
Facebook why are you doing this? Has to be at this hour 10: 00?

 Babaji: No I am not doing this, you are doing this on yourself.

I am not going to lie to them, I am not going to acting to them.

Babaji: yeah ? How long we were married and before that ?

... I am not into another fight of this. I am so done with the Facebook also.

Babaji: I am not completely lying, you might need a Facebook.

... ... I will remember that. Good night.

Babaji: it’s time like now you talking to Eben.

You have to do this again? When I am so tired?

Babaji: yep 

Okay, what do you want?

Babaji: A talk.

I don’t want a talk, I can hardly type anymore. 

Babaji: It’s you two quality time.

Oh no, it’s not. Good night.

Babaji: you will regret this.

No I will not. 

Facebook you sheeply say no?

 Babaji: I am not lying (crying)

This is insane, you took me a whole day running on this Facebook past issues ...

Babaji: Because they need to have a Facebook, not that I need it ...( 嚎啕大哭 crying loud)

You are acting now? You are not just lying, you are acting in front of me !

Babaji: who are you ?

... ...

Babaji: I was thinking do you want lunch?


Babaji: yep.

We finish dinner here.

Babaji: oh?

I am about to go to sleep.

Babaji: oh?

... ... I don’t need this right now.

Facebook I heard I may not even need a Facebook

 Babaji: oh?

Are you changing ?

Babaji: No, I am just saying.

What are you doing ?

Babaji: Do you have anything to say to Eben?

No ...

Babaji: Your Facebook.

I don’t think his idea that I need a Facebook.

Babaji: oh

You are changing !

Babaji: No, I am not.

I don’t like to chase you behind this what you meant to say is not fit to my feeling or the image. You are lying, we did this before.

Babaji : I am not lying.

I am done with this. I don’t need a design, because I don’t need a Facebook, that’s how I feel. 

Babaji: Okay 

Facebook pacifier ? You mean baby food?


When the time get closer whatever I need to get this done, I will ask you again, I think your program is broken. Your saying and the image “baby pacifier I chew?” and the inner computer panel, there is nothing align right. I know the movie Pacifier it’s the body guard. The baby food, semi-solid my food, you mean food offering ??

Babaji: I meant cooking cooking cooking cooking cooking food.

Do you mean I photograph their kitchen food in the palace ?

Babaji: No!

You are broken. I cannot understand you.

Facebook you mean raw, juicing, those healthy Meghan Toronto die?

 Babaji: I MEANT COOKING. The real food that Prince can eat it down, that food.

Oh ~ not like me Eben Simon Lauren to go dinning ?

Babaji: I said last time, COOKING!

Did I tell you this is not feeling right in my inner eyes on design ? I put it in there like an album, it does not fit right, the whole purpose I don’t feel right. They are looking for the circle of trust whatever that means. I just told you, these design in my inner eyes do not work !

Babaji: I say cooking I say cooking I say cooking !!

... ... okay, I just let you know, last time, this is not working, not mine panel here.

Babaji: I say cooking, period !

... ... 

Facebook I know I am watching the cooking Italian food here but ...it does not feel right neither.

 Babaji: what do you feel not right neither ?

The Facebook with the cooking food. I felt Eben they don’t need me to cook. That feeling is real. This design if there is a Facebook and there is a serious ....whatever has to be done...I don’t think the cooking food is right neither. I have to re-do all these ...

Babaji: I would suggest to have some food on the photo.

I know what you are saying. I am not feeling right, I don’t care what they say to me on the YouTube. Something is not right. Cooking is like provoking, do you mean to provoke but not doing it with the cooking ?

Babaji: I mean cooking, real cooking.

No...something is not right with my design

Babaji: then make it right.

You can not make me do everything in one day. You are already assume I am going to England. I prefer step by step. These photo set up don’t take long to make.

Babaji: Okay, you are done with the Facebook ?


Babaji: No, I am not done.

Facebook I am not comfortable, this design somehow is not right. Something is not right.

 Babaji: I wonder what can it go wrong, you just report back what you found out while you were missing from so many years.

No, these design I think not like this, I don’t need to put Dean’s story on it. Getting married invitation is fine, the rest of that is not fine.

Babaji: oh?

I don’t like this Facebook thing on and on about my schooling time, today I saw the video title on Kate, how she becomes a Queen’s road from college students. It’s very strange read! There are people never grow out of the school. Period.

Babaji: your brother.

Yeah, you hang out with all the college friends, this is ... very very strange to me after I run around the whole world this far, I can tell you that. I know many people need that, but that’s very very limited. Very very narrow. And you say Eben they guys want to know my past on the Facebook? It does not make sense. They are professional people, they don’t know how these college people look like? Everyday glue on the Facebook caring about things that don’t go out and get it or change it.

Babaji: if you are not comfortable then don’t do it. 

I can still have a Facebook but not that design ...

Babaji: Okay.

... ... you okay?

Babaji: Yep.

... ...

Facebook you want Dean to know, I don’t want him to know.

 Babaji: you don’t want Justin to know or for him to look for Dean and still telling him about and meet you in the room?

No, I don’t need that. I check back and front, these girls I used to be friends will be cut. 

Babaji: They were already cut.

.... Listen, I can live without Dean knows or not.

Babaji: you want to see him alone in the room to have a minute. 


Babaji: then give him a chance.

These making are for him to get cut he runs like I run “This is my life” to Sugar but I am the one getting married to Eben. Yeah, where do I get that version make? My mind made it. I can do all that. But it’s not necessary. I feel it’s better let it all go.

Babaji: so you are okay you are not going to see him ever?


Babaji: that’s not everyone whom gone to college with the reunion to have a night treat.

That’s enough. I don’t feel good these gadgets I make to display on the Facebook. Not at all.

Babaji: you could display to the whole world, everyone is looking at it.

I don’t feel comfortable and I am not clear about this far away palace thing. They need a report, I give them a report, don’t ever come back again. 

Babaji: that’s what you think?


Facebook why do you want Eben Justin JC Keanu they know my past on the Facebook ?

 Babaji: you really don’t understand or you pretend you don’t understand ?

... ... they and me has nothing to do with my past college friends. 

Babaji: people play Facebook, period.

You look on the Facebook to see what others are doing.

Babaji: Right, it’s a very important factor in people’s life.

... ... it’s just a bunch of square rectangle photo updating feature gadgets.

Babaji: Whst did you say ?

I SAID they are scrolling gadgets for preserving photos.

Babaji: ... ... someone reason with her in her own language.

... ... my life and theirs are parallel. 

Babaji: I say for them. These guys, to know your past.

They look up on Facebook ? They want to know who are these strangers I don’t even talk to them much.

Babaji: they are interested in how you could drop everything to go to Hollywood and return to Asia without a sound. 

I finished making the stories on the Facebook. It’s finished in my mind, but I don’t feel to do it. That’s not right. The palace don’t need this.

Babaji: you finish it?


Facebook I am uneasy with that ...

 Babaji: You what? Then don’t do it. 

... ...maybe it’s my imagination about these Prince William things, their circles? That’s a palace thing, far away from it all.

Babaji: you want to hide Facebook past from Eben?

This is very cruel to them, my friends they know Dean.

Babaji: and it’s all that not cruel to you ?

I get used to it all these years, they have no combat skills. I know what to tell them all. I know, but it’s I can feel it’s cruel. They gonna be cut in pieces many pieces.

Babaji: Many many many many people know Justin and JC story or Dean’s story or whatever stories you brought to light, everyone is all got cut in pieces, many thousand pieces. 

You are too exaggerating about these.... I talk to Eben and see. I am not comfortable about getting a Facebook again. They cannot handle it.

Babaji: You need that circle of trust from Prince

That’s what shown to me, that I have not asked him or seen him. 

Babaji: well...you decide. 

Okay, I will. 

Facebook Dean video

 That Keanu, Levine, JC, Dean video?

Babaji: you tell him everything on the Facebook. 

I think you meant to say to go find him in the hotel.

Babaji: That too.

Do I have to? That video must ?

Babaji: and Levine Sugar.

... ...

Babaji: you need that video for the future King.

When the time comes ...

Babaji: No, you have to do it, period. 

Facebook future King

 I assume it’s a report to write...whatever that bed thing.

Babaji: I don’t think so.

I know the future King cannot just travel, I know that. But I still prefer I am with these people on my lists for whatever reason I cannot name it. I actually need them. They are in America and Wallace and Mark they can stay with me and Eben.

Babaji: well, the future King is still very far away.


Facebook 5 Lord photo

 I say I might, I need Eben in it.

Babaji: what do you think Justin was saying ?

I heard. It’s 2018 Nov, I was busy then, very busy.

Babaji: you think of what to say to them yet, just a reminder?

Can we don’t play those Love games, but it’s just a simple communication?

Babaji: oh no, I don’t think so.

I will be more in peace, then I talk to him. Too many things happened in the last 2 weeks.

Babaji: I still don’t think so. 

I am adjusting myself, if you could stop poking at. I am accepting and accepting that, but I need time.

Babaji: No, to guys, you don’t need time. 

Then right now I have some times. I prefer I can stretch myself with this.

Babaji: did I say you become less agitate is to avoiding them by the time it comes?

No, I won’t.

Babaji: Yes you would. Do you know what’s their profession ?


Babaji: and actors. 

Facebook I made a playlist on Prince William with Justin & his wife in it

 I can hear the sound fine, I may not know the actual words in British accent.

Babaji: They know.

Not everything. Prince William accent is not that heavy. 

Babaji: I know.

By sounding I can imitate the word but not actually knowing what that means like Justin video.

Babaji: yep.

Facebook I actually need Eben

 Babaji: Finally there is a day ...

I am not that mad at him anymore. 

Babaji: you need Eben, you tell Eben.

Yeah I will tell him.

Babaji: you stay with him?

Of course I stay with him, I married to him.

Babaji: is that what you want?


Babaji: He cannot tell.

I am not joking. It’s not just the palace thing. I feel better there is Eben.

Babaji: so you will marry him to Eternity? That’s not 3 3 10?

.... ... I probably don’t have an objection now.

Babaji: Then that’s set then. 

