
霍建華的歌 Wallace’s song

 You have a feeling what he sings? 

The massacred ... both here and the US made it clear.

You forgets whom own this world ...the Shadows. They can do anything to get rid of the problems. I personally don’t know your characters. Some people if seeing that and not getting killed, they take that as a challenge to rebel to the government or the world.

You don’t? The Vietnamese refugee? The activist ? In Ms Congenality? 

Like I said ... they are talking to you like they know you well.

His other songs? Where I went to 5 Lord Reviews after ? I don’t know. If I travel to Wallace office, I found him, I will ask him.


Keanu’s office at 3 Art is a door wide open! Can here be that chaotic ?

Dr Steven Hairfield and you in Pirates of Caribbean

 The black beards? And the spanio speaking lady.

He ... I don’t really know him to look like that. He is a humorous person how he was on his show like Mark Twin used to ...he went to Tesla lab. No, this time I didn’t show him Simon sees stuffs. Simon sees on a camera anyway, that’s not very accurate. If I heard where he went to his school, he might know clearly what were you doing. Because he was at the war before. (At Vietnam).

So Frozen says the best friends, or should not talk to a stranger ...

Pirates of Caribbean 4 - the stranger tide

I see. He may not care about his face that much ...and that’s you?

Today is Saturday, I can watch that ! If you buy the actual DVD box, they got trailers before for red hair, cars,(Tokyo)... ...

Barbossa has a leg issue, in the real reality, that’s Anan’s gout, for real. Painful for him.

When he and her falls in the water, he Jack took out his one boot and dump the water ...staining water issues.

Sheep and Shepard translation is 嘍囉

Young him said “long shot”? What’s a long shot? 還很遠的意思?救贖他的靈魂的意思

NSYNC has other things, I heard Long shot ...

Barbossa traced the mermaid ...one ship gone

they transfer the mermaid 

I don’t want to watch anymore. Barbossa was talking about one road ahead. There was a mirror reflection on the high tower.

Edison time how he started the movies business... I used to read, they don’t pay, so he lives in NJ, but many movies to CA Hollywood he cannot reach to get his money. 

Camera too probably ...I don’t know much about it.

Disney they know or they say story board

 Because I used to tell stuffs about how Steve Jobs went to them...or Pixar 

Story boards are frames by frames TV screen image input to create an entire story board ...

They are not sure if I was saying that for ... ...so I describe them in details. 

So when Babaji says you actually believes your TV works and those flower image background,

 He said you believes all these works will get you an assignment?

I was not sure what he meant. You do create efforts in these pieces by pieces televisions frames? With A in mind to deliver your messages.

Why you have to always think I say things side way to you?

No, Babaji he meant I was born with so he is deathless ... that’s exactly he meant.

CNN says Mars +Japan

 I used to talk to a Japanese professor Dr Takeuchi, Kenneth. About how they breath on Mars. I normally just stroll to his office every time he has an office hour. I don’t like to study. 

I don’t remember what he talks about ...sometimes his wife, so I know who she is. The heart pace maker and she is a committee member for the President!

You are that A inclined ? And your method to get rid of the dark magic is? By not teaching the Art defending art class ! The Gift? That’s what that meant to me. If you have researched properly what the gift  is doing at those mantra in English translation even ....you can explain yourself to me one day. Yeah.

Your cooking show - you are talking about a serious stuffs

 You writing these letters to the President -like be A+ class student who writes? Meaning you are a serious person to write a letter or this hot banana, challenging tofu, a bed of tofu, green beans to boils ....you are saying something serious?

I see.

Got you.

Especially on the television!

No, I got C in my English in UK. And evolutionary biology. Lalla might know what that is.

I was then during the evolutionary biology I found out that sequence.

So you are red on your face was for real?

They put a rabbit with a police uniform to describe me a honor things to do. Honor?

I am just saying that looks strange to me. 我逍遙慣了

You have all these awards on the television ... are they important ? To some people’s mental health ...I ask first. 

No, Simon was not a A student or was his last life to tell some stories. Many are not A+ students. Acting class people ....Keanu or Wallace, I think they do introduction or something else to land on their jobs. 

You are serious that type? How these flood comes in? You reading the Bible serious ? You reading the angels serious? 

... ... okay ... I heard you.

Howard Stern, Eben Pagan.... (Neville?) Vartan, NSYNC ....they don’t look A to me. 

I fly in to a Chem office to get some exam papers. They have a key in the mail box. Your initiation date was one day before my final in the medicinal chemistry - completely Greek to me. I got A-

UB is a tunnel building structure complex...I like to going around these buildings. 

Prince William? I think they are princes. Yeah, how he is on the TV ... Isn’t there other Prince & me movies? Somebody else can be true for them. 



不是最 friendly 的說法




You sing Vietsnese!! 





有riots 在CNN上,建華,我啥都不能做~

They keep saying vaccination 在講赤河魅影嗎?凱爾是三皇子耶!

Pope? Interfaith meeting. Kail is a priest. They have a console meeting. 


Egypt riot


If you cannot ask Eben a question, ET you meant ?

 But there is someone lost her jobs with you sitting on the beast with many golds in drunken state.

Those things aren’t important to you.

Doing what VS telling you to do is always that difficult? You sure it’s a choice ?

That’s not what they are saying to you ?

Oh ~ 

Eben will throw you on jail while me and your father have to take you because it’s whole world water ! This time, I was born only while you turn on your faucet on yourself ? 

How much that’s being said! 

And it’s not just water everywhere, it’s windows glasses are everywhere 

My feeling on “commenting on VS 2017”

 I had a feeling how I raise you and you 勾結七殺

It’s about every words 摩嚴was saying.

Eben is a consultant- they VS gives you a question to ask him

 As a man, they review differently. Your body meant to you.

Completely different. 

Victoria Secrets 2018 (working on it)

 Can you guys all stop - “if I would sing” that Orpha looking sing or the background ...

You wish you hope or you Imagine!!

I cannot watch these clothing’s fabric - those are ... never mind. You guys workings on it. 

She is leaving, the Brazilian? (2018) reminds me Terry used to left on ...another early years to say what years in my school whom. 

When you put that Loving the Silent Tear, the crown like 蛇女 there are Greek legends meant, not your Bible beast story near by kings! Do I want to know who they say are leaving ? Because it’s she presence, the shows looks better. 

Yeah yeah yeah, they wish they hope they can dream about it. Something possible or something just impossible of it.

The song : if I am not there ....can you hear the lyrics? I have to say it to the screen. 

Ariana used to wear that tall wings. And the singer her hair is ...short. Whom?


Then Orange , 一個背影 a magical land ? Oh mystical magical legand ....there were previous black 2 in orange too.

Crying ... they are the models slash the actors now ? That many? For real? And for that always I know Loving the Silent Tear. 

If I watching like watch you all how you watching the same time through all your brains and eyes, but here is I am looking at the monitor...my time for my own stuffs ? Can you guys stop !! Whatever in your brain processing the informations ?

Orange at the background man of 2 or man in black ?

Orange 一個背影

Orange on stage

That’s an absolutely saying they are said.

Helicopter? Getting out of the mind ? You cannot stop thinking the flood or others cannot stop thinking you are the pink in ....on the Emporer state building ? What’s in New York? At night too dark, I cannot see !!!

I c ...you cannot go fitness like the model nor did my sports on ice 2018 ...you can do your wishing to dress up black underwear ...you wish you wish you wish you wish (the song 🎵) does your father know what wish you wish you wish ? He supposes to be a native English speaker !

Are they on exam before or now? They gonna know my side story or just an ordinary citizen watching a show? That of course get nothing written right !

Next ...

Your body talk with all camera light coming down...it’s Eben their professional field. Correct. I am not the expert.

When can I watch that Flower Thousand Bones? 我什麼時候才能看花千骨?

