
⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫ if you just observed your life, it’s better and better each day JUST like she promised, you all believe it already, you cannot have a shocking paradigm just a snap of finger ? Can you think ? You really think Life is like that? Everything on this planet is slow motion. Everything, Mountain fold and I still be here ?

 I have no ideas how you live by life what’s real, what’s not real.

Yeah, they know girls cry

Yeah, they try out 1000000 girls story people taught them

Yeah there are might no heart in it

Yeah, there are W cases, drop knife, pick up drop knife, pick up, after changing the room, no more balcony ?

Well…you all will not get that far.it’s called slave.

Lauren cry, I bring others in…I will not do that ever again !!

These positions are everywhere.

Unbelievable you define what’s done on purpose what’s not. Justin soak into a swimming a pool, that’s a far away beach. Not the next guard office door, there to make friends yeah, one of those, he will die story 

I am telling you, it’s 3/4

Babaji: right

Try to die, yeah, it’s W body. Here?

It’s not very real, so they have mirror testing you see it not seeing it?

No, cannot see it.

There are so many ways they are becoming perfect Lover’s games…

So sick of it.

It’s deformed. Inside, they are by blood, royal. Kail and his cousin whatever long distance, they might be all the …

 It’s just (lust), and real love in this World definition.

It’s sickening disease.

He put you a photo all the time? Look like he didn’t move test you? Yeah, 10 times, it’s a photo.

It’s his brother needs lust at beach. No,

Go back to Kail, his brother will tie you up last frames, sex, and left

Found back, you jump. Go where Kail go no matter what, no matter what.

No, I don’t care about any of them, it’s for your own good.

That brother will really really scream. No, it’s last frame - he did everything all like the plan he planned, you will fall to him. It’s last frame, he knows you love him, sex, drugs, wealth, games, comfer, everything you wish for.

Just do what I say exactly.


Death ?

No one knows that story. It’s an end.


看見愛情? 📞📞📞♫♫♫ https://youtu.be/iZ_MV8Sr4BA

 她常常做那種事情,越南小尼姑,她心底的不是滋味,那是一種幼稚行為,老人也會有,非常 refine but exist. Not her. 他們訓練她會吐出字來掰東西依照她的心情,電視上沒看到嗎?修行者不會做無辜的事情,叫做『只有看起來』,不覺得嗎?


要有人去幻想我可能覺得什麼,那,那種所謂 Production Team, She SMTV hired 要付錢請出來的人寫東西、她只是沒有聽敘述、順便不用知道,不是她真心話,她悔寫字




我的世代 ….


There is a Chinese, there is a Savage 2

 Why don’t you just read back …

Reed, you got family intact, you had aunty on book and PC after 70s Hippi legacy passing down genes to drop acids.

Chemistry law protocol first thing.

Eben don’t make it the first day that class to say liscense far genetics.

Babaji: right 

Spending time to argue with me, just like you thought intend, it’s to reckon Tesla decree world if you dare, you care, you could, able, to?

 Why not make it ? Making it ?

So song it.

There is a microphone ! Device equip !

Babaji: right 

I complete Eben’s post just now, and then Justin being Self?


Why don’t you all try Web 2.0, like it’s hard to get in Harvard classroom, I only went twice ? You own all of them. If you just type in with the brilliant mind to say read…

Babaji: Saturn her look all the time, all the time Sailor Saturn comics tale

No I was telling Eben

 Sometimes you might just check it later.

Babaji: right 



 Everyone has what they suppose to do things in life.

What a mature human supposes to be doing.

Babaji: right 




No, I was looking at Apple Words Gift I him behind political spirituality public reaction very negative to force others to buy me stuffs ? No, I don’t look at MD… this is not the first round we arrive here and to be honest, they heard so far, what they expect you to become by that much of high tuition yo be paid by somebody, you waste your one life time for money is on records with bullet points lists of all he’ll break lose terms & condition.

 I go to sleep…

Simon you all cared, not your MD transcript, you reading him news? What do they say?

It says Simon is getting very old, by he is 70, if he train Ola MD like I Anna Talent to, it’s years he wish someone will talk to him, he cares the most is someone soft like Ola not to drop him, when you get old that, friends starts to die, his son becomes insurance sign in elderly home…that time is not NOW.

Babaji: right 

My lips peeled in front of Apple and sing “Everyday of my life ….”小鬼小和尚會不會撕你們嘴巴的皮,流血?

 I thought you remember it’s painful. The lip skin.

Nick always say don’t…it bothers me.

The lip can peel!

Babaji: right 

Do you know what it takes for someone to go beat someone somewhere so badly every day of my life … …drag, torment, put oil on fire …to come out?

It’s known in some China legand, but that’s not the story. They normally just ask politely.

Babaji: yeah I did that?

You should just pretend he really knows it because there are crowd follows him. I am not paying attention about him, not the rest mankind by religion. 

So if I do just that …

 What does that mean ?

Babaji: right 

You are not yet be poked at all…girls, to target girls ? You know yourself ? On purpose poking not a blade touch your face, it’s a line bleed?

 The whole face skin off still just a thin layer of the cover …I will tell you that.

MD? How deep is the blood?

Immediately flow?

How do you bleed on your skin?

So knees ?

How to uncover your skin require a thick layer of that center meter skin?

Not really you think, it’s a pin on nerve? How shallow ?

A pin.


That’s nerve at.

How tall is the sigma grow? if you cut it down, you’ll never know, have you EVeR wonder the wolf cry to the blue corn moon or ask the wild cat why he grim, can you sing all the voice of the moutain, can you paint all the color of wind, can you paint all the color of the wind ….

you think you own whatever land you land on ….

Babaji: right 

You have read books, you have heard tale, you have seen movies-plots, what you call swindle between groups interests to gain a political favor in your money pocket …mostly for money not really the skill to swindle.

 Nick never needs me to do that. When we met, he didn’t ask me to.

You all just participate the world politics structure in the front sector of things to looks right to you, education through words.

What China or if there are other skills War of the Fight Art, between human mind, you only take it as psychology how to manipulate.

Manipulate means invisibility. We are in public arena, I spill you every road map, one step to step, history, literacy even copy exact Chinese ancient phrase one by one, can you do it?

It’s right in front of you, all you ever want, all you ever claim, all you ever try, all you ever dream, all you ever hope for … …you don’t understand ? Life and people pass by you or me Anna, in the party of Devil Wear Prada, like a wind…it is a passing it’s a look, it’s a raise the hat, it’s a watching, it’s you walk from the door to your parents, your MD crowd, your supervisor ..,

I am above all Top, what do I think truly how to ruin a stranger completely forever ? Truth !

Babaji: right 

Guys are very competitive, when they see something they can emulate … do you know why you born as a girl, dirt blood girl ? Bad blood issues and pain ?

 You are really not trying at all.

Babaji: right

Make it 100% accuracy precision before you open a damn word what you think you ever dare to speak before me…you should know this is judgement !

 You forget all the time.

All the time

What time it is now

Why I am qualify to be here at all.

Babaji: right

You treat precept like a dirt!

I used to have a 2nd or 3rd grade photo, one in 5th grade. In that grade, we had a substitute teacher, someone implied something about that teacher, everyone likes that substitute teacher. We even all together go to her house, a group of us.

 But she was just the substitute. If you ask me now…

You know, talking in between the 5th graders are teacher to kids… …she is like a big sister, tall, look decent, just like a teacher.

We have every grader different teacher, 4th grader or 3rd grader was a fat women.

3rd grader, I still report to the teacher on the back of the classroom what others did….

Those politics …people don’t like you to go tell the teacher of things you heard

We had lunch box 3rd grader …I swallow it, almost vomit it out first time eating lunch box from the school.

They translate? Yeah?

I did a lot of things in my life, if I say things to you clearly, you should just listen it well, truly. Don’t argue with me.

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am looking at my phone …. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I am busy

Babaji: right, you are busy whole day.









什麼是師門? 法門知道嗎?法脈?














他叫做畢書盡,但是他的名字很難唸,我可能就稱呼給你們叫他畢哥哥,小鬼小和尚,他蠻高的,你們看過建華嗎?侍衛長的那個?我知道你們再想什麼… … 他怎麼了?

