
You doubt this, you doubt that me and Babaji, you doubt Eben and the story I said.

 Your immediate thing is to go and be dead.

You will have no more doubts like how it supposed to be. 

It’s China’s compassion, they say I Anna go and sit as the Esteem on the seat to lectures you. 

That’s not the true reality I Anna knows a fact since the day 2016 starting the 5 Lord Review. It’s over, and it has been over loooong time ago.

I just let you spent some times doing things with us. No ... I don’t need to tell you why you are late to be dead. Do you hear me? China sissy sassy says there is a job to go and pretending ....I sissy sassy says okay.

And now Babaji sissy sassy says it’s NOT okay.

So we are done. There is no more things for you to do. 

You want to sissy sassy says: do the boys doubts that’s Babaji and Anna?

 You mean if they can read the Bible and figure it out you turn on the Facert to flood the entire world and I was born as a women to make sure Babaji knew how to punish you through me?

You mean if Simon, Keanu or Eben has a head to think how God should him wish to SUFFER you by having a women mentoring you to listen better or they are men, so they know girls they cry just to hear them talking as a big parents -as a MEN? Which one will tend to LISTEN BETTER?

Babaji did all the worst things he can EVER suffer you, do you hear me a word how he did it? NO!

I have to eaten down ALL the stuffs he decides best for me to eaten down because we both are mature person to know what exactly you did to curses the entire world for you to say blessing may God’s people welcoming the King of the world returns, oops , it’s a girl, not a women. It’s a girl !

Do you actually want to say that? 

You suggests it’s a Babaji 2015 on your “Blessing” big words on the thumbnail using Haidakhan Babaji’s signature. But it’s Mahavatar Babaji shows up to me. Do you rather to focus on your Babaji HB than my Babaji MB? Because my Babaji didn’t say he has any compassion at all for making your problem become me and his wedding gifts ?

You want a savior, you pray to your own Babaji. You know how to use his signature very well on the TV. Your mighty courage you fear nothing is completely obscure to me. I pray to my own God. You pray to yours. That we will not argue the entire India Master got nothing better to do but figure it out every way to make you pay dearly. Or else you gonna say you wish them doing so, then the karma becomes theirs to bear!! Ridiculous cleverness like you, I have no word left for you.  

Babaji stop that!

 No! I don’t need you to do anything anymore. We are through.

Babaji stopped it in case you didn’t hear me what he has to say?

I will deal with Eben or the rest of them my liking. In case they didn’t notice I spent ALL my time talking to you instead everyone little bit of MY TIME. 

You have questions and doubts in my look when I speak to you very very softly. I know EAXCTLY how I LOOK or why I look and talk the way I talked!

Simon, Keanu, Eben

 Do you see me go and nagging to them every line in the movies?

I take my movies working it through showing them my logics. Do you hear I say everyone is being exams behind and the grades between man and the woman is very different ?

Me and Simon and Keanu finish talking 2014. 4 years later they hear me on YouTube up to now.

I explain to them just like I explain to every one else no matter what ranking officers are, my relationship with Babaji and what the ET, shadow or things behind meant to me.

I explain. 

I explain your story to them. I explain myself to them.

Do I look like I ashame to say things with Babaji? It’s on the TV we are married in the China network!!! And you ? Playing what? Hear, don’t hear? Holding that Bible book closer? Or zero at all in my liking ?

You figure it out you gonna die and most likely be hell. You say it right, you say it well. So?

We are battling on your tiny left-works to-do to fit to my liking ?

What’s my liking ? Step by step ? Or jump all over ALL different movies including let’s jump on Bible “trying “ to see? Wait and see? I wait and see a book I cannot read? Eben reminds me, I remind myself ?

Simon has a profile on Daniel kill your darling 2013, he cannot read?

Or Keanu cannot read there is comet name on a girl I say what? 26 on a Tesla patent 1908?

Why is that I don’t need to go and nagging them including Eben? Do you actually think I like to go and comment on things to them? They have a sharp intuition in men. And where is your brain?



What if?

Could be?


Let’s try your way?

I have a name on the China TV networks!! Do you hear that clearly?

If I talking to you like I know something, you just follow exactly what I said to you no matter what!! Period!!

You don’t know when they tell you be dead?

 Your Ching Hai date: Oct 25 and Feb 22

In the end of this video shooting 

Your 1997/1998 short hair Washington DC: airing date Oct 26


2011 Oct 19 - Britney Spears “Criminal” : in the end of the video shooting. Mexico your menton gala with Dr Will Turtle looks like the hunger game mentor. Do you want to tell Eben, when is the gala in Mexico and what did you do? Blessing the whole Mexico !!


O Town, 2009 Oct 25, All or Nothing. 


When is STeve Job dead

When is Dr Janes Slovenia President Dead, you said what? He want to go to your apartment...

Do I need to tell Eben what that meant “Halsey Without me?”

It’s when you actually deal enough the government blood cold things like ET meant business, you never is anything you claim “you know how to deal with the government” to bulging your life for what bullet your imagining. 

Just pure stupidity and idioticy.

You keep your hope up, I said once more: there is absolutely no hope

 You got it very very wrong. For a lot of things I said, I specifically said one day your road ahead of you is a very lonelysome road. You do not understand.

I said there will be time, you won’t be thinking what you are thinking to gambling now. You do not understand.

I said you clearly insane and madness and bitter in life has every reason you caused that to yourself. You don’t understand.

I have no choice to go with China instruction to be your top for a temporary reason, but you are cleverly trying to do things not like I told you so. Because because because .... everything you have a because ....Babaji knew I fed up to explain to Eben and very impatience with you because I have to do everything and you play sissy sassy with Eben.

I never comment on Eben, whether he is smart or not. I said he is there, go there. 

Do you want me to tell you Eben is VERY SMART?

You believe very limited things. You argue if Babaji is with me. Your pride doubts, so why you just follow every government suggestion, just go!! They didn’t do it. But they state it their case clear and loud. Did you noted the dates when they airing them? You don’t understand there is killing without you being really dead ...

There is no hope, Purna SM

 What you did is very very wrong. This world can raise me completely without your help. No, you have no merits whatsoever to foster any environment. Nothing, that’s period. For politeness, I try to talk to you with my patience. With Sariputra in it. People don’t want to hear another damn word you have anything to say. SHE tell you to go be dead is a very real thing. Everyone telling you to go and dead, do I need to say? You want to frame me? A lot of people care for me, so they must taken you. You are wrong. Just because I am silence in nature, I know exactly what decree is being verdict. 

Keep doing what you think to do - you have only one road. Be dead.

Lady, do you watch CNN? Right NOW!!

 William Evan died, the riot. Capitol police. 

Conan detective movie Jack the Ripper

 They probably already checked. The serial killers that kills women by nature.

In jail.

One is a movie, the other is the real life

They probably if found some these individual, they would ask them some questions I assume. 

Maybe like explaining to them about my case and re-questioning them, do they want to kill me too. Of course they show them my video.

Like Taiwan is not exactly the China land

 Just for example. Taiwan was about 100 years ago, some elites groups of the China that ruling China at that time giving up China to come to Taiwan land to develop on this big size country. We are 1/4 of Kentucky. Very small.

Each House

 Harry Potter uses the Houses.

5 major religion might be all different when presenting the offering. 

The actual time I have no idea. I just saw on the gaming songs.




 That’s probably the terms.

The offering to delicate to God, or delicate to me results in that.

Is Krishina a women too?

The Chinese ancient drama more than one show has “a women” shows up.

Like Yogananda says “the divine mother”. If not this life, then next life to become a boy so the actual time to give the offerings to God, can be spared by God’s jealousy.

Old Testament God is jealous too. Yehweh like my name (Last name first)

I told them many things in 2017

 So maybe they investigate it.

Harry Style - Only Angel

Because ...only Me

 Spiritually Politics

Excuation entire women population to worship me.