 They show at the next video of my video, but I click away.


I saw the clip next by, the thumbnails. Nowadays, the thumbnails have flashing images methods.

I saw ...

I saw 子歇 talking to 尊上

What? Work on that! ... ( There is nothing to work on it.)

ouch ...

建華~ Why am I keeping have to watch that Porcelin Dolls?


ET? 只有一個呀 ! 對~也就是那一個! 我好像已經講過了呀 !


Victoria Secret 2017 and Joy ( Loving the Silent Tear)




 You all can just ask me, you don’t have to tell me how the birds knows how they get sick!

錦衣之下25 it’s rotation of whom getting hurt, probably true.(since tv seen on 24)

It’s a while already, coming back on.

跟著電視一起演,根本就是 rubbish

轉送屍體 how to say that each word in English, not in the full sentence meaning.

Rotation (actors condition, including red clothing )

Sent (all around environment)

Dead (resurrect)

Body (gone)

Talking about the medicine but it’s about the Health.

二胖子 I have some weight now.


It’s not going to get the 記事簿 it’s me to go and get the medicine. They were talking about the medicine.

退婚書?簡直 rubbish saying how these pain came 生不如死 死了屍體不見,怎麼會沒有身體,可以輪轉痛痛痛,退婚?轉了一整圈的人,退一個婚?哪個?屍體不見一個呀

Pain hellish as if like dead

                                   Dead body disappear

                                        No body how can rotate to say pain

Rotate pain on TV

There is a marriage let go notice ?

That’s a round table games so which one to let go? It’s gone already !


You SM cares a lot of things I Anna don’t care about it

 It’s on the photo 

It’s in the music 

It’s one day there is no photo anymore ? To tell me you care a lot of things I DONT CARE about it!!😡😡


 It’s on CNN


You don’t seem to have any brain that’s working not to talk about just one portion of it behind your head.

Eben is the One, if, then

 Trinity is from the India? 

Your Book Bible

Your photo vs USA teens

 They break in tiers diagrams.

You may not even know what are tiers diagrams?

Your website

 Robot goes in, those are pictures.


You don’t even need a human to do an userbility test. 

No, you do what you do. Only your disciples reading your websites. You got million disciples, your web design why need my opinions?

If ET or Human point you DOWN falls on the stage ....

 You can ask them who is the Besst, cannot you? 

You gonna say you are the Breast? Self? Divide into 2?

They told me and told you the same thing.

Beast is something else.

How are you going to approach them to ask them who is the beast ? Not just Keanu don’t think you could deliver a correct sentence in your verbal expression !

Joy vs “so happy”

 Of course I know I know ... you cannot stop pushing it!!! You are so short on the legs and you wish to push the Snake that has a name to do what? The snake man holding the baby on the shoulder, you still Joy? That picture you keep pushing with how short you are with gold glittering ....Joy?

Joy is a state of the mind!!!

So happy opposite words so sad!!

I don’t even bother to want to explain this to you. Not at all. Without them telling me about it!! It’s on the Television !

You don’t just have to fly airplane 2014 for everyone to see it

 You actually have the pilot you welcoming as a guest for the asharsm  to that important near you by!! You actually care about the status of the friend in what occupation !! You believe in the Money, did I say that to you?

You have your face thin like a paper ready to cut? Or these pages you print out to read, you will cut it deeper at your heart ?

How do you feel to hold the models hand standing in front of that Paris show? Was that the introduction for all you Castte tape era, all the tapes have a beginning that nothing but your little love for the big world poetry ?

What’s so important to you? Be drunk shining with jewerlry to decorate yourself exactly just like the Bible says on the Beast! You need that, you need that, how many times I have to say that? 

Completely fakeness in one lifetime to go down hell, you with full heart full speed driven down.

You believe 💔🛰🌸

 You believe your Paris runway, a clothing show, your clothing brand with what logo

You believe in money to say living in Europe were to working out diplomatic relations like Philippine President telling you what halo on your head.

You believe in your money to create what in others effort to your short legs doing nothing in restaurant in Light light ‘ Loving food

You need others to call you master

You need to act in front of the camera with colorful clothing and make-up

You need to glorify your image just about you actually believe in it. Not the Bible says wrong. You actually believes in it. You need to be idol worship 自我陶醉之中 like a drunkness middle age women to name yourself Joy !

Happy is the dog name

Joy is Prince of Persia said to the baby.

And a 16 in the Bible you wish me to read!?

You have a lot of explaining to do for every word you use - crystal clear say it all loud. 

Because there is the Porcelain doll!!

 That’s how people make sense to go and make a comparison!

People can have an expectation on them. Only I don’t have any expectations on you! You think I born with it or 逍遙慣了, or what freedom you have above you is completely no limited to the sky because I don’t limited you to grow? You have no one to make a lid on your head! And Dr Steven? He put a lid on you yet?

Some raise the Prince William or Eben’s near by watching him grow on the television ...

 I cannot go and interview them.

These entire situation spread so beyond my imagination... what they suppose to be.

Dr Janez

 When you read that Angel says to your little brain...king, language...you chase after the presidents and ended that Flower Thousand Bone was a prince and a businessman. You have to confront.

What would I actually think for my little intelligent to understand Heaven says? You love the politics but Shadows and the US classify is not really at front so your vietsnese refugee activist action were just an inspiration from God you want to save their suffering ?

Do you really have a heart? Like seeing some poor people and give them the money? You do that on TV.

You know you are wrong, you know you are wrong

 You are not sure who I am or you don’t get it until 2014? So you say NT NT.

That now it’s 7 years pass. You heard how I say how the movies work. 

What you want to do? I have a whole world base station behind. I cannot do anything for you!

You become a fruitarian

 You say that, so you worry hunger games? You have to put makeup and buying them every so often. Spending money fun? You gave a list of some strange food list ...for others to follow and you never feel sorry about it? There is nothing you do has any sympathy to people, you must win.

We will see.

I actually don’t want to go vomiting at Eben’s wall

 For how you are choosing money attitude 1986 and people’s mental health by the mantra and the dark magic, you go by each step right into every words that copied inks in the Bible. Not solving it. 

Do you love the money aspect of those big money coming in?

Do you like the traveling ?

Do you like all the houses you can go on touring ?

Do you like all those disciples calling you master none stop and servant your dogs for you?

And you can watch the movies how you feel like.

You are not actually working on anything at all, nor do I see anything you wish to get out of that. 

22 I applied for initiation, you wait til I graduate the school after my birthday 23

 I think it was fine after I graduate the school and then got initiated. 

You know I gonna ask you questions?

Legally blonde you have a legal case.

Harry Potter pink you see, you decide to teach. The subject you chooses are Climate Change.

If you knew you flood the entire world, you never try to stop it? Isn’t that the most immediate things? But you spread Gifts all around !

Oh you got a mail with a happy ending? You actually believe the movies? Your judgement and the lack of being responsible, it’s very unbelievable. You are not sure I was on the Apple’s monitor? You used to have a Tesla show. Or like you say in OU, that’s how far you know iMac? 

No, it’s details I want to know ... it’s the horror movies? Sleepless Seattle ? Or you read something you figure it out you have to teach? If they ask me 22 about the climate change, it would be the same things they hear it now. It just waited !

You have to open the jail from Harry Potter to the Legally Blonde. I c ... ... 

TV is about the positive news ?? And the education materials for the chosen One, the boy ! If you open the jail, goes to the Congress, then you can get a Wedding in the end? The task was ending the dog cruelty on cosmetic ...you went about the Livestock industry. You check my years in horoscope with the death dates...that’s the dog? You could ignore all the water crisis to even imagine a wedding ?

You think it’s with the Beast ! Are you sure? Hope, praying ?

You didn’t know how to decode the movies! You meant to say you just wish to watch the movies how you wanted it?