你們小鬼小和尚是?求救找不到人,就尖叫他們,識時務者而俊傑,你們現在是跟誰戰?吃電鍋東西吃夠了沒?你們上學自己做便當還是吃學校的? 你們好像只能吃白飯,以前我吃壓麵包的三明治


在台灣這邊,你們在中國吧?澳洲是我們同一個 time zone,電視上所謂起司🧀️澳洲是不一樣美國的,做起來比較漂亮,叫做焗烤, 以前我就是吃焗烤長大的,澳洲的那種起司焗烤可以變顏色好看,我其實不太喜歡美國起司什麼都不能做,拿起來吃而已,但是所謂真正的起司很多是歐洲的,你們對食物有興趣嗎?你們到底每天在寺廟學俠咪? 所謂烘培王,我知道麵包,有沒有起司這項煮菜創意,我吃過所謂工廠做出來的 ricotta 起司,在加拿大🇨🇦,阿南只會做的事情叫做做飯、買他知道的所有起司,你們找時間問他好了,他畢竟是真的義大利人,起司會是一項特別科目,你們吃澳洲起司夾麵包,最簡單,學校的人不會知道你們是和尚小鬼的


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Other things ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 📞 https://youtu.be/iZ_MV8Sr4BA











Life is ephemeral? A temporary home, Dr Steven says you don’t know the words ephemeral ? The upheaval of life is ephemeral ? What do they say MCAT was?

 The up down of life is upheaval of life?

Dr Steven suppose to be much better language ….MD. Did he really do that? Birds of Paradise …

Concur is = agreeing to someone or something.

You are all just shallow = superficial, vanity calling for attention 

Attention deficit…lack of attention, needs to be told someone love you house in house out, needs to talk about feelings ….feeling to feel sentimental child wining like Snapes says Harry Potter his father is a swine …

Didn’t you read all these basic words from some books ?

Babaji: right

Why am I getting a strange feeling on English literature or just English vocabulary ?

Babaji: right  

⭐️ I describe my period. I feel the blood or egg coming off, I go to shower it because I got nothing else to do, do you know why I feel? No!”⭐️

 You guessing a lot of this process…

You guess your body.

If you feel your ass itchy, you scratch with the underwear, you smell your finger from the outside underwear, it’s smelling, you wash with soap.

The lining or the muscle scratch, so you will smell by scratching it. Otherwise how you wash it? The ass? Behind. Finger nail?

Babaji: right 

No, you imagine you knowing “only the words”. You never actually feel it, to imagine 100 times multiplication math to become, I shock. I cannot talk about it.

 Your head is like a murder?

Self talk down?

Imagine revenge others like guys?

Unappreciated blindness yourself to do tiny favor others?

Lazy to clean?

Darkness in the house ?

Babaji: right 

If you ask people whom made it the fasting, they will all tell you the body meant Bible says. But what I didn’t know was how bad each your head, that’s…very bad, because the body is Bible meant to say, I know the mechanism, the time you really doing it or trying to do it ….you ever gonna tell me I have a better karma.

 I just don’t really saying it.

Babaji: right

Is there O.D.D some natural path doctor ? I just remember… and where are the doctors/ herbalist went ?

 Doctors …isn’t Medical Board administrator them?

I am just like Keanu meant to say, on a chair to be ET like.

Babaji: right 

Do you someone call MH, Nick has a best friend like Frozen say John. MH writes himself, I write myself, John …he is a different kind.

 I have no idea…the discussion in Curezone, did you all read MH says ?

No, I would not write like that, certain things.

Babaji: right 

You know we actually narrow down a lot of things what ought to do ? A basic human standard?

 Your attitude …

Whatever, you can start now


You are Ola groups meeting me less than 10 people really, finish that job, we both side free!! You just hear a new age movement! By chance.

Babaji: right 

Some ancient teaching did say your internal language and being …is become outworldly manifestation not just in fate meeting guys, jobs, connection, happiness, social network to get to you wish the next destination ? Leap, jump, flip?

 You are all such spoil by your father …if I have a father like Trump money, my diet design my own programs …it’s so easy going life with the kitchen anything I ever wanted !!!!

High tech!!

Babaji: right 

From zero you know you build up one day like 5 Lord did, starting skin, shape, scent? Fitness & Diet, and then language internal + external

 Skin, face like if you have pimpo, and remove modes

Shape, you fast a week, or two, will break the diet patterns. Then you continue 3 weeks juicing, truly, you don’t do 2 weeks only, you do 7 months. I read that book. Dr Christopher. But I design my way if I need to lose more weights?

Scent, period is the biggest thing but mouth, if raw and juicing I remember Nick told me. If he is honest. Periods to clean under there, but if you have no period, I sit in my chair let’s say paints, shorts, I can smell urine too, before. That’s very bad. Urine, guys don’t have that external thing like girls? I don’t like to be with the guy near by for the only reason I have to clean clean clean…if I know how !

Babaji: right

If you have my skin color? Skin COLOR? Try to ever wish anything I am telling you. I know what’s that you wish.


Babaji: right 

Do you girls MD love foods? Like really really love food? Love !! Because Ola and I might meet you sitting across to eat? With two of us?

 Not me stuffs, I look horrible on just about anything that Disney try.

You will think the whole world has no more hope…

Do you propose the bill, what we do in Williamsville before Nick die and ETR got married ?

Babaji: right 

You MD should ask Nick my connection about …things you care the most, for real. Rest of your life meant …

 I heard some

I work in some places seen some

I met some in real time, space, by chance.

You know Indian 500 years old, I say to my mother Rockfeller, it might be boiling down just few very simple cases not Cayce Edgar at all.

But I know it exists !

Babaji: right 

I am not the orthrodox …I am Curezone that MH kind, that kind of …=we both can.


Do you finish that you all MD I am breatharian how methods becomes figure obesity issues like Marley or really Keanu’s girl?


I seen Mary Singleton.

Many young are so thin …like high school.

I see many cases in my life !!

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Dean used to be on the bus to go to Florida Spring break on girls waking up in the morning …in the morning song ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I am busy 📞

Now I thought about it

He he her face has a lot of pimpo. 

Do I remember it wrong ?

People use make-up here !!! Are they serious ?

Babaji: right 

I go to sleep … who is teaching MD to be singing music note stuffs them? On Tamang + Dean video I made concise on my channel ? Is that trend another 50 years after I dead?

 Because it is on my channel ?

I forget…

Babaji: Go to sleep 

太離譜了 >> 晶瑩剔透


Salai ~ https://youtu.be/xx3poovNBWg


Hi ~Salai

1. Crystal Skull marriage that one me stuff

2. Crystal rod next by Florida Bermuda, 430 stuffs, military base coastline

3. Glasses pyramid at down there image Bermuda Triangle

4. Cayce Edgar on Tesla past life Reincarnation

Can you, could you, will you ? 

 Babaji: right you are so busy.

He looks like Sayer


Drunvalo Melchizedek 

He borrow Crystal Skull from someone and display on TV

Babaji: 對

What is his last name, Salai ?

I need to email library, American school Taipei 美國學校 library are looking school librairan …I sent to 清華大學問問題那邊送去their library that university and Taiwan National library behind memorial hall.

 I go shower and eat. 

I am busy 

Babaji: right 

I wrote playlist, the Science Grand Hotel, hi, can you call? I update that channel to Washington DC what was, is, on the book I published ? Thanks 📞📱

 📱 I add playlist + comment

I found the professor here Taiwan, happened to be philosophy department the First National University here.

Volleyball girl, in 清華

Where did Sayer say he goes?

She is a philosophy department. I email him I Ching my work, email. But then today I need to reply, I use that Channel, I re-publish the other video. Someone comments it. My SEO rating that channel ?

I call library 清華

Introduction, they got student directory, don’t exist, that girl. 

Babaji: right, you are so busy.

… I am.

📞 我在忙!!你們不是很想排球去死嗎?我找清華呀!電話我很忙今天早上

The Volleyball team.


Her academia is very high

She used to be tall too.

One of those ….

Babaji: right 

何家慶 你長的像 Jacob Astor 你人呢?






我在12345捷運 metro Taipei 找你層層關卡



Babaji: right, John Jacob Astor

Hi England Queen you have a wedding car waiting at 鴻凱

 Do you remember there was a 皇帝?

I don’t really know them.

But I will check.

Babaji: right

Too tall.

📞 they say you are the best in evolution low so don’t evolve to go out stay away too cold cutting pierce yourSelf is real, they expect you go outside meeting them, it’s for your own good, they got medicine

 Yeah he or me will have disciple after you all dead outside may be

Re-sume automatics.

Babaji: right

Not working, random 掃射


我好累喔! Sariputra thinks of Eben ?

He cares this family around, all.


Jail, gun excuation 

I don’t really care their parents ready or not, not really.

But law is law. Not what I want it.

Select on your own 中國雜技






Car spins like 陀螺 and hit it….but …


It’s not because I want to, I was forced to (confirm?) - re-sume Automation

 You are here because in your own evolution, you never done anything in life.

Public speaking is not a thing.

So … …

Great Wall is just a seen warning wall, no need too be tall. Symbolic anyone knows that !! Right ?

No, it was 194 country embassy I order my command. No, I don’t really know the final results, not really. No I don’t care.

I really don’t care.

Let’s see …

Somewhere it is putting on weights down, something about the add up weight like 911 they know off?

No, I didn’t say that to them, no, not that.

What would I say to them?

I did say they stuck in. That was what I comment it.