Because I said it very clear... I am not a lesbian. Just to glorify me, not to impose suffering on me, the actual dedication is massacred the entire women population.

You don’t have to believe what I said. That’s how bad it is. 

If I am proven to be the King of the King, the Lord of the Lord.

Will all the women goes to hell?

No comments.

Harry Style - Only Angel

 Only Angel ...

In the West mythology if you don’t become an Angel, do you go to hell?

Hell only?

No, I don’t know. I am asking.

Ella Enchanted

I have seen it. No, not a glue.
Was I = the uncle? Or he steals my land.


I heard to ride an UFO you might need a different body skeleton because of this “free falling”. 
Gold .... my invisible map contains a national treasure. If I give it to the entire world, the US they have high tech agreement with ET in 1950, surely they know what I discover and more.
Recent news says SpaceX ‘s experimental rocket got exploded 3 times.
Sailor Moon Galaxia is all gold wearing ...
India did send in a big Diamond in the store every few days I look at it.

Legal department: I heard you gold might exist.

 You mean the real gold.

... I have thought of something, because BTX and hunger game, I cannot really teaching that map of mine, the book. The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes.

If I go and discover something else, would I still be limited in the BTX? 

I have a kind of shadowy over my head. At the beginning with Simon, we say my map is “invisible”, just like the Declaration of Independence. But that movie has second sequels. The President book, it’s not invisible anymore. I can go and explore something else?

Behind they already did that.

Okay, my second part of discovery is I Ching sequence to connect to the RNA /DNA sequence.

I Ching is known as the Book of Change. 

Bible story is the Book of Life, and I cannot read in case you already heard the latest update so far.

I made some small clips on it. It does not really make any sense but just display them fine on the screen there is something going on.

Part 2 and part 3 Snake inside human


Box ...Fox? You’ve got Mail (1998), I am not a dark hair man. You have to keep searching.

“Hurts, better than love” it’s not bad to look at it. 

Dr Steven ... hope you find a way to talk to him. 

Why no telling lies?

 Because this is the 3rd time I cannot stop watching Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix !

Pink you should not tell lies!

Maybe you should think for your judgement day.

 I don’t think you understand my words clearly when I say what’s no useful words, don’t say it. There is no words used for talking for talking reasons to break a precept. Do you understand that?

Tell me, do you check your ego like you say everyday and that number truly remains on zero? Do you remember you saying that?

Yeah, every words you speak. You saw on the Order of Phoenix. You should not tell lies.

You don’t seem to have any more precepts reasons why you couldn’t stop telling lies?

 You couldn’t stop telling lies like the spiritual lines/ portals/ heaven’s gates....and daily what every subject comes to mind to talk about with the disciples ...

Do you ask me how I review you? Singing, cooking, OU language ....is there anything you don’t screw it up so far? You think?

You what? You are not sure what’s the standard ? Is that the talking like you used to talk ? You don’t know the standard ?

Babaji: Anna has something she wants to ask you, like the video says India life you used to have

 You were just talking without scared your words be true or you just talking for talking ? Lies are not any more of your living precepts problem ? For example, you keep saying you miss the India’s life when you were young, you had nothing like now, the comfer.

Think carefully before you answer me again. 

New-Age-talks girls

 No, I am not the New Age type.

I pick Chinese Ancient Drama songs. I have my reasons doing that exactly just like we sang at.

Most speakers New Age are guys anyway.

Except recently I seen so many TED. Wow! 

But no ....I don't present myself as New Age or native. 

Native tribes on this island, we have so many tribes, they got colorful clothing and weaving skills sew in the fibers


In this tiny island, we have so many different Native Tribes. Not just limited to this one photo.

They all got these colorful dresses and weaving in the fibers.

Beas (Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) ) on Miguel Told you so

 Those are Beas hanging on these girls.

Okay, you are also 5 name, with 5 Lords lineage equipped like Ma'am Ching Hai's Methods.

Except you are from India, and she is from Vietnam / Taiwan.

Why Eben is in it?

Not sure if for Eben background, he can do a review over all these girls?

I start to see these some girls I know them on the stage. Guys whom know these ladies, not exactly happy to see what the Victoria Secrets have to say about them. They actually know them! Even that Harry Style is under Simon's wings ... I just didn't get time to ask him, how he felt he saw ALL that with Harry in it. It looks to me with madness. 

I now because of these connections, evaluation and reviews are constantly being done, so all my heads contains, are these evaluation. Its a none stop and a complicated process that has to carry through. How can people live in the environment, everyday is on testing and reviewing?

No, I don't actually for sure if its BEAS, that the Victoria Secrets are talking about. But I introduce you both side to each others. Its very colorful.

BEAS are religious practices, they just taking offering and sitting there be pretty. They might not even know we are here. Those are girls walking out, not the guys. So maybe, there is nothing to do with each other whatsoever.

🎬 Video (songs)+Victoria Secret

 心牆 The Wall of the Heart




Victoria Secrets 2018 Bebe Rax & Rita Ora



You can write to the Victoria Secrets like ...
"I received the video. Thank you. There is a lot to say. Maybe just like the runway says it all, but I would have wish it is I, saying it."


Do you think Victoria Secret getting my video 2018-2019 they have to watch it, what if ?

 Let’s say they have to watch it, my no preparation video just about racing 2 years all the video to drive everyone to exhaustion.

They have to compare data.

You do know they are making Secrets for a living? The commercial success are not from the free video they air to show to people only ...they get to validate, maybe even every year they do that reviewing.

You are a mess? 

Let’s just hope not too many of your disciples finds their ways here. To tell me what they know about you.

What? They put spy in your groups?

A commercial success company ...they make you a star on the runway. Because like you say, naive people tends to have God’s blessing more. And because you are very sincere, you receive this blessing more. These are your own words. I don’t need to hear a lot of times to reply you with your own words to say we even argue a statement putting out by you to stand tall in the history - even the Angel says you are little. 

Lalla looks worse than you are? How you gonna comfer her? Looking like you two are on the same boat. The entire India finally have a figure be put on the runway. Like Vietnam finally have you stand tall on the runway. Like me Taiwan have someone on the runway. We didn’t talk about if the Millitary has to wave their flag, each of these countries? You don’t think, do you? 

You are British citizen ! Great, then Prince William might know about it. How many people can possibly be put on the Top modeling show in the US? Did you see the dancing on Ice https://youtu.be/bBWU_zsfnHQ


Bebe Rexha - I am a mess 2018

 They do another spinning of the story, so this lady the ending position was falling the middle down? When you turn away from the main light and towards the back stage.

I read the lyrics. Is this a rock star you wish to enjoy the music or another is Rita Ora?

Pink + black

Reminds me Romance Journey 2009 me on Red + black

You want a wing? They give you a background check in 2017, you failed. You gonna cry with what they wrote for you to reflect or you hate to reflect in life? If you hate to reflect, Buddhism is not for you.  Since you meant more Catholic in Loving the Silent Tear, inner master on Italian singing with Simon looking. None of us knew you would do that ! They don’t even know what’s the inner master is, how this superstitious practice becomes the magazine tale, because everyone all has an inner master from your calling must be desperate for God.

Maybe ET heard you singing raps in your head. You are a mess. Vy used to just as mess as that, the Vietsnese student I get. I am used to people like that. Watching them laying their textbook all around ....you don’t think it sounds like you or it is exactly where you are?

You don’t what ? Presenting yourself like that? Presenting or pretending ? Their show is full of the people pretending for a living and they don’t have a method to see beyond secrets to evaluate others NOT to pretend what a money cannot buy a therapist, or be pretentious ?

Because Butterfly is Taiwan iconic representation.

 I think they sell their video. 

When you mummified the butterfly, they become the 標本

English translation says “specimens”

Harry Styles - only Angels

 The background ....okay I know the first one, that back ground in Shawn Mendes -Lost in Japan (2018)


Have you seen some other ones background ? Let me find it.

Like talking about people’s background.

