
Do you ...

 Do you watch movies?

No I don’t. 2014 I start watching movies. I have seen some, not a lot.


No, I don’t listen to the music.Apple release a MacBook has no CD-ROM or whatever that’s thin in 2006. Whatever they say, that’s about right.

What do you do for fun?

Nothing, I work on a lot of things, some Tesla rumors he works a lot to exhaustion, that’s about right.

You meditate?

That’s the instruction. 

You do fasting ?

I have done that, gradually built up days to weeks. My goal was not about the fasting, the gallbladder was packed.

Where do you learn singing ?


You don’t sing occasionally at home?

No, I don’t.

Do you like singing ?

No, I hate singing.

You don’t do anything else?

Walking long distance for air, there are some exercise I do. To built up gallbladder pressure. I found out it works very well.

Are you a doctor?

No, I am not a doctor.

Why did you want to do that?

Because I had nothing else to do, I had that very much attract to my attention to almost all things was on the medicine. 

Why didn’t you go to the medical school?

What I learn is not exactly they teach at the present school. Not exactly like that. My English I just cannot pass their grades.

Any food you like?

Not really. It’s all about the same. But I eat them. 

Because of the fasting ?

Because of those procedure to get the entire body to work out gallbladder stones, my taste bugs changes. And I repeat too many times, many years I go on that. The intake of the food or soy sauce for example one drop, it was killing me. As that cycle goes, I don’t like the food anymore. Now I am here, because too many works and I am not in the US, I have nothing to work on. I have to go purchasing different tinctures or things I know what to do. Now I have you as a problem, I just don’t bother doing that anymore. 

You know ...?

 You know you are wrong ! It makes sense to you. Movies bring you comfer sometimes.


Fantasy (Hope)


Direction (inspiration ) to do things. There is nothing to do waiting to die.


You did thought about it. How everything I said?


I wish I can say that too.


Babaji seems to be very mad at me

What makes you think Babaji is mad at you ?

I think he might.

You talking because you talking for talking or you actually THINK through it?

Think through it.


Dark magic ? Harry Potter?

 You want to tell me, you conclude that book is talking about you are teaching the Dark Magic?

Defense for the Dark Art?

Because you have no Master. What makes me believe you didn’t think of that 1986 but 2005? Because many Harry Potter talking about a 生不如死  Dark Lord live on blood?

Something like that ?

Too many movies? 

You would go and watch the horror movies ?

No, I am asking. You have to make a choice to live growing up life. I cannot make every decision in life for you. You actually go learning with the movies!

The comet girl direct a movie

 I heard Keanu said a while ago...the comet girl direct a movie with them Legally Blonde actress.

The age her kisses the young boys. 慘不忍賭的電影🎬

Did you see that? Or “Better than Love” used to I talk about it....young boys on ballet.

You gonna believe that?

You are deciding your life now. What can I do? If I don’t get tie down by Babaji, Wallace might tie me up with himself got tie down too. No, with the rope.

No it’s not funny.

It’s one year pass...I have no idea where is your head at !

Master & Disciple

Are you ever gonna tell me, it’s the US Hollywood tell you to do things, and they are the biggest factor that might determined the ever after wedding tale you pray for so long , so they must be right, let’s Wait and See, you right or I right?

You seem to have more free time than me, so you must have watched my video to get to know me.

You heard me talk about everyone !

We know each other and you are waiting a Chosen One to stuff yourself into a hug 天下第一

You don’t know who they are talking about ! This time, China !

You are angry and ? Still keep thinking if Legally Blonde?

 You are angry you are set up? Since 2007?  So you decide to teach the class!! Distributing the Gift!

And? Telling lies ! Because people don’t know you are telling lies, so an obvious lie, everyone would know! You go back to the Bible that time? Revenge the Bible?

You find out I am in the crowd to introducing how to read Bible or how to decide your exit?

It’s a Death number, not your gift card bar code number.

Oh, you think about the Death ....teaching the class keep breathing, you need more witness! You are not that stupid, why that gift has to be there? By forcing yourself in again ? To dilute the 5 Lord names effects by your good heart because that’s English translation not the Sanskrit India lineage power?

It’s pure lean on Indian side or you poison more in the ocean side?


Severus ?

7 heads /horns / whatever number in the Bible?

2007 that’s when you finishing reading the Harry Potter? 

I don’t really know what you ask others to repeat, but you are not in the mind by doing a lot of things none sense.


 You know?

You actually know you are wrong ? And?

You just drop the garbage down meaning it’s you getting the Mail and kick the front door to get out?

Then tell me, what’s your next move to push yourself again in anything on the television ? We are on the Harry Potter !

Do you have a big sense what others thinks on Bible saying you are the Babylon, Prostitute on the Beast? You reading too many times, you cannot understand how others see it? Or still hope hope hope Legally Blonde?

You watch my chemistry video that time or not?

 Do you actually listen in how I would grill you on pieces just like what’s on the Organic Chemistry?

No, I don’t know.

I am just asking.

Apparently you name a middle age women on Joy. Is that 16? You desperate to have me talking to you but you couldn’t say and have to wait til Simon shows up or Keanu, you push yourself in again to everyone around to see you.

You love doing that !!

Do you know your behavior is completely out of the mind?

Witness and the Gifts

 You are distributing the Gifts !! Because you wish they know you meant the Bible!!

People can don’t know a thing at all !! You just wish keeping fabric a story ONLY on the Millitary moniter, what about those who are not in the millitary?

They exist ! Do you hear me? They exist ! 

You are not listening !


You dress pink in Legally Blonde, when we met in Thailand you dress PINK.
Is that you watch the Harry Potter, the Pink lady yet?
No I don’t know! I would not care what color you want to dress yourself with !!
As long as you don’t tell me a 2000 book Bible vs Movie fantasy, you rather soak with tiny hope they meant you are going through the Wedding.
Do you?
The US who made the movies can change the verdict in a Holy Sacred Book ? Because you change a new song for the mass to glow to me what you have become, the scroll of Lamb?
You wish?

How did you get cut in 1000 pieces?

 Correct, by watching the MOVIES 🎥 

你想說『如何懈逅』you are a public known nun!

Are you gonna telling me because they know you went to get married so many times, you are numb with the feeling getting married ? Did you check the Bible to hope and to pray, the Hollywood might meant you reading it wrong, you are not the Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast, but a brand new wedding is long lasting waiting for you?

You believe Eben is that wedding ...in the Legally Blonde?

You really believe it or you just assume?

You can wait a whole life time and it’s NOT true !

Your participation changed the movie industry !

 You didn’t just flood the world spiritually, you actually go ahead to push yourself into the movie industry !!! That would be the ET saying, I don’t even need to know what they or Babaji says !

You want to be getting mails!!! With none stop watching the movies !!

What did you say you start the Taiwan ocean business 1986 again? You register a zen name Buddhist association ....and 1998, you formally introduce yourself TO the US Hollywood !!!

You push 2014 to be the OU years, do I need to go to YOUR mighty Angel to say, you reset the time on tribulations and rapture ?

Do you know your character at all? Can you see yourself ? Truly seriously ?

What did you do?

Unlock the water, flood the whole land, collect enough golds,  push the Hollywood to speak up about YOU, and directly command the Angel to reset the Time on tribulation !

Can you see? Do you reflect at all? You really think that’s a nice looking act? 

Your acting is like never grown up kids. You gonna say, you heard it wrong, you thought they speaking about you, and you by accident become their movie characters for the rest of your life, and you could participate the venture, and be in the story !!!

Those are careless action you want you hope you wait you pray you really really needed that attention !!

Movie industry

 Does that help you establish a NEW relationship with Simon, or Eben, or Prince William?

Do I help?

What’s the title of this articles?

You become the main character of a movie and the story telling on your Bible become less effective because the movie is the FULL story? The shop around the corner wants to be put out of the business ?

Once you establish yourself in the Hollywood and the Bible, you could talk to Simon, how you too have a common industrial experience in joining venture HOW to make the movies together ! With the encourage from the United States!

I was 15 years old ! I just changed my hair color black to short blondes hair.

If it’s others, they would have never ending complaining you took their fantasy movies characters !

My half initiation card is a BLACK hair !

You got Mail (1998)

 That’s how 152 ny becomes your.... hair dye! Do they know you have a tendency to look up the Movies and say let’s change the hair color?

I am just watching movies like you. Your life of the past few decades ! 

You feel surprised or expected when you saw that the US Hollywood giving you a Mail? And therefore, you have been going on receiving the mails? 

How can ones mind ever devote to the practice if your attention is upside down by the movies ? All the time, and they must making a romance for ....do they have a reason for doing that?

還有細胞 cell

 Why did not I cannot stop talking about the cell?

I repeat at least how many times in all different video in Chinese.

We talk about the organs, the glands, the tissues, the lab, the trafficking black market on transplant, why always have to blend back in on cell studies ?

Because I wrote a book !

Perfect !


 You have to actually see the people coming, or nearby ...to see you didn’t fall.

You don’t even know there is somebody passing by.

As soon as you all feel it what you can see...around, the story does not look like what they try to say on me, or on you. 







那只有再 extreme 的情況,她什麼都不是







4 and 1

 How do I count ... no matter how you initial your own letter SMCH, it would not be 6, isn’t it?

Or you expect ET telling me, they know you pointing at ? Making words sounds methods to say letter?

Mars and VENUS

 Tell me why I capitalize VENUS?

Because Tesla rumors are from VENUS and? You say to ET or you say to me : THEIR existence are almost GODLY so they destroy themselves with Lava coil into the Middle of their Planet and exploded completely? That’s NOT WHAT you SAID on OUR Venus ?

Do you want to explain clearly how those words happened ?

Are you telling ET reptilian and greys you have to exist where they cannot watch you on Earth?

Or you think you never gonna get ANY reply from somewhere? 

