
Do you like people ? To know them enough to care for what they need? Not like Tamang use them to drop and test them to talk to him normal ?

 Do you really like people ? No, you don’t like people. If I say you don’t like people, you don’t. You look normal, you suppose to act normal, you suppose to talk normal. You are given everything you need to live a better freedom life in the West!! You have every right to become, they will facilitate anything if you just go out and do it. What did you choose ? To doubt me, to doubt Tesla, to doubt an industrialist if they send you one? To doubt capital venture-list, if they show you ten with big money houses, you gonna love in in in them heart? Your petty mind don’t ever grow out of your driving car distance, by your eye sight you willing to see, I would find a whole statistic department just for that !! What do you mean if only Anna rules, ADD rules ? Write it !

Babaji: write your attitude down, I still find you.

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