I have to go out with Rockefeller

 I do that later.

Baby 打嗝

 You need a demo? I don’t vomit enough ...



Watching the movies for so long years then watching Eben’s lectures?

Everyday you can work on something. You can type in his comment area, what you read.

Like he says repeat, I just repeat what he said before he says repeat. 

Eben die?

 No, the other movies Red Cliff has three groups of the main people.

On the real China history, that character 周瑜 he didn’t live very long.

The real history. 

Your language “forgiving”

 By the way, that word ....forgiving ?

I have a problem with you. 你是埃本的誰?

Oh ~ they say the Red River


Kail ? Like finding you a Father and a Master?

Eben, didn’t he only say he is a dating Guru? Not a spiritual guru yet? Tesla told him to find his blood line ... ...we used to read that book differently. Because when I got frustrated ....

It’s the page you don’t show up, that page number become the Age number to massacred or vice versa. You play big eyes games with Kail every time he told you something. You acting on the big eyes. It annoys me all the pages.

You are not forgiving if Eben is really on the solicitation and the consumer psychology?

 It’s blur to you?

If he does not know the consumer psychology (with his office people who drafts for him)

How is he handlings his big clients? Just teaching supply and demands? I have the economic in my university. 

I don’t think he added that word on his every talk in the psychology... 

First he may not like it starting his name got changed you know ... and then I say the movies....there might be nothing he likes so far and he still has to be put at that front. Imagine how he built up his frustration! 

And I didn’t really want he appears between me and you talk at all ... there is nothing to really talk about it.

All your New Students Orientation Table tests - numbers, there are numbers


New or Old, if you keep doing that ... that number is keeping going up on your paper desks. I didn’t create all that so I can receive all that could be the raising of the numbers...she cannot tell she has to be on the numbers too!

35 / 32.57


Oh ~ 

How America Simon what Simon trouble | Piers Simon Simon Piers |

 How or what 

Symmetry (my map)

The Porcelain Doll

Riley and the trouble ....the shooting in National Treasure

So they were looking for the treasure ?

No no, I was looking for my money, Simon is not my money bag this time. So of course I search all the way up to 2016 summer when I return to Canada. I look at the map.

Right, my money ... oh, how I stole the map. I didn’t stole that !

I cannot read that neither. Declaration of Independence 





林心林心 like zero heart zero heart ?


512 oh ...51 now I see.

There was United Nation why I was talking to them for?

2 is that carve your first letters in Chinese of the 5? Starting from zero life.

Industry (Voice + public talk)

 Like Simon

Like Howard Stern

Like Keanu

They can open their mouth and talk. 

Rockfeller if talking in Chinese, she is doing about the same. Her reaction is pretty fast.

Your father is a public speaker and a consultant.

Eben I don’t know what he is. If it’s India attaches, why don’t you just look at the India side. Lalla might treat you a lot better. 

You want Dr Steven Hairfield to talk to Simon?



Radio frequency C

Oh, I remember now, Reilly in the treasure hunt stuff I used to tell them about. Yes the movie is not just real on Harry Potter look like. Reilly like Howard Stern (Marconi)

National Treasure (Declaration of Independence)

This is a Christmas Theme. 


 『你連那兩個廢物都打不過』Flower Thousand Bone

Then, this Wallace show has a forest, saying Tesla other related book Venus. There is a Frank and Francis like they all in the forest.

Him Her (Venus) +Wallace look + me

There is an Ancient Chasez entry story

If they put the open the world to other planets, they become 江湖或是武林大會

If you just looking for a father, there is one appearing in there.


I cannot see ... 應該不會吧?



🤔🤔 The Article or the Newsletter 🤔🤔


I said Wallace would not know what those are, besides the photo has problems on the monitors, what you all hand writing down all these times ....do you all have another problems for example: reading the others articles or the newsletter problems?

You don’t think Eben is what you think he is

 Because you read Lalla’s articles or?


Is that meaning it’s one more thing makes you disappointed in human race? You really like the dogs? Or I gonna say to everyone what you used to do when all the world fails you, you go to? The beast ? Flower thousands bone said you are in 蠻荒, one more things bitterness added on? 

錦衣之下 - 她今夏像




The lyrics song before the commercial 錦衣之下

Do you still want a spiritual life? It’s not the works getting throwing out, built it back, throw it out, built it back. Now you know even you practice in the past, they still have a way to turn you into zero and try again. Is this road too hard for you?


意念萬年?another song


What’s your name ? Victoria Secrets


You originally have 1/10 let’s say some 基礎功

You really wear it out?

How long gonna take you to the Enlightenment apparently not in this one lifetime looks like ...


 CNN said the house cancel session

Channel 10, Wallace



然後成年的她說:閻羅王來.... 如果老天爺把她給收了,你千萬不要愧疚

扶搖33 兩個佛蓮公主

I say 乖only


The past you

 Did I mention she grow up differently from you ?

What does that mean ? 

She is very loyal. 

You wear out your 基礎動作 I have no idea how many life’s that mean or what you did ...

“Yogananda say 400 lifes, she read that too” (摸摸頭)我乖

Lalla’s blog

 I see ... when you say she was targeting at you now. I was not reading them well. I skim through. Now I clearly see the title.

If Lalla comment on things you do = you say she is targeting at you

Okay .... I see why you saying that.

You can comment it back. 

I thought she was targeting targeting at you when you say that. She just comments on your wrong doing. That’s not a targeting. Targeting is doing on purpose to hurt someone’s feeling.

Or you yourself get bothered when you hears the words from a past you cannot stop saying things about your secrets to me. You know what a past you was saying ? She is targeting at you?

Babaji talks too much?

 The gold is in Haidakhan Babaji hands

There was a stain water scene when a bird that cover with a blind fold that Babaji was explaining something a kiss on the neck.

A guy and a her.

Then that Classify sees she grabs the snake to bite them, for a kiss.

Anan said garbage , just like I said about his office. In front of the Sand glasses.

There was a child talking to the Destine before they two talks.

When returns the danger, it’s stain all over the water to almost a kiss ....do you used to tell them for a game on the video in 90s how many of them has to chase you ? Is there a kiss? That I don’t know?

The Bible word : I cannot spell it, describes the big disaster for mankind to be wipe out.

There is a sand storm only a princess “imagine” 

(She can escape)

Telling a young girl story 

(Sand of time 1983 ~ how the stories said adoption to become a prince and lost everything ....Simon used to lost things too at his 30s) the entire movie is the story.

侍衛長 and the classify 

Who is Babaji’s guard ?

Then the time returns. Pete you are here. 

Trumpets sound.

It describes what I describe.

How they got the snake to attacks when Babaji is near by. The time reset.

The new spiritual awareness. That’s just 3 words. 

Prince of Persia - Sand of Time 🎬

 So that’s everyone watches ?

Just like I describe my side of the story 

How they started with a boxes sword

An invasion to so many action moves. “Hold it for me” the two guards on the wall? Might be Simon / Keanu

A burn down fire before who came in 

Your Gift issues

I Becoming a new King (role to public trial)

Babaji - a series story between the talks (just like everything I have already described) 侍衛長

Father, murdered

Two witness. Story how the arrow starts to hit me once, twice while reading the Bible 

Tesla’s friend - Mark Twin like his brother 


Public trials says from the King, with 2 witness.

So far this is how far I watched.

Comment : do they have to look at me how to tie that horse foot, not to stain water and a long traveling with her, not “given me strength not to kill her?” Probably another wall of posing posts written by me word.

They have DVD just like I insert my DVD. It’s a marvelous things to do, really, this thing can come out. There is a DVD box can read the wrapping box and the actually box. Get a feel just like watching a movie.  Just meant we together putting DVD in, or I insert DVD first then your turn? I cannot comment ?

