
If ?

 If he decides he gonna owns my name ?

You mean my look like without make-up? (Tilt my eye brow issue) or else ?

His photo looks like he has make-up...

You saying if he wants that seat, would I let him to have you as a disciple? Of course. Did you hear me saying I just substitute? May I think your fantasy and watching TV isn’t a great combination, anyone telling you that?

I hear American calling me ....How do you know he is Babaji by the way, they know I used to call him 小野人? Did he have an education background or beating people around with a stick like a mad man? 

You see all these Chinese drama robes type traveler in good manner or 俠情似水 that’s not Indian, are they? (til my eye brow )

American has a legal system to protect you to at least finish a book cover stuffs on bounding together in case Roman Italy has more in their stock room that no one can read?

I really think you have not yet get your head clear why modern time American should exist?

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