2015 Army, but it’s not online by Ellie Goulding.  There is a silk one, butterfly.

Talking about the background.

It’s Neville finds the Room of requirement

 It’s the come and go room.

And you, the pink professor destroyed it later on.

We’ll see how long you last with these whatever you decide to do. 

Those should not tell lies?

 And you could tell lies filling up the sins to the heaven?

The movie air on 2007. Your solving methods are to tell lies?

You was not worried me issue, you worry all of them cannot hear another lie of yours?

Are you gambling on if people gonna understand that person is you? Or that’s besides making the money issues? New topics to sell! 

If you dress up like the Bible says - okay, you started that in the 90s.

If you lies like the movies says - now I and the world sees that.

Your goal is to close the shop around the corner. Is that something you do to explain to me?

You have a goal, someone could solve something for you ...

The Order of the Phoenix

 Before going up on the train (in the dream) -There is a women wearing a dark glass. The passing by.

Dunbledore does not look at Harry

They can or cannot see the front carrier animal. 

O rder of the Ph o enix 

the Pink professor story 


 There is a stair like 首

自首=self admitted crime like Wilconson admired in the end. 

4 people like 自=Self=4 horizontal bar. But if one by one drawing it. It’s like the stair.

From 首=chief or number 1

To 自=Self 

There is 2:1 on the Top.

2 dots + one bar

殺=x wood +the right side

That world is not like the modern world using gold or money

 It’s by skill.

Individual skill of that person carries. The actual belief is rock solid to these people. Cold.

No one can shake anything to them.

I don’t have any help for this movie. It’s ...not exactly the same story to relate to.

 You need to know how to break down this word for this story.

酋長=native America chief

道=T A O

Searching gold or Cold ...

 These life after life loooong cold practice ....

If living a very long longevity ...no no, not vampire. I meant a person quality.

Maybe not just 500 years old. Loooonger.

Bird? Not dragon ? Temple of ...

Which President ?

The noble office ? Not city of gold. Is temple like the office?

One modern office vs one old temple filled up with gold.

My story has only cold attribute, not the actual gold. I am sorry.

National Treasure 2

 I am watching it. The DVD that has other movies trailers before. The purchased one.

Dr. Chase.

Me and Chasez story ? That page too. O town - liquid dream.

The book has an icon. The small dragon. In order to inquire what kind of dragon that is, they have to travel to arrive where to get that question answered. 

Once they get the dragon, then he can fly to across the Water.

It’s a loooong life span when talking about a practice. Cold means.

They = supposed to be a him only + a dragon.

But when entering a water vortex, it’s him + another him, to come here to find me = the dragon.

It looks like the casts member.  2 him + a blonde me.

2 resolute desk + 1 lady Liberty. 

For the legal department, and the declaration of the independence

 Babaji says, it’s your lost if you decides not to participate with Anna’s suggestion Harvard class or Eben’s class. Eben didn’t say he is from Harvard, it’s Anna decides he looks like the TA in the Legally Blonde 1 and 2, and Neville in Harry Potter near by those industry people back in 100 years ago. If the National Treasure 1 and 2 are their merits meant to find, the Legal Department will know exactly who is in it. That has nothing to do why you have a forever jealousy problem, “it’s just you turn more acid to eat the little scroll” - how do you feel, really? SMCH? Better you say you have no feelings towards each of them that were besides Anna before, including Rockefeller!

National Treasure

 Babaji continues and says, Anna does not understand why now the legal department is looking for her, do you? Reading the article Title? Because they found out both movie National Treasure 1 and 2 having these endless treasure hidden. Anna cannot understand quick enough. It’s just she filled up all your problems and Eben’s class, she forgets how they used to play the treasure hunt movies like the Harry Potter. In case you thoughts Simon and Howard has no relation to Anna as the Westinghouse or Marconi ...or that Ron, Keanu Reeves so all of them are playing the distanting learning movie in the real life - you happened wanted to own a book to say you are hermione. Remember that Lamb is blood seal that book - the same reason she cannot open that book because she seals it with her blood inside or outside it. That does not make you a prostitute to claim that book is given to you. It’s a book to given to everybody to read this planet or beyond. It’s by Anna’s good heart to introduce all her past friends to you as you greet them as a sinner to apologize to Anna or to bow to her - instead, what did you do? To join that role like Anna says ? Just because I don’t have a voice and Eben cannot talk? That book Bible is not yours to play Hermione to claim any part of Harry Potter plots for them to get together as their past merits as the industry people to become once again congregate together to have fun in life. Simon didn’t want to live before he met Anna. Do you want to ask Simon for real again, is this Judgment things exciting him in life, the King of the King , Lord of the Lord just like the biblical story are returning on stage as well as in the real life? Does Simon want to die ? That you wish to get in between them friendship you are by far not just sinful piling up to the Heaven, it’s your stupidity to think they don’t have their heads like they used to when they were with Anna. Even her 5 Lords included. Your jealousy cannot contain yourself to see how talented Anna is. You pray her insanity to get her hospitalize so you can be cheerful living happily. Her mother could see her faces how healthy she was ... that’s how she ends up in the hospital. Your stupid mind cannot get away with the heaven’s eyes. In case you don’t know what you wrote “One Eye Ideal eye Foundation” meant. 

Also the book

 Babaji says, that being said however Anna decide to lead the world reading these books have none of your business to say. She is the commander-in-chief now, unlike you. In case you didn’t read clear on that from the book materials. A lot of these people behind initiate the readings not just Anna decides which books to go and dwell on. Your tears are never enough to fill between these pages that Heaven don’t hear a thing you have to say. You can say to Anna, you don’t need to say to me (Babaji) - I know your every thought and they are dirts. A lot of the world decision remain in his Hand just like you see the Tro, however you believe Anna explaining what’s “the One” meant in this tarted world. You don’t understand ET, then no one asked you to go and understand them. But when your behavior is out of the lines, that’s the consequence every single day and every single seconds on you. It’s not just the cause and effects, because that’s how limited language you can come out with to say a thing or two to cleverly to manipulate  the law in front of the public to cover their eyes, and in return, to covers your own eyes. 

You don’t understand Anna’s words but many elites people they understand perfectly every words she says. You lost the advantage that’s your business. It’s the choice you make. Anna can choose to take the class to sit in to listen. In case you didn’t see her were in jails. Either the true reality, the judgement Day court room or that dangling wire jail phone you send a package of gifts like you are a generosity kind old women. You are not young anymore. Not anymore Barbie to be-owned by Harvard. That’s two blondes. Two capital barbi!!

Babaji says it’s Anna’s bad that she didn’t ask Babaji first if Eben should be added as Neville or Legally Blonde TA

 He meant you are free.

To pick your movie materials however it presents to you, or how you understand to freely express what you should do in life. You have money that you cannot spend fast enough just like the remaining time you have. Eben, Babaji will go and apologize to him and Lalla for what Anna choose to did for your matter to disturb their life on the TV says whether it’s Legally Blonde or the Victoria Secrets.

He continues to say it’s a new Legal World, it’s not like King of the King, Lord of Lord’s World, Anna has no share to say what you should or should not do. He believes it’s best to keep these in harmony that you better grow without Anna saying what you should be doing when it’s said very clear everywhere, what exactly you should be doing. Anna is just one person, she can never says enough!

2006 you could just called

 Birthday cannot count, now the AC counts. 

Do you know the prison how Buffalo starts their execution on the electric voltage? Back 100 years ago.

No, you are not thinking clear to talk about Venus people.

2006 you didn’t call.

2015 China - airing Flower Thousand Bone stop you calling in case you didn’t watch episode 49. So I cannot call but sit there venting !!

Feb 18 you talked about a rat? (Part 1/12 The Snake inside human)

 It’s not a cup of your tea?

I assuming you look at his video. Or my sister?

