
Bridesmaids - loooks so exactly like how they look, dancing, big super eyes, smile, crying, play each other face...do they look at that themselves why people kill now?

 It’s very bad. I know. A kiss...reminds me if you girls don’t kiss the guy to the mouth you win he loses or he wins his mother but not you and your mother or sister....a kiss? Something I cannot understand it. Do you ever kiss the guy when you be with the guys? Holding hands, washing the dishes, you go hugging him from behind? Adam was tall I remember I was very near him too, but the guys don’t like others holding them from behind...yeah if the guys washing the dishes, he and me the same height ...I can see what he washes on his shoulder ....no he will not do that to me like W two worlds picture photo book, the actress making a mark on the book for him to read? Yeah, that’s me in the book, inside. Not outside. We were like that. No he didn’t say anything. Most time I wash it anyway.

Babaji: you wash dishes ?


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