
I go to sleep 😴😴😴😴


Babaji: Seth

Good night, Seth 

FRIENDS : I saw it before …I c


She is New Age.  NSYNC talked to her script, but Chris, had a record, and Hailey is doing it all…that’s unfortunate.
Babaji: right 

Competition means jealousy …they vow never never never ever will work together ! That’s exactly it meant. I stand for it


Babaji: yeah 

If I make a group, it’s laughing for real. You don’t know what’s just 20 people friends groups ? Deluded life meant? It means a lot of meeting to eat, to friend, to drive out a ride, always those few friends to make up 20 strong sense. It’s a whole school, V vast, whom trained age.


Babaji: yeah 

Sometimes people buddies 20 they all having the same background, high salary, high profolio, high skills resumes to be friends groups, it’s really just 20 or 100 if that’s that much in reality. People are so deluded in life, they actually believe they are bind to well as a group?


Babaji: right 

When I was watching them, I am happy they are happy but …there is a Youber Google them union meeting in social place. I didn’t see Hailey here. I run SWAT too, Hailey’s fathers…it’s really limited space and entrance …

 I do a lot of things.

Babaji: right 

YouTuber jobs here in Taiwan landscaping is comedian jobs …meaning 遺臭萬年 ….灰


Babaji: right 

No, exit is dead the day she die, if old? That’s…how long…not now.

 She comes to a world I rule Tiny land. She doesn’t like here no matter what Adam let she does here massage stuffs. I met Adam with my mother when she walked in a taxi to massage place …

… … there is a destine massage place?

Well, it’s an ordinary life, plus she is returning the USA. 

Meghan is also in the USA? I am too busy.

Recently YouTuber all does very strange script stuffs. I don’t have time.

Babaji: yeah 

Facing God is when life goes alone, by itself, Hailey father, she never lives in the real world. I have no idea what worlds she lives in.

 Utah is religious, like SMCH always says, religious means angels protection.

Babaji: right 

Utah number is in FRIENDS. That’s her missionary background ? I seen them in the past.

 YouTuber life span and university resume, missing years graduation…

YouTuber career is a new trend, so many people try and failed.

I went to get a job. I heard nowadays, they got computer wired jobs applied and being interviews someone comment. I didn’t know that last year. When I hunt jobs.

I didn’t even have a biography to say my background. I never got interviews to say that ? So after that one job he asked me to say, I went home prepare for next job. He asked me how to fix some books in the store room, tiny and pack.

I say, you got data with all these books catalog? He said it’s record. I say by date, time, author is what I used to do, you need to make sure that data is correct. 

He asked me twice.

I answer twice exactly the same answer …

Babaji: right 

Hailey father: you know, white hair sent away black hair Chinese slang ?白髮人送黑髮人?everything is Timed, like SMCH 清海無上師


Comment Hailey father : that’s Apple Watch the kitchen Pume hood ? Chem lab, I probably won’t leave a surface scrap like chips near by any steam oil smell, tasting …badm wrist included

 Band wrist …stain oil. Stupidity human with bimbo jokes, cannot hear laughing.

You got to be joking me?

Babaji: right 

Synthetic process, process food, FDA inspector, Food factory manufacture structure per annual year


The real competition worlds are : Bio Genetics, Medical, Fashion …


Morgan in the Lake House, there is a Sun, there is a house pinnacle , but a house, a map, a green house, an Auburn name ? Bus Keanu Me …I remember it’s 10 we play 2014

Anyone photo stream effects, before we all dead?
Babaji: right 

That’s why we are so dead …it’s 430 Victoria Secrets on Elvis


OU language Second Part


Victoria Secrets


Conan Detective : Blue Sapphire


Not at Y or it is at Y = blue, Amo, Dr T’s TA? Amo Cake, did you just sleep there India ? It’s cake.(Taipei station )


At Y


No one is more optimistic than me, we are so dead.


OU second Part




Tiger, Lion, Tree, Fruits

How many profiles you got ? I got 7

CERN want to die be push out or, Sailor Saturn ?

Babaji: right 

0_o no one knows who Salai is …for a very looong time, and you ? Eternal Love?


That’s not what I meant ?

Babaji: yeah, they will all get slaughter, India !

