line front, jumping, the back defense is zero ? 14:00 around ?
No, they spiker groups? Their footworks it’s not a straight line. I know that. You suppose to know that.
High school, not now.
High school I know that.
How and when, jump.
Hands landing at the ball exactly follow their body best, not touch net.
If I can just use lower hand, not “set”, it’s probably more accurate each time. That’s the easiest.
Serving ?
… ego.
No, tall guy cannot get that lower at the back defense.
Why you want to know these stuffs? I have to be on the floor? Yeah…I can see.
It’s = I do everything …
When you play strangers to be honest …
You don’t ever play, so forget it.
Not that kind of formation anyway. You play simple volleyball. I am just like “one of you.”
Running formation, you will clash to tall people. They coming down or short run long run …
Knee pad lady clash someone …that girl ??
… …she is different skin color.
Babaji: right
42:03 it looks like a lot of them are looking for a disciple or a guard …depends, this entire 花千骨
If you really care about it…
Babaji: right
40:25 if her Master went to that guy, we = me her go to 殺阡陌, safer, not going in there …they have no face, we can just ask 殺阡陌 why your disciple has no face. I would do that. No, not going in.
When you put girls in a hidden groups that much amount …= very very very bad omen, very very extreme like the name, fanatic.
This world fanatic you don’t jail them, religious fanatic.
… …if I have a MD power
If you don’t get fuck in life, that fanatic degree might be horrendous to the degree to kill a human.
It’s a big crime when you kill a guy or a girl for “emotional instability”
Killing a human is a crime. Just like the legal says, it’s real.
Babaji: you should not kill.
36:55 disharmony = 不合
When they give you an opportunity or show you working together through a mean …it’s to ensure peace or harmony you put others are or you yourself are. Confidence ! Like investigating a crime, era long ?
Not that ghost dead, poem dead nail curves wall like mummy wrote.
Babaji: right
36:55 revenge =仇
It looks like every lineage they all do that …kinda things. To each other disciples, here or in somewhere else.
If you are serious that spirituality is all you ever want, to be honest …do you know why you follow a teacher/ a master/ a Zen Buddhist ?
You really really know?
You sure about that?
如果你們真的非常確定靈修是你們選擇的路 …
35:10 ghost = 鬼
儘速=禁術= secrets methods to increase internal faster.
SMCH = you believe it, but you have to do a lot of things, but simple minded, pure.
You have to do service to people, one lifetime, it’s possible.
But from me knowing legands & myth & myself … …但是傳說跟故事來講,背景… …
Babaji, Haidikhan gives you a mantra. If you just do that, you don’t need SMCH 清海無上師
India has power.印度有力量
What does that mean ? That power can purify your brain. To learn Language.
No, I can learn that = French. 法語
But …it’s not everyone anymore. Not the brain, some…might be very very hindrance.
I learn by sound. It’s not hard. If you learn by the studying methods adults age, you will hate it, hate tutor, hate environment, get nervous, others might do on purpose …Europe is not here.我聽音學、沒有那麼困難,如果是成人學習法則,你會恨、恨環境、緊張、別人故意
巴巴基:我故意 all the time.
26:58 if you are a nunhood …that description ? For a guy to hear? = fantasy. 獨人留守空房、黯然落淚、冥頑不靈的師父、死了
門禁深嚴、嚴逞不待、苟且偷生、年復一年、畫=500 years ?
Monkey ? Monkeys?
Mon =盲
Key = power
Under a basement = there is a painting, guy? Guys?
It’s a riddle.
…. ….
Don’t even want to talk about it…
Babaji: right
23:07 I know it’s very early to talk about death …when he 無垢上仙 gonna come …well, you might just die and don’t see him on Earth. What you gonna do? Fight for this lineage the Chef disciples ? No, you don’t just show up England. They sent invitation. Your goal is ? Him
I thought you want to go to Heaven or spiritual practice …
Define that and think about it your life.
Babaji: right
Tamang, your father going ? I forget Austin he, Pang is 7 years younger like Leo, they 3, age bracket, your new friends, you know what I mean? I with UB 5 + NSYNC
Wing goes to Simon, he gonna be quarantined, Syco, Wing, there is a Sony snd 妲己
Dr STephen, I have no idea his age, Wallace has two guys acting or real monks ? 笑傲江湖, I heard Tibetan going. He can just talk to Queen.
