Eternal Love 三生三世十里桃花

  The story plot has 3 stages of Life.

First stage is when the main actress, the girl learning under a Master as the 17th disciple. His twin prince was not born yet. They 3 connection that time was through a lotus, that lotus is the spirit of the twin crown prince. The girl plays often with the lotus during the study with the Master and the scene shows, the spirit of the crown prince is guarding or guardian her wherever her solitude lay. Then there broke out a war. In order to seal the evil of a bad guy, the Master went into that Bell doom shape and die in the war. The girl does not believe the Master has die, she went to preserve his dead body with her heart blood, by piercing at her heart with a dagger. After that war, one day she stole the master’s body with her and change her appearance back to the girl instead the boy at the Master’s house. She returns to her original home and no disciple could find her nor the Master’s body.

The twin prince was conceived by the mother in the palace. 

One day, She calculate the time of what Master has done to seal the evil and the man, she found out that time had come, so she went ahead alone to seal the evil once more without anyone knows that. That results although was a successful, but she lost her appearance and memory and sent out to another mountain alone

Second stage she lives alone on a mountain where there is a bamboo hut. The crown prince in order to complete his grandfather’s will (the King), he travels on a mission as a black snake to catch a monster and one day stay at a cave. The girl came to fed the bird. She pick up the black snake and takes him home with her. Soon she was healing the black snake and feed him food to recover. After a while, the crown prince resume a human form, and pretend to be wound badly that lay in front of her hut for her to save him. She went to get the medicine to they start to chat. Day after days, they spent time together, and they got married. The crown prince decides to take her back to the heavenly palace where he is from to introduce her to the family. But things don’t go well. There is another girl wish to marry him setting up a plot like eventually the mortal girl lost her eyes and commit suicide and leave a son for him.

Third stage, after she committed suicide, someone from her home found her and heal her death and eyesight. She woke up remembering the pain, so asked a medicine from the same guy to forget the presence of the crown prince. Therefore, she drank down the medicine, everything forgotten. 

In the Heaven, the crown prince grandfather set up a marriage proposal for his grand son -the crown prince (the black robe) to a very well known girl. In fact, it’s the same girl, except both don’t know each other’s identity when they were married. That famous known girl, in fact was the same girl he married to before.

But the fate mix up their circumstance. The women who wish to marry to the prince has demand a price to the crown prince if she lent her mother’s grave’s lamp to call upon that girls dead spirit, maybe they can create a brand new body to revive her. No one knows she was already revived from the dead.

Later, that girl was married to the crown prince, just living in one quarter of his big palace. 

The story went on to how the fate brought them back together was through a banquet. There is a banquet in the dragon’s palace, the invitation sent out, and the girl was repriment another girl kneeling in front of her outside the banquet. The prince and his little one are near by ear dropping their conversation. He saw there were 3 things he recognize her from his dead girlfriend. He went up to confront them both, the girl and the kneeling girl.

Because she has no memory at all, and the actual age was remotely distant between them two, they were only chatting how rude the prince just shows up without knowing her real known identity - that 4 seas 8 borders all know about this girl’s name.

Banquet starts, the girl just drop some gift to the host man and ready to leave, the prince forcefully take her to the banquet. He realized that she is the one his grand father keeping saying - this is the girl in their marriage proposal. Because he realizes that crucial moment that’s the same girl he was looking for for 300 years, he went to decide a lot of things to go ahead with the marriage proposal. Because his determination was strong, the entire story after that was always his making to pursue the girl, including to stay at her house or they go out to the market be seen. He did a lot of things for only one purpose - to fulfill the wedding proposal. The girl was reluctant at the first because their age is very long distant apart like thousands or several ten thousand years difference. But she let him does whatever he decides to do.

The ending, the evil broke out again, this time Her Master came alive and went on to retreat. She resumes her memory by breaking the lamp accidentally. She went to punish that girl who stole her eyes and went back home that she does not want to hear a word from the crown prince whatever the things he did to her that makes her suffer - including plugging out her eyes so she couldn’t see. The war went on that, someone went to inform them. They both went to the war field. She just go ahead does what she does best, but the crown prince throw her back. Instead, he went ahead to seal the evil and die.