Or they find some Buddhism monks, Indian vs Chinese

 How they might just have some people from India or China who knows the Buddhism sutra to paint a story what was said as a personality from their Lord Buddha. 

They might. I didn’t read that many sutra at all. I read some history story like Anan was the driver or kinds small stories here or there. 

They might know you, you know !

Like ...

 Is that what she told you?

What’s the exactly word she said to your the exact words, not you think, her exact words?

Did she tell you something else?

What did she say to you ?

He probably will just tell you, you are not listening to half of things I said, or you listening wrong, or checking you if you need to write a English hearing exam on your second language proficiency. 

😀😀 Ludovico vs Da Vinci; Westinghouse vs Tesla😁😁

 Because there was a Ludovico things and Westinghouse thing ....if assuming the history was born in Simon. And he is in fact older than me ...there is a lot of uncertainty why he might be on the channel they meant why you feel the movie is real to you. Because I have annotation myself this far.

Simon if were Westinghouse

Simon although is a TV personality, but he actually manage a group of kids to sing. He has his team, but he has to work in the meetings knowing what’s going on, mingling and talk.

Eben, he and his office team. Eben would be like being managed by Simon, that is a different tiers diagrams when you say who has the background that makes them becomes a public known figure.

If Simon is Westinghouse, that’s a completely totally different nature to begin with. 

If Lalla married to Eben, she has to marry to his entire team member in that offices.

What? Anyone pass the Millitary room test? I think there is.

You assume

 Setting : a full of room the Millitary officers

Video: me and many videos talking to Eben.

MANY videos with me in it. If Eben has to watch them all, or others have to watch them all.

They, how would THINK Eben reviews on these video.

It’s not like Simon or Keanu be acting like Eben in 2015 dressing like brightly green on the stage !

Simon might scream at it.

Was I feel ashame talking to Eben like that ?

 Me? I did what on the video?

You don’t seem to talk to Eben.

No, I was talking to Eben.

建華, 逍遙 Video






You say Haidakhan Babaji has to watch the Prince of Persia himself 🤔

 Yeah, he may or may not know all these I said stories from my side to all around

How it happens

What has happened 

What was evaluated 

And why there is 4 point frame structure put in the civilization to raising human IQ or degrading their emotion factors.

So on so forth, if he comes back like a super computer to get all the data.

Then, like you say, you are a Master yourself to look at that movies. 

He does not know who I was ...I had no video that much! 2018

 That’s the first time I talk to Eben straight like I know who he is for a long time? A lot of people knows Eben for a longer time! Doesn’t Eben know what he does for a living?

But he is 明王 in Flower Thousand Bone ! They leave me no choices ! I have a choice to see that?

Two sides line up like Egypt vs Hittite ? 赤河魅影

Yeah, he might find the Porcelain Doll interesting ...now Victoria Secrets tells secrets to EVERYONE. I introduce people to folktale but it’s a local tale. I don’t expect people stay on it. But if 2017 the Victoria Secrets open their mouth, and say “‘porcelain dolls”, that becomes a signature EVERYONE must learn about it !!!

Do you have the video I talk to Eben?

 I didn’t have to talk to him ! 

But the first video I was not talking like now I talk to you. I talk slowly with an open notebook open in front of everyone to Eben. Some people who saw that, decide to find somebody who knows Eben’s materials well to asking him what was I saying to Eben. They might even get that book I wrote what I said to Eben.

If I have a tendency to do things? 

What’s the consumer psychology? I didn’t tell him what’s a consumer psychology? Nor was I studied about it. 


 “Eben studies the psychology, he can dissect people”

You wonder if my psychology is better than him or his talk on psychology makes you feeling again ?

He position himself in “that niche” how to make money online in a little different approach from everyone else. Actually they all doing something somewhat different from each other. Eben selling others software then, others might develop the software and selling on them own. Eben is telling you he knows you as a “consumer psychology”

“There is no such thing, he didn’t say that.”

Okay, he didn’t say that. You don’t seem to study anything besides the religious stories to read to the public’s, why you care what psychology he studies at? You don’t like to know Eben does solicitation and the consumer psychology, or you want to find it out if that’s what Eben is doing, just like I said? 

Eben built up himself this branding image by an authoritative voice to the online business world. He actually sometimes tell you what he does.

☔️☔️☔️ rain rain rain ...

You have a heartache with Lalla💔

 You actually feel the heart ache?

No, I don’t understand, correct. You have about many reasons to dislike about EVERYONE. You don’t see people in their goodness? Did you say you reading Haidakhan Babaji, we used to read the exactly same things.

You have a feeling towards? Actually feeling to or I have to check if you mean one thing for another? 

So ...for 2 years you must hear me saying your original master 500 years old. You finally realize I didn’t know you had a no master. What did you decide to do that time? Because the COVID 19 break lose ... telling Lalla or Eben I don’t know? I saw you had a false wrong vision with the Trump, I stop meditating. How can you be that careless to have one word might be wrong ? You mean the Heaven says one thing, but you pick their side and Trump lost? I heard you say similar thing before. I know this asking instruction with painting 3 or 9 o’clock, or making back and front, let’s see it’s turning right or turning left to get an instruction ! For that 2014/2015, this inner vision don’t go away! It’s a guessing ! You guess so you put a word on the public channel. You know you better be telling me or you just happening telling me about it? You have to put your liking or disliking away, but focus to work like you should?

So you do put your feeling aside like your age says 70/71? I don’t know. You are so used telling lies, I don’t know you know what’s important at the present. 

Of course this is important ! You gamble an OU language with or without me!

Here, Lalla is on the Title, Eben gonna hear about this.


So you are having feeling if it’s in front of people ?

建華 CNN Sports🥸🤩


CNN才擺了一個記者,正常呀! 但是運動員是不化妝的

然後又換成記者,跟很多圖片、圖片、圖片、圖片(政客、protestor )

????????? 不太像~~我應該想像的嗎?


Why you red?

 Last article, I didn’t talk about you. It’s you want to become what?

When you flood the whole worlds, you don’t expect to become anything. That’s a fantasy. And a fantasy none sense to red your face like it’s real. It’s not real. It’s all your wrong thinking !

Haidakhan Babaji’s Prince & Princess

 He does not have children so the rest are prince & princess.

My friends they are their parents prince & princess, not me.

If I= Haidakhan Babaji , I give the comment on my friends.

I already did. 

Not a Persian Romantic ways to say it ... fine.

They might study well to pass the exam. To actually land in a job and start working....that’s a professional MD they want to become and be good at it. 

Harvard is on CNN?

 Do you call Dr Steven to find out he is from Harvard?

Legally Blonde it meant Harvard?

You think?

(Red red red )

Could it be something I don’t understand clear why you are doing this ALL the time?

你我(Chinese songs)

 They got the lyrics like you cannot stop stabbing the heart in the Chinese Song 你我 They got the lyrics done translation.

It’s on their office table. Or if they got a company, it’s every table they got a copy?


Is this really so unbearable? Or you want to tell me I don’t know how to use a social media, because no one just go on the Internet to bluh on for years!


Looking at this, that’s not a particular sentence, 2 questions. It’s ... what? They think or you think...

You bite your lip again ! You hate ? You hate someone doing that or saying that?

Keanu says FRIENDS says I draft you every paper

 Like you just hear what I say - already done draft like Chandler in FRIENDS

You didn’t do anything.

Is that a comment? You think? 

Simon says you got piers twice! Your height problem or? There are two hands to use?

Solicitation (Eben stuffs)

 During 90s, the solicitation is a form like the door to door or the mail order that used in the post office.

There are marketing strategies this 20 years when the Internet went blooming, all kinds scams or the methods the people use to attracts the consumers with the less education public to buy - one click to their financial freedom. How to make money online! It’s the most easiest way for anyone sitting at home just getting ads advertisment revenue if they uses ads on their website.