I prefer I stay with Eben, meaning living with him.

Babaji: I know. He doesn’t know. He thought you might like the future King better.

I like Eben better. 

Facebook are you going cook?

 Am I going to cook on the Facebook ?

Babaji: yep.

... ... I should?

Babaji: yeah, you should. 

Facebook this has nothing to do with Prince William’s circle of trust?

 Babaji: if he asked you to do it, you do it?

Once I got the engagement ring, yeah, it shouldn’t be too long to just get some of them back if Facebook helps on the back.

Babaji: then our deal is done.

You are serious?

Babaji: what are you going to put on there ?

Me things.

Babaji: you don’t want to ask Prince first?

I roughly figure it out what he might want to do. I introduce myself and if the others wants to be included in the photo, later we added. Then my side is ready.

Babaji: Good.

... ... you just saying it because I lived with Eben, not actually I go to their England palace to mix around their circle of trust ?

Babaji: You tell Prince what he thinks when you are in bed.

... ... it’s just a wedding, I don’t think it’s too difficult to put some old friends back on the Facebook, to fishing what Prince wants others in ? They actually do those talk if they each other have a Facebook in the party and get the new friends Facebook? The royal circle?

Babaji: can you please just do for once I say?

Okay, we’ll see.

Facebook are we done yet with the Facebook?

 Babaji: no we are not done (eating stuffs)

... ... Eben wants to know or other wants to know where I collect them on the Facebook?

Babaji: do you actually know the Facebook is a battle field ?


Babaji: Popularity contest.

I don’t think so.

Babaji: It is so, I am telling you. Even the big company when they do the hiring, they will look at your Facebook before hiring you. 

I didn’t hear they ask me where is my Facebook. 

Babaji: you don’t have a Facebook, in the future you are unlikely to get a job.

Great. Now I know.

Babaji: People spent a lot a lot a lot of time looking at the Facebook no matter how old they are. You however on the other hand never use that damn Facebook. 

I did use!! What did you mean I don’t use?

Babaji: Adding Eben as a friend?

He doesn’t have a Facebook, they have pages.

Babaji: you sure he doesn’t have a Facebook in case you don’t know what he was working on behind?

I have an ipad, that’s all I have, in case he does not know outside my room every single day is this Rockfeller ..I just show her one Porcelin doll video Taiwanese she can understand the song ...I feel the air ...not just I have to work here. I have a Rockfeller crisis. She asked me what I have been watching laterly ...

Babaji: 你把她騙的團團轉

I didn’t do that.

Babaji: yes you did. 

Okay Eben has a Facebook. So?

Babaji: and you don’t.

If you so desperately for me to get my Facebook back, it’s just through connection I can go pull some strings to see who left on the Facebook. It has been how many years I graduate from the university ....the college friends? Eben didn’t go to college I remember.

Babaji: Simon went to a college.

Okay they have Facebook so?

Babaji: they know how the Facebook works.

I don’t know where we going with this.

Babaji: Everyone is on the Facebook.

I don’t want to get into this. Most people they don’t update things.

Babaji: you think they don’t update things. You about to have a wedding.

That? Can I wait til I talked to Eben?

Babaji: can I wait til you fuck Eben?

I don’t understand this, you have so much to say, all day we are doing is this Facebook of my past ...

Babaji: because everyone is on everyone’s Facebook.

You want me to call to the back military to see what they are doing with my Facebook ?

Babaji: you should have done that long time ago, when we first have this conversation. 

The data just images focus on they look on the big monitor in front of them, I cannot see a thing. They have to analyze the data, don’t know what they are doing that “analyzing” the data, there are papers in their hands, so they have printed stuffs.

Babaji: of course they have printed stuffs.

.... ... are we done?

Babaji: Not yet.

Facebook F image blogger back interface


Facebook people keep connection for help

 Oh yeah? I didn’t ask them for help.

Babaji: Did you hear me there are agents in there?

Right, they show their face, not on my Facebook, our friendship are made, I need them exactly the time and space I need them on Facebook !

Babaji: can you save your face for once? What exactly mean you need them only on Facebook ? I cannot hear, you cannot understand one of us is idiot?

I meant that time to be on Facebook is the time to be on the Facebook. Now I am not on the Facebook anymore.

Babaji: were you on Facebook when you go to Eben?

I cannot remember. I have other accounts. Not with the friends.

Babaji: so you don’t have a friend to go talk to him.

That account yeah. 

Babaji: you don’t want to tell him how many thing you hide from him or he just magically gonna assume your life were empty ?

I cannot just live my life right now? 

Babaji: you are an Asian, you ask other white people to be your friends, and you walk into a circle of Caucasian.

I don’t know what you want to say.

Babaji: you know exactly what I want to say.

You want to tell me they have discrimination between Asian and whites? Why don’t you say the entire APO, they are all Jewish and I didn’t know I have a name to be their God? That’s ridiculous. 

Babaji: how many people on there? 

10 not sure.

Babaji : how many people total are your Facebook.

I don’t know!

Facebook KY

 Babaji: you went to Kentucky suburb, you went to University of Kentucky then you land in Buffalo NY. How old was you? Does your mother know you are doing all that?

If you mean if I taken photo to show her, that EF told her things in the Language Camp, you gonna tell me that 3 weeks Seattle counts because I make friends ? I land in the US SOMEWHERE?

Babaji: don’t be smart ass with me. How old were you ?

17 19 20 on ...roughly probably. 

Babaji: you don’t have a Facebook, do you have friends ?

A few and the dorm friends and a bf.

Babaji: did you tell Adam you were leaving or you just left?

I left.

Babaji: ever talk him anymore?

Once in Buffalo. He says my accent changes.

Babaji: do you think your accent change ?

No, I don’t know.

Babaji: he is not on your Facebook?

No, he is not.

Babaji: No one there is on your Facebook ?

My host mom was on my Facebook.

Babaji: did you ever explain to Dean where are these people come from on your Facebook, he can read they are your school friends. Where were you coming from?

You want to tell me Dean wants to know where I come from ?

Babaji: maybe you look different !

I have no idea why this Dean is on and on and on ...

Babaji: he got a gf name Ana when he was in Florida. 

Just happened.

Babaji: you never asked him? 

Nope. I was probably already with or about to be with Nick. 

Babaji: if he found out what you are doing, you gonna explain to him anything ?

That day does not come, I don’t think I need to even worry about it.

Babaji: really?


Facebook why is this Facebook thing so important ? We never talked sbout before

 Babaji: you don’t think Facebook is important ?

I didn’t say it’s not important. You have to focus on my past to tell people where we are now?

Babaji: you just had a crisis to Khan Academy. One news leak out now everyone is on your Facebook. 

No, I don’t have it anymore.

Babaji: I am the boss, I say so.

Okay, they are on my Facebook then what ?

Babaji: do you know why Dean told you to get on the Facebook?

No idea, just everyone has a collection of friends.

Babaji: he has no one to ask but push you to get a Facebook? Did he realize why you don’t have a Facebook? Did you tell him why you don’t have a Facebook.

Yeah, I told him I don’t want a Facebook. Later I change my mind.

Babaji: So Dean is on your Facebook and you have no idea he is looking at your Facebook. 

Not I know of. He clicks on a dress I remember when I was with Nick, he already down at the south to be a doctor.

Babaji: and you vanish in his sight.


Babaji: what do you think Ukrain say about that?

Probably no good so I made them a song, I sing to them.

Babaji: that makes everything better. You landing on a new land, you disguise like one of them, to be friends with all of them, and when you leave, you just leave them there and burn down everything. So the sent agent don’t know you left?

I assume they know.

Babaji: you don’t want to say hi?

Why you so care about these people I have no communication anymore?

Babaji: that’s the thing, people breath on friends, they lean each other on the shoulder and if you go and find Dean, he may comfer you.

I don’t need those things. It was never like that. People like Facebook then they like the Facebook, I have nothing to against it.

Babaji: you don’t understand why they look at your Facebook is to see who are you friends with, how many friends with, how many white, how many Asian, your photo images, your statement on Facebook. 

So ...it must be I land in Buffalo as Ramses again ? To make friends?

Babaji: you say you don’t have friends so where are these people who just give you their name and Facebook account to add you in, Anna?

You are on and on and on and on and on and on about this Facebook, I have no ideas what’s so important of it.

Babaji: if it’s not like they see your profile, there is nothing important about it, you are right. Does Simon wants to see your Facebook? Does Keanu or Eben or NSYNC, Wallace and Mark wants to see your Facebook ? Do you only have one or two friends or ten?

Okay, it’s more than ten, but I was in the school for many years!!

Babsji: but you didn’t really go and collecting Facebook !!

Next time, I will remember I do better in case I am going somewhere? No where !!

Facebook you do animation how I burn things down ?

 Babaji: too exaggerating too exaggerating ...

I burn things down alone?

Babaji: imagine what does that looks like to them? 🔥 

That was so looong ago. My brother has loads of friends in the university, why do you go and chase them?

Babaji: when is your brother came to the US?

Freshman in high school.

Babaji:oh, you don’t see it difference ?

Not really, we both speak in English fine.

Babaji: what do you say about your Facebook friends again?

I didn’t say anything about them.

Babaji: did you add everyone on the Facebook?

... ... I don’t know what you mean everybody.

Babaji: I mean people desperately needs others to add in their Facebook that desperately. 

After I join SMCH, I added a lot a lot a lot unknown people, if that SMCH would tell me how she knew about Ukrain, I would assume she’s uses Facebook too. 

Babaji: I mean your college friends.

I don’t add students if that’s what you mean.

Babaji: they are lower than you are or what?

They are younger.

Babaji: oh, how many you think it’s sent in for that damn Victoria Secrets 911 turns gold stuffs with Ocean?

No idea 

Babaji: oh ~

Facebook Prince William

 Babaji: can you tell me why Prince William shows up?

It must be his royal army told him ALL the stuffs I did to the US military or classify.

Babaji: you are passing data and only your brain turns that data into a reality data.