After how many years, the Master found out he didn’t die. He was rest with good among chi near by the bury place, so he opens his eyes saw the Master. Master said to him, “she is waiting for you”

They back together. 

The end.


Notes to add.

Stage 1: Lotus is a golden lotus. She plays a lot with it.

Stage 1: she sealed the evil by the Master’s instruction. Before she went, she left a written instruction behind.

Stage 2: her memory loss was the entire stage 1 memory when she was so and so well famous.

Stage 3: after she got revived from the suicide, she recover both stage 1 and stage 2 memory. Except too painful, she drank the medicines to lose the stage 2 memory in the marriage wooden hut memory.

Stage 3: the crown prince lost a right arm to acquire a herb/a spiritual grass herbs to alchemy it to a medicine for her Master to wake up in someone else’s body. Because, everything the prince had done that far for her was never got her heart to say yes truly to be with him. He knew her heart was always be with the Master. The only thing she ever treasure was that deceased Master. They had a fight about the Master, his saying was, “your heart only carries his will and for him, you could die for him, why only just him alone?” She was not happy so she almost nullify the marriage by saying “ those process was just the Heaven’s trial, maybe it’s time for both of us to forget that.” It has pass and she has recovered from the trial, she understands he was nice to her to carry her through from the recovery process no one else did but it’s not necessary now, so the marriage should be nullify. His replies was “it’s just his wishful thinking.”



Stage 3: the alchemy medicine to awake the Master was made of almost the prince entire spiritual practices years after years after years. He was injuries badly and lost an arm. The girl was hidden the true facts that it is prince’s years after years after years spiritual practices made into the pill. The prince wish another guy would not tell her about it, just hand her the medicine as it is made. He went back to his heaven home to rest.

Soon after she found out the truth, and she saw the spiritual chi of her Master was indeed recovering and manifesting large and large internally in someone’s body. She was told by the doctor, “Everyday you wish to see him back now it’s not that long to wait. He is coming back.”

Once their conversation ended, she went to the crown prince home in Heaven to visit him. She could see him injure badly, hardly could get up. So she stays for a while. While nourishing his health back, it was the first time she initiates a move to get close to him and first time she told him, “maybe it’s time to talk about our heave wedding that your grandfather has grand us”. Because of that one medicine, she changes completely her passive act before just go along with him, she would become more approachable to him and initiate a conversation what he likes to hear about. Anything he likes to hear about - just one thing finally she wants to marry him and actively to make a conversation about it and get close in cuddling with affecting and kisses.  It changes everything.

The banquet 

I translate Eternal Love 我翻譯三生三世十里桃花

 I set the drama in 3 stages and I added notes in them.



然後我解釋一些事情關於以前受重傷的情況,阿南的事情還有後來碰到,九輪異譜的打來打去,後來再來五教主審核,我一直都沒有休息過,最後因為我發現清海無上師要錯過她的比賽,還有因為我擔心有人要去找高僧要求開賽, 我在後面拼命不要,2017年尾的時候我想到一個辦法去救高僧,那就是變成殺阡陌的邪惡,所以人們可以知道邪惡長什麼樣子,冷呀,邪惡呀,就是要阻止所有電影一直送進來邀請函,總之,長話短說,我在後面用各種巨大的名稱權利我有的,去阻止所有比賽。


你們修行人如果看過真正的世界,真正的修行者,真正修很久很久的,你們也會作我做的事情,就是阻止電視電影,全世界的電視電影,因為地球上的人不可能準備好,反正因為我變成那個樣子,我去吐了埃本的牆壁,寫一些沒有意義的事情,我今天在道歉給解釋給他聽,還有說我已經感覺好很多了,我覺得他有一個決心的目標讓我感覺很好,不管最後他的心願是什麼,就是 coco 俱樂部的電影是給他埃本一個願望,我不知道他願望什麼,但是你們可以看阿拉丁,那個可能是他真正的情況掉到水裡幾乎死了,所以我說他選定好他的目標就一直往前進,可能是靈修,如果講到做王子像做太子,所以看三生三世十里桃花,我解釋給他聽白淺一直都是她師父最重要,我的情況是巴巴基,讓電視留在電視,我謝謝他的回應,因為 Neville 的檔案哈利珀特他埃本的檔案,他就是一個syndicate 成員,總之講了一個女朋友的事情跟尼古拉(特斯拉的名字),還有 Lalla 在 Halsey 的 Victoria Secrets 可能已經過了,但我也不想逼他,他想做什麼做什麼,我說就像白淺對夜華,其實是沒有心的,一直在推託是真的。總之簡單說就是那樣。