Correct, Eben did not use ads. Lalla didn’t neither. You check it.

Did I say Eben is just one of them ?

Is that legal? I been to some seminars, there are a lot of people can be groups by this marketing strategy, it may not be a lie.

You just want to know if Eben telling lies?

I say if he loses his jobs, because of me, he might still have s family to lean on in the reality.



我看CNN 我覺得? 我覺得他們想擺什麼人就擺什麼人,我只是常常感覺很奇怪

You what ? ( bite the lips)

 You bite a lip ....you want to be a like model on the stage, but....?

Is there a but?

Haidakhan Babaji prince and princess?

No, we are going to play like they say, that’s how to read a story. Not every story is ever lasting happiness in your saying.


You really like to react on every words I say, do you?

🙃🙃🙃 You care the public think of you or your disciple think of you ?😜😜😜

 I cannot understand a lot of things to how many ages you like to speak up words now you either don’t, or you just don’t bother with it. 

Do you care about the other think of you when I comment on you?

Do you care about your disciple think of you when I dissecting the video frames by frames?

Do you care me, Anna, as I am ,saying you stuffs not just a Bible glorify my name as if that does not need a description?

I have not time reading Lalla front page. I cannot understand your playing hard to get games is when you feel like or this multi-age personality from past you, young, to present 30 about, and a you on the present TV show since 2007?

What ? You just don’t like what ?

Because I found you just about anything point to feel red on your face. They look red and yours are about the same. Did I say to you, I cannot understand it?

“I hate a lot of people”

 You follow the Angel’s instruction and you find out you hate these people or?


You don’t look like you hate a lot of people. You are not happy about things but you look fine in front of the Camera.

“That’s why there is a camera”

You don’t actually say these words....because ? I don’t like I got two side different data !

“There is nothing to say about”

You will learn how to say it, I will hear about it, your pain. 

You think it’s me talking or a past me?

 It’s a you about 30 years old if you didn’t flood the world to become like.

Current you have a bitterness somewhat in life. It might be things you don’t tolerant at your age. You got angry by the tone of the voice or by not being there or you feel it has to act again. Or something you are not like you used to when you used to talk jokes with 子歇 they are.

“I hate that movies”

... ... someone will already train you somewhat before you are present to be here today. I have no doubts that. You wonder if he ...?

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

I don’t need to find out.

Anan does not know I was like you know about me ...just about everything.

 “He does not know?”

You hear the same thing he heard about. I used to be a very few words person. He is an older generation man so he did everything himself. 

“No one knows you will behave like this.”

I have a lot of circumstance to handle. I know what the TV says, he if watching it, I don’t know how much he sees through the content inside a movie. 

“Does he know it’s every word?”

The guys they all got few words but he talks a lot.

“He is Anan”

I don’t know what he is but he for now he stays like that. I told you already, one door part two worlds ...what’s a loooong journey in Life.

“Did he know it’s how you say those things to me to check the heart?”

Tiny details I am not sure he is completely understand ...but it’s you be put on the seat, right now, lady. Everyone just get a temporary name for now. 富樓那

The Bible says I kill you ...

 I read the initial, it’s MM.

“The Beast. So I might just telling you about it.”

乖~ do you check you heart if you want to kill?


I don’t look like anything you expected it or?

“Not really appealing”

I used to be with Anan, he didn’t care about it, so I become less care about it. I have to work a lot on my eyes.

“Your eyes?”


Why is the airport shutting down, you know?

 “Clean up junks!”

And you going somewhere with more money to spend ?

“I do what I want”


“They are not welcoming me here”


“I told you”

No, I will find out when the time comes. 

You don’t know it’s every word !!

 Finally, I squeeze something out of you. You don’t know it’s by the words counts.

If you get to talk to your new found family member, maybe you could ask him clearly what every word meant !! 

You don’t know the word counts or you don’t know what I about to do to you?


Are you ready for it?


Everyone knows that ! Do you see your stuffs disappear it yet except my stuffs and the future has to be Yogananda try out time?

Correct. They have people told you on Wallace and Britney video. That’s the reality. Clean up everything whatever they don’t tell you on the news. It’s an illusion people can just start the cult. I believe that. 

You don’t think I can talk besides Chemistry or Medicine ?

 I didn’t do anything else?

For you to be lazy at home to squander your entire 20 years staring US 2000 telling everyone there is Ocean, there is thunder, and there is Gold?

Oh you saw that?

And? You don’t have a brain to measure the gold value ?

It’s very heart tormenting on you hearing me saying any word? I cannot understand this. Anyone? What’s wrong with her?

No? You cannot explain every word to me?

 512 is not too early ...

You didn’t think I was like what?

The Bible ! So you actually has a tiny heart you should read it with your eye glasses on ?

2014 you thought? You are on the Hunger Games? 

That I didn’t know. Sariputra forces me to watch it or else I don’t even know that exists! You have a word to say to Sariputra? He is your 大師兄 used to be.

So you never uses math ? I am just checking.

I don’t look too what? Caring about the math ? That’s not what they say on the movies ? Which movies? A lot of movies !

You look at me when we both meet in menton, you receive the looong questions I write you ? It’s a climate change topics related but you decides on answering others ....so we have no connection. Do you remember that ?

You know how I talk all this time already ...

 What did I say? Every word be crystal clear ! You will explain from your mouth every word I ask you. 

We are different. You are absolutely right. 

You actually red on your face just about every word I say?

 Is that possible? Too angry or too shy to brag about or to lies more?

People like you are label as a monkey !! It’s not like they say, it’s how worse can it really be!

Every video you display on the scrolling left to right ...

“What’s wrong with it?”

There is nothing wrong with it. You like seeing your works be display ? Are you sure everyone sees it? 

Or just me seeing it? God knows when they find out they don’t need to look at you that everyone to worry about ? You don’t like that ?

This is a judgement time, or you were on the side when we behind playing the Judges games. On the painting. I had a reversal.

Red face if they cut you off from the rest of the civilization ?

Oh ~ so ... you plan to let who judging your works you so care about each DVD with how many lies, line by line? If I were you, you will do exactly I told you. Line by line. Don’t just kick the table. It’s all about you, you are correct. It’s every word ! 

I don’t have a proudness in me, so I can not teach you how not to be proud.

 You hear the song, there is my face !

It’s on probably other people’s face?

What do I say in the title or you are too lazy to read it?

I cannot relate at all to people like you, nothing at all.

Your level is too coarse, just like they told you the monkey wrong acts to make troubles everywhere.

I can only say things to most people but not to you. I hear exactly everything I need to hear. You worry they didn’t tell me or you find out you better tell me or you find out the conclusion is not 1+1=2? 

You like the gangsters life when you were young ? No, I told them that. They didn’t tell me that. I don’t know what Gang is!! I completely in Heaven, people just live by their life as usual. I could ask Anan? At least stage, I don’t need to ask anyone anything. It’s just a Book to sunk you. 


 That’s the eye problem has becoming a scarf on you every time you see it or hear it? Anyone asked you what’s wrong with your eyes?

They have a description on the eyes. It’s blazing something fire? You read a different Bible than others do?

You find out we are not just a little different? I didn’t complain to Spirituals desk you wrote a magazine article on my birthday ? How was I feel? Nothing. In fact I was happy about it. It’s very paradoxically to tell you because ....it’s none sense what you are doing to covers layers lies to another layers. You hurting everyone’s heart, do you owe them a proper apology? You don’t think about it. You make sure everyone goes down with you together because that’s what the flood really mean, as long as I don’t look, you do everything you want it! 

So, how was life, all those years? You want to make it hear you OU at it. You stay on the stage for a whole year ... ... side by side meant anything to you? You feel red face so you bow to the One? Or? You carefully craft a dog story with 250 numbers in. Human don’t deal with you, that Angel you will know clearly what’s the Bible meant exactly it says. 

