Userbility Test

 I am a librarian, I do the userability test.

It’s design to get to know the user better, to know what interests then to read, to listen to feel cooking tonight or order menu Pizza Hut.

Normally you have money you hire the professional to calibrate all the factors how the public reacts on the given material such as Wikipedia or Library academia resource require a login box. Called Cataloging System.

Users have a variety interests, that’s how they blend their life mostly on the internet now - socializing. It used to be a chat room, or discussion forum to get a user name every Saturday night to go in the chat box room. You will see how many people are all typing at the same time, but that era was over. It’s social media now !

Social media can do an userbility test. What’s that to do with you?

Facebook Group Page:

It’s an interests page you set up reunion with people’s name on it. I used to know my 5th grader Boy Perfect. If you are administrator of that page, you can add other administrators, if both you have a functional websites, you can both link to the pages both owned by you.

Your Website

You can have multiple website. 

A Company 

An individual

An Ecommence 

A University Falculty creates org, or edu participation whole School Website (if you are that good )  

Organization (org) or edu

Email account unique 

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