You assume everyone KNEW you are the SMCH, are you out of your mind because to you, every country uniform people just One room of them means A LOT to your face? So they will know you have a meaning to air just THAT on the TV? Or you conclude that Harry Potter teaching you telling lies and MUST is your brain circulating problem how NOT to obey the simplest commands ?

Sailor Moon attacks or transformation

 Are you watching it?

Do you want me to tell Simon, Keanu, Eben, Prince William, 建華,趙又廷

Why it’s others are watching them? I am tired of watching it, that’s what I will tell them.


 Were you copying my website when I talked about the magic? How to enter the world that consist if each element present in a World that before the birth? 金木水火土?

The curses you so afraid of is not really like the cursed they are using the words here but it’s life after life glueing back to that each birth, come with it. I used to have all these terms. 上古邪惡黑大魔法師

You enter an earth atmosphere is already filled with water, in the air, under the sea, and you hook on a name iconic Suicide the entire civilization with your public announcement that Water is EVERYWHERE!

If you have a huge troubles with basic school subjects, and communication, including zero telepathic ability ....you expect yourself learning Magic? What magic? Magic before you were born and done with it? Or hola hoop, making the clouds disappearing ? That you would glad to do to know what terms to use in the Climate change 101 to start!

How you enter the world that has the metal element before entry birth?

Wood, water, fire, earth respectively ....

You are in a civilization that don’t use magic, so saying you don’t need to develop your dreamy state on Simon or Keanu or telephatic communication means to ET even when you are not talking to them?


Ancient serpent word, snake, Snape, Lamb, lamp

 Beast and dragon story you read in your mind, do they look like the snake to you 🐍?

For the traveler ...if just step in 2000 years before 20 years and after 20 years, to see something 

Flood, snake (serpent), magic, children’s book, Death, cheating Death, gold, battles, Forest 🌳 , blood status, pure none pure, the Chosen One, traveling, searching, Christmas. Dark and Light. Fire (Chinese ancient 伏羲氏), prison, Deathless, immortal elixir, potion, Lots of books, library  

You don’t really need a lot of icon images to 校對 that’s a Bible Old story or talking about a Bible.

Details don’t know what it is saying. If just pick up a DVD reading the title or the back of it.

You don’t think Snake is ET?

 You don’t think Snake is ET? How would I answer you if you were me?

Because ... ...

How does ET tell you they are “Ancient” you say that Bible is a children’s book?

You didn’t say. Your behavior acting like one.




我每天都黏在這板子的上面,不太想出去 .... ....好像很多事,但是我一件事情都不能碰



I cannot help you with the classify ...

 From 1 years ago, I still cannot read that much stuffs.

I had your contact person dog scared the heck of me for 夢幻遊戲 the other day.

His coming is always 無聲無息

I told you how that works already. You have to know how to grow up. 

The strongest wand


C l a s s f y

Class i fy 

Fly (the strongest wand)





Bermuda ?

Tri angle 

Invisibility cloak ( I C )

I used to have 西斯 telling me a bunch of craps stories on UFO!




Thicken black


 That’s Ron says name !

A CH translation 死拿錢?

Find his way back, like Time going ....forward always.

There is a direction or motion of the Time?

Forest Dean!

 I c ... 

the Book and my Dean.

Yesterday I was not clear.

I heard of a magic carpet, in the desert 

But, I never heard a magic tent in the forest.

How many forests are there? Now Simon has to find Dean, you like that?

Did you say you are Christ?

 You keep saying BE, CE in OU language.... you don’t like it?



0 —— 0


2000 AD Christ

Harry speaks music or snake language to the Old lady.

You don’t know the language, you cannot sing to transform others?

He is heavy - in the forest

 Old Testament and New Testaments  

The barrier 

Radio what news bad | radio on name lists

I am watching Harry ‘Potter again

 R A B

Sirius brother ...Tesla has a brother or ET has a brother, it shows a servant elf 1, then elf 2!

Your dream is to sitting down and discussing things with Simon and Keanu on the Table.

Do I assume your eyes are on Simon because Keanu is my stuffs ?

If you decide to own a land

 If you decide to say you own Simon, or Chinese, or Disciple territory, you have to actually think how to own them, like you earn them.

Chinese is a communism, but you really like to own them like just your name destine to initial at. You went to Europe because in Florida you run off America for destroying the water front, or what were you making there? A new landscape ? 

You then went to Europe to settle there. I didn’t see EU written in a Chinese label you are an English passport, but settle at Menton, somewhere south of France, that’s not France, isn’t ? SMC

Without the H? I turn side way how to read H or 工 without ? Europe without the Chinese?

You are teaching me a brand new languages like I don’t have the subject taught right in my mind. You suppose to be an expert in this.

You cannot own them because they can watching the movies to think that’s 2000 related event or 911? There must be something it connects to their memory issues, and you decide to “better to talk to me”, or simply one initiation card with my 生辰八字 while entering your front door, you decide it’s time to Act? 

You have a reason why you spend the time and the money to open a brand new public channel on Satellites? Does ET wants to tell me, you would attack them from the Satellite communication unintentionally ? It’s outside space ! Do you know what’s a satellites 🛰?

Just the Internet ?

Maybe the way I smell things isn’t exactly how you lock it your disciples at their territory ... you want or your liking cannot be a dishonest decision you just whip in your head - “That’s what I want to do”!


 I didn’t have the heart to care what exactly you brings a group in your own liking or governing, but if like you saying 你吃定了中國徒弟. It must be you like it how they call you 師父?Any words that makes you soothing that the American don’t? Whatever this 中國儒家思想,尊師重道,俠情薄義、爽朗快博?

Are you actually very sure you chain them just right on their neck like you owe them a responsibility ? 

They owe you 師資聰明?I have no ideas what words to use !! Apparently everything you did was by, you so sure you doing it right all this time ....they cannot understand you like I used to? Do they care what exactly you are doing on your TV, a sudden change of the heart to a public announcement, not because it’s been 20 years passing the 2000, you finally could BREATH? 

I don’t know them! You suppose to really really know them !!

Do they use the electronics? I often hearing them selling their furniture in the US always equip with the computers, are they Apples? 

Do you actually want them to find out


You don’t really want them to find out?

You make up you mind just like you playing a spelling games, maybe I use telepathy in the Ageless time, there is NO WORDS? I cannot spell? And you and Apple competing who spelling faster to sink into the mind of the public? 

Is that something I want to know? You ask? 

You would say Chinese don’t have electronic device 1998

 You gonna tell me CHINA is too poor to shipping THE electronic device, so while i away to the US, somehow they cannot find out who you are, right on the Movies, Ocean 11 to define what’s an “iMac” or Microsoft ? So you actually believe they are not told there is a year 2000? And it happened your entire groups have no one finding out YOU are on the BIBLE? Because they don’t speak in English? 

Meaning they are yours to KEEP? Or your name marking on them - you have a right to glue to it? 

Why don’t you glue on the map here for a while ? Because in your saying EVERYTHING is the US doing  including THE subway! Isn’t that what you wanting to say? I thought I saw the workers are Chinese ! You will tell me they are from Germany or French how to make a railing ? Because it must be a contract company !!

When is Chinese become your TOP priority ?

 I didn’t know you are so caring TO THE CHINESE !

Your face cannot be more 薄 ? Like on ice, 薄冰易碎!

You cannot see me painting my eye brow 薄 everyday, is there a meaning i wish to know?

Your face! 

Speaking Chinese you actually MOVE, uneasy ? You afraid someone told 子歇 or there is a branch of Chinese Buddhism might just hear it? 

English you breath and Chinese you cannot breath ?

 Don’t you read Chinese ? So you hire people translating Chinese to English or you hire someone do an audio recording in Chinese for you to hear it?

You feel more breathing in English ?

I speak Chinese you CANNOT breath ?

Because that’s something you gonna say we are in common? Bridge over our difference ?

This entire world, you put your face ONLY ON Chinese? What did you say again you were in Europe for ? 

You didn’t !

Getting to know ABC Chinese? You found them be more like you with the money or handsome ? 

It’s your face you don’t want Chinese to hear what I have to say IN CHINESE! So you must have heard audio translating voice to the actual, literal, Chinese words to your ears?

How idiot you are, I say “YOU BECOME”!

 How idiot you are?

I SAY how idiot YOU become! Aren’t you wanting to evolve? So YOU become! 

Is that you did not try anything or just trying to go to an ocean to see how you cannot breath under it? You would grow that SMART!

Can I not every two sentence is how idiot you become?

 You wish I could just hand you a microphone and to SING a song?

How long was that microphone not in your hand? 

That Harry Potter you wish the very last journey part 1 and part 2 were you to explain to me, does Simon have to be part of it?


And how would you wish to explain that to me? Because the flood you cannot see but deserve a kiss for rewarding THERE IS SOMEONE in the basement !!!

.... ...no.

Your explaination is EVERYONE just LOOK ON the TV!

Is that what you trying to say? Not actually working on it? How you treat them or treat Bible like children’s books? 

You want to go to Yogananda ?

 It’s said on Britney?

Oh, I didn’t know that’s how to translate it from ! You like they beating each other up? 


And that’s not what you could just see it as the video acted for you TO SEE?

I am not dead yet !

 How do I translate that in CH? In your head?


I cannot help wonder you would do a proper head dissection by ET, what’s the Angel saying, you cannot uses words, so God creates Words for you to SING at it?

Do you actually properly read this map?

 Do you read it with your clear mind? 中正紀念堂 like 孟玄朗?

中山? that’s 12345?

And you are at? Infinity yet 

I don’t care if it’s 板橋 or 府中

I have a high school volleyball mate again is another Torus from 板橋 with the Captain from 板橋 also.

I cannot help but to think in 板橋

So then Simon what? 

Do you read 龍山寺?

You have to care about? What do I think you are caring about? Someone is missing ? The formation cut in half? 

They set you up?

 Who set you up? Like you wrote to your show why you absent was “you are in retreat where has no high tech?”