No, I don’t thought what they to do, it’s their money pocket tax payers, and what they really can do, don’t do, will do by their own will to play? Structure building.

No, that part I always let them be creative most time. It’s too expensive really ! They have to go by books.

Babaji: right 



是 ….
















是 attention 共存









一如反顧知我蟲面生象, 好不樂道






Like promised ?





These all meant to say = contempt 



















只見何來為誰卻著無處深處 foul











難渡 …





好不 Washington CV



You believe re-birth is a pain, you imagine. Here ? On Earth ?

 Whatever …you like those terms.

No one really cares about it. I don’t care about it. You dare to say it in the science convention center, I will hear it and comment. You die on it, no one will care about it.

Babaji: right 

I go to sleep…you want to Suicide, no one cares about it, you come back, no one really cares about it. You have a free will anything you choose to become

 You hear merits stuffs? Well, other outside might truly care you outside this planet.

This world merits probably don’t use it that words to count token? No.

I say no.

It probably don’t even exist here, completely physical. You just watch your eyes see things and do things. 

Buy, walk, smoke, die, that’s it.

Babaji: right 

No, you don’t want to go to the central government. Here is Heaven. They give you everything and construction of the real building foundation and facility …potential to becomes.

 This is where you want to be eternity.

There are Master, God, no karma. 

You use those words for profanity all the time. No. There is no suffering here. Not really. It’s everything you ever wish, dream and hope to have. Everything.

Well, I just comment on it.

Babaji: right

I stay here, yeah I can stay here, I stay just here. On Earth. It’s everything I see I know it’s right here.

Right now, I take it they don’t mean their words, that’s it …

 5 years old …that’s how much to be said contempt means in real time.



Want to be?

You can just have a stage idol to follow on news, burns feeds? Those used to receiving news on Google from.

Height, walk, posture, talking style, speech charity for tigers, travel for UN.

Goodness forward.

Yeah those kinds simple.

It’s not complicated.

No, you never want to practice. No

Babaji: right 

Practice in Kalpa time, Eon times..you didn’t hear me before saying it? You have to love doing it, Crystal thought, crystal speech, not fame or profanity …

 You just need attention. So, you acquire a parenting parents. It’s a wish. I see it.

Not a conclusion, it’s evident. 

Anything else ?

You don’t really want to practice …I say that too many times now, I hope NO one ever try to open a mouth dare to say one more word on that understand ? Or else …

Babaji: right 

Why every successor goes to jail as a rule I give? It’s upper master they wish.

 You never heard stories ? I have heard many. Real story.

… you can just pick up a earth here book, with a cover 3 words and drains out that guy for eternity in hell. Practice words in action.


That’s said clear?


No one in the right mind would go vowing to be …that they say in history. May not even be disciple yet master, just say he is.

I don’t believe those things, it’s not existing here on Earth anyway, I won’t even talk about it. It’s meaningless. 小福小善

Babaji: right, I say that.

We use watch and bell in elementary school for 10 minutes break, my father did that.

 We have uniform, but we can have a watch on my wrist all the time. I had a habit using watch. You put the wrist before you go out. It was years habits. Not electric …the normal watch, you cannot see, ridiculously tiny?

They have all kinds design.

It was long time ago.

Babaji: right 

Swimming pool

 I did swim, very small. If it’s like whole groups in the hotel suite? You all be in the water with the swimming suits ? Shallow to deep?

Do you swim?

We did swim in high school.

I hold it too long breathing down. I forget.

About half way …If one of those things I was dead again ? Like swimming from one end to another ?

I forget ….

Babaji: it’s water.

Under water.

Japanese 90s cartoon Kenshin Himura actually very very popular in Asia that’s why it’s on the television re-make. If you can get a role in there, I will tell you, it’s the best things you ever do to yourself in this world. However, the World leadership like in China is strive for corruption and rotton methods…there is a reality you want their role or whatever they have that tapes means full story what you trying to do behind them, or in front of them. I don’t actually know them.


North Korea him is my age did a mud face for all military guys in his country try to bragging…he has a full advisors crowd in Kenshin Himura. UB, they are just 2 years younger, Tamang my age. He North Korea is a full country leadership.

 The Law departments: it’s a known Laws, all Capital President Leadership is 3 army, marine, sea, air commander-in-chef.

I was not joking.

His name is Wallace Huo, my past Royal Guard Chef, my mails are missing that guys on 花千骨. His Chinese name is 霍建華, an actor. We met at this one photo, he knows it the first things we met. He actually know a lot of things first time we met, first year we start to be farmiliar with each other’s I speak in Chinese to him, later becomes English full time My Jobs


📞 I told Wallace 2018, he is on here for few years now. A guard position. You all Commander-in-Chef intend to be? Train, talk, try to communicate ? ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫

For example, Simon, this is Australia Savage Garden, they work together for 20 years now?
Same country
Same color, 
About the same height
It’s music instrument included 
Music talents


📱Hi, Simon, how is Lauren? I wrote you an email.


Matrix get up from the bed Keanu. 📞 hi Disney, I need a favor and referral, your movie scripts are given to you? And you edited like Games of Throne they producers line up stages talk about it on YouTube? You edit using Earth words, Earth actress 100 years old, Earthly made paper to process all movies spin version ? Do you know sent out other planets ? Or sent in spin on it story like Thranduil and Lords of Rings?

Yeah, I need that clear.

Babaji: I know 

Can you shut up when I found things doing things around here ?

194 country, it’s aim me, cease all fire for now.


I say re-sume automatic, no video last

 Automatic high tech defense, switch to automatic.

📞 What? No, Yeth is not here. | resume, automatic


UB 2020 📞 What ? Height …did you call Dean ask that, whom? Hira and ? Jonathon do I look like I know them ?


📞What, they are early known Disney Programs, I know that much from the news. I am roller blade straight line street sleep memorial high school groups, we do public outing in camping sites bit girls stuffs social…you seen them, the boys?


📞 What ? Disney. Hang up. 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎You coming here USA medical or International Justice department, Tesla has no money, Disney meant 123 position Yeth (tear while day)🛎🛎🛎 hi , that’s one boy with partner, one girl partner, one piano accompanist solo, Russian gonna kill me 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 Russiannnnn !! 📞 What? Now you talking ? Oh ~ that’s a paid job? Bombs at the audience on Music perfect note on 194 country project because they cannot see? It’s a musical hall built ….we walk in and they audition, then just few rows human going out, exploded, they die in there. That pitch perfect ….📞 What? Insurance company ? Earth is evil, self destroying nature, no need be insured …📞 What Auto? What Auto? You mean police on accident petrol ? Not here, we walk ! 📞 What? I have no money to beging my conversation ? What, like it’s hard to sing not 3+1 silent seat, then what Disney? It’s dance ? You mean JC? Oh you are disney program …he didn’t tell me, you tell me? 📞 my phone drop dead, Disney, say it again, it’s one man dance partner, one girl dance partner, one piano not 用甩的 notes …..my mother? She cannot see, she is blind I grow up. 📞 What, again, Disney ? It’s every song re-do? You are impossible ? I don’t think so !! You run Internatiinal Grand Hotel 1900 science groups and MD groups or they meant they Law groups, I live at on an island, not Grand Hotel. 📞 What Disney, you are logo sign ? Your Babaji meant no tales tide lies? Yeth !!!!! They meant you! 📞Disney, say again ? I cannot hear, statics. Hung up.


📞What? Disney I polish my nail …

📞What? rehearsal dinner or rehearsal microphone, rehearsal singing ?

📞What? I drink ….dinner table ? Never been to remember candle no one sees light, 🎶🎶🎶🎶Now~ I see you? The fog has lifted it …now I see the light🎶🎶🎶🎶 that song ? (Check lyrics )

Babaji: right 

♫♫♫♫ Breaking Free (Song, High School Musical ) ♫♫♫♫


Does you Medical USA come see I drop Tim Cook them, you with International Medical or Law Justices to use my KTV on this little Richer places I say Metropolitan Egypt in Red River? 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎶🎵 “Now I see”


It was 2018/ 2019

🎶🎶🎵🎶🎵 “ Life begins with you” :)


♫♫♫♫ “A whole New World …. A dazzling place ….for u & me” ♫♫♫♫ (Song)


Italy ever sing ? “All those days, chasing down a day dream”, he does on purpose keep saying traveling twice ! 5 becomes 4 limbs off? They are all not paying one eyes attention on me, it’s 4 not 512? “All those night, watching from a distant …”


♫♫♫♫“All those day, chasing down a day dream, all those days…just things they were?”♫♫♫♫ (Song)


♫♫♫♫ “…. Not a footprint to be seen” (Song)


♫♫♫♫“Magic …first time ever “ (Song)


“…. This is America”
I arrive

♫♫♫♫” just like they do each of your birthday …”” wondering of wondering of wondering just when my life begins …” (Song)

 “Just wondering wondering wondering wondering wondering …”

“Like day tomorrow …”

“ life when it begins …”

“How high the sigma grow?”