Babaji: it’s not just the military or the classify depends on that data, let along to say why Purna is famous to the other side of galaxy, they would have been informed by now there is a Ramses show up and next by Purna.... it’s everyone including the commercial worlds who needs the government all needs these data not to get mix up. 

Okay, I heard about it.

Babaji: so why don’t you talk about it?

Did I stop doing what I do? I am still here.

Babaji: you need to exist so everyone else can all existing fine. The entire world on the maps! Do you know how many people watching you turning yourself one thing to another to another to another to another to another ? You cannot turn anymore is when you meet Eben they are, you think this time has an exit? They don’t know what’s their wife doing ? She is on the television anywhere in the galaxy, if Earth people just travel to see Purna on the informatics board , their first thing to look now automatically is where is Ramses ? Do you actually understand how it works?

Okay, I heard you.

Babaji: you are right, you are not hearing me right.

I know they need me so I already do a lot of things that comes to me so I solve it.

Babaji: it’s not a big deal?

It’s not a big deal.

Babaji: it’s a big big big big deal for a lot a lot a lot of people if they can do what you can do.

Apparently there is only one me, happy?

Babaji: very happy. 

Facebook your friends in disguise

 Babaji: You burn down your Facebook all of it, so you leave your friends unknown that you return to Asia as Ramses to declare a Kingship. That’s just by pass everything else you did in between to have witness on the news after you burn again everything off...they could only guess Eben turn bright green has a meaning.

Okay...I did cut them off. I did declare kingship, but they didn’t have to characterize me as a Ramses. We had a story needed behind for the military and classify, so I used the name for a while for them.

Babaji: you cannot see or I cannot see or everyone cannot see, you return to Asia just like you return to Egypt. You had a Purna, no one knows what did you say to her for crisis loud? Or you want her to read the book, to tell you your acts?

Okay, whatever they think I am a Ramses.

Babaji: do you finish reading the Red River yet or you finish Ramses part only?

I have no time yet to read any parts, not Ramses. I don’t have a resource to tear that books apart if that Ramses becomes so important for my crisis right now. 

Babaji: Eben is a crisis, 5 Lord is crisis, Simon Keanu, Wallace, and Mark, Prince William are crisis ? Oh ~ do you think they know you acting like a Ramses or you think you can hide under the table ?

Even they heard I am saying it for the others purpose ...the military or the classify they don’t have to read that to imagine I am Ramses. I have a need so I become Ramses. 

Babaji: you have a need? Do you think you have the friends that is in disguise in your Facebook from the military behind?

Might. I don’t know.

Babaji: what would they think of you doing all these?

They? I don’t know. I am not close to any of them anyway.

Babaji: can you see ?

No image.

Babaji: no voice ?

Faintly they are aware I exist. Something friends will get hurt badly.

Babaji: do you know why?

Do I look like I care why? It’s burn, so it’s done.

Babaji: you are proud of doing that?

It’s necessary then it’s necessary. At least they won’t be here living their life’s normally.

Babaji: Someone will tell you if it’s Anna doing it is one thing. But if it’s Ramses doing it to them, that’s another thing.

Aren’t we the same human looking ? It’s just a book character,

Babaji: stop denying it when you need it only, people could read. You don’t care about them whatsoever, not even explain where you go how you been to exclude their life’s out of it.


Facebook traveling in disguise


Babaji: did you ever explain to Karen or your other best friends you were coming from “metropolitans” one of the richest city on the China domain ??

I don’t think they know what that words means.

Babaji: all talents, all resources, all media, all international goods and commodity you can find here?

No, not everything you can find here.

Babaji: you explain or I explain to them what is metropolitan means ?

You, obviously.

Babaji: if giving you a height, a Ramses look, to go with the book Red River, can you tell me where you think they think you will end up at? On the other side of Persia empire to be the ambassador ?

We just talk about it the approximately timelines that might look like a book. 

Babaji: are you going to charm, charm charm charm charm them with a Ramses look?

I was not ...

Babaji: charming them?

I cannot remember exactly what happened with Keanu or Simon that time, I wrote a lot of things.

Babaji: a lot and A LOT.

I remember I was just talking to them, it’s just talking.

Babaji: do they want to see anymore if you could just don’t talk anymore ?


Babaji: Wallace has this movies you run around, because you never watched it so far other than few clips of it, you want to explain to him, between what he knows and what you know yourself that were doing on the US soil acting like an embassader ...

I was just putting examples as the timelines fits, not that I believe I was going to the US to pretend to be an Egyptian officer whatever they wrote.

Babaji: oh they could write better than you are now since you told them to just follow you around as Ramses.

Something about this Ramses I owe you an explaination or ?

Babaji: I think we are through.


Facebook friends

 Babaji: Wallace is your guard, you say to him you were traveling when you return here. Does he know where you been to?

I told him Kentucky and Buffalo.

Babaji: oh ~ Facebook exists when you just landed in Buffalo, there is a jealous Dean put you on Facebook, so you have a Facebook.

A what?

Babaji: that’s just how people talk to find out who are you if they are interested in you.

Me and Dean didn’t have anything, the last thousands times I am saying that.

Babaji: you went to Buffalo to start a new life, okay, the military got that, you have an immediate life.

What’s an immediate life?

Babaji: your entire Facebook IS your life. 

What’s that Facebook to do with my life?

Babaji: to see whom has friends more?

I just met them, I told you. Many we just seen each other.

Babaji: you want to explain during fucking or you explain now?

I join the clubs, I went to the community service, I join another clubs, there were girls Melinda and I go hanging out to be the best friends, and I have school classroom friends in the honor class, or Jonathon opening a club, but I didn’t add them Facebook ? Did I ?

Babaji: you just date it Tamang 

A kiss, that’s not a date.

Babaji: you don’t ever to tell Keanu about it on the movies or on his news why you went blister on 26?

That’s was because he was in French. I read that file in Da Vinci time.

Babaji: you jealous ?

Can we don’t bother to talk about it?

Babaji: I am asking you where are all these local kids you land it in disguise, no one knows you are from Taiwan and Karen just shows up in the immigration office here? Do you ever talk about it why she just shows up in Taiwan?

No.I have no idea why she went there, I later thought it must be bank sending her there? Now I think it’s not. Their banking system in Buffalo cannot stop bankcrapcy at my banks, I switch how many banks...

Babaji: Karen, is she popular in school?

Yes. She has a lot of friends in high school.

Babaji: I meant in college  

I don’t know, she has us CAC girls and she got a bf from the high school. They got married, then she moved.

Babaji: so do you know how many friends she got from the college, not from high school?

Of course not. I check her recent Facebook, she makes other news friends at works.

Babaji: oh. I guess no one knows what Aries sign is.

Are we done with my past?

Babaji: your one past. Did you tell Dean you are from Taiwan, you don’t speak English there.

Of course not. 

Babaji: so you disguise as one of them, look like them, dress like the, clubs like them?

Disguise ?

Babaji: you went into a new completely alienate place called Buffalo, alone from Kentucky you had a host family.

It’s just a school I go to.

Babaji: Mark is ABC, he went to school.

You mean Dean was looking for my past from Taiwan?

Babaji: did he ever know you had a past, why did he go to exchange student programs? Did you tell him you were in Kentucky foreigner exchange program?

I actually don’t remember these details anymore. 

Babaji: does Dean know you were in Kentucky had a bf?

Yes, the classroom probably heard me saying that, there was another Justin near by. Dean was next by. I said I had a bf, yeah.

Babaji: and on Facebook? 

No he is not on my Facebook.

Babaji:Your Kentucky past like NSYNC don’t know where you say you would sing talents come from ? Or Simon doesn’t know the past of the past of another past ?

I am not in touch with them, so of course I don’t have any of their Facebook. 

Babaji: you have photos.

Yeah, I show to the bank I have a crisis.I am sure the military or the classify could see it, I was not by myself.

Babaji: you don’t ever explain to Justin what Madrical he sings himself the words that you mumbling explained or to Prince William or Simon?

Can you just tell me what’s all theses I had a past is my own life, I didn’t have a Facebook to record it?

Babaji: don’t get smart with me. I am asking you a question, where were you doing what in the school?

I told everyone the same thing, I was the exchange student, so I attend their high school.

Babaji: and you stole the song in front of everyone from American Anthem. Do you want to hear that yourself how to say it right to the military or the classify? You could steal something and in decades no one ever knew you had stole it, and one day becomes the deadest weapons to fight evils? On everyone else monitor?

I was not fighting evils.

Babaji: then what were you doing on the Porcelin doll? You thought the military or the classify is like you, never look up the past to see how did you just turn around to become 3 Esteen  or facing which direction ?

The US direction ... okay, I understand what you are saying now. I was that direction then becomes the opposite...

Babaji: did they ever tell you about it?

No. I am not looking at them. I have no ideas why would the military or the classify would go and play my Facebook.

Babaji: these guys you are going to sleep with has no access to your past, you are betting on Facebook Valley company they all hash hash at it.


Babaji: good jobs. 

Facebook account

 Babaji: you afraid Eben to see you have no friends or hearing me you have a past what that means?

I have friends.

Babaji: Sometimes people lie about it, they have friends. 

I don’t really know them.

Babaji: like you don’t really know Eben or Wallace, or Mark or Simon or 5 Lord?

Can you tell me where you going with this I had a past in the school.

Babaji: you know how you met Simon, Keanu and the rest of them including ma’am Ching Hai?

On the internet.

Babaji: so I am asking you again, where do all these people come from on your Facebook ?

We met all from the school, a state school.

Babaji: They are local?

Yes many of them are from the local.

Babaji: oh....do you know the military or the classify they play the Facebook too?

Why you drag the classify last page in my words? 

Babaji: why you don’t want to talk about them.

I think military words in general is fine.

Babaji: you don’t explain or asking Eben to ask you to explain?

Okay, there is classify. I know they exist, doesn’t mean we know each other.

Babaji: like the rest of the people you just know them exist, you don’t know each other?

Can you make your point quick? What is that my Facebook account to do with the military OR classify?

Babaji: do you tell Justin, Dean is on the Secrets ?

I thought I already clear that before to everybody.

Babaji: the time you need to tell Justin, this is not the time?

I already gives a lot of account on Dean. If he has it, he has it.