I need you to decide your life how you gonna sink down. Because taking a Greek class to you right now, you are so busy at your work, you cannot see the point why there is a class. I rather you just decide on your own like you used to, how you watching these movies at all. 

Do you know some people have to go to my librarian science class to see what do I learn? What’s an online environment tools and resource to an open wise Universe, everywhere if one day that system built in is Galatic ?

You are a millionaire on Earth.

I have other works not yet mature to do in case we both just decide this life they say judgement day waiting for 2000 years, for you and me arguing a Eben if he is really a Harvard class to you to fill up a movie requirement like a partially jokes. There will be days you will know how to take an order, right now, we just like the friends talking these none sense to you why there is a class even like I don’t know you are 71.

Your priority

 Your priority is not attending Harvard. That’s it. Everyone can watch the movies to make a simple conclusion. You are prophecy filled up that SMTV of yours. You need that. 

Eben is glue to India. Currently. 

If you attending their class attentively and studiously, I would have something to say to the Indian.

I don’t think you know who is the boss at all on your case.

Do I Anna really think Eben’s class is the Harvard class?


I look like a well fed baby, don’t i?

How about this ... until you lose everything you have and one day getting too old and has to make money online, when you finally decide to listen to Eben to get his terms understand perfectly what’s each word he says, we don’t waste time on a millionaire like you pride high and drunk maddening sitting on a beast all you waiting now is to sunk down. You have no circumstance why to believe a word I said AT ALL.

You are not forced to make money!! Why imagining you have a Harvard to attend? It’s just a joke movie all the time! They lie to you, because I might get married not you!!

Will you or will you not consider Eben is the Harvard class, Callahan’s junior partner?

 I can just go and tell Eben, I am very sorry, you are not going to consider him as a Harvard class because you got IT department to cash in from the local world-wide center business that don’t use the website to sell! 

I have just disturb Eben’s life !!!! He may not aware how much money you collect all from the disciples lots lots lots money !!!!

He can hear that Britney says 50 millions!!

Will you or will you not consider Eben is the Harvard class, Callahan’s junior partner?

I have a feeling I am wasting my time or his time. Just because I see him has the standard, maybe not you seeing that at all!!


 Let’s try this again for me ...you have a Chinese name 清海無上師= ocean has no upper master

You found out Bible verses.

1998 you’ve Got Mail, you dye your hair, by 2001 it’s told you are going to Harvard. Legally Blonde. 2005 you become the pink professor in Harry Potter.

You broadcast TV to all around the world to save the planet by opening loving hut shop and distributing the vegan food and ask people to protect animals.

You think protecting animals = legally blonde 2?

Now, that answer is NO. 

The movie sounds real, sounds not real because you are a nun, you cannot really go and married others! 

Lies ....lies ....lies .... you are telling them on the television !!

Or it’s gays decree you imagine a marriage? No ! I am not! I would marry someone else if that’s not clear to you, do you understand that?

Do you know your name is = wrong thing to do? Always knew or just guessing sissy sassy it might not be too bad?

You have way lots things I don’t accept. No!

I don't need to look at their feeling

 You cannot think like me?

If I look at you


I look at them, boys, dressing like you, not just girls' putting on the make up and lets all together sitting in front of the camera, to say Happy New Year, Plan ABCD how to save the world 2012?

Fur hat? Them? 6 Feet Boys?

Do I need to know how they feel, or just need to look at what they do, to blush my face?

Most guys are rational base. Many of them might already conclude the girls by natural are out of their minds most of time. But this time, I have a big you sitting in front of many camera, all you wish, its to close the shop around the corner.

But you lecturing like those New Age people talks? 

Do you see me just grab my monitor, showing you song by song, I sing together with them, to introducing the modern technology music worlds, that is how I do things? Line by Line?

Everyone can hear about it. You are too eager to close the shop? Praying they would just force you to close the shop?

Spiritual Portals, Spiritual Lines, Mars, and Venus

 I don't feel better you are telling a Super huge lies. One day, you gonna explain to me, what you are doing okay?

You putting all the make-up on, or from my side, I have to look at "Others putting all those funny dress on" and make up on, and let's try to sit all together in front of the camera and read the lines as you are....

My conclusion might be just as simple as you are not just way out of the line, you are crazy.

Do you want to tell me, if you trying to tell me, those are lies, for me to know you are talking to me? Human cell 16%? To know everything else are all lies? by telling more lies over them?

I cannot think and functioning like you. You only knew the birthday of my birthday. You knew I am online doing my video....it is later you find out the AC. I understand all that.

While I am absent in lecturing you, what you create on all the DVD for sales, to make money, and colors, editing, and human resources pouring to distribute over the materials might be all Lies?

I hope you have a really good explanation over all that one by one. 

That Winter Song, May God bless you, He did a prayer. Do you hear the prayer, build a ladder to climb on, may you stay?

Do you know what it meant to me as a big Parents as they are?

If they want to shut down your operation, its not hard, they already did that on the Wallace MTV music tapes. One shooting. They did TWICE with the Britney video.

Do you hear clearly every line he was saying? The prayers?

To all the contestents that walk out of the runway? 

Dying your hair black is not the only thing they tell you next ... I hope you understand every word I say to you. Apparently I say too many words already.

Leslie Odom Jr. - Winter Song

 Keanu knows a girl name Anita. Eben knows a girl name Lalla.

You know you are so and so, I know I am the clapping one. Two week notices, have a red hair girl.

Is this like Babaji selecting the real love in his arm? What does this song sound to you, if that Red River Manga, just too heavy and obscure to read about to become the parts of the reading material? 

Do you believe they are doing it, a beauty contest? Seriously on the stage?

This is my winter song to you
The storm is coming soon
It rolls in from the sea
My voice, a beacon in the night
My words will be your light
To carry you to me
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive
They say that things just cannot grow
Beneath the winter snow
Or so I have been told
They say we're buried far
Just like a distant star
I simply cannot hold
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive
This is my winter song
December never felt so wrong
'Cause you're not where you belong
Inside my arms
I still believe in summer days
The seasons always change
And life will find a way
I'll be your harvester of light
Just send it out tonight
So we can start again
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive (Is love)
Is love alive (Is love alive)
Is love alive
This is my winter song
December never felt so wrong
'Cause you're not where you belong
Inside my arms

🎬🎤🔥New Video

 It’s about the class you as a professor did over various subjects. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.

Now I brought Eben in. Assuming he is Harvard.

Am I sure he knows your given information are real or false?

🎬🎤🔥 After you become the professor


🎬🎤🔥 ET Show Business



Imagine Dragon - whatever it takes ( Victoria Secrets Angels)


Adam, my first bf

 Adam looks like him, prince Char.

Your name, Eben.

Adam and Eve.

I don’t know why the crown is poisoned. It might be a trap. I am watching right now on the TV, the Order of the Phoenix. 

Snape is training Harry his mind. 

There is a prophecy.



That’s Eben.

I am the bike on the left.

AEE=I am A, double E= my engineer= Charlie.

Keanu middle name is Charlie.

Prince Char in Ella Enchanted has a crown, poisoned.


India - I saw on TV

 You have high educate intellect. Sometimes I just feel you disappear. 

Do you have to review video?

Babaji whispering : who started Khan Academy?

India. Okay, there is both you and the US. You believe people coming back like they told you from the Bible? I am curious if that has to be true or else we can escape the grades and not to talk about where is Sariputra?

You very very sure that’s me?

I know Sariputra does not look like the One and my hair is blonde. It does not matter if my mothers dream is a Golden cobra....okay my birthday and ma’am Ching Hai. You have to be very sure, or else my talk is like talking to the empty air. My position is someone missing above Sariputra ?

We have now an Eben. No, I don’t have the story, except his face story. 

Do you like them as an Indian country? Okay, we talk about it. Our doubts and where we are now.

You have children started very young wearing the uniform ? Okay ....I don’t look too older than you are? I might be very very very old, you know? I don’t talk like an old? Thank you!

