
 Seattle is not a place to drive, worse than San Francisco 

I used to thought I watch the movie Princess Diary, how she was in that school, that kind of the mountain top road, going up hill. It reminds me Seattle. I was there for the Summer training before the EF group students going into individual host family to the middle west states. In EF, there are Asian groups and European groups. There are staffs from them. You can just hear what they say.


We were all Asian boys and girls attending this English entrance tests to divide class. My level was 3. Right, its all boys who cannot speak proper English in any cost of my future doomsmay. My other same high school girls school were 7 or other girls in 10. They go to better states? Oregon or Ohio. I still remember them. We just don't keep in touch.

One girl was the year before, how small my city Taipei, Taiwan, can keep all family that throw their kids out for English study can meet the same exact kids. She shops a lot. Those bags, the previous year was Boston, America. No, we didn't speak a word, in the previous year. That second year, was ..."That was her?"

I know it supposes to sound my life is all my high school, but I written in a way, you believe I did a lot of stuffs outside the school. No, its in school more. Its the high school in my peripheral meant the most attention in it. I don't know why I keep saying the Boston and Seattle experience, summer learning American college, eat, sleep, dorm, ESL life. It means to you, I just really write it out a lot of outside school meeting boys experiences. No, its not true. Its the opposite. Its only 3 months, and 3 weeks. 3 months in Boston, 3 months in Seattle.

No, I met a lot of guys. No, I have no make up. Seattle is this article content subject, so I talk about Seattle.

I live in a dorm with 3 or 4 girls in my suit unit. Its like a unit of rooms. We use the same sinks? There is a Japanese girl whom has make-up on, but I never seen without the make-up. No, I didn't have the make-up yet. I brought it all with me. She shows me later, her eyes brows are all shaved! I got shocked. Japanese as our growing up time are all very fashion about make-up and sex. Its a culture known. Danny, Howard, whom and Terry are somewhere else. I am talking about the dorm.

The Taiwanese girl went to sing, and I do sign language was I propose that idea and told her that. She sits in a chair to sit a stable melody, and I do the guy's melody. We are lacking the beginning 30 seconds...that was empty, we just wait there for song to run? so I found this EF staff big, the guy, he responsible for all of us, very tall, and thin, very very friendly with EF all knowing English stuffs, I asked him to do the 30 seconds or 20 seconds drafts on that empty screen play. It is a 3 person show, not just 2 of us. I had make-up that night, I can see the people below. I still remember. Sign language is not singing. I don't even remember if I practices behind. I show her, she agrees, and I asked him, he agrees. We had a show. Its probably filmed. At EF Taiwan, ROC, Offices. He is not a going out exchange student, he is older, and he had EF experience I think. No, not like Danny. He worked in that offices like a regular person whom I should just call him, to tell him craps. 

EF - Foreigner Exchange Students

When we arrived to our assigned states, technically your host family selected you, you go in. You know home sick people, called students overseas. I am level English 3? They are not English level 3. Danny called me once on the phone. Kentucky high school, girl asked me once to go to her prom, she does my make-up, first time I have eye liner, no, I cannot see. I hate it. What is that on my face? There are a lot of black in high school. She is asian, she has no choices by hanging out blacks? Her both host family parents are living in the golf course, community around. They hire baby sitter to go to dinner banquet. In Lexington, KY. There is no industry there, but anyway, they say they sell medical equipment. She is from south Taiwan, I believe 高雄 (Second city in Taiwan, like Reno, in Nevada)

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