Does India has a gold mine or something ?

Babaji: no 


 Why don’t you just live, die here ?


You got website ?

小巨蛋 ice skating is the room next by big concert crowd ?

Bus across is straight to Taipei station, one across, to my house ?

You live in fantasy or I am.

Babaji: right 

Did you buy out 101 near by? Just every weekend for vegetarian world a fair vender shows up Tea and Buddhist stuffs? I acquire ?

 Behind 子歇

Same row to 子歇+ 10, 10…There is juicing says Lalla india fruitarian ? And

Did you get the other one street, 3 Art, Simon ?

Because it’s turn, there is 24 on the wall? Diagonally, shop, I just happen, I just happen, I just happen , to see different color that ?

Not the same size ?

Who gonna get slaughter ?

Babaji: me.

Do you actually get them, looking different color? That’s not one piece ?

It’s 2 ?

OU language “ We already have the Y”

 Did you go to Y here?

… …I didn’t go super near, I was warn.

I went to venture many many many times….too many times later, there was a police show up there.

It was very very very bad first few times. The light and that thing on the left was a …temple looking horrible.

The end of Y

Up ground …worse, did you go ?

Where I draw in map?

I cannot go in, it splits into 3, you gonna drown in water, air, ground (earth, sand)?

That’s not a good area, bad.

Babaji: right

Did you go to underground I say Salai rings? Made rosy looking ? 玫瑰金?

Yeah? So up ground, did you get to 子歇 slaughter meat to they til Dr Steven Hairfield suits places ?

I am telling you …

You know …Comet 1908 is mandatory now …I am not talk to Lee. Patent, you gonna wait or sent to Secondary education if we are not on National TV lock down now?

 … …

Babaji: what 

Comet, or the “Day after Tomorrow” ? You see committee? That’s not one subject alone.

Babaji: what ?

… …

Babaji: right.

NASA is that much looking multiple disciplinary. They manage comet now?

Babaji: no.

… whatever …the housing Joey a kiss, Lee or Mat, not to Ola, you gonna made Craig his Mat know that? If that kiss is not on Ola, Uranus kiss Usagi, a real kiss.

Babaji: bad.

You have to mandatory Usagi, SMCH 清海無上師? … …you are not coherent to my interests. Reading patent also not my interests.

Babaji: well.


Lee, you finish reading Sailor Moon. They probably do 4 organizations once for all … this is slaughtering looking to me.

 Fang used to be SA Union upper floor, next by walkway to his upper office, physics close by thermodynamics. They got free magazine treat all the times. Science magazine, Lockwood are all there too. Below the Student association. 

No…slaughter means that exact.

They are slaughtering that bad. Sailor moon all sailor positions. The remaining degrees …

Babaji: so bad so bad 

安室奈美惠 Your hero ? 2016… Big boy cry 2013. Maybe Annca cry …


你們是不是真的很想吃那樣東西? 真的有夠難吃的、大概放的太久了….真的很難吃



… …

霍建華🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎 that’s 小小 bf looks like him, 小小 looks like 林心如, your stuffs Wallace ? 我人生的海報 my entire life poster om the wall…do you have his poster ?




It’s …東羅馬帝國


Babaji: right 

Slovenia, Hungary and Bosnia ? Croatia across Italy ? Which part of Italy last time, we say Greek coastline what underwater ? Turkey, whatever, it’s all there.

 I forget …

Babaji: yeah 

The Cronatia piano guy 1975 is EMI interested in him? Maksim Mrvica….isn’t EMI …Wikipedia …what ? Poland ?

 Oh ! 

Babaji: oh 

I technically cannot tell Hollywood I give up on them, technically …but I have a wish…no wishing …they have wish too.

 It’s very very competitive, a very horrendous world, money plastic, or what? Money! You have to get a mentor in the Hollywood ? Before you try anything stupid more than a talk to each them company ?

Babaji: right, I am a women.

Ryoya might know, but I Anna tell him Ryoya and Lee says, you know you look like a guy, Ryoya … …you stand up look like a guy, you are a guy !!

 Ryoya Takashima is a guy in the cooking show YouTube from Japan.

I am from Taiwan. 