“The light …”

“A book or 3 …just wondering wondering wondering “

“A paint of 2 …”

“Wondering wondering wondering …when “

Babaji: I 

♫♫♫♫ “All those days, chasing down a day dream ….all those days living in the Star light… …. All that like I see you…” “now I c u” (Song)


♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ “And the worlds has like shifted …” (Song)♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫


Do you know how 嫩筍 (song ) comes to your dinner plate? Do you know how to acquire the first morning dew in the sunshine on leaves ? 你們知道春筍是融合在你們晚餐上呢?你們會怎麼知道在第一滴露水在太陽照耀在葉子上

 Long long long time ago …很久很久很久以前 ….

Do you know that Bamboo has so many roots sprouts sprouts sprout everywhere bamboo youth?

Like the Tree of Life

Or a Tree, a very old tree, do you know vascular plant drawing water from the root, how that Amazon forest comes to into that eco-system of higher pine tree tall size, to small bush, to fungus? It’s wet inside that eco-system, where today sciences extracts mushroom, or plants from within on medicine? Ever heard tale?

Tell me



Do you want to be a doctor ?🤒

How helping people in acquiring the worldly medicine makes you feel excitement like Steve Jobs meant - love what you do, you will continue in each and every terms as a doctor walking outside palace among all walk of China map domain 雲遊四海、救濟滄海眾生,after judgement day? Me Anna never return Time back to Ancient China that Time Line?

Where are you going 

Mathrew, where are you going ?

Babaji: me here.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Do you know what you do are not sustainable? Like your whole life re-start at 35+/40+?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 People built Sitesell to re-start their life, have you ever wondered ?

Mortgage ?

Liscence you hold right now?

You won’t be so blind not knowing Time is not windmill farm never cease wind?

Babaji: right.

My food don’t go down …I go to sleep, today was late …where is the shower powder on the shelf ?

 Babaji: not there anymore.

You must be calculative as I imagine whom you are starting freshman. I told you my brain …must be in a trance ! Your Facebook, add college friends ?

 We never talk, so …

You now looking at them if they talk ? After college, medical school ?

This Ola her Indiana …

I can just write better report myself.

Babaji: right which list they suppose to start ? Taken music lessons ?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️My songs? On Dean & Tamang? I am watching. We are there ! Pass 2012 Gregg you all could talk to say that? The music format has an instructor to show you love profanity ? Kinda near military ask for standard you all delivered ? So do you have guys in school like I was in UB undergraduate ? What’s on your Facebook? No, I am not interested, you show me if you keep close high school or you have new friends in college ? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🤒

 We are technology ready with music world

I am instructing = people are being trained everywhere or at least go on discussion where the future is about?

Keanu.        Simon 



Can you sing and instruct ? I forget about this.

And one more successor thing on Tamang that song.

My channel is now concise.

Babaji: right 

ADD I go out

 Babaji: right 

You try to get through AMerican only …that’s not me, your ultimate destiny or 5 Lords means?

 Not that? 30 years more?

You will forget 

Memory fade, money somewhat accumulate

And days go by, it’s every patience face and legal paper to hope that’s not the office you none stop debts paying rent or else 4 limbs?

Ever play that games how to be truly professional ?

I know what that means …if US meant they insist you to become, independent face it all doctors.

Not that?

Babaji: not that.

Your entire guys girls Facebook dead or you use gun to kill them one by one ? The US meant you MD paper or not, Learn not European way ? American way?

 You feel you grow with the gun uses?

Blood shed?

Prayers Bible?

The dead one wish they are the one eface you all truly horrendously so the other side they …..

Babaji: right 

Are you serious those textbook first page to last open ? Per semester summer winter snow? Oh ~ not when you need it? Not all subjects? Interview extra? Does Eben …no, he has no university degree.

 So you see your tutor not mentor later become interviewer, do you hire military doctor ?

Rukawa plays all positions Japan says …

You USA, whom has a paper Title?? The TV becomes real, all subjects? Tutors?

I if tutor 5 subjects, I become all position ?

Babaji: did you ?

Is not all class all MCAT them have a tutor? Them all ? Is that possible ?

 The people mentor you?

Babaji: right 

🛑 You are MD whomever, how you approach this? Transfer to UB? Get a janitor job UB? No matter what ? 🛑

 How you all becoming MD see this real, to approach your doing?

Call Wing, call Dean?

Call Apple? Who is dead?

What happened this far? You have classmate too, if you get the call to my my my UB 105? And??

They do behind you ?

Babaji: right 

You all watch the Big Hero 6 trailers ?

 … … when did they do that?

Babaji: what ?

Medical Board behind i scream to Apple, it’s a horror, you look at your photo ? Lalla head up two bump, do you know, if that real judgement comes ….?? You mean it I say don’t ? My call?


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Okay, if you go back UB 105, not seeing Dean + Anna me, you know Bill is = military, you dress black suit ? I saw that, like MD? Where are the rest back room Bill went real reasons i mea?

 They sit all far away from the front , all the way to the right, they can see that far?

I would not dress those suits..your age?

Aging ?

Babaji: right 

You know, few days ago, started Science, it was Real, not MD

 Few days ago, I start commanding, it was Real, not MD

Babaji: right 

You can just call IT librarian behind whom did that piece …it’s civilian ?

 Wikipedia staffs

Babaji: right 

Like in DC, Pompeo near Anthony near …a location, a structure, what was Haots ? Unicorn ? Yeah?

 I don’t really know.

Babaji: right 

There is a tree! Like Tree of Life, ever seen it? You won’t want to be with Keanu Reeves, no one wants that. Egypt story, I was with JC. True. It’s conditioned might be

 Something like that, the One.

Babaji: right 

📞 Lower Orbits space you, Harry Potter German song, you fixing it? And? It says more clash on wiki to on purpose generate Gallicanism pieces, looks pretty outside in …

 Babaji: 📞 What?

📞 What? NASA, lower orbits junks are not your stuffs ? This blue planet looks pretty outside in …

 Babaji: what ? 📞

Response received, call Italy 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🧣

 It’s done.

Babaji: right 

Switch to all Anna Jao, me Buffalo, Taiwan in command, automatic


Hold your fire, resume shield. Automatic


Phone, no response this time. Again ! 🛎


Switch to 1 to 4, not 5-6 Babaji

 Fire ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🛎🛎🛎🛎

🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 🛎

 Again !

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Switch to manual, aim at Shambdala 1 to 10 花千骨 Aim at 11 no fire hold your fire. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I say fire !!

Tim Cook has HQ? Dean or Eben or Tamang or Lee I just re-made my phone, you want their numbers + phone enters on your contacts ?

We use line here!
Babaji: right 


Do you “all state” ( press my head headache) insurance, want to call “through” Tim Cook, no, we never talk. You introduce yourself or to Eben Pagan.

 Can you just pick a phone try calling today, and hang up. No don’t call through just hang up.

Do it.

CIA it’s looking!

Babaji: right, that’s your methods ?

If I say Ola (whether you let go already or not let go) only cares money not classmate, I Anna cursed you to lose everything to me or your Mat new your Facebook buddy wing, and go to Europe with age parents to all die over there now or in 5 years?

 You mean whom does that?

You all gonna tell Me your IQ are so low, you need tutors to design MCAT and USMLE 123, not your personality you cannot see yourself in the mirror what everyone sees? As long as your attitude, as long as you try, American help minority like you no voice or WWII polish? Next by Professor Poland ?

I know? I don’t know?

You really don’t know, or you just telling lies you never thought of it? By now, you know this, right ?

By now, you know this, right ?

By now, you know this, right ?

By now, you know this, right ?

Babaji: right, they know this in a shallow way.

No, I didn’t do anything in my life. The real jobs or something.

 Yeah, in America like celestial.

No, I don’t even think of returning there right now. I have a mother, we live here.

The atmosphere I don’t like, but it’s not to go panic I am in a fake power and life? Yeah, the atmosphere 空氣 … … MD will tell you anyone in their life don’t go reacting on things that’s not farmilar to them. Immediately.

Some never travels, you know that?

Some did travel but we will all telling you … … a stable environment has no job is better than moving around without a job and Power, I lived in that.

You are a leader, you suppose to figure it out for your people not just 4 junction time, if Wallace found out from me? I know it ?

These story are telling them, telling me…..you all don’t read ?

Kenshine is popularity guy among all central attention. No, I am not. If I am in his world, I “by the way” claim I am an outsider. It’s all like “ I by the way be lazy”

It’s …real, I am an outsider.

Babaji: done on purpose 


In Europe

 If I go back to the USA, this blogger … …you have unlimited new publication from everywhere.

You have a limited longevity and IQ meals problem, age.