You go on an ice and fall, you gonna tell me that’s a high tech?   

I cannot spell abscent ...abc cooking studio in 101? They open a shop for you!

It’s on the map, do you check Simon is on the line where makes 10 and you end it at 板橋?

They have the ABC Cooking studio !! Do you check all these landmark ?


 Oh ~ do you want to repeats your own words, “God made human in his own image?”

CH? Like they become part of your last name? If cutting in half, you stand on the left, they go on the right? No more restriction from the Chinese, you are completely transform to become SM?

Or you conclude China and Vietnam are both the communism ? You won’t neglect this tiny point !!

Doesn’t the Angel says you have a very big language problems ? Or have you thought you have a language problem so the Cooking show you desperately to tell me, you can describe things fine in English, like giving everyone a cooking lessons? 

Why is TIm name Cook on his last name and his hair is while with an eye glasses?

“He cannot see!”

And you ? ... 

do you know you have not just a speaking problem in saying, describing but reply me a simple answer you have to unleash on someone else?

Do I want to know if ET thinks ....you

 Do I want to know you think of ET as the beast or the dragons whichever numbers of it or on the marking  of it ...they know you don’t know what’s the wild beast, like animals kingdoms, Buddhism 6 realms has a 畜生道, apparently your dogs are flying high above the worlds and the cows are the 5th level.....can you make a sense what you saying front and the back?

ET is humanoid, you would have told me they have a tail funny? 

So, do you revel yet what they think you put things in the brackets as who they are, or who, the Bible saying that will become your family yet?

Beasts and dragons are not your family ! What’s the total number of that beast dragons 隻?


There is NO more parts in Harry Potter!!!

 What’s that mean no more parts? Everyone be together like the ending of the sailor moon, Chinese reunion hot pot?

Or you report directly to ET, they are looking for you, you ...BY PASS US classify?

Instructive and entertaining ? Your telepathy communication on your every thought daily if while you are not calling them? ET?

Or you decide they are other ET in the Universe, because the US cannot just talk about only 2 ? 

Oh ~ the positive ET?

Maybe they already finish decoding and I am the LAST to know?

 I don’t care if they know before or after ....I have seen Harry Potter, it does not mean I actually went to decode on it. Whenever they air it, I seen it. This few days is WHEN I properly look at it!!

If something like this huge events happening to do with you, you know why you are the character in the movies, don’t you suppose to be more in care for these? 

Just a children’s book going on a venture ?

Do they want to tell me the God or the Death, wants to tell me, you treat the Bible like a children’s book? 兒戲

If I give you a microphone to talk, I have less degree to believe it’s to sing?

 Rock n roll? 

That’s not what she is doing ? Oh ~ 

Do they used to have the Universe word exists ? Because you want to do that in front of the whole Universe? 

It didn’t say, they dress her like you? And if you make it even one day on the stage, you gonna dress red?

You want to audition to Simon’s show? I went to it. Once of a Lifetime!

Or you want to be audit by Eben? With your business. Do I want to know where you been doing on your business, because I used to think it’s EVERYONE else keep things in order for you. Your disciples.

I am sure Prince William has something you can go and be audition at?

What degree of the fire....I cannot understand this Harry Potter wherever they put words randomly ...like ET cannot talk. What is the liking you have to them 3? From 1 to 10?

Why their impossible choice on Part 2 is this infinity impossible, suppose making you feel “killing you ?”

You have a massive disciples groups and you glue on a flat device on them 3? You have to let me to actually understand it’s just a talking as an example or it’s a fact that is an actual real things they are saying. Do I look like I can understand it? From what they are saying ?

Britney used to be with Justin, the Blonde guy in nsync


NSYNC is a 5 people boy band. But then they separate. 
Britney used to be with Justin, but then they broke up.
Then she was married to a dancer I think...and then was she divorced also.

She was when she got married, and NSYNC when they fall apart?
They had an Atlantis concert.

You read? 
This video says the Princess of Pop?
I think ET didn’t meant you are their Pop Princess.


Classify = class si fly without One

 When is Hermione flying so no dying ? Like no stab down (step down)

Harry was flying 

You are in between the class “through” time. 

Snake don’t fly, they crawl. Reptilian crawl? They are scared of you ?

This looks ...so ... unbelievable.

To the US classify ...

 Is reptilian almost like the dictating God like to you on the top?

I don’t think I heard anything good to say.

They looking for you ? That’s the end of the Harry Potter parting ...

Snake is not part 2

 Snake is not one door part two world ? It’s not a death anymore ?

2 is not because it’s a S but if you put 2 S overlapping like you want a bite, not a kiss?

It becomes infinite sign in the math. Or infinity.

Your hope to the Lord? 

5 ...adding the snake is 6.

Snape and the Dark Lord

 Snape like death in a memory - Death in an illusion realm.


Dark Lord like Death without Love of ... ... Death. ( because Dark Lord is one tier above Snape)

Dark Lord does not die, the boy die, then Death comes to the Dark Lord?

I cannot write.

If the comet hit Earth, it cannot have the flood?

 I heard it. If the comet hit Earth, it cannot have us.

U  S A?

Does this ...we’re saying there is ET?

If the comet hit Earth, it cannot have ET? Because you cannot flood anymore?

ET are not an item?


They are deathly hallow? 

You want to call me I am a ET?

You climb the moutain ....

 Not you, Harry climb the mountain to find a crown but all he finds was a bunch of pixies that’s not blue?

I say like Krishina or shiva the blue color on them. The protector and wait the day they are not blue anymore? 

Harry is a singing judges ...your dream is to sing 🎤 with the microphone?

So it is about the Music, I keep saying what the heck of this music things I have to keep watching ...

Singing ? You actually want to hold a microphone and SING?

The possible kiss? It’s impossible you to flood the world?

 How to say this ...

If it’s impossible you flood the world in the basement, but you did flood it, so there is a kiss like a reward?

☄️ Comet? Like the probability a comet hitting the Earth ?

Oh I didn’t know that would be a saying.

If that 3 is impossible, Snape die on it?

 Is there a description or language to say the impossible of the infinite parting two worlds, the boundary between death and the living is “infinite “?

Who is Snape?

Mother’s crown - Prince William?

 Is that why Princess William and Eben is air here on this side of continent ?

Prince William?

No ... how can you possible you like the Prince or his father ? 

They never learn, such a pity?

What did I tell you? Nothing ?

Eben shows up ...don’t tell me ...

 Harry says what to Eben, “hold up for him”

You love Eben just like I jokily say that because it’s on the movie??

You actually really like Eben?

Hold up for him? You and Eben is more impossible and how is that explained to me? I cannot understand it.

Something small and easy to hide

 You actually believe you are not destine you be small, short?

You see Harry ....you actually like Simon?

Simon and Ginny together.

Would you ever be possible ?

Phone line 1 says that’s a dark smoke, Ron says it.

Phone line 2 says all your hiding secrets ?

Did I tell you to stop doing this? Have I told you Simon ...he ....and you is impossible ?

Is that the movies says? That’s ....I don’t want to speak anymore of this.

A painting vs a broken mirror

 Your self proclaimed image vs a reflection of another face

Does that making any sense ? Not really 

Both on the wall hanging, the size is different, the material is different

An image vs a broke glass mirror ? Or just mirror ?


 When is the dinasour on Earth records ?

The glorious “moment” like trophy? One monent, uncountable cups ? How do they get in? 搖擺的什麼東西?like 2 it’s swindle, again like lies.

A sword has known to two sides. 

You red ? They red too. Just hear about anything say. part 2

 Did I say it’s something you cannot understand 

Like full of kindness vs evil 滿慈子就是慈 or saying i say three world has more evil tendency at it like Maya speaking so you cannot cross the barrier to be free? I just say example. You have to forever bound?

That’s a curse.

It’s opposite quality.

Smart lie vs stupid goodness turn evil ( you follow her words and the look)

No one understand what that means 

There is a line Part 1

 Part 1 - that’s 1, the line

Part 2 - that’s not a line anymore, the wand is bent, or curved...meaning we cannot understand it beyond 1

2 is not drawing a line.

Drawing is not words, it’s not instructive ?

Like my face? Everyday I have to go out (exit) to draw on it.

How to exit it?

 That’s two opening and do you want to spell it ? Ron says that’s your best?

How to exit it?

Two opening , two IT !

Two deathly hallows 

Where would I think they are saying ? ET is a pro telling lies.

Why don’t you working on it how to tell better lies

 It’s always been lying 

Death ly hallow 

External talents and inside.

There are more difficult programs where they really have to stand on ice to learn the stuffs. Because they calculating time, no matter how many years to learn everything I teach them.

Compare to that ... I don’t know what you are deciding to do.

How to lie better to cheat death ? How to tell lies to me better ... ...

Do you SM just cannot see things beyond at all? Where are your disciples crowd, they watching it? 

These have to re-writing , they need to get the legal department, they need to blend back and forth even.

It’s always about You ! How to? 

How to? That’s two opening !

Another house

 They are looking for Death (deathly hallows)

Is that telling story entertaining ? (Talking to you ?)

So God decide to tell you a new story how to cheat the Death (me?)

How to grow stronger so to cheat for a Marriage to be invisible by God (Death) and equal to Death (to me?)

Follow the word outside () then use the word in ()

Two statements.

( low battery, how can I write you ?)

Water, no tea, you are not leaving yet? Wait til when to leave?

Get caught beautiful run (Ron?)

The theme is Ron? The Light

If the theme is Ron ... she attacks Harry fall back ( is spring forward fall back?)

Lies, they pretend to be a cover ? To pretend not Ron the Light, but Harry, the sword or the flying golden ball?

Again, plan change next House.

How many houses so far ?

Talking to whom “his own house”

What’s wrong with his face or my face? Mona Lisa on a painting, that’s not the word. It’s an actual painting.