Dalai Lama is Pope they, switch back and forth religious leader. I heard….they train youth ? Like CEO space those summer camp ?
Inelia is knowing Elsihoward grand daughter, President that sign ET stuffs before ? She joins that Whistler blower groups, but …the known ones as the lead are Bill+ Kerry, they have too many people on their lists.
High school musical, yeah, I heard Disney. The age below Ola Wing tiny bit …
Dr Gabriel has nothing but to talk …right he knows SMCH, he got a Wolf guy.
I have no ideas whom they gonna invite each other
Paige + Tim Cook…but that guy ? Look like BASHAR…I don’t know whom that is.
Prince William if you just spread money in 7 days, by a month, you will have a groups classmate not die young ?
Right they have kids.
Austin + Leo+ Pang
They are all ABC
Wallace + Mark
Babaji: right
If you just grab people random start talking a month, you can keep them 6 months attention on you, like now making friends to bring skillful workers there?
⭐️STephen Tamang MD talks to Austin and SMCH 清海無上師⭐️
Did I ever mention who, Austin is ? He loves face to the extreme, not just little, his face. 他非常非常非常在乎臉
Inelia talks to Lauren
You try to follow the TV script for your best interests. You mingle everyone of course if it’s a party ?
Babaji: right
French Police….Wallace 霍建華, where is my mail, on competition among all arts to your position, royal guard chief ?侍衛長
Rockfeller = ET, I don’t get my mail
Anan, he says he is traveling,
Eben, he says that’s his house.
Yeth 單春秋 he is at Mars…
Now…he 殺阡陌 touch her backs, move slowly to Yeth. The royal guard….
That 尊上 and 殺阡陌 are telling her…that’s a indoor disciple 入室弟子
Are they trying to tell her, she mix up ? Or something they are not saying it out loud ?
Babaji: right
Finish 看完了 who is this twin looking guests lists ? ( you all have to report to French Police, I did call them, SMCH 清海無上師)
No, exact face on TV.
Invited by Prince William, and Pope invited himself there. Do they …train younger ? That’s a big guest lists.
That word no matter is or not = 鴻門宴 (是或是不是)
It’s very important to all Art War Lords?
War strategic defense counsel.
… …
To continue reporting …French Police
She is the killer.
We imply before.
Her master keep relenting in the future…do you think this look great ? 你覺得這樣很好看嗎?
2 lineage holders show up …兩個掌門人出現
If she sees whom she will kill in the future ? Novel, ever hear that rumors?
如果她看到誰都想殺?小說, 聽說過有那種情節嗎?
Did she hate 2 Prince? 她恨英國兩個王子?
She finally realize to pass the item to next successor ? She borrow ? Karma with it? This is very very bad, in this one life she guarantee. 她終於把那樣東西給下一個繼承者?她借來的?業障跟著?這很糟糕, 這輩子一生她保證的所有業障
In the future
The guests lists you see face on the TV 臉在電視上的客人how to get along ? 如何互相相處?
This Queen one day is Celestial, we cannot pass.
One day she goes to Prince William.
She says too big = we Nsync + Eben, me UB 5 shows up Keanu ….Simon watching ?
Orchestra…of course you just walk around, don’t sit there, if I were you.
…no, I don’t plan that, you UK has that line in-line, we will all be dead.
Babaji: right
看完了=finish watching. Prince William, you know Pourquoi ? Cette? 10? 1, 12? Roman Catholic is Ola her religion with the ceremony. I didn’t remember there was a ceremony when she was a baby ? I remember,ber what I look like?
Roman Catholic, Prince William
My face !
By the way, your grand mom cares that stuffs? 5 major religion? Like your dad, Prince Charles.
You know, if they die, you only got your birth brother that one left …you need him to be alive or someone you don’t look like one solo.
Well, you have to train people to be exactly you want, taught them right or wrong, sit down and talk.
Babaji: right.
I seen you speak French a little bit on stage, Middleton speaks French?
You got 3 kids, if every weekend you put an orchestra in your mansion….my cousin’s father military has a volunteer job …funny, it’s a hospital webpage all the way….music. It’s not orchestra.
You can afford orchestra. You can afford a lot of things, Prince William, like Simon Cowell.