Learning new words, pronouciation, your rivalry…that’s a real karmic, you leave it in public on the newspaper. 你們自己真的在報紙上面,你們的業障敵人


I remember 2014 - Kenshine Himura

 I remember …

I went on transformation.

It doesn’t look like the story, but it is a story after that.

So sick of it, mini skirts.

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I used to punish Moscow routes to Australia….Taiwan, Hong Kong, 澳門⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🛑 Leadership !

 No, President Xi Rivalry if here, on my page? They got lucky …not them, well.

Not all everyone in the political realm has a background if you meant that much of Party join together, it’s chaotic corruption sounds like a norm. Pixie…

Leadership…first day yesterday you start to remember you have to rule?

At Time?

Anna is celestial, she doesn’t care what you dianomine 地雷 yourself like Princess Diana. 

Position you at Time junction. You have to know it …I look like I know it! The bird outside scream …

Babaji: right, not working it together on TV, off TV

They saw me, evil periods of time. I was doing things. I thought I was comfortable too. No, that Tim Cook in his own stupid mind.

 Not this world anyway.

I would never do that again. It’s the story I told them, Tesla went somewhere or American guy…in this only God’s knows universe to find someone a women, in order to have a turn in his evolution. That’s evil offerspring.

She gives him that, and all vanish, you will never find the road going back there.

If that story states are true, well….when the guys IQ involves to Power World, guys are very nature at it. 

This world, not I asking disclosure, you pretend you pushing it I can only go push Eben.

But that’s not a reality at all. Human nature is …some religious doctrine, not dating guru or Paganism. 

From me, what I can do it is to push it you out because you might never get a chance at all. Not this whole universe you don’t understand depression is suicides on your own mind and Time. No one will help you those world arrives, not even I. They use 3 world laws.

Well, maybe I am illuded…I can live like that whole life.

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️Simon when he gonna die, well, he is so way comfortable in his illusion life, that he cannot believe anything else ….that illuded, 2 then 4⭐️⭐️🤒

 Yeah, if he ever gonna die, that Simon says all kinds of craps …he is a happier …in between guys.

He makes probably well. Money.

… … it’s not really I prefer or choices thing to talk about it. You can just die, Simon.

Guys worlds …

Internet domain is not all that they say web environment establish to get customers. It’s public junks that they might so there is Sitesell. That kinds…public are negative.

Babaji: right 


They probably have no idea …China President Xi, nurse to nurse that …= this? Singapore and Philippine


No just leave him there. If text book say he built temples that stuff, you just take it it’s forever …there were things say about him, you have no book ?

 I think about it …

He is a chinese. He works in his life? Can he be that useless not knowing what’s monkey and SMCH and they’re decensdent ?

His enemy 

His rivalry ?

No, I don’t know whom, just watching.

It’s better you keep him there.

Babaji: right 

You need to have a meaning so there is a future

 Physical merits means nature disaster less. 人身福報福德

If you meant the Kingship.

It won’t matter which direction I guess …he can continue exist like that and brings his Age, Era staffs with him around him…who has that report?

Physical merits don’t ensure a lot of things, they still subjects to the concepts of 生離死別

Born, depart, dead, goodbye.

They feel it that torment, feeling it.

But whole life is food enough cloth enough, live fine comfortable.

He has IQ? Provably high, better at least?

Physical built, emotional balance

Oh he will have enemy …that’s physical karma…part of 生離死別



History just rubbish like crap …his staffs might be far away from him all around.

I don’t know the Time direction, because Dean, it’s 4

2010 what was that, and then Olympia we see 千山萬水

This is so sad …

Oh Kenshin Himura ! Are they sure? Oh my God !!!

That guy gonna die, or expired without …him

Whatever…I go to sleep.

Babaji: right

They are weak all minded race, not sure what’s life await, not very cling to life to say to do not selfish things to self improve - don’t ever take others stuffs. It’s dull spirits.

This Bible …hands can hold?

Erin’s birthday ? The monkey 猴子的生日?他的職位是什麼?


脆弱的世界,他們是跟什麼?classify ?

Monkey birthday …

霍建華,把他 她 她的東西給我看著,他



猴子她是護士 phD

兩個時間,因為其實應該是他東方跟 Erin 猴子







唐 不就甜嗎?怎麼時間這麼剛巧到,我無法比擬 68, 71

珍愛同一天生日?SMCH and President Xi

Sugar sounds 唐?













霍建華,就你一隻,其他怎麼死都不需要回報, dial back.我不想聽、不想知,你有什麼問題,你一個人過海跟我報告清楚




You know church people? They give everything they have in service…drain out their energy to talk to you some negative or depression type?

 They do it because they believe in it.

At this moment ….

You want to just be the priest like them? How to know others drags you to the hell. And stay positive ?

Never want to die in hell ?

Do you capable to stay like you should stay alive?

It must be children time your parents tell you no?

You rebel, and say dead words? Yeah ?

So it’s a habit?

Then you just hope you got lotto to move to America air side, like Slam Dunk T sign.

No, I mean a lot of things when I say that.

Babaji: right 

Keanu Reeves, your mail, what ? Taiwanese women and you imposters ? I thought you have a lot of you to …encourage fan and make them do things ? Not that ?

 Bitcoin …

You know, I live in a world seeing things be done this that way, this is very bad I live like this. Feeling very very awful. I know who that is, it’s on the news.

If you do the same equal service to the humanity, truly and that in turns others give back, to be honest, I meant a lot of things myself …if one day I write one by one from this Bible says.

No I don’t know. Most people just lived … lazy, if the world becomes utopia, they will what? Leap, bounce, flip?

Soaking in PC second Life?




Reading books?

Eat at fine dining, I will try every 101…but a hygiene vender south Taiwan ?

There are gaming center, but night market where steals ?

Am I really going to be that person writing ?

No, it’s all American. I have no ideas how they raise their own standard want to do things actively, it’s by nature or it’s by training …it’s not really like that feel. They did something they are like that.

I cannot possibly write all the souls?

That’s really gonna be I sit at gate door me looking, you pass by?

I can just tell you now, you will not be like now.

You should just do all your best be happy, make social, make others happy all the time and then do your best to educate the world, or to write or something for the future that you feel it’s 1000%.

I just gonna tell you that, it’s all American. 

Babaji: right 


 這種東西如果有一天變成真的… …台灣只有那麼一點大,我覺得都是 YouTuber 在做非常誇張的事情,非常



心靈救濟師還是心理犯罪師 (translate into American words? Yeah I know, just not in English I know. Not sure)

 I only just use a phone…I have people on it. Low battery …

Babaji: 太過分了

I have to phone friends 📱 📱 📱 仙女棒 because there is a YouTuber he put his phone number next by his name, I think ….it’s here.

 One of those stupid things people use phones here for. 

Babaji: right 

🤒 You MD met 430 furniture cargo? I used to do that for them behind I have money for the ONLY reasons buying them junks EVERY SINGLE day ….what? You know how long I have to sort craps here? Today I told Rockfeller (Wendy) what Marley house thing to tell her in real time, how to that?

 I said to her, people when I tell them things, they start to resistant the ideas breatharian day 1 to the day meet me.

I manipulate them?

I say to her you know, I told them to get you Medical Board card account to swipe, it truly bugs them.

I say if they MD pay on their own money card, it’s truly torture then for a minority Breatharian living on Air?

Worse it’s pay to classmate ?

I didn’t tell them to pay Simon.

It’s hopeless.

So I told her Wendy (Rockfeller) Ola, name she knows who Ola is, Dean is …no, not ice skating, I say my period is missing …I say Lockport driving to get a box of orange, I says people lay on the ground half way from Marley’s home to Library, 4 blocks…I say do you know, I go morning and afternoon, BECAuSE I have nothing else to do?

I say I sleep on pine wood

She says no mistress ?

I say I used think spine …but I have foam, I say Canada, Nick made one for me too.

Do you know what that was? I like Hotel mattress, not cargo those really bad ones? Hotel pillow different…I am telling you, Tesla lives in Grand Hotel.

Babaji: right 

Keanu Reeves I wrote for you him her on India Bazzar.

 Whatever that is …

Babaji: right 

I left the message …📞 what? (MD call)

 A lot of things are not copyright….


I have no english passing them to speak propertly they say I threaten them with ET all day long graphs in words not grammatical correct.


I was not threatening Salai 2015


It is a language, cannot you see, on TV.


They try “words in definition” you pass fail them before a standard military-born doctor by blood if they did that too like …Snowden wiki?


… it’s picking up Ola Mat, Hira whom, and to ?? That’s Asian they America words = what a yellow skin thin races meant garbage intent waste their eyesight methods, I Anna got pick up? They always say that !


They really say that.


Why you doubt me?


I cannot


No, me neither.