為了阻止電視電影變成真的,我有沒有受傷🤕️?還有為了阻止全世界的電視電影比賽因為我比賽過?我有沒有受傷🤕️?( Babaji asked)

... ...我們可不可以不要再談我也沒有受傷,很多事情別人不做,我要有名稱的話,我借來用用會有我應該可以做成的事情,至少我希望,天下之大,很多事情做我說的算的事情!受傷,可能多少有吧?在比音樂的時候,消耗內力太多。

Eternal Love - nutritiously Nicola (Neville, Eben)

  There is something I should tell you, Eben.

This script saying to recovering the Master’s spirit to revive him.

Neville file says nutritiously Nikola.

Edison ten years war AC and DC was said in the history but only I feel the worse of that on myself. Badly. Or the instruction Buddha used to say to Anan too many women issues. It was always his behavior bad always hurting me very very deeply. 

You are revered by him.

Babaji does things because he is Babaji. He wants things done differently than I do. My personality is very mild, I never revenge people. I don’t come out my words to tell you what’s his saying in this. But he did say.

In the reality, you cannot repair Babaji spirit to make him a mortal person like the TV says. But it’s mine spirits that’s broken. If I borrow you a day and just one day to confront him Nick ...nothing happened to us. Just side by side. ...but that’s not what Babaji wants. I know what he might say, I don’t want to hear about it. I cannot do it. Right now, life is not much to offer...future I am still figuring it out how to invent without inventing anything though BTX is a dead end. I still keep hope up.

If you want to know more on Tesla, if he and me are different for the Coco movie, I would say that ten years war between AC and DC and all the bad things Edison did to Tesla as a joke like 50,000 dollar jokes. You might found your will have a more thoughtful relation with Tesla - that is to against Edison. 

This life, I cannot do it. Babaji wants him suffers and be revenged like God’s wrath acting on revenger.

If that helps with the Neville’s file, that name is Nutritiously Nikola. You are for Tesla. I don’t need to take things from him. I mean it. And ...

If you can do something for him Tesla, I am truly happy for you and for him.

I cannot do anything for myself, it’s ...probably destine. 


Eternal Love - too much light

 There is a condition for her eyes, the scripts saying has two. 

One is he plug out her eyes before. The wound left over.

Two, they lie to her the first condition not to hurt her, so make up another statement: she was born with the eye condition.

So in the story, when they visit the banquet, they were told to cover all the lights with a type of grass, to dim the light.

My skin was burn in high school a lot from my volleyball day and night practice. If too much light on me, you will see red skin on my face. Burn. President Snow the movie say the wedding dress got burn or the entry with the parade on the fire ignition on the dresses... there are a lot of that reasons. About the face. No, I didn’t really tell you all that. Volleyball was requires like the basketball dribbling those basic movement to be solid firm. Your basic basic basic style.

Second, my eyes have a condition in nystagmus. Apparently today society, some people without my condition can still have their near sight worse than my eyesight. 

Albino people have very bad eyesight. When they drive car, they need something binocular.

I just need my eye glasses. Nystagmus is an eye movement like a scanning machine left right left right shaking as long as I open my eyes. But the try out of the eye contact deteriorate my left eye, so I cannot wear the contacts. 

We did do a vision test on the video before. There is a reason we did that. 


Eternal Love - suicide part

The suicide plot is both for the that she uses her heart blood to preserved Master body. 

Pierce the heart.


Stage 2 she committed suicides. 

Both are corrected. Because I did it completely was following that language OU. Following her words just like following Babaji words, so they tell you that story she was nurturing Babaji’s body, in that sense I did it for Babaji, the Master words. True. It’s to honor the India’s masters word. You just follow it. 

They overlapping a lot of things ? Like Eben has a kid but it’s a girl, not the plot the boy?

He waited 300 years, it was 3 years? 