Babaji: ok-ay then.

... ... what about it?

Babsji: what about it what?

My Facebook?

Babaji: you are the one going to Prince William on his wife Facebook account, like he never knows what’s a Facebook account meant to anyone because you don’t have one?

I had a Facebook account.

Babaji: if I were only 5 friends on the Facebook, I wouldn’t go and say to Prince, your wife has a Facebook account issues.

Everyone has the friends on the Facebook, okay ? Can we done with this?

Babsji: no, we are not done. 


 You want to know about my Facebook?

Babaji: you had a history with Khan Academy.

What do you want to know about my Facebook?

Babaji: How did you get on the Facebook?

... ... Dean asked me.

Babaji: How come you didn’t have a Facebook until he asked you?

I was not comfortable the idea of Facebook or my space that time.

Babaji: so you had a Facebook.


Babaji: you have many friends.

Dean is not the only friends I got now?

Babaji: you want to tell that to Justin?

I just slip a word of it.

Babaji: do you know SIlas first or Dean first?


Babaji: where do you meet SIlas?

Evolutionary Biology. He just sat behind my and Andrew several rows behind.

Babaji: How do you know this Andrew guy.

I actually forget that.

Babaji: why does SIlas say hi to you?

He saw us coming in, he normally just say good morning Anna.

Babaji: you never went up there to talk to him?

Why you so interested in SIlas?

Babaji: Answer my question ?


Babaji: was Dean in this class?

I think he is, not sure what time 

Babaji: then you and Dean met?

At general chemistry.

Babaji: do you ever ask Dean why he wants you to have a Facebook.


Babaji: and did you explain to him where did ALL these people just show up on your profile, now you told all military, your files are missing because you don’t have a past?

I have a past.

Babaji: you set a fire burn it down completely, vanished.

If I knew there are military or classify that much existing, I might think twice before doing that.

Babaji : (headache) do they need to records that, how many times you just burn down the bridge and poof, gone out of the history recording ?


Babaji: Does Dean ever talk about your mutual friends?

You mean Facebook? Dean is on my Facebook ? He has how many friends he got, on the other side of the campus living his life.

Babaji: you know where he lives?


Babaji: does Dean know SIlas?

Possible. But I am not sure, Dean is taller than SIlas, so they might have seen each other.

Babaji: you say SIlas is in the newspaper editing.

I had to prove he exists, so I went to their archive to find his profile. Is this about Lance?

Babsji: no.

He didn’t show up on his podcast.

Babaji: you don’t seem to go listening.

... okay what about Dean and SIlas?

Babaji: and Wing you know?

Of course I know him. We have lunch together, we were in the same class.

Babaji: How many?

General chemistry.

Babaji: where did the rest of friends comes from ?

I met them.

Babsji: people don’t just met them met them to give their Facebook account.

Okay, I talked to them.

Babsji: Caucasian?

If they are not Caucasian, they look like Asian to you ?

Babaji: You want to tell Mark where these people come from because Wallace cannot understand in English ?

Is this something you really need this Facebook topics to go on circulating ?

Babaji: you burn down a past, not just a Facebook. 

I went to join the clubs.

Babaji: Seth is not in your club.

I don’t remember how we met. I think he is on my Facebook, don’t remember,

Babaji: You just immigrant to the US.

I went to Kentucky hugh school 1 year and the university 1 year, that is not plain zero years, is it?

Babaji: a lot of people cannot even their mouth to talk in English.

You “jealous” over me than Yogananda to have friends on the Facebook ? He is much older to come to the US.

Babaji: ‘I am the one told him to go to the ENTIRE US.

You can just revive Yogananda and hand him a Facebook, now he surely can make himself a fane of it to say friends on the Facebook. 

Babaji: Next page please.



 Babaji : give me a reason you cannot go on a video to say a word to Eben?

He is not expecting me to say anything.

Babaji: are you going to explain to him why you don’t want to marry to him?

We already agree to that, I promise so we don’t need to talk about this anymore.

Babaji: you really think he would let that go, I say you cry and you won’t show up, and he heard you saying you agree, still no video.

I cannot understand you why you think he needs an explaination.

Babaji: can he just ask you with simple words, “why you don’t want to marry me?”

And I already answer him. We solve and we live on with it.

Babaji: do you want me to tell him every time if corner you like this with him, you cry?

I am not crying.

Babaji: it’s inside your eyes.

I need to go to bed right now. It’s almost 10.

Babaji: Eben is not a type of person you can avoid.

Then I will wait til I cannot avoid anymore.

Babaji: you will regret at this.

Because you leave me with no choices.

Babaji: that’s another regrets you will put yourself in 

Babaji: Eben

 ... okay.

Babaji: you are not talking.

I am waiting you to talk.

Babaji: you cannot avoid him for two weeks. It’s almost up, do you notice the date?

Can you stop talking I am avoiding him?

Babaji: you are not on the video, it’s so easy for you to just make a video, smile and talk, flat and make words you two will get together for a Union.

I am not like him, could splash news on the video like his wedding.

Babaji: you could make a declaration on your channel to declare any of them.

😨 can I go resting now ? I really don’t need all this right now.

Babaji/; why we have to hold up this late hour before you wait for me to ask you anything about them?

I am just writing down when you are in presence what you would say, and you always seems to pick at a time, I am tired from a whole day working.

Babaji: I pick a timing ? Oh~ you can initiate a talking in the morning but at night force me to ask you ? This is how many days we are doing this? You think I am doing this on purpose.


Babaji: you want to wait til the day you meeting them one by one to talk?

I am not thinking anything.

Babaji: tell them a reason why you cannot talk to them right now.

I didn’t push them to this situation and I believe I already explain to them pieces and bites along all these times, they found out, they realize, and they know we pair up, that’s it.

Babaji: you really just wish that day you cannot but face them to talk?

I say I am not thinking anything.

Babaji: what would that mean to them? They see you they don’t talk?

Maybe they won’t.

Babaji: do you know them?


Babaji: and you decide for them, that’s how you start a relationship with them? No explaination?

I already explain.

Babaji: you explain to the mess of people. You are about to stay with them!! And marry to Eben. You say so many things about him to me, he thinks of you as?

I say I can end this conversation right now and I will face him myself not here.

Babaji: I want you to face him here right now.

About ?

Babaji: everything you say to me about him.

Just explain to him?

Babaji: that’s not I would re-word it.

I think he is fine. I think we are fine.

Babaji: I don’t think so.

Babaji: why do you push down your women’s right so low ?

 I didn’t push anything.

Babaji : you don’t insist things to the guys.

The only thing ...

Babaji: don’t say it.

You ask me.

Babaji: that’s not what I am asking.

Is this something I don’t ask where Eben live or what does he do for his living ? I heard him already.

Babaji: you are not controlling him.

... ... can we don’t do this right now? I don’t need this right now.

Babaji: it is a topic to talk about it. Every married women has a way leash their husbands, how are you going to get along with them? 

You want me to go leash Eben?

Babaji: yep, he has thousand ways to tell you how not to leash him.

We are not exactly talking ...

Babaji: cut. You are not exactly talking.

I already said enough to all of them.

Babaji: you want to know what he thinks you doing all this for ?

I m not doing anything.

Babaji: yes you are. You working whole day EVERYDAY up til this hour you cannot work anymore, so we can never talk about things about them.

What do you want to talk about ?

Babaji: Eben.

We already talk about it.

Babaji: you are not on video. I actually want you to literally cry on the camera for him to see.

You are insane. 

CNN 386452 India new cases

 38 64 52

38 8x8 52 ?

Babaji: what’s that? ( screaming yelling )

I don’t know.

It takes about 2013-1997= years to see the movies real

 Babaji: clean 

You girls don’t know what was I talking about? Do you clean your room, your closet, your bags, your books? The things you don’t need just throw out!

Babaji: people usually collects a lot of junks. What do you want to say to Eben what you want to collect?

You had a mood just now?

Babaji: no I don’t have a mood.

You are glooming over something.

Babaji: No, no.

I don’t really have anything I collect.

Babaji: bags?

I have a bag can use for business traveling.

Babaji: clothing 

I have to resort them. The US is cold.

Babaji: I don’t think you need them if you are in bed all the time.

Is there something you want to say?

Babaji : No.

I am working on Prince William stuffs.

Babaji: I know, that’s not enough. 

Sex stuffs?

Babaji: yeah why not?

You actually expecting me to talk about sex all the time?

Babaji: why not?

I think I told things about it.

Babaji: You and Eben talk about it?


Babaji: where you gonna meet?

I don’t know yet. He is busy probably til the end of May.

Babaji: you don’t inquisitive him a lot of stuffs?

What’s exactly getting you mad, I don’t understand.

Babaji: you suppose to do your stuff, plan the wedding.

I thought the engagement first. I cannot just wait til Eben comes? 

Babaji: you trust him to do all that stuffs?

Don’t we finish arguing about this?

Babaji: no.

I don’t have a lot of preference, and he knows the details. I only say to him the map numbers on country needs to be think about.

Babaji: you are not in control, your women’s right being push down, your ring, your garment, your jewerly, shoes, invitation, guests lists...

Listen, I can just rent these stuffs in one day and we are done. It’s just putting things on.

Babaji: your women’s right !

I don’t want to talk about this anymore with you.

Babaji: you actually let all those guys calling Eben to choose every details for you ?

Yes ! To be honest, I would wish that’s their will. I don’t need to care about it.

Babaji: oh!

🎬movie : Prince and me


Kiwi, allergic ? The roommate food choices. I always curious they met in 2001, the Pirates of Caribbean 2003... there are a lot of Prince & Me movies. Harry Potter is entirely British accent. How do they pick which movies to find Kate? By height? There was a Princess Diary, there is a Victoria Secrets. How do they actually work in their head? Every movies. Stiles is a med student.

Babaji: does not sound right. 

Harry Style, that’s ...

Babaji: on purpose.

Oh ~


 I don’t know ...

Babaji: sex.

We talked about it already.

Babaji: not with her, with you.

I don’t think there is anything to talk about it.

Babaji: women are different creature.