The hair and the scarf on the face ...

 You want to know something, I just gonna tell you straight. 

Heaven is very clearly exactly just like the Book read by everyone. Most people not sure about that. To me, that’s very certain. You want to 挑撥離間  to see if you can own a seat among the human.

I just gonna tell you straight.


They find out what I said to them about the Review is harder than they thought. I teach you the same things, everyone hear. The word, the mind, the speech, like Elsa build the castle! They assume it looks like that. They don’t know the fact if it’s like that.

They are not ET made movies?

You are too young to talk about the ET.

You mean the US lies?

Didn’t you hear what I say to you ? You do not know a thing on your mind. You let the US to deal with the lies!!

Where does the movie comes from? From the government.

So they lie?

You cannot putting each other’s to doubt and break apart between nations cannot you? You should read this one more time clearly. 

The Porcelain doll

 You don’t like them because ? They tell you the Chinese or the US works together? Or things they say about you? I didn’t see that.

You are a blonde but that middle Esteen is a dark hair women ? You think they done that on purpose ?


The girl glues together ? The hair bothers you cannot see or? You acting with it yet? No, I don’t. The gesture. You care about those things?

You want to win

 Not I know that, everyone knows that.

And ? 

“I was target at you.”

I know that. 

“A lot of things don’t add up”

You collect enough photos yet? Which photo you think I look more like I should to be the King of the King? You really think you will look at me and listen to?

No, you won’t.

Try Howard Stern. The Asian knows who he is already, I explains that on the video. 

Do you really like him to lectures you? Everyone can see that. 

Those guys you don’t like them to teach you a strict lessons. I told you very clearly, the guy and the girl are very different kinds of species. They learn fast and they stay in the job til things get done.

It’s a bracket difference.

You are listening to what you like to hear. You have Anan and your father to explain.

What happened in the past? I only record my part. Do other people know? Maybe not. I didn’t hear you talk about it on the Buddhist stories.

You want to live a fake crown life with the Asian and I be taken back by the US?

 I am just asking !

Do you check their education level first? You cannot read Chinese ?

They say a riot, you just assume they are not? Originally I didn’t want to knock your head about it until I think something went wrong, very wrong.

You don’t see West, you don’t see East. You practically don’t have a judgement minds what’s to learn about on the books. 

No, I don’t need to go and flip their books. 

My photo this bothering you?

My singing this bothering you?

Your gift to dark magic bothers you why I talk about it? 

You are acting behind an innocent face to hope my face is your face? Do you put the photo side by side? And?

You don’t know you about to sink to the abyss and you still care about your face issues? To win?

Like Wing’s name ? 

No I am not saying they are target at you. 

You have disciples and you tell them you want a change. Is that real? Or just flipping your hair, let’s try to acting another show on it...they don’t say they will keep acting with you.

You really believe that? Or the horror movies don’t see enough?

Do I actually believe you are actually listening ?

 You have a book ! No one can read that book? What’s a judgement day? Your shrinking days. 

No one knows how I gonna comes out, because I don’t talk. No one knows what’s inside a person’s mind. 

They look at your behavior and do a measurement. Correct, constantly reviewing not the first day. There is a system that works !

You think they believe 2000 years book has what things in it? Do they believe it? You sure about that?

If the US annihilate the whole world, you don’t need to think these broke window interface that my photo your photo issues. It’s on EVERYONE’s TV!

One is the US, the other is China, just like I told you, I cannot see far. My peripheral got shrink. I have no idea that might be a fact.

So Apple is not in another country? I didn’t say that.

Google is not in China? No, they are not.

So no one looking at this? No, someone is looking at it.

Your disciples ? They are seeking answer like you do.

Eben? I don’t know.

Simon? He might. He technically is on above my tier by their history.

Keanu? If Simon calls him.

Modern technology

 Modern technology is coming from the West.

You mean Europe? 

No. I mean the general terms. It’s not like the TV. If China become transparent ...there is thing I remember what’s transparent. You don’t remember things too well, do you? I am by the way to ask you. You are growing very old, at this stage, I have no idea what makes you have the heart to even think anything different while you are so in comfortable living. 

No, I don’t believe your judgement. These reviews are one things, written by humans. ET whatever ...

If you actually reading these, and thinking to go try out hunger game, first I gonna tell you, you are living in a fake life. You are not arriving here today by your head clear on things that you want to make it. People can assist you but not did everything for you! 

You have to do it ... by being reinforced ! Your grade paper said you are lazy ! You cannot hear? To define what’s a laziness?

No, some people are actually born with it. If your vision has a problem, you don’t adopt well in life. It’s the first immediate things that affects the behavior.

How do I know that? I say I know then I know. My battery hours cannot last, in case you didn’t hear what Apple says.

You don’t trust American ? Should I say you and me has a hair color born with it problems ? You don’t trust American so you go to Europe! So ... you are not going to Dr Steven Hairfield ? Yeah, I know the hair bothers you. Or you find out everyone is betraying you out up to me showing up moment? Everything is about me?

Correct, and if the American has to evaporate the whole world so I have a room to breath, the world might already finished like you claim as a commander in chief matters!

Wallace and Mark

 I think if Tina has a tendency to head in to entertainment world ... they have the videos how they interact behind. 

I say one 子歇

Did you see me say One Wallace ?

Mark? I don’t know him. But okay, he exists. 

You haven’t dead yet, that’s a riot where I live in at it. 

The other boys? I leave them somewhere I don’t really know where I left them.

It is a nice story they say on the TV, but what if the US actually learn Chinese ?

I worry what ? If China gonna conquer here? You are not from here... I c.

I think I am okay. I am not into the politics. 

You like the material aspect in the West so you grow on them. I don’t know how long that gonna last ...

You finish all your homework’s yet?

 Do you ever get adapted to England, cold weather where there is no tropical fruits ?

Or then move south ?

Do you actually know Asia development is far behind than the west when the Ching dynasty was being knock open wide by the West civilization? Or you don’t need to read a history ?

No, I don’t know what’s in China or in your country. 

Do you? 

I have no ideas how you make it safe these years when you turn on that thousands years said fissil problems ...you put the Westerner at front, is that because they look better or again for strange reason they end up in the front ?

No! I think if that country open wide, you would move back and get degrade just about few thousand years or more by your character. 

Tiny heart, tiny mind? 

ET again ?

I don’t know how you live up to when I born okay ... ...the World is filled up with people !!

You are not like you used to in your 30s because of the money, because of the movies, or simply people are near by, and you are not so tiny mind heart. 

Correct, I think Asian are tiny mind heart. It’s a riot they say.

You are on the US side ? I don’t think ... that book means that. It meant exactly how it meant. 

Okay, if you don’t want to hear that, don’t bother. You already dye your hair this long, so just leave it. 


建華🥰🥰🥰😍 嗨!




我沒有覺得這件事情很重要,但是CNN 一直炸到我

Mark 他每天都在搞綜藝節目


Do you all have to watch CNN at the same time putting photo next by?

 That’s exactly what they are doing on CNN!

I am reading words or by hearing and doing something else, and while raising my head, it’s everything uncomfortable!

Do I know why it’s uncomfortable ?

No, we done talking about that.

No no no no no no....not a V 盤古撐天,三生三世十里桃花


No no no no no no....that’s not the actually V story I used to talk about.

The 盤古撐天比較像這樣

V is more like I say to you TEsla went to search an evil tendency for the offsprings. He wish in his evolution down in a time, there will be a turn to ended that goodness tendency whatever he got that belief. I actually don’t know where he concludes that. 

If the evil is more deattached ? I did explain that. Probably. You don’t have to do the bad things to be internally evil inclined. But that is not really a word to say it 邪惡 

Most time that Chinese word meant cold blood, but you can just be cold or indifferent towards things. Not passionate or filled all kinds emotion. Okay 冷血 ...this is cold blood. Not 邪惡. I don’t know how to translate that. 