對了ˋ建華! 記得朔風碰到尼漫天的時候

 他跟她說: 你連那兩個廢物的打不過




所以如果滿慈子她想要做泥漫天,她要去打的過這兩個廢物吧 ? 

你覺得呢? 在世俗裡面的 "兩個廢物"


嗨! 建華! 我在處理一些立法的問題

 金髮尤物你看過呀 ! 有關於所謂的立法程序~像現在電影變成真的,立法我是不知道但是

很久以後的未來也許也會用到,所謂電影變成真的,很多人就忘了你們成為電影明星的人,可以就對你們講話就是那樣,像我之前就直接殺到李維的辦公室,我沒有看到他但是我有跟他的秘書說到話,電影如果是真的,如果不是幻想的話,那要怎麼跟你們說話,我好像就自己念的很高興,也沒有直接找到你的關係,你的相關網站好像是不存在的,可是我可以寫信呀 ! 總之,我的職業如果比較重要追逐一千個俄羅斯的科學學家,關於以前的彗星的事情,那我追到他們到他們來追我的關係,那我也要做到你的上面呀 ! 意思我比你上面呀 !做尊上!!

要有那種自信,但是這種問題 "電影變成真的" 應該不會是現在大多數人的問題,只是一些人的考試針對的四個點的框框,總之我就是在解釋關於,有人對電影非常非常的鍾愛或是音樂!


New Video (Legal Department)

 Legal Department: When the movie becomes real


Legal Department : 4 Point Frames 四個點的框框


Legal Department: Chasing the Stars



Why you say it may not be real?

 Because 帝王 the King of the King should be a guy Life after Life.

We are on a legally blonde now.

Yes, angelical is not human define, but Michael is the real Angel with the name in the actual description in the Bible. Women didn’t have a name in the revelation. An iconic symbol is prescribed Lamb, but it’s not specific. It says the wife of the Lamb.

You are a women because of the Water on the ground and the mirror on the wall?

It might be too

I am telling you.

Oh, okay. 

What do I feel when the movie turn real to me?

 I was influenced deeply by the alternative media, things to do with the classified. How they describe things always meant “this is serious”. So to determine where the movie content may come from, like coming from the classified materials, my values taken on things will draw more on the serious side than they meant to the public, “it’s just a story” “that’s a fantasy”. I live in it, and my memory is very clear in the crucial point, so if the movie describes a thing only I know, I knew something is going on. Like Wallace song 逍遙. 

Do I feel frighten ? They just describe a story. A description this is what you did A, B, and C. Concise. 

Do I wish my family would know the movie is real?

Definitely not. They are common people, soaking in that 4 point frames or Star gossips, any test they are not going to pass to say even think clearly at all.

How many sex do you have? You say you got drugged, how?

I don’t want to talk about it. It was more in the US. Drugged like it’s wavelength on me, there is something you can get “drugged”

By how many people?

A sequence of the photo people.

Do you attach to them?

No, they are not strong. The most invincibility question, that’s a real question. Funny thing they say elder wand.


The dark or more evil nature incline will seem to have more power to say strong, that has been nature me although I had a very hard time that time to live in this modern life.

Do you want to go back there ?


Do you think they are real?

I have hope not. It’s funny if people would hope it is. Like I said, Snape was in an obsession with Ankeheseamen. If as much as I hate it in the past, it’s not changing a bit til the present time, when things present by itself. I have hope not real. That’s my honest answer. 

What else the legal department wants to know?

 Some people really love the movies or the musics. They can watch the same movies once, twice, repeated to how many times.

No, I don’t.

I am born like that. I don’t like the movies, I don’t like the musics. 

The culture here also makes the entertainment world very blacken 黑道呀!抽煙!賭博(賭神)

So since young, I will know they are the superficial person. They are actors. 

I just for now have to glue on this Wallace. 

Doing a review movie, it’s best they are not influenced by the movie. It won’t waste anyone’s time to do once or twice movie review if we don’t keep watching the same movies. 

From my side, all these time, I will say “each side” all running on their own projects. Tests or projects.

I actually don’t know if that’s gonna be for the rest of my life we keep pursuing tests methods, but they take some good perspectives in comparison and teaching their own people, I think it’s necessary. 

No, I don’t know the exactly tests they do. I am only aware there are selections done. To me, it’s a fresh new things. Because I am housebound very long time. Taking test? It’s not just living your life and right away you react on it and people know where you are, and they try next?

Best friends

 It’s your government Millitary or the US.

Not the best friends.

I said anyone’s best friends are your country Military or the US Millitary when the movies turn real. 

Because ... I can still go to the year book and do a search of friends and keep in contact ?

Because they meant to you somewhat?

Your best friends functioning fine mostly not because that’s by heaven’s will. So just admit to that and move on with your life by yourself. 

Yes, they put people near by.

Why I cannot say that? Or maybe they don’t ?

I don’t want to argue this....because taking advantage of that, I might just stay put and don’t move, FREEZE!

That’s a joke, but you getting what I am saying, 

There is no prince Han. 


 Ella Enchanted.

On your standard everything can say it’s a test, so I pick one illustration for you.

That’s Adam. We just broke up. The high school friend took me to see that movie. I didn’t go and put up my make-up and dye my hair so I go back to Adam saying the movie is real. You are a prince? You look just like him.

The choice I made was I left.

The movies saying was going on the journey to meet the Prince Char.

But with my real life, two choices whether it’s to go back with Adam, or I leave to go to Buffalo for a new adventure with Orcs and an elf with an attitude. 

Is that a test for a 20 years old? But the movie just say the beginning and the end.

Keanu is Charlie, the One.

Oh?? What did you say? There is a journey ~~~ someone will save me!

It didn’t say that “One simple journey” has to pick in the Lord of Ring, hasn’t it?

But for others, their friendship and argument is more important. The life habitual I left elementary school, middle school, or high school, I never went back to the old friends...that’s a more real event on the records. I just keep meeting new people.

So watching the movies? Knowing the movie become real? Do you keep your friends contact in case the movie becomes real?

 Do you keep your friends contact in case the movie becomes real?

 Do you keep your friends contact in case the movie becomes real?


 Bob Dean used to say that word.

Let’s assume there are other higher human, whether it’s on the Earth, inside Earth or far away the Earth. It’s until you written down the words or make a video talking, they can evaluate me or them.

The same humanity is the same, but of course the understanding is so different if watching the movies together. 

On that note, I of course, cannot just think the US Millitary is the only Order on calls if India has nobody equip with the education means or emotional maturity to watch a Hollywood movie.

There are others existing. 

What do I think the movie and my spirituality ?

 It’s not all that related but there are messages sent in. Like Wallace’s song 逍遙, 兩邊青山....there are myth legands about black, whites snakes as well as 青蛇. 🐍 this icon.有人要帶我逍遙一輩子

Movies have a lot of IQ running back and forth questions and answer. Time before or after plots. It’s just to do with the sorting in IQ and because right now I did practices 10 years meditation...it’s after that, I start watching the movies, those emotion things are very far distance. I can be very clear watching the movies separately myself from everyone else but I notice I need to keep reminding people, those are just visual and the music effects. They are not real.

Have I talked to Tony since I got back? No.

It’s just like I told you, it’s four point frames device. What?

If you want to set up people to test that, or you already know that results ? Didn’t I tell you I hate Tony before just how his father describes him? Do whatever you want. People’s face is not the only thing to live a responsible life.

SHE has a song 回憶播放再眼前, that would be exactly how I feel. 

What does that mean?

The real test already been done. Like I said 淺移默化,循序漸進, it’s when I am not around, the test is real. Didn’t you see that black hair 殺阡陌 cut her a neck a scarf and then heal it? It’s because it’s memory recall now, (SHE has a song 回憶播放再眼前 ) we everybody watching the movies together. This is not the testing anymore. It’s playing the tapes back.

I hope someone can clear up my Chinese in between these words. They are very important saying. 