Painting has no words so ... No instruction ? No entertaining just cellars ?

Cellar in a new house with a servant not serpant. A cheerful one

Really? The cellular.

Poof they disappear.(prove ?)

Coming back after the ice barrier broke

 Ice broken = an opening 

necklace = another opening (the dark smoke saying seeing you fears.)

Only left 3 to go.

3 are arguing 

You destroy it

Long story short Ron describes a voice he hear a girl says his names 

Chest, again ? We didn’t go anywhere. It’s not the flood, it’s ice now? But it’s opened ?

Who did it? They 3 argue who did that ?

How long God gonna be mad?

Keep talking romance words ? To find the way back? What would I say or what would God says ?

A new wand, a new fire trick, a new talk. What would I ever say ?

重寫隨便你們 One house destroy so gone to others whose house

 Growing up

The house was destroying, telling you how or why

So move on to the next house.

A match box 賣火柴的女孩? The old lady who cannot speak ?

Necklace is on Harry when he touches the photo album, like tracing back memory, she transform ?

Not human anymore. 

Serpent is not servant 

Serpent is an ancient words snake right ?

Back to the forest with the broken wand. Memory describe scenery, remembering, how the wand was broken ?

The boy in the album or the boy in the album you touch and transform ?

The book has no drawing I say that again or photo. She shows him what?

The broken wand and he needs the necklace for the night watches (or knight watchers?)

There is a light, deer, animal. Gonna be another servant issue? It’s a light body supposed to help you right? Not serpent there is broken wand.

The light of the deer is the sword hiding under the barrier - Ice

There is a line between Harry and the sword.

Going down again, not like going down the stairs where you breath oxygen, this is Water.

Children (song lyrics )

 Mary get the kids (in the magic ministry saying )

A song 🎶 inside a tent

A dance without the boundary, without the line

Hugs. No lines. Skin to skin

(Right, someone says the snake shredding skins)

Inside a tent, it’s not a bag, it’s a snatch inside has the word with the wings attached?

No root, there is eyes, wedding 

Why would someone draw in a children’s book ? The problem is Bible has words, not drawing today - so it’s not a children’s book ? Deductive logic, where analyze paradoxical sayings ?

Bible is not a children’s book. Grow up ?

Parents are dead in grave, Christmas holiday season? You missing Christmas 🎄?


 The Marconi radio has a defect, I used to say it. It’s not the Tesla. Something missing a coil or something. The court paper might he Tesla saying that when he explains? Where did I say that from? Ask goggle it’s on their browsers history. I talked about it.

A shield, a boundary, in between them, there is a line. Harry and Hermione is not the couple, of course there is a line between them.

Missing lists, name lists


Hair cut, inspiration, vs a highly logic thought ? Paradoxical.

Inspiration and logic are they different ?

Why Ron leaves because there is a table between Harry and Hermione? There is a line.

A tent inside has a bag, what was Harry saying unless you have what inside that bag?

Something inside something inside?

Ron leave, without the Light.

A magic tent in a forest

 I have heard a magic carpet in a desert ...

The instruction supposes to get the lineage for her, not destroying it...what will I think it is saying ?

(You are using eraser? Oh you write it down.)

It’s a horcroux ! An item.

If saying items, next picture on the wand, it is an item. 

A vision of an item? Is his name riddle, like this is a riddle?

Whatever they are saying ....


 Dumbledore like Da Vinci

Sirus like ET, e T? Like TEsla?

Then flood her Hermione files 

On time? We are now?

Down stairs is lying there is a necklace ! All we know lying are ET most known so far ....we didn’t get anywhere.

Death eator, not servant this time, it’s death Eators plenty. With a light?

Mary? Is that Catholics? Get their kids?

Jesus ? More than one? Or more than one life time?

Da Vinci, Tesla, that makes 2, plus 1 now, 3.

Someone chasing them, they cannot go where the servant at. Servants didn’t come with them, in other words.

You want to re-write? Fine.


 Instruction to Ron?

Not to Hermione ? So she answer not Ron knows ?

Instruction is going down stair, you have one hour, blood status.

River of Life= Blood

That two words, entertaining and instructive.

I heard instruction. Where is entertaining ?

Sirius 天狼星

 Isn’t that ET?

I used to hear about others talking about.

It’s a star somewhere far away. Do we call them extraterrestrial? Meaning outside terrestrial?

Then servant elf shows up... ...comsdodian? I cannot spell. 

I saw inelia and AF (Tony)

Purna next tier was Inelia 

Above Purna is Tony 解空第一

There are many words they use at New Age ET terms or New Age guardian Angel or your god father ...is Sirius Harry God father?

Not just 1 servant ? 2?

Do I want to know how you all decide on traveling somewhere ? The evils vs good, you all good?    

Entertaining or instructive

 That was told to Hermione.

How she feels all these decades? Entertaining or instructive ?

Because did she believe there is ET? Like ET negative ? Something entertaining and instructive ?

I highly doubt most people read closely the US says. ET does not exist.

High intellect and negative ET?

I am not saying reading the US classify, I am just saying be aware the existence because any communication can start it the moment you finish reading. So those any new information is not reliable. 

Does that making sense?

If they are negative and telepathy ? Did the US ever mention they speaks? What language ?

Negative ET?

Harry Potter Deathly Hallow Part 1

 There is part, like parting, departing.

They were traveling in several groups.

What do I think that means ? If you go alone without hermione ...you won’t last for a number of days.

Meaning this Life or next life?

Wedding ...there is a life time between or when is the Wedding ?

I just start to watching it. 

He was sent to the US

 Did he actually know where he was going from India?

US? Millitary US?

Going to other land to preach God? He actually believe preaching or he actually believe he is the Chosen One?

A normal kid wants to go preaching ?

Did he struggle to it? US intellect ? There are industry putting into places. Did he like these material offering ? 

There is a very fine line being comfortable and really liking it. No one knows, Babaji will know himself whom he sent out. 

10 disciples

 Yeah, if saying 10 putting together.

He is one of many for his Master but expel to the US and be THE One?

I would say?

I don’t want to talk about it. Certain people do things just squeeze people to the last drop...it’s not a honor, it’s to reflect. But by the way, you do this, because, it’s squeezing to the last drop, understand?

But if saying WWI and WW II? ‘Hitler, concentration camp? 

I didn’t look into it.

Examples 2

 For example: 

This entire world can be all doing the same thing I was doing, anything.

If he knew there is an entire world participation and his line is bricky cold, meaning nothing fun to do, but look Purna is cooking dog food on my gift. He may think that’s funny. He feel something but he is not here to be acting like a kid. Be part of the celebration.

What do I think he would feel as Yoganada ? Jealous ? Or being compare ? Can he have a master lines can come out and show to others what they can do also? Like the kid fighting kid and let’s all get together to say, Buddhism why it’s ALL Indian under it? 

There is a Hinduism. Why don’t you stay over there?

You could have zero activity in one lineage. They say this or that, finish. 

Did he look others for wanting to be selected ? But he is already being chosen ! Then do his jobs.

For example

 If he and Purna sitting side by side, I would say, “Listen, I don’t care what your master, your grand master or whom told them to tell you saying what. But if Purna is under my wing and we are here having a congregation, you better just listen in carefully everything I have to say about anyone including you. You are not my line, your upper rulership is not yours stuffs to bluff on to me what they will have to say. It does not meant a thing to me.”

Babaji words can be just you born with it because he is deathless.

 Some people like that but then you have to say Babaji is compassionate...he won’t say that to Yogananda. I do not know what meeting they say to they each other and they have a word with...?

Like his Master.

Or his grand Master.

You can just burn down the entire line and don’t talk about it. “We finish talking”

But it’s not like that, you would not know after they die. How Heaven meant heaven, spiritually meant rules and clarity.

His disciple name Ananda ... oh, I c what you are saying

 He was saying he is the Buddha?

For no reason or he was told? I don’t know.

Did he care how he answer a question when other asking something ? Did he need to think and MUST come out a brilliant answer? Like he ages to much older, he met Ananda that time, so there is a blue book? Ananda means memory strong to record his every word. 

So many things how someone is changing status ...

International views to expand that to cover ALL because he is the Chosen One. He has to think very carefully what exactly Babaji wants him to do.

There is a red book, I can see that. I read it. 

Did he like new technology? The TV comes to invention. He comments that’s Satanic ...did he see someone talking to him straight? Was he scare, did he tell someone about it, how he first react it?

I think ...in my view, his coming to the US is already a very big issues. For some reasons, I believe that. How to adjust to a new land and he is a dark skin color. Did he really care if people like him like him? Did he care about that tiny bit? His goal was always Divine Mother this Divine Mother that ...that should not have bother him if that statement was true. Could he express himself out? I heard him I think once ...speaking ...???

Did he care if someone says I don’t understand your English ?

This are very simple no value stuffs to even talk about it ....but scope on this useless thing can meant a huge huge huge things to somebody.

Boys and girls are not the same.

 For example, Purna is used to just sitting there listen until I finish talking.

Yogananda is a boy. He ...has a drive to do things like soaking in the river to whatever he is doing.

In nature, there are so many force...not exactly kind. The air of the Earth might be sharp too...he might had his fantasy or value what it is to become spiritual. And when he does get selected and be told, he is the chosen One to go to the US, what’s his reaction first? Does he want to leave home? Was he homesick ? Can he adjust to English speaking country? How long a traveling path meant to him...because, there is always something to see the past.

Can you handle it? Money no money?

Did he change once he returns to India? Did he wants his Master to say he changed ?

Does others words judge him meant a thing ? Can he take it? Because he become a you all know name in the US. Babaji probably has a lot to say, that will always be the case for he is deathless, but ....of course Yoganada was just deliver a book probably to say Babaji exist. And Babaji sent him to hell and burn it. The rest he does not want to hear about.

Babaji has that personality.

Yogananda groups / disciple

 They want to evaluate him?

