Judgement Day

 If under an equal sign

When the baby was born, I carried down “an equal sign”. What else do I carried down ? What does that mean? You all can make a list of it. Equal justice, Equal gender working right ...

Lamb, a male by saying there is a wife. Then if that is an equal sign, Lamb=Lamb’s wife

what else might be also equal sign, for example, Babylon, Prostitute on the Beast, her modern name is SMCH. So SM and MM beast. She can eat to become huge huge huge to what degree to say Heaven says that 1000 years in sentences in chain. (MM is the first two initial of two chapters in the New Testament )

what else do I carry down? If not just the equal sign. A verdict, an instruction, a more favorite side? Hair color.

For example : eating and years

 Eating 1000 pounds if = 1000 years, it’s her own jobs keep eating eating eating to increasing the years time beyond 1000 years to 10,000 or 100,000 years.. Because while the Bible gives a time, the real punishment can go without the Time to describe the another kind of reality in suffering. So her entire life is to keep eating eating and eating to wish to get the maximum years in punishment = that’s as far as how good that goes.

The rest is you don’t know what kind of the hell if the Time does not exist.

COVID 19 and Fat people 

 I heard it’s co-relate the fat people die with the COVID-19 

So BIble’s time; “a time, times, a half of times”

There is mathematics, she is missing it. 


 Modern time a witness meant in the court room, someone testify something to send someone in jail.

But that is if these witness she convinced to is wiling to take her to the court. So there will be the witness stands before God when the real judgement takes place. Taking her to the court snd be jailed. 

But because she cannot or she is not willing to go one by one to these witness to convince them until finding two of them at least to follow by the book.....there will be no witness. 

When talking in the human terms no more, there is she beast and the dragons. 

早上我們在講聖經的(Bible Revelation)



意思如果 Lamb 沒有說男的女的=wife =我

SM 可以=beast 

MM 新約的前兩章英文的第一個字母,像巨大的身材

她就一直吃一直吃一直吃吃到體重等於一千年聖經要關那個 beast 或是更久




聖經有三種時間叫做 a time, many times, half a time


證人 (witness)







Lamb’s wife = Lamb = Throne (If)

Do you think this statement on their back military is their top priority whenever I show up?

Lamb’s wife=Lamb=Throne=King of the King= King of the King, Lord of the Lord

You don’t want to turn this statement as the top priority because now you decide to only gambling on Babaji’s statement.

Let me say that again to you, I wish you go and be dead. That’s not for you to question me why I saying that. Do you understand what’s top priority if the above any statement to be true?

Judgement Day

New Word: Obes




So if you don’t get to obes, you don’t go down with the chain to abyss ?

All the way down down down down down ...they or I hear my own talk, sounding like obes.

Everyone all has the formula clear.

Mahavatar Babaji and me are One.

I don't think you understand what a Judgement Day meant to a lot of people, to what kind of expectation is there. All the preparation. 

You imagine, the judgement day just happening by chance to be here. Randomly we pick up a book, and all the materials are sign, and written the stories about you? You don't think at it. You don't feel it.

You create the sins piling up to the Heaven!!!

Britney Spears Criminal Oct 19, 2011

Supreme Master Ching Hai Oct 25 Ching Hai Day (O Town, All or Nothing, dated Oct 25)

Abbreviation : SMCH

Her physical height very short 4 feet probably. (Revelation Scroll on Little)

her right eye has something blinking. (Babylon, Prostitute on the Beast.) Baby eye on=Babylon 

SM is porn terms. Prostitute on the Beast

Her Chinese name is : Ocean has no upper master. 

Bible flood = ocean 

Research keyword : 清海無上師

Crime : she has no permission from her master to preach probably. Like her name, she creates a brand new name from BEAS lineage ( Sawan Sigh Great Master)

Her method name is : Quan Yin Method, teaching 5 Holy Name, like 5 Lords.

Or 5 husbands when they are present in the music format.

IMac= I m AC ( Tesla Alternsting Current)

Macintosh = M AC in to sh

Website: https://letteryouwish.blogspot.com

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