Legally blonde

 There is a movie I said looks like Eben. Legally Blonde

His last name is Pagan. He has a completely wedding video I didn’t watch half time he and Lala married.

She is from India.

Is that a coincident and from what I know about you, you gonna glue on Him?

Like India has something to say?

But if you truly understand humanity, I am the one with the personality like that guy, Eben I don’t think he is that nice. 

That’s a throne, a label Lamb and a women. It revolve with a lot of things you are not equip to watch movies and feel the fire.

Do you want to talk about it? Because you get a “gut feeling” (I won’t ever use that words and we both speak English ) he is looking for you? What will he think of you? Will he believes Anna or your charity newspaper that’s truly important? The clothing, the video, the statement, will Eben think and say like the  movie proceed?

For sure Eben does not look like yes man no man type like Asian disciples. His last name is paganism ... and you are ? 

What do I think he is there for? We just talk about legal problems in a modern society setting. 

You gonna say enemy attracts so you are divine and he is paganism ?

All kinds of your thoughts revolve ... I didn’t want to tell you this. But I try to tell you ...

No, I did not say he is setting his target. I said India is looking for you. They get to China to air a story with one disciple story. But with how many black water I have to drink through these movies on your problems, I tell you a few straight forward. 

 I don’t move, that’s why the black water may exist, that, is not something you understand. 

Marvelous things happen, did I tell you Eben happen to be a dating guru. I hope that’s not what I think or everyone else think.... suppose to worry about that one book...and there are these strange things keep happening on the TV screen.

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