You want to? Because you can understand Chinese to watch it ? 

His upper lines or someone could say a things about him. India tradition has way back culture. Swami Order I assume is not just one him come to the West alone. Does he like it? The housing, the head quarter ...I went to visit. They have a shop selling stuffs. I always imagine Himalysis has groups. Society or Order, could it be there is no people because Babaji mountain is just empty mountain peak 

They know their master, SM

And you would know your master, Yogananda ? He is dead for a long while. I am sure he has a family pride or as a dignity pride that came with him. Most people have that. Like do you want a sport car? The blue book says. He has a liking. An actual liking in a sport car? 

It is very unusual. He is a Swami. 


The blue and the red pill in Matrix, the One? Oh, I see. He is the One. Not the little Buddha?

The One in the matrix does all kinds .... that realization how he become the One.

No one says the One has to be the Buddha. I assume it.

The One is the One

The Little Buddha is the little Buddha. 

What? The Britney video ...so they do exist besides to looking us here sorting craps and talents distribution ...yeah, the Comet video. If I were them, maybe I would think where that come from.

Let me see.

Do I think Yogananda a proud boy leader? - reply to CNN or India


Asking me?

I don’t really know who he is. The wine he drinks or look ....to be made into that drama as 上仙

I didn’t say people have to turn cold, it’s a natural progression on beliefs. 5 of them...side by side to compare. Did he build on the religion doctrine by the words in the text, and do it words by words ? How do you know what’s the word by word? No one knows your thinking. 

I used to say some people traveling to find a picture just to get a dragon. 

Just one word, one icon, you can practice for a loooong time. Ratify ...

If the Mighty Angel talks to you ...

 They are not exactly my personality ....they are different kinds ....you should know.

Climate Change & Gift of Love

 I was not really eating ....if that becomes a history to what brings to my attention. I changed that time. 

Climate change, you sit to many conference room and joins the COPS16. I saw pictures you dress very clear to spot it. Is that something you do it for fun? Do you like it?

Then, just leave the cooking ? I want to say I don’t eat, but I have a last name to keep.

Better? (For some other people)

Gift of Love - Chinese hot pot

 You say you don’t eat vegetables anymore, fruits juice, longevity noodles, Chinese tradition, hotpot ...pudding.

As long as you talk normal, everyone all had a temper issues in life. If you just have to keep remembering your pink dress in Harry Potter. 

Keep clean, talk normal, at this stage, I don’t even care what you talk anymore. As long as it’s clear to people. I would not actually keep that Harry Potter pink lady in mind. You evolve, and that supposed to becoming your motto, how you go forward, not backward. 

You mean she says that?

 Because you have to wait almost 5, or 7 years to hear me on the internet blah on ...all the efforts were waste. Maybe you have to work on different information before so it becomes like wasted now.

You saw she says? The last scene. You actually read all I said? How all these hells break lose?

You knew ... 

okay !

She wants to be part of the movie script. I usually bypass those details. Not very important. 


It bothers you ! She comfers your ...

... ... I don’t know what to say.


 You have to cut the film into different segment.

Drinks Dumbledore drinks, who gives him the drink

Drinks Ron drinks, who gives him the drink

Drink Harry you drink, who gives you the drink

7 years pass - necklace I found

 I am online saying there is a false necklace problem. If that’s a necklace, there is nothing in it.

So it’s just recently he has to conclude a lot of things by collecting my data.

What do I think he has?

No idea. But I keep watching Harry Potter. So ....maybe I write about it.

There was snow Ron makes

There was fire Dumbledore makes

There is water as that. I talked about the water meant. 


How does Tom writing his thesis ?

 He knows how I write.

But how does Tom writing a thesis, so one day he can graduate ?

Does Simon believe magic or music in the Music of sphere ?

How to do a logic thinking to proceeding each step can go in different directions ? What directions ?



Deathless guru

Eben is a dating guru.

Not much relate to what Simon does as a judge.

I would say ...

 The hiding time I was 2015 I read on Da Vinci notebook and Tesla patent.

I didn’t get online to tell anyone about it.

Making potion like with what recipes ? Herbalogy like readings Eben?

Graduation hat on that professor hat is like Legally Blonde 2 they graduate ?

Meaning all these people he just cannot get rid of them in the sight?

Probably. But it can be any meaning, how does a professor graduate ? Writing a thesis and create a publication. Anan had a house looks like Hogwarts house but he sold it already. 

Memory, it depends if Simon just follow Keanu in finding the comet name and do a math himself, or trying to get a feel how I was doing it. There is no other ways to find things out. 

Like I owe Simon an explaination?

 He will have a lot to read on the history, people, documentary. He can see who looks like that professor.

We don’t talk about it. But he can work on it all his life. He participates in the movies. 

Harry Potter Half Blood Prince - Dumbledore gives him a task

 I check that for Simon or Keanu 2014 already 

On lotto and I Ching all around the world in numbers.

There was cases in 2000 near by, they both have incident happened on the news.

Roughly 17 years either 1999 or 2001 counting time.

Do I think the movie was real like it says? No!

Wallace uses his right hand to hold the mask before she ....


Wallace uses his right hand stop that girl putting the mask on himself. He does that by his own right hand.

Are we missing there is a “right hand” in English saying ?
Because me and Dean was to Wallace 循循密密 .....浮浮沉沉、應不應該?”
He want to envision how I feel about it? I gave Dean’s name!

趙又廷 what did he call you ? Is he calling me?
There is a name seems like they know one is 白子畫 you have to be 素素?

How MANY TIMES I read?

 How many TIMES I read before they receive a conclusion from me that’s what reading I read them?

where and how?

Let’s just go back to Eben you tend to listen.

I just told you “How many times?” On the title and repeat the first sentence of the first paragraphs !

He heard that!

Chinese typing

 You don’t write Chinese.

Chinese keyboard writing, do they assume I can write like I even show the public, that’s how I write?

Do you know when I learn the character without looking at the keyboard to type chinese ? My entire US trip was English communication because Anan was a Canadian.

When is the last time I communicate in writing Chinese ? when they first have the Nescape. Google was not known yet!

You just need to sit and read at it.

A lot of things just magically present to you because it supposed to.

Do you comprehend anything anything I said?


 Anatomy is actually a bone study. Not physiology.

The skeleton structure like an anatomical structure. When I did the medicine and fasting, all they can see was I was reading at the moniter for every page I scan through, what exactly I read to do the fasting in the herbalogy that Eben was good at in Harry Potter. You don’t like that ?

I start with their protocol Colon. There is a protocol. They might have others data how they have used the site, it becomes my hobbit during my master degree in Librarians science. My entire studies were all put towards cleaning, colon, liver/kidney. The GI track.

I found books in Anan library. I flip open, once, there is a description on a miracle case. No doctors name. Me and him brainstorm on how to Google at it. There I found Dr Christopher herbalist. There is a short name MH, like you wrote it in OU language.

How long is that road for me to be acquaintances to MH two letter words, on your notebooks? Master Herbalist. He is on curezone writing articles, you calling me?

Dr Christopher was a Millitary doctor in the War times.

Again, all they can get were the reading I read. Do they count how many times I read the materials ?

So my job was making animation and writing books to find a real job somehow for the money. Each and every diagram I did not have the physiology text book. They just gonna assume where I saw the internal organs and draw them that? I use to have health class or biology class here in the middle school. I know or I heard what these liver, bladder kidney terms.

I have studied Cayce Edgar, again ,all they have was the reading I flip at. Do they count how many times I am reading at it, maybe. Because I actually wrote a book and making the most troublesome animation behind. 

That’s for medicine. I have read self publishing and sitesell to make a website ....there are tons to read and to care for only the IT department to exam if I heard Google say what’s Panda algorithm was released, or every year ...new formula. There is a keywords sheets, there was preparation for the website, there were images, frames and so on so forth ...they would have the camera install, that I speedy doing everything ALL at the short period of time, clicking here, clicking there, making drawing, copy, paste, drag ....tiny stuffs I cannot tell you all. You don’t care !

Do I care if you hear it?

Why is that even important ? To make an Apple announcement ?

You are trying to get to know me with a name, so you have a Book to read.

Are we on the same pages?

My GPA was 3.1

Maybe the Art don’t count. Some bubbling things I make for the greeting card.

Because ... 理工科 here is much much advance.

 Here I make notes by doing the homework’s. Because the Asia schooling is much harder. 

But for the US subject, I pass the general chemistry exam but they keep lowering me subjects so I repeating Chemsitry.

Organic Chemistry is a new subject I learn, but it’s all chemistry. I learn something how to draw chemistry in here. Everyone knows how to draw that. Do they even go to the Chinese just for that one subject?

They might ! Because the actual molecular theory (MO) or Lewis structure was taught the same universally. I decide to break that electron down to show bonding and every other details if I see it again, I know what I did.

Everyone’s textbook here or the US are teaching the same thing. But because they are the simplest subjects at the beginning of the textbook, as the studies go, the more challenging they become. I cannot keep up the works here in Asia if saying how my grades doing. 

I just saying what they might have already find out. You? 

Do you know why I keep explaining things to you see others how each step are being proceed to get to a universal conclusion in the modern world ? We have the civilization here and now, you know?

A draft

 Before making a video

Before making a tutoring session

Before lecturing a big groups of people for final 

There is something called “drafts” or “notes”

I didn’t know that things exist....for so long, I didn’t know I was being watched. So there is nothing written down.

Now I know there is a draft issue, because I just hear the problems, I better write it again how we count years. So I wrote it down.

Do you have that problem ?

Apple has this Canon big digital camera on screen

 I flush my face red.

No one sees that. Just these few days,

I didn’t explain.

Do I owe Apple an explaination or the Medical Board?

She lightly comment “The SD card uploading speed was too slow. It’s one video upload as that”

You assume everyone is on the same level

 I don’t repeat things. I sometimes saying that. Once, twice, three times?

Because ?