I actually don’t know if Eben is that black robe (dark dark greenish furs) guy. I just happened to explained the plot. It’s very difficult to relate a Chinese drama to him. You would know the story from both me and him side and you put together what’s on the drama timeline. I cannot do it for you. I roughly knew the sequence. It’s probably just a coincidence. 

Eternal Love - suicide part 2

 Wait ...

There was another time I thought about the suicide during the 10 years war, with Nick.

It’s the forest across our house like the hunger game forest, the game maker looks like Tony put a fire burn that forest to let her get off from the edge to meet everyone else in the center formation to combat.

Me and him cannot stop fighting over Tony’s issues. He made me feel very awful, so I went into the forest at the dark, to freeze. But I crossing the water accidentally. I cannot get out. I finally walk up to the dry land and saw a lamp in the furthest side of the other side of forest...I walked out of the forest, made it back home. It was so cold. 

No, normally I don’t think about Death. It might be a movie effect I can tell you that after I saw the hunger game and how Tony and His son Dimitri tuttering might be Hitler and the Body guard news to Tesla. I really really hate it that Tony. I hate even worse it’s Nick always uses him as an excuse to hurt me. Him and his wife. I hate them both. A lot a lot a lot.

Eternal Love - Mahavatar Babaji 墨淵

  Will I think Mahavatar Babaji coming back alive in the real human form? No.

Do I wish to see him in the human form ? No.

He has sex with me and I don’t want to demand an explaination? 

... ...I revere Saints like him. If he would draw a dream and let me forgetting what he has done, I am willing to take that. I am more in fear to God and Master like him Deathless In Legand and from directly India. My concept of our relationship cannot pass that. But I understand it’s Tibetan lineage and the judgement day like a time now. So I just tell you if he talks but I won’t go and initiate a conversation with him. I would sometimes thought maybe he is NOT that bad of a person after all and thank him for a while. 

Just sometimes. 

But no, I won’t want to see him coming alive. It means a lot of things to India. 

I am not ready for India. 

Right now it’s everything online, I just verbally telling you and writing to you. Swami from India or monks from China can only just hear about a rumor I said and seen a TV to speculate. It’s not solidify in telling people, here is a real Mahavatar Babaji and here is Anna me standing next by him like the TV shows and go and actually see all the India Swami Order or Chinese Buddhism order?

If people’s mind staying in doubts with me and Babaji. I actually could live like that.

You just want to hear the message, not that I really go and become a Buddha and Babaji hold my hands to go and tell India and Chinese spiritual Order about it? 

No, I am not ready for that. You might like the fame, festivity and offering stuffs to make ...

I cannot really tell you how I really feel we can just sort that Bible quick without the Title? They lent the position to me for opening my mouth to do some works. I am happy I can work things out, but I only works things out because I like to work. I won’t go escaping the rumor but I am not ready Babaji shows up and tells both India and China, why he is on the television both in Flower Thousand Bone and Eternal Love. I can say to you he shows up. But I really don’t like to tell you the intimacy part like the TV. You gonna publically denounce Yogananda. And Babaji gonna go and say it all to everyone if he comes alive?

I didn’t really critique Yogananda, no, I don’t want the others to feel there is a gap between the Mastership people. 

Eternal Love - eyes

 He plug her eyes out, why don’t you say he was naming himself Eben Pagan to my name Yehweh (Jao Wei) in Chinese name = I cannot see? 

You know Paganism and God? Yehweh is an Old Testament God.

He is looking for his deceased wife. Re-write like he is looking for a girl, like I show you he been to Apple conference audience seat? He happened to be in the camera. He is looking for Macintosh = M ac in to she, and that will sounds like a more romance story, someone would do that to become a public speaker from David DeAngelo to Eben Pagan? His whole life is looking for iMac?

If you behind want to make up a story, I can write for you. I know this story well. someone got a news from Apple and seriously wanted to find God if that’s the return of the king they meant. I won’t be thinking like that and I don’t see why Eben thinks like that. He went to do a women dating coaching business was all because he is looking for this one girl on Apple’s computer’s name.

If you so needed a story behind, I help you. It’s close enough.

Eternal Love : theme song 

 Yeah, keep writing. He married to an Indian is to find the iMac or getting a news from directly a social networks to do with the Indian, not knowing I was right under in his mailing list.

