
 Why do I say iMav=i m AC= I m Tesla, that’s one thing, but China 2015 air show Flower Thousand Bone, the White Robe Esttem is another ? Meaning the white robe guy with my look description name is higher position like Lord of Lords?

So today I gonna tell you about Shiva.

Shiva is known as a destroyer and has a blue child form, it’s this blue little boy 藍色小男孩

Let’s show my photo first before saying what other things I destroyed they collect them behind in the military.

Things I possibly destroyed so far ...

1. Ice skating shoes - my move (on YouTube), you probably will notice you cannot do that with a soft shoe. Al least I cannot.

2. 194 country behind, their monitor issues - my photo and my personality. I destroy the others impression how to behave good.

3. Yogananda two books. Autobiography of a Yogi, and the conversation with Yogananda.

I say Steve Jobs biography index has a either +1 or -1 issues if compared to the red book, Autobiograpgt of a yogi. They made into a porcelain doll trailer.

4. music I sing if the background music is not loud enough, I might destroyed the song one by one. Most Chinese don’t sing like AMerican sing. They sing flat notes.

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