What does the movie effect on me?

 Uncle JC Full House and Gail in the Hunger Game?

Once I understand the full scope of the matter, it’s like Wallace song 逍遙,a lot of hatred feeling went canceling out. 一筆勾銷, I am not near to them or in that helpless life. I used to have with very little money, not even a bed I have. Now I have a bed, some decent clothing and a few pairs more shoes or even accessory I have some. Like when I was in high school, staying at home, it’s before I meeting nick’s life....it’s a lot better life near by here. Because I won’t be putting near by them anymore, I don’t need to holding those hatred feeling. I have a lot more responsibility that I have to do now.

When I was investigating MK thing...

 I have testing water with Tony because of MK thing and the Full House.

No, there is nothing like that. They are just ordinary people living a very ordinary life. 

I was scared, yes. What do you mean uncle JC was training Michelle? No ...I live that through, it ended it. That’s fine.

As for the money wise, his father won’t let it happen anyway. So...we separate it now, to him I am just a very inexperienced person, that’s it.

You cannot explain to him why the movie is real. He just ...an ordinary individual. He knows they are fantasy. Just let it be.

Of course to do with the money

 Yeah, I don’t feel our arguments have to be on the money. 

I know....now I don’t have that. Well, he has a very troublesome family, okay! He would have dump all his money on them. Is that my feeling become the legal stuffs? I hate the circumstance, I hate Tony. That’s the facts. He accumulated debts and married to someone has as much debts and still getting a super expensive ring to start a new life...then his father helping her to pay off the debts instead having a life with me. Is this enough feeling ?

No...those uncle JC things just a show...that show meant to a lot for a lot of people, I hate him for a very long time. Now, I am in a different circumstance ...I don’t think they have a right direction in life and his father just have to dump all his resources to help them.

Yeah Hitler and the body guard born. Finance ...it’s always about the finance. 

Uncle JC is just a face looks like Tony. Being a responsible uncle, I don’t think so. But I understand there is a disciple name how he clean out his fathers money. 解空第一

As a real person, real life, he cannot handle his life. He is just a construction workers trying to survive.

Even like the hunger game, Gail character....if Tony’s maturity just 1/10 of that + uncle JC, it would have been much better but those things remains in the movie. It’s not real.

I become the uncle JC and for her. 

☔️ Perms

 Chutney confesses that she intended to kill Brooke because she hated the fact that her father married someone who was the same age as she is, but she inadvertently killed her father instead.

Halsey and Miguel Pineapple skies both have a girl that perm her hair.

Perms as like in the Legally Blonde 1 - on the trial stand.

Same age as me. There is a Q. Now Nick becomes Harry too? Or Barbossa has a daughter.

Eye brow, we used to play Mona Lisa because she was the sitting down = chairman = judge. It might be on a trial thing the way Halsey looks.

Back wings not sure if meant symbolic justice.

Time is right = when I change my representation to Purna, fired Callahan.

Trial on why you kill your father, if you getting married to Eben hurt Nick? That would sound like a strange case unless you are to travel somewhere to look for curses like with Barbossa. 

Hey, the legal department ...did the movie become real have an effect on your legal system? Because that movie came out just right after 2000!! 

No, me and him don’t have paper. No, not even common-in-law. It probably could but I just never went on that route because ...maybe I really don’t want that.


Like I said before ...

 If these biblical story to be true, it’s a judgement time.

Things will get clear. Think of the bright side, you get a Yundi. I got nobody, except invisible. Ma’am Ching Hai, she is a nun. You still have a brand new life to pursue.

Eben ...I have no idea a smart person like him how far he will research on these movies business. 

In case whatever you decide in the future, I wish you the best luck.

Do we watch the same CNN?

 ... ...nothing. 

Something white. Something black. Maybe watch CNN.

Yundi - did you decide what he is a pianoist?

 When an Asian has money to learn how to play the piano, he got class.

The black is that the slave class ?

Under God’s kingdom, he is a slave class ? They reading Timothy Bible? Widow, elder, slave ( Nick snd I?)

So?? Yundi got class.

Earth has a prophecy for 2000 years

 In case India is not the only limited country on the Earth map.

In front of the Universe, you still need to open your mouth to talk so they “others” might hear you.

That’s to me, still very intuitive.

I know you want to help him. I would rather you look on the TV to worry about your exit. Is that kind of instruction too bold? When you decide you to be married to Mr Pagan, what was you thinking? Did you ever think Eben was either too smart for doing that or he is too crazy just by doing that? Or from my perspective, he is told to marry to whom like the Hollywood big stars? And his choice is to turn India to paganism ? Have I wonder 1000 questions I might have from his face to my story to Harry Potter and alike movie ? Magic school for paganism ? The people who I talked to like Simon or Keanu seems to me are a serious person. Neville? He always ends up in the strange side of the story everywhere. But I can see him are doing serious business talk. He is too tie up so he becomes the humor in the classroom ? He got hang on the ceiling light by Pixie! Because to you, Pixie don’t exist ....asking me? His name is far too wide famous !

He has to do it by himself

 You gonna tell him what the Indian like to hear or what is the tradition ?

Are you sure you don’t want to be locked up in the castle?

Under “one photo”, there was a hat with a blonde guy

 That position is like a guard position. 

The high school musical. Troy has a basketball team. Eben happens to dress green.

But he is not a blonde!!

I tell you what, I feel stupid to talk to Eben on the movies and TV. I didn’t expect I get him here. I am so used to talk to the Millitary behind for a while to see where the story developed on the movies. They know something, I might know something. We both side agree the TV somewhat true and real.

Did you work on Eben to make him feel ease if these TV craps are real? It is not looking good! 

Legally Blonde 1, someone broke up to run for a politician so the blonde girl then decides to go to Harvard. Yeah, I never think about it. You are not a blonde to ever say if that will be a legal issue. Halsey music song says “Color”, it’s blue color. You can choose Hinduism table. Have you watched them? I watched a few they had on my YouTube panel.

Does he want to run for a politician ? Conquering India!!

No I didn’t say Eben was Siddarthra

 I specifically says 夕陽黃昏

And that is because I look at his face clearly the other day. You want me to get closer to see his face?

Back in days, there were the princes. When they say they so and so are cousins, are they the princes too?

Of course I know that story. It’s not the same story I am aware of. To conquer India, because of the modern law, things on the TV told by the American are no no things. I hope you actually knew that not just getting hurt deeply what’s present on everyone’s table. The modern setting including ma’am Ching Hai, I specify there are works to do. What Eben is, I currently have no idea. But apparently everyone can conclude what you are from on the TV.

Halsey -Castle and Huntsman -Winter War


I still always think it’s the US ...

 Babaji: no, you are right. US did a lot of works.

I just thought the US does a lot a lot works. Does India even have food for their people? A function society system to ensure the democracy fosters? Something like that, and people don’t live more than 100 years old....so the spiritual order could only exist if they can live longer and remain healthy wise?

Babaji: do you mean human or ET?

Kinda of.

Babaji: that’s a secret. 

TV says India

 Babaji: they know you are doing it, does not mean they want others go and doing it with you. Unless they wanted to.

Does India really have spiritual order ?

Babaji: why you ask?

Today Purna keep saying the church newspaper.

Babaji: That’s not in India is it?

No. I think there are people existed but I don’t know whom exists.

US not the only ones?

 Babaji: imagine if they follow what you did up to now, how many people will know how to reviews your friends all around the world !

I think they just few people still can do all the jobs.

Babaji : not just few people.

Did they tell the other nations ?

Babaji: No, they did not.

You lying with a smile.

Babaji: No, I didn’t lie.

You better be right. 

Babaji: I promise! If your friends don’t know you are doing it, a lot of people don’t know neither.

Okay ...

Medical doctors : my friends

 If you done what I do for 10 years, closely...reading, exercising = walking that 4 blocks distance everyday, diet, water, juicing, oil, etc etc....and they sent you to go examine my buddies friends? Now I know for sure what you did. You go and review others!!!