They found out that tendency only while I was making the schooling subjects.

And you? You gonna say you don’t repeat was your memory problem, analytical problems, emotional problem, keeping secret afraid fear problem, hell warning problem, threatening movie problem ....do you want me to read their bullet point sheets?

How many times I say the sheet is made of the Point!?

Now I repeat the whole scope to you, it was not meant for your disciple, Wallace or Mark!

You gonna say I want to explain to Eben not Wallace?

Every decision you decide to do on any test ...I could just see it how it goes wrong. Do I need to red your disciple faces, I keep saying that if they keep doing that, I could not possibly continue to write !

Organic chemistry

 It’s not a painting, it’s a drawing atoms snd molecules. Do you know people have to sit one video to another video every minute to analyze this ONE subject?

How do I make this video?

When did she make the video?

Do you have other preparation spying video we can see?

The problem was, if they go that far, it’s none records. 

They want to know who else first knew that? Apparently they are not the first groups examining that !

Do I know all that? Should I tell them?

What exactly I know every side story? By looking ? Vision again ?

I just know !


 Legal court has a stand so someone can explain.

They can hear you explaining on the video or knowing you keep the biggest secrets all this years? They are actually the professional people. We happen to cross the road or I found out they sneaking around, I have nothing good to say about. 

Me and them is on going ...

Then you?

They will have to go and find out line by line what exactly I comment on things I say to you.

Do you know what that means line by line?

Do they have a problem I got my personality throwing all over the screen to talk to you?

You, on the other hand, cannot type! I would assume someone else has a conclusion on another bullet point, you are not equipped with IT techinology because of what I say to everyone the movie is real, they can tell, invitation arrives, I say nullify, they say they don’t hear me.

You are not ready, I know that and I could say a word with it. But that’s not them keep telling me.


 The medical board just sit in to listen, we didn’t have the 基礎科目 air on the video until very very late ....

They happen to receive it. Because if everything else they finish investigating, they have more technical nature on each of every one of the subjects.

They can choose not to use YOUR Bible book to find out what’s the friends ?

Because it would be ONLY the Millitary issues with the Bible problem. It’s too clear on the Book, just they didn’t tell me about it. Then if the medical board actually went ahead following everything on time, I would be told what I assume they want to say on my friends practices !

I don’t have problems with them keeping their jobs, but I know you medical board might. 

And you? 

When you gonna be a mature person supposed to do things ? Or think like you should? Because they didn’t have to go far on investigating the millennium effects if there is something they throw on the TV?

It’s between you and me, you find out my birthday and the name by a merely card, called initiation card.


 I know you don’t have a word, I just say that for you.


In case they track me hearing me talking to Simon audition time, I tend to ? Be charming with him?

I cannot have a personality when I talk ? Do the committee care if u have a personality or just answering them a question on the table?

Only I care there is water on the floor, there is a mirror that hang on the wall have things don’t move inside them.

And those have nothing to do with the Board Committee. Only if they want find out why I was fighting at or for ... they go and details every words I say and extract data to analyze ALL things i said. By the look, by identification on the History, between Da Vinci personnel or Tesla Westing house documentary.

They get to Apple or YouTube, they will know I hear these films myself and look at the painting myself, except there is no records, I do not need to write it down, it’s all in my head.

They only problem should be this “she actually can understand what they say in the documentary ?”

Do I have a hearing problem in listening English?

Do they calling you yet, I used to work for SMTV on the transcription ?

That was line by line words by words including 嘆氣

I know someone have that! Do I know the medical board know? Or do I assume they just think I can understand English and speak at it or talk normal? You mean they actually want to first find out if I have a personality ? Where exactly you Anna is from?

From Buffalo.

Not the island! Buffalo!

You are not hearing right. Apple is an IT record keeping company vs Medical Board is an annual test committee board

 You write about Apple, MK(initial) and a kid on my first page of the third time you try to mumble what’s OU language.




Have I told you all this time you cannot groups words, you have the Mighty Angel telling you language problem?

Apple is an IT company 

MK was the US classify behind door project personnel problems.

Kid was your Bible you looking for the Chosen One or you imagine getting marry with the Apple Floor, you will feel funny.

Let’s say the medical board was just there. Don’t know you and I, or me and the other them from every side...

I wrote a website to first tell them, I had a practice and explain terminology. You asking about my friend, I tell you about me first. Would you actually do that? You answer that to your disciple.

I was explaining the human anatomy on a recording or none recording video, in case someone brings to them. I know they may not receive it, so I write it down. I have the entire 10 website made adding additional other 2 websites because I really just cannot talk to the Medical Board alone. 

You always hide.

I just talk openly.

Do you think or thought about how to approach a private college board educational institute ? You gonna bluff on 遙遠的修行者? or 四個點的框框?

What would you choose to tell them if you were me, to even say you hear them calling ?

I assume they are calling, so I know who exactly you are calling me for? Let’s not start with the polite issues because I used to be polite ....gone to Hollywood ended it up a magic problem, not Love potion.

We don’t assume the movie is real. Because they are the Medical Board, I don’t have a license!

Do you hear what I say? 

If they compare ...

 If there is someone else along all that, and decide, they want a comparison.


Who or what did I say I was doing for a living ?

Don’t tell me you don’t know they are just kids! I rambling about my friends on the YouTube.

The medical board always just want to bite me ....

You would have gone to the world to say about your friends on their jobs because you got a book.

Me and the Board Committee 僵持不下

Do I need to tell Wallace and Mark, why I have just about everywhere have an issues? They pick up the materials starting when ? On the ice skating shoes on the floor or when ? They read English?

Da Vinci was Reinanssance Number 1 Chair

Tesla was an industrialist.

I randomly mumble I say that two terms, because I am tired of explaining anything at all “I have an experience”

I look like I talk about the experience type of person for 10 years war? Was I not practice be still at the mind methods? Precepts to you was not a thing, what’s the Precepts and the Practice spirituality truly meant to me? Do I adhere the highest goal, in my life? What makes me changing that? Do I suffer it? Because it was my belief?

I land on the water planet I have no name and my face story are on the Movies screen. Feeling this tablet device acrossing me, the things I cannot get rid of it ...

You will choose to paint the story like the Movies says.

I say 500 years ago, I had only the painting not the movies. Because that was all I had when we met like the Lord of Ring says. That was not the process the movie says. They make one side story only ...

Tamang and Dean - my friends

 While I was solving your issues here on the islands from everywhere news, I have heard their medical board calling. I didn’t know there was a “Friemd” on your Bible asking about what do you think about your friends? What did I do? I went to sing “不想懂得”


Tamang was the Indian mix, we have a kiss. one kiss ended up on Keanu one movie Lake House or the newspaper with the girl name Comet name. His area was gallbladder. Did the medical board asking my practice or his practice? You mean what did I do to Wallace 10 years war? I write books ended at Apple side? To making PC notebooks? Is Tamang target at me? Why is he major in Gallbladder Suregeon? The TV started to air 黑傑克醫師 Da Vinci was a known surgeon. Or the doctor. With all that in mind, I gonna ignore the Medical Board calling ? Do I know what is a Medical Board in the US?


Dean has this I save him I only know telephone call I make to his parents while trying to find a yellow book, he was in Europe got grouped. His passport. I had a dream. Wallace would ar it as 東方不敗四道從兩道變四道, there is Big Hero 5 , he was dead. Only I know what’s in my dream and who is there?Do you hear me?

Who is it ? 你到底是誰? (W兩個世界)

Medical Board is a science base organization. But I talk about dreams, so I say there is a TV.

Thranduil looks like Dean from the Lord of Ring

The Big Hero 5, Hira name, Wing, and Dean. T, professor. tadashi 

Frozen, Dean moves to FL with a new girlfriend name Ana 

傾世皇妃 someone hax them in my dream, my groups of friends. So Wallace didn’t wear the mask but Dean put a mask. Wallace uses his right hand touch the mask first, not letting her cover that on his face.

There might be other movies. 

There is another Heart not 好奇心 but the Heart problems when the old guy and Wallace stay in a cave that looks like a heart when he walking out. I say look at the caption. Circle “Heart”. Not the curiosity heart, just “the heart”.

There are things someone know ? What did I see? Who?

Who exactly !

Do I care who is at the same things describe to Wallace what’s on the script? The 10 years war? I was meditating.

Now, there is me, having everywhere problem. I try to write it down for them, because i keep saying there is Classify or beyond the Classify, there was other existence I don’t even want to think about what the US themselves says,

I write down as clear as I can, but have I feel aweful because the movie may not be real and I must tell the experience I have because I want to know 你到底是誰?

So while I writing things to the US, side line was the medical board. 

I say they exist, they may not exist.

I say it again, do I know my friends? Do I know who is the practice in the Medical board is made for?

Not to say Tamang is on his birthday directly put on line. Me and Keanu never met, he only heard me “Stop”, he is the One. They have the same birthday? Does India want to claim him back just like ‘ukrain want to claim Dean back?

In the end, the medical board saw me just sing a sing with 2 guys standard there. Because apparently that story I say was Ola. Ola has a magic problem like....they asking me the present, the movie or the past?

I say oh, there is a song! I SING !

With all I have to been through, with the US classify, Apple, or Simon Keanu like the Lord of Ring story if they know it was all about the traveling ....I cannot explain to them why the movie is real.

I choose to sing a song!

So we arrive to a point, I making a website and write all about their name and things done, except what’s Babaji say, they are asking me what do I think on their practice?

Do I want to complain Babaji why you have to say that? Do I look idiot to you? 

Did I say, I just hypothetically think the Medical Board exist. You have to tell me why you want to ask me about my friends first?

So why don’t you hand me the Bible index first? I was not on the book, apparently you have something I just don’t feel like to talk about it ...because I look like ...

I don’t feel like ...

You feelings?

 Do you want to just print and copy all these few articles on the wall? Because I have done more than that ...