Where is your parents or husband or new target bf? Karen, Adria, Emily, Me,I Da, Wei, almost 40? Ryoya, I leave him a message years ago. You can just copy so he moved !! To your ancestor country ? German ? Europe to call yourself ABC Hungarian Golash ?


You girls, Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei can just collect 9 girls at your vicinity to start your own evolution civilization ? My uncle is a surgeon in the military hospital, my cousin Disney square square 方方, Dr T is gluten free, this morning I am telling you reason.


Is him new, The One like Ola knows Prince William or Prince Charles. They both know who she is, Ola, by now? Or Justin Bieber ? Alyssa likes him stuff.

Babaji: right 

The traditional Aladdin is A dark, blacken wizard….you want to tell them Pixie ?

 So…not to listen to soak in it

Babaji: right 

Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei wants to tell Eben or ETR Craig+ Mat+whom + Lee + Dean, to hear this song with the eyes close, because I have to 半懸空 倒掛? to listen blacken me myself, what’s a Civilization ?


Lee, Saiya story was = me + Dean on the NSC roof, I = Sailor Moon her Usagi. So it’s double body stuff 雙身法, no, not them 4. Practically speaking, Lee, they kill outside for this ….

Lee, you can just tell Mat to tell Ola, train 4 or 9 them in total + one Earth, fighting to get “the One “ ETR Craig knows Eben that Craig + Mat them + whom, like NOW? The whole world is 194 country.

Karen’s parents well…I talk to her or talk to them?
I talk to Marconi, he use to be.

Babaji: formula 

Dean has a lot of Hockey guys he know? Like Keanu knows a lot of gangster heavy Motocycle demo guy? Or you change your attention to Vartan ? That’s which Michael ? Dean is Michael too !!

 Do you girls know what you want, the money, to go and get it?

Do you wish your parents to get all?

Connection with Dr Steven ?

Is Dr Steven Hairfield that difficult to talk to, in case he is preparing me a Will of name lists from his behind ? Whichever direction ? Neighbor ET?

Do you girls, Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda, + Wei, really just, don’t prefer I say Ryoya Takashima, and I know him almost almost 4 years long ????? Not just cello things ?

Babaji: right 

Andrew Webber looks like ….a lot of this Thranduil alliance run off guy or Lord of Rings flood the ring stole it the guy to make sunshine turns to darkness for 500 years and say, One ring rules all by collecting ALL rings to, really meant , was, burn it all off?

 You don’t know what I am saying to Dean?

Andrew Webber !! Frozen Movie 2014 behind Disney Production guy.

Disney is in Florida, Dean is in Florida !!

So the story is Thranduil is trying to alliance this “cloth” guy 布衣 in Chinese = mortal, mundane kingship type. They wear normal clothes. He 布衣 got a shield cloth, Nancy Meyer wears (3:45 https://youtu.be/KaMSNVluQGs) ….on the magazine, it’s my mother wear, 子歇🛎, but it was given to the short him Bilbo by the opponent guy Thorin 索林 that face Thranduil 

Anyway, this cloth guy 布衣 knows him Andrew Webber looking guy, if I can find names. One occasion is they escape from the water, he ..what ? Later He breast money to look like a girl ?

7:10 (Jonathon 🛎)


This guy you see?

We grow up with one Russian Orchestra conductor (Orchestra ) + Andrew Webber England him made Frozen back end, Dean knows ? So if all Dean knows, you girls vow must know? I told him many times, Andrew Webber was at Frozen production backend.


Yeah, Tina has to collect a lot of music stuffs in the house, we had 2 floors. TV stuffs are upstairs. She leaves it on the piano ? Pang now or me now, if she was still with them, He got his group, I got my group, we steal behind her to make a masterpiece without telling her ? It’s not we taken her crowd if she got any ?

 It’s the same piano we are using 

It’s the same 2 floors house we used to have.

It’s a simple piano

We all have our room, for the cello, flute her, violin him ?

We practice separately.

It’s on the piano, we have toner, we have wave right left stuffs like (Hurts - Better than Love) one eye signature NSYNC cares about me ?

We have lots of music old books, music sheet books, classic. We have pop books too. 

Don’t you go with Ola and Wing to see Lauren + Simon to Yandi England side Europe?

