
Other planet

 Do I say it wrong if a superman comes to take you fly out, you would ? If this Earth that everyone is everywhere betray your ? For life, for love?

Does your other disciple will think of you like that?

Do I need a phone to call you to ask these sharp questions stabbing at your chest or your heart? 

There is an Apple device like I show you on TV recording how I type in Chinese. Why do I do that?

Do I need a plan to do all that? Do I need Babaji to tell me every step like you would be curious about? How do we work together? Look like the TV? Did he really throw flower at me uttering sweet words? Do you see vision like what does he show you ? Did he say bad words about you and the floods?

Did he want you to stand on his side one day to do his bidding ? Will he? So he tells Chinese to sir that? 

In your tiny brain, what will I be thinking if you saying all that loud in front of me? 

Do I ask you to say it loud?

Do I need you to say it?

Do I want to know how much you wish to say by heart? 

How is that possible Babaji picks me and not you? Isn’t video looking great all he needs? 

If all Anna said was true, why cannot he lay his eyes on things you do? At least some? 

You know the book is heavy, you have wishful thinking if the games are without this book burden heavy announcing the world you have a name and become One melting together as MM? Not just seven head? What does that mean?

What gives Anna the mood to write these? Does she ever have the mood? Sorry inspiration to write?

These are not multiple choices questions ... ...

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