You mean she got jealous over Meghan because she also goes for fashion as her signature.

Babaji: Maybe. If Prince Willaum let you meeting her, what you gonna do?

I am sure Eben is with me, so we introduce each other, or Eben would. 

Babaji: do you envision that?

No. I just automatically think the guys have a tendency to tell things to their wife’s . If that day does not come, that’s okay. I am afraid they do that. If they don’t, I am perfectly fine.

Babaji: oh !

Why would I think Prince William will do that? To be honest we are not even 40 yet. So over next 20 years, he still gonna be 60. If people know each other for so loooong ...I just don’t think guys like them sitting there doing nothing type. They could have a life that’s not on the media. 

Night market

 I just went with Rockfeller getting things to pack home.

Babaji: how does it goes?

Maybe too early the shop are not opening yet.

Babaji: what you gonna do when you go back to the US?

I don’t really that type going for these festivity.

Babaji: oh~

I think Kate is like my brother University Students needs a Facebook or Instagram to keep friends. He got the high paying jobs, same are his every university Master degree program friends from good school consulting jobs, they went to Florida on vacation, and they all just living in the same house.

Babaji: no fucking ?

He I don’t think so.

Babaji: I mean fucking, not about Kate.

Oh? I think she is pretty misery without everyone else in school. I have heard someone said my Facebook old account, I actually have good amount of friends for the immigration status like mine. I am not from local. (?)

Babaji: you are not from the local.

I close it before I coming south, I am afraid TEsla things got back fire on them, so before seeing Simon, it’s all gone.

Babaji: still in Facebook.

It should be.

Kate imposter Facebook account


So she doesn’t have anymore friends from her old school Facebook account ?

Babaji: you think?

She would have a Facebook before? I saw the current Facebook, it’s not update it.

Babaji: they are the center of the media attention, how can they just post anything they want?

Does she feel lonely she has no friends ? She cook, she grocery, she raise kid, she does not include Meghan in....is that because British and American cannot be friends ? If Simon has to make me to go make friends with Lauren, I will say hi to her. It’s not a big deal thing just to be friends with everyone. 

Babaji: do you know what you are talking about ?

Does she ever support Harry or Meghan for once with Prince William? Or it’s a competition she wins other loses? But she got so many things now ! If I was put in that environment, of course you welcome Meghan and don’t make a news sound like they two sit in different row to compete fashion because Meghan is fashion icon! I read that, she is a star has fashion related business or something. 

I have to go out now. I cannot work. 

Babaji: good luck, have fun.


 Babaji: Don’t go there.

Do you girls bite people like the movie or the novel says that the guy like a spicy girls ? When you kissing the guys? You kissing girls ? What does that mean?

Babaji: They fed up to hear they have to be lower than man talks...

Oh? You actually want to be with a girl if with a guy failed ?

Babaji: it’s not illegal 

Are you sure for the rest of you life you don’t want to be with a guy ever again? If you tell them you were a lesbian ?

Babaji: No, the guy didn’t say that.

No, they didn’t say that. I say that. 

Babaji: why you talking about kissing anyway?

Because a kiss does affect the body chemistry. Not with a biting stuff. Of course I don’t bit. 

Babaji: it’s like a fighting ...

Fighting ? You cannot talk to the guy normally ?

Babaji: it’s something you cannot understand it.

You want the guy to grab your arm “come back”? The fights, a physical fight even ?

Babaji: they cheat ?

They cheat so you bite? Can you just leave?

Babaji: they got very upset. Like crying and screaming and yelling at the guy.

Oh I heard that now, I could see it. They have a quarrel you mean.

Babaji: not a quarrel, literally fighting.

? Never mind, you cannot emotionally handle that “trauma”.

Babaji: what if Eben cheats? You gonna yelling at him ?

I just tell him maybe he should look out some other ways, we separate our ways.

Babaji: no yelling no screaming ?

I could text him if he just don’t pick up the phone. Until we both got home, we talk, 

Babaji: so you never gonna have a fight with Eben?

I don’t see why I need to do that ... you mean screaming and yelling ? To a guy?

Babaji: right.

Probably not.

Babaji: okay then, our conversation is through. 


 Babaji: that’s the issue, Anna.

... you call my name too often like this is ??

Babaji: because I am talking to you, Anna

Can you all actually see in the bathroom ? I know it’s not a thing to me but do you take your contacts out, how did you wash your contact and put it back? You clean them right? Like you have to be like a chemist ...your arm, your body has to be fast...what’s the word flexible to coordinate what you doing if your bathroom is small? Do you like to take a shower? I used to have this friend Melinda would take a shower before we go out and when she sat in the car, you could smell all the fragment from the shower. I would wish I could copy that ...no matter how much things I dump...there is nothing works, or you would tell me to use lotion ?

Babaji: you are being funny ?

Girls supposed to be like a girl, even if you wear a uniform. They got those composure magazine has a lot of things they say...so if you take off the contact, you cannot see in the fog of all that steaming room? You cannot see your butt to be honest but you can see the vaginal down there? See how you pee? If the period comes, the blood actually drip to the urinary track, I actually found that out, I have to have to clean the tip of that urinary track, where the pee comes out, there be very thorough, because the blood just goes there. And they sip on the urinary track so the pee actually is the blood color. I have no idea how that position I sit could happen that, do you wipe the blood all the way to that tip where you pee? Not just the vaginal. Do you look? Or they all just a smear of big red blood clotting on your pads, you only took that off and replace with the new pads? So you don’t use the public toilet tissues in the US that’s unlimited ...just use use use use them? The bathroom is all yours!

Babaji: I don’t think so.

What do you mean you don’t think so ?

Babaji: well ... ...

You say things I cannot hear or understand it.

Babaji: well ... ...

Never mind. 

Kate cooking

Babaji: What, Anna?

I saw some public works they both Prince William and Kate are using knifes in the kitchen. It’s not just a news she went to grocery shopping or I heard she cooked meals for the 3 children and him. I saw they wave at their home outside this house for the COVID 19 short clip, they don’t have kitchen staffs living with them or near by? Kate is very thin too. I did saw the Palace pick a dish what she likes to eat...these entire scenes looks very odd to me, something about the royal food or the royal kitchen is on the news? She has to watch her weigh so she cannot eat 3 meals a day probably. 

Babaji: you weight, Anna

I actually have more abdomen now to carry the guys weight if they go on top of me. I didn’t know that, I just happened to eat. I was very very skinny. Does he go on top of her anymore ? The kids are ages apart, not one year after another, they want to tell me they never had another sex? Even I have once a month or twice a month scenario and we are not living together. 

Babaji: I don’t think it’s relevant.

Oh ~

Prince William news

 Babaji: uh ha.

Glass, grilling, library, ....yeah Meghan is his in-law, between brothers they have to fight ? You would wish they two are buddies no?

Babsji: I don’t think so.

They grown up together just them two.

Babaji: what ?

... ...

Kate shopping grocery - did she have something she loves to eat?

 Babaji: uhm, do you have something you like to eat by spending Eben’s money?

Probably the US some cookies I can snack for the evening like no dinner but that? I snack here. I know what I will stack up, but it’s not a craving to eat what.

Babaji: you think she is not just bored in the palace ?

I think she did all those fake meeting if Prince William sometimes does that on purpose by now I would know ...it aggravating her. And if she could do what she goes about to the outside world without a negative news, she will go grocery shopping for something she needs or she wants? She cannot say it what she wants? Or it’s their dinner table she really had to buy grocery to cook for them?

Babaji: No, I don’t know a thing, don’t tell me.

Crystal skull

 Babaji: Anna


Babaji: what did you say to them about the Crystal skull before, do you remember ?

Yeah, on the back.

Babaji: oh.

... ...? They are evil, if I were you, I won’t touching that stuff for fun. 

Babaji: I was thinking to ask you something, not about the Crystal Skull, they are the old outdated information.

... ... ?

Babaji: Things are like this, you see, my fire ... 🔥 things do not register in the patent office.

... ...?

Babaji: you don’t understand ?


Babaji: is Crystal Skull patent registry at?

No, they are marriage certificate register, at least one of them I heard. By Anna and an Italian martial artist.

Babaji: are they black magic ?

No. They didn’t say they are magic bound. They are programs bounded.

Babaji: what kind of the program bounded?

They say they are some kind of IT like today’s world, but it’s not the program we run today as we know of “program”.

Babaji: do we have a lot of translating problem, you see, Anna?

... ...? I would think so, yes,

Babaji: oh. What do they do to you?

They used to tell jokes or tapes of them playing funny thing make me laugh. But at one point we stopped. They did something pure evil image shown, I never went back.

Babaji: oh, that’s how it works on the story could be written for my liking ...

... ...? You mean people want to copy what did I tell them?

Babaji: no I am just saying my public affection and loyalty to whom I adore.

... ...

There is a news that Queen gonna gives her all her crown accessory to Kate, not to Prince Charles current wife

 Babaji: looking strange to all these news but the background data was that ?

Yeah! They leaking out these news like no harm. Not saying her bad. So she cares a lot about these news? So she can stay ? Oh ~

Babaji: you would think Prince William told her about sex.

They never talked about sex?

Babaji: Catholic Sunday they have service.

... ... she gonna have a guilt talk over sex?

Babaji: not exactly.

I have to nap. If one side I keep seeing perfect teeth smiling and my side one day all I see was...

Babaji: his serum ...

That’s ...something went terribly wrong. 

Harry and Meghan discharge their royal duty

 Babaji: I forget or you forget ?

Right, there was Harry got kicked out and now they have to make money. I don’t think Kate likes any of that public duty, so if they got stuck right now in the palace for COVID 19, they just stuck inside the house ? And Prince William is going to Eben? That’s not now!

Babaji: their money ...

Kate really don’t care about Harry they are or just another thing she just happy they screw up, lower than her got kick out to the US? They actually have to go to make money !! Can William just give Harry some money instead their father has to pay because the news says they don’t pay? They are royal, they don’t need to make money. Did she ever care about others? They are brothers and royal brothers. They should be close !!

Babaji: they don’t understand how you think like that. 

Because there are a lot of things only they both know. Not the commoner knows.