It’s upper class, I go from Asian side? Upper class orchestra groups?

Babaji: yeah 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️After Pang Jao grows taller + older, we are not 3 homes at all. We used to be younger to play piano is the common instrument. Tina has a music elementary school, transfer away from Australian her 汪星 Elon Musk profile? Tina went to my private middle school but her exams are very bad so the only choices left is getting in Mysic high school by all kinds of examinations including piano + flute, my is cello, Pang is violin. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Tina used to chase or Jason Kuo chase her both in Taipei station with out without Vicky (W two World, City of Hope, Dr Bing Shen knew cram school is popular girls boys chasing bus to hit each other sex in hotel to make a restaurant now, there, I see, told no one, bleed.)

It’s a remembrance of high school. She chose to ruined it. And be display on map, to go working zen chef….

You all girls wish your parents to find you Karen Makar, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei name on maps, just walking by. They are hiring or no hiring? Counting days down without telling you? 

Yeah, Tina is a dangerous sibling.

So many things to see …

I see.

Babaji: right 

Sleeping …time

 Babaji: baby 乖

All music sheets in front of all seats music stand, in orchestra, someone says, the conductor says…Qo Shen doe…”what did you say?” “Qushendoe!” ‘Where?” “Here!” “He added?” “He says it”

 Oh !

Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei she works on the Capen certain floor, me Lee “inside” library basement CADS. But above her office or below is my my my my archivist library, we are all below President Simposom’s offices, they put arts outside his windows facing SA Union, dead flower on top he might see it just if he look outside windows ….I used to be a gardener in middle school, purchasing flower by fund raising in front on stage, unlike American classroom. 50 students, it’s 7 roll, wide or length …Wei works for UN?

 You know …

To join a Orchestra, you Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda or Wei, never will on this one life time.

The music stand is we use to read music, modify music

But I modify on Erin electric piano, if you all been filmed not to be annoyed back end, they do that behind my back, it’s how you read music,

How you pencil music Sheet

How you sit in front of the piano

How you hold pencil included …

How you concentrate your work before the music stands ?

My is cello string …

Orchestra normally we knows how many violin, how many cello, how many flute, how many trumpet ??

It’s one conductor … all has a music stand…ever hold a music stand? …no, how to fold a music stand, everyone all talking professional in our classroom, fold pull, turn screws? Never seen ?

Discipline ?

It’s music academia 

Babaji: yeah

A simple music stand can cut you in bleed, you don’t want to ask Howard for more music money ? Book, equipment to show off Eben?

Haha….not to me anyway, one life long impossible.

SMCH 清海無上師 Michael Turchin draws you a sailor Soilder Moon, Dr Steven Hairfield 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎you SMCH Michael draws you a…Nick carter groups reunion ? Which groups was that? The singing, yeah…but …it’s on his channel.


Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei, Optimistic, or UN Opt-put groups? Fitness groups ? If not my Eben he cares so much groups ?

 Yeth Keyword “Search Box”, sometimes they don’t show up !! Yeth !! 🛎

Babaji: right, my signature here, you need ? 🛎

Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda, Wei, your sisters childhood best friend, family friends with a big trouble brother, you competition Star Icons elementary rival ? Introduction to Howard Stern, Sirus Radio or AGT used to Judge? Talking ? Continue to introduce friends to each other, family parents ?

She is just a lawyer with the husband laws degree.

Not a competition to successor lineage …with 子歇 or monks or priests or India has no toilet to 1000 Forbes what Martial Artist congregation lineage holders ? 掌門人跟眾弟子?


Keanu, what did you say?


That’s, Ode to Joy? 🛎


Dr Steven Hairfield, do you know Pretty Soilder, Pretty Sailor or Sailor moon soilder on 美少女戰士, does Uranus things you bothers by bothering it, it’s ENTIRE Harvard Ivy League me Anna says , Sailor Uranus + Sailor Neptune, high school uniform….they are still fighting at it, any any any any frames of an artifact in that comic books, at the end of us will all by mine ?


Dr Steven on SMTV someone’s father 清海無上師 SMCH bothering you? I have no father …in all your words, so Queen if has a King father like the entire Europe Prince William grow up princess + prince buddies + cousins, Dr a Steven bothers you, your father ?