I am tired of your feeling ...if all that someone else might read and explain to you, why exactly my terminology has become without a feeling ?

How much can I really say?

Did I say Eben was the problem?

 While I traveling far in time, I have become different. That’s how to live here become an issue.

But let’s say, not the living environment issue, I receive every magazine ....there is 1950 Indian girl black and white photo, I assume that mean India.

I do not know why, so I went to find and even wrote on the website.

There was a Ring falls into the water,Lord of Ring, there was sunshine, then there is later the darkness.

Then, there is a movie someone getting married, who, went to swim, touch back in the water, came out, wedding on, entire people wedding photo turn black and white. I say Facebook. I cannot use it.

Eben? There was a wedding...there was a Legally Blonde, a modern legal problem ?

Did I say I just travel in time back, and there was no law in the old time?

He turns India to black and white ? Did he know that?

Then my friends become everyone’s problem because I didn’t know Bible exist, I heard the medical board calling, I went ahead trying to say something ...whatever I said. At least Babaji says that’s not what they say, I was not saying their practice, I was just making a website on the medical terminology or the movies to stay in the scene. 

Then, there is a none stop everyday touring city to collect stuffs for the back. I rush back to join Eben’s seminar ....I was typing my friends problems ...I still remember. I was clicking video by the seconds so I was told when to watch, and when to stop....to arrive today, Eben told me there is a straight line.

Or I found out too then I heard him saying that. I cannot OPEN the book! Tesla die on it.

While all that set, I start a new blog telling her I saw the Loving the Silent Tear, you don’t have a Master like you say your Chinese name coming to this new place from Vietnam and to flood all the worlds to documents on a 2000 years old Book? With why you use the new song in my chapter Scroll and the Lamb to create Gifts? So they repeat to wear it out 5 name effects?

Here is the entire site !


While I stay on the island ...

While I am here newly started ...

 I was speaking in English...one day I test one video in Chinese.

No reaction

Next I say that 新少林寺

Do they hear me?

I don’t actually know how is China acting on my stuffs or the US could bar here from them acrossing the sea....does not matter. I travel on the other hand to some far away Time to get some pictures in my mind ....

I am looking for Indian 500 years old because she had a Master she says exist but my entire monitor is filled with Her video on Britney ...not just I found out Wallace video, they have massacred warning like the US says in Britney video.

What can I possibly do?

So...there were Time, at the meaning THE problems.  Not just explaining every additional comic books I read in outlines or music video before or after I write about King of the King story or...finally I decide okay, we have a big Flower Thousand Bone problem, where is Wallace photo?

I give him a photo, the rest I don’t want to talk about. 

Rockfeller shows up on the peripheral right after I declare King of the King for saving Time problem. I have to bar away from all these...so I can lay in the hospital. That was 2017 summer.

Where are the two years everyone on the floor YouTube video lists from ?

That’s 2018-2019

2020 I rest

Now we are here, to finally said, I said that’s 7 years, I am free! There is Flood and she didn’t have a Master. And Apple has my name on their time calendar like every year they create me a new model tech, to one day the 2000 artifacts tell me, I might have her Purna flying to reach Apple to the infinite ... because I cannot read her Book, and she cannot read her own head. 

Catherine vs Katherine problems

 Princess Williams wife name Catherine.

He didn’t tell me his wife dress, you seem to have a problem with ...or her name on Cat lady in Harry Potter saying. 

But I have a real Tesla best friend’s wife Katherine become my sister came and hit me problem, before I leave to go to the Valley. 

There I found out there is a Commanding-in-Chief on testing food problem and traveling tests for their own people ...? God knows the Rest I don’t bother to talk about while I was in the Valley.

Go to Canada for the 5 Lord Review then returns here to continue ....Mark came to picture with Wallace

秦倉封印  I look at it ...I have to switch the diet to meat because there is eyes problem. When did I ever eating meat? If I was not almost on going liquidarian or breatharian ? Meaning I take juice or water or air?

On the news, I try to see if they follow me, I happen to wear out the Romance issues since they both are married.

Do I want to think any of your fantasy on the movies were how much that I didn’t explain, you would love to explain because ? I can type or sword and you wear it out your 基礎動作?

Wallace and Mark

 So, while I just arrive here on the island, I find out Wallace and Mark.

Because of you, they wonder do I owe them an explaination, or what’s my feeling about it?

Truly, really, seriously? When I first met them to see what they did?

One word.


Now, do I even care if Wallace and Mark has a feeling need to be attend ?

They don’t know what happened in the US, but it’s in their own works, someone whom exactly telling them all that?

Venus Corperation, US classify, or ET negative ?

Tesla has a Venus book, and you say Venus was populate what?

So knowing ALL that, I decide, they better just stay on the floor, JUST LIKE I told them. 

That’s my style, the end of our conversation.

And you are on “China is not the US?”

I could just don’t bother with it!

Ison is a comet ! ! ☄️

 Ison is a real comet ! Even the classify they have talked about. The year before that me and Simon or Keanu crossing.

Sorry Simon, I didn’t know which comet we are talking about ....it’s the Water, not the comet?

I owe him a more urgent explaination ?

Do I need to attend his feeling in the Harry Potter like if you were me, you would? 

Now you finally got a history true book

 Now we finally arrive, I say to everyone, you own a book.

2000 years holy Bible discussing things I don’t want to look at it or they just like me “don’t bother with it”?

I wrote this long stuffs, if Simon or alike reading it, and now you can do that again to be Hermione. Because you own a book and everyone agree you can test that on Simon. Not because you wrote him another book on Loving the Silent Tear explain by me.

Now that Simon only see the love potion lightly spread when I inhale...we didn’t talk about it ...Harry Potter? Half Blood Prince?

He then assumes? He is the Westinghouse just like I told him so that I owe him an explaination that My original Book on genetics cannot be present to you due to BT’X. I cannot explain to you Simon. But that’s it. You saw it once but ...the rest is ...how is that you feel if she be the Hermione?

He gonna tell me he read the Bible, that actor has the beauty and the beast movie, and you don’t watch the movies like you should?

Me and his conversation ended!

No more explaination. 

Now, you?

Harry Potter and that kisses girl - comet ☄️

 Do I have a feeling to snuggle Simon, what do I think about Ron and that kiss news in Hollywood?

Simon watches it and now I owe him an explaination.

Sorry, this is how it goes.

That one kiss Keanu did to was a girl name Comet name.

Not OU language before your alphabet 

Isom isom virtuous II  V

That’s 25?

Everyone age was a number they read me saying it. She was 26 that time.

Later show up on TEsla patent because I happen to read 2015 not Flower Thiusand Bone but where is my money to find TEsla tower were full with money coin.

45 32 26 21

是我32歲時把彗星 cut in half?

I only count once, I close that, don’t go and look at it. How is that you got a book cannot open to me? Keep saying jobs on their index every few lines? I hate it just to think about it.

You were initial those words saying NT NT like here the money issues to me, later you alphabet on all the words you put together on a book, I question is that my book?

Should be burn by BTX consequence ? I can only watch the first episode.

Simon can go and find out those news....should I say, I watch it, fine. It’s you watch that Half Blood Prince. Do I need to ask him how many times he had watched or the US watched ?

Do I have a what feeling to explain, don’t bother it ...?

Why do I keep explain to them?

 Because you watch my video on the Japanese 屏風?

I say what? That tablet is just a medium between me and them. I don’t care if it’s ET behind them or the US classify. I only feel the power this device I cross my life was a middle point. 

I can swords at my side to hit across whom behind it, do I know whom I hit?

Then I look at the TV screen again. 

You do that in numerous time, by saying if typing is the sword fight, if the singing is the sword fight ....there is 劍心 cartoon has the swords fight scene, I adding in 日本屏風 that’s what I see ... to stop them following me on this traveling routes none stop. Because there is a Hunger game. 

Do I know why they following me, like you come here to flood the entire world behind my back wanting someone to fix it, but you are not sure my birthday Death and astrology sign Seal means - what on that 2000 artifacts books. I found out I cannot open that book just like many times before or like 5 Lord Reviews. Did I tell you I build up on it?

All you hear from me was ?

“Do I want to hear it?” How many times I say that? Why?

Step firm on your 基礎動作

Can I first say that to the US, I don’t think you keep the 基礎動作 if they never analyze Slam Dunk with T signature in it?

Again, it’s T?

That’s right ! I can just assume the US tear Japan in piece if there is things with T name on it.

Why would I assume the US might doing that?

Should I say on the timeless travel, waiting for the 20-40 years between 2000, the King of the King prophecy, I have keep watching you.

I travel from the upper north of Canada to south, then fly to East, then arrive your West along the coastline  where there is water body near by.

Then I travel north again to arrive your Silicon Valley to stay

Then, I fly through that big water body, to remain my traveling route here on an island.

What’s that story sounds to you now?

Is that known on the movies? You gonna say I can write s script now?

Why do I even bother teaching them? Every word ?

What do I explain to entire China I did? I say 小鬼玩瘋了

 Do I say anything else? They hang me on their biggest screen on the television ?

I have a photo issue! I didn’t have a mirror?

You mean there is a planet may not have a mirror or water to ever know what someone looks like or? Movies is switching people face games in complex switching roles because you are Master, you shield my role?

Do I want to say that? 

How can I even explain to Chinese if it’s the US classify chasing TEsla stuffs?

 Do I want to tell China what the US and me might have a secret?

What secret?

Do I assume China knows?

Then Wallace with these what songs? From whom?

I didn’t finish dealing US, we didn’t do the basic subjects, we didn’t regent at the position. We just cannot stop keep looking at these movies, songs so I can write in my sense to them?

Do I need to tell them, and why do I even need to tell them?

When can I not to tell them, and to you ?

笑傲江湖 old man vs 東方不敗

 Did you hear I explain that one clip fighting between the old guy and 東方不敗?