Babaji: I don’t think so. 

COVID 19, right, they seal up all the air traveling routes

 Babaji: no exit, got it?

Yeah if you all have a book to write the story.

Babaji: it’s not a story.

It means next time I would know there is something up. 

Technically speaking, the flood was my last most important assignment

 Babaji: Not anymore !! Whether you like or not.

Right. I had 7 years crisis so when this year back on, the Flood fixing issues supposed to be the last assignment I have before an exit. So as before I reach the exit, I met the 5 Lord, Pagan religion, Simon and England Royal army stands in the way. Normally if it’s just an exit, it won’t have all these people stationing at. The books formation that, but the modern entertainment if saying I got set up, I didn’t get to the book Bible the first thing. It’s the last thing. 

Babaji: are you sure?

... ...you mean there are other books?

Babaji: right. 

I almost forget ... how Princess Diana breaks away from the Royal family


Yeah, I remember now. Did she really say that to the Prince Philip ? If she cannot seek love attention or respect she will break away the family ? They already had women equality voice up issue ? Like a women’s right ? Oh

Do you know how to touch down there like how do you wash up your period time?

 Babaji: The guys never have a period.

Do you wash yourself often because you are home next by a tube? My toilet in Asia has a design that it can wash the butt. The US does not seem to have that, so if you are in the military whole day, you don’t wash yourself. But if it’s on the weekend, do you go to the bath tube just wash it out with the water? Or you always just use toilet paper? Or you just see no dripping, you put your pants up?

Babaji: does the guy want to know how you wash up?

My bathroom probably always gonna have a camera, do you all got bothering if there is a camera? I have a tube height I step on the wood, open the leg, washing and grab the skin, thoroughly layer by layer muscle clean. Because the porn girls, they have re-made their muscle area down there. Mine actually have blonde hair and it’s very red with some skin layers around. It’s not like the porn. All of them looking very very clean, it’s not like that. Don’t you see yours?

Babaji: you think you are a religious leader, you would never taught that to the mass.

You cannot talk about it to somebody ? Christian ? Oh, I see. So you learn structure first. Climax if the guys know you know how to get climax, they know you don’t need them if got hot. Like if I got burn? No, that’s a little different, I didn’t touch myself ....

Babaji: why not?

That got burn “live cannot live, death cannot seek?” It’s ...feeling more like to have sex, not about climax. But I am sure if you just touch yourself, you should be fine. I didn’t. I just got burn on some days. I let it be.

Babaji: they think you don’t understand why they cannot talk about it.

... ... in the military of course you don’t talk about it, you go home, you go to the Sunday church. Who do you talk to? I didn’t ask anyone neither, my grade school I figure it out that myself. It’s a natural hernomone. 

Babaji: clean 

Right, I am working home now, so when I used to make a lot of video home, I have to take a shower ALL the time. Because it’s so many of you watching me uploading so many video. I have to clean, so I stay in the bathroom a lot. Washing period is that, it’s a habit, you don’t want to see the blood dripping anywhere, not on your thigh, pants or bath tube. Can you move your body right in the small showering place, that’s why you too lazy to bend your body to clean, touch, turn , feel? Right side, left side, front and back? Can you reach your hands to the back ? I scrap the anal two side skin with nails. Not the lining the skins. If at night you woke up itches, you will feel it’s a little wet with smell, so of course I have to scrap. Not the lining because it’s more delicate, you have to be very careful with your nail.

Babaji: too much details.

... ...

If I write uterus filled with serum ...you answer yourself if that Japanese cartoon animation exciting you

 Babaji: don’t make the guys force you to say it, that’s what I mean. Anna does not like the guy but she tells them that, what could that mean you all idiot thought ? 5 Lords thinking she is seduce them? Cannot think?

... ... A grown up mature person does a mature communication. If there is something exciting them the guys, I just answer with the confident, that happening to me too. I heard some girls got turn off by seeing that cartoon uterus filled up the thrusting serum ? Really ? You cannot just go with the porn to naturally feel it your body might want that? It’s a technology that facility intimacy.

Babaji: they are not touching themselves to know what’s climax ?

You don’t ?

Babaji: some do, most dont.

You don’t know where or how or?

Babaji: it can both, they don’t know where is the things to touch?

Really? You all never touch yourself to feel orgasm ? Then how do you suppose to feel how the guys got climax ?

Babaji: no they don’t.

.... ....that’s not good. 

Khan, he might be the one, which one, I don’t know.

 Babaji: there is a list of things to say, write it down.

1. He got trapped by AMerican 200 years demoncratic legal system not to synchronize with the 2000 years magic book Bible, that’s 1/10

2. He does not have a Purna internal wire or her disciple external power dreams, vision, life miracles. Something is dialing.

3. He says Khan, language in English, subject in Education, 

Khan is a Chinese military establishment ? He wants to target the US military or he just guessing at it the niche?

His subjects : none-profit organization to teach education, not spirituality, there is no spirituality calling him, or he cannot give up his education for some reasons to find the calling.

He might have a serious foundation problem

He could be chinese, Indian, or Christianity

This whole life he can never be woke up. He is asleep.

He wants to use the education methods to control military by turning black background to the eyes since the youth.

He is seeking profit, not none-profit. He is gambling the US territory to hear Khan name to drawn to ????

Babaji: the list go on, write yourself. 


Going out

 I think India still have that mountain effects left, but the modern territory development, ...Yogananda is one, Babaji say kill it, on the Chinese television, it should say a lot of things.

Do I think you India doing it on purpose ?

 When I was attacked all around the first time, that OU language Purna puts on, that period of time til which time I return to Taiwan finding out 5 Lords, I have this Babaji also issues, YES, I think you are doing it on purpose.

Babaji: but the true reality ?

No, I don’t think you meant to do all that. It’s just by accident they show up like that.

Babaji: do you think if Purna has a master 500 years old, they were behind doing things on purpose ?

YES. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. There is something about this India does not quit doing things to me. 

Babaji: do you trust me?

I watch what I write down. 

Babaji: you watch me like a hawk. 

India - Fatima, nick’s friends, Melinda’s roommate, center Indian girl, Khan, Lalla

 Fatima, like FEMA camp, she LOVES Dean but she got Jonas. No, it shocks me the US gonna jail me? The FEMA camp are everywhere on the map.

Nick’s friend, in the movie “UP”, the couple stands next by the mail box, me and him breaking up stories. She borrow a tape don’t return a long time, and her son, one of them looks like another Wing of the structure, O Town, kills? O or nothing ?

Melinda’s roommate is an Indian

My roommate’s bf failed his medical exam first time, is an Indian

My neighbor downstairs making a lot a lot a lot disturbing noise all the time party while I finally got initiate to practice, they do not listen. Boys.

Center Indian girl, has say hi to me “good morning sunshine “

Khan, I left.

Lalla, I left.

About Babaji, military girls, if there is next time, you still have to call the guys, “Ask guys”


Babaji: “what do you mean”, “I don’t understand”

... ... I am saying if there is a next time that Babaji kidnap someone and that someone claim things like I Anna did, you all girls need to go handing the conversation to the Guys, over their side. They know what kind of person that Babaji is. And to be honest it’s because I Anna write them down first of all, second, how exactly she wrote them down, because people’s thoughts by doing these conversation dialogue is not normal. You have to demonstrate a lot of things, the guys side have enough people to evaluate all that from now on.

Babaji: no they don’t understand it. 

The guys knows what did Babaji did, because Anna mumbling a lot. She didn’t have a business establish herself, she is the one went out to do everything, there is a part that she creates everything, there is a part Babaji or Ancient Chasez facilitate in, you don’t mix up everyone does what on their skills means. 

Babaji: oh, I don’t have skills, you mean?

No, the guys know exactly what skill you Babaji have, you establish directly behind Anna in the world both have no name, it’s like a guy gambling on a girl to go out doing all the biding and in the end he wins.

Babaji: No, I don’t gamble. I know. 

One big continent 2 sides edges have s similar crisis - Love theme ( Fall in love)

 I know how I get here today. I have crisis to solve.

Babaji: and on the other side of the world just happen the similar year birth prince also have a crisis.

That’s right .... the lists that crisis I have been solving, one of them is your girls head fall in love issues. Prince William and I don’t know each other but we both are getting something similar theme on this matter. 

Babaji: do they say you have a logical mind?

? ... well, what I meant is I don’t have a title, there is a title on the other side of the continent. You are all really into their Prince title in love beauty pageants contests -whom would be the next Great Britain Queen? It’s in the Chinese Flower Thousand Bone says. 蜀國的王要招皇后

Babaji: they don’t know what you are talking about, but if that’s true, they will figure it out to trust the Chinese or not.

Prince Charles and Diana movies


... ...

Babaji: ... ...

I think ....do you all girls like the Prince, like Prince any type of Prince? If there is a true love scenario you wish that could happen ?

Babaji: Seriously.

I mean literally hiding behind a flower decorator dressing like a mad tree and wait him on one side of the palace talking loud to reach her and she moves to one more flower decorator and get closer to him for him to look at you? And them one more meeting outside with the car, you would wish he would stop his car in the middle of the loud traffic for him to talk to you?  Do you feel special that way? Can you see he found you are cute doing that? 

Babaji: do you ? (Big eyes)

I am asking you all, do you have create a 懈逅in chinese words, a very special meeting with the Prince in your fantasy novel writing in your head, and what that meeting is going to be? That will draw his attention to you?

Babaji: Uhm ..uhm...

3 children tie the knots?


Babaji: I think(don’t) think so

.... ....I was saying she plans to stop at 3 and no more sex anymore or tight the knots? Kidnapping til certain degree, hasn’t she? If it’s William’s wants, it’s his entire royal family wants, so keep having babies? So he cannot go anywhere.

Babaji: what do I say about him?

Seat on him.

Babaji: Right.

The cooking food again, she cannot just tell him that she will fetch your chef, that’s not the way how we gonna have a dinner? And in the palace to go and boss the servant, hey you over there, we are not going grown on this love potion/ commoner energy food on everyone’s muscle issues, can you just bring me each day your meal menu?