Dr Steven Hairfield, ha ir fi elder without ER? Gregg you know IR organic chemistry ? You Dr Steven want to laugh one more minute ha =哈 like two Hailey ? Sam Star Gates ? Nancy Meyer, called Keanu, somebody 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 I called him MK, Keanu Reeves 2014.

Everyone heard that.

Babaji: right 

That’s a kiss, that’s another kiss a coughing in the end, someone called ET 🛎- MK sign, somebody else 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 They speak French because it was “What” and then French …they go by …is this MK

📞 “What?”

No answer

📞 “When”

No answer

📞 “….”

It’s not ET, it sounds like a deep voice Dr Steven Hairfield type ?

Babaji: right 

Gregg, do you remember sponsor we say? You would say I have no judgement if it’s forever …


Can you Gregg just be courtesy find out his MD school was? And that unit his military he was, like sea, air, float, hoovering I meant..and not just you me his other life Military all know know this clip, told me I know you know him Dr Steven this way? It’s to be knowing that, we are going to the star not just to the moon?

 He is metaphysics …you know him ? You should!

Babaji: right

I have no intend that if he me swap …I laugh radio talk all day all night sitting in my woods to spell porcelain drop flowers on water dew morning sunshine bare foot ? It’s for woofing caugh that guy, Nick…in that? Was saying that ..woofing caugh.

I do not have it, MD! Or else you all will become one mad dog barking ….

I am the military….copy right.

You don’t know him, you MD …Dr Steven Hairfield, John Shepard, from Star War Atlantis, really don’t know him? From TV? Oh ~? Gregg, can you, would you, could you, be discussion that he is too old what that was in America ?


Tell me, Dr MD so and so Steven I hate hair …does your daughter meant a worth to me ever ?

 So we set human humane ways…just 


Last time



Terms life spells right !

Agree ? Sign

Babaji: right 

Say it : hu la la …虎拉拉, 好爽呀! it’s a showering terms, commercial, I laugh so loud, laugh a minute Gregg Braden, you will remember whom shower fercet has a Supreme Court I rule decree, hot and cold jokes language methods, don’t you agree Dr Steve second laughter ?

 Life meant well, I always always remind you all…who 


Babaji: right 

To finally squeeze a dead old man for a tiny well written tiny tiny science holy book, what a small book just like …I thought?

 You see, military power are not science or MD or industrial dead zone to fancy jokes?

I started 2015 …

You see, he didn’t die in vain, he had a memorial master in all memory well well well enstall….I see him everywhere like iconic reminds all of us your selfless nature meant now Hunger games is for the Earthly to benefits the Greatest evil of the Central government whatever we are on edge at. It’s degerating conscious? Oh yeah? That meant exactly you all bow, kneel, flat to eternity this system works, your skin color to be human implant, baby swap, human traffic, slave cotton, maid cut pieces, torture by …Defeat Country used to be so good at it ..

It’s by all your willing open merits from this Indian 500 years old, all humanity eternally derived a well physical life by participating whole galaxy universe outting exploration, for every blood drop to thirst that we will square out all debts of unfitted color by extinction methods just like 65 億 years ago, that no one will in any day any world be remembered …I meant exactly low methods to survive it all turmoil to Central Government Universes!

It’s a step to step plan, today is first day, you have heard promises !

Babaji: right 

Images are words starting 2014


Show that mountain dead zone, I meant it’s betting Shambdala I dare or every witness I will ensure it’s such a bragging modern technology to say electric degerstion consciousness just like Holy Science by Yogananda Master, it’s a ink name here, keywords, it meant I seize rights ALL!

 Understand ?

I will brag to India military you exist? Really ? Yeah ? All world will take it fun …it’s psycho, mental incline all…how I would do it to the degree, you watch on your screen day in day out knowing that border internal has just you all left …A B C…

Babaji: right

When I say military, I don’t like something and you put it in front of me, I expect you torn it inside out, completely, inside every itches, and burn it all degree of entire most excruciating pain to eternal hell.it’s a forever decree in case they say no ever mercy to discern jokes or just language fun fun fun ….

 Understand ?

Babaji: right 

When you all practice to precepts words, mind, body , speech yeah ? I expect all words coming out mouth has a shaken heaven or hell power and deliver it thoroughly any Age, any Kalpa, any Eon, as long as you shall live ….

 Understand ?

Babaji: right 

I meant saying it …well…


Ola, Middleton says she in charge …Mat, Hira, whom, Simon, Lauren


You know, in America …Steve Jobs did presentation to practice behind = ???

 MD Liscense Board on Breatharian ….I am telling you, just a channel.

Babaji: right 

There is a recent TV commercial like Michael Jackson you Apple saw I saw that? Your commercial pirates Apple Logo Steve Wasniact will know ? The Pirates logo.

 No, I don’t really know. Probably.


He has a son that one.

Babaji: right 






Yeah ?





Pourquoi ?

成了你們剩下唯一的痛,什麼叫做在所不惜… …



I go to sleep, tired repeating …what ought be beat up one millions each second wrong …

 Babaji: right 

Waiting …waiting …waiting faithfully undetermined mind…blank,….unconscious,y blank out…that’s was…what was it? Oh? It was what? You are not sure ? 呵呵

 Life, is like a long weaver cloth of sacs.

Time, is like never unwinding road

Years are practice without 512…it’s destine, next 4, it’s by not precision, numbers, to felt unrealistically, you sitting there hearing a….just song.

No one attention to you, I might

But waiting …of a time, half of time, twice Timed, 2 accents video pass, same. 2 Jason, 2 Eben …

It’s 2 2 2….haha…

Isn’t that funny? Everyone clap, she cannot hear it !! Bell sound, which world is that, SMCH? Remember ? Me …

Babaji: right 

One day, it was yesterday, taiwan military village Square= cousin used to be community, it’s all just betting how to kidnapping me with all of them tryimj against their boss, what you think SMCH? You waiting what ?子歇 has to say?

Not sure if they are dead ? Oh? You suppose to ? Really ? Face the music, is a slang, dirt.
Babaji: india, kill.


 It’s military said no one train only 1,0000 ( one comma, 4 zero ) soilders.

It’s so useless just to hear about it.

Babaji: how many?


5,000 elite soilders 精兵

ADd, I am going out!

 Babaji: 準備中 (prepare )

Two Jason will still like to have some accent in their Arabic accent English like Jake or accent in Chinese to talk on microphone to public ? My singing has an accent. 霍建華我唱歌才有口音,不是講中文,聽懂?


Eben 2, I was telling him Jason, is still on W two worlds like I don’t care about him, I mis sent the email, so no sender arrive.


Babaji: How many time the real combo ?

 It’s 3 rd floor to climb …Mc Donald’s has 3 floors in Taiwan, my house here near by night market with 24 on the cross road pedestrian.

Babaji: right, you look at floor when you walk ?


Babaji: what did Kail say to you yesterday 

What else?

Babaji: nothing anymore, you did it all. 

“You father what? Fat …I know fat yeah, I saw mC Donald treats are all in TV White House packs. I actually like Mc Donald when I was in Valley first time break precepts I just like them, when I am back in Taiwan, I got fat because of the, I buy combo. Coke, sizzling + burger bite and French fries ? You know what that is ? It’s real, very very true !”

 Your father, if they told him, temper, not just trap me, they say trap me.

Probably …a lot of reasons.

He is your father, that’s real.

Babaji: what ?

I study Psychology all my life ? Yeah ? I told Trump the first thing about ? Mark Jouyner. His groups find out which part? Recruiting talents on stages or how to be a millionaire ? Can you make a sense, they push whom to the White House like his home? We fight behind? We do on purpose ?

 Donald Trump, your American President. They behind told him Mark Jouryner did in Australia ?

You mean Keanu Reeves did a Matrix from Australia ?

Babaji: right 

Do you all just go to MD committee board and kidnapping them all, by telling the Truth exactly words I meant they will say to you? It’s my best advice no matter what ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Just a suggestion, means no harm. 

Babaji: how bad that looks ?




電鍋 … …不就是你們隨便亂丟東西進去嗎?然後呢?太大塊還是用切的?



⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I have Canada life vs US life = Eben vs 430 scientology Kerry Bill classify I never read in Canada ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 There are laws of One

 There is crystal skull

There is Atlantis Dolores 

There is Dr Steven Hairfield 

There are numerous account they mean I don’t even use Facebook in Canada !!!

Babaji: right 

They say I theft their mind …. Washington DC as early as …whatever years they meant they know it or don’t know it I was truly lazy and being bore and shameless in parking lines at them, choosing numbers tunnels?

 One of us are garbage, because on the news, they say, they fail exams, people carry goods pass through, no one found …one of those they meant Canadian to the US or US to Canada!

I am telling you, it’s 5 Lakes War Defense initiative !! Everyone knows that !