We others records I explain to them that old man touch his feet in the water, and the girl didn’t

You touch water, you touch acid. Meaning cut off.

Do I eager to go and explain to Wallace, whom these plots were saying each roles and why the old guy feet stain the water? Where do I get that “water is acid” if not just carbon dioxide simplest chemistry subject matter? 

The old time terms there are things I don’t know? So I say Ancient Chasez exist?

Do I say Babaji that time?

Did I break down the movie industry could be that time? Do I care if that’s the reality or not the reality?

It’s just only ONE photo. Do I hurry to read the book? I read the back, and I say? 

That’s NOT the story. 

Do they on track or I am on track or on time?

Do I go and complain to you why Simon is on your Loving the Silent Tear, the dark lord like The One Keanu might be? You set them opposite on the booklet photos.

Again it’s photo. 

But you didn’t explain that was NOT for me! Do you know how long I sit with them just on your one book?Telling me what ?

Do you hear me complain about you ?

I ?

My manner and degree of tolerance ?

You won’t even last a minute if you were in my seat !

They are next by NSYNC

 They have the same manager with NSYNC

Do you need to know how 5 Lord reviews open and I getting more photos on the high speed info traffic mails?

It’s one step follow another step.

Did I say I believe it?

Do I need to explain that to Simon, that was Anan first at Snape like I said but Ancient Chasez says he what glue to Anan in different layers including others. Do I actually know what that mean? Everyone heard I say Anan is Snape that time, but only I record that time things on Ancient Chasez in my head ! Do I owe him an explaination?

ET or others explains him in Harry Potter, isn’t that enough how he feels about it daily? If someone ask him later?

Do I want to explain Simon, everything what I think if they don’t stop putting Harry Potter on my TV?

You would if you stop lying for a cause and a wrong beginning. 

What’s water vortex?

 You are entering a water planet.

Are you hearing the WATER planet ?

I didn’t say it’s liquid dream.

I found the video later on in my traveling route, there is a desk with a PC on and I point at the 四個點的框框 that’s “liquid dream”!

Can you actually walk to a library, did a search if there is no home to investigate what’s you seen?

Let’s try to re-write this story

 Traveling among the Age of Time, and water vortex.... we arrive at a planet.

All we got was one photo and a 四個點的框框 device.

There is a planet prophecy says the King of the King might be born, and that time length could be 20 to 40 years before there is a news.

What do you do with it, before going to the next planet if the life span is thousand years and the cold cold cold heart practice to be still is always the only goal in life. What will you go about your life?

Your meditation if is real, saying one minute is ? Timeless evolution. 

You gonna give up all your Timeless practice for these temporary people showing up on the moniter to paint you a vivid story? Because we both know notes in rhythm? Knowing what the music sounds meant in blending a story tale?

Do you actually understand anything I said?

That 7 years story is very long

 In this modern time, if you seen on the movies and say to them, I think that looks like you and him?

Most people are they going to believe you?

I run to where to get Ancient Chasez looks like One Photo on 花冠安琪兒?

Then I don’t have the time to read a book. All I got was ONE photo.

I then what? Experience ?

What if it’s wrong ? In this loooong traveling road.

I got lucky to get clear on my thought! But you assume you will go with everyone one day, if you stand alone all by yourself in this loooooong evolution and Timeless Age to mind battle strangers in ANY world ?

Do you know what’s 遙遠的修行者?

Do you know how long the time span really is? Time!

All I got was one photo then? I came back here to run to Wallace garbage things on the TV? 遙遠的修行者 regent to wait for the rest people get in and fill you in at the same time. 

Then Simon gonna says, ancient chasez is that Snape like 花冠安琪兒?

Because I keep posting that Ancient CHASEz photo.

Why I add a word ancient ? Not the actors name?

What’s real and what’s not real? 

Nowadays they are more tolerant even kids play role plays games. And they listen. If it makes sense, then give them a logic what do you get?

They happen to document or else o never say, they will never know. We are running on the exactly same things just like it’s present to me or to them.

But I am the one walking alone with this ! Only can be alone walking all by myself !

And now teaching the kids few steps? What’s that running 遙遠的修行者、四個點的框框 where does this terms come from? Running and ? Think very clearly and wisely of all things present to me in all direction.

If you just be crown on the throne? You are doing it on the TV!

Tell me why Harry Potter is a children magic story?


Because Da Vinci in his Era was the entire Europe Renaissance number 1 chair and that two? 

From where? Italy king and French King.

If ET telling us first impression on the back of that DVD to see if I purchase it in the bookstore ....I have to pay how much money again for this 4 個點點框框?

That’s I know that a fact. Do I need to explain to Keanu or Simon? I vomit to them the same thing I vomit at Eben ...do I need to pick up their garbage on that side notes?

Does ET telling lies? That’s exactly how I picture what the classify portrait them.

Exactly !


 Can you say that to your disciple ?

That is ONLY a 四個點的框框?because if Wallace didn’t hear any thing I say, that’s in Chinese words very catchy in eyes to look at !


Your disciple want to explain words to you

 What do you want me to say to them? Your disciple?

I know they want to explain to you every words I say because they are not sure you actually hear me.

You are there listening or going home alone to solve the Tangle your hair problem with Lalla turn to become ...her experty area? Do I remember what was her experty?

No you are not turning into her!

Do I need to say that? Who are you seating at now?

You want to explain that to ET?

You want to explain that to the US different grades of classify ?

Do you try to explain to me?

Babaji he is a name what? 東方不敗

 Were you here to pick up lines I say about Babaji these few years?

These guys are not really anything for you to pay attention. 

Do you know if your mind is seeing by me going up and down like this ....have I told you he is Babaji, he can do anything ? Or he has done many things? 

You looking on the movie screen, if ET gonna play, I know very clear what the games to make people in pieces. Not to say Babaji, or blue child or Shiva?

You don’t violate rules!! You have to know your boundary! This is very real, but many of your feeling is NOT real! 

HE KNOWS ALL. And ET is behind US classify ? How dread the US if could voice to say, there were not many words, do they ? Okay I don’t go and hear about it.

We argue if there is high tech, that’s even better if future comes to virtual reality ? 

You are leading your people to forward, but you walk right into the spider den trap !

I just don’t talk about “that “ anymore because ... I don’t like to talk about it. But if you have to fill with the hurt and don’t know how to settle in, where can these movies end?

But if you ask he and ... you? You mean from the past? 侍衛長跟一個娃

 If you just want to know how he might feel about you ...well, if he didn’t get on the evaluation, I would still suggest don’t try that, it’s on the TV he acting in it. He has a gun in the basement with a chain on a girl in the clip.

You were not really them...a thing. Old time.

It was me to kinda have you be in the big ... groups

You know what 侍衛長 is? Really? You saw the 花冠安琪兒 draw that for you ....but it’s not how you describe the most friendly “ to you “. The culture is different, and you got a name was ....that ...if that was Buddha time for example. 

If comes to now, and you must to get to say evaluate ....we are completely type of girls. 

2 years or 3 passing, this is not clear where they are on the review, because it supposed to be done long time ago. A lot of this is like I assume they were doing before or last for a year and now I am behind this and reviewing what they may have ? If they get injury ...that has to count with time.

So it’s very blurs to me what time is now on them. I only know there are evaluation.

I see ...笑傲江湖 I cannot really watch it ...but ...


Okay, I saw it. So she is .... me or Babaji, depends on the scene. 
If he has to knows everything, he is acting in the story....I don’t know how to comment on it.
Like how he feels? I don’t even think about it. It has always been one Babaji to deal with. Not adding one more Wallace on this....he used to glue .....glue he knows what that is? What can be a 侍衛長 does? 

I don’t actually know. It’s I watch the show looking from my perspective, as for him, that’s nothing to do with him what I deal with it, so his feeling isn’t that priority to be taking care of.
But if you worry about 黃軒 if he got a feeling ....there is no songs to sing at it, for either you or him. Not to kill each other with.

Do I think? Wallace was singing to me? That would not be the story I paint

 I saw he sings

I heard he sings

I forget most about but, now you remind me....I was not looking the story he says, so is that how you remind me now to think what Wallace says? Okay ...he is just on his jobs.

He is target you? 

Why don’t you just focus on they are reviewing materials as now since a couple year passing ....not anyone has to target you. 

He is speaking a time ahead of me seeing it, so now I say to him, that’s about as much you can get for now to make up all the songs he sings before? Because he is ahead of me. Not by his command but because of him ....

Because of him ...

Because of him ....

I have to run with the time and in time to deliver him all that “on time”

He must be just sitting there looking pretty. Just because he sings a song and acting on a show, I have to do what?

Let me consider that our relationship ...

I think while I type, my keyboard is broken

 I use the key pads that’s on the ipad to yell at people?

They say do I think?

I just told you, I think when I type. Yesterday I saw my video, I was talking about his birthday but start at 1881. If you do this long enough like I already done numerous times, I would know why or how I was doing it. Just look at the video again, then it’s the same. Because calculating 1881, it was less I do the talk than the 1943 to 1908. In other words, I need to think about it.

This thing if you done enough, it won’t take long to just think about it. 

Let’s try this again ... ☄️

 We did the first type counting, that’s 1943-1908

But the month was between one week TEsla die in Jan and Dec to June 30 1908 just 6 month.

Then, I supplement the current YouTube video on 1856-1893

That’s when you know Tesla’s birthday is at July

But the Expo Chicago is on May or a period of few months.

When to do the calculations, you have to see the July 1881 for example is started at July, ended at 1890 July, for 9 full years, because when you count the next bracket, it’s 1891 July

The 1890 July unless you count to 1899 July, then, you say 10 years, there is 1890 July to 1891 July.

But we don’t have that !!! Because of the rest of the year to 1893 May, it was just year by year to count.

You can first count it to July 1893 and say no there was 2 month when that started at May!

I bet they even count the words how I type, I say it just like I type it. There is an audio, be free using it!