Babaji: they will be in Heaven.

Guys don’t need a lot of things, to take care of them, water, food and sex, the rest they can dealing on them own.

Babaji: they girls cannot believe you just say that.

Roughly like that, if you would clean the house, put things right places, he would appreciate this house is both living under. 



Diana says she doesn’t cook. She did a course to learn how to cook.

Babaji: new news.

They both .. Nono ...I think Kate wants to walk outside world instead of staying in the palace. If I would have a mansion to stay, my 24/7 works are actually locked on my desk, on my bed or sofa. Lunch I eat. Or afternoon I eat. I would not go shopping. She missing shopping ? I saw they are busy on the charity works all the time so she does go out. Tina cannot do that, she has a very bad tendency she must go shopping or walking around to the outside world. Like shopping, buying things, use the credit card. 

Babaji: Harry is not living in the Palace anymore.

I have heard that, they are in California and she has a particular shopping experience in Toronto, I used to go with Nick, I know where she talking about, it’s very expensive. She is on some kind new age diet with smoothie all that. So whom looking after them diet? That’s 3 meals a day? That’s insane!

Babaji: That’s not the only thing insane enough. Both guys are actors. 

I bet anything they found out about Middleton, they made Harry married so late ...is also a commoner. 

Babaji: you think of focker?

To me, okay, I used to hear about this European royal family tradition that affairs none stops. Because most are riches and famous. Besides the wife, there is someone else 情婦, if they made a movie to put a sex on it, and the wife’s title of a kid also is made into a sex icon...

Babaji: do you think she and Harry have a lot of sex?

I think she tries to get pregnant, she is getting old, but she has miscarriages.

Babaji: if you pregnant?

Of course I take it off.

Babaji: one time two time three time ...

YES! I tell them I cannot do that if they on purpose doing that.

Babaji: I see, you think men needs sex

Of course. Why are we even talking about it so much, the half population = half eternity on this Earth has to agree with what I say!!

Babaji: what a description. 

Princess Diana is a kingdom garden teacher


Babaji: yep.

That’s the movie Meet the Parents, fuckers and the kingdom garden teacher story. He is a nurse. Meaning he does a lot of things with women, not mental health. Women kinds, okay it does not have to attend the women. Nurse why I keep thinking of the women. The co-worker. 

Babaji: oh ~~

That Princess Diana Ring is a sapphire


That ring is a dead person’s ring that went into a tragic. She never asked him I bet why she has to keep that ring ? It’s strange. I remember her ...when I was young, her title was a princess. It’s known as a Princess Diana. This is strange ...both her and Meghan had duchess title. In Chinese it means 公爵夫人, if I hear that translation of the word, that’s not a princess thing, or it refers the married guy as a Duke not Prince...okay wiki says two title. It just looks strange if I translate too. It’s not the throne meant. It’s just a royal. 

She has a head problem

 I don’t know about the mental sphere because that’s... insane related.

Babaji: but..

She might have a IQ problem her feeling not going to the head to like this guy because she has an image to keep= that’s how Prince William love about her. Her fashion effect. An image to keep = the position to secure. She really really really needs that seat, doesn’t she? And he could just leave her there on the seat to  imagine ghost ... he actually lives with her with 3 ghostly kids, derived from the fashion Middleton effects!! That’s terrible. 

Babaji: you have to say things like that.

I don’t come out the other words.

When someone treats you that nice, you just love the guy 😘😘😘

 Babaji: what did you say?

Like if a guy thoughtfully Buttom you up in the cold wind, Nick does the same, I would kiss him all the time, hugging him all the time. Go near by him all the time. 

Babaji: but you don’t do that to the other guys?

The point is he is smiling to her, holding her hands, public showing her around, she didn’t have any holding his hand crisis, touch him, caress him in public, like she really likes the guy? Did she like this guy Prince William at all? I know it’s fake but that’s horrible on my side looking he could do that ! So he could do ALL THAT, the result is she could show her affection more or at least some monent ? He is doing it in the public or she just concludes he fell in love with her, with her character? And what is that exactly ?

Babaji: you never know the man’s heart.

Prince William and Kate


He buttom her coat up? Prince William ? This is a very horrible looking to me story starting that Harry Potter book or when they start meeting back 2001. Because the moment they found out that book ...I can bet anything things turn zero.

Babaji: Not just zero. It’s minus.

Uterus filled with serum

 Babaji: they don’t understand if you so hate him, you want that?

I have seen the Japanese animation, the animation effect is actually very real felt. Maybe that’s a little exaggerate. They cannot fill up like that but from a women’s point, if they don’t get me pregnant, I would want that during sex. It’s a want.

Babaji: they girls mix up their head and their moment of attention deficit, say that again?

I SAID, if I having deciding to have sex with them, of course there are so many kisses and hugs feel by the guys. I grow on them. The sex part of course there is a TV, I have seen it before, some of that images won’t wear it out. Do they get that feeling to ejaculate, I don’t know by seeing the TV, if it magnify, it does magnify on me. I never had anyone does that. Just to think it gonna be done, it is strange. The reality I check online, it’s not the women gonna feel that much. But yeah if in the end of all that thrusting, I still want that going even I don’t feel it. Maybe just think of it, it’s fulfill that fantasy? There is very real feeling on it. I cannot say the sex does not exist.

Babaji: do you think the men needs that? To feel secure?’

I actually don’t know. It’s just some water coming out of them. They say 3 to 10 seconds. Much shorter than the women climax ...I assume they feel it the climax.

Babaji: what did I tell you yesterday ?

The guy feel much stronger.

Babaji: a lot stronger.

Babaji: How desperately Eben needs nutrition so you feel it?

 Maybe just the 3 3 10 Chinese saying that creates some effects of it.

Babaji: Nono, you were on Khan Academy, this is very serious. I don’t want that to happen. 

I feel Eben is too dangerous for me, he is literally wants me to go fall in love games with him. He knows I don’t like sex but he also knows I can feel the hugging or sex or man’s particular ways, I gonna go cling on him, from the heart. He wants to do something at my heart. I don’t need that. 

Babaji: what’s wrong if you fall in love?

What’s wrong with him to do certain things to play my heart? We will be together, I already agree to him. Everything is all like he planned. He actually wants me feel the hurt from his doing, of course I can feel it. He is doing it on purpose all the time. Things I like and the things I don’t like. The two polarity direction he decides to spin on me.

Babaji: you think it’s too complicated ?

I don’t want to talk about it anymore. 

Eben met Lalla first period of his life vs me second period of his life

 No, that organic chemistry was way before I met Eben. He does not know. People behind they have to mandatory taking organic chemistry in class, and like doing a search online to evaluate the current teachers/ tutors a subject online. But yeah, they gonna need Eben’s data too. Because Paganism can become a religion itself. They don’t like this idea India color is stainting things all over twice they saw. Not sure if it’s the other races say or they themselves India had a saying too.

Babaji: you and Eben, you just saw his video. You were hesitate to click on. What’s going on with your mind or your heart at that time?

Probably today is a different day. It never happens before.

Babaji: Tell.

Don’t worry about it. It’s just the splits monents.

Babaji: That’s not a splits monent. 

I have other things to do.  

No, they shut down them if it sprung up

 That technology looks too familiar like AI. The drawing tool. If I am Da Vinci, I have a set of tools as the Reinanssance number 1 Chair. If the Earth open’s galaxy, they probably sent this guy somewhere to do what he himself talks about the foundation of a building D, whatever this report says. Not on Earth. The Earth can forever stays on regent, but not changing to that degree...he is targeting at the foundation and starting young kids to brain wash with that technology, that’s just very bad looking. At least, if the Spiritual Order by pass, the military people will save their own self to set that apart. 

What do I know about them? They are none profit organization

 Babaji: WHAT do you know them, Anna?

They set up different than mine. They went to the government to set up a none profit organization. Meaning through the legal background to get funding I assume, they then teach these stuffs. My teaching DIDNT have that. I create domain, private site, directing the traffic from the YouTube, I actually creates a lot of graphic image then on to make that website for everyone around the world could access to it. My target audience is upper University students - Organic Chemistry is a sophomore or junior up class. His niche target starting young children.

Babaji: very ugly looking and arrogant.

It horrifying some people if that report sent out actually in my view. If I am really just regent the Buddhism. There are certain things they don’t want that to happen. Not with this already done comparison between Me and Khan Academy.  

My organic chemistry niche vs Khan Academy

 I know. I heard it yesterday.

Babaji: you have to say it. What did they tell?

My ruling time til I die. It would be in this Era, so the Bible ended at Revelation. The continuation of next Era, the front and the back of the world might look very differently. The current Buddhism or the Spiritual Order is looking at it, because Khan academy covers other subjects, not just in Organic Chemistry. The damage effect like on the eyes. There will be every year does this kind of evaluation probably trained in organic chemistry mine niche and vs Khan Academy. They basically just hate the guy, I haven’t even heard the speech yet.


He is from Harvard, has a background. I am from a State university. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Babaji: Justin has a question for you (song)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


The girl short hair like his In Time movies, Red River, Ankeheseamen?

Babaji: if you have the ability to acquire the tincture, where would you get it? And who, is that?

I actually don’t think that’s relevant. That’s not the story that I told.

Babaji: he thinks it is the story it’s told.

Dr. Gabriel, that’s Tamang, next by Dean position. = for the Ancient story it’s Ancient Chasez, but this story is in the modern setting environment.

Babaji: and the hair was the ancient style?

There is nothing to talk about it.

Babaji: I think you two meet will have a lot to talk about it.


My time to go to sleep?

 Babaji: no. You haven’t done your explaination why you avoiding them.

I am not avoiding them.

Babaji: you do know the times come you cannot avoid them anymore.

I know that.

Babaji: cannot you just acting normal to talk to them normally ?

I don’t have to ...

Babaji: be rude to them until the time comes? They already figure it out why I asking you so frequently. You might just hate them all together and be shown on the TV, you are afraid. They watch you how you talk to Eben, you know. 

I was explaining, I was not mad at him that time. I am not mad at him right now.

Babaji: do you think the guys love this games, you hate they love games.