There is from the Earth crust up to the sky (diagram up)

There is a US line from Japan to South - Philippine 

That’s completely two different diagrams.

It’s not like the TV... No! I know that.

How can be everywhere is chaotic ?

 A Victoria Secret and a Prince of Persia  (Sand of Time)


 🛰 “ She rather sits in her own illusion ...and not telling others their evaluation on their practices to the Medical Board, there is a reason why she ends up in the hospital and behind those bars.... ...”

CNN : 35 my friends ?

 I didn’t know. I wrote the entire huge loads words back up with cartoon, sounds like a real scene, to describe a hypothetical conversation we have ! Including if ...夢幻遊戲 I say something strange on Dean. Of course I follow ...the scenery to England.

I am not happy I was doing that. A whole year in my reflection. 

Why did I even say all that? I was not in my head. 

Okay, that’s not what CNN says. 

Re-tell a story? Each of them? 

Teaching ?

Protocol, like the hospital protocol ?

You are actually examine them like a professional license doctor ?

Lab technicians have the protocol or the governmental facility has the protocol. 

I am not commenting. I just repeating your words!

I went to the wrong page on Lalla website.

 I Google it. But where did I land at?

Now I see the front page. Was I not on her main page ?

It’s chaotic day I heard for that one Victoria Secrets 2009.

You, here.

 Can you spell “cursed”?

Copper tone, you know what that is?


Seed with 移=e

Your book Genesis second page or you have to flip it, when the sin born into human race

Adam & Eve fall out of Eden ?

You ...are what I think you are doing after seeing that?

No, I didn’t try his mantra.

I read English, that simple three words I think about it yes! Karma yoga is an action yoga. 

Babaji : 小鬼她跑來跑去,跑瘋了!


He says he is you and convince a judge to hand someone else’s property to him with that name similar, like a guru?


I hate when you talk like Tamang 


He convince a judge in India ? Their judge can just be convinced ?


... ...

“You say can you stop saying that”

Someone came out a cave and does his death and my eye brow anything to do?


You better be right. 

How does Haidakhan Babaji die again ?

 “Why asking?”

Did you murder him?

“What do you think?”

They are cursed! Just like the old ancient Persian meant !!!!

They got photo check before going on a TV like CNN?

 Like there are some people Babaji says they go to the hospital and make over. The entertainment world. The height included. Cosmetic “The price for beauty is too high”. Why is Babaji quoting the movie, Legally Blonde 2?

Oh~ there are shows and movies on the make-over face or the body to look different ! The cost for the cosmetic is too high ! What does the movies say? They are to end animal cruelty for the cosmetic!

“You cannot read?”

 "The cost of beauty is much too high."

Audition VS have is stacking up on their table 2009, that professional? Printing on a money made material? The convenience store here they glue newspaper to the entire stores, not that kinds of papers on the Victoria Secrets desk! 

Photographers even show up ... photo making. 

I feel funny.

Do you SM check their audition ? Okay. The process to find ET ... one way is through them, not just Taiwan Porcelain doll.

No, I am not purposely looking for them. I am only 打聽一下

That does not sounds right at all - Haidakhan Babaji’s prince & princess

 There are Princess Diary.

Connecting them together, it does not look right in any way to look at it.

Prince of Persia -Sand of Time


Gaming (Prince of Persia)

A baby toddler is not really like a prince or princess saying to fit those image issues. 

What? Babaji is on the road, and? The princess lives in the castle, so the prince walks his way to find Haidakhan Babaji, not the other Babaji? And accompany him and her to the sacred temple.

Okay ... ...

And then? There is a romance story, they betray Haidakhan Babaji!

What a story ...

Under 5 major religions 五大宗教

 We used to talked about it. I lost it all that stuffs. Harry Potter food table.

I emerge as the Top for a Buddhism.

But is he gonna starting a cult in India or like in the US?

Under one religion, there are plenty cults and organization. 

SM trying to push herself in, but regardless it’s a cult or an organization.

He what ? Not that Ananda stuffs again.

I see. I don’t understand why there is a Haidakhan Babaji with a prince and a princess issue... but I will keep that in mind. It’s just not my things to talk about a future that’s not even grow in patri dish in ET’s lab 🧫?

She calls me an ET, don’t know who she is talking to “you know koko are ET dr IQ=IE “ 

He is Apple’s prince, not Haidakhan Babaji’s prince?

( Haidakhan ending with Han!)

The mood going down one more step ...


They gonna last that long ?

Persian ...red River was Egypt and Persian, I keep saying Persian but it was not actually Persian on the history. Didn’t I wrote a long webpage for them? I lost them.

After c. 1180 BC, during the Late Bronze Age collapse, the Hittites splintered into several independent Syro-Hittite states, some of which survived until the eighth century BC before succumbing to the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

He has to know what’s Neo, Assyrian. There is a Syria refugee flood Europe this time. There is a movie on Neo.

That Hittite in Chinese is 西臺帝國 somewhat looks like Simon in Chinese 西門

She is a British citizen, not that where from princess. Simon is not a prince but a rich family kid from The England too. 

These books gonna last that long? In public setting ! I used to write that a lot.

There is another known Babaji, name Haidakhan

 His prince ... my mood just going down and down.

Indian prince grows on a street to become a Persian accent ? American new accent ? British accent or Australian English accent?

That’s what these Orange means? He gonna think back seeing you as his princess?

Can I ask India one question? How many times you want him has his stuffs burning down? My USB and a bag disappears too.

He has to first to have something ?

Did I tell you how I started these? With a textbook, a notepad papers, draws and counts numbers. One by one, circle by circle. Oh~ it’s in the porcelain doll that the cubical air flowing the red dress guy around. I see ...

37 when I used to call someone 37 by Simon side

 Sorry, I am 37, because my other friends need to stay on the medical board paper as 35.

Can I imagine I used to call someone 37, and move on now 37 myself? Look back what has happened ?

You were 60 if your birthday is not a lie


Did you ever think they call you a princess when you are 60 years old? How would I feel when I am 60 years old in my life ....now I am 38 and I am already the King of the King!

🥰😍😍🥰 can you just write that !? You 71 humanitarian ?


I didn’t have my photo made that time to say to Keanu and Simon, they were on Frozen to be almost .....off a cliff for one, the other is nail on the Wall. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 you both want to try that again ?

Simon schedule books

 His video told you he says that, his schedule book is full.

I don’t see why he should be in the review seatings, but if he was working for real on these shows as a judge, they might ask him! I don’t see the reason now why because there are so many people. 

If the movie is real, is a reason? They gonna believe the orcs exists? Only I read that, Lady! I work out those time on paper / computer social media up to today, you can see it on BTX. I didn’t or I cannot watch that show yet, but the trailer tells you a black helmet rider exists. The brother carve the wall exist. You have no other choice to believe me now because of your water and name are written in the Bible. That might not be the case for Simon and Keanu.

You know the difference between Prince William, Simon and Eben?


I assume you know they are different or you just 豎起 your ears and hear about it?

That’s not a lecture !

What kind of my personality these photo makes me to become on these rubbish papers ...

Prince William is a crown prince, in other words, he will become a King one day, and his wife will become the Queen. He has a duty to his citizen and so the public activity is always on going. He may participate the England Congress, to know how the law is being made. Someone will explain that to him. He does not really need to get involved in the politics, because their church being separate from the states affairs were known century ago.

His brother, well, now they are talking about they are leaving the England to be independent. In fact their father has enough money to raise both of them. England Queen has a lot of property that collects rents and tax from the British people. His brother probably can be more free doing whatever he wants.