I know you review them.

I know you did my programs.

But I didn’t know you are connected programs. What exactly you want to know these reviews ... of course they don’t know that. But are you going to say the entire medical field don’t know? You cannot do that!

Oh yes you can! 

All right. They definitely don’t know okay? The entire procedure. You even not sure if they know where is these organs are in the body to draw them.

You gonna carry that programs every year to disclose all our secrets? My secrets and theirs ?

Okay. It’s every year !! That takes 10 years!!


 I saw.

I am not comfortable you changing your hair back and forth. But if its their Congress people dying to hear from me for something, I did try we talked.

There is a Congress part, whether they first knew it or later they gonna find out. How the legal system turns more smooth in making laws, only they know what's going on to figure it out the movie.

The movie instruction is calling you, and calling them. Some people have to work on it. 

You just wait ...the hair things can wait.

SMCH: It’s Love That Counts, March 26, 2021


NSYNC, there is a Torus, he married to Michael. Do I think of you? Not really. Your gossip or your ex husband are men. You might get along with the women, that I would think, yes. Girls are mostly in the nursing so I am in a more Natural Science group. When the school divided us. 

Would I think you are a sinner? No. That word is a little bit too heavy ...if you just stole something. But you did turn on the facet by your unintentionally act. There is a consequence you should know as a grown up mature person. It is like when you grew up, I can talk to you about it. Why did you do that, do you see what has happened around the world? Have you think what would be causing others to heart ache, if they knew about it? 

Do I care about their heart ache? No. Anyone who has grown in a spiritual setting environment, should grow up too.

No, I would NOT think what collective karma, or their individual karma to got into this black magic stuffs? It happens. That's it. I would not think much of that. This is a judgement Time. You or them would ask me about the judgement meant. I can tell you what I think.

If India gives something truly Dark Magic ...that statement does not sound right. But okay, if they or you know how to reflect, then touch the surface of the subject. You understand this process if trying again, you would not do that again! 

Alcohol, I have not drank it. But there is an orange person passing by a wine shop. I follow him or her to see that. Tesla talks about alcohol somewhat. I might in the future. I am not comfortable with that because I never drinks. I don't know how. But for the body, I will take some in the future might be. 

No, I am not practice now. But I still sign in that your card system here. Occasionally. For my mother or wait a bit for my brother. Its probably not possible. I really like him to be exposed to this big groups, like how India would do too for their family type of people. Brotherhood world widely has a supporting roles to one's character building. What you did from the start although was not right, but as a group, you did set up an example for a lot of people.

Money and sin? I think you know how to handle your life, so far, I didn't read that much stuffs on the newspaper or any police reporting you yet? Its good you think about it. 

Do you still want to searching for God? That is the question that I would ask you. If you rule a kingdom with enough gold, that is how you gonna grow. You better know what you were doing. I know we say Bible said your maddeningly wine and toxic stuffs, but you are ruling. Doing things in front of you, you gonna accumulate that entire gold and never touched it to sink the bank on whichever country that sits on? I think you were clever enough so far to cover yourself this life, wait until I got online. You did suffer somewhat, haven't you? 

I am not here to asking you to suffer. 

Before years 2000, about 50 years ago, you were born, to run around on the street. Someone will spot you searching quest to God. Do you understand that? So remember that !

天災, 人禍, 地劫

 I was looking all those natural disasters, human activities, earthquake dates, tornado occurring times...(2015)

If you gonna call me something in 2014, I went to take all the data out to look for numbers.

Like my sister birthday 425. Nepal Earthquake - how many people die. That’s one thing.(2015)

Shadow and Ode image


建華, 李維的書: Shadows and Ode to Happiness

 Keanu =李維

He engage with someone who together wrote a book name Shadow. 你去驢數有約的那個女的 interview 過李維的書嗎叫做 shadow.

Shadow 是全世界後面的一種政府,我其實不喜歡討論其他事情

他還有一本書 ode to happiness 

Ode is a civilization in Cayce Edgar reading to do with Tesla past reincarnation history.

Keanu has Joy writing his first novel

 I saw the novel name but I keep turning blank ...BRZRKR

Br= bromine ...that’s above chlorine, HCL is a very strong acid. HBr is acidic nature.

I know KR= Keanu Reeves 

ZR? Like Sr but Z? Calling ET Mr?

8:10 I went to sleep 2:00 up, that’s 6 hours


現在 3:30 am, I go back to sleep a bit













Things I read : as if I went through with it.

 Some people talk about ET or their experience, I used to will have these “going” with them. They talk about the astral projection or seeing poker with the eyes close with a practice nature. As long as they describe it in the language, I have this “going” with what they describe. 

One person did describe the greys lab. There is an image will pop up. I shut off the website, I don’t read that anymore. 

When I investigate 911, crop circle as well as the crystal skull.... there are things that’s not all light all glorious all light workers talks. There are things can fill with evil. Until actually seen it, the world is not paper made like the center people saying Master this Master that, they come in to help you etc etc ...the life is smoother because you pray etc....

Babaji: did you pray that time?


Babaji: why didn’t you?

I just need to stop reading and go back to live my life. Those people they choose to live outside the Millitary or they run away the norm or something to leaking information. 

Babaji: will you think they are heroic ?

Heroic ? That’s a heavy word to use. No, I would not. I remember there is a fact they talk about it. Facts. Things as they describe to me is as that they describe. No more no less. I don’t see photo of whom talking anyway, so it’s just black and white color words “as that”


 Babaji: Tell Eben how did you used to punish people?

In the 5 Lord Reviews, there are half time, one before. One after. First half is only 2 or 3 days ...Second half is 7 months. Victoria Secrets documents my traveling path while I went on God Searching. In Quan Yin methods, before a Quan Yin messenger interview the reason why you want to be initiated into the lineage, I will get an interview by the local contact person. Except, Buffalo we don’t have a contact person. The nearest person was in Rochester. After I got initiated in Toronto, I went to NYC contact person. That’s first day Toronto, second day Rochester, third day New York City so on so forth.

Rochester sound like roaches and they did a girl chewing something with a big hanging but stuffs looks like roaches so that second day punishment I told them was to look for roaches. But because North America weather is dry, you actually don’t have that much of roaches to populate in a whole room for one person to be punished... they have to import roaches but by the third day I say stop, unless it’s everyone does together, we cannot open this. For “unity”. If continue its Ne = you w Y or K. K = liking, Y = Penis. The final day results are chopping pieces til you jump into Bermuda Triangle.

Babaji: I want to hear the chopping pieces parts.

NSYNC has these tapes they tapes on their own clothings while they doing the concert. I change my face color often for that, do it or don’t do it? What should I do?

Babaji: she does not even know a mud person can be glue funny things on the body. Reptilian shows her how the arms can grow back. 

The shooting gay club ...that’s what happened before the 5 Lord review before when I was in the valley. It’s because I open a YouTube clip on Simon farewell American idol.

Babaji: it’s all she knew person on the runway...

It’s by memory ...like I remember where did I go after NYC, I went to Thailand retreat, she gave gifts, I went to Taiwan retreat, them I went to Europe for retreat, them I turn back to a new contact person name Calvin. They show strange person between Debra Rochester contact person til Calvin.

Babaji: she was investigating Sandy hook shooting before...

My best advice is you follow what they tell you. Or else, it’s like living hell to see what’s on the TV counting black and white dress people on the stage one by one, how many that died. I used to read a lot of alternative media stories ...my life that time is filled up with fears already. Because of Tesla nature. Anything with the Millitary is always a stiff nature. It’s not a question. You don’t question them. I can have doubts but it’s not I would go and questions them. Especially, the reptilian or ET business. 


Bluestone 42 (Mathrew Lewis)



Ripper Street (Mathrew Lewis)



 To Eben, in Zen their highest priest become a cooking chef for the group.