Babaji: right

5 Worlds means? Pixies 3rd worlds own my body ? I feel induce to do JUST that at Canadian Border, to Washington D.C?

I feel so? They are garbage, completely garbage, that’s why it’s Pixies, all you ever heard about it PIXIE but no one EVER hear me, EVER ! Including Black Op pretend to be whichever distinct 10000 units that is.


Washington D.C means I lie to them or something really ?

 1. National Archive intern I didn’t show up, I never enter Washington D.C.

2. Library Congress book was not finished. 6 months? She forgets? Not 6 months, she has to go to AGT. 

3. But the actually book is NOW finished as she writes letters to you all Congress or Pompeo. It’s 3 I Ching  on her Youtube channel another channel, and one more in her own computer. She finished it all.

4. My Visa I suffer at the border, WHOLE summer 

Did I explain why I didn’t go to inter That summer? I post it where ?


And ?

I didn’t go to Washington D. C because National Archive needs Wallace wall or I say Medical convention wall, I was just showing off lightly comments ? There was a Masscred riot activities in D. C?

Can you make a sense in your life?

Why each this things happen ? I am a robot ?

Babaji: right 

I specifically say to Wallace, I Anna National Archive intern America. Go inside China any hospital system with an ID room behind in the National decree stated position to use that hospital system connects here Taiwan. Did I say that ? No, that’s not what they meant that….

 Why would I say that? Washington DC next months?

Because all their kids don’t use back door computer like National Treasure movies did you behind all those doors ? DC? Do you like the movies ?

Isn’t that intuitive ?

So what is China expected them to do without American telling them to see?

They force them to see back door?

How would the kids in China today function like Washington DC to do with 仙劍大會?

A public librarian certificate ? New York ?

What? Going behind the hospital records Joomla ? iT ?

So why, when I did say that gazillions years ago, you are all not paying attention, Joomla or Sitesell, or Digital library or Digital new National Archive Director CSI science bound to handle curses objects ? Did I make videos at all?

So why not the first time I say so? Mock me?

Really ? How many Times?



Oh ~

Babaji: be mericiful and forgiving it’s not 5000% the day she says I do ?

I always say Wallace, Ancient Chasez, never Tamang, ever …can anyone be that stupid ?

 It’s hearsay …

That’s I used to say SMCH met a very cruel human on the road story …used to be.

It’s in 花千骨 is he ever cruel to proven you at all exactly it means or 1000 in multitude means ?

Babaji: right 

There is really really just few things I keep repeating it …oh my god ?

 Why on Earth, you can be this stupid ? Tamang ?

Babaji: right 

Can you just do what a mature person grow up doing what a mature human suppose to do ? Cooking, eating, communicating ? Not wish washing I am always 5 ? Fight !

 Not that ? Yeah ?

Babaji: right 

Eben? Simon and Keanu will say he got scared in 2014, someone told him 2015 green ? What was exactly ? I have no ideas, it’s everything you all meant to say.

 No, I don’t really know Eben.

I am not sure.

I really don’t know him.

Babaji: right 

Wallace only care the first thing I did to him was I ever LIE to him, just like he used to be ….so …Simon will always remember Anna say specifically things exactly age mean it, not Dean mean it, not Keanu mean it. Is that a true or false question, not multiple choices ? Is that MD board sees? Yeah? Dean illustrate in painting? One phone = 1000 words ?


I say 帝王之說, it’s the only thing that’s not frames by frames and it’s in Chinese ! American don’t have a skillful workers them selves become Chinese? Ancient Chinese ? I look that stupid to you, Ukraine ?

 You can make it clear sense, to me.

You have a memory problem like Simon

“You forget what it is, isn’t it, Simon?”

Babaji: right 

Is there a blur things I say? But there are very very very concrete specific things I say I mean it !!!

 That’s not what you mean when you say it ? Coming out of your mouth 24 hours a day ?


We are that different ?

Babaji: right 

Including I say that’s Babaji say, not I say. I say I type? I say words 1000 US dollar per video meant it?

Oh…what did I say really ?

食衣住行= 食, 衣, 住, 行 in Chinese has business meaning ? Words ? Food, cloth, house, legs to walk

 How many times parents, I say about food offering China? I was fake saying it? When I gonna see Dean Ola Dr T for sure MD board meant as beautiful as you, Vincent, Nick best tall friend live near by. We pass by say hi.

Cloth, American here saw one, it’s navy blue with starry starry night. Skirts, one in one out. One minute.

House, Rockfeller design, Obama mean he jealous Black Op meant that one word ?

Legs to walk, yeah ?

Money money money, CHASEz on Madison square…

So Chinese monk, whom say practices before my looks mortal ? Liking ? My liking not your liking ?

Precepts like her?

Oh really ?

I meant a lot of things, it’s not your real life meant it, right ?

Babaji: as beautiful as you …

Accent 子歇 will tell you very very annoying by giving chinese lecture …Dean me Compete language Ukrain accents? 中文樊音嗎?叫做口音給什麼?指令?喜歡嗎?那些明星呀?

 Isn’t being that great ?

Babaji: right 

You meant it American don’t know treasury mine? To spent it or just ask be given or? They offer more than that? What’s that, monks? You care suffering? It’s real, very very real….it’s all American , correct, ALL!

 How come you don’t listen a word I say I mean it?

Why you have 4 limbs? You would listen better if you to become 124, Nick whom ?

Just for listening better at ? The junction of? One time Bible use?


Oh, you never heard others vows ?

Oh you mean it’s by accident ?

Oh, you mean what ? I don’t understand it !! Your son ?

Yeah? And ? It’s 3 awards, Tesla system is not I design it’s after left over 1945.

Babaji: right 

It’s accent heavy, it’s really just …the same diary, Merciful and forgiving …remember that ? What you would done for others? What do I want ? “She has no desire, that’s why my jobs are so difficult, American? Age meant it leave her alone porsecellin doll, American, she meant it, given up Theone like promised in Chinese mythology, like Dean used to …be …? What? Hahahahaha…naive too naive?”


The thing is you don’t even know …wind comes, I drift further away and far gone before you realize I am …


Isnt I do it wish all meant, parents ? No more Buddhism, look, it’s a painting ! Haha …you believe that stuffs, you sure about it?


Is this Bible meant one book, one time use ? Like eternity ? Yeah? It only happens once ?

 Isn’t that all she all days meant your mind turn to her surrender ?

Like ego smell?

Like contempt smell?

Like inconsiderate making you truly uncomfortable ? Words matter?


Public humiliation like a breeze of air, you promised …right Simon ? And ?

It’s every step of the way baby step or you have one more complain how far I mean it furthur south ?

Babaji: right 

You wish to be like me, girls? Yeah ? Like I meant yesterday ? If you will one day like just walls, hear me saying what I did for you, you will do for others eternally ? Patience ? Guides? Becomes higher IQ than guys ?

 Wishes ….is there any question Medical Board don’t think I answer it all? So they told you precision, accuracy matter ? On them.

Is that they wish ?

Your wish ?

Yeah, how I feel ?

So stupid people don’t know how others think. How can they be that stupid for real in life?

Step by step, never making it little things, ever.

Babaji: she is not Chinese, Simon, take-out, she knows, she told me yesterday

(Annoyed )

Skyscraper, yeah Simon? Look? It’s him !! It’s her …it’s Eben? Yeah ?


Yeah? This world is? Says who?


A simple telephone call: all Buddhist status down ..you looking or you try? To doubts me own American military power? You stilll donuts if Babaji, Kail says, “don’t” !! So who are Wallace, true love, originally guy? Really ?

 It’s life after life

Life after life dark magic.

You will never make it but you are given new birth, no memory, so not Babaji only contempt me never changes trash me like a baby, he meant to step on it and crush the skull. But you all, don’t ever mean a thing ….he is just simply …like Simon, contemplated 鄙視= writing test, paper only test. Like my face 白字黑字

Do you think it’s my whole life remember ? Or America has a decree of whom are in the groups, the moment I was born be cursed to look alike? 

So not America ?

If Buddhism is gone, tell me why years ago Hermione meant she prepares all? Behind ? Yeah? Today call?

Yeah ?

All right what book you read? Bible? Yeah ?


What did it says ?

Babaji: right 

I have not stopped telling you the same story like I must to - cut 4 limbs groups, you will remember suffer me means.




It’s all you

Babaji: “what?” She turn around and says a few words, you will be listening ? Yeah ?

All your IQ are really truly helplessly low


Babaji: right 

Is any conspiracy theory meant to you, like SMCH master promised she slept all, disciples went out get, if aldultery or not ?

 It’s every disciple means …

You will suffer me

Babaji: right 

It’s every video I dare to open ? In celestial those Eben meant I promise Babaji meant says ETR, I have to redone all films translation, with White Robe, 3 Esteems. Called Flower Thoysand Bones, sometimes time becomes so loooong, I start to forget things…I will have to re-wrote all input data, at least that’s being responsible, polish ?

 It’s just a saying, it’s not a promise.