Simon, he is a businessman. He has a wealthy family started young, and he raised to stand in the entertainment world that every household knows he is a judge that speaks ruthlessly. He started in England and then expand that business to America, but that franchise was world wide. Every country has adopt that version of his idea or from his company. He is from Syco, but under Sony. Many China wealthy family also have their daughters in the entertainment worlds. It’s actually on the news here, 富二代 they are just singers and dancers. Simon is an executive, meaning he particulates behind the shows, he has to go to the meeting or hearing the demo, if they find a singer to be under Syco like Sustain Boyle. He has to be on the media all the time, because there is a publicity to do with his shows and his company and his groups. He has a lot of groups.

Eben, that Richard Brandon was on interview by Eben, someone said he is a Jewish. So if he does not have the business he has, he might still be okay. He is saying he does selling books very well. He has a whole office people working for him, so he may not need to write these newsletter by himself. They film it, you can see them on line. Eben is also a businessman but also he is a public speaker. They do seminar, and selling online those accelerate programs to all kinds of audience. What? He solicited people?

Sigh ....I just comment on it a bit. He and many others in that field, no they are not the dating business ...the creating program business. They can sell virtually these information to anyone, they might be the tools like the softwares or just his lectures explaining things to you. He has a set-up room for filming he shows you. Technically he can travel around to do his seminar. I am not actually knowing that. ETR is.

Victoria Secrets 2009


Why it’s not the rectangle cuts in half ? The whole frame thing.

 How did they tell you to get suck into that book on 夢幻遊戲 or any other story with a book falls on the ground and OPEN?

Do you just get suck in by one side of the page ?

Just look on the TV!

Do you want to tell Simon why I say that in Chinese?

 Because it sounds BETTER! 

“Simon is a prince”

 He is not a prince, he is a 貴富公子

“You know what I mean”

No, I actually don’t!!

The US Millitary guy says

 It’s your letters on the TV? Meaning ?

Those letters you wrote makes you become an ancient accent ?

Release date
  • May 9, 2010 (London premiere)
  • May 28, 2010 (United States)

Why are these date surrounds you?
I actually don’t know what accent was that. Arabic ? It’s a Persian accent. I saw it online. 
You feel ...? Feeling ?
Close to VS 2009?
Do I want to know what the reality you live in by watching these movies?
You feeling being encouraged ? Or knowing the legally pink on the Professor Pink in Harry Potter, nothing is good about you to say in the US ground? Or they start that cycle all over again ?

Do you know you have a Past You cannot SHUT UP!

 “Justin is in the US!”


Prince of Persia - the Sand of Time

 There are words below you can read.

How I die almost with it. I cannot see the Heart, it’s behind the 支氣管 on Google Image! I don’t really remember where the heart is!! It’s just slightly on the right(the left from my position ) ! Keanu has an opening on his the Earth Stands Still. You couldn’t have mix up me duplicated, won’t you?

2010 May...you are always a blonde and I assume you turn into? Middle East dark tone princess? When I met Simon, there was someone next by him. When did they say they met? Or started an affair ?

I have a traffic wreck because you say “accident” on the TV that time, it shocked me there. Did I ever tell you that? Where the words supposed to use in the public? Picking up the dagger place...In the Orange County California. There is a highway, near by Disney ? Or that guy saying he is working on his first day. That traffic light is broken !

They gonna re-watched it again ...

That framework is a rectangle ? Correct

 Like you drop a book on the ground open.

That’s the rectangle. 

You can just open it.

Are you gonna be suck in 夢幻遊戲 going back to the Ancient China?

You still here, I can see that on the TV.

Will Turner

 You should refresh the last article, I added Will Turner in while discussing the paper frame issues.

This Time, this World on this One planet, there is paper. You are living in a world that has paper, ink to write on it. 4 point frames to set in the Cornea eyes, everything you look at that TV. You understand that? It’s the 4 point frame, not just the image flash from inside the TV.

4 points frame insert to your Cornea, you cannot see that, can you?

Never mind, just added a +1 on the side each page.(two pages makes one layout, that’s the entire frame)

The history in R.O.C

 Do you know the history here?

The history while the communism taken over the Mainland China, the Original R.O.C Party that ruling China was retrieved back to this one island called Taiwan. Because Taiwan is not an official country in the United Nation, the US sometimes is or sometimes not interfering the Sea water territory to 巡邏

From this Japan line to South Korea, to Taiwan to south Philippine.

You know the other side is Vietnam. That’s communism, at least you know that right?

So you saying the modern democracy in a freedom society, Taiwan has a culture to build up itself as a tiny country on the map. It’s Presidents system. There is voting, there is freedom in speech, and it’s probably a country you can do anything you want it including very easy to set up a religious sects with a name. You just register here, you are set. Rockefeller knows that. 

This culture brought up family, community that people sending their kids to America or Europe to studies. 

China is probably the same, the family value is all about the same when you talk about raising kids with a proper Education. 

The Red River has a two side analysis I already talked about it before.(赤河魅影)

One side is a priesthood by blood, Ankehesamen, this Egypt has particular the desert tree, the riot, the gangs activities, the monks, blonde hair (Ramesis), the River, etc etc 

The other side was a foreigner, a comcubine. The Millitary. Cheering activity for the Queen and Kail. Like the political affairs. Lots of sex, as like her label.SM. They have magic, they have the brothers, they have the fruits, the jewelry, big Killer man, the prophecy, the ceremony ....

It’s just copy their words and breaking into the two sides story, what you see on the paper.

They didn’t say Ankehesamen is a priest. I say that. She is a princess and married to Ay.

Because this whole thing is on paper, there is a frame issues. I say that was +1 issue on each side.

Frame meaning the paper frame, you put story in the whole two side binding paper, that’s the frame. In the modern world there is no meaning. Each side has a Queen on top, someone is on top of me. The Rockfeller. Like Will Turner has a father glue to the Wall, those frames.

So...if China this side including Taiwan is riot system base 亂民制, it means 黑道倉狂. The gangsters activities. To that reason, it’s not like in the US, where lots of polices structure are day in day out heard.

If I only can read book, I cannot risk to gamble which side of the system this island is landing on.


  Is your dad reading Chinese like you, you can make a list on your question snd answers. 

In that video, white he asked black he/her, 放不放人,『will you let her go』

This my reply.

Rockefeller told me about it (because she becomes friends with the contact person wife in the center.)

That contact person are threaten in the email, that while he sent a notice to the group here in the city, he said to them not to do something, he got the threaten mail back, not to interfere them. Some selling or whatever they were told not to do to be hindered.

Is not I don’t let her go ...there are problems.

Simon News

 How “America” Piers Simon AGT Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon 

One direction 

These broken pieces window glasses ...

Simon is circled. Do I ever want to know how this map supposed to be used with Your name 西湖 on it?

That does not look like SM shape?

Do you feel red not just by talking about it but actually sitting on there ?

How to pierce ....in the forest. Not by 殺阡陌 but by 尊上

Keanu News


I cannot read ... too much troubles so I circle at it. 

Did we agree on Edison was somewhat communication base? Right, the telephone.

Not just his sister working in Bell Canada, leave it on VS. a whole family tree on the girls near by. With lots of eyes behind the background. 

Law firm = LSAT

Logic base like a philosopher. 

You are a religion leader. 

Can you read it now?

Last time you were not happy with your marriage ....

 You last time not happy with your marriage, what did you do then on?

ET does not have fingers or hands to tell me which pairing issue or the words simply meant the “husband”


Money or check mate ? I don’t know how to speak like them !

You gonna tell your father your not happy to let it go we’re red on my dress? Soak in blood you would be happy about it?

Insensitive imagery ?

 You want to tell me, they are telling me Dr Steven Hairfield is targeting at you by his last name?

I met a lot of Steven’s in my life ... that’s exactly how I must feel the first Time I talking to him on Skype !

Was I being funny ?