
Flower Thousand Bone

 檀凡 looks like Yogananda  

夏紫薰 probably is Shiva / like Babaji but saying Shiva

白子畫 possibly me.

Why she likes me 尊上 better than Yogananda ?

Normally these inner development no one will ever be examine or if I don’t tell you, you will be guessing.

There is some thing examine that so there is saying it. She loves 白子畫 but reject Yognanada. 

I highly doubt a normal human can get that evaluation, how can anyone knows?  It’s too much to tell that to Yogananda group or India when I have no name. I would not have clarify it. But I know if saying it.

For the rest of stuffs, the seat or flower thousand bone, I don’t know a thing.

Yogananda is dead now, but if he is alive, this show, because it’s in Chinese ...otherwise too much hurt to him. He is an Indian by blood. He has a Royal position than outsider of India and be chosen by Babaji.

I don’t know about Yogananda, but he will be furious if there is Love matter be involved to that figure. If saying a divine figure and comparison....

Our evolution is different, of course you cannot do that kind of saying but he is an Indian Master to be respected. 

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