So the TV says he was asking another she for the Lamp to revive this girl from the ashes, (like Lamb, Aries my sign )

But he has to married her. Why don’t you say Eben’s whole life is looking for God? He designed at it with no matter costs? It will sound like a perfect story!


 我在解釋埃本可能是他夜華,像挖眼睛=他的名字叫做 Pagan 在聖經裡面那個是被形容,不相信上帝的,所以比喻上帝沒有眼睛,我的英文護照上面翻譯的名字,姓然後名=舊約的神叫做 Yehweh= Jao Wei ,那是護照的名字,真正的名字是饒瑋。

他一直在等待蘋果電腦的拼音 Macintosh = m AC in to she, 我說他一直在等,他做了一個關於約會女生的事業,最後變成商業上另外一個更大的顧問事業,然後改名為Eben Pagsn, 他就在蘋果的會場,攝影機有照到他,我幫你們畫出來過,他在等這個女的,關於聖經回來的一個王,因為蘋果在 1998 變成 iMac = I m AC=我是特斯拉。

所以他跟素錦要一個燈,燈的英文叫做 Lamp, 聖經的羊大寫的那隻叫做 Lamb, 他在尋找這個人一直再找,不知道我就在他事業底下的一個 email.



夜華一直在等這台燈,還跟印度的一個女的結婚就是等待印度的消息講 Macintosh 這件事情,可能他在猜這個女的可能是印度有關的,這是一種很奇怪的寫法,但是差不多給人貼臉用的。


Eternal Love : is Babaji coming back?

 Mahavatar Babaji ?

You all actually have a thought he is coming into a human form?

He didn’t tell me about it, I assume he did all these telepathy because he does not have a physical body.

Will I dream if he coming back as a man?

No. He is an Indian, he may not even speak English. Technically I did everything. Without a need he to show up. So unless something really go wrong, he might show up. I doubt it. It’s convenient to drag me around like this. Imagine from the beginning, I didn’t know Wallace, I didn’t know guards, I didn’t know W two worlds, I didn’t know JC Chasez... there were many steps building it up all through telephathy and my research skill and memory to books. Pictures on the book. 

Eternal Love: My status with Eben

 When the producer let the actress did some expression, actually sometimes those are true.

In the stage 3, the girl always is more speculated, meaning having some doubts over the wedding proposal from his grandfather. True.

She says she is older than him 70,000 years old.  I feel true. I went on 10 years meditation retreat very simple life. The actual hours I put into the meditation. We just don’t really talk about my spirituality development all this time.

She is more passive 被動 meaning being as a girl, a guy has a right to initiate a conversation. True.

The ending just they stay together, there is no wedding. True.

The wedding is in another show when they succeed the throne as heavenly King and Queen. Not true.

I tell you my status with Eben because he got a dilemma and I do too. I feel to borrow from him a photo to do what Babaji’s order: revenge.  Just a photo. No, that’s not Eben’s personality. I actually heard him saying so I need to talk to him first of all. No, one photo is not Babaji saying.

On the certain file of me, there is an intimiciy dilemma, meaning me problem, not Eben’s problem. Me to be in a relationship. That’s a real life dilemma. 

Do you know what’s the show saying? The guy’s grand father grant a wedding proposal to two famous people, one from the 4 sea 8 directional border, one is from the crown successor. That’s a match maker parents’ order for the wedding proposal. We are not even dating yet. You date first, or you be friends first, to see if the life offer itself. You gonna tell me Eben has all that figure it out?

I didn’t, so I cannot be sure he was saying all that. My guessing he is following Neville’s profile. He does not look like he puts on a random act. So I explained to him the Eternal Life. Does he mean that? But it’s only within the Chinese knows. He is getting act from which scripts?

I heard what he says. Babaji didn’t say a wedding but he is keep pushing me in a certain direction I don’t like. So when the shows says she keeps to attend the Master when he is back, true.

When the Financee guy lay down with her, she has a problem. True.

The status the guy is more pushing the case, true.

I have no idea what you all concluded from behind. I cannot make a decision because you all finishing designing my life? Eben has a crisis in his life. Just let him be free for a while won’t hurt.

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