Babaji: right 

Wallace position, competition mails, what do you received, Wallace? Every face obsession, he will says he got cursed. It will always be a guy…

 It’s just the rule always him.

Babaji: right 

Why I would never fall on Kail or his…that Prince = King probably ? Because I am from War Defeated Country, like language says sex terms, it’s exotic….it’s to find out everything about you.

 To find out something it’s me owned.

That’s why it’s war defeat country means

 You all come to see me, they will suffer me so you see me, medium fine, not too happy not too sad.

You gone

They seal up

I might be turn into psycho like Babaji comes forth, or I will be happy ever live after, which one you truly wished ?

That’s just life, you all promised God, or like God promised here and after.

Babaji: right 

Words are sometimes meant it…


They all look about the same, similar to the term inner master, just similar, it might be completely wrong …


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yesterday, that’s a wall, you all remember what you promised: lead them, guide them, by my face ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


You know … many things are not as real as you think.


Many will tell you religion doctrines, many will kidnapping all you saying for money.

And many, no matter what you taught them, they never learn.

Sometimes, it’s not all it seems to you at the furthest horizon.

Sometimes you will see the reasons.

Sometimes you will never find out

And sometimes it just how it will always function like that.

All you ever see, was the given you the 3 laws.

You must ask the right questions.

All you ever care was really just like that.

All you ever said was all matter to God just like someone did matter in my arm, but …he never was like he promised.

All you ever want on stage was a clap, 

And all you ever want was a TED

And it’s true

All you ever want is a heart wrecking story that you will tear, all the times, never cease tears how arrogance the world meant God has mercy on them, just like they all did before me.

Babaji: right 


I go to sleep…you know …Kail and his this brothers sounding prince might not be brothers might be real ?

 That’s why I need to sleep.

They taken Bible while you all fights about it? Yeah ?

Good night

Babaji: right 

🛑 me in person, you all copy words?

 “Yeah, he say that?”

“What did he say?”

“He comments on it?”

“It was ?”

“Did he mean that you were saying that or he was saying that ?”

“You two talk before ?” “And?”

“Were you calling at night or you drive by to have that conversation going ?”

“Nervous ?”


“You want to eat something for lunch ? I drive.”

“So what you do everyday now in the morning routine ?”

“You ever tell others how you feel bad about it?”

“How was that talk if you say he meant it his words like a promise or it’s just passing time, he doesn’t care about you so saying it?”

“Yeah ?”

“Probably …lots of people doing things have a lot of others reasons.”

“They have other priority.”

“What priority ?”

“Pixie strings it.”

Babaji: india !

I know I Anna went to find and fish them out, the names you keep hearing it. So can you all free spirits healers go and get new names started 8 years ago exactly my path I describe lines by lines by typing it ?

 We have 194 country all in your liking …so you just need pass some human standard …working together as one of them ???

Not working with me, working with the ones you go and connect them for your fantasy, history, karmic reason you define words, or husbands ? School met, grab another country MD board staff re-write textbook groups or just tell them about it and be like me on 24 hours to manipulate another another another CIA or NSA ? In your other country ? 

USA has other branches ..,don’t you go ahead without me saying that? Get a new groups !! Ask Salai ? For permission ?

Everything is too shameful to talk about it?

Babaji: get a new group everyone.

I am maneuver ….you crowd? Intend to work against …the Greatest of Evil, I die scenario ? I got used to it!

 Is MD committee board cannot shut up …

They meant you all are selfless spirits to say at MCAT interview so to become a paper doctor …

I give you a lot of names on the TV you can see. I told you to go to Hollywood and try out. I told Keanu Reeves you are all going his way.

The One

He doesn’t know 3000 years 2014 we okay TV drama on curses? So …I maneuver you all by words not in person meeting, you all seat down together ? And?

England Buffet yet?

Babaji: right 

So why don’t you all copy Eben YouTube channels ? Try it?

 The pressure is too high ?

You can just do what I Anna do. Not Seminar !

A camera shuffle in front of your face?

Did we say trying to copy Silicon Valley ? A webpage ? 

Speak English ? Science related ? Self-improvement ? Positive thinking ? Better habitual like shower ?

Babaji: right 

Why is Prince William cannot work with others, the rest TV can ? Oh no, we need people to work together.

 Tell American give me a report on this …

Babaji: right 

I see many levels. No, not here. But if Indian 500 years meant fine we do with just with the TV we got …is that all we ever got ? The TV guys !!

 So many groups here


Science 1900


Education sectors


5 Lords Review 


Inspirational them

Boy bands/ Hollywood 

.. … 

I have no ideas where you all want to go. Novels …it’s not my things to understand. It depends what American wants to do on that, especially MD doctors.

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️Movies say 3000 years waiting, you want that ? ( Lords of Rings )

 No, I think all will facilitate you to do better on the habits. But …I am the one reading behind.

They can make you do, don’t mean you evolve to just try harder at it for 5000%? Everyone getting a call. On so many different levels I told you on the books. 

Well, it’s like I am telling a jokes, your eyes don’t see the priority …

So, working together yet on retrospect if it happens?

How to work together as a group ? Without my website ?

Babaji: right 

I think …you need MD if they call you here with the translation on 夢幻遊戲 or tests so far we did on my Anna terms to American Founding Father. Indian 500 years old meant there is a 500 years time period…now no one knows that, you think of judgements Day to do better for half eternity after this Millennium time factors ?

 So you need to get Breatharian topics done if MD board called you here or Pharmeutucal.

With Dr T book, 溜冰天使

I don’t understand if people really that down in nature to say …I say next half eternity means with this Bible turn real on SMCH 清海無上師

No, we don’t need to care a bit how she feels. She is very bitter. I have no sypathic mind to ever want comment about it anymore. You do that to yourself eternity. 

It cannot just be the people left on the TV?


I used to know Ruthkess King does in Grave yard that King Great Wall. He burn down all all books, excepts I Ching put under medicine book. 秦始皇

You don’t want to talk to Ponpeo? Anthony ? Another Tony ? They have a week or a month ? For unprecedented gossips passing generations later on ?

Don’t you political driven ?

I cannot just hold that boy bands there forever …they might be real guests!

You like them, you have to talk to them, not …I go collecting them all for you and you all just go back room reading books, novels says…what adjective English I don’t use adverb ?


An eye glasses box, you put eye glasses like a pro, to read whatever books you got in your room?

Barns & Nobles. I went all the time. 

Tests preparation, Angels  Psychi talk, Dummy Marketing later on, middle is Hilary biography …Bible, Yogananda or Children books to publish ideas? There is a Hallmark next by Barns & Nobles….with Precious Monents?

There is a waste books sessions in Barns & Nobles, they got cover on it, it’s …a man and a woman like in 60s dress ?

Babaji: right 

These boys bands are your American guests! I cannot just build a big house America BBQ there asking them what they do, or they are not far from 3 Art, just me going over each ee later offices checking receptionist? Life is boring so you walk around seeing things ? I have no more meditation !!

 Do you know what’s a free life to do, if you just to be active ?

Civilian life ?

BBQ like fire burnimg, put food Nick does all that you all eats ? I have no ideas what you all eat !!

But, even if I get through all their committee company party like Google has it, bring meals, or their food court …just walking around seeing food?

Lifes have nothing to do, so talk, seeing, say why is that on the Title food court ?

Or game room, I say here in Taiwan I go find Zombie? If they got Tolkien, I tell them which machine to go play !! By using your eyes ?

Not on books ! Novels ?

You can sing, you can music, you can just hold a windmill up…wind blows which direction wind is that? That way ?

Look at the bear?

Look at the water ?

Talk to Michael Vartan? Good morning Sunshine ?

Watch movies frames to see whom are in your family should be dead ?

Going to better hotel suit that has kitchen, and team up one block High class Grocery in Valley, generating which family members kids in cooking style? For parents before they die, they see and eat ? In the Silicon Valley, next to Tesla, Marriah residence? It’s a kitchen with very nice bed, we all go and see relatives and cooking competing with cousins ? Pair up used to be family ? That’s not life?

Babaji: right 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ You know why some people interests in life (leap, flip, bounce), Tony cannot see, just like you, if I give them all like you all girls a sum of big money, you will keep home clean to read novels ?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I start to wonder that UB 105 classroom why I have my photo that big cart out looking ?

You all will live that life?

5 Lords I know them somewhat, either that way, or this way UB… …do you care they exist, and with all the boys band I say 90s? Westlife, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degree, not just NSYNC?

Most guys are not Tony.

Like interest to live life like 

BBQ in the woods

Collecting fire woods + newspaper

Printing paper from the printer

Go to a real print shop to print poster for farmers market

Listening to TV, news, SMTV

Built Tent

Clean up the yard or snow

Call ETR where is the invitation letter, not Simon argumentive girls talk ?


Yell at 430 or Victoria Secrets