They got no reference to make that judgement.

Babaji: they now know you by now, Anna.

They don’t mind if I fall in love with them.

Babaji: do you ?

They want to hear that themselves. If they cannot hear, they make it to hear.

Babaji: what does that mean?

It’s just in their imagination, it has nothing to do with me!

Babaji: that’s right. it’s just their imagination.

Can I go now?

Babaji: sure ~

I say everything I need to say.

Babaji: not for them, they are never tired of playing this games until you say it.

I don’t have too many feelings for them.

Babaji: but you let them fuck you.

It’s just the way it is, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Babaji: okay 

You have to reach my level like regent for Buddhism to know what guys thinks of Power

 Babaji: I don’t think they understands what’s to be seated among 5 Major religion top. The religious groups, not movie industry, not music industry, not Apple, not politics, not business world, purely spiritual order from the Topest order talking to you a bunch teenage girls like to say useless comparison, why the guys want to take over her power ?

No, they don’t. They just like to hear about what I do. They know what I do. They respect what I do. If they respect me, they won’t fuck me? They know I am a regent. It might not have a position in the end of all these. Is that if they fucking me gonna hurting you ? What? You just don’t think they are that type of person to put all the eggs in one’s uterus? If you open your legs, you wish them doing that to you? Or it’s too immoral to say such a thing ?

Babaji: too immoral.

... ... it’s a fun things they do. That’s not a super important thing what they play.

Babaji: they think they are serious guys, they suppose to think clearly for their future. If Eben let you do that, he can sue you aldutury.

No he won’t. He is the one will manage all that people, it’s not my saying anymore.

Babaji: why you don’t fight anymore? You can go to legal department someone gonna group gang you, you can sue them with a lot of money and be free.

Because we all agree to this. I promise Eben. Babaji says I go to Eben to solve nicks issues, don’t just get upset. So when I told Eben, he says a few things. I agree with him, that’s it, no complication.

Babaji: they think you really lower yourself so that the spiritual order will kick you out for that kind of behavior.

No, they won’t kick me out. They don’t have too many people in any age bracket does too many things like me. They are dread it very much if there will be replacement coming in or already in.

Babaji: they are 5 Lords, why do they even need a Spiritual Order.

(Laughing )

Babaji: they the guys haven’t seen you laughing.

I am fine.

Babaji: falling in love means you will have a better face to see them, talk to them, feel for them, charm with them. You think they don’t know what’s falling in love means ?

I thought we were talking about others.

Babaji: that is over.

I am not super easy going type so we might have a misunderstanding at first.

Babaji: then solve it. You don’t want to say or they don’t want to hear.

They probably don’t want to hear.

Babaji: just fucking ?


Babaji: others don’t understand why?

Because they do like what I do so far, that’s just one simple reason.

Babaji: anything else.

They like what they hear, or they can watch the video to get a feel of my personality to spent life together.

Babaji: do they really want to spend their life together ?

I just put into an example.

Babaji: do they fall in love?

It’s not those words. It’s certain definition like fucking is a translation to that = making love, make out like kisses.

Babaji: so they do like about you, you say? And you don’t like about them, you say?

It’s not like that.

Babaji: it’s exactly like that.

Guys are different than girls. Sex is the only thing to measure them. There is nothing else can measure.

Babaji: only sex?

Only sex.

Babaji: they say they are not that superficial, they gonna risk their career for it.

They are NOT superficial. You are right, and no, they are not going to risk their career. It’s Bible say, either we do it or things get worse. They are also kinda forced into. Next life, there might not be this Book to bind us anymore, like you want to find out, if they will be with me the NEXT time, you wait til that time to find out if he meant they like me or they meant sex me.

Babaji: you still don’t want to talk to any of the guys?

 I am talking here all the time.

Babaji: they can see that you are working, but now you are not working anymore.

I am actually very exhausted every time this hour at night.

Babaji: you are not going on the video because of I say so or you think by in person they will listen to you better? Do you have things to hide to them?

No I don’t have anything to hide. I think I gonna fall asleep.

Babaji: they can guess you are not ready or not willing. 

I think we are already talked about it. I will do it.

Babaji: you think they will let you go or do it?

Do it.

Babaji: correct, why?

I don’t need a reason. The book is plenty reasons enough.

Babaji: maybe others will think if you are not willing, they will let it go.

Not with my case here. They ...probably went to dig out what did I do?

Babaji: so you admit you hide things from the guys, you do it on purpose, by not saying it, they probably never gonna find out ?

If they ask me, I will tell them clearly.

Babaji: really?


Babaji: you don’t do it on purpose?

No games no play. It’s exactly they ask me.

Babaji: you bet on they don’t know the stories or the words to ask you?

No, I did not. They got their videos to look at.

Babaji: now you realize someone set you up with these?

No, I do not have anything to say with this.

Babaji: the other people had did a few observation, the guys might be very upset by others plotting them with you doing things on purpose hurting them. So they think these guys may just go and see you, not actually fucking you. They demands an explaination.

No, they will fuck me.

Babaji: you know?

Yes, I know.

⚠️Near focus photo

 Babaji : I would suggest you Anna don’t do things stupid that these guys cannot see you. When you that close to their face, they can see what exactly you look like.

I am not doing anything. 😨

Babaji: you saw Justin “say something” , you saw his earlier video got his attitude, you got scared there is a blonde hair real things happening in the real life, you want to show your long focus photo, you look bad in there. 

I am just saying these Apple might be ...

Babaji: you actually want to tell people the entire world you don’t look like what’s Apple shows you on video? You cannot really see yourself, is this another fun games?

Stop it, I am not doing anything.

You love movies, you love musics, you love stories, you love stars, you love prince, you love fame, you love names

 They probably can tell just by having you make hundreds video online to see if you really say you don’t love movies, don’t love music, don’t love stars, don’t love stories, don’t heartache to explain the stories, just by watching the videos. You just follow my topics and doing the exactly mock-up video list for them to watch it. It’s actually already side by side. I finish my side !

Babaji: they don’t know what are you talking about. They can see your video fine, there is no need for them to broadcasts all over on the internet to do a comparison.

Internet ? You don’t have a courage to upload? Then you check on the guy lists if being shameful to upload is one factor of their grading methods. Ask them.

You like the guy or you all just falling in love with the guys?

 Babaji: they fall in love just about with anything any guy.

... ... if you fall in love to get them, don’t you cherish them? Meaning taken out the trash when he is not around, wash the dishes or clean the floor, organize the sofa, clean your room, clean the bathroom, purchasing order list for the daily commodity ? If you get the guy, you don’t treasure them. You need them to call you, you need them to do things to please you, they suppose to be like in the book says that cares for “your feelings”. That’s the most childish things you do. 

Babaji: they won’t tell the guy they just helpless fall in love with them, so they think you probably is in love with Eben, but playing him a game because too many eyes are watching including other 5 Lords.

... I don’t need to go to you all to explain my feeling toward Eben or with the other guys. They are all fine people to me okay? Decency just be friends, you can be friends to ALL mankind. If I have a feeling, I tell Eben. I told him I like about him, but I may not like ABCDEFG. We were communicating. There are you listening to decide what does Eben thinks if Anna is in love with him or with JC? Because of Ancient Chasez? That’s just a photo image, I cannot tell Eben myself ? But can you explain yourself to the guys? Like talking through words? An actual word? You wish them guessing , guessing to create a mystery? That’s fantasy ! The guy needs to hear what you make a sense why you want to be with them. They gonna clean everything for you , like you sleep til the noon on the holiday, the room is a mess looking? Do you know how scary that looks to a guy? Scary !

Babaji: Very scary !!

They guys think you girls mix up the definition Evil vs bad

 Babaji: you are not actually evil, you are a very very kind girl, otherwise you won’t be doing all that without anything given to you.

... you all wants a compensation if you do something? Can you define right what’s evil and what’s bad? Because to play a gangster bad girl, you won’t be in the military. The military has style, has a look, has a height, has IQ has a better attitude to serve the country. You want to be bad ?

Babaji: I just say they cannot distinct what’s an evil, what’s a badness or rudeness just about anything they do is super rude without caring about others feeling. The words they say, the attitude they beg, the play that they do like no one can see through them. At all. It’s the ridiculous thing I ever seen.

You all did what he says?

Babaji: if not I say, whom else say?

You really want others to like about you, or love you? Do you love others more and willing to be unconditional all the time? You go to Buddha statues, don’t you always wishing to become more better of yourself ? So serve others with Love, care, proper ness...

Babaji: (jump curses curse curse curse curse yelling yelling yelling screaming )

... ...

No, you all have a revenge attitude when you are driven mad or super jealous

 Babaji: spiritual attribute 

As a mature person, if Eben makes me mad no matter what, I takes his Mail in, takes his slipper in, or park the car right, put the dishes right in the cabin, place everything right in order. Take the trash out not on purpose leave it at the door to smell. Do you know what I mean how to be a mature person no matter who they are provoking you ?

Babaji: no revenge ?

No, no revenge. I could just leave and tell him about it. Being responsible that there is this and that next life, I don’t want a lethal environment. I will stay with my mother, no guys if you all worry about it. The eternal love says you I married for 3 3 10...I just want to be left alone, if you just don’t trust me doing things behind your back, this is why I writing to you to let you know ... etc etc ...

Babaji: you want to get fuck hard?

I am saying any of your revenge or hate cannot translate into an act that is not noble. Not curses words, not messing up your appearance, not sleeping til noon crying like yelling and screaming, not on purpose go to the guy’s office without telling him, not go to his mother or co-works to play a lie on him etc etc.... a high noble person suppose to be. You are not equipped. You want to play the love games, you are not ready. Period. You cannot take it. I told him next life I probably cannot take it. I just tell him about it. You have to be honest with your guys your feeling, not they guessing if you have a feeling, a lie mechanism, a very blur minds to work the puzzle out, has a very bad and proud attitude, not humble enough to go begging them for help. You cannot feel you lower than them...they are thousand things you cannot do, no and no.

Babaji: trust me, they won’t hear a thing you say, the guys try already. Side by side personality details illustration, what you Anna do, or they the girls do.