Your birthday if + 1=rat


+5= sheep

No no, I am not asking you to cook. You name yourself Pagan, I would not know if you have a religious belief. 

Between my brother and me, that’s my sister Tina, also a rat.

Red River (Chinese words)

 Okay, we have two different words here ...

禁衛長官 or commander-in-chief 

On the book 16th page 161 or chapter 45 page 1

I thought in Chinese words are the chief guards. But in English, it becomes the Commander?

Are we on Lamb position all these time for? Yeah!

Ratatouille (2007)

 A mouse story on cooking.

Remy is a highly intelligent and idealistic young rat with unusually acute senses of taste and smell who dreams of becoming a chef like his idol, the late Auguste Gusteau.

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation


Victoria Secret 2014 - fairytale


Victoria Secret 2014 has a fairytale (Take me to Church)

琥珀 and 琉璃

 Amber is the Jurassic Park, that stone has a misquote in it and it’s DNA has to do with the 🦖 Dinosour 

Liuli is not iron like they say it on the book Tito in the Red River (photo below)

They are beautiful made.

The Amber store is next to it. Every time I see Dinosour, I thought they are classified related.

Babaji: Halsey happens to be 26, what a coincidence!!

 DIDNT I tell you I don’t like these kinds of ...

Babaji: Separation. You don’t say it, I say it for you.

They are dating guru.

Babaji: and someone just love to destroyed that, why don’t you find out the reason first?

And where should I go and find out the reasons?

Babaji: the store you hate to go and matching in “tittot”

Red River? I start to think only I thought of that book exist, and by the way I stop reading that. They meant I might get preganent 

Babaji: No, you won’t, just feel safe reading it through.

... ... I been to that store, there is nothing particular.

Babaji: They make the whole store at it.

Okay okay ...her first task.


 If his office is entirely on him Eben, I take that. Your opinion don’t count. Correct.

As a listener, I would understand you have a kid. But for the big picture if I didn’t seen the show and this Eben run around and tell me north west east south, I would still listen to him. That’s part of the job description I received long before all these happened. I started with ma’am Ching Hai.

It may take days, weeks, months....til you two have to work it out. This whole life time still after he die, we pick up where we left off here.

You think that’s a terrible show?

 She is just more expressive. When you had some photo with Eben, I also think you are very express about yourself. 

When Nick used to go to seminar in the 90s, I always hear about how people join the party ...

I always talk about you ? Eben has to be grouped here, meaning no matter what’s he did right or wrong, I as the head household, has to tolerant any decision he decides with his life. With you, you are part of the outsider. It is not very kind to say, but there are not that many people in the Buddhism I have to group it, with Eben, correct, I would have to care for him on his ground more than with you. It’s a free express society, I will just tell you about it. But I still talking to you.

No matter what he Eben does, Buddhism has to be his home, for that part, I would always takes his liking more than the others. No matter he is right or he is wrong. Same like ma’am Ching Hai too. I listen to what she had to say more.

Time is not forever ...

 You can decide fast if you want to. Time does not wait, in case we both haven’t seen the new Victoria Secrets yet. It’s true. Eben? He can learn about religion, think of life after, traveling to visit Yogananda’s place...this is the end time? What does that mean to him? We are going to keep our memory after we die and continue these? Tesla gives him a job on the television. If the Prince of Persia he needs this one movie to be very very true, so = other movies might be true? What does that mean to his new adventure!

If you found a new somebody, maybe in the future you may even help Eben. You have a character in the entertainment world, how many of people would dream to be part of that, to follow the profiles.

Me before you

 Do you have to follow their instruction to find somebody?

MIB 2 I think there is a dark skin girl be sent away by a capsule, unlike the Pirates of Caribbean monkey story has a wedding vow with a few ship of people before or after the films.

You don’t have to ...when you say expel if like 夕陽黃昏, you set your time doing what’s important they are telling you to do.

Purna no matter how she is...since 2001, she is doing her best to be the capital Barbie. I am actually happy for her. She probably does not think like I think, but she grows. It’s the growth you gonna stop your life for one Eben? Think about it.

5 major religions : they are collecting ....

 They are not saying it in front but, it’s very competitive.

They each religion are aiming at each groups merits to see their Top leaders encompass what ability to rule their religions. 

Yeah, I say if it’s by blood and someone born with less reading techniques, we slowly teaching them. They are not hearing that.

Because ... Eben meant to nick something.

 I didn't really know whom Eben is, or was. But nick was very fond of Eben. If you are a decent human being, you should talk to him, as Lalla, what happened. You may not need to tell him the whole details, because he may not understand it. He always told me, he cannot understand a thing. But Eben meant something to him. For real. 

So think about it. 

Nope, I will not tell nick these....you meant the Secrets? No.

Eben and her? Ma'am, probably not.

 I think Purna still wants to practices somewhat. Recently I saw her on the television. She looks like she still interested in the God's teaching. She did not make the process disappear yet.

And that story of the Sunsets ...Siddarthra I mentioned Ramses story with the Ancient Chasez was 3 days darkness, like execution story with Ankeheseamen. A Happy ending movie I saw was Ella Enchanted...but when did you care about how is she turning out? Just saying? 

I honest don't know what role Eben is playing right now. For now, he is a kind of Mentor to her. That I would say everyone can have Eben's as a mentor if they just go on the internet and response to him, and talk to him! Most people are withdrawn.

This life, she is a little too short for Eben. She got enough people around if she really needs that attention. I believe she still pursuing a big Goal, towards Enlightenment. 

So the movie just saying it? I just tell you, I hope its not like that, tell me how she gonna die? I am still her guardian, you know. I won't want that to happen.

"So Eben gonna execution people now?"

Do you also have a language problem? So Eben? Nope! Planting the seed, I hope not. Celine Dion's song. There are so many these Time traveling, or sci-fi fiction movies. Two grown up human being, to your height, you have to behave a little more like yourself, understand?

Do you want to find Anan, and talk to him? Sure. If he is a famous Ananda. No, I don't mind. I cannot talk to him, or Dr. Steven. My entire external worlds is out of the communication.

Do I miss Anan? Not right now. We were about the same height. At the beginning, when I saw you and Eben, I was happy for both of you. I just didn't think the Wedding ceremony was my liking to watch it online publically like that. But if it was a private events, I would have more than happy to see you guys making it for the rest of you two life.

Halsey - Without Me (Live From The Victoria’s Secret 2018 Fashion Show)

 Tell you, how I feel ....yeah, we should talk about it. Me and Lalla.

Do I think you are like that? 

...Nomadic ....there is a Jewish story, I am on a different song, Miguel (Told you so) in the introduction. I am a Jewish God. There is calling looks like...bring people or group them. To me, you are an Indian side, and if Eben is a Jewish, how did you get involved in his social circle? Its a different tradition from India, where two Indian family met, and brings a union together. You speak very well in English, I assume, you grew up in the USA. You are a very soft spoken person. 

Tattoo all over? Do I really think you like that?

It presents to me like that. Eben is a Jewish, and I will have some responsibility over some Jewish matter, as a family. 

Like I told Purna, remember to say you are leaving the Buddhism, before you move on to this Indian 500 years old Hinduism. I did say, they were sorting the houses, and the table is present to a lot of people when the Buddhism is missing its table. 4 major religion. 

why? Because I was not eating that much for a period of time, unlike now, they fed me to raise me like a piggy. It could be none of the reason I said why there is one table missing to the front, the professor's table.

Feel all right?

Things don't sort in one day. You are a therapist... listing a few pages of your questions, fair or not fair. Anything. You answer that yourself one by one. 

If I see the songs like that, I know what to do, that does not mean I will suggest you what to do. Its your life, and your relationship with the Ideal Eye foundation, if they seal on top of it. If you wish to hear them more to talking to you, you follow through with them. You don't have to tell me, what you or you and Eben decides to do. Its you and them relationship. Don't forget that. They exist. I only regent.