31:31 where are those insects you SMCH kissed? You want Tim Cook dead, for real? Oh ~ 越南小尼姑的稱號叫做繼任大典, there is a title with ceremony, to bath …Pope says you stink 臭丫頭 smelling ….Sm Sm …
No, I would not think you have a Knod in your heart when I explained to you last time why there is a Tim Cook, + you are a women?
Isn’t that bothering you the most, you are a women ? 越南小尼姑 短腿的
I said you want to be a Queen or princess…only under a political spirituality 政治靈修之下 there are two position, one Queen, one princess, like Erin mother + her wish to be drowsy sleeping none functional life. That’s the real political spirituality …your dream, SMCH 清海無上師
No wonder they have to do this Torus wealthy women Vietsnese games…I cannot understand your choices to kill…
French police 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎
Babaji: right
16:16 up til….on Queen + Middleton, Palace too big ?
Which one is Prince William?
I go get my food in the oven.
Babaji: right
16:16 telling French police what’s important ? First, Wallace has to 扯袖子 not roll up…second here you asked everyone to move home, because you are ? Third, Anan is naturally after you. Ceremony or not, I dont remember, but Steve Jobs 姍姍來遲=Tim Cook slowly got his political structure ? Someone has to die on this ….Tamang = Vampire : start talking ? Like “Say it”? You have language issue ! French ?
1. Wallace 扯袖子
2. Moving all to new regent place
3. Anan succeed naturally
4. Tim Cook ( kill Steve Jobs if alive again )
5. Vampire movies: how is the weather ? It’s him stays in high school sarcastic in USA or in France? Do you have everything in order on “my weather channel”?
He doesn’t just say weather like he owns it now vocabulary.
He says mummy.
Babaji: right
Prince William, did you go to college or university ? ____ professor ?
I am reading your wiki.
… … Uhm, I was thinking that I heard between I used to hear or read or heard …news or Middleton.
What was it ? After …
We are same year ?
Oh ~I was 2006 graduate !!
Right …I thought so too…until someone reminds me I was 35+ they were 33+…now they pass 35+
How come …2019=2 years almost…
Prince William, you go to …graduate school in numbers?
Babaji: right
I go shower and eat..you know, you suppose to be friends them 16 years ago, like a friend already. Then, one day they remember you, you remember them. Then next, it’s to facilitate where they are.
It’s not like that ? You got so plenty money, Prince, to them, not to me. You educate them 10 years, you will have another 10 years friends alive?
Babaji: right
Ola, Wing, do you have a pencil or pen I can borrow (for my DMV Keanu flunk table test? The unemployment office DMV they are looking for you)
Ola Wing, do you have a soft long ruler measuring, I can borrow ?
Ola Wing, does your mother or father has a measuring tape?
Ola Wing, do you have a notebook, I can borrow sheets paper?
Ola Wing, where is your backpack? I got green accidentally.
Ola, Wing, Did you call Dr T Cooke office we are going that way? Now? SA Union ?
Ola Wing, do you get your ID card, any card I can see?
Ola, Wing, do you drive today? I need a ride to Pepsi center, I used to walk…I know where, that way exit entrance.
Ola, Wing, did you eat something yet?
Tina best Friend is 汪星, she doesn’t use hands.
Ola, Wing, have you been to APO floor in SA?
Ola Wing, SA Union entrance has a booklet advertisment, can you two find it, bring all the junks back…on the left side.
Ola Wing, did you tell your parents we are here today, call? Now?
Ola Wing, you ready to talk to Dr T, note or you want me write for you?
Are you dead yet, Dr T?
Where is your wife ?
Not in Pepsi Center?
I am not dead yet…I feel dead everyday. With Tim Cook big name next by all the time, behind him is Paige follow.
⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫ if you just observed your life, it’s better and better each day JUST like she promised, you all believe it already, you cannot have a shocking paradigm just a snap of finger ? Can you think ? You really think Life is like that? Everything on this planet is slow motion. Everything, Mountain fold and I still be here ?
I have no ideas how you live by life what’s real, what’s not real. Yeah, they know girls cry Yeah, they try out 1000000 girls story people ...
Human useless to keep sick and old? If I run the worlds ? Is that every year it’s every season ? Don’t their family to care about how they ...
Well..until I become idol Gods 神祇 only a Legand cannot be proven methods, personality, skills, ….Simon is walking out jail free for threate...
“They succeed to make all those pitch perfect movies 2012, 2015, 2017; they finally succeed to make her sing 2018, 2019, both work together ...